Water: A Key in Environmental Wellness or Illness, More Important Today Than Ever With MANY Aspects to Consider

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

Water. The new oil, some say, and there is evidence out there that convinces me there has long been a lot of system 'stuff' going on to lay the groundwork for water to replace oil as the natural resource that would simply continue the ongoing problems in the world; strife, wars, unwellness -- and money making for those making money AND costing money to those who consume and purchase.

There are increasing stories in mainstream and other circles drawing attention to water quality, whether that be "HABS" (Hazardous Algae Blooms), which you'll find via Lumigrate's information in 2015 is in "quotes" because we're not really aware it's not old-fashioned algae anymore, it's been abducted by bacteria that have been on Earth 'forever' which apparently is the focus of study by mainstream, but they're trying to break it to us in the public in their own way. Could it be these situations are being created in order to force the infrastructure to shift rapidly in order to prepare us for the rapidly changing reality about water safety? I think that's highly likely. You're here with an interest in water, think about what made you concerned enough to spend time on the subject. 

The core issue, and why it would create panic easily if not handled well, is that we can live, typically, for weeks without food, but without water we'll die in days (again, typically, based on wellness level). That's the most immediate, obvious thing to keep in mind. So with it's importance, isn't it incredible how people have spent more time on many other things and not on water? I'm no exception, it's been a work in progress for me for over a decade, which I only really concentrated on the last years and increasingly in 2015. So welcome to the club!

Chronically, what a person gets from their water QUALITY is contributing to their state of wellness or lack thereof. And everyone from the big corporations down to your neighbor, friend, coworker, might be looking to capitalize on products that ultimately aren't going to be the best use of their time, energy and .... money. So I hope that YOUsers of Lumigrate can benefit from what I provide and that it helps make your health better as well as streamlining your time and energy while allowing your money resources to be best used. 

In my opinion, water today is not only one of the most important things to be 'doing best', but it's also one of the easiest aspects for people to be addressing when it comes to their wellness level. Not just how much water they're consuming, but what kind.

It would seem like that would be easy to sort out -- how to obtain safe water, what is best, what is good, what is better, what about minerals in water versus distilled, for instance.  But it's actually difficult for the novice or even intermediate health learner.  I hope this topic distills down (no pun intended) a lot of information I've looked at to find what I think will make this much easier for YOU to learn.  Remember, there's no short-cutting putting in learning TIME and ENERGY to best understand WHY you should be putting more time, energy and money resources into what type of water you use on your body, in your body (thus on your vegetables and fruits, in your ice, drinks you mix up, etc.)

Ultimately, thoroughly knowing WHY the water someone would most easily or 'normally' consume is NOT safe today (presuming it's like the majority of water today) is helpful or necessary in order to propel people to put the resources (time, energy, money) into changing what they're doing. Is your health worth it? Remember the Lumigrate YOU! model -- it's ultimately in your hands. Sidenote: people with wells, please tune in.                                                                                                                                                                       

This becomes a more realized problem when people are already far enough into the "inevitable environmental health tailspin", where they're fatigued or weak, or both; physically and cognitively, emotionally, mentally unwell. These symptoms creep in on people, and they often self-identify and label themselves as 'healthy' far into when they're actually becoming very unwell; when you start asking about known conditions or symptoms they might not know indicate their level of unwellness, you can help them see the reality of their current state of health. And if their unwellness has affected their brain, cognition, ability to see things accurately, behavioral and mental health, then they often have lack of insight about themselves and can only benefit from the hard news of having the reality of things pointed out to them.  They can then see the problem, perhaps, and then maybe chose to put their resources toward fixing it. 

Physically transporting the water is difficult for those who don't have the ability to have a treatment system in their home. Mentally it's difficult for people to have the 'wherewithall' to learn, they have an 'energy crisis', as we've presented in other topics in the forums at Lumigrate, such as the one at the following link, provided by one of our experts from the past, Dallas, Texas environmental medicine expert Wm. Marcus Spurlock, MD. www.lumigrate.com/forum/energy-crisis-fmscfs-causes-and-cures

Ultimately, it's relatively easy for people to see that the water from their tap, whether from their own well or a municipal water treatment plant and long lines of pipes for distribution, is (often) not what they want to be consuming. Standard carbon filtration systems whether in pitchers or you attach in various ways to faucets or water lines help with some things but not all things, and in light of what I'm overall presenting at this topic, you'll see how they're not ideal and can even be adding to more toxins. Anyone who had fluoride being added by their water treatment plant who had done their homework and decided it was not a good thing to be consuming has not been using that method.

Fortunately I'd become aware and concerned about fluoride, providing information in 2012 at Lumigrate in a focused way with a group of two doctors and another local activist and forming SWIG "Safe Water is Great". But I'd been not as careful with consuming ice or drinks out of the home as I became after learning about the algae problem, which is primarily cyanobacteria. And that is what I've been focused on with new content at Lumigrate and in my in-person or direct advisement work in 2015, as a health information concierge and teaching these concepts one on one or to small groups, families, organizations who seek what I provide. 

Therefore, I'm not focusing upon filtration here, though it is included at another topic from the past at Lumigrate, which I'm updating as I go along. The link will be below. The topics are cross linked which interrelate. Some of the information that's focused on reverse osmosis will include glimpses of filtration, because that is part of the reverse osmosis process, they have pre-filters to take out the chlorine or else the chlorine would destroy the membranes used in the reverse osmosis filtration process. 

As usual, I've scoured sources that I've come to rely upon for information and hope to present a unique and helpful thread/article here. 

Distilled vs Reverse Osmosis ("RO")

The issue ultimately boils down to distilled or reverse osmosis, when looking at best water processing for purification to make it safer or safe to drink.  No pun intended on that, by the way. Grins. We need to keep the humor going.  (Distilled... boils down, get it?).  

To get us started, here's a link to an article at Huffington Post by Dr. Suzanne Bennett. What's her horse in the game? Getting more well known as a provider of health guidance, she'd not selling anything about water that I can tell. It provides a good overview about water, what's in it, and the various ways to purify it or improve the quality.  www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-susanne-bennett/drinking-water_b_1680027.html 

Naturally, the date on the above article is 2012, and more is known today about what's in the water, whether known by Dr. Bennett or not, I don't know. So keep that in mind if you take the link and read. Additionally, the environment has been progressively getting worse, so this is part of the equation when one looks at water and what to do about your use when considering your health or that of your family members, pets, and others in your home.

For example, as I said in the preface, above, YOUsers of Lumigrate have had the information presented this year from me about cyanobacteria, as I only became aware of it the later half of 2014. So that would change some of the advise, such as about bathing and showering, there might be more with bath water that people would do differently. I would. 

This is the same as when I'd listen to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT presenting about her focus about deficiencies of sulphur in the body, and her only 'medicine' she 'takes' being epsom salt baths. When I heard that, I thought 'oh, I'd love to know what she'd say after learning what other experts I'm covering at Lumigrate say about what's in the water'.  

Knowing Dr. Seneff was turning eyes to cyanobacteria early in 2015, I have my radar up for anything she'll say or write about cyanobacteria being integrated into what she already understands and teaches others about the interplay of factors in our enviornment (and foods and drinks) affecting our health.  

DrinkMoreWater's Distilled or Purified Water Information

This next link is for a company's website that provides good information, and they state that's a goal of theirs. They also provide water that they've purified and bottled and other related products. You'll see they've been given awards. My award is that I'm including them for Lumigrate YOUsers, so we're in agreement about their apparent quality:

www.drinkmorewater.com/distilled-or-purified-water (and a little about the company): DrinkMore Water is a locally owned and operated bottled water delivery company with its world headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD. Started in 1993, DrinkMore Water has always been synonymous with the highest standards of purity and quality. We have built our reputation on a foundation of giving back to our local community. We have won numerous awards and honors relating to outstanding community service, ethical business behavior, and product quality.

Here's what's at their link for Water 101: www.drinkmorewater.com/water-101 AND please see what their stated mission is about education ....... hence I'm utilizing their information because I like how they present it, and what they present. 

Water 101 





What is in My Tap Water?









What a fantastic question!  The more consumers know exactly what is in tap water, the more intelligent decisions they can make concerning the the type of water they ultimately choose for their families to drink.  That’s what this section of our website is all about – providing logical information and analysis to consumers about all things water.  We cover a multitude of issues and concerns – and give you our opinion on the subject matter.  Many topics are explored in depth and we strive to additional topics at a regular interval.  So scroll down the list and see if your concern is listed.  If it isn’t, please feel free to email the company and ask us a question!!





Some of our more popular topics include:

Types of Water                                                      Impurities in Tap Water

Spring Water vs Purified Water                            Distilled Water vs. Purified Water

Minerals in Water                                                   Fluoride In Water

Perchlorates in Water                                            Drugs, Homones and Antibiotics in Water

Alkaline Water

We also cover a number of topics regarding the types of plastics used to make water bottles, including:

Plastic Bottles                                                        Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Glass Bottles                                                          Are Bottles Safe to be Reused?

And please, spend some time looking through the rest of our website – our goal is to be THE authority when it comes to the water you drink!

Their take on minerals in water is this: "At DrinkMore Water, our philosophy is to make sure that you don’t get any of the bad minerals and contaminants.  We make very pure water. It tastes better because it’s pure. get your minerals from a healthy diet, not from some overpriced spring water."
And from their Distilled vs. Purified Water tab..... (I made things easier to read and bolded key things)

 Distilled vs. Purified Water 

What is Distilled Water?

Obviously, the first question to be answered in differentiating purified water from other types of water – like distilled water – is simply – what exactly is distilled water?  Well, distilled water is water that is created through the process of distillation. 

Basically, in the process of distillation, the pure H2O is boiled out of its contaminants.  So, many of the contaminants found in water are inorganic minerals, metals etc.  Those types of contaminants have very high melting points and even higher boiling points.  Wayyyy higher than the boiling point of water at 212 Degrees F.   So, as the water (with its contaminants) is boiled, the pure water turns into steam and is captured and cooled and thus becomes distilled water. 

The junk left behind is all of the contaminants.  Now, there’s one small problem with that.  There are many volatile organic compounds found in water – and many of them have boiling points below that of pure water.  Like pesticides or herbicides and a whole lot of other volatile chemical compounds that have names far too difficult to pronounce much less spell.  The point is that when the water gets heated, the volatiles boil off first, then the pure water next.   So, it’s very important to have additional purification technologies – besides only distillation – to make sure all the bad stuff is removed.

What is Purified Water?

To meet the legal definition of “purified water”, water impurities must be removed or reduced to extremely low levels. The impurity load of dissolved solids in Purified Water cannot exceed 10 parts per million and water which meets this threshold is inherently of a higher purity than spring water, tap water or filtered water.

Purified water is often confused with filtered water. Many people believe the two terms to be synonymous, but this is not the case. While both types of water are subject to some sort of filtration (as is almost every spring water), purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes, typically reverse osmosis, distillation or deionization. The resultant product, “purified” water, is of significantly higher purity than either spring water, tap water or filtered water.

Purified water may originate from either a spring or surface or groundwater source or directly from the tap. It simply doesn’t matter. Since, the purification process is designed to remove virtually all types of impurities, the quality of the source water has little bearing on the quality of the final product.

Nevertheless, our source water meets the EPA minimum drinking water standards before any purification is even done!! Read that again – that’s what we start with.  We purify that water extensively and literally remove more than 99.5% of all incoming impurities. A properly designed and functioning purification system will produce extremely high purity water every time, regardless of variations in the source water’s quality. This is not true of spring water, tap water or filtered water. For this reason, purified water is viewed as the objective benchmark against which the purity of other waters is judged.


The most interesting part of is the fact that distilled water is purified water. That’s correct.  The process of distillation is one of the technologies used to purify water.  Reverse osmosis is another technology that is used to purify water.  The big difference is that boiling water consumes a tremendous amount of energy – think about it – all the water has to be boiled until there’s none left (it’s all turned to steam).  That is a lot of energy.  Conversely, reverse osmosis technology consumes far less energy – commercial systems like ours utilize energy efficient pumps to perform their purification – and the end result is considerably more cost effective.

The old adages about distilled water tasting flat or only being used for steam irons is bunk.  The reason distilled water was recommended for irons is simply because the minerals which can clog up the little steam holes have been removed – which keeps your iron nice and clean. There’s nothing wrong with drinking it.


Another source I saw looking around the Internet was from Dr. Wilson, the author of the Adrenal Fatigue book, calling it the 21st century stress syndrome.  I bought every copy of that I could find in 2008 to give to the providers on our then-team at the integrative medical center which provided a lot of the outstanding foundation I have in integrative, functional medicine. I'd hoped we'd stick together as a team in 2009 and we'd get the input of an MD, ND and DOAM plus mental / behavioral health providers (plus me) having read the same book, and then bring that information to Lumigrate.

That did not happen. The team fell into differences of direction and opinion which lead to my having a total turnover of who my providers were for me personally, and who I was recruiting to provide information uniquely to Lumigrate. Eventually I found that to be too cumbersome and slow for the amount of information I felt needed to be at Lumigrate, so I started finding information sources on my own and utilizing the increasingly robust groups on Facebook (while also finding which groups on Facebook were not 'going anywhere' and leaving them. All of which is shown in the layers of information in the Forum topics our YOUsers ... YOU see, at Lumigrate today!  

So I'm very familiar with Dr Wilson from that book. He made adrenal fatigue and recovering the adrenals more complicated with the details he presented on one hand, and on the other hand provided some details about things such as why there's not a medical code in organized medicine for adrenal fatigue, and thus it goes undiagnosed by that type of medical provider.  

It's showing this information was prepared in April 2015, so it's what he recently has been putting out, here's the link -  www.drlwilson.com/articles/water.htm  You'll see that what his experience has found is in contrast with the other sources, and I like that he gives the information as to WHY he is saying what he says. Much information is reinforcing of the concepts that overall are being presented by various experts I'm relaying on Lumigrate, such as this: 

Overall Quality. This refers to the amounts and ratios of the various minerals and other substances in the water.  This is a complex area as there can be over 100 minerals in a particular water, plus thousands of toxic chemicals, pesticide residues, pharmaceuticals, solvents and added chemicals in any particular water.

Unfortunately, today most water is very contaminated with heavy metals and toxic chemicals.  Therefore, most tap and well water is not of very good quality and will not hydrate the body as well as a quality spring water.


