Quality of Health Information in Emerging Media for Diet Information Concerning to More Educated, Informed Experts

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.

As Lumigrate YOUsers know, you're likely to find "GRATE" websites here that I've found in my traversing the frontiers I traverse in my work bringing progressive, valid information to Lumigrate, in order to STREAMLINE YOUsers' efforts and increase their odds of getting the best health-changing information. I've had to put on my detective hat AND take out my magnifying glass on this one, though, it ended up being a bit perplexing and a really GRATE example to take YOUsers through. 

For starters, things get 'on my radar' based on where I think the current 'needs are', which has to do a lot with the private conversations I have with people who are our YOUsers or who follow me and let me know where they're at with their wellness issues. And just general conversations that come up in the course of my life.  

This topic at PaleoOsteo dot com which I'm suggesting people consider going to look at, and then perhaps explore further around the whole website overall, piqued my interest for a number of reasons, which I go into more at the conclusion, below. For starters here, though, I had just been very concerned  and surprised in the past week that someone mentioned they were just finding out about mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with CFS/FMS/And the etceteras.

This is a long-term advocate for a patient with extreme chronic fatigue (and many other diagnoses of the usual kind since, but that was the starting point and initial symptom); they were there from the onset. They're intelligent, committed, have Internet access and time to explore information yet said 'I wonder how many people know that about (fibro/ Lyme, etc.).'  My thought was 'I would hope EVERYONE has by now'. But clearly that is not the case. So then we have work to do, and I'll put my radar up. 

But here's my major concern --  Lumigrate's had information about mitochondria since before the patient advocate had learned of Lumigrate.  Do they perceive that this is not a valid place to find information so haven't been using it as a resource? I think if anyone with a chronic condition spent 40 hours at Lumigrate and following out to various links we extablish and suggest, they'd be WAY more capable than the average consumer. And they'd have gotten to better information than they would on their own in 40 hours.  

But how this individual found me and Lumigrate years back was an interesting one. They were doing an Internet Search using the name of someone who they'd actually found was an ineffective and concerning provider who had been one of our selected 'experts' proving education and information (and naturally getting any patients that would generate from being seen at a place they were not yet being seen).  This was in our first year on the Internet when I was trying to find experts who would take the time to plug into conversations with the other experts, something I've now moved past doing for a variety of reasons. It stands to reason that a small, new website wouldn't have a lot of traffic and so it wasn't like I could get the big-shots, I'd started by asking one, and the doctor said 'maybe after you've been around a few years.'  

At the same time though, this other provider had approached me wanting to collaboratively link with Lumigrate so I asked about doing some information topics and participating in Forum discussions. Our forums are now for select consumers or providers who have been well established with me -- I've had to shift what we do at Lumigrate as these situations occurred.  And when a provider in the past flushed out to have a few more or bigger thorns than is 'normal', I do modify what's showing to our YOUsers so they're seeing the red flag. This is a good thing, really, it reminds us of how many providers out there are problematic and how we have to keep our radar up as we move forward using them if we chose to do so.

There have never been so many behaviorally unwell people as we have currently and the trend will likely continue. We see this is religion. In politics. In schools.  In medicine.  Everywhere. And this has affected the medical community just as much as what this topic is ultimately about, which is about a different aspect of what makes a medical advisor/ educator / provider qualified or not for learning from. 

Other reason I have been creating the content all myself for the last year or so is that it took a long time to educate those who didn't know how to do Internet writing / PR / marketing by doing education on the Internet, and then they'd sometimes die, they'd sometimes turn out to have a dark side that hadn't yet come to light as in the case I was bringing up here, or they were rising stars and, once risen and shining so bright, they were as busy as they wanted to be or could be for writing with us, they dropped off from providing content on Lumigrate, which has always been 'at will' (no 'contracts' and no exhange aside from their time gets them exposure here). They were basically the 'second layer' and for almost two years I've done the third layer solo and using a wider variety of sources that I find and want our YOUsers to know about, or topics I want them to learn from.  Such as THIS ONE, which has MANY interesting aspects to it.    

I thought more about this information gap we still have with patients and their advocates: 'what are they doing in their education time?'  Are they not studying? Are they reading or viewing / hearing the information but not remembering it? Are they not taking it through to the action step because they're overwhelmed with so many other things to read, view, listen to and process? Has Facebook been THE greatest single tool aside from the overall Internet to connect people needing information to places that provide, but it also is diluting them and distracting them so they're spening their 'seat time' engaged without really learning anything? 

