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A BRIGHT RED cover of Time magazine caught my eye when standing in line at the grocery store last week: The June 11, 2012 edition has, in big black letters TIME, and underneath in simple white large letters: read more »
This was a blog I wrote on Memorial Day weekend 2010 which is about a topic that has come up over and over so I wanted to post it here as well. I did a few modifications to it to make it more 'current' related to who and what of read more »
As you might know if you've 'been around Lumigrate enough', Petie the OTR and Karen Richardson and I all know each other from way back. We were all OTs in Colorado Springs in the 1990s or decades before and after. I was born in 1960 and had to get learning disabilities and my life turned around to complete college; I graduated in 1996 and became registered in 1997. read more »
- 1479 reads
I wasn't quite sure which forum to place my latest article... but since we often think of memory loss when we think of aging- I though this would work Robin read more »
- 6308 reads
Of Cats and Dogs and Hikes on My First Father(less) Day -
Father's Day is today, the first one since my father passed nine and a half months ago. He died on Labor Day, the ultimate irony since he was the hardest worker. He worked at everything, even at having fun. Hikes or walks on the flatlands were monitored for how many miles per hour, ski runs were evaluated on the way back up on the lift, people were evaluated after parting from spending time together. read more »
- 2745 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Embrace The Rainbow…Live with Intention. By my colleague Ms. Webster
(Mardy's note -- This piece embraces the aspects of integrative medicine so it appears in all the forums related to body, mind, spirit approach to wellness it discusses.)
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I thought I'd put an update here about what happened to Petie, since she was writing this summer and then "poof" dropped away. She went on a little more challenging hike than usual and had extraordinary knee pain afterwards and found out she had to have knee surgery. She's made notes of her experience and looks forward to bringing that to us in 2011. As happens to us all sometimes, unfortunately, she had a lot of different things in addition kinda hit her at once. I'll let her share with you what all that might have been if she wants when she gets back.&nbs read more »
Since I know someone who has Dr Mercola's number, I'm going to post this and hope to be able to get ahold of his team and get approval for this copying of his information -- I'm providing the link, below, so you can actually then GO to their website, but I wanted to have the information readily readable here, otherwise I think people might not be apt to link out and read it. This was in my email today, and with our Deirdre Rawlings having a seminar coming up on Toxic Toiletries, I thought this was really GRATE timing!
___________________________ read more »
- 13425 reads
One thing done is a good day ~~
I am staying with my parents this week. What I realize is that staying with them means operating on a different time schedule. The answer to 'how long will it take to do anything'?: As long as it takes. read more »
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