Micro-organisms. All water, except perhaps triple distilled laboratory water, contains microorganisms.  These include bacteria, fungi, parasitic organisms, viruses and mycoplasma.  Water may also contain insect larvae, parasite ova, plant matter, animal feces and many other biological compounds.  I recommend water than has been filtered by passing through the earth to produce well and spring water.   Carbon filtration also helps remove many micro-organisms, but it does not remove others, and does not remove toxic metals, for the most part.

            Deep well and spring water is generally cleaner in this regard, as it comes from deeper within the earth.  Surface water from rivers and lakes, for example, is often far more contaminated with insect, fish and algae residues.


So for the Lumigrate YOUsers, I'm presenting information in more detail, below, focusing on distilled and reverse osmosis.

Ideally, most believe clean spring water is best, but how many people can obtain that? Particularly in light of cyanobacteria and the interplay going on in the environment with toxins and chemicals that's leaching down into waters and making previously safe sources unsafe today. 

I've found there is about an even split of people and sources saying a preferance for distilled and reverse osmosis. Does there have to be one right answer for all people combined, or is it possible there is one right answer for each person? And could it be that you use a mix of both?  Divergent thinking, not convergent is suggested (and you can Search Lumigrate's search bar for more on that, it's on the vaccine thread here.)

The content today at Lumigrate compared to our launch information from 2008/9 on Lumigrate relative to water reflects the increased problems AND solutions out there, which I've put the time into "for YOU" and provide information such as this topic. 

For those who appreciate a story, and that will overall helps streamline YOUR process because you can see how this relates via an example, reinforces your understanding, motivates or cheerleads you onto what you do for the 'take action' part of the wellness for those you are providing water, my story. 

My Water Story and History With Environmental Illness

If you're simply looking for information about water and not 'into' stories, scroll down. But for those who don't know my history or this aspect of it and like this sort of setup and background, here's my story. These often help people see things relative to their own history and story, and with everyone being their own health detective, this is something that helps some, but isn't for everyone. 

I'm a life-long resident (so far) of Colorado, I grew up playing in water, as my parents had bought a property with house and other buildings outside of Denver in the mountains.  The show and movie 'South Park' is actually about the area I am from, one of the creators is a decade behind me in school. 

My father heard the hospice people at the open in 2010 say 'without water you die' and 'we'll get you these medications right away to have on hand if you're in pain or anxious', and the whole team / family got the education and overview and started connecting the dots: you can get out of a painful situation before the going gets out of your 'hands' by opting to stop eating, drinking and die. The thirst is very painful but with the medications they provide, can be slept through.  

Since I am an apple not far from the tree of his life-long symptoms that were of the neuro-endocrine / progressive neurological disorder type, it was a blessing for me to see how wonderfully orchestrated and conducted the end of his life was.  It was I who had advocated very strongly from the day he said 'I don't want to be alive', for the hospice consultation to be ordered.  It took the others on his team who had more influence than I a year and a half almost to catch up.  

It was a new appreciation for water that I had from that moment forward and trust me, I had an appreciation already.  When you live in the mountains with a well and only so much water that comes from it, when a drought happens and you're down to getting only gallons a day in the well and you're washing dishes as if you're camping, showering as if you're in the military on cistern water, etc., you're not like a 'city kid' who just turns on the tap and water is always there.  The photo of me from day #1 on the home page of Lumigrate in the About me area is a photo taken at the 'pipe spring' on property next to his, on Thanksgiving 2008, which was the last 'normal' time I had with my father, because the next time I was to see him it was a month later at the hospital, and it was 'home stretch of life' from there on. 

I'd been born five years after my parents moved to that property, with a 6-7 year gap between me and my only sibling who was apparently conceived with no difficulties within two years after their marriage.  Some of that time they were apart due to the military project my father was on, which separated them immediately after their marriage for a whole winter.  Once at their new-found and purchased mountain 'ranch', they had fertility problems.  My mother miscarried a boy fairly far along, then had her gall bladder go out and be removed and THEN I was immediately conceived and born at the due date.  Incubated for a couple of days, then with ear infection at six months, voracious appetite to the point I was apparently pulling foods passed by me at the dinner table off with both hands as I saw in my high chair.  

I was always cold, extremely thin, and had the symptoms of adrenal fatigue even as a child, including insomnia. I had a lot of cavities in my first teeth and not my second, and I attributed it to that my grandmother had been with us until I was 4 and she was way more into sugary foods than my mother, who got her sugar from alcohol.  My father controlled his 'sweet tooth' because  he saw it was contributing to his many symptoms of unwellness, and in high school what was actually a blood pressure problem from what I today suspect was symptoms of what would be considered Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and POTS was mis-detectived by the doctor who found a severe blood sugar swing problem, so I adopted a strict diet that is basically what is still used today in allopathic circles (mainstream medicine) for patients with blood sugar problems. 

So the health focus was on food, not water. But when my health totally collapsed in my later 20s, and by then many of the neighbors around my parents' place were clearly with a myriad of problems, I started looking at 'the valley o' death and disorders' as I called it, and suspected the water initially. But then again got off of thinking about the water being a factor.  I'm now back, having come full circle, and I hope that you think about what water you played in as a child, bathed in, showered in, consumed by drinking and also washed your vegetables in, or meats and etc. And do the same for EVERYWHERE you've lived since.  Think of your body as a recepticle for 'interloping hitchhiking hijackers'.  We talk about the fungus amongus jokingly but SERIOUSLY, the environmental illnesses have much to do with molds, fungus, and algae! The air.  The water.

So this topic is a main one about WATER, but it will dovetail a bit with AIR.   This is a good time to remind YOUsers reading this that it takes TIME and ENERGY to study a topic enough to go from being uninformed to aware to educated to effectively able to form an opinion and then be proactive. I create topics that fit with a model of people taking on the study of health information for them (or others) in a way you would if you signed up for a short course OR were going to get a Masters or PhD. The amount of time and effort it will take to reach your wellness goals depends on how motivated you are, how unwell you are, etc.  

My way / method is not for everyone, but my intention is that I'm selecting into the topics from the Internet things that weave together and, if followed, will step you through a topic and increase your chances of getting good information, reduce your chances of getting off course, and hopefully in the end you'll have success with LESS USE of time, energy and money resources.  

If you have a short attention span or other cognitive issues, you'll maybe need to think of this as you would 'school', and perhaps ask someone to assist you.  It's an ironic catch 22 that we're often with such unwellness our brains aren't allowing us to easily learn. I try to address that and accommodate with stories (which can be skimmed over for those who don't want that), bolding, short paragraphs, etc.  

On July 29, 2012, I created the topic at the following link within the 'supplementing what you eat and drink' forum, which is where we were providing information about fluoride in water, as it's being added whether we want it or not, as a supplement (or others would call it 'mass medication').  It covers a lot of basics and has a fun 'snapshot' of some of our more active experts from around the United States from that era or 'layer' at Lumigrate.  (More about that to follow in the history section, if you chose to read it over, newcomers will likely want to do that to familiarize yourself with my and Lumigrate's background.) So I'm going to suggest you go there and then come back. 


HISTORY of Lumigrate Re: Water

Again, if you're not interested in this, scroll down to the information about water, this is helpful for some, not for others. I began the focus about water at Lumigrate in 2012, though it had always been at the top of my list of things to ask those invited to write in the Forums to focus on.  As I've related many times, the process for me from the beginning of hearing a 'calling' about creating education, both in person and utilizing the Internet (and later social media, particuarly Facebook so far as of this writing), there have been 'layers' at Lumigrate.

My initial plan was to be immersed in a holistic, natural medicine center but after we got a really great team to commit to leasing space from the provider who opted to buy property for the center, everything changed which is what happens so often with new businesses or groups of any kind.  "It's organic", the process of life, ultimately, and by being 1) resilient and 2) going with the flow, Lumigrate and I are still here for our growing numbers of YOUsers (nice, slow, gradual growth, too!).  

So layer 1 was the local experts who we focused for a year on putting on live seminars to market our center and get us 'know' in the community, and then I paid to produce the videos that you still see today at the videos tab (or our YouTube channel).  

Layer 2 was the start of getting people to the forums and I used Facebook and groups and pages to find people conversing who I invited to be my FB friend and get to know Lumigrate. From there, some registered as users and wrote.  I sometimes encouraged certain people to write there.  

This helped us get enough reads that up-and-coming or, I'd later find out 'falling from previously being up' national experts would find it worthwhile to take the time to put content in the forums, which was layer 3.  

I would then cue various experts, whether they be laypeople who were writing good stuff from their standpoint or professionals, to have conversations in the forums, so that was layer 4.  This was very slow going and by now we were up to 2012 and I had only a fraction of the content I would have liked to have in the forums going into 2012.

I'm always 'personally', just like anyone, 'where I am at' and that is sometimes reflected LATER in what I bring to Lumigrate for our YOUsers' benefit.  In 2012 I contacted the company that provided my tap water to ask why they put fluoride in the water. I later heard someone from that group on the local naturopath's monthy show at the public radio station -- that being Christopher Lepisto (ND, Naturopathic Doctor), who was not only in the videos from our first year at the neat center that we'd tried to get off the ground together in 2008/9 and eventually all left due to 'creative differences', you might say. Essentially in outside-the-box medicine there's a wide variety of services and desires by the providers to really cure people and find the root underlying causes, AND others who want to be doing things people will pay for and utilize that keep them coming back for more and more.  

So we all basically 'split' and went our separate ways and different people took our offices at the center, with the center's owner remaining, naturally.  But one of the things that I transferred from my old OT outpatient clinic business in the allopathic medical center to this upstart was my water delivery -- we all, despite our financial budgets being bare bones, chipped in to provide safe water to our customers.  OR, we thought it was safe, at least.  I'd come to learn more and wonder about that particular provider, I not longer believe it's best to use artesian, and so forth.  I encourage people to take the time to learn about water. I wish we'd made that a focus of learning at the center at the time. But everyone has so much on their plates always. You do too. However, water IS SO CRUCIAL TO GET RIGHT. 

Dr Lepisto, on the air that evening, had talked about medications that get flushed into the toilets and how to dispose of that properly he didn't know and neither did the guest as they were on the water not wastewater side.  I happened to know the answer AND that the day was coming up soon when places would take medications and properly dispose of them for the public.  So I called in when they went to commercial break not knowing they were on a delay (which was new) and being on the air in a hurry going, ironically, to meet the compounding pharmacist for dinner.

This 'flub' was perhaps what lead me and my name to be remembered and later in 2012 I was to be asked by someone who was in his studio when I called in to hop in about fluoride at a local level.  I brought a few people together and created SWIG (Safe Water is Great). (I'll provide links too).  That information is there for anyone to learn from about how we got 1) activism going on a topic concerning people locally and 2) we provided a nice amount of high quality information for local people and groups or anyone around the world to utilize to replicate what we did and make their jobs easier getting going on fluoride activism.

 ©2012 Lumigrate. 2012 SWIG Group

Jim Kennedy (holistic DDS), Mardy Ross, Kevin King, Jeff McCloskey (D.C.) with thanks to Two Rivers Winery for use of their perfectly shaded/lit backdrop for our photo. Perfect location for the four of us plus photographer (and backup / grip) in the Redlands outside Grand Junction and Fruita, Colorado (USA). 

I also created a topic about 46 reasons to drink more water, which has been very popular with our YOUsers, and I was talking before this with my advisors about how water was going to become THE most CRITICAL thing. Here's the link to that topic: www.lumigrate.com/forum/%E2%80%8E46-reasons-drink-more-water . I created it the last day of May, 2012. (Updating in 2015, some experts are saying that there's been too much of a water push going on and people ultimately don't need that much water. I'd say DO WHAT YOU THINK IS WORKING FOR YOU, keep learning. I found some very intriguing information which you'll find the comment below via Joseph Bender's expert information.

Once the end of 2012 was upon us, I realized we'd just hit the high gear where things were 'shifting' rapidly and I went to the phase I've been in since, the current layer is with me being the only one providing information in the forums.  I got caught up on things such as water, Lyme and bartonella, babesia and 'company' as they're referred to in Lyme circles.  I got caught up on diet and mental health information.  I dealt with my copilot in life and the car for a few years' medical and mental problems and created topics that had to do with veterinary medicine, vaccines and saw the overlap between human and nonhuman modern and holistic, natural medicine.

Then on June 1, 2013 just as I was starting to 'get over the hardest part' of euthanizing an innocent animal who suffered so much in the last 15 months of her short life of under four years, I 'woke up' about chemtrails -- being late for my spring outside-the-house cleaning that year due to dealing with the cat and her demise in April and May.  

That lead to my learning about Morgellon's disease, and overall geoengineering (which breaks down to chems 'n' EMs, which has much to do with weather modification but also many other programs interplay, with other reasons it's fascinating and complex to study, the highlight of which apply to health you can find using the search bar at Lumigrate ).  

I then did further study into electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMFs, or I simplify to rhyme with chem to be EM) than I'd ever done before -- the environmental medicine provider I'd had as expert provider from late 2009 to into 2012/13 was simply not that focused on EMFs, and I'd been 'riding on his coat tails' in terms of what I'd been learning, discussing on Facebook and focus on bringing to Lumigrate for our YOUsers who were coming along for the ride learning about 'outside the box' health information.  

I had baffling increase in symptoms or return of problems in late 2010 and then with the cat's problems that started in 2012 I was looking at heavy metals again.  And was baffled by what had been found from a late 2012 heavy metals challenge test done with a provocative unit and looking at what was in urine (my second testing of that, the first was in 2005 and my 45th birthday present from my father who wanted to know what was in me as our symptoms were so similar, but he shied away from going to anybody outside the box.)   

More of My History -- Coming Full Circle about Water and Wellness Having Been Up/Down Well/Ill 55 Years - What's New in 2015 I Bring to YOU!

Basically I ended up coming 'full circle'.  When I first became ill to the point I realized something had been really wrong with me from the time I was a child, I suspected the water as we were on a well in the mountains and a lot of people around us had a lot of more severe problems or different problems but EVERYONE had medical problems in their families.  Much of it was seen in their behaviors, I might add, don't just think 'body'/physical problems or symptoms. Most had both. But the tests that you'd have done wouldn't add up with what I'd find out about what was in me.  That's because I'd not gotten to the information I got to recently, and which is leading me to create this topic today in this forum.  

It turns out, at the CFIDS Association's website, I missed that there was a PDF of a document about cyanobacteria since 2009! That's the year Lumigrate hit the Internet! If I remember correctly, I was paying dues to the predecessor organization before it was called CFIDS! (I'd been part of the cluster or outbreak of chronic illness in Fort Collins, Colorado, in 1988/89 -- similar to the well publicized one a few years before that got into the mainstream media and raised awareness around the world which might be why it was hushed up in Fort Collins and isn't findable on the Internet.  I now suspect it had much to do with cyanobacteria, maybe not just in the water but that's a likely primary source.) 

