Skin Care, Per Dr Mercola - WEALTH of Info, and His Answer with Products

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.

Since I know someone who has Dr Mercola's number, I'm going to post this and hope to be able to get ahold of his team and get approval for this copying of his information -- I'm providing the link, below, so you can actually then GO to their website, but I wanted to have the information readily readable here, otherwise I think people might not be apt to link out and read it.  This was in my email today, and with our Deirdre Rawlings having a seminar coming up on Toxic Toiletries, I thought this was really GRATE timing! 


"The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create
Early Signs of Aging"

Read this before you put anything else on your skin because even the most expensive products contain this "harmless" oil which destroys your skin, disrupts your hormones, clogs your pores, and is a suspected cause of cancer.
Find out how to spot it and what to replace it with...


If you have been reading this site for awhile you know that I am a major advocate of plenty of safe sun exposure and all the healthy vitamin D that it will generate for you. And this is the time of the year that you can actually do that.

Unfortunately there is a dark side to sun exposure that you need to know about.

If you overdo your sun exposure it can increase photoaging of your skin, unless you proactively take steps to address it.

Fortunately there’s an incredibly simple solution to prevent this.

My team and I have formulated one of the world’s safest, healthiest, and most deeply penetrating moisturizers to counter the effects of photoaging and delivered them to you in a USDA certified organic cream that will keep your skin looking young for as long as possible.

This is not a sunscreen, but a moisturizer that helps you control the signs of aging.

If you have the right information there is plenty you can do to maintain or even help restore a healthy, youthful appearance. It is important to understand that you don’t ever have to look older than your age.

In fact, you can look years younger if you’re willing to give your skin – especially the delicate area around your eyes and lips – the attention it deserves and still get all the natural vitamin D you need without worrying about the toll it might take on your beautiful, youthful face.

The most relevant question of the day is…

Are moisturizers safe for your skin, or are they hiding bizarre ingredients –
toxins ready to sabotage your health… and your beauty?

You see, your skin is not only your largest organ – it’s also the thinnest. Only 1/10th of an inch separates you from all sorts of toxins. Your skin is highly permeable, allowing what you apply to your skin access to your bloodstream (and thereby to the rest of your body)…

Which is why I remind you not to put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t be willing to eat.

As you’ve heard before, beauty is more than skin deep. Pampering your skin with ‘beauty’ products laced with toxins is playing Russian roulette with your health. More on that in a minute.

But first…

Four Tips to Make You Quit Singing the "Dry-Skin Blues"

Is smooth skin a hopeless goal for you?

Not really. These four strategies can help…

  1. Hydrate your entire system with lots of water and high anti-oxidant green tea. During winter there’s a tendency not to drink as much due to cool temperatures. You may want to bring your water to room temperature to encourage drinking more. Or enjoy more warm green tea, like the Royal Matcha Green Tea sold elsewhere on this website.
  2. Eat a healthy diet of mostly raw foods, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids which produce a hydrating effect from the inside out, and antioxidants which help fight signs of aging. Winter might be a good time to increase your intake of Krill oil also, for its omega-3s -- and antioxidants such as Purple Defense and Turmeric.
  3. Take a revitalizing bath – in warm water, not hot! Himalayan salt baths are rejuvenating, and help dry skin to slough off. Hot water is damaging to your skin, so stick with warm water.
  4. Moisturize daily with non-clogging organic moisturizers such as coconut oil or body butter. These nourish your skin instead of clogging it, as many toxin-impaired moisturizers do.

It’s especially important to cleanse and moisturize before you go to bed at night, to remove impurities from your skin before your revitalizing sleep time. Just be sure your moisturizer isn’t tainted with toxins.

Why do I stress organic so much?

Because what you don’t know – or even what’s intentionally hidden from you – really can hurt you.

Continue reading to discover just how dangerous many moisturizer ingredients can be – even some very high-end (expensive) ‘spa’ products.

Be sure to check your products against the list of dangerous ingredients that follows.

Who's Watching Out for You?

When it comes to the beauty industry, anything goes…

And money reigns supreme. Which means that it’s caveat emptor – “buyer beware”. You need to be the captain of your own ship and know what’s in the products you use.

If you thought the FDA was watching out for you…

Well, let’s just let that idea blow off right now. They let the cosmetic industry, including skin care products, police itself (your tax dollars notwithstanding). The list of people trying to help you out is surprisingly small -- almost non-existent.

Currently, there are estimated to be more than 10,500 cosmetic and personal care products on the North American market. Of those products, the Environmental Working Group estimates that 99% of the products contain one or more ingredients that have never been evaluated for safety.

Who's Responsible for this Mess?

The cosmetic industry and their love of loopholes. Some of the biggies are:

  • "For Professional Use Only" -- This phrase allows cosmetic companies to remove harmful chemicals from their labels.

  • "Hypoallergenic" -- No actual testing is necessary to claim that a product is "hypoallergenic", "allergy-free" or "safe for sensitive skin". Neither the FDA nor any other regulating body even requires the companies to prove these claims.

  • Harmful Chemicals -- Unless they are intentionally placed in the product, harmful chemicals are not required to be listed. It's no shocker that you never see these.

What Can You Do?

The cosmetics industry is a $50 billion a year business (in the US alone). They spend a remarkable $2 billion a year on advertising.

Even more appalling than that is the amount of chemicals you place on your skin every year. Women who use makeup daily absorb, on average, 5 pounds each year.

