What's Diet Got to Do With Why 27 People Died Yesterday? YOU Can Take Action NOW!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.

Mardy's Note, 2015.  The difference from my perspective at the time of the Newtown story and now is I'd have titled this with 'allegedly' before 'died'. Please see the end of the thread for my update 77 weeks after the 'events occurred'.  I'm very pleased that the action I took when the country was dumbfounded by the shocking story was to have this topic on the website by 4 pm the next day and that I was looking at mental health as the issue.  It was the start of the unfolding of things that would lead me to something called a 'false flag' that I'd previously never known of.  And so with that, I'll leave you to read the topic I created back then.  

I responded immediately when the Newtown situation occurred, because the country was shocked, and I was picking up on things being portrayed that didn't add up right to me. The following topic is what I created, and you can see the date and time. Today, May 14, 2014 ... 17 months later, I am going to edit in this preface and leave things below the line as they were originally presented.  I hope by doing so, YOUsers/readers will see that I'm growing in my knowledge of things just as everyone is who is making an effort to expand their fund of knowledge and become a more effective "YOU".  

I was disappointed and surprised in a way (and not in a way) when bigshots like Deepak Chopra said they were going to take a few days to evaluate the situation and formulate what they should say -- and that actually movitated me to say something and post that on social media ASAP. I feel that I made a balanced assessment of things in general and taking the approach to focus on how they were demonizing the alleged assailant, who had a mental health condition.

As you'll see, I went into information that is relevant for all people with brains -- about mental health and nutrition. In retrospect, that was a good approach, you'll see I was underscoring that much is going on in the news that is difficult to understand and do anything about but what you CAN DO is be in control of what goes into your mouth. (And on your skin and into your lungs too, etc. by the way, I like to put in those friendly reminders often.)  At least in general terms this is true, what's all in the products and air are sometimes not so easy to control, but doing your best or as best as you can muster at the time is beneficial moreso than not, it's THAT simple.) 

So you might go ahead at this time and read what I wrote, and get the information that at the time I provided, it's good information and nothing's changed about what I think about mental health situations that are in the news (or otherwise, for that matter). What HAS changed for me in the last year is that I became aware of the alternative information about this event and others. Talk about mind blowing. But I'd rather provide information to YOUsers on my topics that help EXPAND the mind, in a way that's effective and legitimate. I want to direct you then, to Sofia Smallatorm (whose website is www.AboutTheSky.com).  (When you go, I hope you check out the links about the rabbit hole  (www.aboutthesky.com/the-rabbit-hole) and consciousness (www.aboutthesky.com/consciousness).  Here's what you'll find at the rabbit hole link (an appetizer, trying to entice you to go and look around this topic, it will cover in a readable form with many photos, what is covered in the longer video too, so it gives you an overview in less time AND THEN also the video link there as well, for those who wish to do the video.) 

Enter. This is the world of the unveiling.  Everything that looked one way on the other side ... now looks different.  A thing becomes its inverse.  What you THOUGHT was the case is not the case.  As you wander in the warrens of The Rabbit Hole, you develop new vision.  How to see through the underworld. This section begins with some of the material.  There is much, much more.

What all this seems to add up to is not pleasant to contemplate.  Discussion of these subjects with friends and relatives may result in dismissal and rejection or worse.  However, the longer one spends in The Rabbit Hole, the more all the tunnels seem to connect to one another.  Most people on this planet believe in the essential goodness of life and that success comes to those who are dedicated and work hard.  Yet the issues outlined below all have one thing in common -- that the system and its technologies are set up to work against us.  We are being led by our innocence into what can only be summed up as our own genocide, and we are participating in the walk with ignorance and blind trust.


After many months of research and contemplation, here is a visual presentation of findings: .............

This is one of the TRULY most solid looking websites that I've seen in a long time in terms appearing well researched and executed, with a lot of interrelated information of this 'genre' all in one place. They have some really intersting products as well and it's not overwhelming, it was very educational too, the way things were presented. I'm pleased to see a website being a resource for our YOUsers who might be interestedin purchasing items along the lines of what we're about.

(I've seen that Ms Smallstorm routes people to the following as well: memoryholeblog dot com, JenniferLake dot wordpress dot com and SandyHookTruth, also at wordpress, Veterans Today which is James/Jim Fetzer, and NoDisinfo dot com. Now remember, YOU can find all the regular stuff the usual way on the Internet, I know that -- I'm trying to find some of the better information that's not so obvious, that's just the format at Lumigrate overall. )

I've increasingly taken to sharing with my followers/readers/YOUsers, how I come about finding the informaton I find, as I'd like to be transparent, for one thing, and I want YOUsers to become as capable and effective in a self-sufficient way as possible. Many people were becoming better at Internet research but were asking me continually how I find the things I find. It's best to share that if it helps others.
And naturally, I hope the effective researchers continue to use Lumigrate as a resource, but DIY is a necessary step in being effective. Don't just come to someone or a website and say 'what should I think about this?', in other words. I had someone recently get very angry at me when I had asked them if they'd ever learned in their nutrition course about pryole disorder, and they said no and asked what it was.
It's something I'd created a good topic about and so I gave them the link. They actually were so presumptuous as to say that they didn't want to take the time to click on the link and read quickly what's at the top that's the overview, they wanted me to type (as it was Internet chat) all this stuff over again. "I don't have time" .. but they had time to be goofing around on social media .... (eye roll). "Gotta love it".
I would guess that if this person had the disorder that might explain their 'behaviors'. And I would guess they are no more knowledgeable about it today than they were that day before I brought it up. Part of the ironic cycle of some of these mental health disorders is that the symptoms keep people from being able to figure out how to help themselves.  
How I came about finding this 'gem' that I'm putting here up front and adding in right now hoping it will be seen by many is this:  I'd seen something on a FB friend's wall that was about this 'cool looking concept for living' called 'The Venus Project', he'd posted as his opinion.  Well, to me it smacked of what I'd learned about 'Agenda 21' (there I gave you the two Search items for DIYers/learners), which is the United Nations' plan that was signed in for the United States to participate by an executive order by President Clinton in 1993, but President Bush (senior -- George H.W.) had set it up in his presidency. And sure enough, I found a paper trail, so to speak, that would confirm my suspicions. 
Also with those search words, I found a link to the following website in the results provided to chose from. Now, I can't really tell you what makes me decide which of the items presented I select, that's somewhat a brain and intuition/gut thing. I personally believe that YOU will be able to do the same thing and something different might 'call out' or 'look impressive' to you -- or 'seem like a good thing to click on for your next step'. This is where we are all different, and different answers might be the right thing. To be SURE though, there are a lot of disinformation sites or just poorly done sites too, that aren't good for ANYONE to be going to, and that is perhaps some skill to refine. I hope I'm getting better at that, as I wish for everyone. 
The link was  a different topic than this link at the website. It was a really good topic and so in looking around I found this topic at the following link and read it. I then wanted to see what the video was about that they referenced, so I followed to that and was thoroughly impressed! It's an hour and a half (1:34 actually). I highly recommend everyone interested in how the world works to invest the time to go and watch the video.
Now it does have a strange thing at the front that they address on the YouTube notes, it is intended they start the music and increase the volume and advise people to not worry that the voice of the person talking is getting drowned out. I think after you see the video it will allow you to draw your conclusions about what they wanted to accomplish with that. They also play some fun music at about the midway point -- which is like a refreshing sorbet to the palate during a long evening of fine dining.  
If you follow this link (agenda21radio.com/), it'll talk about Sofia Smallstorm at the bottom and have a link to her Sandy Hook uncovered using the various dimensions (it says 3rd, 4th, 5th, but she actually covers 1, 2 and 6 too). 
If you can't find it, the YouTube link is: www.youtube.com/watch
Find an hour and a half in one chunk or small increments if that's what works for you, is my suggestion, and digest this; you'll then understand the total big picture, then you'll be able to better understand the medical system, the food system, the entertainment industry, the education system, and on and on. ... AND the mainstream news media, in detail and in the overall. And hopefully you'll be able to not worry so much about what's REALLY going on in schools and in the public because you'll understand how these events, according to what MILLIONS of people now believe, are not occurring the way we're being told by the mainstream media.
And even if you've been on board this Internet, independent news and you're a conspiracy realist, I think this presentation showing what 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions are using this story as an example, is a GRATE way to do it, and it'll be refeshing learning.
One of the main points is that this was a story intended to get the country up in arms about arms, and as we've now seen, there was no effective action taken on the part of gun control, and that was, per Ms Smallstorm, intended to then lead the solutions to come from the mental health / medical industry and basically reform will come from knitting guns control and mental health industries together. And then what the implications are of that is what this short video in the overall scheme of things, is all about.  
Now, I want to provide some balance, and remind everyone to check these things out and see what other information is out there. So I Searched on Sofia Smallstorm's name and came up with a list and selected this website and am providing one paragraph which is their assessment of who she is. There's a very interesting picking apart of the video there, and the writer seems sincere, as they come back later, as I've done here, after learning more about the situation, and apologize on a few points and clarify. This is VERY important stuff, so I'm covering it thoroughly.  Part of what you'll find, at www.spingola.com/Unraveling1.html