It's always a catch 22 situation when you're working with medical impairments that affect the brain and cause 'fog' or cognitive problems because, clearly, the brain's not going to take the information and process it and the person take their other body parts and turn it into action. We tend to think that the advocate is going to be intact but they're doing what they need to do as wel all do for life maintenance plus the additional responsibilities of being the advocate and caregiver at some level or another. 

So this topic by Drs Lamaro and Kruse was just SO congruent with what I'd just been thinking -- they people this article is about are perhaps following some 'fun' and 'easier' information that's also maybe not accurate in reality. Just because someone with a large following is saying something about health-related information does not make it accurate.  (And yes, this is why I give options and sometimes you can see I have a preference for information but I always present more than one type of anything AND even loved showing with ITC Pharmacy before Gary King died and we lost ITC as a provider here, that two guys in the same business can have a different take on things). 

Then as an occupational therapist, I think about what to do about it so that people can make faster progress, in some cases time is of the essence. We all have limited time, to 24/7. We have choices on how we spend our time.  We all have varying degrees of energy for learning and implementing what we learn (two very different things).  And then money, naturally, is a variable BUT often people haven't taken a good look at their priorities and how they currently spend their funds and looked into shifting things to INVEST in their bodies -- the vessels we have for living out our lives here on Earth. 

As YOUsers know, I try to teach some tips as to how I do what I do so YOUsers can do better navigating on their own, hopefully some day not 'needing' Lumigrate, because they're experts at finding quality, progressive information in a streamlined way.  This has always involved, for me, participating in groups on Facebook.  And understanding how groups and Facebook work.  They have a sophisticated way, as does Google and all the others, of looking at what you're doing on their site and they then give you things based on that.  I'll get different Suggested groups than YOU will; my Google search will yield different results than YOU too. Doctor Lamaro and Doctor Kruse will get different things from each other and from me, and from you. 
In this case, Facebook had suggeste a group to me, and I took the bait and asked to join. I was almost immediately accepted and got to looking around. There is one admin on the group and it's not either of the authors of this blog that was posted that inspired me to create this new topic on Lumigrate.  But one of the primary people in the group appears to be Dr Jack Kruse, who is not the admin, and he had posted the following link to a website called PaleoOsteo dot com.  The blog topic is hot off the press, you'll see it says it was posted on August 16, 2014. The doctor's names are there but nothing about who they are, so I presumed that both doctors were part of the PaleoOsteo business.  
Now, the 'extra detective work': I've never heard of Dr Jack Kruise (of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA I found out on Facebook) who posted in the group I'm referring to, where this blog topic appeared.  The topic is cowritten with a Dr Josh Lamaro, of Australia, who I'd also not heard of and he's listed in the About Us for the clinic which this blog topic is from. I looked the website over on each tab and all seemed in order. Except that there's an second 'by' co-author on this topic who I cannot find in the About Us tab for the clinic in Australia. So I'm wondering what the relationship is at this point int he process. 
So I proceeded in this new group to make a comment and see how that was handled. It was set up by the Admin of the group and was about babies and how often they'd poop based on diet.  The topic turned out to be satire that they were linking to, but one of those deceptive ones that I personally think are put on the information by disinformation 'troll' organizations in order to keep people reading a bunch of stuff that distracts them when their FB friends share it or it's shared into groups, rather than keeping people moving forward on real information.  Don't get me wrong, humor is important and time well spent, but when people are sharing information not even knowing if it's satire or not, then it's really a time /energy /money waster. (3Resources)
So my comment was meant to see if the group was with really involved people or not, as I simply commented that it might be natural for babies getting proper nutrition from breast milk to not poop as often, but what about that today we're on a toxic Earth and toxins get re-absorbed.  And the poster responded that it was satire, but he also put a WebMD article link that supported the info about less pooping with the more natural diet of breast milk.  So I responded to point out that WebMD is not satire. This was not a normal way a good administrator would treat someone who said 'I'm one of your newest members' as I had. 
So the radar's up, as you can imagine and if you're reading this and not as experienced with these things, I hope my details help you become a discerning user of such sites. I have actually edited this 24 hours later, which is a normal thing I do (put it aside and come back and edit 'fresh eyed'), but I am ALSO now going to add in what occurred since in the group.  On the thread about the topic that I've provided here, below, this is the discussion that went on (with names removed aside from Jack's: 
  • 12 people like this.