As with the Vioxx debacle, the FDA cannot actively act on a product until after it has already severely injured or killed many people. And because the cosmetic companies are motivated by their profits, they won't be pointing out the dangers of their products to you any time soon. Your only solution is to rely on your own skills of investigation.

Always Avoid Applying Potential Toxins To Your Skin…

Many people – even those who carefully select organic or gourmet foods to eat choose skin care products that can do serious damage to their skin.

Now, realize that I’m not suggesting you’d intentionally apply toxins to your skin. You simply may not realize the extent to which many common skin care products contain suspect ingredients with unrecognizable or unpronounceable names.

Do you ever put things onto your skin that you wouldn’t think of eating? I hope not...

You see, I believe that what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream and integrated into your body’s tissues. A number of these potential toxins have estrogen-mimicking effects that can wreak havoc on all your good health intentions.

And there are other potential problems too…

Why Do So Many Skin Care Products Use These Potentially Hazardous Ingredients?

Simple answer: because they’re cheap, readily available, and easy to dilute.

Are they in the products you currently use? It’s time to check. Go grab your containers of skin care products and check them against the following …

Ingredient Use Dangers
Parabens Heavily used preservatives in the cosmetic industry; used in an estimated 13,200 cosmetic and skin care products. Studies implicate their connection with cancer because their hormone-disrupting qualities mimic estrogen and could disrupt your body’s endocrine system.
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum   These petroleum products coat the skin like plastic – clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins. They can slow cellular development, creating earlier signs of aging. They’re implicated as a suspected cause of cancer. Plus, they can disrupt hormonal activity. When you think about black oil pumped from deep underground, ask yourself why you’d want to put that kind of stuff on your skin…
Sodium laurel or lauryl sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) Found in over 90% of personal care products! They break down your skin’s moisture barrier, potentially leading to dry skin with premature aging. And because they easily penetrate your skin, they can allow other chemicals easy access. SLS combined with other chemicals may become a "nitrosamine" – a potent carcinogen.
Acrylamide Found in many facial creams. Linked to mammary tumors.
Propylene glycol Common cosmetic moisturizer and carrier for fragrance oils. May cause dermatitis and skin irritation. May inhibit skin cell growth. Linked to kidney and liver problems.
Phenol carbolic acid Found in many lotions and skin creams. Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, and even death from respiratory failure.
Dioxane Hidden in ingredients such as PEG, polysorbates, laureth, ethoxylated alcohols. Very common in personal care products. These chemicals are often contaminated with high concentrations of highly volatile 1,4-dioxane that’s easily absorbed through the skin. Its carcinogenicity was first reported in 1965, and later confirmed in studies including one from the National Cancer Institute in 1978. Nasal passages are considered extremely vulnerable, making it, in my opinion, a really bad idea to use these things on your face.
Toluene May be very poisonous! Made from petroleum and coal tar… found in most synthetic fragrances. Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage…May affect a developing fetus.

So, having read the above, do you really think it’s OK to put these things on your skin?


I don’t think so either.

Besides avoiding these hazards, there are some other steps you can take to create that young-looking skin you really want…

What Can You Do to Keep Your Skin Looking Healthy?

First of all, if you’re doing many of the things I talk about elsewhere on this website, you may have already noticed a major difference in the way your skin looks — as well as other aspects of your health.

Eating according to your nutritional type with plenty of fresh raw organic foods in your diet, and getting enough omega-3 fats are ways to improve your health on many fronts...

And need I mention exercise? Through exercise, your skin detoxifies impurities from your system – what you know as perspiration.

But beyond that, here’s a critically important issue you need to be aware of...

Just 5 Minutes Per Day Gets You on the Road to a More Youthful-Looking, Vibrant Face

Every day of your life, pollution, grime, and dust attach themselves to the surface of your skin.

If you don’t take a couple minutes daily to cleanse your face and unclog your pores, your skin may look sluggish -- instead of at its bright and shining best.

Cleaning your skin is important, just like keeping your internal organs clean and healthy is.

But here’s a caveat…

Take Your Own Hippocratic Oath for Skin Care ("First, Do No Harm")

It may seem like a cliché, but there are things you can do to prevent damaging your skin. Many of the visible signs of aging are caused by external factors that you can at least partially control.

These actions may be the easiest and least expensive things you can do to prevent damage to your skin, gain a more youthful appearance, and build a strong foundation for your pro-active natural skin care. Not to mention, creating a buzz about your new looks.

Please be aware that skin damage doesn’t always involve pain or immediate visible change, and can often go unnoticed for some time. But the cumulative actions you begin taking today can also improve your skin slowly over time. So get started today doing these simple things:

  • Avoid or minimize damage from hot water and chlorine. Although taking baths and showers may seem like it’s health-promoting and relaxing, your skin may disagree – especially if you have chlorinated water, which is almost certainly the case (unless your water comes from a well).

    Chlorine causes oxidative damage. The hotter the water, the more potential for damage – because the rate of chemical reactions increases with temperature. Hot water may cause your skin to age faster.

    So what can you do? Adjust your water temperature to be a bit cooler, limit your showers to one per day, and decrease your soak time in the bath.

  • Use gentle and safe skin care products – organic whenever possible. Your skin absorbs it all. Don’t compromise your health and the health of your skin by using potential poisons.
  • Be very sure to remove your makeup each evening. It's a really bad idea to flop into bed, leaving makeup – not to mention environmental grime – on your face while you sleep. Take a couple minutes to remove it, and you’ll find your face looking and feeling younger.
  •  Sleep on your back. Gravity creates a downward drag on your skin all day. Give your skin a break at night. By sleeping on your back, you reduce gravitational pull on your face. If you press your face to your pillow, you will likely experience increased puffiness in the morning.
    (Sleeping on your back reduces gravitational pull on your face. Be sure you remove your make-up before sleeping. Leaving it on during sleep creates extra stress on your skin. Use botanicals from nature for a nutritional approach to your beauty.)
  • Don’t smoke… for your general health’s sake, and for younger looking skin. Smoking causes free radical production, which is one cause of the signs of aging.
  • If you will be in the sun for extended periods of time, use sunscreen with safe and effective ingredients, such as Mercola Natural Sunscreen.
  • Limit exfoliation to twice per week and use a gentle exfoliator. Exfoliation refreshes your skin’s surfaces and brightens your appearance as it removes dead cells from the surface of your skin. But if you exfoliate too often or too aggressively, you risk damaging living cells.
  • Apply your skin care products to warm skin in order to help your skin appear healthier. This maximizes absorption. If your skin is cold, use a warm towel to warm your skin.
  • Never pull or rub your skin. Apply your skin care products gently, and lightly tap for a few moments to help your skin absorb them. Rubbing stretches your skin and can promote sagging and wrinkles. (Note: This principle includes leaning your face on your hand while sitting at a desk, which also stretches your skin.)
  • Don’t expect overnight changes. Even if you start doing everything right today, don’t be discouraged with seeming lack of progress tomorrow.

    It may take a month or even two to three months to notice changes. Plus, it’s quite possible that others will notice your increasingly youthful-looking face before you do.

    Remember: it took years to get where you are today, so show patience when expecting changes and improvements.

Now that you’re taking these practical steps as well as choosing not to use dangerous and damaging products on your skin, let’s explore your skin care alternatives – organic food products from nature’s storehouse.

Nourishing Botanicals for Your Skin’s Healthy Appearance

Whenever you apply skin care products, it is ideal to use products from nature that nourish your skin the same way you nourish your body. Look for products that encourage rejuvenation and work synergistically with your own skin to support its efforts toward a healthy appearance.

The potentially dangerous ingredients listed above concerns me greatly. And you know me to be passionate about changing the existing health paradigm. So it should be no surprise that I considered it imperative to locate a wholesome source of skin care products for you.

Last year we introduced USDA Certified Organic Body Butter, which has been enormously popular.

But Body Butter was hardly a complete skin care line. So we’ve been working diligently to find additional skin care products to promote your skin’s healthy appearance …

Nature's Skin Care – For Outer Beauty that Looks and Feels Healthy

It’s hardly a secret that plant foods nourish your body. For years, I’ve heartily encouraged you to eat plenty of raw, uncooked foods directly from nature for your best health and wellbeing.

Applying skin care products that are derived from these foods is a smart and natural way to make your skin appear both healthy and beautiful … to make your face feel and look as vibrant, radiant and flawless as your healthy body does.

My new USDA Certified Organic Skin Care line uses organic ingredients straight from nature’s storehouse to promote both your natural beauty and a healthy appearance. After all, why strive to make large health improvements in your life, only to compromise them when you cleanse and moisturize your skin?

Now you have a smart alternative available that does everything you want it to … promote young- and healthy-looking skin with vital phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Top quality ingredients from around the world — like acai juice, green tea, sea buckthorn oil, cupuacu butter, and more…

First, let me introduce my brand-new USDA Certified Organic Skin Care line-up – just four quick daily steps for your more youthful appearance and healthy living...

  • Daily Step 1. USDA Certified Organic Citrus Cleanser – Revitalizing – twice daily
  • Daily Step 2. USDA Certified Organic Chamomile Toner– Purifying – twice daily
  • Daily Step 3. USDA Certified Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum - twice daily
  • Daily Step 4. – Morning. USDA Certified Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – Antioxidant – mornings
  • Daily Step 4. – Evening. USDA Certified Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – Rejuvenating – evenings
  • Daily Step 5. USDA Certified Organic Eye and Lines Treatment – twice daily
  • Twice weekly after cleansing. USDA Certified Organic Sugar Exfoliator – Refining Face Scrub – twice weekly

As you might imagine, there are a large number of ingredients in these seven different products.

However, it is important to understand that, they’re all natural or organic, so they skip the additional (petroleum-based, suspect) chemicals that are in the vast majority of skin care products.

Multiply Your Skin Care Benefits

My USDA Certified Skin Care line will provide you with incredibly comprehensive benefits when you apply it as a total package to supply the wide spectrum of nutrients to your skin. Each product complements the rest to maximize your skin’s healthy and youthful appearance.

As mentioned above, you’ll want to demonstrate a degree of patience just as you would when improving your diet. Consider this your skin’s diet for nutrition.

But over the next couple of months you may be surprised by what others are saying about your amazing good looks. Some who notice might not mention anything, but they will likely think about it.

And now you can be prepared with your new more beautiful face for all your upcoming holiday parties and family get-togethers.

Why 'Organic' Ingredients?

It's important to use only ingredients that promote your healthy appearance without doing any potential harm whenever possible.

You eat organic foods to avoid many of the chemicals in commercial foods. Now you can do the same for your skin. This is important because what you apply to your skin invariably winds up in your blood.

"Certified organic" means agricultural products are grown and processed per the USDA's national organic standards … then certified by USDA-accredited state and private certification organizations.

There is a specific process – and a price tag – to becoming certified.

Set standards must be met and extensive paperwork filed to verify that those standards are met. Certifying agents then review applications for certification eligibility.