On February 23-25, 2007, at the 911 Accountability Conference at the San Marcos Resort, Chandler, Arizona, Smallstorm, then known as Sofia Shafquat, born in Karachi, Pakistan, was billed as the creative force behind the video, 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions. She presented a talk titled, Intellectuals Speak Out.

Apparently, according to one report, of November 28, 2009, Dr. Steven Jones supplied her with much of the scientific data that she used in her video. Air America interviewed her on 10/05/06 about her video. She was also instrumental in helping to launch the young men who made Loose Change. Dylan Avery, Director, Editor, and Founder of the group that produced Loose Change, Final Cut said in his remarks,

“In June 2005, my best friend Korey departed from the United States Armed Forces to come support the cause, and by July 2005, after a trip to California to visit KPFK 90.7 FM and Sofia Shafquat, it was apparent that Loose Change had taken on a life of its own.”

Her videos seemed to have functioned as the standard of belief, as least regarding 9/11 and now Sandy Hook. Her 9/11 video possibly provided a foundation for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group founded by Richard Gage in 2006.

So, for the hundreds of people who read this topic prior to this additional comment 'up front', 1022 when I came along to add this moments ago, I hope you come back and discover this new information, here or on your own because YOU have learned to figure this stuff out for YOUrself. As have I. We're all in this together, after all.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! as my signature signoff says! Gratefully ~ Mardy

I consider there to be 28 victims in Newtown, Connecticut; naturally, the most attention has fallen on the 20 children and six adults who were at the school, doing their 'jobs' that day, learning, teaching, administering/leading/managing or lending their expertise about mental health as the psychologist who was among those killed was hired to do.

Many news reports listed 27 victims which includes the mother of the disturbed young man, Adam, who did the trigger-pulling. Other reports only focus on the 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary, and initially, I saw NONE saying 28, as they were not counting the shooter, who apparently killed himself at the school, where he managed to get through new security systems that were initiated by the principal, who is one of the 26, 27, or 28, depending upon how you want to tally things up.  Again, i view it as 28 and include Adam as a victim and I hope you will read why, and at least consider the information I present here. 

I am adding in a link to something which appeared after I wrote this, related to the way the media and people on Facebook/the public have gone offtrack realted to the autism aspect of this story. Please read it when completed with what I've presented here OR go and come back here and pick up where you left off. I highly recommend reading this blog at www.huffingtonpost.com/ariane-zurcher/autism-fear_b_2331797.html

I'm providing as references, below, only two articles of many from an educator contributing at Psychology Today, a site I very much like to support and link to.  Emily Deans, MD, is an 'evolutionary psychologist' who has an outstanding blogsite willed with clearly categorized information as well as her newer involvement at Psychology Today.  I find it an excellent website to go to today, and grew up being the one to get the mail most days, and each month when the new issue of the printed Psychology Today magazine would arrive, it was my favorite day of the month at the mailbox! (It was the Christmas gift to my family from my father's cousin, who was always thoughtful of holidays, birthdays and regular visits.)

Dr. Deans is a mother of a young child in addition to her work as a psychiatrist, and is delving into the issues of mental health and diet, in a field called 'evolutional medicine'; the "paleolithic diet" is perhaps a more commonly heard of concept within this realm of medical thought.  I encourage you to find Emily Deans, MD at her Evolutionary Psychology blog at Psychology Today as well as at her stand-alone professional website.  Links and excerpts below, to encourage you to go and check it out for yourself. 

Naturally, foods are one aspect of things, and I think about this as 'peeling the onion' as well as I can on the limited information available so far, but this is what I've done with my clients and patients for almost two decades now. I feel I am as frustrated at the inaction after year after year of proactivity and education to not only individual consumers of food, but the providers giving them outdated information and the medical industry 'upline' that isn't willing to learn and make progress, preferring to stay in the old track they're in.  

IF YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING, YOU ARE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU'VE GOT.  It's that simple.  So YOU, as 'just one person' have the ability to learn some about it today, start to form an opinion, and when you have enough 'opinion' gathered to movivate you, take action/follow through in your actions. Start with personal responsibility for what you put in your mouth, and then tell others if you believe it is important for them to know, thereby creating change around you.  

I believe this is true no matter what your position in life is professionally or personally. If everyone did this, what would happen in the short, medium, and then long term? This is how these 'shifts' happen, in all things that have eroded our well-being, or benefitted it. 

As I went about my business Friday after news of this tragedy was broadcast faster than ever across the US and world due to the increasing numbers using the Internet in addition to the other media long-used in the US and beyond, I kept hearing people at a loss to understand 'why'.  And not just this one incident, but "what's with the trend which is seeming to be an exponential curve related to these 'crazy' incidents."  

I saw that experts like Deepak Chopra where taking a couple of days to prepare what to say, but I thought it was best to come out as soon as I could, for those who might want to read what I, in part, attribute this to, and why I think YOU and I can start creating change RIGHT NOW, which will turn the tide.  It has to do with what we eat, generally, in the US, and that is why I consider Adam at the top of the list of victims.  And his mother, and it became a 'trickle down' effect, tragically, for the 26 in the Sandy Hook school on Friday.  My deepest respect and condolences to all involved.  