I fortunately have a good memory for what was told to me by the two insurance-based doctors I went to when I was suddenly unable to get out of bed without great effort, having to rest after showering, during dressing, when ambulating to my office due to it being a little uphill to the building and then a flight of stairs to my desk.

I fortunately have a brain similar to my father's which won't drop a puzzling situation until I've sufficiently figured it out. I've continued to wonder if my health collapse at that time had anything to do with the similar collapse of the 'neighbor man' back at my parent's mountain area home and property, who had been there before I was born and who died I believe about the time I was making a good recovery from my problems.  I'd always visited regularly and so on average every other weekend was re-exposed to whatever toxins of mind, body, spirit were put around me when visiting my family and their propery.  

I excuse myself from not having found the 2009 CFIDS cyanobacteria document it until recently, because I was rather busy (my father also fell apart the last week of 2008 and would pass/die in late summer 2010 so there was a lot going on even after that for me as my family was not exempt from the behaviors that occur from 'whatever it is that's making everyone unwell of mind, body, spirit'). I've come, recently, to see more has to do with water than I'd thought for a long time.  

Again, it was my first thought decades ago and I went off in all the other directions. So now Lumigrate has all those other directions documented in the forums (and to a lesser extent the video layer #1), and I come to rest today with WATER.  

The topic about algae at Lumigrate, where the CFIDS cyanobacteria PDF can be found: www.lumigrate.com/forum/algae-toxins-blue-green-cyanobacteria-water-underlying-cause-whole-gamut-illness-conditions-z


Moving Forward; What I think you should study about water

I have a feeling I'm going to be resting on WATER for a long time and maybe indefinitely.  Not JUST water, as this also has to do with what's in our homes and the air, what's in our clothes and how we clean our homes, our clothes, our selves, our children, our pets if we chose to have them, is going to have much to do with our wellness or illness level -- environmental it is.

Home is where the health is, or the sickness.   We also spend a lot of time in our vehicles typically, and at work if we have jobs outside the home.  Schools.  There are a lot of environments to address just with this aspect of what's in the air and the water and how much one has to address the issues has to do with where the people in the environments are on the wellness/illness spectrum. 

Cyanobacteria is actually algal, not bacterial.  It is all over the place and with more of it in more and more sources due to the way it is within our waters and environment for a reason from long, long ago, AND inside of us as well (and our pets).  It's surprising how much controversy there is about water --- which is best and safest for people and other animals and etc to use takes quite a bit of work to explore, and I found this out more in 2012 than ever.  The SWIG group had a lot of discussion about what was best -- r/o (reverse osmosis), distilled, can you find a safe spring, artesian, etc.  

About Distilled Water: 



Here's an excerpt: 

What Dr. Norman W. Walker says… "People who say that Distilled Water leaches minerals out of the body are, therefore, correct only in this respect. This is only 50% of the truth. It is virtually impossible for Distilled Water to separate minerals, which have become an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals which remain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from the cells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected from its contact with the earth and the rocks. Such minerals, having been rejected by the cells of the body are of no constructive value. On the contrary, they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up and eliminating from the system. —Dr. Norman W. Walker, from “Water Can Undermine Your Health"

Dr. Andrew Weil  says- "You can try drinking bottled distilled water if you like. It's water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as pure as water can reasonably be. While it's true that distillation removes minerals as it eliminates various other contaminants from water, I don't feel this is a problem. We get our minerals from food, not water. As far as acidity goes, distilled water is close to a neutral pH and has no effect on the body's acid/base balance. Distilled water is safe to drink, and the kind of water I use myself." - Dr. Andrew Weil

Distilled water and the method of the distiller is discussed by this resource, Stephen Heuer, a regular monthly guest on One Radio Network and 'friend' of Patrick Timpone's, as you'll hear at the start of this very informative podcast which covers a lot of important information in a very nicely paced way.  I believe water is at the very start of the second of the two parts (they split things into about one hour segments for people who put them on CDs he has said).  There were so many people I thought of when listening to this podcast, for various aspects of information brought up because they were right at 'this place' with their learning.  Here's what was covered (which you'll see among other things at the following link PLUS the buttons to download or listen). 



Show Highlights:

-The devastating effects of mercury fillings

-The #1 complaint people have is lack of energy; Stephen digs into mineral depletion of the soil

-Why taking a calcium supplement does not correct our need for calcium

-Can one take too many trace minerals?

-The problem with eating too much protein

-Understanding your body’s pH; getting the complete picture

-Messing with the electron spin of food when heating in a microwave oven

-Producing glutathione naturally with One World Whey

-What foods does the liver like and dislike?

-The optimal water to consume is distilled water; Stephen explains why




From www.myhdiet.com/pdf/research-water-long-term-health.pdf , I provide the opening paragraph and one from near the end of the excellent document, well worth going on the link and reading, and putting in the mix with the other information provided on this thread from other points of view which I've provided: 

Water—The Choice for Long-Term Health 

Michael Donaldson, PhD 

Hallelujah Acres Foundation 

The debate on what kind of water is the best choice for long-term consumption has raged on and on. There are advocates of using only distilled water and that anything less is impure and unnatural. There are others who solemnly warn that sickness and early death will surely come from drinking distilled water for more than a couple of months. There are others who say that minerals should be added to the water. And others who say your water should be structured to make it “wetter.” It should be oxygenated and energized. And then there are some who say it doesn’t matter what kind of water it is as long as you drink enough it will cure almost all diseases—you’re not sick, you’re thirsty. What is the truth? Does anyone really know what kind of water is best for you? Has anyone looked at this problem scientifically and done controlled studies with animals and people to see what really works in reality, not just in theory? 



A Solution to Improve Low Mineral Water 

So, what would be the optimal kind of water for long-term health? First, we start with water purified with activated carbon and distillation. This is consistently the purest, safest water you can obtain. 

But don’t stop there. Now you need to add back in the stuff you really want from your water. An optimal water contains ionic minerals (not rock minerals), is slightly alkaline, and is preferably structured to increase absorption. In looking at optimizing water several parameters were included—pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and surface tension. Acid-base balance is determined by pH; water below pH 7 is acidic and aggressive. ORP measures the balance between antioxidants (with reducing ability) and oxidants; the higher the ORP, the fewer antioxidants are present. Surface tension measures the structuring of the water. A collaboration of scientists has found evidence that water doesn’t always exist in its rigid tetrahedral Hallelujah Acres Research Foundation www.hacres.com 16 

structure, but exists in chains and rings as well (59, 60). Increasing the proportion of water which is in chain or ring structures lowers its surface tension, making it more easily absorbed and assimilated. 

Table 2 shows a comparison between the properties of a few different kinds of water and distilled water with different products added to it, including WaterMax. As mentioned distilled water is slightly acidic, has a high ORP value and a low TDS value. The Evian water is not acidic, but still has a high ORP value. As mentioned above, minerals found in ground water are not in optimal forms for use by the body. ConcenTrace, a product sold to remineralize water, does improve the TDS value, but the water is still acidic and has a high ORP value. Willard Water, a product sold to alter water’s structure, does elevate the pH and lower the ORP value, but the TDS value is still low. WaterMax meets the desired criteria of high pH, low ORP, and high TDS. 

And then to progress it, we get into ozonating distilled water: 

There is an inexpensive ozonator called A2Z Aqua which many people have been using with a lot of success and little expense to purchase ($70 at Amazon).  One of these women has suggested this method from her experience: 

"To simply purify water for drinking use a 1 gallon glass (never plastic) jar using the A2Z Aqua unit on setting #5. The generator will run for 20 minutes. I find it easier to manage 1/2 gallon jars for dispensing and will run the generator on setting #5 even for quart size jars.

I have the A2Z Aqua and actually have 2 of them now to keep processing water and food most of the day, as well as my car, bathrooms, etc. Using the unit in the kitchen with good ventilation, has brought about a nice benefit....the fresh herbs in pots that used to die from pathogen exposure (mold/cyano) are now healthy, happy, and thriving."


Reverse Osmosis/RO

I have found it more economical to use reverse osmosis water and find the results as far as I can tell to be good. Here's a link to a resource I like a lot about RO, because of the questions and answer format in their education, and they've covered the questions that I have seen come up. They also show how devious the information sources can be when they have a sales figure to make at the end of the day relative to what the consumer has learned and will take action on:


Additionally, I have information at Lumigrate on a separate comment immediately below this topic that I've overview/transcribed after I looked around a while after creating this topic and found Joseph Bender as an expert that made the most sense to me about water and what type. He sees the spiritual aspect of things, and water is fascinating with what all it can do with what it 'remembers' and it's 'vitality'. If you wonder about setting water in the sun, moon, that type of thing, or magnetizing it, please take the link here or scroll down to become informed via this internationally known water researcher and  expert. www.lumigrate.com/forum/water-key-environmental-wellness-or-illness-more-important-today-ever-many-aspects-consider#comment-2890

While RO isn't ideal as drinking pure water if you could find it coming from the ground as in the past in some cases of springs, it's the best thing that most people can have the energy, time, money ("resources") to do, in his opinion. And I've followed as many people on the distilled versus RO facets of that two-sided coin and for me personally, I go to the health food or water store and purchase what they sell from their systems, which includes RO. Sometimes it includes ozonation as the last step, too.  You'll notice a lot of bottled waters today will say what their process is and it'll also include ozonation. Lucky are those who can have an expert like Joseph Bender working with them on what to have in their homes or businesses for providing water to those who use the space. 



You'll notice the reference to "mold", above. Here's the topic I created last year (2014) about mold, so please take the journey to learn what's there and at least look it over / become familiar: www.lumigrate.com/forum/mold-four-letter-word-and-cofactor-consider-chronic-illness-and-wellness-prevention-too 

Mold is an increasing story in mainstream media and what that is doing is raising awareness and telling people what the mainstream wants people to know.  I suggest you learn what is outside the box, beyond what the mainstream is wanting the masses via their mass communication to know. Lumigrate is one of many sites, and I link often to both independent and mainstream sources I find and think are good for people to be learning from, with any caveats added such as I did here: be mainstream if you want, but that's what the system's wanting, go beyond. And it takes time to study. 

Let me now bring you the link to the other topic in this forum on environ wellness/illness where I presented the PDF from the CFIDS Association (which is a mainstream organization, by the way) about cyanobacteria -- it's 26 pages to print out or have printed out by someone in order to have a paper copy to read, mark up, show to others, keep on hand, etc.  

I highly recommend that, though at some point we have to be conscious of the papers we have around and their place in the illness picture because they foster the growth of so many molds, algae, etc..  (The 'neighbor man' I referred to had just rescued maps from a fire at his place of business before his health crashed so that had made people wonder if it was from the chemicals, but maybe there were symbiotic factors similar to how the rescuers from 9/11 have had their wellness crash after their heroic work in 2001.)  

Is it EVER just one thing?  Highly unlikely. That's different than there being a core issue, or a root cause.  My mother also said 'but he started jogging before that and was jogging in the dead of winter even in sub zero temperatures, it seems that might be a factor since it was something he'd just started doing recently AND it seems common sense that super cold air could perhaps make your body more suspectible to things'.  (I paraphrased.)  

This was before she died at age 62 in the spring of 1987. I would later realize 'she didn't have fertility problems until when she moved to that property I was later to be brought to life at'.  It was a lot of time and information for me to get to information such as 'the babies detox the mothers', which was an 'aha moment' for me when I learned it, same as when I found 'the missing link' to explain the mental and painful symptoms I saw in various family members and wondered why some would get the physical and others more the mental/ behavioral / personality quirks, disorders some might call them.  

Then I went into learning a lot more about EMFs and realizing that electromagnetics, from listening to world-renowned Lyme/autism expert Dietrich Klinghardt, naturally occurring from the Earth plus the more-recognized man-made contributions to the growing autism rates and other chronic conditions that are skyrocketing today. If we have our body not full of metals, because we're detoxifying correctly, EMFs won't have the effect they have when we're higher in metals. Why that occurs has to do with what's in the water, (and soils and air), which has a domino effect that is quite complex. When one looks at all the things that could ideally be done to create wellness and reverse illness symptoms, it's a very long and exhausting list. Prioritize.  Take the biggest factors on, and WATER is a major factor. 

Remember to "check your segmentation of unwellness at the door" when you come to Lumigrate, it's so helpful to see that these things are ultimately coming from the same 'stuff', just different manifestations of symptoms each person has based on our different genes and different exposures and life experiences. Nature and nurture do work together. (Search on Lumigrate's search bar for those terms as well, if you wish, it's all here now, I've worked my fingers to the bone, so to speak!).

I've become a big fan of a lot of experts and am going to set you up with the links I get from searching their names and "distilled water": 

Joe Mercola: I saw he 'changed his tune' about distilled water, so I then pressed on and found this information:


You'll see this source, above, cites that Dr Mercola's website makes money from the selling of other types of water filters so therefore that might have skewed what his information reflects. This is a reason, not 'the' major reason but one among many, why the only thing that was ever for sale at Lumigrate was downloads of the videos when they were new. And naturally my consulting time. There is information out there about how he used to sell distillers and also promoted distilled, and then switched. I would stick with we don't know WHY, but he switched, and now he's not 'promoting' the sale or use of distilled water.   

I got flack for selling $20 video seminars from perhaps paid trolls, or perhaps they were unpaid internet bullies or just angry birds who had chronic pain, fibromyalgia, fatigue who were already seeing how many providers of products and services were targeting the market they were in, leading people awry on things they no longer could afford -- and thus they were angry. When you're new and someone is taking shots at you, I thought it best to just take away the fuel for the critical fire storm and made the videos $0.00/no cost. I then couldn't afford to do more videos so have not done videos again, and INSTEAD focused on the FORUMS here where you're reading from. And that's where I've put my development time, energy, money (resources). 

You'll also see they mentioned one of my long-time favorites, Andrew Weil, so here's what he had to say about water: www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART00581/water-an-essential-part-of-life.html

And here's a less well known website and expert, but I liked the way they presented the list in order of which is preferable and it's simple with five variables:


An excerpt of what's at the link ^ from All Cratures dot org: 

So, what’s the best kind of water to drink? These kinds, in this order:

1) distilled
2) reverse osmosis
3) filtered water
4) spring water (filtered through carbon)
5) mineral water (filtered through carbon)

Distilled water is the best kind to drink. It has been boiled and the steam condensed down back into pure water with no contaminants (either inorganic or microbial) and no minerals.  

