If "You Are What You Eat", Don't be Sweet!

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.

As you know if you're following Lumigrate, our goal is to not only provide progressive, quality medical education and direction toward good sources, but to help empower each person who wants to have their 'highest health' (and if not, please click on 'Learn More' in the top box on the home page area, and also review the 'You' model on the home page).   Because I've been finding my path to health and well being since the 90's, I've covered some ground that many people around me have not, and that includes 'what you eat'. 

It has become second nature to me to know what oils are better for what purposes and why, or why I only have brown rice in the house.  If you're at my house making strawberries for desert you'll find my sugar bowl with some strange looking brown crystals (turbinado sugar).  I thought I'd share some resources and concepts with you here, in case you're interested in getting started on better eating.  And as always: we strive to hit the high notes and get you going in a good direction for more information, so there will just be a few suggestions.

My favorite resource about nutrition, suprisingly, is a cookbook by Andrew Weil, MD and Rosie Daley called 'The Healthy Kitchen -- Recipes for a Better Body, Life, and Spirit'.   I've always believed Dr. Weil is someone who progressed medicine to the public in enormous ways through his books and media appearances, for which I'm appreciative.  The cookbook is ingeneous because it weaves in pages here and there of education while automatically setting you up with recipes using ingredients that are healthful.  It includes a section on 'mindful eating' which, when I think about it, was brought up several times yesterday in conversations with other people.  Lunch breaks get turned into hurried breaks, the television is frequently on in households when people are eating -- and we're 'missing' such a crucial time to really think about the important task 'at hand' -- which is putting food in our mouths to nourish ourselves. And think about what goes on from there! .... it literally becomes you! Energetically and 'scientifically' (it nourishes your cells with things science can measure and therefore 'embrace').

The Healthy Kitchen doesn't go so 'far out' that it's a completely different way of eating -- there is a recipe for angel food cake and fresh berries, for instance!  Each section begins with a page or so about concepts related to that section of the book.  The 'Beverages' section has pages about the importance of water and water quality, or why dairy/milk might be quite problematic for people to be drinking.  It doesn't go into a lot of detail, so you can cover a lot of ground quickly with this book.  It's like 'Progressive Eating: 101'.  The recipes bring in concepts inspired by the Mediterranean and Asian diets which are proven to have health benefits and are overlayed with what most of us like to eat generally.  It's interspersed with so many little facts, including sweeteners and artificial sweeteners and even will direct you to which ones appears to be safer and why, with very simple explanations ("Brand A may damage brain cells", for instance).    

In the section with deserts, Dr. Weil prefaces it with what kinds of oils to bake with and for what reasons.  Many people don't know that oils go rancid when left in the light and their beneficial properties change when heated (so steaming your vegetables and then drizzling 'healthy' oil on AFTER cooking is recommended).   I'm reminded fondly by the Honey-Nut Baklava recipe that my sister, mom and I made as a holiday tradition many years ago (before we found out we had some form of wheat allergy or celiac or another).  I'm also reminded of what a process I've seen myself and others go through when they find they have a food allergy, have high blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. and "get it"  that "you are what you eat", and ultimately make the conscious decision to eat healthier. Which takes effort, but the investment is YOU and your health.

It's difficult for people because we remember all the information from the past: fats are "bad", carbohydrates are "bad", salt is "bad" ...... butter is "bad", eat margarine ... nope, now margarine is "bad", eat butter ....  It's confusing and we have to be mindful that behind any product with 'traction', there are vested interests in that product continuing to be consumed which likely influence the information we receive in much of the media.  So find resources you trust and we hope to continue to benefit more and more people looking for reliable and progressive information on such important topics as health and well being. 

There truly has been a revolution in progressive thinking about eating and nutrition, and this book is "one stop shoppin'" or "the most bang for your buck", in my opinion (and my edition is from 2002).  What Dr. Weil calls 'enlightened' principles for eating in 2002 when the book was published are typically coming to the public through non-medical sources because, as he states in the section on 'Nutrition and Health', physicians do not receive training in medical school "in this most important subject and so are unable to help us navigate through the confusion or interpret all the research findings." 

Naturally, he is speaking about the overall/whole, and more physicians are educated and interested in these concepts daily, and if you're fortunate, yours is one.  Everyone is busy, including physicians and other health care providers, and it takes time to study about all the new developments and nutrition frequently doesn't make it to the top of the list, unfortunately. 

People are increasingly looking to the internet for information, so 'the gap' that I speak about in health care can be filled by YOU.  Decide to take an interest in your health and budget your resources (being time, energy, money) so that you can be better educated.  If you're not doing that, consider figuring out why you're 'getting in your own way' perhaps.  I have to do that all the time in this process of figuring out what's going on and making changes to have better health, today included.

Three highlights from his book:

Omega-3 fats which come from fortified eggs, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and walnuts (not almonds -- not all nuts have the same things, so study up if you're so inclined -- there's a link below). 