I'm an occupational therapist at heart, having practiced for about a dozen years, including doing one internship in a public elementary school, as I thought it was an important facet to my education to become an occupational therapist. If you're one to watch television, I hope that you have caught 'the British invasion' about food in the schools, Jamie Oliver, who actually took on a whole town but with a focus on the schools. I participated with a booth at an event to raise money for a local elementary school creating an organic garden by bringing in Colorado's "Renegade Lunch Lady" in 2011. They had been turned down for funding from a nonprofit foundation with a focus on health because the school was in an affluent part of town and there were poorer children/families/schools elsewhere in town, I heard from someone reliable and closely involved with the garden organization.  That made no sense to me: What about the trickle down that happens when those who have the interest and groundwork done get funded, won't it 'spread' and be a model and make it easier for the more 'challenged' schools to do the same?

Through my interest in that project, I learned a great deal about today's 'systems', and what they are being served at school.  In my work as an OT with outpatients  from 2005 to 2008 and in my work with Lumigrate consulting with people about their function in what I call the occupation of health care information, I've seen how many people are starting to catch onto concepts about foods and their mental and physical well-being; the GF/gluten free revolution has lead to virtually all Americans with awareness about health knowing there's at least a debate going on about what we've been eating and thinking was good for us. 

In the process of becoming an OT, I also went to great lengths get an internship in the psychiatric unit of the VA hospital in Denver, Colorado, which is where I spent literally the easiest work days of my entire life, back in 1996. This was a complete shock to me since it was a locked unit with only the most mentally ill admitted, and this was a year after I had learned about foods causing inflammation and chronic diseases as part of my personal health issues which came on immediately after I started the intensive coursework to become an OT.  They basically weeded out the weak at the start with courses in cadaver anatomy and neurology courses which included brain dissection courses.  

Spending 2 hours a day, five days a week during the summer of 2004 with a human cadaver lead me to stop eating meat, and you might recall those were the days where 'carb loading' was a popular concept. I believe my health 'tipped from wellness to illness' at that time due to the combination of increased wheat from pastas and breads I shifted to in order to fill me up in the absence of meat protein, on top of the mental stress of the coursework which was extremely challenging for all of the students, along with my continuing to be very involved with extensive gym workouts on top of bicycling, in-line skating, hiking, skiing and Friday evenings spent with strong margaritas with dinner eventually. then off to dance the night away with friends and my significant other, on top of ALL the usual toxins and stressors.  

My being on the early side, in the mid 90s, of the wave about foods causing the body/mind to get inflammation and out of 'whack', lead me to go into my internships in physical and mental health at the VA with a different colored lens in my glasses, so to speak. Their patients were getting very nicely prepared meals, served with juices and milk and etc.  Most of which I'd learned were not foods that are good for you to eat of you're wanting to be chronically well and not chronically ill.  But the amazing staff providing medications,  surgeries, therapies and other treatments, such as electric shock to cause convulsions of the neurological system and 'reset' it in a way, were yielding pretty good results.  

I wished I could have done an experiment where half of the people in both facilities didn't change how they ate, and the other half at the way my integrative MD from 1995 taught me to eat related to IgG food allergy testing I undertook and paid for out of my pocket.  Insurance has not yet accepted these forms of medical testing or treatment, you see, so if you want it you have to pay for it on your own.  Hence it's not exactly 'caught on', and that is why I put Adam and his mother just as much on the list of victims in Newtown as the 20 children and six adult workers at the school.   

I'd like to add that I was two degrees away from many people injured or killed at 'Columbine', with a personal friend's son being the youngest to die, and many of my clients at the time being Columbine students having challenges with learning to drive, hence their being routed to me for strategy sessions to peel the onion about 'why' and offer a treatment plan for them to work on to become successful drivers. This has been 'on my radar' big time since then. And just as the people who have clearly gotten frustrated with the situation about mass shootings, for good reason, I've been consistently putting efforts in for all these years related to FOODS and what people are EATING and what that is doing to their BRAINS and other parts of their BODIES. 

About Asperger's, Which Adam Allegedly Was Diagnosed With

It was at that job that I worked with my first young man who had Asperger's symptoms, who was undiagnosed perhaps due to the family's decision to home school early on when he 'wasn't fitting in at school'.  I fortunately had another client come in who was similar in behavior and dress (think of Sheldon on the comedy TV show Big Bang, if you're familiar with it), who had been not only diagnosed but his mother, who came with him, became a graduate degree and become a specialist in Asperger's.  The provider/client relationship  IS a 360 degree give and take of teacher/student, so that was fortunate for me to start learning about this condition back in the 1990s.  

I wish I could go back and know then what I know now related to diet and the gut, and the relationship of the gut and the brain. At least a popular brand of (not very good quality) yogurt has made the average American aware today of bacteria in the gut and supplementing with probiotic.  There's a whole other facet about prebiotic as well, and many people are aware of that today as well.

As for my not having done more in the past with the clients I had in my time at the driving school related to the food/gut connection, I simply repeat Maya Angelou's words of wisdom: "When you know better you do better." I encourage you to learn and know better and do better as well.  I am recommitting myself to doing so today and going forward, it's an ongoing process of being a life-long learner and teacher, now from the platform of Lumigrate.com.

So I hope that if you're reading this article and it resonates for you and there are others around you who might benefit from the information, please forward it on. Become an educator and a teacher to them, by promoting information you are learning about now.  It's THAT easy to spread the word. It's a little more difficult to change habits about eating and drinking. (And there is also the topical toxin component as well, the skin is the largest organ of the body so what we put on it is important to well-being.) 

I encourage people to think "MANY THINGS add up and lead to MANY OUTCOMES or ONE OUTCOME" instead of ONE THING leads to ONE OTHER.  People in the US (and beyond) tend to have a mode of thinking that we have been trained in recent, modern times to have, that came from the era when science was 'taking off', fueled by the discovery of 'pathogens'. Researchers would find a 'bug' and say 'this bug causes that disease', but they weren't looking at the overall whole of the organism. We're still inundated at this time of year to 'get your flu shot' and NOT inundated with information about THIS, THAT, and the OTHER THINGS to keep your immune system up. In other words, the focus is still upon ONE thing.

So when it comes to examining WHY the tragedy occurred in Newtown, CT, and WHAT this trend is about, I suggest people look at MANY factors.  And chose the ones YOU can DO SOMETHING ABOUT.  I offer something YOU can do TODAY to start things turning around in the overall community, and naturally, you can also spend time/energy/money doing other things you believe in related to political activism, etc.  

In my consultations with people, I teach them to "peel the onion" of their wellness, or the wellness of whomever they are consulting about. I use a 7-factor approach related to environmenal, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and occupational (which includes making money and vocational).  