Qualified inspectors conduct annual onsite inspections of organic operations, observing their production and processing practices to see if they're in compliance with organic standards…

But in general, your product ingredients are the pre-eminent issue. Do they qualify as food? Are they organic, and free of potentially harmful pesticides?

We use ingredients that the USDA permits in its certified organic food – using the same standards for these items as for those items that are intended specifically for human consumption. And we proudly list every ingredient in our products – hiding nothing – so you can examine them for yourself.

All to give you another option to stay healthy.

So now, just check out this sampling of food ingredients from the new Mercola USDA Certified Organic Skin Care line that enhance both your healthy appearance and your beauty…

Astounding Natural Beauty – Compliments of Nature

You'll probably recognize a number of the ingredients in this skin care line … things like apple juice, apple cider vinegar, green tea, aloe vera, coconut oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, and vitamin E.

But we didn't stop there…

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using volatile plant oils to promote relaxation and wellbeing. There is much ongoing research into the interrelationships between psychology and fragrances.

Mercola Organic Skin Care products utilize aromatherapy ingredients to contribute to your peaceful relaxation, energize you, and much more.

Take a look at some of these key organic aromatherapy ingredients in the Mercola Organic Skin Care line, and the astonishing ways they promote your skin's healthy appearance and your overall wellbeing:

  •  Sweet Orange Oil

    A valuable herb that originated in India. This essential oil is refreshing, fruity, tangy – as if you've just peeled a fresh juicy orange. It lifts your spirits at the same time it calms you. Its light and airy aroma is cheering, refreshing and uplifting, at the same time contributing to your tranquility.

    I'm sure you know oranges are rich in vitamin C. They also contain bioflavonoids like hesperidin that continue the work of vitamin C. In other words, the hesperidin complements the antioxidant effects of vitamin C.

    But the oils found in the orange peel also contain a phytonutrient called limonene which does some remarkable things for you, like providing antioxidants.

    The oil of the sweet orange is rich in nutrients that promote skin rejuvenation … plus its refreshing, fruity scent is uplifting and cheery -- at the same time as it leads to tranquility.

    Sweet orange oil is considered an excellent skin tonic and supports rejuvenation, so it has an important role to play in Mercola Skin Care.

    You'll find sweet orange oil in Mercola Skin Care Organic Citrus Cleanser, Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum, Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer, and Organic Sugar Exfoliator.

  • Calendula

    Calendula is a versatile herb with fiery red and yellow petals, similar to a marigold, although a different variety from the marigolds you commonly see in gardens.

    Calendula dates back to the days of the ancient Egyptians. Yet even today it remains one of the most popular herbs for supporting healthy-looking skin. When mixed with other oils such as olive oil, calendula becomes even more nourishing.

    It's widely used to moisturize and soften all skin types, rejuvenate your skin and reduce the appearance of the natural signs of aging.

    Relaxation is an additional benefit of calendula.

    You can enjoy the spicy-sweet bitter-warm aroma of organic calendula in Mercola Organic Skin Care toner, anti-aging serum, and night moisturizer.

  •  Lavender

    Lavender is the most popular and widely-used essential oil, enjoyed by both aromatherapists and individuals. It's very versatile, with many different uses.

    Lavender's smooth and sometimes sweet floral aroma has a definitive calming effect, helping you forget about everyday stresses in your life.

    Try it in Chamomile Toner and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer.

    Lavender is widely used and widely treasured for its skincare benefits and calming influence. Check it out in the Mercola Organic Skin Care toner and night moisturizer.
  • Chamomile

    Chamomile is considered by many to be the world's most soothing herb. Its sweet, herbal and fruity scent promotes relaxation.

    Not only that …it also soothes your skin. And it's generally regarded as safe — with few or no known side effects.

    Constituents include the bioflavonoids apigenin, luteolin, and quercetin.

    Chamomile is included in the Mercola Organic Skin Care cleanser, toner, and anti-aging serum.

But these aren't all the special ingredients in Mercola Organic Skin Care products. In fact, this is just a fraction of the story…

In My Opinion, Plant Oils are Far Superior to Petroleum Oil

Not only do you receive benefits from aromatherapy – you also obtain natural and refreshing plant oils and butters that your skin will delight in.

No petroleum products allowed … because I want you to look and feel at your greatest each and every day of your life, to fulfill your purpose and to enjoy all the people and events of your life. And you can do that by using true nutrients that help keep your skin looking its best.

Let's look at a couple of these special, exotic oils here – more details will follow on each individual product page.

Discover Today How the Many Marvelous Qualities of Sea Buckthorn Oil Promote Your Youthful-Looking Skin

Legend has it that before the 12th century, certain Greek warriors released some weak horses to die, but they came back looking better than ever.

The turn-around was traced to the whole berries of a scrubby shrub called Hippophae rhamnoides, which means "tree that makes the horse shine".

Native to Russia, northern China and northern Mongolia, sea buckthorn's seeds produce thick reddish-orange oil with the viscosity of syrup.

Since its discovery, it's been revered for its nourishing and rejuvenating properties. And no wonder …

Sea buckthorn seed oil is an absolute powerhouse of nutrition. It provides protein, plus over 100 nutrients, such as linolenic acid, vitamins E and A, carotene, polyphenols, flavonoids, and trace elements including iron, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Moreover, scientists are always on the hunt for antioxidants. They found a real gem in sea buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn – nicknamed "tree that makes the horse shine" because weak horses sent out returned quite revived after eating their berries – offers you a powerhouse of nutrition for skin rejuvenation. Sea buckthorn is found in Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer.

Its rich content of flavonoids, glucosides, phenols, terpenes, vitamins E, A, and C, beta-carotene, and trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, manganese) are all antioxidants with very low molecular weight that neutralize free radicals. Collectively, they are even far more beneficial than alone.

Comparing Sea Buckthorn to Other Skin Creams


Experts compared sea buckthorn oil with five frequently used skin creams. They found that the free fatty acids, carbohydrates, phytosterols, phosphatidyl, vitamins E and A, and carotenoids were many times more beneficial in the sea buckthorn seed oil than the other products.

These components are not acting individually, but are well coordinated, supplementing and reinforcing each other to promote your best-looking skin. Therefore, the antioxidant property of sea buckthorn seed oil is not simply the sum total of its individual elements, but the synergistic effect of all of them working together.

Free fatty acids are easily absorbed by the skin. Linoleic acid promotes tissue rejuvenation. Hydrocarbon preserves your skin's moisture, softens and lubricates your skin, keeping it smooth and fair.

Sea buckthorn oil is also an antioxidant.

It is reported to be a very effective anti-aging agent, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and reduce dryness, and generally decreasing the appearance of the signs of aging,

Sea buckthorn's record for rejuvenation makes it a welcome ingredient for natural and organic anti-aging and skin care products. And that makes it perfect for the Mercola Organic Skin Care products Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer.

Cupuacu Butter – The 'New Kid on the Block' in Skin Care

Cupuacu butter is rapidly gaining attention as an exceptional moisturizer, with remarkable water absorption, rich content of sterols, and overall nutritive benefits.

Cupuacu is a small tree from the chocolate family that's native to the northern Amazon in South America. The fruit is about the size of a cantaloupe, and is prized for its creamy, exotic-tasting pulp.

The fruit, which ripens in the rainy months of January through April, is used to make jam, fresh juice, ice cream, and tarts. It is by far the most popular fruit in the Amazon.

Like chocolate, the fruit has a large center seed pod, loaded with "beans". Unlike cocoa, however, cupuacu does not contain caffeine.

Cupuacu's seed pod looks like chocolate, but without the caffeine. Many consider it to be an effective anti-aging ingredient. Check it out in Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer.

Cupuacu butter is softer and creamier than cocoa butter and has a mild aroma. It absorbs water more effectively than lanolin (used in many skin care products).

I believe it provides protective benefits against UV-A and UV-B over-exposure. It also offers high levels of essential fatty acids. These fatty acids, plus its rich phytosterols, give it the ability to promote skin elasticity and improve skin moisture.

Its incredible creaminess promotes a special softness and smoothness to your skin, and boosts its natural moisture and elasticity.

Cupuacu is believed by many people to be stellar for its help in reducing the appearance of the signs of agingu … making it a perfect fit for the Mercola Skin Care line products of Cupuacu Day Moisturizer and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer.

More Breakthrough Secrets from the Amazon Rain Forest

Another exotic rain forest berry, the acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry, was recently proclaimed the "World's #1 Super Food" on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

The Yanomami Indians harvested and revered the acai for centuries as a food that "holds unique power" (as reported by NBC Today on 5/13/2003). By that, they referred to the energizing properties of both its fruit and oil.

Acai berries were announced as the "World's #1 Super Food". Shouldn't it be part of your skin's care?

During the past three to five years, the acai was discovered by the Brazilian elite and then North Americans, who ate the fruit as a frozen slush.

These small purple berries – each with one large seed – dangle in clusters from the 25 foot high acai palm tree in its native Brazil, and other parts of Central and South America.

Acai oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of the acai berry, and is deep golden to light brown with a mild yet pleasant fruity aroma. When the berries are picked, they're processed under cold and air-free conditions to yield the freshest, purest oil possible.

Acai possesses an amazing nutrient profile … an impressive combination of omega-3, omega-6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, E, and C, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and potassium, and essential amino acids.

Vitamin C is famous for its immune support properties, but did you know it can help rejuvenate and revitalize your skin?

What's more, acai oil is rich in anthocyanins, phytosterols and phenols, which are also antioxidants.

In fact, its content of anthocyanins is reported to be an astounding 10-30 times higher than the anthocyanin content of red wine grapes.

But these facts alone aren't what made acai the "World's #1 Super Food". It's the ORAC value of the acai – its antioxidant value. acai is a more potent antioxidant than mangosteen, prunes, pomegranates, cranberries … nothing even comes close. The acai berry boasts the highest per unit value of antioxidant power (ORAC) of any edible fruit in the world.

Acai oil's rich array of nutrients, anti-oxidants and other benefits make it a remarkable ingredient for use in anti-aging personal care products. Studies indicate that the phenols in acai oil act as antioxidants.

Acai is an excellent emollient and an effective moisturizer to treat dry skin and help reduce the appearance of the signs of aging. It also absorbs into your skin quickly.

You can enjoy the superior nutritional benefits of acai oil in Mercola Skin Care Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer. Use them both for your personal beautification benefit.

New Container Gives You the Absolute Freshest Quality Possible


Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer and Organic Acai Night Moisturizer have been given an exciting facelift. They are now available in a new airless pump dispenser.

Just a soft touch of your fingertip releases the perfect amount of rich, creamy moisturizer. No more wasted product. No more mess.

Why was this change made?

The moisturizer at the bottom of the jar stays just as fresh as the first time you use it. Air stays out of the jar along with potential bacteria or any other contaminants from the air or your fingertips, so it stays pure and lasts longer.