(Mardy's Note adding in June 4 2015: Please see my information from May 2015 where I transcribe and suggest people listen to Joseph Bender, as I think he is objective with his advise, and very knowledgeable. He suggests FOR SOME APPLICATIONS, quality distilled, but it needs to be distilled more than once to be pure enough. The distilling process messes up the water's innate and more subtle and less known properties differently than reverse osmosis does, so in general he routes people to reverse osmosis. He also suggests people have a Berkey filter or some sort of ceramic filter to use for sovereign needs if that will occur. I've seen many people say similarly, laypeople who have studied the issue of water and voice their opinions on Facebook.) 

The next best type of water is that treated with a reverse osmosis with carbon filtration system, which can be bought (they range from $500 to $800) and placed under your kitchen sink. A key advantage to this type of filtration is that it does get rid of some radioactivity, if any, while distillation does not. Reverse osmosis filters out most everything: inorganic contaminants, like the heavy metals mercury and lead; microbial contamination from bacteria, viruses, and parasites; and organic contaminants, like pesticides, solvents and other chemicals.

But reverse osmosis also has its disadvantages. It uses a lot of water; it takes 10 gallons of regular water to make one gallon of reverse osmosis water. It’s also a slow process, and for households that use a lot of filtered or bottled water, it will be difficult to keep up with the demand. Also the filters have to be changed on the set schedule or they can build up bacteria. This would cause the filter to not only fail to filter out toxins and chemicals but also put bacteria into the drinking water.

One controversy concerning distilled (and reverse osmosis water) is that mineral-less water is supposedly not good for you. But the answer to this lies in your pipes. Look at a cross-section of a pipe that’s at least 10 years old. You’ll see thick mineral deposits which narrow the pipe, causing the water pressure to drop and the flow of water to slow down — similar to the narrowing of an artery, causing blood flow to slow down. The same thing happens in our bodies with regular water.

Not only do these minerals deposit in the body’s tissues, but they’re predominantly metallic minerals, which are absorbed in minimal amounts compared to the amount consumed. A 10 percent absorption rate would be considered high, which means that for every 500 milligrams of calcium taken in, maybe 50 milligrams actually is absorbed for use.

So where do we get the necessary minerals that distilled water lacks? Almost all our minerals should come from plants. These are called organic minerals (from live plants) rather than inorganic (from the earth.) In other words, inorganic is like getting it from dirt, while organic is like getting it from a vegetable.

When a plant takes an inorganic mineral from the earth, it changes the mineral to a very small particle suspension (called a “colloid”) that actually loses its conductivity in water — the sign of a true organic mineral. The nice thing about plant colloid minerals are that they are so small they can go everywhere in the body, and they don’t deposit in tissues like metallic minerals do.

Excerpt taken from the book Total Health = Wholeness: A Body, Mind and Spirit Manual by Dr. Keith and Laurie Nemec. For more information go to Total Health Institutehttp://www.totalhealthinstitute.com.



And last but not least Julia Ross: You can see portions of her book The Diet Cure at this link: books.google.com/books , where you can see what she has to say about distilled water. Her book The Mood Cure trumped other books I'd learned of and put at the top of my Lumigrate Bookshelf list that I suggest 'everyone read', it's excellent and written in the early part of this century even.  She was very cutting edge and continues to hold a very solid position in the outside the box nutrition advisory world relative to behavioral and mental health. 

That gives you some ideas to get started on deciding what YOU think about distilled water, then from there you can look into the ozone aspect.  You can find ozone information using Lumigrate's search bar, naturally. OR, here's the link: www.lumigrate.com/forum/ozone

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Making Pure, Safe Water More Ideal; Progressing and Finnessing

In wanting to progress the information on Lumigrate based on my experiences working with people in their homes or offices (or wherever) as an "information conceierge", I sought out more of what I think is the right information to share here.  I found it at OneRadioNetwork. Again. There's a lot that goes into applying these new ways once learning the information. Learning only comes after becoming 'aware'. And it's a process. But it's essential that people be using SAFE WATER. Pets, children, others that a person who is the one in the system to make something happen will benefit.  It's a ripple effect. I watched a duck in a pond yesterday swimming away and thought about how long the ripple effect went from two webbed feet! Be the duck in your pond. And if you need assistant applying the information, contact me (Go to the About Us tab, look at the bottom portion that is about me/Mardy, under about the YOU! Model and About Lumigrate.)  

In September of 2013, Patrick Timpone of OneRadioNetwork had Joseph Bender, founder and acting president at that time of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences,  was on the program TWICE.  Due to Patrick's understanding of the importance of water, both times were the full two hours and not splitting into having two guests for an hour, give or take. To have him back so soon was an indicator of how impressed Patrick was with Joseph (pronounced Yo-suf), and Patrick's been doing these shows for years and years, he's not easily super extra special impressed. I got the sense he was with Joseph Bender, as was I.

Lumigrate is about mind / body / spirit 'holistic', whole system medicine, and Joseph Bender sees water in a whole-istic way, so I'm very glad to have found him. You can easily scan over the words I typed out below to transcribe/overview everything covered on both shows plus what OneRadioNetwork provided as the highlights, just to get a sense of what's in store if you stick with this information provided. 

But I'm going to set YOUsers up here to learn in the opposite order I did, and provide at the top here, the YouTube video from 2009 of Joseph Bender. I found it after hearing the interviews and when finishing up this thread's transcriptions. I really enjoyed seeing him. My favorite part is when he talks about being on QuackWatch and how he feels accomplished by having enough notoriety that "the critics" put him on that site.  I chuckled to myself and thought how I'm finding providers to link to who often are teaching people about things The System (I call them 'the monkeys', Patrick Timpone of OneRadioNetwork calls them 'Doug and Moe'). They are those elite in the world whose ancestors created the house of cards system that runs the world, until they are usurped, and want the people to not be empowered, to not be well, to be beta to their alpha, under their control. They do NOT want people to know a lot of things. Too bad, many of us are making it so, in the ripple effect fashion.  But so far I'm not on QuackWatch. That I'm aware of. I may never be, which is fine. I just want to have my niche providing information on the website and then using it as a tool for the individuals I work with in person or via technologies to help them learn how to INTEGRATE information into their lives, homes, routines. 

I'm simply a compiler, and a teacher. I use my occupational therapy background to facilitate application of the principles people are wanting to implement, so they can 'put into action' what they're learning at a cognitive level. But people, particularly if their brains (and guts) have gotten wiggy, have difficulties with their functionally adopting new information. They often having difficulty 'getting it together' to put things into action in the home, office (or other workplace), etc.  And believe it or not, this water information in and of itself is proving to have people wanting some assistance. Again, nothing is more important than WATER. Make it happen, and sooner than later is my suggestion. 

I hope you enjoy this video about Joseph Bender as much as I did, it was neat to see him and the laboratory which, I believe, was referred to in these 2013 interviews as being in the past, presumably from the economic issues of the 2008/2009 era. Those were my thoughts at least. Perhaps that's why had this video made in 2009 and there's nothing since. www.youtube.com/watch .  You'll notice Lumigrate launched in 2009 with a full complement of videos at the videos tab of the providers I was collaborating with at an integrative center and nothing has been added since. Video's expensive. You'll notice the forums are where I put the majority of my efforts. That was more efficient. Again, worth the 10 minutes to see Joseph Bender first, then go on to the interview information, below.

By 2013 he'd gone on a spiritual journey out of the US for a while and was plugging back in, and was working for a company, as you'll see in the transcribed version of you read, or hear if you listen at One Radio Network's website. A very pleasant man. With a great story in the video of how he was perceived by a room full of doctors, until someone asked him about his advanced degrees and he admitted he had a high school education plus two years of college. Just from looking at his writing on his blog, I could tell he likely had brain injury / learning disabilities. How else do you explain someone able to accomplish all he did that struggled and dropped out of college?

I relate to that, I dropped out too, not knowing until about age 30 of my disabilities' level, and getting therapy and proper prescription in glasses after 20 years of improper prescription from not advanced enough optometrists. I fell into a fantastic job in research and I was later commended for the outstanding and 'irreplaceable job' I did. So I'm more turned on than off by his 'credentials' in terms of fitting into the System and matriculating in higher education. He's smart, he's accomplished, and he is gentle and wholistic. Spiritual. 

Here are the links and the overview information as they provide it at OneRadioNetwork (with my editing in bolding and other things to make it more readable and easier to see by the Lumigrate YOUsers, many of whom have fatigued 'eyes' / brains, etc.



Joseph Bender

Founder and Acting President of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences

Joseph Bender has been a researcher, inventor and entrepreneur since an early age, having started many successful companies implementing his ideas in the fields of entertainment, education, and health.

For the past 20 years, Joseph Bender has been researching the glorious substance of water, realizing that in water all the mysteries of the life process are contained. Joseph has committed the remainder of his life to researching, understanding and assisting others who work with water.

Show Highlights:

-Water is no longer regarded as sacred; the solution to pollution is dilution (is how wastewater industry handles things)

-Aging is simply slow dehydration

-Staying away from polycarbonate bottles

-What is structured water?

-Water is the ultimate information carrier

-Imprinting water by blessing it

-Watching what you imprint it with; moonlight may not be a good idea

-The real reason juicing is so good for you

-Vitalizing distilled water

-Reprogramming your brain with a 3 day protocol Joseph shares

-The first drink of the day and the last drink of the day should be…….?

-Water's job is to clean the liver and kidneys, our body's filters

-Yes, the oceans are as nasty and polluted as Dr. Hal Huggins has said they are

-Removing chlorine from the bath

-Reverse osmosis, a good idea?

-What kind of water should I buy when buying from the grocery store?

and so much more.

Fascinating Interview!!







Joseph Bender

Founder and Acting President of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences

Topic: Does Alkaline Water Really Promote Better Health?

Joseph Bender has been a researcher, inventor and entrepreneur since an early age, having started many successful companies implementing his ideas in the fields of entertainment, education, and health.

For the past 20 years Joseph Bender has been researching the glorious substance of water, realizing that in water, all the mysteries of the life process are contained. Joseph has committed the remainder of his life to researching, understanding and assisting others who work with water.

Show Highlights:

-Why the Japanese invest in expensive alkalizing water machines

-We need water for water’s sake

-Does the body want a super high alkalizing water?

-What do those alkaline water machines do anyway?

-Alkalizing water can be dangerous. Joseph elaborates

-Energy, light, intention and water

-Making city water the best it can be

-Can you change the memory of water? How?

-What’s the difference between electrolytes and minerals?

-How to get maximum hydration

-The interfacing of consciousness and matter

-Aging is simply dehydration

-We see the ultimate water structure while looking at the brain

-Drinking distilled water can be very useful at times

-Keeping track of your Ph

and so much more!

Fantastic show. If you missed Josephs first show, check it out here. (BUT YOU SEE WE HAVE THE LINKS, ABOVE)


 September 5, 2013 

Joseph (pronounced Yo-suf) is greeted. Patrick asks him to talk about alkaline water. He's started RainFresh Bottled Water, is managing director of an aquaculture company and into super learning technologies. 

Water is one of those mysteries, he says --- "all through my life I'd learn something and get bored with it, and move onto something else.... When I came across the mystery of water, I realized this was worthy of a lifetime of exploration and study, and for every door I open in the myster of water, I see a long hallway of doors." 

We don't think of it as being this complex, Patrick Timpone states.

In ancient times, man realized water was an essential part of understanding spiritual reality. The Tao is linked to water, every ancient ritual is based around water because they understood it's importance.  As we went into deeper levels of forgetting who we are as sacred human beings, water became a commodity; now we're at such a low conscious point, it's where we dump our pollution instead of it's being this high sacred reality. "The solution to pollution is dilution", as they say in the wastewater industry. 


When you study water inside the body, we have a biochemical body that is supporting a bio-electrical, bio-physical body, which is structuring water so that consciousness can interface.  The point of interfacing between the realm of spirit and realm of matter is found in water.

                                                                                   - Joseph Bender, September 5, 2013. 

So, as spiritual beings in physical bodies, we're composed of water to help us know who we really are as soul, so that soul can maintain in  body. "Structured water" ideally is 89% in the body, and someone who is dying is about 65% water -- so aging is actually slow, cellular dehydration.  Consciousness cannot stay in the body if it's not with enough structured water. 

Patrick relates he has a "vortexer" for his water that goes on the Vitamix and all kinds of other things you can put into it, like crystals into it before you drink it. Why would God, he or she, not structure the water, Patrick asks?

Nature does, Joseph Bender says; The devine masculine and feminine principle is present for both, there is young virgin water such as with rain. Joseph did research with Dr Baugh and a pre-Deluvian model, recreating what the Earth was like when there was a layer of water surrounding the outside of the Earth, the increased geomagnetic pulse of the earth created an ionization.  So they ionized water and saw what wavelengths would attenuate out and it would create like a hyperbarick chamber. So they took hyperbarick chambers and added ionization and more light and oxygen and things grew to pre-historic sizes. They had to stop the experiment because the tomato grew too large from the HBOT chamber. 

The pre-Deluvian times is what was being mimicked, Patrick asked about that time period -- "Before the flood, many thousands of years ago" depending upon how you count time, is what they were mimicking.  Oxygen was (higher), everything was bigger. Man was bigger. They got a fly to live six months instead of the usual 2 week life cycle they have now typically. 

Water is such a key element both planetarily, the same amount of water that's in our bodies is the same amount in/on the Earth, percentage-wise. 

It's the regulator between all extremes ... and translator of one information domain from the cosmic energies to the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom. Water's the transmitter of information. 

So when we talk about "structure", it's information being transferred from one domain to another via water. Even the DNA, it's surrounded by this highly structured water. 

Blood is 98% water, everyone's been looking at the details instead of the water. Yet scientists are studying the ketones and the homoglobin. So Joseph Bender's been looking at the water, which is where the mystery is.

The water,  intracellular and extracellular, behaves differently.  Intracellularly you can cut the cell in half and water won't leak out, with the protein layers all holding the space for the water to do it's magic, which is taking the divine feminine womb that is taking the chaos and putting it into order so that life can happen.

Patrick said he got goosebumps from hearing that.

The vortexer, or the way they sell structured water at grocers, Patrick asks about what it means, really. 

Normally water is in a random, chaotic form. You have 33 substances in pure water if we're not talking about ionic content, things that are added to the water like dissolved minerals....... different combinations of O's and H's in water, three isotopes of hydrogen, 8 molecular forms of oxygen. --- not talking about the ions. So all these are combining and recombining in the Brownian movement of the water. As you put information --- in resonant physics -- you give a field to something and the fields try to couple; one information is trying to resonate with the other information. 