Carbohydrates: Carbs are important fuels and unfortunately popular diet programs' sound concepts have been distorted to make people think all carbohydrates are 'bad'.  Carbohydrates are basically sugars and starches.  Dr. Weil likes to look at what foods are 'better' and utilizes the glycemic index (GI) to figure how rapidly carbohydrates convert to glucose and raise blood sugar.  Food or drink like potatoes, bread, and sweet drinks cause a rapid rise in sugar which requires the pancreas to secrete insulin, which is a hormone that allows glucose to enter cells.  People who eat diets of high GI carbohydrates will gain weight and develop high levels of fat and cholesterol in their blood, with an increased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.  The GI of a food is influenced by it's chemcial nature, physical structure, and method of preparation.  

Grains which are whole or cracked (as opposed to processed to become a 'white flour'), are converted slowly and the blood sugar rises slowly, which does not require a huge outpouring of insulin.  Oatmeal is another example: steel cut or 'Irish' metabolize differently than the 'usual American' oatmeal.  Fruits eaten as opposed to being in the form of juice is another example of the preparation being a factor with foods.  You might read our previous blog about adrenal fatigue, as that book goes into a lot of detail about blood sugar and the effect on the hormone systems which are at play in recovering from adrenal fatigue. 

I've attended Christopher Lepsito, ND's seminar on diabetes from a naturopathic standpoint, as well as Dr. April Schulte-Barclay's seminar on addressing metabolic syndrome via acupuncture and Oriental medicine and hope to bring to you a comprehensive resource about integrative medicine's approach to diabetes in the near future, because it has been very impressive to me how each discipline has a unique approach which proves to be successful with medical conditions such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, and food allergies.  

Dr. Lepisto's seminar demonstrates how progression continues in thinking, with some providers now utilizing 'glycemic load' (GL) for reference about foods, which factors in the fiber and water.  (which is, essentially, a step beyond 'glycemic index' due to factoring in more things.  Generally, for advise about nutrition, he recommends Nourish This, a website of progressive information about nutrition and we'll provide that link, below; it utilizes GI, but there are sources online related to glycemic load you want to investigate that further.  

Those old sayings sometimes just are perfect: "You Are What You Eat".   I also heard a new one yesterday on the local public radio station from Tim O'Brien's song Less and Less: "Coffee in the mornin'... a little wine at night .... A meal somewhere in the middle ....  I think I'll be alright."  So I hope that gave you a little chuckle as well, and that you are inspired ..  as I am reminded to be ...  to do your best with nutrition every day. 

We all need to continue learning and helping others in their knowledge as well, ane one way is letting them know about good resources and information we find, just as we have done here with YOU. Please pass it on!


The Health Kitchen - Recipes for a Better Body, Life, and Spirit, by Andrew Weil, MD and Rosie Daley

Dr. Weil's website: www.drweil.com

Website of progressive nutrition information: www.nourishthis.com.

April Schulte-Barclay, DAOM, Grand Junction, Colorado (find her website info in the Forum on Acupuncture, she's a featured contributor)

Christopher Lepisto, ND, Grand Junction, Colorado (Dr. Lepisto's website and information are also on his Forum contributions (they are limited numbers and not in a particular forum) AND at the Video tab. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Book I TOTALLY recommend reading about sugar

I'm also placing this piece from the Lumigrate Bookshelf forum here as it pertains to the subject of sugar....

The rest of this book's title says it all "The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great -- and Losing Weight!"

This book exceeded my expectations by a LONG shot and I was expecting it to be good!  I have to say that it is now at THE top of my list of books that I will recommend to essentially anyone who eats. If someone already eats like a nutrition guru then I'll recommend it to them so they can know about it as a resource to the inevitable many they see around them striving and struggling with their health and having eating and nutrition having the inevitable role. 

Not only does Beat Sugar Addiction Now! cover in the first two parts of the book four different 'types' (which have to do with 'reasons') of health issues or symptoms related to eating and drinking 'behaviors', there are 9 separate sections related to treating specific health problems: anxiety, CFS and FMS, depression, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, heart disease, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel/spastic colon, migraines and tension headaches, obesity, and sinusitus.   There are four appendices related to simplifying treatment plans, glycemic index information, finding a practitioner, and resources for obtaining all the things covered in the book.  From prescription medications to water filters to saunas, they've listed one or two options... same as I do with Lumigrate, in order to STREAMLINE it for people. 

And how handy that one of the two compounding pharmacies recommended is the one Lumigrate also recommends for our national following! (ITC -- we posted podcasts late March for our 2nd anniversary/birthday you can get to know them better -- what they're about as well as their overview about hormone testing and supplementation.  Podcasts don't yet have their own tab so they're in Forums in the top forum AND we're on iTunes too if you actually download to a devise as opposed to listening while at the computer or working around the kitchen the way I do).   I'll put their link at the bottom to encourage YOU to go to their website and order one because IF they see Lumigrate's people are buying the books they already sell they'll start carrying the ones on the Lumigrate bookshelf as well!  FibroWHYalgia and See it! Say it! DO it! , plus the companion cookbook to this book that Deirdre Rawlings provided the recipes to are my top choices if I can only get three through their doors.  They are good about not having things in the way people aren't needing or wanting.  