There is no worse place to be than feeling that you are helpless to do something about a situation, and that is why I chose to write ASAP about this.  For those wanting to read my story about the teacher I had about this helplessness/empowerment concept what occurred with my coming upon a badly injured deer just after I had learned of the Newtown situation, I offer it in a following comment, below.
The situation that unfolded provides a wonderful example of the dysfunction that is going on with people's brains -- good, 'average' people around us, who even subscribe to a religion that exclues alcoholic beverages, and how their actions are just 'off' and not 'right on'. It is clear, in my mind, that life-long consumption of things the person's body was reacting to -- unknown to them, they're following the advise of the medical experts about diet -- was at hand, and therefore aren't they also a victim in a way?
Until the "establishment" of the medical industry accepts this information about the most commonly eaten foods essentially causing chronic illnesses, physical and mental (the brain is part of the body, after all), I'd say that all people who have not yet been presented with the kind of information I'm providing here at Lumigrate and in this article are 'victims'. Many people are 'aware' but their doctors and experts overall are not supporting the concepts, so they continue on eating and drinking things that are not in their best interests.  We all come with genes that can get tripped and then different diseases emerge, but at the root of it all is the gut. Asperger's like Adam, fibromyalgia like me, Alzheimer's, lupus, MS, cancer, heart disease ... all of them!
OBVIOUSLY, it's not just foods, it is a lot of things adding up to lead to someone doing something so horrendous, but when you look at the increases of all these things around us that are 'problems' in the US, including politicians who are acting badly and have an incredibly bad day at an important debate -- or a good day -- perhaps we're overlooking what's 'right under our nose'.  
I sense that the boxing gloves, so to speak, are coming off related to these dramatic, horrendously 'big' examples of the dysfunction among-us.  The time put into patiently waiting for compromises or the ending of party and petty bickering has shown us with this latest incident of the price that is paid for waiting to take action.  I suggest we not "blame and shame and play that game".  
So the action that I am going to take through education in this article and recommitting myself to it personally, is related to why I think we're seeing an exponential curve in not only gun violence in America but overall dysfunction of basically 'everything'.  
What we're putting in and on our bodies is something we can each change RIGHT NOW!  I'm presenting here only two articles of many from an educator who is a psychiatrist delving into these issues. I encourage you to find Emily Deans, MD at her Evolutionary Psychology blog at Psychology Today.  
The links provided are to encourage you to follow out not only read the two articles I am selecting here as STARTERS for YOU to pursue learning and change in your self, your home, your community of friends or work, and beyond, but to explore the other excellent articles that you'll see offered there.   
I selected "Wheat and Serious Mental Illness" and "Diet and Aggression: Trans Fats" from an amazing palate of topics you will see additionally, because they present about the key concept of 'leaky gut' AND they specifically include BIPOLAR DISORDER and AUTISM, which is a factor, apparently, in the Aurora and Newtown shooters' histories AS WELL AS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WE ARE LIVING AROUND EVERY DAY.  
I estimate that only about 1/4-1/2 of people who have symptoms consistent with fibromyalgia know they have fibromyalgia, and I'd estimate it is the same for the other chronic illnesses in the United States.  50% of people KNOW they have been DIAGNOSED officially with at least one chronic illness.  Do the math, the majority of people are NOT 'well'.  Some are a little unwell and increasingly, more are VERY UNWELL, and we're seeing the results EVERYWHERE, not just with those who have access to guns. 
I had a conversation recently that was of a rather serious nature about someone's mental status and capacity to do their job, and the person in the conversation with me said "yeah it's like of like they go 'oooh, squirrel!' and was totally brushing it off as normal behavior! They also thought it was okay to answer a routine phone call from a family member at the start of our meeting, which had been delayed by their schedule change already.  
These ill manners and ill behaviors have become so pervasive it is simply crippling our businesses and our overall economy! You wonder why Congress is acting the way it is? Maybe it has something to do with the year and generations we are now at related to the American foods and diet!   
I was shocked to learn recently that few Americans have heard about leaky gut syndrome, even those who present to specialist physicians treating the many common chronic illnesses caused by leaky cut, such as our "resident expert" at Lumigrate,  Marc Spurlock, MD.  
We were already working on many graphics and topics for Lumigrate's NEW website coming out in the VERY NEAR future, as I have believed this to be a core concept that is so important to have every person educated and taking action about.  Dr Oz has even presented beautifully on his television show about the connection of the gut/intestines to the brain. 
In addition to these links, I am providing excerpts of the topics to that you will see the type of information Dr Emily Deans presents, in order to encourage you to TAKE THE TIME, and SPEND THE ENERGY ($0!) to at least consider that this might be at least SOME of the answer to your question of WHY, HOW could this happen, someone who was so harmless as a child with no history of violence DOING THIS?  
And then please, look in the mirror, look on your plate, in your cup/glass and at the behaviors you have, and those whose lives you can have an impact on by passing on the education and changes and let's start NOW to turn this around.
Please notice in the information about the study on trans fats that the aggression was YEARS LATER after the consumption of the fats.  It means that we have to be thinking of this as something that might take a while to see the full results in ourselves, our body/mind/spirit that then affects the society we 'commune' with. 
I'm 'in', are YOU?  ~~ Mardy



Here is the link to the About area of Emily's blog/website, please look also at the home tab and the site map gets things nicely categorized for people to find topics that will of interest to them.



Wheat and Serious Mental Illness

Odd wheat immune reactions are found in folks with bipolar disorder.
Not too long ago I wrote an article on the possible links between wheat and schizophrenia.  It turns out that intrepid investigators have been looking at connections between wheat consumption and other serious illness too, such as bipolar disorder.  While there is nothing that would definitively prove wheat causes bipolar disorder, the research findings raise a lot of questions that we should really look at more closely.  So let's dive in. 
Bipolar disorder is an illness of  .....

So if wheat possibly plays a role in the etiology of schizophrenia, why would we look at bipolar disorder, which is an entirely separate diagnosis?  Well, it turns out the two disorders can overlap sometimes in symptoms. While depressed people can be psychotic, a frank manic psychosis will look pretty much the same in the hospital as a schizophrenic psychotic episode, and there may even be some genetic overlaps (3)(4).  

This new paper by Faith Dickerson's group  is the first to study celiac and wheat-associated antibodies in bipolar disorder. In schizophrenia, there is a definite increase in wheat-associated antibodies in the serum (5) and these antibodies aren't the same ones that are seen in celiac disease. 

Well, with bipolar disorder, seems the same thing is true. Bipolar folks had a significant IgG gliadin reaction (antibodies to specific types of wheat proteins) compared to controls, but there weren't really differences with respect to tTG and IgA gliadin antibodies which are typically elevated in celiac disease.  So what we find is that people with celiac, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia all have weird immune responses to wheat that healthy people don't seem to have.

Ooh ooh ooh, wheat is BAD.  ......

The most robust evidence in humans I've seen for leaky guts linked to wheat (or maybe casein, a milk protein) consumption was from this nifty study in autism (6), where the kids on the gluten-free/casein-free diets had pretty tight junctions in their guts (so no leakiness), especially compared to the autistic kids and their relatives. However, the study was small and the link is awfully tenuous.  

Boy, I bet the researchers have really pounced on this diet and mental health link and studied leaky guts in bipolar disorder (7)(9)! Er, no. But, links have been found between major depressive disorder and leaky guts (- an interesting enough paper for another day).

So all we have is a mystery - why the strange immune reaction to wheat? Best I can consolidate from all this information - it may be that folks with bipolar disorder have gut issues, and gut issues are inflammatory issues, and a higher IgG response to gliadin occurs, and inflammation causes the body to release cytokines and general badness, and those cytokines may predispose the genetically vulnerable to psychosis.

Also, there may be particular bad inflammation associated with the exorphins in wheat being neuroactive. And is it just wheat? There's a paper linking recent onset psychosis and schizophrenia to IgG and IgA antibodies to th dairy protein casein (10). 