Water is the ultimate information carrier, it's like a blank cassette tape. I can structure it with noise, country music, classical music.  People making structured water are making some pretty bad "music" sometimes.  You can structure water and it won't necessarily be biologically friendly. 

The Japanese were doing using intense magnetic fields in their hospitals to sterilize water, and people who were drinking this were blacking out and having convulsions, and it was just water! ....because they structured it to a nonbiological system. So just like all the frequencies through the spectrum, if I arrange them in a proper ratio, I can make music or noise. So it is with water. You can make beautiful music in water, and as you mentioned with one of your devices, when you start spinning water in a centropedal action, it self organizes because the life force of the environment embues into the molecules and it starts self organizing. Nature does this.

There are 5 places in the world where people live to 150 to 160, having children in their 80s. Researchers have gone in to study them. They all live in a moderate valley surrounded by ice mountains. One group ate meat, one group smoked, one group drank alcohol, but the thing in common was the water they drank, it had similar characteristics.  

Which was glacier melt that tumbled down the mountain in vortical patterns that went through ancient colloid beds of digested humous matter that picked up supercharged minerals that were so electrically charged they didn't dissolve in the water, so the water looked milky or cloudy, because these minerals were bouncing around with their electrical charges and not breaking down the dipole movement of water.   It was like water with "batteries included". 

If you drink a glass of distilled water, your body has to put enormous energies into it to get it to have even a little structure for a biologically fit water with the structuring (he lists them, hexogonal and etc.) that are needed in the body.  So if you could drink a water that already has the energy provided with it, you'd be getting longevity and in life, the fullness of what we're intended to be. 

Patrick: Clarifies, and then Joseph elaborates:

Exactly, because there's no such thing as "pure water" (in nature) anymore, there's PCBs in the penguins in the Antarctic; there's nowhere in the world we can go and not see the effects of man-made chemicals and pollutants in water. Even the five places he mentioned before with the high longevity are impacted.

Because we've so damaged the Earth, we need to take stewardship and repair it; always follow nature's model and re-create what nature intended. Science has veered in another direction; they've said they know better than the spiritual basis of nature and they're monkeying with genes and doing all this Frankenstein stuff for their own ends. But when we with with nature and say we understand and honor the mystery, and create technologies that draw in energy,  that is when we begin to restore working with nature and restore the balance we've lost. 

Then he goes to a commercial break.

Back from break and overview of what's said (but I hope people have and take the time to listen to at least portions if not the entirity)....

Question from someone about distilled water. 

Distilled water is a clean, dead water. It's a step in the right direction, but it needs to be revivified. It's low in oxygen and stuff, and it's an aggressive water. It will want to re-ionize the minerals that are removed, so looks for that in the body. He recommends double distilled water to pull out minerals if people are chelating, but regularly put free electrons in it, oxygen. He recommends a good electrolyte packet that can be added to distilled water. We should alternate back and forth between pure and electrolyte water. 

That allows the intracellular and extracellular water to exchange.  When people talk about being too acidic, it's unfortunately an over simplified thing, and as a result a lot of good people are hurting from the misinformation. 

It's unfortunate that  a lot of good people are hurting from the mis-information out there about pH and alkalinity. (And spending money on alkalizing machines.)

You can vitalize the distilled water and make it a biologically healthy water. His commitment is to make change, so he works for Water Event in Austin, TX that sells water treatment equipment and bottled water in glass, to help people with their decision. But he'll help anyone to learn how to put a unit together in their home to vitalize the water in their home. Money's not the issue, he's just passionate about the work. There are ways to vitalize distilled water. Same with RO, you want to do something to it before you consume it. 

If folks are going to go out and buy water, Patrick talks about Mountain Valley water in glass, and it's available around the US. Joseph said it's good, it's slighly above 7 on the pH, which is what you want.  Of all the water he's tested it's one of the top.

What about "spring water" from the grocery store in 2 gallon polypropelene containers, Patrick asks. It's the container issue leaching that's the issue not the water in that case.  He recommends an RO and ozonated water when he's traveling and not with his good water with him. Purchase in a PET bottle or a polycarbonate even, of course women with the estrogen markers in polycarbonate,  is not good for women to get those phytoestrogens. We're being exposed to so many estrogen-"messers" -- through our fingers from receipts for instance. (Epidermal transmission)  

Not all plastic water bottles is estrogenic, like polypropelene, but it has other effects. Also, gases migrate .... he got called by a company for a consult making one gallon containers of water for sale. The box sits on a truck that gets to 150 degrees and the gases from the box migrate through the plastic into the water. Remember water is always wanting to "dance with it's environment", that's it's beauty.   Not having any form itself, it takes on the form of everything it comes in contact with; it is the ultimate feminine, of yielding and then it becomes and integral part of that system. 

It picks up information. There have been many studies where they take ultra pure water, which doesn't exist in nature. He's made such ultra pure water  that it made his tongue swell when he put some in his mouth.  That lets you know how water seeks information. When they make "wholly water" for naturopaths, they realized it was the perfect mother water for tinctures  for homeopathic medicine because it had no memory. It's not something you'd want to drink or use as a product.

We want the correct life-affirming background information in the water; it to be pure. Also to drink water that's with the correct electrolyte ratios that our body needs so our intracellular water to gets hydrated and the extracellular water gets hydrated, causing the intracellular water to 'exchange'.

And that's where we get too acidic, is that water between the inner cells and the outer muscle tissue and blood gets stagnant, and when it gets stagnant it acidifies, and when it acidifies all the cell receptors, around the cell these little hairs that are communicating with the hull, they get burned off and the cell becomes angioplastic because it doesn't understand it's purpose anymore. That's how cancer sets in. The environment around the cell is so broken down it starts to eat each other. 

A question about RO water, what to add, and what about whole house filter. Wants to get rid of chlorine in the pool as well.  Patrick tells of Timothy Hickey with Friends of Water dot com is someone that Patrick mentions for whole house systems and filters and etc. ... look for the ad on his website (OneRadioNetwork) and Patrick feels Timothy is really honest and ethical and in the business a long time.  Friends of water dot com. Use the promo code OneRadio he interjects,  stating you'll get a little discount if you let them know it's via OneRadioNetwork.

And Joseph does the same things also he interjects. He creates water for spas, healing centers, stars around the nation get pool water that ends up enhancing the skin... affordably. You get treated and enhanced, affordably.

Fulvic acid in the right form can be helpful, he said (as the questioner was asking about that in particular) you have to understand the zeta potential -- some of the extraction processes that companies use are too aggressive to get maximum fulvic acid out of it, so you have to see if the electrical charges are still there.  But he's been able to make water with fulvic acid in the base  for plants that can double the rate of growth/ halve the time by increasing the nutrient density and creating the plant to thrive. 

#1 -- Remove the VOCs , pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, and the growing problem with pharmaceuticals. With homeopathy principle, you keep diluting things, and about the sixth time you've diluted it, it becomes a homeopathic medicine. We have all these people peeing out medicines, dumping out pills into the toilet, and now we have a homeopathicized concoction of all these pharmaceuticals in the levels in the waters rising and it's homeopothacized water basically. People have to take sovereignty over their water for their children in particular, and selves, and all. Have a clean source of water.

About reverse osmosis: Almost every alternative doctor Joseph Bender has talked with after six months of reverse osmosis (on systems other than his) has molds and bacterias and such in the machine. So Dr Lee Candin (sp) came to him to ask if he could make a system that wouldn't create that problem. He created a unit that could be truly bacteria free. It took several pre-treatments and ultraviolet light and several things to accomplish that goal, but it can be done. And people with existing ROs can retrofit, he can help them retrofit so they don't have to buy a whole new system. 

One of the reasons the contamination happens is when an RO is making water, it's by a drip and it fills a bladder tank so the last 2 cups of water there's reverse pressure on the RO and it's not operating as efficiently, so there's more pollutants that come through and that's when bacteria can migrate across the membrane. So if people can learn to empty it out at least once a week. Water all your plants, use it for washing water. The more you use RO the more it functions better. Drain the tank on a weekly basis and make a fresh batch, always, every week.

And then if they're just taking a glass here and there, fill pitchers up and then use those and empty the tank. Because all it takes is one bacteria "mold count" to get into the tank and then it's there growing and growing.  That's a protocol. 

Use food grade hydrogen peroxide and 2x a year sterilize their unit. Even his units that are designed to resist bacteria and molds, he suggests this. 

What's at the top of his list of how to revitalize with minerals, and is minerals enough to make it good water? 

First off, it has to be cleared of it's previous memories, so get some doughnut magnets at Radio Shack and bind them together with duct tape then run their R/O line through that array of magnets. That causes the water to polarize back and forth and helps break up the memory patterns of the water.  SEE OTHER DETAILS BELOW FOR MORE SPECIFICS HE FOLLOWS UP WITH IN SUBSEQUENT INTERVIEW.

Then add a small amount of a good quality electrolyte. Pedialyte is a mainstream baby drink that is fairly decent balance. EmergenC has a good one that's in a green package. These balance the water and organizes it around biologically friendly, organic minerals that we need to have that electrolytic action so the energy in the body can create the structured water that we need for life to happen.  (I will have to look for these products and see if there are any artificial colorings or flavorings, as I've looked at the bottled Pedialyte before and recall there was something I thought not good, perhaps it was whatever was sweetening it.)

A watermellon or any mellon has the best structured water, a living system has created that.  That's why juicing has the effects it has, it's not the juice, it's the higher levels of structure of the water. The living process of the plant has arranged the molecules into an biologically friendly system. 

A TDS (total disolved solids) meter, which are about $20 Patrick asks about. Answer: Anything under 40 ppm, the stomach, the body will interpret it as food and not water and it will go through the intestinal system to be absorbed, not by the stomach. But if you have water that's the correct pH and pure, and then he likes water under 10 ppm, the body will open up the stomach lining and you'll rehydrate faster. 

When you go through stressors, and you're hydrated, your brain sets up a hydration rationing protocol. So all the triatiatry  uses shut off -- the finer biochemical functions. So it uses water for the primary which is digestion and elimination. So your body will still be rationing the next day even if you drink water the next day. So he developed a protocol to correct that... 

He walked around with machinery on him for two weeks that measured intracellular, extracellular, to see what happens when you drink coffee or beer and all the different effects, until he made a hydration protocol that will totally renew the people listening to this.

What you do is get a timer and every 30 minutes it goes off.

Take no more than 4 ounces of water, 3 or 2 if you're smaller. He has a formula to get it exact, it's usually less than 4.  Pure, clean water, RO or distilled that's been cleansed and then neutral.

Then next time you do electrotyle-added water. Keep this up when awake for 3 days. Back and forth. So the brain will realize after three days that it doesn't need to be rationing water to the first and second systems and will let things go to the brain and start using water for all it's purposes. 

How do people get themselves pure water?  Most cost effective, easiest. 

RO UV water if it's serviced correctly is a decent option. Taking ownership and paying the extra dollars to get a system at home like his 12-stage unit, and use the city water or well water is what he suggests. Because you have control of it, it's in your home.  

What about Mountain Valley water for the protocol, because there are too many minerals. The TDS is to high. It's a good water for general drinking (it's 70 or 180 TDS depending on which of them was correct), once you get past this, but not for this protocol. 

Fill a glass liter with it, then another and add a small amount of the electrolytes to one batch of the water. The green packs of EmergenC is made to go in a liter, called sport electrolyte or something.  

For some people it's very dramatic to do this. He had doctors -- alternative health doctors -- in the Dallas / Ft Worth area ,were sending him patients who weren't responding to vitamin and supplement therapies, and it was the patients' pH of urine and saliva was off, and they were dehydrated, and all they had to do was get hydrated and then they could absorb the nutrients.  

One case was mind boggling. He had a woman drink water when on his machine and she was getting more dehydrated as she consumed more water.  The Hebrew word for breath or spirit came to him when he asked for guidance from God. He went back and noticed she breathed so high in her chest she couldn't even use the water and the body was pulling water off to try to take in more water. And he taught her how to breathe with her diaghragm, and then she would then hydrate from bringing enough energy and oxygen in her body

So he recommends all do this. (which was what I teach people on day number one typically, even in insurance-based practice as an occupational therapist in 2005-2007 before starting Lumigrate and focusing on various education aspects of importance). 

Whenever you drink water, hold it for at least 8 seconds. The mouth is an amazing laboratory that analyzes, so the right digestive enzymes are secreted and the body can receive it. So if you hold water that's less than 40ppm in the mouth for 8 seconds, the stomach and body will say  that's just water so let me open up and let that into the body. Otherwise, you hydrate from the intestines, which is where most people are hydrating today. This is about trying to get the brain back to normal, then once that's back in normal then everything's okay and you don't need to do this process again that's in the protocol. 

You can buy RO water in many places, Patrick says. Then add the electrolyte mix to half of it, he recounts.  Get water from Mountain Valley to get the glass bottle Patrick jokes, buy it from him and then you can re-use the bottle. They're out of Hot Springs, Arkansas and there are distributorships all over the country. They talk about their water and his ethics and how good their water is. 

Oxygen enriched, electron charged structured water in glass bottles that will be available in some areas of Texas (Austin and Fort Worth) will be the best water that's made with machines, he said. He was in process of creating that and it was due out in two months. That will be from Water Event. 

Moonwater restructing is asked about. Joseph Bender's answer: The reason we say a person is a 'lunatic' is the energies of the moon are so powerful it whacks people out. Hospitals staff for this (as does law enforcement, I have heard).  

A group he knew of had a giant array and were collecting moonlight and making super moon charged water, and he thought 'yeah, it's structured, but you shouldn't be drinking that' and months later he bumped into the guy and he related how the people all got whacked out. The project got crazy, people were flipping out. You don't want to drink moon water, Joseph Bender responded to the man telling him about the group. 

A book on the life-affirming qualities of water is about 3/4 written at the time. He does not have a website but 

Search "Joseph Bender" water and you'll see articles, a YouTube, a lot of his papers, symposium speeches, lectures, other radio broadcasts, where you can find what he has out there. 

email is yosef@life-affirming.com


Are any of the bottled waters from big box stores safe to drink ongoing?

He suggests that "mass marketed commodity waters" are usually not done to the standards that he'd encourage people to consume/ purchase. And: take on soverignty for the day you can't get water (see elsewhere for more details on that, he said Burkey or a ceramic like that so you can use stream or lake water). Health food stores, local usually are better with what they'll carry, generally. 

If you get a water in PET and it gets hot, throw it away, don't consume it. 

Ideally buy a few glass bottles -- there are some cute carry things around them now, or stainless steel bottles are better a little but but it depolarizes the water a little for another reason. He buys the dark blue brand of bottled water that comes in glass, Iceland he thinks it is, if he looses a bottle and then uses that by refilling.  Buy a 5 gallon bottle of water and then don't return it, reuse it, eat the deposit.

What about the 5 gallon spring water and that's all they have right now?  

Spring water is pressurized ground water, and all ground water is contaminated.  If I had to buy it in a grocery store, he'd probably buy something that said reverse osmosis because distilled water is going to be more aggressive and is going to pull more plastic out of the bottle.Look for that the water's  been ozonated too if it's in a plastic bottle, that will give you the least damage. Preferably buy in glass bottles. He buys kombucha tea, saves and washes them and puts water in that too. 

Nature's Hydration by (Clayton Nolte) and Joseph Bender says knows of the vendor as he's come to him for consult and read several of his papers and has come to Joseph for advise "and that's all I'll safely say". 

What about systems in a house and shower.

Over 2-1/2 pounds of KDF to remove chlorine from shower water. A lot of units have half a pound of KDF, it will reduce the chlorine load but not remove it. If you own a home, for $1,200  you can get something that will have KDF to remove all the house's chlorine that's 2-1/2 pounds.

He's designed a unit and a company in Houston made a 1-1/2 pound unit, and it's the next best thing, but it's a 10 inch filter that will hold that much KDF.

IF someone's taking a bath and don't have a filter, dump a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (for 88 cents), stir it up and let it sit for a few minutes, that will oxidize out most of the chlorine.  He uses food grade hydrogen peroxide he uses by the gallons, but people can use the other. Food grade 35% is 4 Tablespoons in a big tub or 2 in small, it'll oxidize the chlorine out. 

Long term storage water, he'll fill up a bottle and add sodium thiosulfate, and then seal with a wax seal and then put a cap on it. Just putting it in the bathtub doesn't do it fast enough.

Another question about RO and minerals, and foods and supplements versus getting it in water.  Joseph Bender answers: Inorganic minerals in water are useless to the body, or else we could suck on a rock and get calcium, lick a nail to get iron; we can't. We need in a synthesized form with cofactors and enzymes, and that's why plants takes that inorganic mineral and makes it into an organic form with the right cofactors and minerals to make it usable in a human system.

Organic minerals are such as are in plants, seaweed has the highest form. Anyone who's aging if you eat seaweed every day, then that will help as you can't hold minerals. That's what greying hair is about, it shows up early there, we can't hold our minerals in the body any more.

Joseph Bender did an experiment where they took vitamin C. When the pH of the body is off 1/10th of ... if pH is balanced and you take in 1 g or 1000 mg of vitamin C, you'll absorb most of it, about 900 grams of it will go in and you gump about 100 g.  If your pH is one off, you'll need 5,000 mg intake to absorb the 900 mg amount you would absorb if your body was at the correct pH.

The body is doing everything it can to get it at 7.3947 pH. All your pHs are regulating to keep the blood at that, that's why he designed a water that is 7.4 pH. pH balance is cricial. Not this stuff that's high, he could go on for hours about that. Some are 9 pH and people are paying all they are on alkalinizing.

He's worked with the Japanese and Russian functional water people, he was the first formula for Ascencia water, he's been around pH water research, and concluded we have to raise the pH in our body but that's done with foods #1, and cutting out strong acid-forming foods and breathing deeply, it's the fastest way to alkalize your body, is breath deep.

Question about colonics: You can reintroduced things, in colonics it's different than when taken by mouth. Drink lots of green juices to get mineral balance, if doing colonics, and you have to repopulate the bacterial balance and the probiotic balance in his GI system daily.

Question is can we get the minerals from organic food? No. Unfortunately. Organic food grown is being shipped over state lines so it's picked under-ripe or else the microbruising in the traveling process would cause it to come spoiled. That last time and stage in the growth is when the nutrient density gets the highest, so local, ripe, freshly picked are the only way to get ideal, true mineral content. Most pick close to ripe. We have to return to a local growing model for our children's children to survive this change. 

Ozone is used in most commercial waters now to sterilize it. It's a super oxidant, it's 1,000 times more than a molecule of chlorine, but in 20 minutes it becomes oxygen. It does oxidize. We talk about "oxidative stress" as one of the key aging things, that's why we take anti-oxidants, to prevent single molecules of oxygen in our body -- that's mainly because our body doesn't have enough O2.  

So drinking ozonated water when there's still ozone in it he only recommends if you have the flu or something and want to kill off a bunch of bugs in your body. But it'll age you faster if you do it long-term.  (But that's different than water that was ozonated before bottling where it's dissipated, to be clear. Having prepared the information about ozone for the protocol on Lumigrate that's provided by Steve Beddingfield, and talking with the local Water To Go owner recently, there are EPA allowances on amount of ozone in the water when it's bottled, which is 2.0. When intentionally ozonating and consuming high oxygen/ozonated water, the amount can be much higher. It's important to be learning about these things if people are going to be considering using ozone with their water and drinking it when it's with a lot of ozone in it before it dissipates.) 

Another question was about a guy by first name Patrick who did original research as the father of food (?, not sure I heard that right) dynamics, and he'd been an inspiration to Joseph, he said. He does have his product and has tested reduction in surface tension but he doesn't know of anyone who's put people on the protocol ... on all Joseph Bender's water products, he has 11 alternative health doctors that he uses to document all of his (Joseph's) product and he sometimes even does a placebo control to have a comparison, so there's still a lot of work to be done in this area.  But he applauds people like Patrick who are trying making noble attempts at new products to bring people back to the way they need to be. 

Sea salt added to water is the next question. Joseph Bender's answer: The first drink of the day should be pure water with fresh squeezed organic lemon juice  to catalyze the stomach. Water with a little sea salt should be last drink of the day. 

About sea salt for the 'mercury monsters", so Patrick asks him about sea salt. The oceans are polluted, Joseph Bender says. Not just mercury. Every pollutant ends up in the ocean. There is an area the size of Texas that has accumulated in the ocean, a whole continent of trash floating. So, sadly, we have done a horrible job.

There's a 750% rise in childhood diseases in the last decade. Attributed to the toxic load people are experiencing in air and water.. Remember water's job is to clean the body's filters, and those are the kidneys and the liver. Water is the only way to clean the filters. So if the water is messed up you can't clean the filter. That's why it's so important to be drinking pure water, regularly in your diet, even if it's a mineralized or a spring water. Every Saturday he does a water flush (and a colonic) with a gallon of distilled water to push everything out. (I was pleased to hear this, since you'll see I link to our Load Theory topic in the initial portion of this thread.)

The mycelium on the Earth and certain bacteria in the sea are cleansers, the rain cleans the air.... but the problem is, again, from homeopathy, if you take a drop of something and dilute it with 1,000 drops of water and you do that over to the 6th dilution, you can take that to a chemist and he will say you can't measure it, it's less than one part per billion (less than one mole), but that substance now has a dramatic effect on the body due to the memory of it. So when talking about pollution, we have to talk about how it's influence the water, not about the amountof pollution there is.  

The chemical that was added to the oil spill is given (BP Gulf Coast, USA). The water has the memory of that, people are getting sick by the thousands and dying by the hundreds (this was recorded in 2013, it's now many more, obviously).

Water is a sacred gift so that we can experience physicality, and until we return it to it's sacred place, we are not going to get what water is for us.

Another question about filters made with ground cow bones. And what about piping.

He was unfamiliar with the filter asked about. Everything imparts something to the water, copper, plastic. He recommends people to install RO for the whole house, and because of that, the piping is going to pick up more of what's in the pipes because the filter's taking out everything at the intake to the house, so an extruded carbon filter at every pipe will then remove the plastic that's pulled from the pipes.  

Metal depolarizes water -- water is living -- so he prefers plastic for pipes.  Victor Shawburger's (sp?) work is cited. Metal plows in the soil depolarize the earth/dirt too.  You devitalize water every time you make a 90 degree turn with pipes. The energy goes straight and the water is making a turn.

His water plant looks sinusoidal and no angles. Flumes in the mountains are cited with Shawburger's work because they spun the water correctly so it levitated the logs. Engineers would come and not believe what they were doing.

Joseph Bender makes twister pipes with a twisted plastic area inside that makes the water spin, and egg shaped devices that also makes the water spin. Shawburger showed how, before a salmon jumps, it sits by an egg-shaped rock that's creating a vortex and gets the energy from the water that is used with the jump.

After next question, he goes into how he goes with magnets, monopolar --  S - N - S - N always ending with a south-leaning when breaking up water .  Depending on the size of the pipe. He uses the giant magnets from the old hard drives in computers. Don't use neodidium .. rare earth magnets, those are not biological-friendly.

Patrick talks about his using rainwater and copper pipes for fifteen years. There is a way to make it a broadcasting, biofriendly pipe. The talk about the pH of Patrick's water, it's 5.7 or so.  Rainwater is the most soveriegn, sensible water thing to do, and his son puts these in and is passionate about it, rainwater collection empowerment and encatchment systems done properly.  Your first 20 minutes of rain is taking the pollution from the air and should be taking that water our separately.  Rainwater should be 7 if you were where man's pollutions haven't affected the rain. It's immature water. Rainwater is ideal if it percolates through the Earth and then matures, and then comes up as a living spring at 39 degrees.  

A perfect water will have pH of around 7.4. There are ways to get the pH up and vitalize it. 

What is a good TDS for a spring? Answer from Joseph Bender: anything under 40. 

Rainwater is such a cleaner water than you could achieve with other methods he says. 

The lab Patrick sent his water to at National Testing Laboratories (see more about testing later / below) said that mercury was "undetectable" per their way of testing. The rainwater can still have the memory of mercury when having such a minute amount that it's undetectable.

They talk about how Joseph Bender has modified a UV spectrometer and can take water with some sodium in it and measure what water with sodium looks like. Then he can take that and using polarized light through petri dishes with distilled water in the top petri dish, that will show sodium spikes; that shows that water has an uncanny ability to have the information of the surrounding environment. It's always dancing to whatever music is playing. 

How can you recommend doing sea salt if the ocean is so polluted? Joseph Bender's answer: There are certain places that are less polluted, such as sea salt off the coast of New Zealand 250 miles that is relatively clean. Nothing is absolutely clean. You have to accept, and do the best you can.

Always due your due diligence and cross check on all products. We have Mr Google to consult.  Patrick talked about kelp product that one of his distributors went all over to find a clearer environment and went way down to South America as the source. (I have learned it's best to use salt from old seas that are now dry and on land, such as are in Utah and the Himalayas, famously in salt circles, so I wanted to interject that here. Bulk 'Real' salt from Natural Grocers is only $2 a bag, for instance.)

Fukushima is discussed.  Joseph Bender said: The strawberries in California had elevated levels of radiation. People were calling him asking about radiation levels after Fukushima, and he wasn't concerned. He then went out to measure, as he has a gadget that's very sensitive. The thing spiked way past the category he was in, and he thought the machine wasn't calibrated. But it was! They were getting radiation. Lots of California is getting radiation. And lots of our foods come from there The pistachio nuts in Turkey for 18 years after Chernobyl had elevated levels of radiation in them. 

How to get the radiation out? Aloe vera, Joseph Bender said. Kelp and iodine-rich foods. We should all be having our iodine intake up to therapeutic levels for what's in the environment.  There's a real good website that shows all the nuclear explosions in the world over time and should help people see we need to protect our thyroids.  

All recycled paper such as toilet paper has mercury in it, as it's used in the process, per Hal Huggins, Patrick asked if Joseph Bender knows if that is that true. Not only that, Joseph said.  Except Charmin per Dr Huggins.  "I changed to Charmin" Patrick said. Joseph Bender said he'd just learned about the cash register receipts and the effects on health from that, so he was basically waving off of this. 

Another question from a caller with water from a community aquafir she said, but if it sits it gets mold if it sits.  What to do to get that out of your water? Get a small UV light system to run the water through when it comes in to get the count lowered in the water, was his suggestion. 

About filters: Anything below 3 microns will get at mold. At .5 microns you can get 90% of bacteria out of water too. The ceramic filters that are 0.5 microns are helpful if you have biological contaminants in water. Patrick picks up on how you do multiple filters going from bigger to smaller particle size allowed to pass. Joseph Bender says he has to put 10 filters in a bigger system so the flow rate isn't too slow. 

Fluoride is a very small molecule, so it's harder to get out. Super oxidizing will get it out. RO will greatly reduce it. Anything below 0.5 ppm is "workable", you're getting most of it.. And you also be making sure you're not getting it in your toothpaste and other places, too, but that will have it reduced if the water gets it to 0.5 ppm.  (Mardy's Note: Please see our fluoride information at Lumigrate). 

What about well water? He does water analysis for people.  National Testing Laboratory is the most affordable place. Multi parameters is suggested by Joseph to get tested so you can see multiple characteristics. Then we can look at the simplest systems to address any problems that might be there. 

Magnetic treatment is again talked about, setting it on the north side of a 4x6 inch magnet, and it seemed to me he said the opposite from before, saying you end on magnetic north at the last part of your flow through. He always recommends when doing magnetic treatment that it's done in a dynamic state, when the water is moving.   

"Easy water" by Joseph Pollack is asked about ....  it is same as structured, electron-rich water. Everything has an influence on water, it responds to any kind of energy. ... microwaves. Heat. Music. Electromagnetics. Everything has an influence on water. 

The work of Murimoto and praying, intention, energy about it is asked about. Patrick asks "Can't we all just put our hands on it because we're spiritual beings?" Yes, the more awake we are to that reality -- we can turn water into wine.

They measured the pH of soup and gave it to monks who all prayed over their food. And all the soups had changed pH up or down based on what the person needed. 

There is a group of Tibetan monks who chant for a week around a giant vat of water and then the villagers come and drink the water and are healed with that. 

Intention should be part of what we do. Helping the water so it can physically receive the intention / from the soul, is what our stewardship should be with water. "Well, that's a nice way to end", Patrick says. 

But then in 2-3 weeks, Joseph Bender was back which you'll see, below. Again, there's nothing like listening to these conversations so please take the links provided and go listen! 

Hour One, September 23, 2013

They had so many questions and so many things were raised in the first interview that they wanted to follow up and go into more that they did this follow up. "We had a great conversation with him a few weeks back and ....."