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Mardy Ross: Thank you for posting this, I'm one of your newest members and am so pleased that I took FB's suggestion that I might like this group.

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Woman #1: Wow, they sound just like Jack! Too bad they are in Australia.... thank God for the internet. I agree that much of what you read in health and fitness blogs are bunk but it is nice to read science based stuff that I would never have access to any other way.
     · 1 Like in 19 hours

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Woman #2: nice!
    i always like reading his comments on dr. kruse's blogs.

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Mardy Ross: Woman #1, you might look at who the authors are, he's the second author, I believe.
    16 hrs, there were two likes on this comment of mine, including Woman #1, but no other comment given under/reply to say 'oh, yeah, thanks' or anything... 

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Man #1: Nice job Jack
    1 Like in 15 hours
  •          Woman #3 That's my husband! Very proud of my Josh.
                 2 Likes in 10 hours

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
                Woman #4 It's nice to have some of this information presented in a way non-sciency people can              understand better.
                 4 hrs after when I pulled this to copy here, it had 2 likes

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
                 Jack Kruse: Mardy people know who I am but it is clear from your website you have no idea who              I am.
                 In 3 hours no Likes 

  • https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yO/r/3TBomTQrnR8...); background-size: ; background-position: -126px -562px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
    Jack Kruse: Woman #4, Josh uses words well.........
    3 hrs · after when I pulled this to copy it here, 1 like on it and then in 3 hours this thread had gone 'cold' with this being the only activity on the thread.  
The key here is that Dr Jack clearly found this topic and read it --- and chose to only say what he said in this group he's part of that has already had a fishy feel to it to me. I mean, folks, I'm saying in clear words that I just learned who these people are by having Facebook push a pay to play advertisement at me and I'm looking online to figure out who they are because the information was really good information.  The other key is that Josh's woman/wife is basically having to come into the conversation and say 'that was my husband that wrote that', but why then is Jack a coauthor? This is still not explained. One in the group, as you see, read it without seeing who had written it and said 'this sounds like the kind of thing Jack's into' and didn't see Jack was listed as a co-author and when I pointed that out, all she did was Like my comment.... 
If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Aside from bringing this to YOUsers as a learning experience in this topic and editing this update in, I'm not interacting more with the group. There are so many groups on Facebook, and it's interesting to check them out, but it's best to reserve your time and energy for the groups that are run well, administered by professional acting people and who don't have 'other motives' for having the group. There are a lot of less than genuine people doing a lot of things, that is always the way of the world, and it's just become increasingly difficult to sort things out.
My sense is that this topic was written by Josh and for whatever reason he put Jack on as an author, the wife and Jack didn't try to say otherwise. I'd say Josh is someone who perhaps has studied and admired someone as I did in the past with the provider I had for a short time on Lumigrate before his disruptive and concerning ways got the State board book thrown at him, similar to what's happened to Jack when you look online, though his was a short term suspension and not a total giving up of license. I'd gone by what I thought was a valid producer of information's lead on that provider, who also appeared on a cable TV show and I'd not known they did NOT vet anyone, it was 'pay to play' -- give people free services if they want based on what we show on the show and you can be on the show. 
WE ALL HAVE TO BECOME DETECTIVES is the moral to the story.  
Back to this blog topic at the Australian PaleoOsteopathy clinci website; there's  an area where you'll see it says to refer to Jack's website, but there was no link, inferring this was actually written by Josh. So that was my first 'tip off' about something being awry on this blog topic and my radar went up, and detective mind 'on'.  Initially for our YOUsers, to make it easier on YOU, I was going to provide a link but when I got to looking online about Dr Jack, as anyone should do before becoming a 'follower' of someone to any deep extent, there's enough information from aspects of the paleo 'community' that it bears mentioning and cautioning. (NOTE when editing 24 hours and after Jack mentioned he'd seen this topic: Could THIS BE what he was responding to in his comment, above on Facebook that I imported here to demonstrate all this stuff to YOUsers?) I'd guess so! I'd gone on to say .... 
This is reminding me of the situation I referred to above where one of the experts at Lumigrate, who provided fabulous information, ended up having some difficulties in how they were conducting themselves with patients and the medical system, resulting in a surrendering of medical license in the state he was practicing in.
He maintained having his clinic and naturally can simply hire someone to do what he no longer can officially provide. (In other words, the lesson is, do you throw the baby (this great topic and information overall from PaleoOsteo) out with the bathwater? We have no way of knowing what their relationship is, perhaps there's some sort of tie that prevents more separation and the clue is in the "go to his website (without a link).  
I did find this topic where Josh is asked in an interview by someone who gushes about him and having sat next to him at a conference the question of what he's studying /learning now that's of interest and the answer was information from Dr Jack. Was he just learning about his work or was this a longer relationship and he was getting Jack's name in?  Again, no way to tell, but the results searching on Dr Josh is without concern.  Could it be that there's an aspect to Jack's work that is brilliant and worthy of his having credit but overall he has some problems, and Josh is allowing himself to get 'injured' if someone unseasoned enough?  
If you're wanting to be on the forefront of information, as Lumigrate is (I like to say we color just outside the lines of what most educated consumers are aware of already)(which is an ever-evolving and growing line, by the way), this is what you have to consider, I have learned in my seven years since starting tht concept for what turned into the website you're reading from right now (or a printed copy from the Print function, naturally). And the situation I was involved with via Lumigrate's former expert, his clinic is still open, his crew still operates as an organized 'gang' on Facebook trying to get the followers that eventually feed them with business IF they don't do their diligence in researching the clinic and the owner's history.
Use the Internet, get out of the habit of 'my friend/ coworker / neighbor told me about this great thing' and looking it up in the phone book essentially and going like we did in the old days and couldn't really check into people. My experience with the initial clinic I was at when getting Lumigrate going was that it takes a ton of money to operate a business and if someone is not prepared enough for that, it can bring out survival instincts or 'masked' personality traits. So today's inside and outside the box medical business environment overall is SO different, it is important for us to learn from each other how to navigate.  
I'm opting to give YOUsers this information and showing a bit of how to 'cypher' these things and to go ahead and suggest the resource, with the cautionary information I have built in. I highly suggest going on the link I set up about Dr Kruse to read the comments from the Paleo community that commented on one of the many topics that apparently have something or everything to do with the controversial Dr Kruse. 
This is the link to the topic I chose among many (go Search for yourself) about Josh, at MyHealthMyHappiness.com in Australia, for their Monday Motivator, an interview with Dr Josh Lamaro: 

Here's the link to the blog topic at Josh's clinic's website which this is ultimately 'about', but provided all the above experiences to show YOUsers about naviating things on social media beyond what Josh 'apparently' wrote about (and for whatever reasons but Jack on as an author):   
The topic title is "When Everyone is an Expert ... Part 1" and is written by Dr Josh Lamaro and Dr Jack Kruse. (Notice who has top billing and second and if there were others, you'd take that all into account.) Remember, conventional experts on research papers or other publications in mainstream places will have some problems as well.
Our society's problems do extend and include, in perhaps higher percentages than average, medical providers. Information about methylation and mental / behavioral health is interesting to read as the symptoms include high achievers, high intelligence and high rates of behavioral / mental health issues.  It's a whole mix of symptoms and a long list and people don't have to have all the symptoms, it's very individual. I actually got into this information seeing an article about the sociopaths running the organizations, including being high in politics, that went around social media in the 2011ish election cycle. And it helped me connect dots and that means 'aha' moments. 
When a type of information gets discolored by a figurehead of that information, it can cast a shadow on the information overall and dissuade people from trusting it. It's one thing when it's conventional information than when it's outside the box / unconventional information -- sometimes people aren't even sure the entire paradigm or disciplline is valid or not, or if they should try it, trust it, invest their time/energy/money in it. They liberally reach for the 'snake oil salesman' term and turn away from what might have actually been outstanding information for them to learn with one of the MANY unfortunately 'complex' people who had gotten into the information and has now inadvertently cast doubt.  I urge YOUsers / readers to digest that and go on. 
The tendency can be to say "Maybe I'll stay securely over here holding onto what I know isn't really working because at least I know what I've got here." .... Maybe that is why someone relayed to me they had a gap in their knowledge about the mitochondria. They tried various things, some of them 'burned them', most of all the provider we shared in common -- them as a loved one of an injured patient and I as having invested my resources and having YOUsers exposed to someone who ended up being outed eventually as a really bad doctor in terms of treatment.  So a tendency can be that you start not going to the cookbooks to look up how to cook on the range again, so to speak. Because you remember 'how that burned'.  
Lumigrate's History Related to Evolutional Medicine -- "And so it began...." for us here in 2012
When 'Newtown/Sandy Hook' happened in December of 2012 is when I took the reins of creating the new topics at Lumigrate as the American people I saw in person or online or by phone  were reeling from it -- shocked and shaken and emotionally frightened for how to go forward.  One vendor I spoke with that night in going to get things to consume that evening and catch up on the news said "I have a (child), I don't know what to do, maybe not send her to school anymore?" and he had a visible glassy look to his eyes and face like he was in shock! This is someone I saw regularly in my neighborhood market area. 
And the topic I created that weekend was based on evolutionary psychiatry and the diet that would fit with evolutionary medicine's approach. You'll see that this resource I'm suggesting YOUsers go to generally, not just for this one topic, is in that same path of the light.  Lumigrate's Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being.  We came up with the 'light' idea due to our foundational live education group having had Dr Chris Young, an allopathic psychologist and pain management 'guy' having great success using the "Law of the LampPost, Law of the Hammer" philosophy: The more narrow the light beam a person has, the narrower the area they have to swing a hammer at.  In this case, YOUsers will see how these doctors present in the blog in a brilliant overview that demonstrates the benefit they have from having that broader beam of light -- they know the conventional / allopathic view AND the view they're bringing out with the topic (and their website / websites). 
As I went through creating this, I inteded to but out portions and leave excerpts that were key but this was such an interwove and complementary topic that  opted to trust that the source site was going to benefit, and therefore our YOUsers, by this one blog from the site being included in it's entirity but with my interjecting as you'll see I have done, encouraging the 'trip to see the site', as you see.  I can't wait to spend more time reading other blogs there). 

