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Lent is over, but lifesytle changes made during Lent can last a lifetime.

Yesterday was the last day of the Lenten Season. Lent is a Christian observance consisting of prayer, fasting and relection upon the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. I set lofty goals for myself at the beginning of Lent and although I have made a few mistakes along the way, overall, it has been good.  read more »

"Resolutioners", "Goalees", The Year SO FAR?! SuperBowl Me!

Mardy Ross's picture

As the "American" football season wraps up with the Superbowl this weekend (which is historically a day people gather 'round and watch the NEW BIG and EXPENSIVE commercials and snack in what maybe we could call the 'foodball season grand finale' before spring, I thought I'd run with the ball related to something my favorite 'foodie', Pablo Blanco mentioned last night when we got together for chili and talk about recipes and the "Lumigrate test kitchen".  I actually thought I was going to help with a 'glueup' with his latest woodworking project, as I u  read more »

Pablo Blanco's Southern Rock N Rollin' Recipes

Pablo Blanco and How He Came to Be

Maybe you like to eat, maybe you like to cook --- if you're lucky you like to do BOTH.  This section is set up with GRATE pleasure and appreciation to accept the gracious, Southern hospitality of recipes from Pablo Blanco.  As some of the people you see here in our videos at experienced first-hand in our one and only year together related to 'integrative medicine', his food 'rocks' and then you have to 'roll' afterward because you couldn't stop eating it was so good!  read more »
Recipes for Meal Things - From our Readers/Users from Long Ago

In response to people on facebook liking to share ideas but wanting them to be in a more 'permanent' place to refer to, I'm creating this area...   Food is such an important part of chronic illness management OR maintaining chronic wellness!

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