Patrick: You'd been studying alkalinizing water and this whole acid/ alkaline thing and a lot of people have spent a lot of money on that. Give us your thoughts about that

Years ago he/Joseph was asked to help a national brand with a product for alkalinizing and got involved with a functional water society in Japan, reading Russian papers, and initially was all for what he was reading, but as he dug into the deeper details, there were some inherent problems in some of the theories.  

People in Japan believed drinking alkalized water would give them more male children -- a myth there. There are so many well-meaning people selling alkilizers now, thinking that's going to help restore health to people.  To point out and say we don't need to put fluoride in water, vitamins in water, adding something to that equation (like changing the alkalinity) is not to the best interest of our bodies.  

To get into the particulars --- he has a batch alkilizer and he can control what minerals he'll run across that alkalizer. Two electrical plates and one is positive charged, the other negatively, with a semi permeable membrane between, that will allow ions to move through it but will slow down the movement. So when you put the electrical charge on, the minerals that are charged positively or negatively will go to their respective sides of the unit.  One's high pH water and the other's low pH water.

But minerals in water are inorganic and not usable by the body, plus a lot of man made pollutants / toxic chemicals now in the water that will also go through the ionizer will be in that as well, so you're then just separating them into two batches with that alkalizer and drinking one batch of the stuff. And the certain pharmaceuticals that are now in the water compound into things that are more toxic, so you can be making a highly poisonous water. 

Does the body want a super high alkaline water? The answer is "No". The body wants balance. The blood in a perfectly balanced body is a 7.3947 pH, which is slightly alkalized, and so the body is striving for a slightly alkalized fluid. Water especially, you want it to be as close to that as you can, so you can hydrate as fast as you can, you want it to get into your body as fast as possible so it can do all its cleansing action and all it's functions and not needing buffering from things in the body to compensate further out/down after consuming it (such as the liver, kidneys). 

(When it's close to that pH (7.3947), the mouth registers that and the stomach will allow it to go systemic from the stomach, otherwise it does not, and the water goes out from the intestines and in people that functionality is off and more or less will pass through or get absorbed.) 

The body will buffer things we take in to try to get to that 7.4.  Whether it's lemon juice or raw milk or meat or broccoli, Patrick asks and Joseph reorients him .... as he's not thinking correctly .... Amino acids are needed in the body, we need very acidic things for us to survive.  ("Note the word 'acid' there..." he said.)

The confusion is that foods are acid-forming and alkaline-forming. Lemon juice is acidic, but it catilizes the stomach acids and becomes alkaline, is alkaline-forming in the body. Other things are very alkaline and they become acid in the body.  Acid and alkaline are not necessarily 'bad' or 'good', that's a gross oversimplification.

The oversimplification of this came from the fellow "the alkalizer guy", Robert Young they think his name was/is, was a gross oversimplification (and that got carried forward popularly in the public and in products).

The truth is that the intracellular water in the body gets acidity when the body gets out of balance. And that acidity burns off the cell receptors and makes the cells angioplastic and leads to certain cancers and all thatBut that's not because it's "acidic water", it's because the water wasn't moving, as it was stagnating.

You can be out of balance -- instead of spending $3,000 on an alkalizer for water, 1/4 t. of baking soda is a lot more effective and a lot less expensive. The gadgets are running electrons ... when you run electrons, the minerals have an electric charge on them that dissipates really fast but the ionic form of the minerals are not good receptors to hold the electrons. The negative oxygen reduction potential  is good, so a low ORP is good, so that's the one benefit that a water alkalizer will do.   

So what Joseph does is a batch alkalizer, distilled water, and then he adds colloidally charged ionic minerals that will hold the electrical charger longer. If you run water through an alkalizer machine you have about 15 minutes that has that higher ORP before the electrons drop off. So you have to immediately drink it to get that particular benefit from the gadget. Because there are so many dangers of mixing, unless what you know about your water chemistry, you could be making a cocktail that's far worse than the component.  You start burning up your asophagus with high pH water.  (Patrick had used pH 9 as an example in the question).

People who are very acidic feel better for about a week when they drink high pH water, and then they start to feel unwell because their body is swinging the other way try to deal with this situation.  The uninformed (but mostly well-meaning) "alkalizer people" will say 'you're going through a healing crisis/ "going through healing effects" and they end up sick in a different way. So you're basically just changing their sicknesses.

Think about the food industry canning with acidity; high alkalinity will cause all kinds of things to go crazy -- it promotes candida loads, bacteria grows. Why does the canning industry use acid? To keep bacteria down. 

There are two parts to Patrick's next question, part 1 -- What would the pH of that water be, if sent through an RO machine. Part 2, does it depend on the water source? And do you have to change that?

In the hill country of Texas, where they live, the water is very alkaline to start with, so it would probably be a decent number. In other areas where surface water is the primary source, it might be more acidic, around 6.5, but lightly buffering that with potassium chloride or some kind of beneficial organic mineral is really easy.

So some of the EmergenC ionic minerals he talked about in the last interview would be good to raise the pH a little bit, Patrick said. You don't want to add a lot of minerals to the water, you just want to get the pH up a bitm to be above 7, below 8.   

pH of 8 is the highest he likes to see -- it's okay for short periods of time it's okay, but if you had 7.4, your stomach lining would open up and you'd absorb that water immediately, it would let it immediately into the body.  

The mouth analyzes the pH  and registers the pH to 3 digits of resolution, so we should always hold things in our mouth (chewing or before swallowing) for about eight seconds (he'd said that part in the first interview weeks before, seen above). Anywhere from 7.3 to 7.5 the stomach, if it's just water in the mouth, will do this.  The stomach then directly hydrates into the body as things in the stomach open up to allow that.

But how many people have a pH meter, how do we figure it?  You can go to any hydro store and for $35 get a pen/pocket pH meter, where one buys hydroponic equipment. He recommends that as a household item to register your vinegars, kombucha tea, fermented foods. There are so many things that we can be more informed on if we have a pH meter.

For urine and saliva, he uses another analysis with " reams body bio line analysis" (and they say they'll talk about that more, later, but they don't do that, and I'm not sure that's exactly what he said, it was difficult to make out what he said -- maybe listen and see what you think if you're interested.)

They discuss the gadgets that are more industrial/ professional level with two little buffers that you calibrate for a fancier way to analyze pH, that are more laboratory ones such as Patrick used when he had a food company. Versus the pocket, they don't have high calibration so they don't get off calibration so much as the more high end ones.  

If a person had a RO machine and they wanted to add some of the electrolytes and could measure the pH then they wouldn't have to measure it all the time they'd figure out how much to add and continue to do that.  Can you hook up the ionizer after the RO and the answer is no... the ionizer needs the minerals to separate into the two groups and without the minerals that can't happen.  You can't ionize rainwater, too, there's nothing to ionize. 

Joseph talks about a man who had a good intention to help people by selling ionizers and he was very good at selling them and seemed to sincerely think he was helping people by selling these ionizers.  Joseph showed the man in the laboratory what happened and a week later his manager came to bust his chops for ruining his best sales person's ability to sell the ionizers. Then another week later came another call from a higher up (regional manager), who hired a promiment naturopathic doctor and the president of the ionizer company called on a conference call to try to talk him into their line. The naturopath after 20 minutes turned to the people and said that Joseph knew more about water than anyone he knew. And that's how the company realized and admitted their ionizers were not actually helpful and were harmful. 

Beyond H20, there are 36 ways the Hs and Os can combine, it's a complex, wonderous story of a symphony of music and that's why water has the ability to take any information from one domain system and transfer it to anyother, and carry it. That's why the crystals change and how the Miromoto stuff works.  The surface tension changes just from speaking a word (sacred names) around water in a petri dish they did an experiment on, it dropped 10 dines of surface tension.  

"It's always a joyous revelation" --- water, for example gives off light. You can put a bottle of water in a black box and put a camera in it for a couple of days and it'll look like there's a little LED light in there, you'll be able to see the bottle and everything. Even dead water will give off some. 

He relates where he was adding bits of mica flakes to a vortex of water to film it so he could learn some of the mechanics of spinning water, and he was feeling tired, and when he walked in the door and his wife reacted and asked what happened to him --- his face was burned (looked like sunburn) on the side next to where the spinning water was from giving off deep UV light. 

There is benefit to sunlight on water, water can hold everything, but living water -- if you look at a river where the sun is, the reason rivers bend and turn is to have areas that are protected from the sun and areas that are in the sun. Some banks are in the shade, some are in the sun. Sunlight is too strong for it, but it does make a therapeutic water for certain ailments and things. 

What makes a "living water"? He highly recommends people read the works of Victor Shauberger, an Austrian forester, who one day saw a rock pick up and float to the surface -- you can imagine the mind-melt seeing a rock floating.  He studied the dynamics of living water. He created logging chutes where they could float logs on 10 inches of water that normally would need several feet of water. He created living water machines and did all sorts of beautiful research.  Calim (Calin?) Coates also wrote books about him (who is a friend of Joseph's), and you can get stuff on the Internet too.

Patrick asks about city water, bath water, reasonably done.

There is a wonderful material called KDF which is zinc and copper and various metals fused  together, and as water passes over it there is an electrical reaction that causes the VOCs and the chlorine to oxidize out. Carbon filters are cheaper, but it tends to gum up, because it's a perfect breeding ground for molds and bacteria, so it gums up fast.

The simplest thing is you can get a KDF shower filter. Google it, his company he works for, WaterEvent, sells them.  You unscrew the showerhead and screw on the filter and it takes out the minerals.

And for an added bonus, a magnetic treatment of water -- when you polarize water for several feet, it behaves different. Radio shack still sells those larger magnets that will fit around your water pipe, and you can put several of them flip flopping direction,  around the shower on the 1/2 inch pipe. It'll revitalize your skin. It induces the magnetic field into the pipe (and the water). There's a company that sells one for this purpose for $250.... but  for affordability, he recommends handheld showerheads and you fill the bathtub with that if you take a bath.

The amount of carbon to clean would make it too big to go on a showerhead without looking crazy.  

The best thing if you can afford it is get a whole house KDF system, but for affordability these little add on shower filters are the best way to go. The amount of carbon necessary if not using KDF is too big to fit on a shower.

The magnet thing, if you write Joseph, he can email him a set of instructions of how to do that themselves. 

Then they go to emails.

How can we clear the memory from water: To clear bulk memories, is to go back and forth with the NSNS always leaving with the north field at the last if you're going to do magnets. He has a magnetic array that he puts on RO systems that knocks those down.

Water memorizes at several levels, the quantum level and the only way to disassociate that is make it into vapor. They've made some water that is so memory-free it will swell the tongue as it instantly hydrates everything. We use water to cut through cutting tools -- super pure water -- to clean semi conductors because it cleans better than any other substance on the planet.

The three day hydration protocol was inquired about because Patrick had talked about it the previous week on his show, which is what had been told by Joseph on the first interview.

Someone in Switzerland can't get RO water so is asking about water as they can't get RO water, there is 7-10 TDFs, and Joseph suggested going to find glacial melt water that should be 0 to 2 TDFs. It's vortexing all the way down so it's more life-enhancing. They're surrounded by glacier mountains. 

Then another from Switzerland had written about water and how they go to a nearby source and fill up bottles and when drinking it there they feel better but when they drink it later from their plastic bottles they don't get that feeling.  If bottled, glass would improve it, but it'll be down to 14 parts of oxygen and ORP will be back down to zero, whereas at the source they'd be higher because of the source in that situation. 

TDS of glacier water is very low.  The commercial machines have clear ice because the minerals are removed in how they build the machines, which is pretty clear water from tap water.  

"Once water stops moving it starts dying."

They talk about clay eggs that water can be put into that moves the water around and they actually work, Joseph said.  It was funny because Patrick laughed and said he actually bought something for a change that was valid.  He said the water gets colder sitting in the egg, from the centrifugal action, subtle energy vortexing.   

He relates how he was so excited to start the water experiment/ protocol of the two different kinds of water every half hour for two days, and since then he actually gets thirsty now, and "it's been so many years since I've been thirsty... SO many years."  So tell folks how you figured that out..... 

He'd worked with monitoring how to get maximum hydration, the numbers EXACTLY as they should be, and just drinking water didn't work. Drinking smaller amounts, and that being about 4 ounces, then alternating between electrolytic water and pure water allowed the body to create a pumping-like water.  Once you get that moving that's where dynamic health is. Right now people will get a headache or feel tired, and their body is trying to signal them that they're dehydrated. If you start sneezing with an allergy, take water and hold it in your mouth for about three minutes see how it disappears, it'll send that signal to the brain. Antihistamine is also a thirst response.  Dry throat... is another way the body is saying 'I don't have enough water, please give me more." 

The brain, once it's been under a serious amount of stress (regardless of what type of stress that is) and we're dehydrated, the brain automatically water rations. It says "I need to keep this person alive and I'm only going to use water for these purposes.... and anything that's not essential to their living, I'm not going to use the water on." So if you drink a gallon of water it'll not do any good due to what the body is doing due to the previous stress.  

But if you drink water continually for a few days or if they're chronic, he tells them to do it for two weeks.  Any time you're sick you finish with a hydration protocol and repopulate your gut. Or after a crisis situation, a lot of stress (of any sort).... He hooked up a hydration machine and started yelling at a person and you can see the numbers change, you start dehydrating as a response to that. 

The mystery of water is that structured water is what is consciousness interfaces with matter. All the body's chemical actions are to allow consciousness to interface with matter. An infant that is beaming with life force is 88% water; a dying person is 65% water, so aging is simply cellular dehydration. This is "structured water", the magic inside the cell, is where that magic is, then you have to have all the other waters in the body for that magic to take place.

It says to the brain "I am getting water now... and now ... and now... and now... (every 30 minutes for days or weeks on end).... I can start using water for all the other biochemical reactions I've been ignoring" is what happens from the protocol.

Some of the 'tertiary' functions of water after primary and secondary: On the bone, for instance, there will be a hot water the body does via a microcurrent up to  104 degrees to dissolve the calcium there in reserve energy channel which calcium is. In the brain you have water in a plasma form, vapor form, liquid form and crystal form -- all coexisting because that's where consciousness is housed.  ---- The ultimate water structure is looking at the brain. 

Another question and answer: In-line UV will solve the problem of getting bacteria/mold in systems.

His systems are composed of: 

  1.  0.5 micron ceramic particle filter that takes out down to a certain size
  2.  KDF which is also bacterialstatic to remove the chlorine
  3.  U/V light
  4.  then it goes into the RO, so there's no bacteria getting to the RO, it's already removed before the RO. 