In this study, the severity of psychosis was .....

And I'm not entirely off the wall here, because here is an excerpt of the discussion from paper 10 (another one from Faith Dickerson's group, as a matter of fact):

We can speculate that a subset of individuals with recent onset psychosis and/or schizophrenia may have cellular junction pathology that allows peptide fragments generated from the digestion of bovine milk to permeate the intestinal tract, and enter the bloodstream... Dohan... hypothesized that the aberrent proteolysis of milk and grain products may produce small neuroactive peptides that can enter into the circulation and ultimately cross the blood-brain barrier.

So, lesson number one. Don't have a leaky gut. Lesson number two. If your gut is leaky, best to avoid creepy neuroactive peptides. Lesson number three. There is nothing horribly definitive here, but plenty to study.


Diet and Aggression: Trans Fats

Pesky trans fats could affect our behavior


Our brains are high energy, fatty powerhouses of sparking neurons and amazing thought. In order for them to work properly, brains need the right sort of vitamins, minerals, and the right sort of fat. In the early 20th century, scientists figured out a way to make oils into more solid fats by partially hydrogenating them. This procedure was useful to make cheaper fats for mass consumption and processed foods with a long shelf-life and palatable consistency. 

Unfortunately, trans fats are also deadly and the FDA has declared them unsafe in any amount. Most of the data used to try to get trans fats out of the food supply is about heart disease, but trans fats are also probably rotten for the brain.
Beatrice Golomb is one of my favorite researchers.  She runs studies trying to sort out how statin treatment might affect the brain and maybe cause cognitive difficulties. More recently, she shows up as the primary author on a cool little observational study linking trans fats and aggression.  


In this research, a bunch of ordinary folks already signed up for a statin study (who weren't on any lipid lowering meds during this study) were co-opted to track trans fat intake as well.  Researchers use the same people for different studies all the time.  This study was done back before the FDA required the amount of trans fat to be labeled, so people could eat “donettes” in blissful ignorance and manufacturers had little incentive to get rid of the nasty stuff. 

So, what did they find?  Well, amount of trans fat reported consumed in the beginning of the study FFQ correlated linearly with aggression scores measured years later. The researchers accounted for aggression at baseline, sex, age, alcohol consumption,educationsmoking, and exercise. 

In fact, dietary trans fats were more predictive of later aggressive behaviors than any of the other known confounders, and predicted aggression similarly in women and men. Dietary trans fats were also associated with depression.

What is a plausible biochemical mechanism of trans fats causing crankiness?  Well, the neurons need plenty of omega 3 to keep the lights on, so to speak, and trans fats interfere with omega 3 metabolism. In addition, trans fats on their own seem to cause inflammation, cell energetics problems, and oxidative stress.  Yuck.

What don't I like about the findings and discussion of this study? .................   The most rigorous are the Diet and Violence studies done in prisoners, showing boosting micronutrient intake and several replicated randomized controlled trials significantly reduced violent acts. ................

We all know that trans fats in the American diet circa 1999 were of the garbage processed food variety. Literal junk disguised as tasty treats, though synthetic vitamins might have been sprayed on the flour used as dictated by law. ......................

I do find it very plausible that synthetic trans fatty acids are terrible for your brain and behavior. And very plausible that processed foods cause problems too.

Here is what irks me about the government guidelines for food.  By adding the focus on total fat reduction, polyunsaturated fatty acids and whole grains, they steer folks away from nutrient-rich whole foods and towards convenience foods engineered to meet government guidelines, like low fat whole grain fish crackers and electric green yogurt "food."

I’m sorry, but guidelines making us reach for the “whole grains” type of processed sugary honey nut o-shaped cereal over spinach and eggs or plain greek yogurt and blueberries (for example) are misguided.

........... Do your very best to avoid trans fats. Your heart and brain will thank you.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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An example of mental/body dysfunction which killed a deer today


Immediately after learning of the Newtown, Connecticut incident, I ventured out to run to the store near my home.  It had been a long day of work due to an urgent request for help that came in on Friday morning, and I felt it was important to respond immediately.  Unfortunately, on the shoulder of the road was a deer, a doe, struggling to get up after being hit by a long-gone vehicle, apparently.  I pulled around and shined my lights on it from a distance so drivers could see why I was sitting there with my hazard lights flashing, and called 911, who put me through to dispatch for the Colorado State Patrol, who said they'd send someone out.  
A lot of vehicles passed going both directions on the two-lane, undivided state highway, and I was relieved to see the doe stop struggling to get up, as it was a hazard for the other cars and for her, naturally.  I could see her breath as it was just turning from drizzle to snow on a very humid evening.  Then cars started stopping and approaching her, which naturally wasn't helping her hang out in a state of shock and have the time go easily until the officer would arrive to euthanize her.  Naturally, I was wishing I had a gun with me, and thought it was an irony in light of the explosion on the Internet and television, radio, etc. related to guns at the moment.  
You're allowed to take wildlife to have processed for food, so the first person I talked to was deciding whether to get his gun nearby and come back to harvest her for meet, but decided the signs of internal damage might indicate intestines were ruptured and "I don't want to mess with it".  Okay, so you won't go get your gun and come back to put her out of her suffering AND keep the drivers on the road from having to swerve around her and potentially get in a head-on or read-ending crash because you don't want to 'mess with it'.  That's what when through my head, but I just said 'okay, thanks for stopping, have a good evening, I have time to sit here until this is taken care of.'
He had talked to the people from the vehicle that had pulled up beyond the deer and had walked over to look at her, but he didn't tell me who they were, he just took off -- clean cut younger man in a suit and tie. But the people up ahead just kept hovering there, so eventually I got out and walked over to talk with them.  "Thank you for stopping" the woman said.  They were passengers in the vehicle which had hit the deer and kept going, feeling it was the right thing to do to come back and they'd heard from the suit-guy that I'd called it in and law enforcement was on the way.  
Finally, another vehicle pulled over and past us strode a young, clean cut, well-dressed cowboy with a knife in his hand who very quickly and subtly kneeled down at her head and slipped the knife in to sever the spinal cord at the brain stem, I presume. I'm guessing it was a knife that is a legal length to have on your person in public, but don't know that for a fact, but I surmise that a longer knifeblade would have been better for this situation.  The state patrolman pulled up about this time and unbelievably, there was a truck that had stopped to either watch or perhaps they thought it was helpfl to stop the traffic behind him.  
So there we sat with the flashing lights of the state patrol trying to get people to move so he could get to us, but everyone was stopped until I started motioning to the stopped truck and other vehicles to move on.  I think the people around me heard me muttering some expletives by this point in time.  I was kinda hungry, and tired, as I'd not properly eaten on Friday as I was trying to get a response to the inquiry that had come in that morning with urgency attached to it.     
So I went to the officer to fill him in and his shoulder-mounted communication device interrupted from dispatch to tell him there must be a herd of deer in the area (there were, they are here all the time, about 9 or 10 that I watch from my house whenever they happen by), as there was someone calling in to say they'd hit a deer in the same area.  Turn out it was the person who hit this deer, who lived nearby. Pretty soon another vehicle pulled up and it was the person who had hit the deer.  
Ironically, I heard that he had a gun in his vehicle, so here's this deer dying a really unpleasant death as the person who happened to hit the animal finally returned (what's up with THAT) who had a weapon and could have put the animal out of her misery right after the incident.  If he'd thought straight and acted 'right'.  These were non-drinking, religious people, who thought that the distraction in the vehicle was part of the problem -- music that had to do with an upcoming concert performace they were participating in.  
So we have distraction.  We have reaction time as a factor possibly, and what type of reaction. "I saw them about to jump the fence and honked at them but she kept coming." -- from an experienced person who lives in an area where we daily encounter deer pretty much -- it's not like these people didn't know how deer react.  What's caused this kind of dysfunction in this situation?  It turns out the person had a medical condition that could have been part of the situation.  It's a common chronic illness that affects all the tissues of the body, naturally, including the brain, naturally.  
I was shocked to learn how many people who stopped have guns in their cars or could have returned with one from home if they'd wanted to mess with the red tape of getting involved putting the poor doe out of her misery.
Watching how much it took for her to die -- it was awful, but I had a sense that I was needing to stand there and learn from the whole thing, so I did not leave until she was was dead, thanking her and then both the officer and the cowboy, who clearly didn't much want to be thanked, they were just doing their best to do the right thing in the situation.  
I was once again thanked by the family and eventually the person who was driving. 
It could have gone like this for the people in that vehicle Friday evening:  
You hit a deer which is clearly injured so badly it cannot recover and will die a slow death without intervention. You stop and assess the animal's injuries and call authorities and if you have a LEGAL weapon with you, take care of killing the animal as humanely as possible.  
But what a different situation they, and the deer, experiences.  
And after an hour, I was on my way and back to my life, appreciating the TIMING of this situation that I happened upon.  I hope that this helps people look at the function or dysfunction surrounding them which they're passing off as 'quirks' or 'problems we can do nothing about' -- such as a medical condition that has to do with diet and exercise which many people like the person in this incident are told is something you slightly modify how much eat of certain foods and take medications for and go about your life.  Maybe there's more to it than that, and more that can be done, if they'd pay as much attention to their diet and health as they do other facets of their life, 'other occupations'. (Anything that occupies time is an occupation, so driving is an occupation, listening to music or performing music is an occupation.)   
I hope everyone involved has learned as much from the situation as I have.  I consider deer to be my animal totem, and have appreciated learning about 'deer medicine' in recent years as it shed new spiritual light on how my life changed drastically and headed in the direction of what I now do with Lumigrate after it was I who killed a buck from the same herd on another Friday night in June of 2006.  
I'm not really sure what happens when it was three people involved in killing a deer and not just one, but on a day like yesterday, seeing our President shed rare tears about the children killed due to the combination of factors, I believe it is all part of the 'shift' happening, and we're going to see things start to happen now.  

