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My Christmas Message for 2011 - Tradition! Framily! Acceptance and Growth.

Mardy Ross's picture

Last week, I made a trip over the snowy, Colorado Rocky Mountains to visit people before Christmas.  Half to visit friends and fun, and the other half to visit friendly colleagues and have some fun while meeting about various mutual interests.  I got to thinking that I visited with Catholics, Protestants and Jews on my trip.  I am GRATEful for my father's having insisted on the atheistic approach, although my mother and grandmother slipped in some of their Christian beliefs here and there.  read more »

Holiday Grief

I've been spending a bit of time talking and communicating with people who I know in my own community or who are part of the Lumigrate team getting things done which you'll see or hear on the website in the near future.  It seems that many people are having overall a cheerful holiday season but they are also feeling a sense of loss.   read more »

Peace Be with You

Hello my dawlinks!  It's your Yenta.  Were you expecting Bette Midler maybe?  Never mind bubelehs, she's a little busy, so I'm here.  Moishe and I are in Florida; the drive was wonderful.  We stopped by Ellen's cousin's for Thanksgiving, thank you Marsha and Gary.  The food was to die for, the company was fabulous and Gary's directions back to our winter home were perfect.  Maybe there's something to genetics, but I have to say, Ellen's "little" cousins are very smart and married beautiful girls that are no slouches in the brain department either  read more »

One Man's Santa is Our Yenta's "Hanukkah Harry"?

Hello my dawlinks!  Go grab your blankies, your pillows, your cups of water, perhaps something a little stronger, and let your Yenta tell you a story.   read more »

LAUGH at The 12 Days of Christmas Acted Out by Audrey, A "Niece of My Heart"

Since people following Lumigrate on facebook REALLY liked the video I'd given a link to YouTube about ('hysterical', LMAO, etc.), I thought I'd set the link here as well, so people from here on out can go and watch if they're needing a laugh.   read more »

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