This post is not in any way shape or form written to cause offense, but is a summary of a year’s worth of frustrations at the current state of the health “blogosphere” and other modern social media platforms and their influence on health practices in the wider population.

Modern connectedness allows anyone and everyone to post information on any selected topic from just about any location on the planet at any given time.  This is obviously a very powerful and convenient tool, and part of our every day lives now, where a browse of Google has replaced a trip to the university library, but could it also be harmful?

Currently in Australia, all Health Care practitioners must be registered under AHPRA, such that any actions or interventions prescribed or administered by an individual practitioner can be regulated, and dealth with accordingly if they appear to be harmful to the patient.  The internet and its many associated media platforms (instagram, facebook, etc) does not have such stringent governing bodies, and allows anyone who is able to register for an account on these platforms to give themselves any number of vague titles that utilise loaded language in their account info, in such a way as to appear as an “expert” in their “field.”

A quick browse of any hashtag like #cleaneating, #healthy or #wholefoods etc will bring up hundreds of accounts belonging to unqualified “wellness experts,” some of whom have hundreds of thousands of followers, apparently following blindly in the inspirational footsteps of their “wellness idols.”  Don’t get us wrong, we are all for people making positive changes in their lives and the lives of others, and providing inspiration and positive reinforcement.  What we have a problem with is when this push for change is based on misinformation and incomplete understanding of the material being presented.  In a recent conversation, someone said that they “try and do the right things, but the right things always seem to change!” We cannot help but wonder if this is a case of too many underqualified instagram and facebook wellness “experts” imparting their dogma to the masses of unsuspecting followers who, with all the best intentions, begin to live their lives in a similar fashion.  The fragmented scientific literature and media coverage of this is also to blame, but that would call for another blog….

Recently in the social media scene, we have seen the fallout of following information based on half truths and human emotions regarding wellness.  A prominent social media wellness figure, and founder of a popular lifestyle app, who started the app after being diagnosed with a brain tumour, wanted to push a whole foods movement to the masses, based on the diet she was using to reverse and heal her cancer. Sadly, this public figure has anounced publicly on instagram this week that she has received diagnoses of further cancer growth, both primary and secondary in nature.

The dietary principles suggested by this popular wellness figure to heal cancer turned out to be what she describes as “vegetarian paleo.” – see below an excerpt from an interview from this website

Ones dietary choice is his/her own, however we question whether readers and consumers of this information take it as a whole truth, and apply it to themselves in the hope of PREVENTING cancer….The authors have seen evidence of this blind following on social media.