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
Hypoglycemia: The Forgotten Factor in the Crime Debate

I found this link extremely supportive of what I had written, above. It is from a fabulous website from a nonprofit in Australia focusing upon hypoglycemia from a bio-psycho-social perspective. Please note that it was from something published in 1990, which includes looking into the future related to trends, and from my vantage point in 2013, the author was 'right on'. 

I will provide some of the highlights from what is at the link, to show you WHY I want to bring this resource to YOU here!  (Minor editing including bolding for the purposes of making what supports this topic at Lumigrate 'pop'.)


The Forgotten Factor in the Crime Debate


By Jurriaan Plesman BA(Psych), Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr

NOTE: Crime and punishment is a political hot potato. Ultimately it is the community that will decide whether criminals should be punished or rehabilitated. So far professional counsellors have failed to convince the public that counselling works.

One of the possible reasons is explained in this article, which was published in the Hypoglycemic Health Newsletter of June 1990. It is reprinted here with minor alterations. Since that date, the NSW Department of Corrective Service has introduced some group rehabilitation programs in the Probation and Parole Service, but the thrust of the argument presented here still stands: the emphasis in rehabilitation is still based on the ‘psychological’ model and generally ignores the biological aspect of human behaviour.

It is to be hoped that counsellors of the 21st Century will be trained in clinical nutrition, in addition to their more traditional studies in psychology and sociology.

Although I am retired, I recently rejoined the Probation and Parole Service at the Long Bay Parole Unit as a temporary Officer in a relieving capacity. My major task was to assess prisoners as to their suitability for release to Parole and also I was involved in the classification of prisoners upon their entrance into gaol
I was struck by the fact how little is being done in the ‘rehabilitation’ of prisoners and by the idea of the revolving door of crime.

Many prisoners keep on returning to gaol and do not seem to learn from experience. This is despite the ‘professional’ help from psychologists, welfare officers, education officers, drug and alcohol counsellors, and Probation and Parole Officers. This is not to say that these Services are a waste of time; without them the crime rate may even be higher.

My frustration is because I view criminal behaviour with a bio-psycho-social model, whereas most professionals engaged in the treatment of criminal behaviour base their approach on the narrower psycho-social model. Briefly this means that I consider that the biological aspect of behaviour to be as important as the psychological or sociological aspects.

I feel the neglect of the biological factor in the ‘science’ of behaviour has contributed to the general failure of professionals in the treatment of criminal behaviour. The mounting recidivism in crime has caused the public’s disillusion with social scientists in solving crime in the community. This disenchantment has now been translated into political reality. The return to old-fashioned retribution and punishment in crime, the downgrading of professional services by the present Government is the result from this failure and short-sightedness. This is typified by the emergence of the present Minister as head of the NSW prison system.

What went wrong?

There was a time when social scientists seem to have all the answers for our social ills. There was an expectation that these professionals founded on the studies of psychology and sociology would be able to care for, diagnose and treat people exhibiting “abnormal” or deviant behaviour.

About fifteen years ago the mood changed and the word went around that “nothing works in counselling”; an argument put forward by experts with mountains of statistics to support it. Evidence for this was convincing. This appeared especially to be true in the treatment of drug addiction, in which I have a particular interest. The success rate is about 5 per cent, with or without psychological intervention. However, all that this debate showed was that‘counselling alone’ did not work!

The relation between clinical nutrition and psychological counselling

The bio-psycho-social model of counselling does not exclude the traditional psychological aspects of behaviour, but it predicts that ignorance or disregard of the biological aspect of behaviour is doomed to failure. Similarly, clinical nutrition without psychological intervention often fails because practitioners overlook the effects that a long history of a metabolic disorder has on personality development. Generally, a whole new range of social skills needs to be relearned.

This is clearly demonstrated in the treatment of, for instance, sexual offenders or compulsive shoplifters. Clinical nutrition can help these offenders overcome their chronic fatigue syndrome and their tendency to act on impulse. But it can’t teach them to re-asses their sexual attitudes, self-image, how to resolve conflict situations or establish satisfying relationships. In most cases, neither the psychological nor the nutritional approach alone will help offenders. It is certainly true in the case of drug addiction.

Criminal behaviour related to a metabolic disorder

We will endeavour to explain criminal behaviour from the angle of Clinical Nutrition. Here, we can only use a tiny slice of this new area of knowledge as an example to explain some aspect of criminal behaviour for which no satisfactory answers have been given by social scientists; especially concerning recidivism. (This means the constant tendency towards repetition of criminal behaviour despite previous punishment.)