As an added benefit, this natural way to extend the shelf life of the product makes it so that preservatives aren’t needed.

So, now you can enjoy your USDA Certified Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer and USDA Certified Organic Acai Night Moisturizer down to their last drop. Guaranteed to be cleaner and fresher to the very end!

But there's so much more to discover in this nutrient-filled skin care line…

Premium Skin Care Package

Your Premium Anti-Aging Package includes seven products in our USDA Certified Organic Skin Care Line designed to give your skin an astounding overall anti-aging boost.

This package includes your daily cleanser, twice-weekly exfoliator, daily toner, anti-aging serum, two daily moisturizers, and eye and lines treatment – intended to help you turn back the clock on the appearance of premature signs of aging, like dry skin.

These products utilize organic botanicals from around the world to provide support for your skin’s most youthful appearance.

What's more…

They do all that without any potentially damaging petrochemicals and estrogen-mimicking ingredients.

Just check out these seven fine products and what they can do for you…

  • Organic Citrus Cleanser is a pure and mild rejuvenating cleanser that protects and nourishes your skin… just as a new parent protects and nourishes a newborn baby. And gently too, so your skin keeps a youthful appearance that defies its years.
  • Organic Sugar Exfoliator softly removes the outer layer of dry or flaking skin, leaving your face smooth and radiant – and using all organic and natural ingredients that you already know and trust. Ingredients include raw cane sugar, olive oil, shea butter, jojoba oil, cucumber extract, and the pleasant invigorating scent of sweet orange oil.
  • Organic Chamomile Toner gently removes extra “stuff” from your skin with the help of subtle aromatherapy oils — to leave your face feeling slightly tingly and totally refreshed. Toning is essential for removing dirt, make-up, and oil that your cleanser might miss. It’s a critical step in caring for your skin.
  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer provides you with nature’s best botanicals from around the world, ready to help you wake up, get you energized, and promote a grand start to your new day. This anti-aging and deep moisturizing day cream uses true food-based ingredients for your skin – plant foods used effectively for centuries.
  • Organic Acai Night Moisturizer rejuvenates your face and skin while your body is experiencing deep sleep and rebuilding for another day. Promoting skin rejuvenation while you sleep is a smart part of your overall anti-aging skin care strategy. Food ingredients from the world over combine to bring you a deeply satisfying moisturizer with profound benefits for your skin.
  • Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum offers a critical application of deeply nourishing botanicals for your most youthful appearance. It’s brimming with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and much more… to help your skin appear stronger and provide it with the tools it needs to reduce the appearance of the natural signs of aging. Regular use will help improve your skin’s texture as it nourishes your cells. Eight extraordinary ingredients contribute to its powerful anti-aging effect.
  • Organic Eye and Lines Treatment is designed specifically for delicate tissues around your eyes and lips (and any other problem areas needing extra attention), Eye and Lines Treatment provides the daily nourishment needed to help minimize the signs of aging. Luxuriously rich and non-greasy, Eye and Lines Treatment pampers those delicate areas of your face, while not irritating eyes. You’ll feel and see the difference. You’ll discover improved elasticity, tone, and firmness as wrinkles, lines, bags, and unsightly 'crow’s feet' fade away.

What People Have Said ...

I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on anti-aging products. All they did was "plump-up" my face and then the lines, volume, and loose skin would return. Since using this whole system for the last couple weeks, I see a real difference in the softness of lines and the elasticity of my skin. I have been applying the products on warmed skin and find that really makes a difference. This is a great product and thank you Dr. Mercola. - Kathie
I am very happy with this package. It has improved my skin in a very short time, so I can just imagine how great it will look in a couple of months. Thank you. - Gloria Gold
I don't think I will ever use another skin care product ever again! This is the best I have ever used. It keeps my skin well hydrated, has cleared up my complexion, and goes on so nicely! Love it. - Julie
I love this skin care line. I have not purchased the serum or the sugar scrub, but the cleanser, toner, day and night cream are wonderful. They all have a nice scent as well. My skin looks 100% better. - Michelle

Made in the USA


Premium Anti-Aging Package

Includes :

  • Organic Citrus Cleanser – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Sugar Exfoliator – 1.5 fl oz/ 50ml
  • Organic Chamomile Toner – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum – 1 fl oz
  • Organic Eye & Lines Treatment – 0.85 fl oz

List Price: $299.00
Your Price: $162.00
You Save: $137.00 (46%)


Discover More


Two Premium Anti-Aging Packages

Includes :

  • (2) Organic Citrus Cleanser – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • (2) Organic Sugar Exfoliator – 1.5 fl oz/ 50ml
  • (2) Organic Chamomile Toner – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • (2) Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • (2) Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • (2) Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum – 1 fl oz
  • (2) Organic Eye & Lines Treatment – 0.85 fl oz

List Price: $598.00
Your Price: $299.00
You Save: $299.00 (50%)


Discover More

** Buy 1, Get 1 Free when you buy 1 Premium
Anti-Aging Package at list price.


Complete Anti-Aging Package

Includes :

  • Organic Citrus Cleanser – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Sugar Exfoliator – 1.5 fl oz/ 50ml
  • Organic Chamomile Toner – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum – 1 fl oz

List Price: $225.00
Your Price: $144.90
You Save: $80.10 (35.60%)


Discover More


Anti-Aging Wrinkle Control Package

Includes :

  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Serum – 1 fl oz
  • Organic Eye & Lines Treatment – 0.85 fl oz

List Price: $208.96
Your Price: $107.00
You Save: $101.96 (48.79%)