For a whole house system, he recommends having a local contractor who can service it, as much as he'd love to have their business. But for health practitioners, he's designed and put together the ultimate systems that do things with memories and puts some energies back into the water. 

It's not too big to ship? No, it fits in a box and has a complete manual how to install it. Most people can install them in an hour of their time. And he's available by phone for helping remotely. 

Another question, what about Concern Trace mineral drops with distilled / RO water?

Joseph said he wasn't familiar with that brand, but WITH ALL MINERAL PRODUCTS  you have to be really careful of the extraction process. Most companies use a very harsh extraction for shale minerals and the extraction process really trashes the mineral. There are some very conscious people/brands that use lemon juice and other weak extraction processes that allow the zeta potential of the mineral, the charges around the minerals, to remain intact. There's the same chemical composition in a dead battery and a live battery. One performs miracles, the other just sits there... The difference is the charge is on that mineral. (Wow, what a great analogy, eh?!)

It's very important that we have active, organic sourced minerals. That's why we really need to get our minerals from the plant kingdom.  Feed minerals to the plants and grow your own foods and eat the plants, you'll get the cofactors and synthesizers from the plant when you consume it that allow you to process the minerals. You need the cofactors and etc.

EmergenC electrolye is different.  They're organic sourced, electrally active minerals. 

Our body needs minerals, we have to get it from organic source. Electrolytes are minerals that help the electrical part of our body work, as opposed to the minerals that are reabsorbed.  

So if you're going to mineralize the water, what would you use? He said he doesn't have a brand he could, off the top of his head, state. "I don't want to put minerals in my water, fluoride, vitamins ....  I want water to be water and I get minerals from my food". You do need to add the electrolytes for extracellular water for the muscles, so adding those electrolytes to water. He makes a big thing of organic lemon juice and the electrolyte minerals and he alternates those with pure water throughout the day. So he does the protocol in a relaxed way all the time, that keeps the process going. 

Question on raising the pH of RO distilled from 6 to 7.  Potassium or dissolvable calcium will bring the pH up. You have to experiment if the product's good enough.  Calcium maleanate, a product named Calm, you heat the water up and .. 

Calm is a product that's calcium maleanate he uses and he'll add a little to the water to buffer the pH. (???)

There's both pH lowering and raising in what's in the EmergenC Electrolyte product. 

Any research about Vitalizer Plus machine if it's making five shaped/hexagonal waters?

When you boil water you make clusters from bigger to smaller, any energy on water will do that.  Yes, the hexagonical, pentagonical and lenticular water bonds -- and lenticular are the most needed. You'll  have like a string of water molecules all lines up. 

When we boil water, do we wreck it?  You don't want... surface tension -- the reason a potato cooks is you're breaking things from bigger clusters to smaller -- it works, it hydrates rice, we're putting energy in. But for the body there are certain devices that put energy into the water and they claim it makes hexagonical water, yes it does ... but the amount of hexagonical is the question. It's also making other bonds too. Since hexagonical is biologically friendly and helpful to the body, that particular company is trying to highlight the hexagonical aspect. 

He does not have a website. WaterEvent, the company he works for, has a website. Google his name in quotes with water and you'll find all kinds of things. "I'm an ambassador about water" he says, and Patrick chuckles. 

Have you come across Kaqun (pronounced cacoon) water, developed in Burbank and commercialized in Hugary? it's super oxygenated water, patented electolysis that produces 08 and (more details I didn't catch) ...    could such a thing be valid? Answer: There's a Hungarian patent that adds more oxygen to the water. He's not familiar with Kaqun, and it sounds like someone took that Hungarian work and added a new spin to it.  Room temperature water will saturate 10 ppm, if you chill it, it will hold up to about 25 ppm. If you energize the water properly, Joseph's gotten it up to 80 ppm of oxygen in the water and created a bunch of oxygenated water (and bottled them). 

Question about spring water from first interview because it's compressed ground water, but near the end he suggested spring water,   a discrepancy. Please clarify.   Spring water is just pressurized ground water and all ground water in the US is contaminated, there is no such thing as clean water in the United States from these sources.  There are some deep 'living springs' that come up from way down and bubble up at about 4 degrees centigrade.  These have living water properties to it. These are longevity-enhancing. 

He then related a "horrible story about our government", he says. He started going around the country to see springs, in Oklahoma just north of Texas is a city that used to have healing springs, it rivaled Hot Springs, Arkansas. The indians would travel hundreds of miles to use them for their healing properties, people were coming on the trains. They started making bath houses around, so the indians started making petitions to make it a national park so anyone could have access; there were presidents who came to this place.  Stories of amazing healing occurred.  

Then the AMA decided to do a study to see if this was really an effective healing water, and they concluded it was no different than anything else, and it was blackballed in the media. Now it's just all historic, all not there as in those days. He was talking to the national parks guy and these old codgers that had been around when it was popular, and prior to them doing the research, they had capped off the five springs and piped in city water.  There are still the pavilions that say #1, "this is what's in the water in this spring", ... but it's now water coming from Sulphur Springs, and it's not the spring water that had lithium and hydrogen, they all had very unique properties that had healing effects for the people. 

He doesn't know of any other springs like this other than hot springs, he's sure there are still some remote ones that still exist in the US. In the world there are some really amazing places . In Turkey there is a species of fish that have survived in the hot water at hot springs, and people with skin ailments will sit in it and the fish nibble and secrete something, and then the skin issues are healed.  The world is full of mysteries, he says as they end this first hour. 

Hour Two, September 23, 2013

Someone asked for his contact info, calling in from Georgia, who wanted the very best water he can get in his home.

yoseph@life-affirming.com is his email, for someone who wants to find out the best

jbender@waterevent.com is another email, as the caller had the first email address provided, above, bounce.

From a man in Ireland, who said he had benefits from ionized, alkaline water.. he's wondering why he feels better with it if Joseph says it's not good. The man said 8.5 resolved insomnia, when he stopped drinking it, the insomnia came back.  Joseph said it short-term might reduce symptom, clearly he has to balance his body and he suggests you look at diet instead. (I'd say look at FOODS in the DIET, as WATER is part of DIET.) Just being picky, I know, but I wanted to clarify it here. ~ Mardy)

Figs are the most alkaline-forming food you can eat. So to build his body's natural body's pH back into balance, to eat figs.  It'll self correct when it gets somewhat close. It's when it gets too far out that the systems all start getting funky.

Someone suggested tears for pH, urine, saliva can be used with pH strips, can those be used? Dr Kerry Reams (sp? Rheems?) was a soil biologist who did profound work in soil. Someone came to him and asked to help his daughter since he did such amazing things with soil. He locked himself in her room and God gave him some sort of forumula which allows you to figure out which organs are stressed in the endocrine system by pH. Once you restore bioalinization in the body, then all your minerals from foods will be absorbed.   

Once you do that, all the minerals will be absorbed. If your pH is off even 1/10th... there are three minerals that your body will not be able to absorb. Then everything gets less and less and less you can absorb irregardless of what you're taking in by mouth.

The evening, you're naturally more alkaline, so there's a 24 hour cycle linked with your meridians and stuff.  

If you have lung issues, he recommends you get up and hydrate in the night during the lung period (which is 3 to 5 am, Patrick interjected). So knowing what specific issue you're struggling with, extra hydrating in that time period is really helpful. 

Getting up in the morning and wanting to have an alkaline pH is not accurate, Patrick then says. Joseph: Your first urine dump shouldn't be measured anyway, Joseph said. Measure at 10 am and 2 pm due to another change in the body system, then 7 in the evening as soon as the sun goes down, the body changes again. If you measure those 3 pHs, and chart them over time, you really see a pattern of what goes on in the body with the chemistry.

Per Kerry Reams / Reans , a 6.5... 6.5 was target perfect but some have other and are fine, it's not black and white kind of a thing.

Another question.  A Nikken "pie-mag optimizer" is what it's called, is asked about. Joseph has one in his lab and he uses it for different processes. For it's price and it's thing, it's better than nothing.

Another question, about revitalizing water, and if water from RO at health food store is okay to drink this all the time. Joseph suggests you can spruce up your container and make a cover for the container with magnets in it so it's sloshing in the bottle on the way home you get some magnetic treatment so it erases the memories. Most RO systems in health food stores have UV too, and it's usually good quality water to purchase.  

Is distilled ever good to drink? Yes, when doing a heavy metal cleanse, for up to 14 days as long as you remineralize when finished. Triple distilled, specifically, for any kind of heavy metal cleanse as long as you remineralize when finished.

Another question for a written protocol to make his RO water more "magical" is requested.  Joseph doesn't have anything written down and he agreed to do an article for OneRadioNetwork. (Which I don't know if that ever came to be, I'll have to look.)

Question about pridl/prill (?) beads. He's unaware. He's heard of tachion beads, things are cropping up now. There are certain processes... remember, there are certain kinds of clays when fired a certain way have infra red / IR effect. There are all kinds of devices and when he had a lab set up he'd have people send things in and he'd mostly have to say it's not doing anything or it's REALLY changing the water, burt not biologically friendly what it is doing. It's signaturing and structuring the water, but not for human consumption.

Is there a better way for most people RO? Yes... Best in terms of convenience, affordability, overall. It's not the best in terms of quality. Most people don't have the time and energy to do the effort for what it really takes for optimal water.  

One of the best things we can do: We're told to bless everything we consume, almost every spiritual tradition has that.  They took a bunch of monks and made soup and had the monks pray over the soup bowls, and each one was different based on what that person needed.

You can take five glasses of water and put hands around one and bless one and ask kids to test which one tastes different and 9 out of 10 will get it. A group of women 7 to 8 of the 10 will get it.  Men, well... that's another story. They laugh about how men are brain dead. (Patrick said it, not my words!)  With no money, you can bless your water and do that. Magical.

We are a magical being. Whether the water is within us or without, when we learn to be grateful and blessed, things change. 

Caller from Utah. If you cause the eyelids to create tears the tears will have the pH of your CSF, he claims.  pH of the blood is the ultimate indicator of life forse, but you need sensitive equipment to do that, is the real life force gauge. Saliva's an input fluid. Urine is output fluid. So they really tell you a secondary condtion.

So tears would be good Joseph thinks.  The caller things that the ideal pH of tears would be same as of blood. And talks about Patrick Flanigan's words and others.  

Gabriel is another questioner.  Tesla water, Victor Schauberger, and now Frank Chester is showing things on the "Chestertron" ... Joseph is unfamiar, but said he was in Israel and India for several years and "disappeared" from America to do his own spiritual and professional work (he wrote a book).  "The 100th monkey is a great thing to have happened with this" .. people used to say  'what if everyone starts copying what he's doing', he's happy there are a lot of new kids on the block doing research, we have so far to go. As long as we remain in the state of awe and surrender, we'll get more revealed from Spirit from this mystery. 

Re: Distilled water, it's good for detoxing for a short period.  Our biological system operates on a negative voltage. Negative ORP is partly the negative charge he refers to with negative voltage.  Nature uses partial pressure to distill, otherwise the clouds would be hot and not cold. So when we distill with heat, it creates positive ions and makes a more aggressive water. 

KDF filters removes chlorine but not chloramine a caller says and asks for clarification. Chloramine is a combination of chlorine with ammonia. The ammmonia is put in there so it won't "gas off" fast. So if he runs water through carbon filters, he can measure a little ammonia from the chloramine, left in the water. But KDF, because it has a higher oxidizing ability than chlirine which is absorbing ...  so neither carbon nor KDF totally removes ammonia, but KDF does a little better job than carbon does. 

What about ceramic filters? Joseph answers: they're expensive but are they worth the money? Yes! He recommends everyone has like a Berkey filter in case they have for a soveriegnty backup to get water from a creek or a river.  They're submicron, the hole in the ceramic thing can down below one micron. Bacteria is anywhere from 0.5 to 3 microns in size. So if you can have less than a 1 micron ceramic filter, it'll pull that out.   In his RO systems, one of them are ceramic. 

Is celtic sea salt minerals an assimilative form of electrolytes? Yes and No. The only time he recommends them is right before you go to bed, but normally the body can't take them in. So it's better to use a few electrolytic minerals, like the potassiums, which is a key mineral in the body which is key for getting the right bio-electral in the body.  So he prefers a simpler electrolyte formula, but in a pinch that can be used. 

Another question leads to this. The one thing you have to understand is your body's pH. So if my pH is low, calcium becarbonate is more effective at absorbing calcium. If my pH is high, calcium maleanate is more effective for absorbing. So how the minerals is delivered depends on how your body chemistry works. So learning your body and taking the right minerals is key to you more quickly  recovering your health. 

He says he is curious about tears and pH and will be going to look into that when he has time.

What about Dr Willard's water, is next question..  It is a catalytic, altered water. He was an original, way back. Joseph used Willard's water in plant experiments with positive effects and in some biological processes. He's never experimented with it with humans, and he knows a lot of people use it, and he is sure it has positive biological effects but he has no data. 

Some salts lose their electrons. Joseph likes Himilayan salt himself.  Everything loses free electrons over time, so things with more positively charged electrons.... remember.... it's like 'batteries included".  You want water with batteries built in.  You want a water with free electrons, the more free electrons it has, the more beneficial... the less the body has to create it's own electrons to the water to do all these biological processes.  Some water is so charged positively with electrons that it causes dehydration. 

Everybody's requring him to get some things written up, Joseph says. He'll have a written thing he'll get to Patrick about the protocol that Patrick did and has spoken about (and now has sense of thirst back). And he'll have a CD with all the tips, and for any alternative health practitioner, it's there for them to copy and distribute to create change and your practice and get the information out. 

Patrick asks if his brain is reset permanently from doing the protocol. "As long as he doesn't get under stress and get dehydrated it would be". And they laugh. Again, see how Joseph alternates ongoing and then only does the every half hour consumption alternating of small amounts when after a major stressor such as an illness or major life event. 

Thanks again, Yosef, he said, and then gives the email addresses again, and then reinforces that they'll get written things from him. 

Keep drinking water and stay in the tender moments, Joseph says as they head off. 

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

From the search bar, you can find other topics using keywords, such as water. This is another topic at Lumigrate which has information YOUsers might want to take a look at.  This thread, above, is ultimately becoming the primary water thread.  But our specific experts, from the years I had the time to find experts locally or around the US who would participate in conversations yielded some unique material that is refelcted on this topic about Lumigrate's experts and what they said about water.  Basically at the end of 2012 everything escalated in terms of the amount of time we had to get the information people were going to be seeking onto the website and it was ultimately much faster for me to work solo, primarily, and weave content from a wider variety of sources, many of women likely don't know I've found their information worthy of includion.  



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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