A recent survey revealed that 73 per cent of the total prison population acknowledged a substance abuse problem of some kind. Perhaps a further percentage of prisoners have psychiatric disorders. We are speaking of a fairly sick prison population.

Also recently, medical research has demonstrated that there is a genetic factor in alcoholism, known by clinical nutritionists for some time. Psychologists do not dispute these facts, but are inclined to interpret this connection in terms of childhood experiences. The bashing alcoholic father is seen as being responsible for the bashing alcoholic son. Mothers of hyperactive children will often try out various parenting strategies in dealing with offspring who do not seem to respond to punishment. They are then said to be ‘inconsistent’ or ‘overprotective’ mothers. Hyperactivity often leads to failure in school, rebellion and then on to drug-addiction of one kind or another.

The truth is there are several studies which show that drug addicts and alcoholics suffer from unstable blood sugar levels, which happen also to be one of the main causes of childhood hyperactivity. (Criminal Behavior and Hypoglycemia and here and here)

We will use these few facts to explain some aspects of criminal behaviour.

Unstable blood sugar levels affect the brain

The brain, although 2 per cent of the total body weight requires about 60 per cent of glucose as its source of energy1. Within the brain cell, glucose is converted to pyruvate, then to acetyl-CoA and then released into energy in the Krebs Cycle. This is a metabolic pathway (or the Citric Acid Cycle) right inside the mitochondria of the brain cells.

At the junction where pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA several, vitamins and minerals are needed as co-enzymes: vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, Vitamin D and the minerals magnesium, manganese, iron and zinc. Two thirds of the total energy locked up in glucose is released at that junction.

Thus this is an important part of the total glucose metabolic pathway. A deficiency of any of these vitamins or minerals will block the release of two thirds of energy to the brain. People with low energy levels to the brain are likely to resort to alcohol as a cheap form of energy. There is substantial evidence that alcoholics and drug addicts are found to be zinc deficient.

Zinc deficiency has been isolated as a major factor in drug-addiction

The causes of zinc deficiency in an individual could be classified under three headings;

  1. Deficiency in the food. Zinc is derived from the soil and certain areas in NSW are known to be low in the zinc content of the soil. This may be aggravated by agricultural practices that grow food crops, year in year out, without replacing zinc and other essential minerals into the soil. The solution is to obtain organically grown food.
  2. Malabsorption of zinc. Some individuals have problems absorbing zinc either at the gut level or more likely through the membrane of cells. Zinc carrier molecule located within the membrane carry zinc ions into the cell and some individuals may have fewer of these specialized protein molecules because of genetic factors. Some races are known to be zinc deficient – American Indians and Eskimos – and it is suspected that Australian Aborigines are also in this category. Such people on a high Western carbohydrate diet – requiring high levels of zinc – may not obtain the necessary energy. They then resort to alcohol as a cheap source of energy, also requiring zinc for its metabolism.
  3. Heavy metal intoxication caused by excess copper, cadmium, mercury, thallium and lead – having similar chemical properties as zinc and located in the same area of the Periodic Table of Elements – enter the regulator sites of enzymes thereby inactivating them. A zinc deficient person is more likely to pick up heavy metals in an attempt to obtain zinc. A heavy metals is like a key that doesn’t fit the lock. Tobacco is high in cadmium. High copper levels have been found among some hyperactive children, probably due to the copper content of soft water from copper piping.

Fortunately, there are diagnostic medical tests for the above conditions. Thus far we have looked at energy starvation of the brain at the cellular level. That energy is derived from glucose in the bloodstream. Hence, irregularities in the blood glucose levels can affect behaviour.

Blood sugar levels and violence

Some people have unstable blood sugar levels affecting their behaviour, again partly inherited and partly the result of a faulty diet. If you examine the victim closely, one will find that he had the problem from early in his life, long before he began to be addicted to either alcohol or drugs.

The path is not necessarily towards addiction or criminal behaviour, but often we detect a pattern of depression, impulsive behaviour, hyperactivity, moodiness, unexplained fatigue, inability to concentrate. It may lead to failure in schools that do not cater for hyperactive children. There is usually a history of allergies, recurrent sniffles and vague illnesses. But let us focus on blood sugar levels and link this to criminal behaviour.

When we consume excess sugar the body will attempt to control the resulting high glucose level by secreting insulin into the blood stream produced by the pancreas. It can result in hyperinsulinism bringing down the blood sugar levels. Thus excess sugar can cause a low blood sugar level.

Insulin converts excess glucose into glycogen and stores it in the liver or muscle tissues. No glycogen is stored in the brain, hence it has to get its source from other parts of the body. Or again the oversecretion of insulin by the pancreas could be caused by factors other than overconsumption of sugar. Hypoglycemic dips (sudden drops in blood sugar levels) have been recorded when people come into contact with their allergies. Whichever way, a sudden drop in blood sugar causes the brain to be starved of glucose – its source of energy.

In response, the pituitary gland in the brain sends a message to the adrenal gland to pour adrenaline into the blood stream. Adrenaline is a fast acting hormone – unlike glucagon, a pancreatic hormone normally used to raise glucose levels – which liberates the bonded molecules of glucose contained in glycogen to raise the blood sugar level. The upsurge in glucose feeds the brain with energy again.

However, adrenaline is the fight/flight hormone – the kind of hormone needed in the jungle when we are faced with our deadly enemy. It readies the body for quick action to fight or to flee. This explains the shakes, the trembles, the nervous reaction of a person that has too much adrenaline in his system. It has no appropriate civilized outlet for excess energy locked up in his system.

It also explains the hyperactivity, impulsiveness, extreme mood swings, the alternating feelings of restlessness and exhaustion of the drug addict or alcoholic. He needs a depressant drug (alcohol or drugs) to offset the effects of adrenaline, to make him feel normal again.

However, the consumption of alcohol may raise his blood sugar level too high initially, which results in a sudden drop again – the hypoglycemic dip – followed by the adrenergic reaction. He is full of adrenaline again and ready to fight. This time his brain is inebriated and it can exercise little control over primitive impulses. This is exactly what happens in criminal behaviour.

Many violent offences are committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs beyond the control of the inhibiting part of the brain and often described as being ‘out of character’. Domestic violence usually involves alcoholic consumption by either the husband, the wife or both. Often the offender can’t give a rational explanation of his behaviour and would say he was stupid. How true this is, for part of his brain is out of operation.

There are many other biological reasons for abnormal behaviour which for lack of space can’t be dealt with here. Clinical nutrition aims at rectifying these disorders through appropriate dietary means. See:  Silent Disease and Mood disorders

Clinical nutrition; a branch of clinical ecology

Clearly the psycho-analytical approach to criminal behaviour has no place when that behaviour results mainly from a disorder of a physical nature.

In 1990, very little is known about the combined effects of man-made chemicals on the immune system. Sixty thousands of them are now in the environment. A group of clinical ecologists in Australia – including Dr Mark Donohoe, Dr Joachim Fluhrer and Dr Peter Dobie – have found that chemicals are absorbed from foods and the environment at a much higher rate than previously thought, possibly by up to 10 times greater.

It would not be surprising to find that the brain has become the target organ of the twentieth century. These can potentially attack our DNA or genetic make-up. Children under the age of seven have a less developed protective brain barrier and are more vulnerable to these pollutants. This results in all sorts of physical and mental disabilities. Many of them finish up in our gaols.