Discover More


Daily Skin Care Package

Includes :

  • Organic Citrus Cleanser – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Chamomile Toner – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Eye & Lines Treatment – 0.85 fl oz

List Price: $211.50
Your Price: $109.00
You Save: $102.50 (48.46%)


Discover More


Basic Anti-Aging Package

Includes :

  • Organic Citrus Cleanser – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Chamomile Toner – 3.4 fl oz / 100ml
  • Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml
  • Organic Acai Night Moisturizer – 1.5 fl oz / 50ml

List Price: $160.96
Your Price: $97.00
You Save: $63.96 (39.74%)


Discover More



Select Body Butter Flavor:
Unscented | Lavender | Orange | Variety

Value 3 Pack
Organic Body Butter Variety
3 Jars / 4 oz each

List Price: $74.91
Your Price: $52.97
You Save: $22.00 (29%)

Discover More

Select Body Butter Flavor:
Unscented | Lavender | Orange | Variety

Value 3 Pack
Organic Body Butter Lavender
3 Jars / 4 oz each

List Price: $74.91
Your Price: $52.97
You Save: $22.00 (29%)

Discover More

Select Body Butter Flavor:
Unscented | Lavender | Orange | Variety

Value 3 Pack
Organic Body Butter Orange
3 Jars / 4 oz each

List Price: $74.91
Your Price: $52.97
You Save: $22.00 (29%)

Discover More

Select Body Butter Flavor:
Unscented | Lavender | Orange | Variety

Value 3 Pack
Organic Body Butter Unscented
3 Jars / 4 oz each

List Price: $74.91
Your Price: $52.97
You Save: $22.00 (29%)

Discover More

View All Product Labels


Of course, I am so convinced that you’ll be thrilled with your new Mercola Organic Skin Care products that I’m offering you a 90-day guarantee.

Simply try the package for 90 days, and if you aren’t convinced its rich botanicals are nourishing your skin and making it appear more youthful, I’ll refund everything you paid (minus shipping).




HERE/BELOW is the information as it is presented in the e-newsletter -- I clicked on the portion at the top about skin that is a link that took me to what I posted here, above (and will hope that this allows them to see how I'm intending to use/credit




September 23, 2010 - Issue 1536
Mercola Search
ARTICLES Mercola Search
 The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging   The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging
Read this before you put anything else on your skin because even the most expensive products contain this "harmless" oil which destroys your skin, disrupts your hormones, clogs your pores, and is a suspected cause of cancer. Find out how to spot it and what to replace it with...

The Ultimate Impossible Tennis Shot   the ultimate impossible tennis shot
Watch closely as Jimmy Connors hits the ball in one of the most unorthodox shots you have ever seen.

Why 80% of U.S. Dentists are 150 Years BEHIND the Times...   dramatic video visualization showing silver fillings releasing mercury
Silver fillings are "...a primitive, polluting, 19th century product that began when physicians were sawing off legs. Medicine has since moved forward." Unfortunately, there's an 80% chance your dentist still practices this way -- despite its damage to your brain, central nervous system and kidneys...
HEALTH RESOURCES CALL TOLL FREE. US Number: 877.985.2695 | Int'l Number: 847.252.4355
Children's Chewable Multivitamin Multi Vitamins Can Kill Your Child. Do You Know How to Easily Eliminate this Risk?
Every day children are rushed to ERs from accidentally overdosing on chewable supplements. Find out how you can eliminate this risk.
Chlorella Don't Make This Mistake with Festering Body Toxins...
As the 'Go Green' movement gains momentum and you become more environmentally conscious, it's important to remember your internal environment too. Taking steps to rid your body of harmful toxins is crucial to keeping your body energized and rejuvenated.* That's why I recommend adding nutrient-rich Premium Chlorella to your diet.* It helps detoxify and strengthen your body's internal systems.*
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Daily Visual

Whoever believes dogs can't talk hasn't heard Mishka the Husky share her feelings with her owners.

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Quote of the Day:
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
- Helen Keller
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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© Copyright Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2010. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format. If possible, I would also appreciate an endorsement and encouragement to subscribe to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

AGAIN, here is the link to the website -- I received this as I have subscribed to the newsletter and I encourage you to do so as well.  Dr Mercola is certainly a leader in the field; he has been on Dr Oz, who said (basically) 'I really like most of what you say, sometimes I don't agree' and that was very impressive to me -- we maybe all have different truths or backgrounds.  I know that MY truth is that I've appreciated Dr. Mercola since hearing about him from someone who subscribed to his program for information and then since then one of my personal 'real world' friends mentioned he took a website marketing class for a week with Dr Mercola and he said nothing but great things about him.~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Robin Thomas's picture
Robin Thomas
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 94
User offline. Last seen 11 years 31 weeks ago.
Re: Skin Care, Per Dr Mercola - WEALTH of Info, and His ...

Dr. Mercola's group does give some valid information here. I do appreciate the general focus on avoiding toxins on our skin, and find quite a bit of his information useful.  But, I also must disagree on some specifics.   Using the terms "Natural" and "Organic" can sometimes be misleading, and not necessarily indicative of a safe and effective skin care product.  

I checked on the ingredients at the Mercola website and saw some things that concerned me:

The sweet orange oil used is a skin irritant for many people with sensitive skin, and is used in many of his products.   Essential oils are fragrant oils, and many can cause irritation, allergic reactions, sun sensitivity, and contact dermatitis.  Ironically, we are so careful about avoiding skin care lines that use chemicals, when many natural ingredients are harmful, especially when you consider consumers with allergies or sensitivities.  If you apply irritants to your skin, although your skin may not show it, damage is taking place with the effects ongoing and the results will show over time. 