I want to interject here that I have shared this concern and hence I work to 'filter' for Lumigrate YOUsers through the information available online (and in books, to a lesser extent due to time and only having two hands). So I'm already 'on board with what this topic is about. I later went and looked around the website and said 'this is Lumigrate ShareWorthy!' And so here we are! They went on with some great information that brilliantly summarize a LOT of things that people are learning about today, and about diets they don't agree with and WHY, such as what this woman they're referring to was following. So, back to the blog topic, so far I've not cut anything out in order to encourage YOUsers "to go see the sites" as I do, because I want you to see what kind of approach they have about nutrition: 

“Vegetarian Paleo” is an oxymoron when it comes to brain cancer.  Everyone in science reads the same data, but few people see what we see.

Energy in the body comes in the form of electrons (stripped from food, absorbed by earthing etc) and photons.  Electrons energise the body  through water bound to collagen, as outlined by Ling and Pollack, and via quantum tunnelling through the mitochondria to create ATP, which unfolds protein binding sites to expose them to this water hydration shell to become energised.

Cancer is a disease where energy is being lost chronically over time to our environment.  It is a disease state where a low redox state is the rule, not the exception.  It is a state where the delta psi in mitochondria are off.  A low redox potential = a low delta psi.  Delta psi is the charge on our inner mitochondrial membrane.  Cancer is a state where water chemistry in cells is altered.  Water is lacking inside and around cells, and cells are generally dehydrated.  The water that is left behind has very little oxygen tension in it. Electrons create oxygen tension in water.  Cancer is a disease where protons outnumber electrons in a cell.  Many of the things advocated and showed in pictures and in text by this individual were heavily weighted with protons.

Protons stiffen your response to environmental pressures.  This leads to a less compliant design in our proteins’ conformations.  We become less adaptable to our environment which leads to cellular chaos.  Medical schools and PhD programs are full of students who are good at adopting the given “wisdom” of their teacher, but not necessarily good at free thinking and questioning.  Internet “wellness experts” are even worse at this, because they have learned to follow precepts handed to them from presumed authorities.

Humans are designed to eat an electron dense diet, and this is evidenced by a shortened gut and an expanded brain that steepens their energy needs while restricting their sleep needs to 7.5- 8.5 hours. All of these features are tied to how well we can access autophagy (cellular repair).  This implies that humans must have evolved around an environment providing a constant source of electron density from their environment. Humans who eat like Gazelles do, or lose electrons to their environment faster than they collect them, are now known as people with diabetes, fibromyalgia, MS, sleep apnea, and eventually cancer.

Let’s explore some more problems with this supposed “anti-cancer diet”

No DHA-containing fish or quality amino acids from meat is indeed alarming to see in a supposed “anti-cancer” diet.  Limiting bioavailable dense sources of glycineprolinecysteine would be the fastest way to degrade the collagen cytoarchticture in the body.  Without collagen we cannot bind water to create exclusion zones, and thus we cannot electrify DNA and RNA.  With no water micells surrounding DNA, and no electrons and photons being converted to useful electricity to power DNA replication, the brain would certainly suffer..

Without DHA we cannot capture electrons and convert them to electricity in the brain.  DHA is the only lipid in biochemistry that can capture electrons from our environment and change them from electrical to optical signals and back again.  It has been found to be abundant in the brain and nervous system of every Mammal in existence since the Cambrian Explosion. .Where does DHA come from?  Seafood…(also some in grassfed meats)  DHA is deemed a “brain-specific nutrient.

BOLDING on the above added by me, to help the brain-weary YOUsers of Lumigrate see the 'pop' of this key information. AND when they refer to photos, you'll be ENCOURAGED to go SEE the SITE and what the photo was .... 

It has been shown repeatedly (since 1887!) that cancer cells almost exclusively utilize glucose to make ATP without the use of their mitochondria.  This is called a Warburg metabolism, and its role in cancer was recently championed by Dr. Mina Bissell, a cancer researcher in the United States.  Her ideas were backed up by researcher Nora Volkow.  Cancer is a state where glucose metabolism is up regulated as a result of cellular energetics becoming poor (low redox – low electron count on mitochondrial membrane – low delta psi).  Many posts and pics by this “expert” showed that carbohydrate bias was heavly present in the food she presented.

