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Vitamin D
What Dr. Brownstein's Clinic Suggested or Provided to COVID-19 Patients in Study, Made Easy
You may have already known about the study published recently (July 2020) by David Brownstein, MD, et al., reporting their findings treating COVID-19 patients in early 2020. I previously provided a topic about the journal, it's founder, and the study. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies
by Brownstein, D, R Ng, R Rowen, J-D Drummond, T Eason, H Brownstein and J Brownstein.
Published in 2020 (July) in Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 2:4-22. read more »
I found a good summary with interesting history up to and including April 2013 research about vitamin D by Dr Matt ND, and am providing the link to his website and the entire article below the link so that you will be encouraged to see how he provides references to his work and 'the whole thing'; there are, naturally, other topics at his website of equally well-done quality. I encourage people to connect from here to quality providers and information. read more »
- 3177 reads
Even the simplest tasks can become painful, reducing the quality of our lives, when joint inflammation leads to decreased mobility. This chronic inflammatory disease is so prevalent that I feel the need to include information about the new research going on at TOSH. The interview with Dr. Barker was done through USANA Health Sciences, and I have permission to include it in it's entirety. read more »
- 3182 reads
Gary, if someone is reading this Forum on Lumigrate related to hypothyroidism and have their 'interest piqued' and want to know what laboratory tests you'd recommend and how to do about that, please continue on. [This is forwarded from another topic in this forum started with a question about what is in T3/T4 compounded supplemental hormone capsules such as Mardy was taking this weekend when around someone who does not have fibromyalgia but is on Rx thyroid medication and was interested in MORE information than Mardy can provide!] read more »
- 5264 reads
This topic is also provided in another forum at Lumigrate, about overall lifestyle and whole / body, mind, spirit. Based on the number of reads over a period of time, I determined this to be the primary topic about it, which will be the only one that will get 'embellishments' and improvements, additional information, etc. Think of this as 'the mother ship' and the others as being out there to catch the attention of others looking elsewhere in the vast arena of the Internet universe. read more »
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I've been following with interest what I can see at Lumigrate about what people are tuning in to hear and read about, plus talking with Mardy related to what information we can provide that is of most help to people. It seems there are two tracks of people when it comes to supplements -- those who are in overall good health and wanting to maintain that, and those who have specific health concerns who then benefit from additional items.
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- 2220 reads
Mardy's Note on Feb 1, 2011: This exchange from late January 2011 between two different providers of highly regarded nutritional supplements distributed via the multilevel marketing model, if read through to my Comment about goals for Lumigrate about educating the public is likely an extremely powerful educational piece directly and indirectly about health care today, marketing models, information distribution, as well as the topic 'at hand', nutrition and supplementation thereof. read more »
- 1934 reads
Since I know someone who has Dr Mercola's number, I'm going to post this and hope to be able to get ahold of his team and get approval for this copying of his information -- I'm providing the link, below, so you can actually then GO to their website, but I wanted to have the information readily readable here, otherwise I think people might not be apt to link out and read it. This was in my email today, and with our Deirdre Rawlings having a seminar coming up on Toxic Toiletries, I thought this was really GRATE timing!
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- 13443 reads
Dr. Mercola's emailed newsletter which was in my mailbox this morning caught my eye because the topic of what to do with your skin related to sun exposure has caused debate on our facebook pages when I have promoted going out in the SUN, or what I call 'The Vitamin D Machine'. I'm posting the link here for YOU to follow if you'd like to learn what he has to say, and I'll be letting Ann Garrity from Organic Divas know it is here, as well as our other aesthetics/skin experts in the Grate Group and ask them for their input on this VERY IMPORTANT topic. read more »
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