Lighting and behaviour2

Scientists have known for a long time that deprivation of natural daylight can affect behaviour. Studies show that cool-white fluorescent lighting in rooms can cause hyperactivity and aggression, compared to a group of subjects who benefited from full-spectrum fluorescent tubes more closely duplicating natural day light. The body’s ability to absorb calcium was diminished by a lack of ultraviolet light from the sun. Many prisoners are locked up for up to 20 hours in cells lighted with fluorescent tubes. Many prison officers work in similar conditions, which could have disastrous effects when they meet.

The calming effect of pink

It has been shown that pink coloured rooms have a calming effect on behaviour as it tends to reduce muscle tension. Some correctional institutions in America have used “pink rooms” (the pink colour is 620 nanometers) for prisoners prone to exhibit outburst of anger or violence with a great deal of success.
Some doctors and counsellors have taken advantage of this knowledge by having their interviewing rooms specially ‘coloured’ and arranged on principles derived from other studies of ‘environmental psychology’.


This goes to show that behaviour is determined by a multiplicity of factors based not only on psychology or sociology, or even on nutrition but by the total environment of man. Man’s ability to choose behaviour among alternatives – his free will – is limited by the state of his environment and health. When his environment – including his physical health – is sick, he can’t choose and he becomes a recidivist.

Working in the prison environment it is obvious that recidivism – incurable criminal and violent behaviour – points all in the direction of physical disorders.

What is astounding is that the biological aspect of this kind of behaviour is totally ignored, even scorned and ridiculed by so-called professionals concerned with the treatment of criminal behaviour.

Clinical nutrition – in conjunction with the psycho-social approach – as a tool in treating behavioural disorders is still banned in our prisons and in our hospitals, in our Community Health Centres and in the Probation and Parole Service. “Drug Rehabilitation Centres”, and other counselling agencies dependent on Government funds ignore clinical ecology: hence their poor performance! It is reaching a point where clients are becoming more aware than their counsellors, patients more aware than their doctors. No doubt, strong opposition to this approach stems from general ignorance and abhorrence of science by social scientists. They generally work in these areas, and most of them are educated in the ‘humanity’ faculties of the universities.

This is one of the major reasons why social science has fallen into disrepute. The present Government on a wave of public impatience can get away with the virtual dismantling of professional support system in the gaols. People have quite understandably lost faith in ‘behavioural scientists’.

Looked at it from a historic point of view, we know that the present trend away from ‘rehabilitation’ and towards ‘discipline’ is equally going to fail. When people are actually hit with this reality a new breed of counsellors will probably emerge, based not on the narrow psycho-social model but rather the bio-psycho-social model.

It will be mandatory for future counsellors not only to be skilled in psychology and sociology, but also in basic biochemistry, clinical ecology and nutrition. Only then can the counselling profession regain the respect of the public, when it can show that “counselling does work!!”


Index to Specific Topics and Research

References to Mood Disorders and Nutrition

Russell Blaylack: Nutrition and Behavior Video

1 ) Stryer,Lubert (1988), BIOCHEMISTRY, WH Freeman and Co, NY, 634

2 ) Schauss, AG(1980), DIET, CRIME AND DELINQUENCY, Parker House, Berkely, Cal., 90


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
It's been 77 weeks since this occurred. An update

Just over 1,000 people had accessed this topic in these 77 weeks since it was written. We have far more popular topics but I think this is a very important topic and covers a lot of ground. I wanted to review it and add an update since it was just on the 'news' that it's been 77 weeks since Newtown/Sandy Hook. I heard recently that the school building, which has an interesting history if you look into the information online, has been bulldozed. I heard that from a person I was conversing with, not on the 'news'. But maybe I missed it, and they covered it. I believe I sound more synical than I did 77 weeks ago. OR is it more realistic due to being more in reality than I was then? I hope that it is. That's how I feel, sorry if I sound synical. 

I had sensed and also heard experts saying that the US was just like a tinder box back then, waiting for 'the story' that would set things in motion. As soon as I heard about "Newtown", it was like a flash went over me and I recall my thoughts being basically "this is it... this is what is going to set things in motion". And it did. The gun debate and mental health debate was front and center and was kept there by the so-called news media. Most notable to me was that Piers Morgan on CNN didn't do a show on anything but this for weeks if not months. Who's going to keep tuning in to hear the same thing hashed over for an hour every night? I tuned away.

Eventually I tuned into the Internet independent news which lead me to learning a whole other aspect of this story. I encourage YOUsers/readers of Lumigrate to do the same. Be aware there is a large sector of people who believe that what has been portrayed in the mainstream media, including their social media pages, that is manipulative and untruthful. And I will leave it with that.

Just as with anything with your health, it's up to YOU to study the issue and there are often two sides if not more. An example -- drinking tap water with fluroide and other chemicals in it which those who provide it want the public to be drinking, or reverse osmosis, distilled, or other forms of water which many believe are preferable for wellness.  Another example -- vaccines, pro or con, for which ones or all. Another example -- GMO versus non-GMO.  Organic versus nonOrganic. Gluten or gluten-free.  Vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. Paleolithic or modern. I know you can easily find the conventional information on the Internet yourselves, what I provide in forum topic are things you might not otherwise find, or some of the more popular sites to be sure people learn of the mainstays 'outside the box'. 

But I feel very good about what I provided here about Newtown. I might not have been right about the number of victims, as it's very much up for debate what actually went on there that day. Again, study the issue if you wish and I'll not influence anyone's opinions with mine after I did my homework. Mostly, the diet information that I went into as it relates to the mental aspects of well-being is information which I have said to people over and over as this debate has gone on for 77 long weeks.

Ultimately, it appears to me that the 'debate' about this issue and others having to do with gun violence that get played up in the 'news' is ultimately deadlocked when it comes to how to change anything about guns so it will default to the mental health realm for solutions. And I doubt the system will address things by suggesting people get appriate nutrition, it will likely have much to do with changes in laws that affect patients' rights. It seems a sensible hypothesis to me that this is actually ultimately 'about' having an excuse that the public will approve of to 'control' better, those with mental health issues. 

So study what you will about nutrition and the mind (and brain). Perhaps keep in mind about the civil rights aspect and mental health, and what is going on politically as it relates to the overall society in the US and beyond. The western world is more connected, that was something that surprised me when I was now corresponding with people from the UK and Australia and Canada ... despite their systems being set up differently, such as having nationalized health care, everyone basically had the same inadequate diagnostics and treatment for chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, pain, fibromyalgia, Lyme, and the etceteras.

How could that be? AAH, because, as I found out in my studies since Newtown, there is a very hidden layer of organizations and people 'running the world'. There is indisputably, Agenda 21, signed in the early 1990s by President Clinton but President Bush before him had famously talked about the 'new world order' that we're going to in a speech he gave that is easily found online if you wish to look into it. In addition to what I have said, above in the topic, I urge everyone to find my topic here about Agenda 21, where I offer the link to Agenda 21 for Dummies, a great short video that explains things so well, and talks about the other interrelated things that affect people and wellness, like Codex or Core Curriculum. These are not debatable topics that they exist, they're very much fact, yet not being covered in the 'news'. You have to find it online. So, live and learn, as I say. And then learn and live better. ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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