Not understanding this key link is a problem for whole foods proponents internet-wide, it seems, as they continue to tout the benefits of “raw treats” made out of glucose-filled berries and dates year round, providing a constant source of summertime electrons to elevate blood sugar whilst simultaneously creating circadian signalling issues.  “But it’s okay, because its #raw, #vegan and #paleo!”  This kind of diet is extremely dangerous in the presence of a low delta-psi or redox state of the mitochondria.  Readers should now direct themselves to Jack’s site, where he has written extensively regarding circadian signalling and mitochondrial function based on the quanta of energies contained in various food electrons.

I edited in 'he', again making it more readable as that was a type/omission, AND since they refer to Jack's site to refer to, here's the link I referred to setting this up, as I do want YOUsers to be aware of this doctor's OVERALL information that's available with some basic Searching.  Naturally, this is just one, you can find more.  

This is essential to teaching YOUsers how to navigate this difficult arena of expert. Here we have a blog talking about the expertise of experts online and writing books when one of the co-authors has some 'black marks' against them. "Consider the source" means not only the website and who operates the website, but looking realistically at any critical information about them.

If you're looking for INFORMATION to spark your education online, that's very different than finding an expert to follow and become a deciple of, which is different than who you're going to use your time, energy and money/insurance (if it pertains) resources to actually call up and/or go to. So.. about Dr Kruse, this is one think you'll find. Does this mean that a topic he's listed as a coauthor of and who he helped get out to a group where I saw it AND the website it's on should be bypassed? It's up to you. And to me. This topic wove together so many important things and presented a lot of overview, I chose to, as I've said, do a topic about it AND then teach this 'detective' and 'chose your sources' "stuff" in the way I present it. 


Constant carbohydrate consumption elevates IL-6.  IL-6 is the master cytokine mediator of inflammation and immunity in all species.  It is directly linked to leptin resistance. Recently, IL-6 has also been found to be the principle biomarker for cellular senescence.  When cells continually experience stress and oxidative damage from ROS/Free Radical formation at cytochrome 1 of the mitochondria, their responses can range from complete recovery (autophagy) to cell death (apoptosis,) depending on the severity of the oxidation. Proliferating cells can initiate an additional response by adopting a state of permanent cell-cycle arrest that is termed cellular senescence.  IL-6 causes senescent cells to secrete the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which is a group of over 70 cytokines secreted by senescent cells. When collagen is destroyed, fibroblasts filled with cholesterol replace them in the granulation tissue.  When the redox potential of a tissue is chronically low a tissue gains SASP,  and this promotes cancer signaling and a Warburg metabolism in that cell.  A Warburg metabolism in a cell is a sign of a phase transition in the mitochondria.  Any time there is a phase transition energy must be exchanged according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  The cell chooses operate on glucose only, in the absence of ability to generate adequate ATP.  The more glucose is added, the more the cancerous cells can proliferate.  This alone makes a pretty good case against any “paleo raw treat” when one is faced with a diagnosis of cancer.  This also underpins the science behind the successful interventions for cancer involving ketogenic diets and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

This also explains why the two phenomena, aging and cancer, are chronologically, biologically, and physically linked in our modern world.  IL-6 can generate paracrine and autocrine feedback loops, thereby activating nearby cells to become cancerous and self-activating the production of more IL-6.  When IL-6 is increased, cell volumes increase anywhere it is present.

This glycation situation is horrible no matter what the environmental pressure, but it is a recipe for disaster in a modern tech-filled environment swamped with non-native EMF.  The following interview excerpts give us another big clue into the other mismatches present in this example’s life:

"The effects of non-native EMF on many systems of the body are extremely well documented since the 1950s…summarized collections of many important modern studies can be found here and here.  It appears Steve Jobs really may have been the biggest overall influence on this woman’s health…"

This glycation situation is horrible no matter what the environmental pressure, but it is a recipe for disaster in a modern tech-filled environment swamped with non-native EMF.  The following interview excerpts give us another big clue into the other mismatches present in this example’s life:

How do we transfer energy to our cells to ensure proper conformational protein folding?  The simple answer is we use water bound to our collagen.

Once bound to collagen, waters begins to acquire a unique chemical ability gives it some properties no one expected.  It works as an electron and proton super-conductor.  It works so well as a medium for energy transfer, the cell does not need ATP to hydrolyze phosphate to drive the energy of activation of the reactions as most organic chemists believe.  In the proper magnetic field, water is coherent, and it means it can transfer energy with 100% efficiency.  Just to give you perspective, a modern combustible car engine gives you 14%–26% energy from gas.  Your mitochondria gives you 39% efficiency from glucose or fat to make ATP.  39% is not enough to explain enzymatic fluxes or reaction speeds to overcome the energy of activation we have measured in experiments today.