Then I provide a local option on Lumigrate as I felt it critical to demonstrate how a community can come together and have a strong network of providers and then if there's a gap, Lumigrate has a company/provider which will work remotely.  That way anyone in the US or beyond sometimes can access our 'virtual integrative community of providers' and hopefully find at least some providers in their local community and then do as I have done and reach beyond for the expertise desired/required. 

I've long been a fan of Dr Teitelbaum -- far enough back that I own the second edition of From Fatigued to Fantastic -- it's now in it's third edition.  That book and the timeframe it was produced initially is what makes me think of Dr T as 'the granddaddy of fibromyalgia and fatigue information' -- I hope he takes that as a compliment!  

It was a pleasure to present at the same conference with him on chronic pain during the summer of 2009 in Berkeley, California and observe him staying until the last person with FMS/CFS was done picking his brain -- which had to do with foot orthotics as I recall.  It was something that's not in any of the books or his website and just further impressed upon me the breadth of his information and helpfulness to people. It was very respectful of him to speak with me on his way out and follow up on my previous request related to if he would come to Grand Junction to train physicians if we were to get enough support for that.  That planted to seed for me of how to go about educating physicians through Lumigrate for smaller communities to ours in Grand Junction, Colorado that do not have the quantity of providers required to bring in a 'big name' like Dr Teitelbaum.  So it's interesting to me that again our paths cross with one of  the two compounding pharmacy he recommends being Lumigrate's answer to that challenge as of recently. (I hope the podcasts will be found by not only the public seeking information but also of interest to the medical providers.)

Dr T certainly was a "G-dsend" to me years back, as Yenta here at Lumigrate would write it, as I was very actively searching for information about CFS and FMS in bookstores at the time of my having FMS but not knowing that's what it was -- I'd guess I purchased my 2nd edition copy in Denver in the late 1990s.  When I re-read From Fatigued to Fantastic last year, I wished I'd done a better job in the late 90s and first five years after 2000 'staying with' what I'd learned in the book.  I think it's very easy to learn new information and incorporate it and 'get better and back to normal' and then let things unravel again.  Making lasting changes permanent is difficult as each person is but one grain of sand in the terrarium of our families and extended communities and it's easy to get washed away with the 'norms of society'.  At least that's my story ('and I'm stickin' to it', LOL).

That's why I'm very proud of having provided the video series on Lumigrate.com with our launch in 2009 which includes not only four full hour seminars on subjects such as detoxing, food allergies, hypothyroidism and supplements, but also our most popular full lenth seminar 'Strategies for Lasting Change'.  (the 20 minute Chronic Illness: Full Barrel Syndrome is actually the most downloaded likely due to it's 20 minute timeframe, but for those who want to spend more time investing in their health and like seminars, there are excellent free opportunities for you at Lumigrate). So please look at the videos section of Lumigrate if you haven't already and consider spending the time to download and watch and learn via a video seminar.  Maybe start with the 20 minute one on Chronic Illness and then go to the Strategies for Lasting Change by psychologist Dr Paula King and apply the concepts from those videos to what you learn when you obtain a copy of this outstanding new book from Dr Teitelbaum. "Integrate" the information into your life!  As I say, Live and Learn -- Learn and Live Better. 

I plan to purchase the companion and NEW cookbook when it comes out, which is also co-authored by Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD,  contributor to Lumigrate.com's Forums.  Her initial book Food That Helps Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia, is an excellent resource related to more indepth information related to nutrition and really all the health issues listed above, but specifically focused to fibromyalgia.  So now I believe I'd recommend that book be read after this book by Dr Teitelbaum and presume that people will then be up for going to the recipe book (which I understand is due out December of 2011, HOLIDAY GIFT TIME, where's my wish list!) which is 'the best of both worlds' if it has Dr T and Dr Dee, if you ask me!

The recipe section in Dr Dee's first book, which is about 150 pages of wonderful recipes with beautiful photos and handy 'what's in this related to our learning concepts' at-a-glance boxes, is very appealing to people who enjoy cooking and I've suggested her book to as many people without FMS as who have it because of that.  Again, I'm looking forward to having the best of both worlds now with Dr Teitelbaum and Dr Dee having teamed up for the companion recipe book for Beat Sugar Addiction Now!  For NOW, be proactive and purchase somewhere (or ask your library to order it in and borrow it for FREE then help your community's information level when you turn it in.)  ~~ Mardy

Please consider purchasing a copy from ITC Pharmacy so they'll see that the Lumigrate consumers will purchase books and quality low cost supplements from them... all in the same package and keep shipping costs and 'green' things in line.  Simplifying this health care 'stuff' is what I as an OT recommend to people and education and supplements go hand in hand!  www.itcpharmacy.com  Click on their online store and "Books" is in the list there, you'll see.  THANK YOU, VOTE WITH YOUR $ and make change in whatever little ways we can for others in our footsteps/path we're paving the Groove for! 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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