I was happy to see that some products have been switched from open jars to pump bottles.   Products that could be considered "food" can spoil very quickly, just like the fresh vegetables in your refrigerature.  It takes more that just the change in container, though, to make the product safe from contamination by bacteria and fungi. I found out from calling their customer service rep that "organic grain alcohol" from "wheat" is used as the preservative.  Definitely not safe/healthy/beneficial to skin. 

The Mercola rep said that "the shelf life of the Mercola products is two years if unopened and around 45 days once opened." She said that the product would start to change color after that time; that's how you'd
know to discard it; but, he said "it's ok, though, because in the amount sold, it is designed to be used up by 45 days, anyway". 

Hmmm, I think I will stick with my Sensé™ self-preserving skin care: 

Taken from website:

Sensé™ Skin Care Patented Self-Preserving Technology

Part of true cellular health is reducing exposure to environmental toxins, which is why the scientists who developed the Sensé skin-care line worked diligently to find an alternative to adding parabens.

After nearly 10 years of research, they formulated the answer in a revolutionary U.S.-patented technology. Groundbreaking liquid crystals that mimic the skin’s own structure act as “packets” carrying purifying botanicals and antioxidants to keep each Sensé product fresh. Plus every aspect of product design is carefully controlled: water availability, pH control, purpose of ingredients, manufacturing, and packaging, eliminating the need for added chemical preservatives.

Preservatives are important for preventing bacteria and mold growth in a product. However, many preservatives such as formaldehyde and DMDM Hydantoin bathe your skin in strong chemicals. Our bodies are already exposed to many toxic chemicals every day, and it is uncertain what the long-term cumulative effects on our health could be. Plus, common cosmetic preservatives are more likely to cause dry, irritated skin. Sensé removes the worry associated with applying unnecessary chemicals to the skin, and the gentle formulas help promote a calm, healthy complexion.

  • Proflavanol-T®: A proprietary antioxidant blend that supplies the right nutrients for perfectly balanced, younger-looking skin.
  • Proteo-C™: An exclusive vitamin C blend offering powerful beauty therapy.


Experience the dramatic difference of these anti-aging technologies:


Even more, every product has been dermatologist/allergy/clinically tested.


I don't claim to be a skin scientist or expert in skin care, but I'd love to introduce two wonderful people who have made their life focus helping people take care of their largest organ, their skin. 

Your Skin and You , by Bea Kinnear, is an excellent resource for those who are searching for safe and effective skin care.  Take a look at her site  

Marie Bertrand  is a cosmetic scientist  who runs a clinic in Calgary, hosts a website dedicated to safe, effective skin care, and also manages a facebook page

I am proud to state that both of the above knowledgable women are also my friends.

Take care,



In addition, the world-class scientists who developed the Sensé skin-care line have created two unique topical nutrition blends based on clinically proven studies and well-established dermatological and nutritional science. Proflavanol-T and Proteo-C topical nutrition complexes in every Sensé product work synergistically to nourish and protect the health and look of your cells—where beautiful skin starts.


Robin started contributing to  Lumigrate in August 2010.  "Meet Robin Thomas", a topic in our biographies/vitae forum is at to read all about her journey, which was greatly influenced by the need to help solve her youngest son's significant health challenges. For those who want just the overview here: After working over 22 years in medical research at the University of North Carolina on chronic inflammatory diseases she switched her focus to preventive health in 2004 when she was introduced to USANA Health Sciences.   Robin is passionate about helping others improve their health, have more energy, manage their weight, and improve their skin. 

I love meeting new friends !

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"I dream of a world free from pain and suffering. I dream of a world free from disease. The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth. Share my vision. Love life and live it to its fullest in happiness and health."

-Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder and Chairman, USANA Health Sciences


Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Robin Rocks!

Thank you, Robin....It's great to see how you reviewed that information and cast another light on thing. I personally believe that there is room for a lot of different concepts and preferences and the biggest commonality we need to have is related to the 'core concepts'... in this case, getting the toxins out. I find I'm just getting things more simplified all the time when it comes to body care products. Baking soda and coconut oil are now staples in the bath area and not just the kitchen. 

I also want to recognize that years ago when they saw the need to develop products they are now selling, the information available then is not what they have today, as information is always moving forward.  I can relate: several years ago when I was developing the concept for Lumigrate there was nothing on WebMD about it, little of any good on YouTube, and other medical providers were doing the same thing as I was and we didn't know about each other until AFTER we were out there on the Internet with our websites we'd developed with lots of hard work and resources. 

Initially when I saw some of WebMDs info on fibromyalgia I was grinning from ear to ear, as it's the same thing I'm doing on Lumigrate, they just have deeper pockets (MUCH deeper, obviously).  And then I also felt pangs of fear for survival and decided to do the same thing I did in Grand Junction as an occupational therapist with a specialty in neurology -- 'complement my competition'.  There's enough business for all of us, as there is SUCH a huge need.  And just like everyone doesn't like to wear black or red, not everyone's going to like Lumigrate's type of information same as many will not want the conventional info from WebMD. 

So, Robin, not only do I really REALLY value that you took the time to hop in and study up on this and write here, you did your homework to say what you thought and you stated facts as facts and your opinion/preference for yourself as such.  And the products you trust and distribute, naturally. I wish people would do that related to anything they talk about from skin products to religion to politics, and in particular the hot topics like vaccines.  ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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