Mitochondrial energy production was the “add on booster” we got at endosymbiosis to increase energy generation.  Yes, life does use quantum theory after all and there is massive proof of it if you bother to look for it.  It seems this online “expert” did not.

We have the following mismatches:

Cancer diagnosis = fragged mitochondria/dehydrated cells

+ non native EMF = further decoherence of intracellular water = decrease in cellular energy dynamics = more pressure on remaining mitochondria - DHA = electron scarcity = increased fenton reactions and hydroxyl free radical formation = massive cell membrane peroxidation = depletion of stem cells and cellular senescence = immortalisation of senescent cells = warburg metabolism + glucose ++++ = metastatic cancer.

What happens in any mismatched environment?

The simple answer is your cells begin to change the essence of what they are made of; your proteins alter their shapes and sizes and work differently.   These changes lead to what we know as cancer.  This woman’s online life was a pictorial of this story, sadly. What we call proteins in biology is what the quantum system calls condensed matter. Condensed matter is energy.  Einstein’s E =mc2 tells us this.  Biology does not realize this because they cannot measure these changes yet.  Because they cannot measure it they do not believe it exists.  You need to realize that physics knows and predicts this is what happens everywhere in the universe.

There is no regulatory body that oversees information on the web, or in cookbooks or e-books.  This puts the onus on the consumer to be well informed regarding the information they are presented with.  The dangers of mindlessly promoting lifestyle changes in the absence of full understanding of the science backing it are becoming realities for many worldwide.  The modern environment and it’s effect on cellular energy dynamics is never taken into consideration when internet “wellness experts” give advice…the authors consider this to be the major factor contributing to deaths in what are considered “healthy” individuals.

People will say we are being crude or arrogant or unsympathetic by pointing some of this out in the face of a woman dying of cancer, but guess how humans learn? From errors.
Never regret your errors or errors of others. . A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value to your future.

The right thing isn’t always really obvious to the rest of the world. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. And everything, in retrospect, is obvious to those who use forethought. How you think makes you great. 99.9% of humans use hindsight to dictate their actions. Some of us train to see the unseen.

The key is realizing what holds your thoughts captive to keep you blind.

We expect this blog may be unpopular with some, it is inevitable when the topic of cancer is discussed.

Be wary of dogma created for the masses.

Once again, the link to this blog topic at the website I highly encourage an exploration of is: www.paleoosteo.com/when-everyone-is-an-expert/

You will see that Lumigrate YOUsers in 2013 and 2014 have had resources about EMFs as well, yet ANOTHER reason I 'dug' this topic! 

I have provided information about chosing diets and have focused on paleo; I have concerns about the vegan diet and the cult-like following it has (I've created a topic about a very popular vegan blogger who was stoned by her following when her laboratory results showed she had the need to incorporate some animal protein, for instance. The only non-US based expert provider on Lumigrate promotes, not on Lumigrate but at her Facebook and website content, a vegan approach. Then naturally we have many topics. I created a topic in 2014 about the rapidly expanding Natural Grocers chain emphatically teaching customers and those going online to learn from their materials the paleo approach. In the past they'd had a mishmash of experts providing live seminars and now years later they have consolidated information that is found online that is presented at their stores, increasingly by their in-store nutrition consultant (each store has one, and they are FREE for 1:1 appointments).  So this website and blog topic 'fits right in'.  But I also like to present a little about other things so people get the exposure to it AND they can guage what  their 'gut' tells them, or what 'vibes' for them. 

And they highlight QUANTUM PHYSICS and explain why biology and conventional medicine is hindered in embracing these more progressive and ultimately truly beneficial information. NOTE: I did a bit of BOLDING and breaking up of longer paragraphs and adding in or fixing a few minor errors which are typical for blogs and those of us who produce this type of more informal information.  You'll likely find things in what I've produced that could be improved upon as well.  Informal though does NOT MEAN you have lower quality of what the information's basically about.  Chose your sources carefully.  And please consider making Lumigrate a regular 'put in point' on your Searches. We have a search bar so it can likely increase your efficiency and efficacy online researching. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live!! ~~ Mardy 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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