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preventive medicine
Posted on: Thu, 03/11/2010 - 12:12am
Sun (Vit D), Water, Exercise, Enjoyment = Wellness and Health; MD and ND Seminar Xferred from Blog
This was as popular blog post from the fall of 2009, so it's been transferred here for more to easily find it. ~~
Want to know what you can start doing NOW to have the best shot at being healthy this fall and winter? We have some things to get you started on.... read more »
Kickoff the Weekend: Sun Prevents the Flu from Getting You!
Friday, September 4, 2009, 2:00 pm, by Mardy Ross
Want to know what you can start doing NOW to have the best shot at being healthy this fall and winter? We have some things to get you started on.... read more »
- 1599 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog