Gluten free

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lobojen's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Major
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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago.

   I've started writing a blog about my FMS and new adventure of  going gluten free. I don't have celiac (thank goodness) but breads and pastas do make me not feel so good. I get bloated and constipated and my stomach will growl for hours. Since cutting out most gluten I have already noticed an increase in energy, my stomach has deflated and I am loosing weight and have noticed a bit less pain. I am allowing myself some gluten because I haven't figured out a way around it yet and I am the type that needs baby steps. I am allowing myself to eat unleavened breads i.e tortillas and wraps, and gravies and ice cream! That's about it though. Hamburger/hot dog buns are gone, regular bread gone, regular pasta including ramon (and you all know I love ramon) all gone. 

Anyways, I've started a blog to keep track of my day to day feelings and I'm also posting recipes that I am inventing to fit my new diet. Have fun reading it, and any suggestions to make it better would be appreciated!!!

The Biggest Nut


Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Re: Gluten free with LoboJen

It's really exciting to see someone who took a concept they found via Lumigrate, try it, like it, and then DO... and be willing to take us along for the FUN (as it's JEN), smart (as it's JEN), valid (as she got the idea from us AND she's studying science in college), and streamlined (the other Lumigrate concept) RIDE!  YAY!  Thanks for the links out and in... that's how the organic search world post Google operates, AND it's the way to help other people find Lumigrate (by having links from somewhere to Lumigrate).  We mostly hope that you, and others, find good information here that helps with health care.  ~~ Mardy


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