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When YOU hear the words "behavioral health" (or 'problem'), "mental health" (or 'problem'), "psychiatric", "psychological", or any of the 'labels' that go along with it from organized medicine (ADD, ADHD, depression, mood disorder, personality disorder, etc.) what is your presumption about what has contributed to the lack of wellness in that individual or group of people? And -- is it accurate today? Are you holding onto a pre-conceived notion, past learning, and have not replaced old information with new? read more »
- 8384 reads
I was pleased to see how many YOUsers had accessed another topic I'd provided in the forums about shamanism, which I discovered when I went to the 'spirituality' forum to get a link about astrology today because it is not only the rare full moon coinciding on Friday the 13th, but mercury was in retrograde, everyone was saying that on Facebook and sometimes people would like a good source recommendation for info on what that actually means. read more »
Do you ever see the information about 'outside the box' health and think 'that makes SO MUCH SENSE, why didn't I hear about that before now?' Or 'why isn't EVERYONE doing this already, if it's been known for a while?'. I hope this topic will help provide some answers. This will likely be a topic I add onto and improve upon as time goes on. read more »
- 2583 reads
Mardy's Note, 2015. The difference from my perspective at the time of the Newtown story and now is I'd have titled this with 'allegedly' before 'died'. Please see the end of the thread for my update 77 weeks after the 'events occurred'. I'm very pleased that the action I took when the country was dumbfounded by the shocking story was to have this topic on the website by 4 pm the next day and that I was looking at mental health as the issue. It was the start of the unfolding of things that would lead me to something called a 'false flag' that I'd previously never known of. read more »
- 2745 reads
Aurora: My Thoughts After Two Weeks. Mental Health Education and Screening Has Been Missing at Universities
"Ironically", I received my 'usual' Alumni donation solicitation call from the Colorado State University Applied Human Sciences College on Friday within hours of when I heard about "Aurora" and the young college student who had invaded a movie theater for the 'epic' opening of the new Batman movie. read more »
- 3007 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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Charlie Rose put on an amazing television series in the fall of 2010 about the brain and I highly encourage you to go see the website about it by following this link: