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Pyroluria, Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) or Hemopyrrollactamuria (HMU) -- Many Names, Causes, Connections
Do you see your self/yourself/YOU! or someone you're responsible for and/or care for/about diagnosed or undiagnosed but with symptoms of any of the following conditions? I'm posting the % of people in the various groups that will have "pyroluria" and the main 'handfull' of category groupings: (Some say 'pyrrole disorder', others 'pyrole disorder'.
You'll notice that many sources will give percentages, such as the source below, and those will vary from source to source as well. Realize this is emerging information that's being researched by credible people and organizations but it's 'outside the box of convention' and will take some processing to figure out what information YOU think is the most appropriate.
This is a very long topic, with much to whittle away at learning or to overview and select which parts you wish to read in depth. I think this is an incredibly important area that conventional and outside the box providers and consumers are often totally unaware of and therefore worthy of a great bit of attention.
This disorder is connected to an abnormal production of a group of body chemicals called pyrroles. Pyrroles are a worthless byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis. Most people have very little if any of these pyrroles circulating in their bodies. We know that through measuring levels of pyrroles excreted via the urine. Some of us, however, are not so fortunate. Pyrroles are abnormally high in about:
- 30% of schizophrenics
- 40% of persons with psychiatric problems
- 11% of normals
- 25% of disturbed children
- 40% of alcoholics (There's a separate topic about pyroluria and addiction which was the initial topic I created on Lumigrate about pyroluria, where I have other sources I really like too, such as Primal Body, Primal Mind's website information, and a Front-Range treatment program started by the former NASA flight medicine director. That link is:
Pyrroles do damage to us by binding to aldehydes throughout our bodies and causing their excretion along with the pyrroles. B6 (pyridoxine) being an aldehyde is systematically removed from its many needed sites and a severe B6 deficiency results. Equally damaging is the further scavengering done by the combination of B6 and pyrroles. Together this duo also seeks out and attaches itself to zinc and so both of these essential natural chemicals (B6 and zinc), are promptly dumped into the urine.
The loss of B6 and zinc is a psychiatric disaster. Many seemingly unrelated symptoms develop. Our interest in pyroluria is that it creates symptoms of inner tension, and bouts of nervous exhaustion and fearfulness that can be traced back to childhood or teen years. Without proper identification and treatment, pyrolurics slowly tend to become loners to avoid stressful situations. Their lives become an ongoing struggle to protect themselves from too much emotional and physical stress. ----- (see source, below).
January 7, 2015, I found a great resource in a Facebook group that I wanted to make people aware of. Naturally, the FB group is a resource (be sure to check out the documents at the Files tab if you go), but in particular to place here in this topic at Lumigrate I found "Pyrrole Disorder for Therapists", in Issue 3 Oct-Dec 2013 at Neuropsychotherapist, written by Caryn Talty and Matthew Dahlitz a really great article.
The article is accessible in several places on the Internet, most which require subscribing / signing up, but this is a resource you can read the article from the link:
As I frequently do, in order to show people what they will find if they take my advise and follow the link, this is a small portion of what you'll find near the front / top of this article:
What is pyrrole disorder?
Pyroluria, or pyrrole disorder, is a condition caused by stress that depletes the body of certain vitamins and minerals before they are able to be absorbed.
In short, there are three main nutrients that are not properly absorbed in the pyroluric sufferer:
- vitamin B6
- magnesium
- zinc.
This trifecta of deficiencies can cause a debilitating combination of symptoms that will vary from person to person. Most naturopaths will tell their patients that a good B complex is necessary to promote positive mood, and that magnesium is a wonderful mineral to promote a sense of calm. B6 in particular is necessary for the creation of red blood cells. It increases energy levels and proper cognitive function. A deficiency of B6 will often cause inflammation, depression, and sometimes anaemia. Magnesium is often used as a muscle relaxant for athletes, and a deficiency can be the cause of painful neck aches, sleeplessness, constipation issues, and even nervous twitching. Zinc, on the other hand, is vital for concentration, memory, and good digestion, and when lacking, can lead to anorexia, leaky gut syndrome and digestive disease.
One person in treatment for pyroluria recently described in an interview his symptoms during a flare-up. He said he often had issues with concentration and a decreased energy level when dealing with stressful situations at work or at home. He often developed insomnia and had very restless sleep patterns. The lack of sleep exacerbated his condition, making it harder to concentrate and focus on what needed to be done. “Procrastination is a coping mechanism sometimes,” he joked. “Of course it only makes things worse. Before diagnosis, I found it harder to deal with everyday problems without feeling anger and resentment toward the people that were dependent on me to do things. After treatment I’ve noticed a mighty overall change in my mood. Now when my stress levels rise and I start to feel that tension build, I know it’s time for a temporary increase in my dose.”
The client with pyroluria
The presence of pyroluria in our clients can have a profound effect on their mental and physical well-being due to the deficiency of these vitamins and minerals in their system. .... (take the above link to read the rest of the article, it's worth the trip!)
Pyroluria / pyrrole disorder, was included on this topic about blood sugar and mood disorders, addictions, and other mental and behavioral as well as physical conditions, and at the very bottom of the list of resources at this link you'll see that I make a note and hope that people see that I'm drawing attention to the diet information and work of Pam Killeen, who I had the priviledge to have a phone conversation with, cementing for me her 'fit' with what I want Lumigrate YOUsers to have knowledge of.
"Pyrole Disorder for Therapists" is in PDF form in the Files/documents at the pyrole disorder Facebook group page. The link to the FB group (which is simply 'Pyroluria') is:
Note: There had been 2,840 reads of this topic thread at Lumigrate by this date. Always interesting to keep track of the number of people finding what topics at Lumigrate of interest.
February 2, 2015 (and up to 3,262 reads on this topic thread, meaning 422 reads in 3-1/2 weeks, on a path for 500/month). POPULAR TOPIC! Adding on AGAIN, with a link to a really cool website that had a topic about pyroluria that I found searching specifically with 'self centered people' in conjunction with pyroluria. It was added just before new years so I am pleased to have found it (and the new resource to help people if they wish to use the experts from the Fern Life Center of Washington state, USA center). DEFINITELY outside the box and integrative, this center appears, I'm so envyous as this is exactly what we'd envisioned for the center we collaboratively started in 2008 but the one in charge of it went into a whole other (and less natural) direction (which is where the short-term money was, they just could not get their heads wrapped around having a simple hair cutting person in one room, not a laser hair removal business, etc.)
February 14, 2017 12,860 reads of this is what's showing now! I had gotten back to looking on the Internet for new sources of information about pyroluria because I wanted to show someone who has a current focus on "carpal tunnel syndrome", since even in conventional hand therapy in years and decades past, they were aware of deficiency of B6 being connected .... then we can easily see how that's a 'point' of 'overlap' with pyroluria. What I found was great! And so look in the boxes below, as I'm adding it in here:
Pyroluria and Candida - Twin Causes of Modern Diseases, by Walter Last, at . This is 21 pages to print, I suggest PRINTING IT. Then take a writing or colored writing utensil for everyone you're working on behalf of helping with their wellness in your circle / home / etc., and every time Mr. Last's words remind you of someone you're caring about helping with health, mark it. Perhaps make copies and have the others do the same, or ask them to also print it out wherever they are.
Who is Walter Last? Here's a link and a bio at the link, which has another link for a more extensive history / Story, as you can see:
LAST combines the training and work experience of Research Chemist, Biochemist and Toxicologist with that of Pacticing Nutritionist and Natural Therapist.
He was born and grew up in Germany and has held positions in medical institutions at the Universities of Greifswald, Cologne and Munich, working in research and toxicological investigations. He was Chief Forensic Chemist at Cologne and worked at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles.
In 1970 he settled in New Zealand and dissatisfied with drug-based medicine practiced as a Natural Therapist. He has lived in Queensland since 1981 and has investigated and experimented with a wide range of natural therapies to improve the effectiveness of natural medicine in treating serious and medically incurable diseases.
Walter Last is the author of "Heal Yourself", "Healing Foods" and "The Natural Way To Heal - 65 Ways to Create Superior Health", which is now available in e-Book and print form as "Heal Yourself - The Natural Way". He is the main contributor to the "Self Help Cancer Cure" book. He is a regular contributor to "Nexus" magazine and other publications. His latest books are the "Heal Yourself Series" of self-help handbooks which are available on this website. His other websites are:, and
Walter Last has spent almost 40 years researching health issues. His knowledge is based on sound scientific principals and up-to-date information on the causes and 'cures' of diseases, especially the number of metabolic illnesses which beset society today.
The author is constantly updating his articles and books as new research is carried out and new discoveries are made and his articles are regularly featured in NEXUS magazine worldwide as well as in various other publications.The main objective of these books is to increase each individual's knowledge of the functioning of their own bodies and the gradual transition to a more healthy state with the use of natural therapies. This is of benefit in helping to avoid various drugs, many of which merely 'mask' the illness.These methods have been proven to be extremely effective for a great many people.
Perseverance is the key.Of course, this is not the path for everyone, as it takes dedication and patience. This is different to normal drugs which work almost instantly to relieve symptoms, but which do not necessarily cure. The aim is to bring the body and the immune system back to a state where a 'cure' follows as a natural consequence. Naturally, for any serious disease, or if you are unsure of a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.
Good luck with your efforts!
I took the link that's offered in what's in the box above, for the 2008 story / interview, and highly recommend you do as well. Here's a paragraph that will directly apply to most people who are looking for information here:
"However, the explosive increase in modern chronic diseases started 50 to 60 years ago with the widespread use of antibiotics. Because these are commonly prescribed and used without fungicides and probiotics, most people now have the wrong kinds of microbes in their intestinal tract, and have been invaded by Candida and other microbes and parasites. Instead of correcting this problem, sick people are just given more toxic chemicals as drugs and so continue to deteriorate. The other main reason is our capitalist system, which makes it so very profitable for the medical-pharmaceutical system to produce as many chronically sick people as possible, while natural healing methods are discouraged because they are not very profitable."
The larger packages in Lumigrate's graphic = the major concepts being brought up in this interview ..... But YOU can think about what YOUR 'elevator of health status' would be ...... Perhaps take a bit of a breather and think about this for a moment. ~ Mardy
And this: "Walter Last: It is unhelpful to believe that an expert knows more about your body then you do. Become your own expert then you can make your own mistakes and learn from them. That is how I learned. The main principles of Nature Cure are cleaning the body with fresh raw food, restoring the natural bacteria in the intestines, eliminating harmful microbes, finding access to fresh water, clean air, sunshine, outdoors activity and a satisfying emotional life.
Everyone needs to become his or her own specialist in self-healing. If there is no natural therapist or nature healer in your area and you need specific advice, then search on the Internet for an answer. I have a large website with information on natural living and self-healing on, and .... If you read all this and try to understand and apply it, then you will be able to overcome most diseases and health problems without expert advice. Soon you will be able to teach the experts."
Doesn't THAT support what Lumigrate's all about? YOU becoming the key, central person in your health world -- and chosing what resources to use (that are representing surrounding YOU!) ~ Mardy
I suggest: Set a goal of how long you'll work on it every day until you've gotten through it --- some people will have the time and energy / ability to do it in one sitting, or one day. Others might need to just say 'every day we'll do a page, starting ________, with the exception of _________ (some people honor Sabbath, for example. OR that might be a day that they're working on spirit/mind/body and would dedicated study time to well-being work. ) It's up to YOU! ~~ Mardy
Or maybe there are certain days of the week that you canNot even imagine having the wherewithall to study one page of information. Or maybe you just know that some days you're just too overdone to do anything like this, so you'll give yourself X# of passes to NOT study that day -- get a paperclip, put 'passes' under the paperclip, and use them as needed. But THAT is how important I think this information is for people to read. 43% of people, I've read somewhere recently (or heard), now have pyroluria -- 3% is what will have it from genetics, and how many people used to have the conditions that you see from it, as a result. Gradually, we've had unwellness overtake our people, and THIS does a major job of explaining why! So even if you study the 20 pages of info and don't feel YOU have pyroluria, it's pretty guaranteed someone you know WILL. And what a blessing you will be to them if you can help turn them onto what will reverse their symptoms and make them feel better and live a longer, safer, happier, more fulfilling life!
Another resource is at YouTube at C. Gray's channel. Titled "Pyroluria, My experience." This is the channel of Carolyn Gray, and she calls her podcasts she's doing "The Wellness Buzz". In this case, I was using a different symptom search word combined with 'pyroluria' -- as I said, above, I was specifically looking for 'carpal tunnel syndrome' info to do with pyroluria when I found the above source. On this one I was at YouTube and used a symptom though of as from the mind, psychiatry, behavioral -- personality disorders. That chained me via YouTube's giving you 'up next' .....
Then Hawthorn University, also at YouTube if you wish or find their website because documents referred to by their invited guests are mentioned in this podcast and you'll be able to then download them (for free), presented on 6/17/14 by Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott, CN. Titled Pyroluria, a Social Anxiety Condition. Her websites are,, and (So they were providing this just after I'd done my scouring of things to create this topic at Lumigrate. It's amazing to reflect on how much I found when I learned of pyroluria, and how it's just mushroomed from there with so many new sources, such as this one via Hawthorn University.
I also went on to find at Lumigrate a lot of information about pyroluria and behavioral health that's provided by a company that does CME credits for learners in the professions which require CMEs. That was geared a bit differently because the presenter was from more mainstream medicine circles where they see patients coming to them with the usual medication cocktail mix prescribed by mainstream medicine, so they were naming the medications by brand name and specifying they were doing so rather than their generic name because that's what providers will most relate to is the brand name. I hope these NEW sources I'm editing in, above, assist YOU in finding the path to heath and well-being via information sources that I have found to be worth mentioning here. ~ Mardy
You will see below a more complete listing of symptoms which can be experienced if a person has undiagnosed and/or improperly treated pyroluria. This is a topic emerging in functional medicine, not recognized, and even 'naysayed' by the orthodox/conventional medicine stronghold, so it's understandably not yet well known and it's also not as 'straightforward' to get information about, so keep that in mind as you read on. But I hope that I have sorted through what I could find on the Internet for health professionals and consumers alike to have a streamlined, thorough experience as a Lumigrate YOUser on the subject of pyroluria: 10-11% of Americans, OVERALL, will have pyroluria. Among certain groups of people there will be a much higher % than 11% as you can easily see.
Something which was even MORE difficult to find, which eventually I did find, was that one of the experts in the US from way back about this, who basically thinks he re-vitalized this discussion years back by picking it up when it was off in the ditch being not quite figured out totally, believes that Lyme / borrelia causes the pyrole disorder condition to onset. That would be Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD. And for those who have not studied the information about Lyme that's outside of he mainstream, organized medicine's circles, we have it in depth at Lumigrate --- and essentially it's thought that perhaps 3/4 of the people in the US have Lyme in them at this point in time, most without having the knowledge that symptoms are from Lyme, and some without symptoms (so far).
Be sure to look over all the info, as there are sometimes opposite advisements about when to take which supplement, and there's one professional who says 'good theory but I've yet to see the results myself, though I'm a big supporter of those who developed the theory'. I had to really HUNT for something like that, though. It seemed like everyone who was talking about it was very supportive of it, and the 'usual naysaying' that goes on from conventional angles is to be expected, you have to learn to respect that as what this is about and interpret it for yourself.
In order to teach 'how to DIY', Search words for researching terms is important to share with YOUsers ... like many of the complex chronic illnesses (labeled and identified as: chronic Lyme disease (aka chronic Burrelia or Burreliosis), fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, etc.), learning disabilities, and mental/behavioral differences and difficulties ('mood disorder' or 'personality disorder').
"Inner tension" is one of the symptoms that simply heads up the lists and information at various sources, over and over. Seeing that Lumigrate is about an integrative approach with functional medicine, I'm going to present a variety of information from different types of providers --- PhD, ND, MD, and some who don't have D's behind their names yet are on-board this material and are out in the mix with information, services, and products to address it with apparent validity. Naturally, decide for yourselves, that's the key for YOUsers to know -- looking to others is for resources and guidance but YOU're ultimate the decision-maker about YOU.
Important to note: there are more than one location to get test kits in a DIY way, which is empowering to the patient/consumer to be in control of of getting a laboratory involved. You'll see them below in the information from the various sources I suggest. One is located in Illinois, which has an $80 test for pyroluria, and I learned about them by their leader having placed an incredible statement that just showed her 'chops' on a blogsite that had some things that weren't well shored up. She righted the thread and was impressive enough that I went to see the website she had left in her signature information. It wasn't 'spam', she clearly had processed what was being said and addressed things and just left her signature information if anyone wished to know where to find her.
And I've seen a YouTube video by some woman who was nice to make a video about pyroluria, and she said the labs were $35. You might be able to find that independently, it's just nothing I had come across in my process and I'm not seeing how super low cost labs can have good quality; I've heard there are some places that do hair analysis for $10. How can they afford to open the mail and send you results for that, let alone run the sample? So I've stuck with some sources I felt were demonstrating knowledge and hopefully quality of service follows.
This could be a topic that will be time and energy consuming for those who are interested, but at least the solutions presented have a reasonabe price tag affixed to them. I hope that if YOU put in the time and energy to take in and study the information presented at this topic, you'll see the 'connections' about information that's generally been 'disconnected', and how this is a 'missing link'. "Infections" being just one of them, which is one of the key symptoms of 'fibromyalgia'. And I have added in various differing "opinionators", below, that I have found the most interesting to consider about this zinc issue, whether it's pyroluria or otherwise. The symptoms (as presented by ONE source I wanted to present here for YOUsers to learn of, see credit where credit is due, below):
- abdominal tenderness
- constipation
- light/sound intolerance
- hypoglycemia/ glucose intolerance
- China doll look or someone fits the symptoms popularized/called "Indigo Children"
- tremor/ shaking /spasms
- environmental and food allergies
- autism/ most symptoms of ASD
- poor breakfast appetite
- cold hands or feet
- eosinophilia
- delayed or early puberty / sensitized hormone receptors
- stress intolerance
- emotional lability
- explosive anger
- anxiety / withdrawal
- paranoia/ hallucinations
- perceptual disorganization
- nail spots
- pessimism
- knee and joint pain
- depression
- crime and delinquency
- substance abuse
- attention deficit / ADHD
- amenorrhea/ irregular periods
- B-6 responsive anemia
- retention of toxic metals and environmental toxins
- poor dream recall
- acne
- stretch marks (stripes)
coarse eyebrows (this was also described in another list as 'you know when the hairs get long and the eyebrows are hanging over the eyes ....' Man, how MANY people have we spoken with who have that going on? We're likely more aware of it than they are! That's OFTEN the case with health symptoms in general ... hardest to see things in our selves, oftentimes.
Editing this topic in early November 2014, as I've found a new resource that I think is really good that I'd like to add in up near the top AND say that when I have brought this up to people since learning of it, people want to just take more zinc and B6 and they don't seem to realize that this is NOT like saying 'vitamin C is good to take and this is how much of a range' -- this is complicated. It's something that people should thoroughly study and then decide how to proceed, and have qualified advisors if you're not at an expertise level to try this type of thing independently. Join groups on Facebook that can help to support education and skill, and connect to other resources.
Better Health Guy has this wonderful article as a PDF at this address:
and I got that link by clicking on the teaser version of it at the website, here is the link:
And this is their little overview information:
Article: Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease
Publication: Explore! / November 2009
Summary: A review of KPU and its impact on Lyme Disease with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD
To view the article, click the article name link above or click here.
- See more at:
In order to see a fairly DIY setup at the start, and get us thinking outside the box, here's the laboratory in Illinois that I referred to, above. (And you'll see that the BetterHealthGuy's article addresses this as well). So look into PyroluriaTesting dot com (link below) -- you can't get more right on than that! You'll see that they offer additional consultation services through a couple of physicians located nearby who have come through the orgnaization that trains about this.
The pyroluria test is $80, and I've seen a video on YouTube where a woman states that you can get testing for $35 --- I might be wrong, but a business can't proficiently open an envelope hardly for a $35 fee. It's about half a dollar now to send a piece of mail inside the US.....
I look for QUALITY in the progressive realm and offer options based on what I sort out from the pile on the Internet. With pyroluria, there's not a TON of information, but I really believe this is a major issue and am focusing on it considerably.
Therefore, I've put this laboratory up 'front'... but you'll see at the bottom of this, the Integrative Psychology information will include testing you can order from them and they also have consultations. They're outsourcing that and are a practice of NP and MD, whereas this is a laboratory that outsources to the providers. And who knows what undisclosed arrangements go on between businesses that are connected -- sometimes there's nothing and other times there are things that are illegal or unethical or both.
I also want to add in here that this well-known laboratory has a link about pyroluria testing but the information at the link to me is vague about how this is going to tell you about pyroluria. I can see it'll give you zinc and many other things, and heavy metals ... They are a resource that providers I've worked with recently have been referring patients to generally, particularly if they don't have insurance and are paying out of pocket for all the labs that are needed for the provider to give direction to the patient/client/consumer.
Many options today which simply require more time and energy on the consumers part to investigate, so hopefully I've pared things down and save YOU time by finding and posting the best (in my opinion) to this extensive 'core topic' at Lumigrate.
I've selected this protocol for pyroluria from a naturopathic doctoring perspective, which was prepared by a Bastyr graduate, same as the ND who was the first to grace the 'stage' on Lumigrate in two videos, so I know it's a quality program she's been through; Sherri Jacobs, ND, CNS. It can be found at the NDNR website. It was strange, though, they give her website link in the credits, and when I clicked to follow out it took me to a 404 dead end within the NDNR website that said something like "some guy must have gotten here before you and broken the link". Which -- if a person doesn't understand what a 404 error is, they're going to really be confused. But I did want to include a naturopathic doctor in the mix here to remind people that in their live communities or online, remotely, YOUsers might get an ND on team YOU!.
Essentially, we aware that there's a 'divide' in the naturopathic community because the traditional naturopathic doctor programs were extensively in-person, and similar to going to a program to become an MD or DO. Then the online and distance learning revolution came and programs sprouted up which didn't give as solid an education, yet they ended up with the same degree and initials after the name. States that didn't license NDs couldn't regulate what type of program, etc.
So that has been shifting and changing in various states in the US and you'll need to familiarize yourself a bit with what goes on where you are, but they're wonderful resources for this type of information, when it comes to the diet and how it affects mind, body, and spirit.
Dr. Jacobs, at the link, provides a very easy to follow overview and protocol with a case example, so I encourage you to go see the details. Here's the link:
(For general information about naturopathy and providers:
You will see that the above resource doesn't have a lot in their reference list, just two things. One was Joan Mathews Larson's book Depression Free, Naturally, so I looked for a resource online for "Larson, pyroluria" (for those wanting to learn more about Searching these things out independently as we want YOU to become experts at this too):
"The most exciting research that we utilize is the identification and treatment of a genetic chemical imbalance called PYROLURIA, which is responsible for many signs and symptoms in nervous diseases." You will find this powerful statement as the lead-in to a new heading and section which I am going to provide a portion of here so that you can see the kind of information they provide in this topic. I think this is a very good website for information and I want YOUsers to see a good example, with a portion of how they cover pyroluria.
This is one portion of the topic, and this topic is just one topic amidst a website of similar content. Please go see what else they have if you're intrigued by this, below from Depression Free, Naturally. [I will bold things that they don't have bolded at the source for YOUsers who have difficulty reading due to their fatigued brains (which they'll think is 'eyes' but it's as much the brains for perception. If a person has pyroluria they have a higher likelihood of learning disabilities so bolding can help with readability for them/us. (as I have many LDs, and, I recently realized, pyroluria)]
The second resource she used is from Jeremy Kaslow, MD, of Santa Ana, California. I will provide next, the information from his website's pyroluria topic. His website has similar style on a number of other topics, some of which are interrelated to this, so please go and see these sites! Pyroluria, An Inborn Mistake
This disorder is connected to an abnormal production of a group of body chemicals called pyrroles. Pyrroles are a worthless byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis. Most people have very little if any of these pyrroles circulating in their bodies. We know that through measuring levels of pyrroles excreted via the urine. Some of us, however, are not so fortunate. Pyrroles are abnormally high in about:
- 30% of schizophrenics
- 40% of persons with psychiatric problems
- 11% of normals
- 25% of disturbed children
- 40% of alcoholics
Pyrroles do damage to us by binding to aldehydes throughout our bodies and causing their excretion along with the pyrroles. B6 (pyridoxine) being an aldehyde is systematically removed from its many needed sites and a severe B6 deficiency results. Equally damaging is the further scavengering done by the combination of B6 and pyrroles. Together this duo also seeks out and attaches itself to zinc and so both of these essential natural chemicals (B6 and zinc), are promptly dumped into the urine.
The loss of B6 and zinc is a psychiatric disaster. Many seemingly unrelated symptoms develop. Our interest in pyroluria is that it creates symptoms of inner tension, and bouts of nervous exhaustion and fearfulness that can be traced back to childhood or teen years. Without proper identification and treatment, pyrolurics slowly tend to become loners to avoid stressful situations. Their lives become an ongoing struggle to protect themselves from too much emotional and physical stress.
Are you Pyroluric?
An abbreviated form of The Pyroluria Screening Test found in Depression Free, Naturally is shown below. If you answer postive to several of the items, you may wish to consult the full version in the book. The purpose of the test is to help identify physical and neurological symptoms that develop from losing large amounts of B6 and zinc.
B6 is the co-enzyme (meaning it is absolutely essential) in over FIFTY enzymatic brain reactions where amino groups are transformed or transferred. B6 has an important role in your nervous system's balance. It is required to utilize protein for energy. Brain depletion of dopamine and serotonin occur without B6, creating ongoing anxiety and depression. B6 slows the conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid. Elevated lactic acid creates anxiety.
Zinc deficiency also results in multiple disorders. The brain uses at least sixty zinc enzymes so zinc deficiency has a marked effect on mood states. Anxiety and depression have been observed in patients who develop zinc deficiency from intravenous feedings. These patients experienced prompt relief from their acquired depression after zinc was supplied.
Zinc plays a starring role in our immune functioning and our brain development and performance. A deficiency means poor growth and poor sexual development. We will suffer with a raft of "emotional" problems: irritability, fatigue, apathy, amnesia, depression, as well as poor appetite, and poor sense of taste and smell. In the last decade, over 50 papers in professional journals established the link between anorexia nervosa and zinc unavailability.
Zinc has the job of removing toxic metals from our brains, particularly copper, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Without zinc to do this, high copper levels result in paranoia, violent behavior, mood swings and schizoid behavior. High lead leads to learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. Mercury toxicity results in anxiety, emotional liability, exaggerated responses and insomnia. Elevated cadmium causes hyperactivity, hallucinations and central nervous system toxicity.
Maintaining adequate B6 and zinc in our bodies is an absolute MUST! It is easy to see how their continual destruction can turn a normal human being into an emotional cripple. The gradual changes in over one hundred body systems of pyrolurics slowly take their toll as the years pass. Now you have the opportunity to investigate for yourself the possibility of pyroluria being the cause of your ongoing anxiety. If you score high on the test, take heart. PYROLURIA is correctable. The important task is to identify it.
What would an MD, if you had one who was 'into this kind of thing' teach you about pyroluria, if you had one? If you lived in, or could visit Santa Ana, California and have the means to become a patient of Dr Jeremy Kaslow, he'd likely say much of this to you in person. Or give you a handout, or have a seminar about it where you could go and learn in-person. Fortunately, Dr Kaslow has provided a great deal of information at a website -- nothing fancy but it's organized really well. So, from, the pyroluria topic. I'm providing one topic from his website to 1) demonstrate what you'll find if you GO TO the website as a resource for other information and 2) I'm able to make it easier for our brain-weary YOUsers by editing to make things easier to read (bolding, shorter paragraphs, adding commas, bulleting of lists -- I change nothing in the content however!) Enjoy the read! Please 'go see the sites' too!
Pyroluria is a genetically determined chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis. Hemoglobin is the protein that holds iron in the red blood cell. Individuals with this disorder produce too much of a byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis called "kryptopyrrole" (KP) or "hemepyrrole." Kryptopyrrole has no known function in the body and is excreted in urine.
Kryptopyrrole binds to pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and zinc and makes them unavailable for their important roles as co-factors in enzymes and metabolism. These essential nutrients when bound to kryptopyrrole are removed from the bloodstream and excreted into the urine as pyrroles. Arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) also becomes deficient.
The effect of pyroluria can have a mild, moderate, or severe depending on the severity of the imbalance. Most individuals show symptoms of zinc and/or B6 deficiencies, which include
- poor stress control,
- nervousness,
- anxiety,
- mood swings,
- severe inner tension,
- episodic anger (an explosive temper),
- poor short-term memory and
- depression.
Most pyrolurics exhibit at least two of these problems. These individuals cannot efficiently create serotonin (a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and depression) since vitamin B6 is an important factor in the last step of its synthesis.
Many of these persons appear to benefit from SSRI medications such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, etc. However, as with all mind-altering drugs, side effects occur and the true cause of the mental difficulties remains uncorrected.
In addition, these individuals often have frequent infections and are often identified by their inability to tan, poor dream recall, abnormal fat distribution, and sensitivity to light and sound. As you can imagine, an SSRI will not correct these metabolic effects. More healthful benefits may be achieved by giving the appropriate supporting nutrients.
Pyroluria is detected by chemical analysis of the abnormal pyroles in urine detectable as a purple (on testing paper) metabolite in called "the mauve factor." Most persons have less than 10mcg of KP per deciliter. Persons with 10-20 mcg/dl are considered "borderline" pyroluric and may benefit from treatment. Persons with levels above 20 mcg/dl are considered to have pyroluria, especially if the above symptoms are present. The chemical analysis for KP is difficult due to the tendency for this chemical to decompose. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the urine test to properly determine the level of KP being excreted.
To make the initial diagnosis, no vitamins or minerals should be taken for two days before the urine is collected (This is to avoid false negative results). The specimen should be handled properly as well - collected and frozen immediately and protected from any light by being placed in aluminum foil. A repeat test to determine if the condition has been improved may be helpful.
People with mild-moderate pyroluria usually have a fairly rapid response to treatment if no other chemical imbalances are present. People with severe pyroluria usually require several weeks before progress is seen and improvement may be gradual over 3 - 12 months. Features of pyroluria usually recur within 2 - 4 weeks if the nutritional program is stopped. Thus, the need for treatment is indefinite.
Pyroluria is managed in part by restoring vitamin B6 and zinc. The type of replacement therapy is very important as zinc must be provided in an efficiently absorbed form. Vitamin B6 is also available in several forms. Both zinc and B6 supplementation need to be directed by the doctor as too much can be toxic, use of the wrong form will be ineffective, and avoiding competing minerals and supplements may be necessary.
Other nutrients may assist in pyroluria, include niacinamide, pantothenic acid, manganese, vitamins C and E, omega-6 fatty acids and cysteine. Food sources and nutritional supplements containing copper and red/yellow food dyes should be avoided.
Because pyrolurics are stress intolerant, they seem to be especially vulnerable to cumulative stress over many days. For example, parents of a pyroluric child should use discipline that is "short and sweet" rather than "long and lingering." It is not unexpected that pyroluric patients are prone to relapses, especially during illness, injury, or emotional stress.
Much of the information we have about pyroluria is from the work of the late Carl Pfeiffer, M.D. in the 1970’s. Some references include:
Irving DG: Apparent non-indolic ehrlich-positive substances related to Mental illness. JNeuropsychiat, 1961;2:292-305.
Hoffer A, Mahon M: The presence of unidentified substances in the urine of psychiatric patients. J Neuropsychiat, 1961;2:331-397.
Irvine DG, Bayne W, et al: Identification of kryptopyrrole in human urine and its relationship to psychosis. Nature, 1969;224:811-813.
Pfeiffer CC, Lliev V: Pyrroluria, urinary mauve factor, causes double deficiency of B6 and zinc in schizophrenics. Fed Proc, 1973;32:276.
Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery S: Vitamins, blood lead and urine pyrroles in Down Syndrome patients. Amer Clin Lab, 1990:Jan- Feb:8-9.
Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery S, Riordan N: Urinary pyrroles in health and disease. J Orthomol Med, 1997: 12;2:96-98.
Out of the United Kingdom, I finally find something -- as I've been searching and looking -- that might provide some 'balance' from an outside the box provider. I actually didn't find this resource until using search word undermethylation. You'll see that he provides a simplified and common sense approach to this matter, and credits the developer of the theory OVERALL, but clearly is saying he's not sold on this himself but thinks it's something that should be included in his educational efforts to people. There's much at his website relative to mental health and nutrition, so it's a good resource to be getting into the mix for people to look around in general, perhaps.
AND ... "America's Pharmacist", who writes as Dear Pharmacist, fellow Coloradoan Suzy Cohen has a comprehenstive topic about methylation. Link:
NOTE, March 2015 -- I had found a different appearing topic from Suzi Cohen --- it just didn't look familiar -- about methylation, when searching on something else. And was glad I did. In looking at the link that I had here, it was dead ending, as it appears she has a new website. So the link, above, is working at this time AND I have now read the information over at the link and think it's as good as I remember it the first time at the previous link and website.
You'll see she presents two options basically for treatment and one is with to take action without looking so much at testing and spending the resources (time, energy, money). The other is to do the testing and also take action with treatment. I just added a video by a Dr Rawlings (MD from the state of Washington) to the resources on Lumigrate about MTHFR gene mutation / methylation problems, and he was of the mindset to go by clinical symptoms and forego testing. I also have more recently communicated with a health expert focused on diet and mental health, who is a supporter of Westin A Price Foundation type diet advise and she was downplaying the MTHFR aspect of things, saying it's become a marketing thing and leading people a bit off track in many cases.
I wanted to provide the link to the Pfeiffer website: They are based out of Illinois (the midwest of the US) but they show that they travel to various cities and set up appointments to meet with interested parties. They have a very nice website and are a nonprofit organization. They had originally focused entirely with the young end of the spectrum of age, but due to the underlying problems found in young people with behaviors being what contributes to dementia, they also have a tab for "Alzheimers".
However, in further Searching and reviewing of information, I came upon William Walsh, PhD, who is in the same area of Illinois with his nonprofit institute, whose information includes that he used to work for the Pfeiffer Institute, left about five years ago and that Pfeiffer is not longer in existence. You might learn from their website, however, if it's still up, as it was in March 2014 when I created this topic or April when I was adding this NEW information in about Dr Walsh and the cache of information that comes up when you use his term 'pyrole disorder'. Having been a part of a clinic startup in 2008/9/10, I can only imagine what all might have occurred, I'd just keep it in mind and continue looking for resources that seem to 'fit your bill'.
Here's information I'd suggest from Dr. Walsh's website: From the About Tab:
About Walsh Institute:
The Walsh Research Institute is a 501(c)3 public charity. Our mission is to bring the benefits of advanced biochemical therapy to millions of persons challenged by ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, clinical depression, behavior disorders, autism, and neurodegenerative disorders.Then at the videos tab on a dropdown, the slide and auditory digital 'interview' that I found via YouTube, titled Advanced Nutrient Therapies for Bipolar Disorder. Now, whether you're more interested in anxiety, depression, behavior disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, schizophrenia or the learning / attentional disorders, and I'd add other learning disabilities such as dyslexia into the mix, autism, etc.I think this is an hour worth spending and he provides a nice pace, shows good information in his slides, and helps people understand the EPIGENETICS portion that has to do with everything for all of us. See that last part of the description? "... epigenetic regulation of synapse activity, and cripple the body's protection against environmental toxins." This is really KEY information (core some might call it, foundational .. critically important to understanding all this stuff!) And it's VERY recently prepared. You'll see at their website he's speaking/presenting at a lot of conferences now, and you'll hear at the link that they just had 20+ doctors complete the training and more are getting batched up for future trainings. --- The overall videos tab at WIWilliam J. Walsh, PhD, explains how brain-changing imbalances occur in bipolar disorder. Discover how these imbalances alter brain levels of key neurotransmitters, disrupt epigenetic regulation of synapse activity, and cripple the body's protection against environmental toxins.
The information, above, talks about undermethylation (and overmethylation) and he refers people to contact the Mensah Medical folks in one of the questions in the Q&A portion of this seemingly well thought out production. I wanted to provide a link to there to continue on the 'bunny trail' of looking into the providers and information sources available online. This is the undermethylation link for the Mensah website: .
I hope that anyone who's asked themselves why there seem to be so many 'successful' people in position we value, but their personal lives seem to be frought with dysfunction, I hope you look at the undermethylation information. NOTE ALSO, that there's a plea to people who consider themselves to be possible undermethylation types, to seek counseling related to family planning as there is a correlation with autism in offspring. When we then factor in what Dr. Klinghardt says about sleep position of the mother and electromagnetic exposures before and during pregnancy, you either start to see different theories that 'compete' or which form layers and add support to one another. Any any rate, it's fascinating information and I hope that YOUsers find it valuable to pursue learning.
I think the whole history of pyroluria (or whatever you wish to call it) is INTERESTING because if you're reading this carefully, you'll see there were maybe some friendly competitors at play in this pyroluria discovery and groundwork about five decades ago. It reminds me of something similar with Drs. Alzheimer and Lewy, two researchers working on the same thing at the same time and discovering different things; plaques and bodies, respectively. One's a well-known disorder and the other was one I suspected was not yet discovered, but it actually had been and nobody I worked with or knew about (or read about) ever had a LBD diagnosis. I've never found anywhere WHY it was Lewy was relatively 'unheard of' until recently, despite it being more common than EVERY other type of dementia except Alzheimer disease. Things that make you go "hmmmm"!
Despite extensive patient care experience with the elderly since 1996, until 2009 and my father's diagnosis of Lewy Body Disease, I'd never heard of it. I'd not been taught about Asperger's in my conventional medical/occupational therapy program either, by the way. After my father "totally fell apart", fell down even, and had episodes thereafter with lack of reality, he was missed diagnosed despite my saying to everyone in the path of his health care that the 'dementia' diagnosis they'd given "didn't account for the symptoms", he clearly had something like Parkinsons yet they were totally missing that and putting in feeding tubes and all kinds of things. All those decisions were made with me available by phone but not able to be in person due to a massive snowstorm for four days. By then the plan was set and it was real interesting to go along for the ride after that. (Other family was present taking care of 'business' and we were in contact at least once a day but -- nothing's stronger than the 'weakest link' and with the HIPPA laws as they are, that prevented me from talking directly to staff and having to go through the present family members, who were my father's preference anyway.
He was one who would stick only to what was allopathic and science-based so that's how his treatment progressed and it was amazing what modern medicine does with a situation like that when they have good insurance. (Just sayin'.) And I'm from the school of patient care where you allow the patient their right to do or not do, so I ironically went along for a 1-1/2 year ride with that whole situation that was VERY educational and I am an grateful for it. Same as the medication bungling that occured with my sugery in 2006 that had me in bed for 24 hours loopily thinking 'I can't believe this can happen in this good a hospital and city known for medical care and with my knowledge -- someone HAS TO DO SOMETHING'. So I created Lumigrate within 1-2 years.
For anyone's benefit who's reading: I had pushed to get him to the primary care doctor for years and he had refused. I'd worked with families like these professionally. It's so much easier to be one of the itinerant workers who comes into a situation and the real responsibility is falling on the shoulders of the family system. And he didn't have lifeline because his paranoia about someone knowing how to get into his home. And that had been something I'd grown up with: we had left the keys in the cars so people wouldn't come in the house and hurt us, they'd just take the car if they needed one. I had symptoms I now realize were from pyroluria, most likely, very young, such as "worrying" when I'd go to bed about things like people coming to the house to harm us, or it starting on fire. I was given a night light but couldn't remember to turn it off in the morning and so he took it away. He took away my camera for no reason, throwing it in the trash bag in one of his visits after bedtime to go through the bedroom I shared with sibling. So you can do your work as an adult on these issues that the mental health experts will all attribute to behaviors and stress, and they've typically not looked at the underlying biochemistry of the body (which includes the brain) that are driving or at least feeding into these behaviors. I hope by sharing my story from my perspective today it will help light bulbs come on for readers whether providers or consumers.
Later when I'd have pains in my legs I'd worry I had cancer like the popular movie of the day. Oh, man, do I want THIS information to get to YOU! Young and old, and anyone in between. How differently my life might have been had this TRUTH / information not been sequestered and kept from getting out to people. I understand it sometimes takes a while to get TO THE TRUTH and that was the case with pyrole disroder/ pyroluria, but why it's not gotten out to the 'outside the box' providers that I've hired personally to help me, or to the providers who have shared part of what they know on Lumigrate for YOUsers' benefit. So far at least! I have let the most recent tier of experts all know about it -- they were all unaware and were enlightened by what Lumigrate provided.
My poor father, he was not a complainer when it came to himself, he ruminated about things and was very negative, but he had so many signs of pyroluria, it's just staggering! And really special to me that I stumbled upon this information a month ago when researching for someone wanting information about mental health/ addictions / treatment in the Front Range of Colorado and I knew of a facility on the Front Range of Colorado (see addictions/pyroluria topic in the mind/head forum or find the link, above) and they had new resources on the website that included this OR I'd just missed it the first times I'd gone. Never looking back with regrets, only at the present and looking forward. On we go with MORE about pyroluria ---
What if a psychiatrist were on team YOU! ? What would they say about pyroluria?
I've been a follower since 'discovering' Emily Deans, MD, and her 'evolutional psychiatry' blog the weekend that "Newtown" happened in December 2012. I told people I'd provide my answer to the question on everyone's minds: why are these things happening? Since autism spectrum disorder was in the mix in the media story from day #1, I went to certain Search words that lead me to Emily Deans. I like to provide a 'balance' of information on any topic at Lumigrate and this one is no exception. You'll see if you follow this link about zinc as an antidepressant that she refers to pyroluria at the very end of the topic. BUT she says 'the general population' -- doesn't that mean the average? And 10% is not the average. So I hope that there's a LOT of looking at the various aspects that zinc affects the 'general' as well as the 'special' population, however you'd define that. Here's the link to her Psychology Today article about zinc, the brain, and pyroluria :
A resource I've suggested to our YOUsers since early in 2013 is an Australian website about hypoglycemia, which I was pleased to see had something from 2011 about pyroluria. The topic is about PTSD and hypoglycemia. If you look at the list of symptoms, above, that can be associated with pyroluria, more 'dots connected' for me when I read this article, so I suggest you do as well.
I recall the research I learned of at my excellent internship (to become an occupational therapist) in the "psyche unit" at the Veterans Administration hospital in Denver, Colorado in the fall of 1996 which wowwed me at the time: The brains of Vietnam veterans who were diagnosed after the war/incidents of war with post-traumatic stress disorder had structural differences in three areas within the brain (if I'm recalling correctly).
A retired military officer who would come into the unit for the incredible group the OTs facilitated three mid-days a week quizzed me on what those were and thankfully I'd read the material and answered the question of which areas correctly. He seemed surprised and pleased, simultaneously at the 'student' having done her homework.
They also provided me with research to read and discuss that essentially was a study conducted on veterans who had been in the same or very similar stressful situatioins in war and typically the people who would have a diagnosis of PTSD after had not had the best of experiences growing up in terms of families teaching them coping strategies. My impression was that the inference was being made that was looking more at 'behavior' and 'psychology' than any type of underlying physiologic or biologic contributors.
I've written elsewhere on Lumigrate that I'd wondered about diet when I was doing my internship, as I had gone to a wheat- and dairy-free diet based on IgG allergy testing I'd had done in 1994/5 which found I was highly allergic to components of both foods.
When I created the topic integrating The UltraMind Solution and Wheat Belly early in 2013, adding onto it every day through the typical 'New Years Resolutioner' time period, I focused on the research presented by Dr Davis in Wheat Belly relating the research done in the 1960s at a VA hospital psyche unit on people with schizophrenia which clearly showed a connection to diet and gluten and/or wheat (they were presuming it was gluten but didn't feed people another glutenous food as a replacement, they removed gluten from the diet so it could be something different in the wheat. I'd not been found to be allergic to gluten, my body reacted to something else in wheat, and new research is showing it's the Roundup / glyphosate being used that's made wheat products cause reactions in those who consume it as well.)
Those are important details to mention here, in my opinion. But the overall biggie information about that 1960s research, which was replicated by two other groups of researchers, is that nothing came of it in terms of what they fed the patients in psyche units from the 1960s when that was discovered (and replilcated/confirmed) and 1996 when I was doing internships.
What they were doing, same as in the 1960s was providing a host of medications to patients. There was a man who had been greatly aided by a medical for schizophrenia who was coming into 'the unit' to be taken off of that medication due to side effects having developed, and going onto a new medication that was in clinical trials. The veterans, I was told by my overall fieldwork coordinator at the VA, were so used to having things done to them, and people learning on them, that it was a great place to do internships compared to the private sector where the consumers/patients weren't used to being practiced on.
So many people today have the symptoms of PTSD, those who have served as one of the people in our country in one way or another, whether they were in the military or encountered a stressful situation in their personal time. Whether they were children, teens, adults or elderly. I think this is absolutely some of the most critical information for all medical professionals and consumers look into, the very overlooked pyroluria condition.
How many people have the issues with blood sugar? (Many.) How many people use alcohol, appropriately or not, to 'self medicate' and part of what's going on has to do with blood sugar? Or if they're not using alcohol because they have a reason not to use the commonly condoned and even suggested substance are using something else?
The link to the Australian resource about hypoglycemia and mental health/ PTSD is:
Another source of information about pyroluria:
Dietritch Klinghardt, MD of Germany and Seattle, Washington, USA
I knew of Dietritch Klinghardt, MD as one of the "Lyme Literate" doctors, as he is one of the MDs in the documentary Under Our Skin, which I viewed when it circulated on the Internet for $0/free in recent years. And please keep in mind that Lyme is now an 'umbrella word' -- you know how Forrest Gump talked about the box of chocolates of life? Well, I talk about the box of crayons that are the chronic illnesses -- same basic reasons and many of the same symptoms.
So I am pleased to introduce Dr Klinghardt to Lumigrate's YOUsers if you're not already familiar with him. His website for The Kinghardt Academy offers this at the link about chronic disease, after a nice introduction about lead poisoning in the Roman empire times, mercury taking out famous composers when being treated for a sexually transmitted disease. If you keep looking around at what's online from him, you'll see a shift in what he presents and more recent work is about electromagnetics and energy medicine, etc. So, he's a very 'out of the box' provider that shares about his shifting to some extent, in what I viewed and read. But as you'll see, things are included, below, that explain these things, such as his foray into talking about 'Codex'. (Read on. View the video, learn or re-fresh about it depending upon where YOU are at with your education 'all this stuff'. Yes, it's a lot. No, if you're looking for fast answers and solutions this is not possible. If you don't put in the time and energy at some point, your wellness is going to suffer for it. I hope people will find and interact with the information as early as possible so they can best strategize for how to stay as well as possible, or return to as well a place as possible.
.... "So in the long run, the situation looks different: the cells of the body are harmed by toxic metals whereas the invading microorganisms can often thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research by Ludwig, Voll and others in Germany, by Omura and myself here in the US, showed that microorganisms tend to set up their housekeeping in those body compartments that have the highest pollution with toxic metals.
The body's own immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microorganisms multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way. The teeth, jawbone, Peyers patches in the gutwall, the groundsystem (connective tissue) and the autonomic ganglia are common sites of metal storage - where microorganisms thrive. Furthermore, those body areas also are vasoconstricted and hypoperfused (by blood, nutrients and oxygen), which fosters the growth of anaerobic germs, fungi and viruses.
The list of symptoms of mercury toxicity alone, published by DAMS (dental amalgam support group), includes virtually any illness known to humankind: chronic fatigue, depression and joint pains are the most common.
To keep it simple: mercury alone can mimic or cause any illness currently known - or contribute to it." (Bolding added by me)
Highlights from the About tab at the website: (please visit for the FULL bio, this is just highlights:
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD, is Founder of the Klinghardt Academy (USA), the American Academy of Neural Therapy, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, and lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute, located in Woodinville, Washington. He is also Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology (Germany) and (Switzerland). Klinghardt Academy (USA) provides teachings to the English speaking world on biological interventions and Autonomic Response Testing assessment techniques.
Klinghardt received the Physician of the Year award from the Global Foundation of Integrative Medicine in May 2007, and the 2011 Physician of the Year Award for the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.
Klinghardt studied medicine (1969-1975) and psychology (1975-1979) in Freiburg, Germany, completing his PhD on the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune disorders. Several publications followed. Early in his career, he became interested in the sequelae of chronic toxicity (especially lead, mercury, environmental pollutants and electromagnetic fields) for the course of illness. While working in India as a junior physician, he encountered Eastern concepts of disease etiology and blended them with his Western training. This laid the foundation for his 5-level system of Integrative Medicine.
After immigrating to the USA, he spent three years as a full-time emergency physician before becoming Medical Director of the Santa Fe Pain Centre. Increasingly aware of the limitations of conventional medicine when dealing with chronic conditions, he trained in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and began to include body-oriented psychotherapeutic and counselling approaches in his work, along with neural therapy, mesotherapy injection techniques and applied psychoneurobiology (psychokinesiology and mental field therapy).
Since the 1970s, Dr. Klinghardt has contributed significantly to the understanding of metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, illness and pain. He is considered an authority on this subject and has been instrumental in advancing various fields within biological medicine - non-invasive pain management, injection techniques for pain and orthopaedic dysfunction, anti-ageing medicine, toxicology, paediatrics (neuro-developmental disorders), energy psychology, biological dentistry, and others. He has also developed Autonomic Response Testing, a comprehensive diagnostic system that has helped many practitioners to become accomplished holistic physicians.AGAIN, please visit the website for the full biography as this is only about half of the amazing overview provided there.
And to answer a question right up front: The medical term for white spots in the nails is "leukonychia", and sometimes the experts toss the word into the salad of words as they speak, but overall "white spots on nails" is what's said the most often. So leukonychia is one symptom of pyroluria, and pyroluria is one word that's easiest when it comes to all the variations, which you'll see Dr. Klinghardt goes over, below, AND specifies that if you want to get a thorough reference list of what's out there about the condition you need to use all the search words.
We've covered fingernails as a 'teaching platform' or put in point, since early in 2010, and I'm going to provide the link here to that topic if you wish to go look at it at some point: There's a link there to bring people here as well, so you can go in a loop with links if you wish. It was from our formative year when we were utilizing some talented women who had been disabled from fibromyalgia to write a few topics on Lumigrate about what their areas of expertise are in, and one was a nail technician/esthetician and then we had expertise from an environmental medicine MD and ND add on and 'converse'. . If you go, you'll see that I've done my homework to share with YOUsers about the differences when Searching with 'white spots on nails' versus also adding 'zinc deficiency' to the search; it's basically what sorts you to inside the box versus outside the box of conventional, allopathic sources. A good exercise for YOUsers to learn, I felt.
Thankfully, he's done that for us and provides that in his resources if people wish to simply utilize his shared resources. I like that he teaches the tricks to the trade AND then sets you up with what he has to offer in such a generous way. Naturally, everyone has their fans and their detractors so we always teach YOUsers here to study the topic thoroughly enough and decide for YOUrself who you are going to follow in terms of advise. We're just, basically, doing what I just said: being generous with what we have to offer at Lumigrate based on doing our research and telling YOUswers how we go about it so YOU become as empowered and capable with wellness information as possible.
Since Lumigrate's cornerstone is the YOU model and our core concept is helping consumers and providers alike with finding the various resources/provider types to put on your own YOU model, or for those of your clients and patients, whenever we can provide a new 'dot' that 'connects the rest of the dots', it's a 'GRATE day', and I feel this information about pyroluria/KPU,etc. will 'be the missing link' for many providers and consumers, alike. Our focus is going just the right amount 'outside the box', into functional medicine and integrative medicine where you're going to the underlying causes (plural, typically) to address the symptoms if there is a lack of ideal wellness. Ideally everyone would be in prevention mode but in today's complex world, virtually everyone has some sort of symptom or a whole host of symptoms.
Our YOU model YOUsers' path
In this video (or by reading over the written notes I provide), you'll see that Dr. Klinghardt and others were close in the past, for many years and even decades and then he was fortunate to connect with a doctor who had also picked up the threads and this time knitted things together, integrated them, and connected the dots for his patients. Dr. Klinghardt then adopted it for his clinical practice and after a year presented it at this 2009 conference which was videotaped and then published to YouTube in 2011 (by someone else and perhaps unrelated, I'm not really sure of the relationships within the Lyme literate community.)
Under Our Skin was eye opening, and I highly recommend seeing it. The link, below, to Dr. Klinghardt's website will take you to where you can find it from his website but his link takes you to the official link where you can watch a trailer or purchase a DVD it says; I've been able to find it free online in the past -- naturally, these things change all the time so you might have to some checking.
One of the stand outs from the film was the map showing where the cases in the US (and world) have been reported -- it's spread everywhere and in my opinion what state a person has lived in should not even factor into the equation in terms of suspecting if it's Lyme or not when someone has the symptoms. Coming from Colorado, this has been a hold up in my case in the past. You'll see that I've created a topic recently about Lyme now being thought to be transmitted sexually. I learned this years back from the film and was waiting for other sources to be picking up and writing about it -- it was, per the movie, a theory that was not yet being shown to hold water.
After something's been out for years and there's been no retraction -- that's one thing for validation; "time will tell". But when it's standing up to scrutiny and being circulated in other sources, that's added validation, so I thought it was finally time, 2014, to include it for our YOUsers at Lumigrate, and have created recent topics about Lyme and suggest the documentary as a resource .. with a caveat, and it gets back to the thing I hope people learn at Lumigrate or otherwise have at the top of their 'filters' -- "follow the money".
I've wondered about who funded the film, I've now communicated with someone who is affiliated with the organization. My concern was and still is, that the ONLY treatments shown in the film are ones that come from BigPharma, and the ONLY experts shown doing research or treatment with patients are M.D.s. No D.O.s, N.D.s, PhDs, DVMs -- no, no Doctor Doolittles. It just was something I 'noticed' and "I'm just sayin'...." But I do recall that Dr. Klinghardt/ his clinic were one of the places patients who were shown in the film went.
THEN I found him as one of the major YouTube resources when I recently researched the word "pyroluria", which was worked into a very small component of a very nice 30 minute video about an innovative substance abuse program in Loveland, Colorado. Irony of that is that not only does the video open with the trails I learned to mountain bike on in 1992, the treatment facility is in earshot of the integrative clinic that helped me with my 'baffling' case of what was ruled out as not being MS back in 1994/5 -- the MD knew of a simple, inexpensive and barely invasive way of finding out that I was as allergic as you could be to dairy and highly allergic to a protein in wheat (not gluten, it turns out). So there must be a concentration of 'innovation' around Loveland!
The link to the topic where pyroluria was mentioned briefly by the Inner Balance Treatment Center's clinical director (who I somehow knew through working at the University Health Center in the early '90's): . The treatments at this center look at the underlying, root causes for a person to use alcohol or other drugs for a variety of feelings they have that make them feel unwell or uncomfortable, such as anxiety. This is a clinic founded by a former head of medical programs for space flight at NASA, who you'll see if you take the link/trip to their website. They look for pyroluria in both tests and symptoms of feelings/behaviors.
To interject, here's a link to the topic at DiagnoseMe, a website that seems less 'cooked' or 'baked' than WebMD (which seems to have bigPharma's hands all over it, remember that 'follow the money' thing --- . You'll see they make a very strong case about this condition being at play in those who like to use alcohol. (And when you follow the catch 22 about alcohol depleting certain things from the body, as well as the person is likely simultaneously giving up some nutrition in terms of intaking....).
Keep this in mind that it's to your benefit to look into the providers you are going to gain education or seek treatment from and there will be, always, those who discount any provider outside the box and well known enough to get the professionals hired to smear on the Internet -- that's just a fact of how the system works is to hire people to discredit those outside the box in an attempt to dissuade people from seeking advise and treatments outside the box. (And there are some who simply don't understand how expensive it is to do things, particularly when insurance won't pay for what you provide and they don't 'get it' about how it's just easier for the patients/consumers to have the provider selling them things they're suggesting --- and the provider can stay in business helping people who want that kind of help.)
Also, keep in mind when you watch or read my notes of the video, they are 'drafty', you'll see if you look over them, below. But you can see that Dr. Klinghardt says repetitively what a frustration it is that a $55 test is not being done more often. This condition affects 11% of people (in the US, I presume that statistic is for). Are YOU one of them? I suspect I am based on my heavy metals challenge results from 2005 and 2010. (My father was so curious about what would be found, he paid for my testing as a 45th birthday present. After he passed when I was 50 I had a retest done -- these are the more expensive tests that you'll hear Dr Klinghardt refer to in terms of how we're often running the more expensive tests and not the less expensive ones. I also was benefitted by a $55 urine challenge test out of a Lakewood, Colorado laboratory to test my iodine absorption, which found I only absorb 50% of available iodine, not the usual 90%.
Look at the YOU model -- in my case, mine has a holistic / 'cranial' dentist (in addition to a general dentist, we proved the 'money's worth' part of second opinions with THAT one and it's covered elsewhere in forums for details ...) the holistic dentist working on cranial restructuring, which leads into things to do with the endocrine system). Please spend some time drawing up your current YOU model of providers and then dream a little bit perhaps and draw up an 'ideal' or 'dream' model if money and time and energy were not factors. I think I'd put Dr. Kinghardt on mine!
Dietritch Klinghardt, MDs Presentation on HPU / KPU / Pyrolurea at the
L.I.A. Foundation's 2009 Annual Conference
What does LIA stand for?
LIA stands for Lyme Induced Autism. This organization was started because parents with Lyme disease were finding that their children with autism were also testing positive for Lyme disease and experiencing symptoms of Lyme disease and associated co-infections.
The LIA Foundation has become much more than another "autism" organization or another "Lyme disease" organization. In fact, we fit in neither of these categories very well. We believe that good basic information is available from other organizations, but we try to take it to the next level, opening our minds to all potential healing methods. We refer to this as an "Eclectic Healing Approach". ...........Their website address is:
Please look at Dr Klinghardt's website, it has a lot of interesting information. Link:
I thought I'd include what someone affiliated with the organization that put out the film/paid for the film said when I let her know that I'd suggested the film but was concerned about outside the box people having the same impression/concerns I had. The response:
"Thank you Mardy! As I've said, the film's focus on antibiotic treatment is solely due to the fact that the CDC set guidelines for antibiotic treatment which is inadequate. Once a Dr treats with antibiotics more than 30 days he/she jeopardizes loss of their Medical License. Holistic MDs don't face this issue. Nor are they vulnerable to Insurance companies reporting them to Medical Boards as is the case with MDs who prescribe antibiotics. In addition, it is Pharma who has primarily set the course for the CF that is Lyme and the challenges in getting diagnosed and treated adequately. There's much more $$$$$$ in symptom meds and in treatments for conditions such as MS, ALS, Cancer than in antibiotics. .... Not to mention the irony, one can get a prescription for Doxy indefinitely if one has acne, however, not so if one has a potentially fatal infection."
From YouTube's about: (as explained, above) Pyroluria, also known as Pyrrole Disorder, Pyrroluria, Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) or more precisely hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU). Pyrolle Disorder, is a genetic chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis. Suffers of this condition produce too much of a byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis called hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) and hydroxy-2,3-Dimethylpyrrolidin-5-on, also known as Pyrroles.
HPL binds to or inhibits the nutrients; Zinc, Vitamin B6, Biotin and the Omega 6 Fat GLA from reaching their targets within your body. This effectively renders these nutrients unavailable for their many important physiological functions in the body such as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism. These essential nutrients when bound to HPL are removed from the bloodstream and excreted into the urine as pyrroles.
The effect of pyroluria can have a mild, moderate, or severe depending on the severity of the imbalance. Symptoms may include: poor stress control, nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, severe inner tension, episodic anger, poor short-term memory and depression.
Other symptoms include: Abdominal pain, Acne, Loss of appetite, Allergies, Low libido, Amnesia spells, Low tolerance to stress, Migraines, Anxiety/anxious, Mood swings, Argumentative -- likes to argue, morning nausea, Cold hands and feet, Motion sickness, Constipation, Much higher capability in the evening than mornings, Creaking in joints, Nervous exhaustion, delayed puberty, Nervousness, Delusions, Overwhelmed in stressful situations, Depression, Pale skin, poor tanning or burn easy in the sun, Difficulty remembering dreams, Panic attacks, Dramatic, Paranoia, Dyslexia, Pessimism, Early greying of hair, Poor memory, Eczema, Poor morning appetite/tendency to skip breakfast, elevated eosinophil's, Preference for spicy or heavily flavoured foods, Emotionally unstable to name a few!
Pyroluria is often associated with: Acute Intermittent Porphyria, Criminal Behaviour, neurosis/Neurotic, ADD/ADHD, Depression, Post Natal Depression, Alcoholism, Down Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Allergies, Epilepsy, Substance Abuse, Asperger's Syndrome, Learning Difficulties, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism, Lung Cancer, Bi-Polar Disorder (Manic Depression)
It's onset usually occurs with a traumatic incident or stress. There is evidence to suggest that Pyroluria is a genetically based ailment. Statistics indicate that if a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother or sister has suffered from major Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder, Alcoholism, Schizophrenia or has suicided, there is a greater risk of Pyroluria in other family members. Poor dietary choices and poor digestive health can also lead to an increase in Pyrrole levels
My overview of the video --
While this presentation was given to a professional audience at the LIA conference in 2009, there is a real balance of 'dots' about Lyme disease, autism, and overall environmental medicine concepts where a lot of these 'dots' connect if you're able to put in the time, energy and focus. I hope that my providing some notes, below, of the highlights helps with that process, that's something we do for our YOUsers that makes it more streamlined to look over if you want to invest in watching something, for one thing, and if you're a visual learner or that helps reinforce what you hear at the presentation, all the better.
The presentation to watch takes just two hours and he speaks very slowly and in a relaxed manner, so it's a relatively easy two hours if all you're doing is watching and learning. It's not that easy to do the notes, however, as he is presenting a lot of information here. I found him very holistic (body, mind, spirit whole person) and he has some funny stories to share. He also clearly understands the 'game' of medicine in the world, and doesn't seem to be hung up on the frustrations of 'the system' at hand, he includes great stories that show how you simply adapt and do your best with what's available and keep plugging away.
From Roadblocks to Recovery
June 25-28, 2009
Nice introduction and 'sinking in' for this long presentation.
At 7 minutes in, he talks about 'tomorrow going to the waiting room of my practice and those will be my failures sitting there' because those who have gotten well aren't going to be sitting there. (LOVE THAT! humility it seems ...)
And I had found information along these lines elsewhere in researching in recent year(s) as I had all on my own noticed something about families where the first born was a boy -- I was suspicious there was something going on with the baby detoxing the mother. I'd known a woman with environmental illness who had a baby and she got so much healthier afterwards, which when I was younger and didn't know all this environmental medicine stuff so much, it just shocked me.Someone who just sprang up after pregnancy to be healthier than ever ... then the years went by and the child had difficulties with things initially diagnosed as 'physical' but then 'mental'/behavioral / learning (along with how many other students?) and then substance / drug abuse as a teen.I personally see that as more physical and less mental -- truthfully you cannot separate them into categories sometimes.) (This topic points that out, with Hoffer's history attributing childhood trauma. By the way, we have a topic about that at Lumigrate -- Search for ACE, Adverse Childhood Trauma - I used 'autoimmune' disorders and there is a 27% increase in adults who had high ACE scores. I route people to the ACE Questionnaire, which is one page and very fast, it's really ideal to give patients as part of intake paperwork and I think should be used by ALL medical providers to get to know their patients, not just 'mental health' because the mind/body connection is a reality. But to bring the epigenetics of the trauma's effects on genes for up to three generations back as this video does by Dr Klinghardt -- GRATE!
Note interjected: In bringing information to this topic about the foundation for this work, which is what Dr K is referring to in this portion of the video, I wanted to go to 'sources', and found this link at the Pauling blogsite. Linus Pauling is a founder of this type of medical thought, as well as the aforementioned Abram Hoffer.You'll see at this link that they're referring to a publication made in Science . Whenever we're talking about this outside the box information, to show that there were more than one cook in the kitchen coming up with these innovations is only to the benefit of YOUsers, who can see the reinforcement. Sometimes the experts didn't agree on everything and so others in their footsteps will gravitate to one more than the other, same as YOU might bravitate toward some of these I provide on this topic more than others in terms of where you go to study. I try to present them uniformly and let YOU decide which YOU prefer. The Pauling link:
Testing - HPL complex
(Sidenote - I found in the patients I have worked with, if you use the ACE questionnaire and work, funded by Kaiser Foundation and very studied and documented, that shows a relationship that's direct between amount of childhood trauma and lifespan (inverse relationship), because of the chronic diseases that onset in those with trauma.I became aware of this by doing the seminar series LIVE in the Primary Care Partners building with Dr Chris Young (psychologist, neuropsychology and pain management specialty) back in 2007, which was the year I'd started out after the problems in the hospital with the clear 'insight' given to me that I needed to do more with patient education. By the end of 2007 we had a very desired seminar series and a small fraction of people could come who desired to and I felt that online was the next step.So Lumigrate launched in late March of 2009, while, coincidentally, I was back at my old building hearing Dr and Cheryl Young present to a group of mental health providers from town about ACE. "What to do about it, though", he said to me afterwards when he asked me to come meet in his office in a small amount of time he had blocked out for the presentation "is something maybe a good occupational therapist could help us with."He laughed when he saw me going through my mental rolodex of OTs in the area -- "oh, you mean ME?". There's ANOTHER presentation given by Dr. Klinghardt more recently about how he addresses 'the issues in the tissues', the mental aspect -- it took me five years almost to the day, but I found the needle in the haystack! I want to see Dr Klinghardt's work be a huge knitting needle in the haystack of information out there, I think it's 'where it's at!'. I have never worked with anyone with 'fibromyalgia'/Lyme who was imparied enough to be seeking resources and help that did not have significant childhood trauma, so I wanted to interject that I've found something different than what Dr Klinghardt relates in this video.)
- Early childhood psychological trauma
- Infection
Symptoms -- Handout are different than what he goes over he forewarns.
- abdominal tenderness -it's hard for the mom to tell if the child is hurting but often they are
- constipation
- light/sound intolerance is a really big clue -- do yourself that favor and test for HPU if you're an adult who has traveled with this in your life
- hypoglycemia/ glucose intolerance -- that whole scheme -- look at HPU, most people are positive, and by doing the treatment it fixes the condition bypassing all the other things we know about it.
- China doll look -- Pfifer (?) was close looking at this condition but missed the detox piece so messed it all up, and I get into this later. / The children will have this nice transparent look/poor tanning. I am a little mean sometimes, he says. "There ain't such a thing as Indigo Children -- we're trying to make it something sacred so we don't have to do anything about it." They become normally tanning children when you treat them. He used other strong words in this section, like 'we've really damaged these kids' (with the environmental toxins).
- tremor/ shaking /spasms
- environmental and food allergies -- joke -- has anyone ever seen a child with these? The most common denominator is this HPU condition, he says
- autism/ most symptoms of ASD
- poor breakfast appetite
- cold hands or feet
- eosinophilia
- delayed or early puberty / sensitized hormone receptors
- stress intolerance --- these kids you make the room dark, put one little light in and it's still freaking them out was example he gave.
- emotional lability
- explosive anger
- anxiety / withdrawal
- paranoia/ hallucinations
- perceptual disorganization
- nail spots
- pessimism
- knee and joint pain
- depression
- crime and delinquency
- substance abuse
- attention deficit / ADHD
- amenorrhea/ irregular periods
- B-6 responsive anemia
- retention of toxic metals and environmental toxins
- poor dream recall
- acne
- stretch marks (stripes)
- coarse eyebrows (note -- I corrected the spelling on 'course' from his slide)
His personal clinical tips -- for those of you familiar with common lab work
Patricia was really hard on me in the beginning because I was following Joe Mercola and put everyone on fish oil. Patricia presented me with a whole slew of tests she accumulated that I sent into her lab that all the kids I was sending into her lab -- saying I was doing something wrong with their nutrition... What it turns out was he was the only one at the time that was sending in the blood from autistic kids and the grown up autistics, in other words the MS, ALS, Parkinsons, etc... They're peeing out lots of it -- ounces of omega 6. So if you do that test and see that the kid is deficient in red cell membrane, suspect they have HPU.
Common Lab Abnormalities Slide is shown
High LDL, low HDLLow normal alkaline phosphatase (Zn, Mag)Low WBC (Zn)Low Omega-6 fatty acids in red cell membrane testLow taurine in amino acid profileHigh MCVWBC and RBC Zn, Mn levels may be normal, while bone and CNS are completely deficientBone biopsies have been a reliable predictor of HPU (Severe Zn, Mn, Ca)
On Indigo Children
When to suspect HPU
Codex - Comparing things to Hitler and He Relates Inside Sources Info
(A link / resource about Codex Alimentarius that I found Searching and offer to YOUsers here is from David Klein (BS, PhD)'s webmagazine, and if you Search on his name and codex alimentarius, you'll see it has been picked up by more 'rabel rouser' websites too. I try to route people to as middle of the road as you can find and get progressive and valid information.....)
The Pulse Test
Where To Find A Doctor Specializing in 'Cerebral Allergy' (some call it): Clinical Ecologists
The medical doctors who specialize in the field of cerebral allergy are called clinical ecologists. To locate a physician in your area who can test and treat you, contact the
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
P.O. Box 1001-8001
New Hope, PA 18938
(LoveYouTube, I'm here in Colorado learning from a German MD who also flies to the US to see patients in Seattle, speaking at a 2009 conference and this is the first I've heard of it!
NOTE: I ended up looking into both definitions -- Herxheimer and healing crisis as I learned they were two different things and what I found online indicated I was right and he's mistaken in interchanging these two terms here. I wanted to mention it as it can cause a lot of confusion if it perpetuates.
Integrative Psychiatry dot net.
Dr Dave Scheaderer, an MD (and MBA and ....) with an equally interesting history which is focused solely from the United States (Ohio State University for his medical degree) has become an integral part of things at a business in Florida (USA) called Integrative Psychiatry. I had not been aware of this AMAZING website until doing more homework for YOUsers for this topic at I believe my Search words going along with pyroluria were personality disorder. I keep trying to also share with YOUsers how I 'do what I do' as that has been a frequent question and request from those with chronic illness using the Internet.
I had, in recent years, posted topics about that type of mental health issue, as it seemed to co-exist in families with people who had things that I'd call 'the overlapping conditions', and Dr Klinghardt might call more recently 'lack of zest'. I'd always 'noticed' that people who identified as having 'fibromyalgia' frequently complained of lack of family support and understanding, while families that had other chronic conditions such as cancer or ____ (you name it, you fill in the blank) seemed to have support and understanding.
Chronic Lyme, fatigue, pain, neurological / progressive disorders, and 'autoimmune' -- their boundaries all get very overlapping from my viewpoint. I was around a family one holiday season which had one person with undiagnosed fibromyalgia and one with undiagnosed personality disorders, I suspect, but the rest of the family seemed relatively well! Another year I was around a family where nobody was diagnosed but each member in the family was struggling with something, but one was having blood sugar swings with mood swings, another was not swinging but was hypomanic perhaps, another had dementia with movement issues (Lewy body perhaps, it's very commonly overlooked and missed), and the youngest generation was precicious and I wondered what would develop in the future teen years. Soon the family exploded not only at each other with the 'behaviors' but with medical conditions that could no longer be swept away from medical advisors to treat and label. And the common thread was nobody had compassion for the others' problems. WHAT IS UP WITH THIS, what is the common factor, where's the research and publications on this? I wanted to know ...
Back in 2007, I had a nice stream of patients with fibromyalgia start flowing to my clincial practice the last year I was in the allopathic medical building, collaborating with a really great allopathic psychologist (pain management, biofeedback, etc.) and physical therapist (manual therapy). The PT worked for someone who wouldn't give time for meeting to do a case conference so I'd simply take the time to communicate with both and I saw how the PT was learning from what I learned and taught from the PhD Psyche and the PhD Psyche would learn from what I passed along from what the PT taught me.
Best of all, I was in the middle learning it ALL. Which was when we created the education group in our building to do outreach and education to patients and providers on the topic and from there I spun along to an integrative center that didn't quite get off the ground as planned, but we got a handfull of GRATE videos recorded, edited and onto for launch in 2009, after the integrative center's team was disbanded. It's one thing to do 'functional medicine', it's ANOTHER to do 'integrative medicine', they are not interchangeable words or concepts, though they are related and inter-related.
So here's the link, please go -- they have it really organized easily so a few featured products are available to drop down if you click on that function, for each of the topics they're prepared a topic about. Such as this ONE. (there are many). And in checking out Dr Dave online, I saw someone said he worked with them on a significant addiction issue. This answered one of my questions I had; it seemed like it would be ideal of there were facilities and programs like I link to, above, about 'addiction recovery and pyroluria, Inner Balance' Treatment Center in Loveland, Colorado. It seems to me that is ideal for people who want and can pay for inpatient or outpatient treatment in central Colorado (easily accessible from DIA, about an hour drive or shuttle or limo or town car ride), but it would seem there would be a lot of people who might be catching things 'earlier on' or have different tools and resources and could be a "DIY YOUser with a team live mixed with distant consultants".
So, compare and contrast the two sets of lists of symptoms, look at the links, do your thinks! I encourage looking closely at About as Integrative Psychiatry's founder is a psychiatric nurse practitioner who basically says the same thing I say on Lumigrate --- was in the box of allopathy and got so irritated at the things that could be so easily solved with functional medicine (and an integrative approach of mind, body, spirit, ideally), off we went to do a different type of clinic, the Internet, etc. I'm just so glad hers succeeded to provide what it does today and be a home for Dr Dave and his education. Check out the Blog tab too -- it's amazing what all they have!
Also known as Mauve Factor (due to the mauve color visible on testing paper during urinalysis) or pyrrole disorder, pyroluria occurs when the pyrroles bind to pyroxidine (vitamin B6) and zinc, causing these vital nutrients to be excreted from the body in large amounts.
Deficiencies of B6 and zinc are associated with a wide range of emotional and psychiatric problems. Nervousness, extreme irritability, anxiety, depression, short-term memory problems, and explosive anger have all been linked to pyroluria. A large percentage of patients with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia exhibit high levels of pyroles; alcoholics and emotionally disturbed children also tend to have an abnormally high pyrrole count.
In addition, zinc deficiencies have been associated with a number of physiological disorders, including poor immune function, poor growth, and delayed sexual development. Because zinc and B6 are so important to both our overall physical and mental health, identifying and treating this devastating condition is critical.
Symptoms of Pyroluria
Individuals with pyroluria exhibit a wide range of physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms; some common characteristics of pyrolurics are described here:
- Schizophrenia;
- Autism;
- Bipolar disorder;
- Anxiety (including panic attacks);
- Depression;
- Alcoholism;
- Poor dream recall;
- Low tolerance for stress;
- Antisocial behavior;
- Behavioral problems (especially in children and teenagers) such as oppositional/defiant disorder;
- Emotional instability, explosive temper;
- Frequent joint pain;
- Frequent infections;
- Poor appetite, especially in the morning;
- Low tolerance for protein - tend to favor vegetarian diets;
- Pale complexion, inability to tan;
- White flecks on the fingernails;
- Nausea, motion sickness;
- Hypoglycemia;
- Allergies;
- Fatigue
- Crowded teeth and poor quality of the tooth enamel;
- Retracted gums;
- Sweet or fruity-smelling breath and sweat.
With such a wide range of symptoms, pyroluria is frequently misdiagnosed, and therefore often treated inappropriately. While patients exhibiting certain symptoms such as depression and anxiety often experience some degree of relief from antidepressant medications, these effects are temporary and do not resolve the underlying problem.
Proper identification of pyroluria is critical to its successful treatment; individuals with the disorder often experience immediate improvement of their symptoms once a treatment plan has been implemented.
Pyroluria testing typically consists of laboratory analysis of the urine for kryptopyrroles. Metabolic testing can detect elevated pyrrole levels, a positive indicator for the disease, as well as deficiencies in certain nutrients that are necessary for brain health.
Treatment of Pyroluria
Pyrolurics generally respond very well to nutritional treatments which emphasize zinc and B6 supplementation. Many patients experience some degree of relief within several days of treatment, and most undergo substantial recovery within 3 to 6 months. However, it is important to remember that treating this disease is an ongoing, lifelong process; those who discontinue treatment typically experience a near-immediate return of their symptoms.
Because treatment for pyroluria is nutritional, rather than pharmacological, some adjustment may be necessary to determine the correct amount of zinc and B6 supplementation on an individual basis. Pyroluria supplements also contain several other nutrients in order to provide the most effective treatment:
- Manganese: This vital nutrient is depleted when zinc is taken at the high levels necessary for treating pyroluria. Manganese is necessary for the metabolism of certain proteins; it is also important to joint development and neurotransmitter production.
- Magnesium: Taking B6 in large amounts can deplete magnesium levels; adding magnesium can reduce irritability and hypersensitivity to light and sound.
- Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): This nutrient is necessary for the production of tryptophan, which in turn is necessary for the production of serotonin. Taking niacinamide helps to speed the pyroluria recovery process.
- Vitamin C and Pantothenic Acid: These nutrients help to rebuild adrenal glands that have been exhausted from coping with the ongoing tension caused by pyroluria; adding them to pyroluria supplements allows patients to overcome the weakness and fatigue they often feel.
Excerpts from the About tab at their website: If it will 'stick' and looks good/appealing/shows well, I'll include this so people don't have to take the trip on the link to see. Some websites work for that and some don't in which case I say over and over 'please, go to the website'. I still say that about Integrative Psychiatry, naturally, as I really want people to view all the education and products and services offered there. This should just be a tastefully done appetizer!About Our Staff
Integrative Psychiatry is a psychiatric and functional medicine practice located in Sarasota Florida and is owned and operated by Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC. We strive to identify and treat underlying which cause or contribute to symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.
Our functional medicine approach involves identifying core imbalances which affect the brain and body network. We realize that there is no separating the brain and the body. What affects the body affects your brain.
Our treatment is based on a very careful history, questionnaires, physical exam, and targeted laboratory testing.
Examples of core imbalances we assess for are:
- Hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances
- Oxidation-reduction imbalances and mitochondrial dysfunction
- Detoxification, Neurotoxicity, and biotransformation imbalances
- Immune imbalances, Cytokine hypothesis
- Inflammatory imbalances
- Digestive, absorptive, and microbiological imbalances
- Structural, Boundary, and membrane imbalances
- Psychological and Spiritual Equilibrium
Your treatment plan is based on correcting nutritional, lifestyle, and core imbalances. We work in partnership with you, advising you
of the treatment options available, such as medication, nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, homeopathy, detoxification, neurotransmitter and hormone balancing.
Voted Favorite Mental Health and Holistic Practitioner
by Natural Awakenings Magazine!Meet Our Staff
Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC is board certified as a psychiatric nurse practitioner and is also a holistic functional medicine practitioner. She graduated from SUNY at Stony Brook with a Masters Degree in Nursing. She has advanced training in function medicine and has been practicing in the field of psychiatric nursing for over twenty years. She met her husband of 22 years at a florida psychiatric hospital where they were both working. Valerie started Integrative Psychiatry in 2000 after becoming frustrated with the current practice of just treating symptoms with medication and not addressing the underlying issues.
She considers herself a mind-body detective, finding clues as to the cause of your symptoms.Her areas of expertise are neurotransmitter imbalance, targeted amino acid therapy,psychopharmacology, adrenal fatigue, orthomolecular psychiatry, and natural treatments.She has written numerous articles on natural cures for depression and anxiety and was interviewed on that topic on a national radio health program.
David Scheiderer MD, MBA, DFAPA
David J. Scheiderer, MD, MBA, DFAPA, is the Director of Education at Integrative Psychiatry, Inc. in Sarasota, Florida and the President of Tiberius Enterprises, Inc. in Roanoke, Virginia. An accomplished clinician, educator, and lecturer, Dr. Dave has established himself as a key opinion leader in the fields both of conventional mainstream psychiatry as well as functional medicine. As such, he is one of the most highly sought speakers in the nation on the topics of mental health and healthy aging. Dr. Dave also serves on numerous advisory boards and currently provides professional and technical expertise to several international corporations. In addition to his busy lecturing and consulting schedule, Dr. Dave maintains a private practice of integrative psychiatry in Sarasota.
Dr. Dave is certifed by The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He received his medical degree from The Ohio State University, then moved to Virginia where he completed his Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry residency at University of Virginia.
Mary is our customer service supervisor.She blends her customer service experience and organizational skills to run our natural pharmacy and shipping department.She makes sure you receive your test results and supplements on time.
IP Formulas
IP Formulas is our exclusive product line of pharmaceutical grade products formulated to provide the highest quality supplements at affordable pricing. All of our professional doctor brand supplements are made at GMP certified facilities abd use the highest grade herbs and nutrients available.We offer unique products for neurotransmitter support, anxiety, food and drug cravings, plus many more.Click Here For More Information!
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Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, Ph.D.- The 5 Levels of Healing – January 20, 2012
THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, Ph.D. 5 Levels of Healing
Internationally known for his successful treatment of chronic pain and illness, Dr. Klinghardt combines non-surgical orthopaedic medicine with immunology, endocrinology, toxicology, neural therapy, hypnotherapy and energy psychology. His unique approach to diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders on both the physical and mental-emotional levels recognises that good health is dependent on:
Dr. Klinghardt joined us this morning for an hour packed full of excellent information. This is a show to listen to and listen to again. Enjoy!
Visit Websitedietrich klinghardt M.D., january 30, 2012
Similar Podcasts You Might Like: ........... (and there are some I'm interested in listening to -- a neat resource thanks to Patrick Timpone, so, ....... again, please GO to the link:
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
It's always interesting to me when I find these links searching in different ways. Today I Googled undermethylation and intelligence, due to a conversation thread on Facebook -- someone who was talking about Lyme disease said they just love a good puzzle, such as the story of Lyme. Or stories, since there are more than one out there about it's history. (Read between the lines on that and just know it's a loaded topic to study and seems like there's a coverup to me going on, same as on a lot of things about health topics.... Just sayin', as the saying goes...). The topic on the link below addresses both undermehtylation and overmethylation as factors that can exist in addition to the pyrole disorder.
I encourage a trip to see this resource, not just on this topic but they have a really impressive group collaborating at the website on the content. It leads off about people with pyrole disorder making everyone feel they're needing to walk on eggshells, which might be something that occurs in some people. I'd seen other sources saying that the leading symptom they educate about is the patient feeling like they have an 'inner tension', as you can see on this topic and the 'companion' thread we link to that is in the mind forum and is more geared about addiction.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Depending upon the source, 1/3 to 1/2 of ALL PEOPLE have mutations in the DNA, and this is interrelated with pyroluria and pyrole disorder. Clearly fewer people have pyrole disorder than methylation issues, and some people have one, the other, both, or neither. Here are some resources about MTHFR:
A Facebook group started (and currently solely administrated by) a Dr Carol Savage, who has has a good reversal of symptoms of chronic problems that were partly the result of having MTHFR gene mutation(s) is one option: Here's the link:
I'm sure there are other groups, so far that is the only one I have explored and it's kept me more than challenged with all the high level conversation via knowledgeables, and when someone is new and lets people know they're newbie, people are very helpful.
From HolisticPrimaryCare dot net, this ND educator provides a great overview piece, I highly recommend taking the link and going to 'see the sites', as I say.
Dr. Ben Lynch is an ND (naturopathic doctor, aka naturopath) who graduated from the same school, Bastyr, as our first ND at, when initially the website was goign to be the education platform for anyone to learn what our cool new integrative centers in W Colorado was doing. (Videos of seminars plus case examples (which would be done in a way to merge information from several patients and nothing would be about one particular patient, but as a way for YOUsers of Lumigrate to see example that might help them cypher for themselves how to apply Lumigrate's information to themselves or those they were studying and advocating for). (He was also my first personal ND way back from a year before and he'd done my health a LOT of good.) In the ND world there are two 'camps', and they're not fond of each other basically. The ones who go to programs like Bastyr are going to programs that are set up much the same way as someone would become a medical doctor or an ostopathic doctor.
The other type of program's colleges do more online learning and home study and then convene for shorter periods in person. One of the programs, Clayton College, was actually shut down, and there were maybe more. I just like to interject this because it's a continuing issue that is affecting people a great deal.
My home state of Colorado has made new laws in recent years based on this difference that limits what the less hands-on program graduates can treat, leading to shifts in what the providers are doing. One that I spoke with (actually spoke with their staff/ assistant) is so in demand for speaking with allopathic providers wanting to learn her tricks that she'd not gotten to writing the book and getting the website up for expanding her ability to educate. You'll notice that Dr Ben does not do consultations and is focused on education (and research as he's asking for donations you'll see.) Other providers are kind of going underground, it's a very interesting thing to observe and pushing innovation! But a rich resource is MTHFR dot net, and here's the link to the About tab regarding Ben Lynch, ND:
I also suggest people take the link at that is about podcasts --- here it is:
And I really liked the May 2013 podcast of an interview Dr Ben Lynch did with OneWorldRadio. Below the loose transcription overview I've provided here for looking over or reading is the podcast link (and it will download and start playing when you click on it, I believe.. at least that's what it did for me just now).
Folate vs. methylfolate
One in 2 people have the minor form. One in 4 people have the severe form (of the MTHFR gene mutation).
When you get your 23AndMe test results, you get a raw data file and no interpretation, so then you can go to, which is a group he's working with a lot. Data is taken confidentially and privately and they.
He stumbled upon this folate problem about 2-1/2 years before the podcast was recorded. He was about to tell what the interesting thing that occurred that lead him to it when the interviewer let him know there was not a good connection with the microphone of Dr Lynch so he went inside his home and called on the landline. (So for a while they edited in another interview and then they pick back up with Dr Lynch after a few minutes. It's information about cleansing and detoxification, sauna --- relax portable far infrared sauna is what the OneWorldRadio guy, Patrick, talks about. They'd tested it for EMFs and it had none, and he brought up an interesting point about EMFs on your legs when you're in the car. Produced by a medical company in Taiwan that took about 10-15 years of research and development, and he thinks they're more powerful than the $3-4k saunas, and these sell for under $1,000 and are a reasonable cost for shipping if you're outside the continental US). 888 664 6486 .. patrick at one radio network dot com is his website.
Then he goes over Ben Lynch's websites: -- where he distributes products -- but he's stopped doing consults as he's doing research, presentations, teaching other physicians is doing more overall good than working 1:1 with people with MTHFR issues/ questions.
How he got into this: There are those people that do well no matter what. And others who don't do well, no matter what. When at Bastyr studying environmental medicine, he'd see some people get better, and others would get worse -- rashes, brain fog and not feel good at all. So he was trying to figure out why that was, the difference.
The human genome project opened the floodgates of information. He was working with a patient with bipolar and took another look as he'd not advised about that for a while and found the MTHFR information ... 4,000 articles popped up. (There are many more today.)
The folic acid (synthetic added to food and supplements) cannot be converted to folate in these people with the MTHFR gene mutations.
Folate is an umbrella term for three types of folate
So when someone says 'folate' you're not sure what they're talking about. Labs are starting to distinguish things more. Very few of them do, and many more need to do it.
Back to the Ben Lynch interview:
What's going on with these folks that it's an issue with them?
It depends on diet and lifestyle they're living in.
People who exercise, have a good diet, no new carpets, no new paints --- they're fine, they're doing fine....
But if they have the gene mutation, they're building up the synthetic folic acid in their tissues and have this unmetabolized folic acid, which reduces your immune system.
They started adding folic acid to processsed food in recent decades to prevent neural tube defects, this being aimed at pregnant women or those who will soon be. But it backfired and caused a lot of problems. His theory of one contributing cause of autism is folic acid. So we have this genetic defect that has been around a long time but we've not seen the symptoms until we gave it something to rear up against, which was the synthetic folic acid that was introduced in the last decades.
He said they get pregnant women showing up with symptoms. Here's the cold hard truth of how this works:
If a woman has a pregnancy and she miscarries, there's something wrong with the embryo or the health of the woman, and nature runs it course and the baby is lost, and this is horrible. But those potentially weak genetics are also lost. So the whole survival of the fittest is being messed with by the synthetic folic acid because these weaker genetics are getting into the population pool. Otherwise these kids would maybe not have made it to being part of the population. So they're out in the real world and then are faced with the stressful environment of Earth today, and these are all contributing to autism in a big way he thinks. He mentions EMFs specifically and overall chemical toxins.
Mainly, folic acid is added to grains and cereals, breads, certain milks can have it added, but it's mainly grains, as they're shelf stable and cooking does not destroy the synthetic folic acid (cooking the natural folate renders is inactive). Cooking destroys the active folate in greens. Hence the need to have these raw.
There is a test out there that will measure the unmetabolized folic acid, and that is something that should be run. So if you look at the labels and you're eating a lot of grains and you're taking a supplement, how much folic acid are you getting?
Look at labels and add it up. 400 micrograms of folic acid is what is in most supplements. His guess is people are getting 1 to 3 miligrams of synthetic folic acid a day depending on their diet and what supplements they take.
So this can be a problem for anyone, not just those with the MTHFR gene mutation variants. The enzyme that converts synthetic folic acid into the food form of folate is a very slow enzyme. So the body will only take what it needs to survive and the rest of it is circulating around. There is a very, very slow enzyme that makes the folic acid convert to being active folates, so it can be a problem.
Eat like a caveperson ate, and use proper utensils he jokes.
Obviously, not everyone can eat whole foods every day, so there are going to be some processed foods, just try to get them as 'clean' as you can.
He offers supplements at a good price, Patrick notes. Dr Lynch responds with "We try... some of these are so specialty that you cannot get them anywhere else." He has them made in Florida, Colorado, Nevada, California. He forewarns the manufacturers that 'you dont' want to work with me, I'm goign to be the biggest pain in your butt' and they don't believe him until they get into the process and then some say 'no, I don't want to work with you' because his standards and expectations are so high. Due to them being so customized the price, you can tell he is realizing they're costly but that is the nature of this type of item.
It's a crap shoot for us to take stuff without guidelines and someone who really knows what they're doing, Patrick notes.
A couple of curve balls -- look at vitamin b12. Very well known, and if you run a blood test, it can be elevated and the doctor might say you need to back off of b12. There is no toxicity on B12. If someone has high B12 they might have genetic defect of MTHFR. The B12 in your blood has to get inside the cell via binding to the B12 with a carrier protein, so if B12 blood level is too high, you might have a carrier protein deficiency. Or you might also have a folate deficiency, as folate and B12 work in tandem. If you have B12 elevated in the blood it does not necessarily meaning what is often thought.
He then outlines the forms of B12 and which ones are best and not.
If a person complains they have low energy, is it reasonable to take B12? Dr Lynch said it's pretty safe. Some people will flare from it and others will do very well with it. Patrick talked about his going to get B12 shots and he felt better and then a guest said that the injections that are multi use have preservatives so he stopped before getting the last two. "It's a minefield". Most likely it was not mercury or aluminum, Dr Lynch said, and there are some preservative-free ones so you have to shop around.
Email from a follower was read, who lived in Alaska with history of microtoxin / chronic mold exposure, and MCS being VOCs primarily (lived in a water damaged building). Dr Lynch said this man has 40% reduction in ability to convert folic acid to methylfolate, so his methylfolate levels may be low.
Mold toxicity is a huge problem in Alaska, it's very common due to the dampness, lack of sunlight. Mold loves damp, humid environments ... such as New Orleans too.
In terms of a perfect ratio, everyone's different and so that's difficult. He refuses to do a "protocol" -- he believes in "systems", not protocols. So he suggests you support the mitochondria first before you go to the methyfolate or methylcobalbamin, because these support the detoxification pathways.
...this can take a toxin from the environment
...vitamin C, glutathione, NAC, glycine, etc., then you're building up more toxins,
... then these toxins get into the mitochondria and they get sick, and then you get low energy, muscle pain.
So it's not as easy as buying and taking a full dose at the start.
If you do supplement, start very low. Take his supplement, for instance -- a B12/methylfolate / ____ mix. Break it into quarters and start with that one day. The next day do half. The next day take 3/4, and they'll often feel really good at 1 full lozenge. And they do this for 2 weeks... and say they feel the "best in 20 years" and they think it's a magic bullet. And then they slide downhill. It's a bell curve to envision this hill you go up and down.
If you start to feel good and hit the peak where you feel incredible you stop taking it, until you start to feel like you're sliding, then you ease back in to take it again and you get back up on the top again then stop again. This stuff is strong. You push the pathway and you're making more toxins than you can get rid of them.
Patrick reads another question -- about injection of intramuscular methyl B12 and sublingual is asked as a question and he reminds again of pushing the detoxification pathway too hard.
The best thing is sauna for micotoxicity (mold toxicity). You need to take things such as healthy fats to protect the cell membranes and the brain before we get into the sauna. Coconut oil, olive oil -- phospholipids is what our cell membranes are made of. Phosphotelycholine is what our cell membranes are mainly made of. He's developed a certified non GMO sunflower seed derived phospholipid product with no flavoring and nothing else in it (which was so new he didn't even have it yet for him to take). Cell membrane health is very important, otherwise they break and die. A good website is (he believes) where you can look up any nutrient. Or Google 'high phospholipid containing foods'. Eggs are a great food for this. "A beautiful food."
He talks about his family, wanting to raise his own food more than they already are. He wants goats and chickens, grows vegies now.
Question: MTHFR C677T is a thermal labile. A1298C is thermostable. What is the significance of the C677T being thermal labile?
The enzyme is sensitive to heat. So if someone has a fever, then their enzyme of MTHFR is more likely to break and then not do work, and so you'll get synthetic folate accumulating and not making the methylfolate. So thermal sensitivity testing is done in a petri dish, and testing what is going en vivo in the human body has not been done to his knowledge. To stabilizie it during fever, take more riboflavin /B2, and methylfolate itself to stabilize the MTHFR 677. And eat raw green leafy vegetables.
These numbers just mean where on the gene the problem is. So genes are made up of DNA. If you start at the beginning of the MTHFR enzyme and move over 677 bases, you'll see a switch from a C base to a T base, so that's what this nomenclature means. All you need to do is take riboflavin, take some methylfolate or eat raw green leafy vegetables.
How to see how much natural folate is in foods. There are 150+ forms of food form folate. It would be very expensive research. There's a good book -- Advanced Human Metabolism in Human Nutrition. Garbanzo beans are high but they have an enzyme that doesn't make it bioavailable, so it's out the window. Spinach is high, then some seeds too. But you can't quantify it you have to eat a broad range of foods.
The synthetic folic acid is bottlenecking the folate, and whole food diet will have you pretty well covered.
I practice what I preach, Dr Lynch said, and "yeah, I own a supplement company but I preach this primarily:" Clean up the lifestyle, the diet, the environment. Uncooked leafy greens, grow your own food if possible. We have to go backgrounds in order to survive. Electronics is cool -- we have this interview, but we need to slow down and go back to things nature intended.
EMFs were asked about by Patrick. Dr Lynch said it's a nightmare. He studied with Dr William Rea in Dallas --- is his website. Worlds leading clinical ecologist. He had people from all over the world when Dr Lynch studied there. Everything in the clinic is natural, no fragrances, no cell phones were the rule.
Dr Lynch said when he turns on wireless technology in his house he feels it. The kids get irritable. It stimulates the excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain and excites it too much and it becomes toxic he thinks, similar to how MSG works. You increase the damage in the brain, and you need glutamate for offsetting that. He thinks it would be interesting to see if any study has been done on the NMDA receptor and wireless technology. He gets a headache from it. So he has a corded phone in his home and his office is in an outbuilding at home and he doesn't want to have the cordless phone in his office so he works without the phone in his office.
A caller, Ron said he ran test results through geneticgenie after the 23AndMe results were available from his submitting for testing.
Ron asks about CBS SNPs (pronounced 'snips'), another genetic mutation. CBS is another important enzyme that also lowers homocyctine. CBS699 speeds it up, so if you have two copies of that, you're increasing the production of hydrogen sulfide which is toxic in high doses. Asthmatics have low hydrogen sulfide and you want to raise that. CBS is a good thing and a good thing to look at. runs the data through for free, but he asks that you donate to them if you're able. Dr Lynch's biggest thing for CBS snips is molybdenum. Which breaks sulfer bonds apart. So these people (with the CBS anomoly) need to eat less sulfer containing foods. If you start feeling worse, you add some sulfer more back in, take the molybdenum, and also look at the glutathione levels too.
Ron asks about the CBS 360 SNP, and Dr Lynch says to look it up at "snipedia" (so that might be SNPedia, and I think he spelled it out in the podcast but I didn't catch it) whether it slows it down or speeds it up. You don't even need to take the genetic test; If you get headaches easily or you smell like sulfur, you're probably deficient in molybdenum and you maybe have this genetic problem with CBS. Foods high sulfur --- google that -- and this helps a lot of people to change diet. Chicken is high in sulfur. Eggs, garlic. Many people have improved from this. But it's like the bell curve mentioned above, where you have to adjust as time goes forward based on symptoms.
They go over the websites again for Dr Lynch.
Question from Robin: B6 and batane and how they interact with MTHFR before going to meth -- they work in different parts in the methianene cycle. You have the folate cycle. Put your hands up in the air.L is folate, R is methianene cycle. Where these two intersect is where this .
B6 is at the bottom of your right hand and this goes down to CBS and glutathione. Butane is up your middle finger on your right hand. (He went over this fast and so go to the podcast and listen, it's a good model but I didn't catch it all transcribing it here).
He didn't know what Robin was looking for with the question. They will help lower and elevate things, TMG = batane. TMG is important to convert homocyctine to ....
If you're vegan and not eating enough protein, your methianine might be too low. Vegans and vegetarians, he respects this, but you potentially make yourselves very sick. ... your choline levels can be very low which is important for the brain and cell membranes. Some of the sickest people he works with are vegans and vegetarians and you can do fine if you do it right but that is extensive to do and a big learning curve and some people do well. The best food for choline would be soy lecithin, but he is not a fan of soy, and .... phospholipids and that sunflower oil product he has ready to sell soon would be perfect.
You can have a supplement that says it's non GMO. But you have to ask 'what is the starting material'. So if a company says their soy in non GMO, is it becasue it got burned out in the process and the starting material was GMO. If the starting material was not non GMO, he does not want them in his supplements/ products. He's a 'purist type' he says about this.
So he said he didn't know this until recently and the manufacturers were needing to be replaced and remanufacturing the products.
Long term we don't know what GMOs will do to the body. The rise in food allergies is through the roof. What to attribute it to? He has an article on his computer that when they GM a food, they use a bacteria to insert that into the food. So if you GM a seed, say a tomato seed, that bacterium that's in that seed to get the genetic modifiction inserted, that bacteria ends up in your digestive system. So your reaction in the body is the immune system of the gut recognizing it as something to be reacted to.
Patrick said that this is what people are saying about animals consuming GMO corn. Dr Lynch said he was no expert on this but he was interested in it.
Question from email. Morning blood sugar of 160-170. Dr Lynch's response: Look at the evening meal and what it is and what time it is taken in. You eat say, spaghetti at 6 pm, and maybe a little chicken. You go to bed, wake up at 8 am, you're now 14 hours fasting, so the body naturally increases the blood sugar to feed your brain. So eat some form of protein within 1/2 hour of going to bed, whatever you want and is good for you. An egg. Or nuts and seeds but they're hard on the liver. So humus is good. Chicken, fish is good. Just a little bit. Then you wake up the next morning and the blood sugar on awakening should be lower and more stable. That's a quick point to look at, but there are a lot of other possible factors.
(We professed this on Lumigrate from the beginning -- dropping blood sugar is a common reason for the brain to wake a person up --- hey, hey, we're needing more food it says.) (That was something I learned from a D.C. who spoke at a live fibro forum education meeting and then I passed that info onto the N.D. who unfortunately didn't schedule off his time to come to learn from the other provider speaking on a different week than he was, nor did the DC come when the ND spoke. That was in 2007. I presumed when we had live seminars in our new center together the next year that everyone would come to all of the seminars and learn from each other but proiders typically did not come to the other provider's seminars unless they were on the docket as a presenter. Just a little tidbit I thought I'd toss in here).
Raw vegetables. Cooked are easier to digest, and brocholi and cauliflower do best to be steamed as they're hard on the gut otherwise. Lettuce, romaine are better examples for raw. Someone gave us teeth to use, so chew. If you look at your stomach, there are not teeth there. So say you take an egg and you chew it a few times, you get dime-sized things in the stomach and it's hard to penetrate the whole thing. If you chew it well, until it's much, then you have thousands of pioces of egg in the stomach and thousands of areas of surface area -- more than if you didn't chew a lot.
Same thing with vegetables. You'll do better the more you chew. If you belch when you eat or after, you're either eating too fast and taking in too much air or your stomach acid is too low. Take an ounce of water and put a quarter of a lemon juiced into it, and drink this prior to eating. And you can add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. HCL is another way that Patrick asks about, but Dr Lynche prefers people use the more natural route with the lemon and ACV.
B6 is critical for making stomach acid, and that can be very low (and Patrick interrupted him to push something he was selling/ advertising, and I think Dr Lynch was maybe about to talk about pyroluria, I'm not sure, he was cut off mid sentence.)
Rebounding / rebounders was discussed -- they both love it . 'Fantastic' Dr Lynch called it. (they have been said to help get the lymph and etc moving in the body is what I/Mardy have learned elsewhere, they did not say this here though, it was an email that came in that was not at all about this interview going on was how it sounded.)
#1 health tip ever from Dr Lynch. Eating more frequently throughout the day, every couple of hours. Eating 3 squares a day was ridiculous and perhaps part of industrialization and modern work schedules. Eat less each time but more frequently. This maintains the blood sugar levels. It's easier on the gut. A lot of people have mental dysfunction and mood dysfunction, addictions. The first thing you reach for is something that will be a fast fix and you'll make much better choices so you don't have to dive for the 'quick fix'. This is a big difference lifestyle thing. He used to not eat frequently because he was busy working.
He'll have a protein smoothie with some chia seeds and berries and healthy oils in it to start the day. Later have maybe an egg. Then later a salad. Then maybe some nuts and seeds. He has water mixed with vitamin C all the time in his office that he drinks. Then have a more substantial lunch with meat and salad. Then an energy bar later. Then a dinner next, then maybe an apple with almond butter on it.
If you're feeling hungry go eat. Chew it well. Have it be balanced and a good food choice. Take a teaspoon of honey if your blood sugar is dropping as it's a good form of sugar and then prepare your little meal. Then don't go that long next time and try to avoid needing the teaspoon of honey.
The diet is without 'carbs' -- make them good quality carbs. Put nuts in the freezer or fridge so they don't get rancid, and in a dark container if you have them out to the light. If they taste rancid, don't eat it as you're damaging your body by eating rancid things.
Look at parents walking aroud with their kids screaming. They're needing food. His family will go into the store and just eat things as they go and then turn in the wrappers and pay for them. This works in the US where they live but his wife is Russian and so over there the security guards stop them.
He can eat wheat just fine in Russia. In western Europe or the US he cannot eat wheat.
They discussed his amazingly powerful and diverse probiotic and he said to start it on an evening when you'll not be in public the next day as it can cause flatulence if a person is really needing what's in it and they haven't been taking it.
THE LINK to go listen (please do!) is:
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
A very popular website about environmental health issues is Planet Thrive dot com, which has a great article at the following link:
And you'll see they refer to Scott Forsgren, so this PDF has an article about pyroluria and Klinghardt by Scott Forsgren (also known as The Better Health Guy):
I found these at a blog about Lyme with a cheerful blogger saying 'sorry I hadn't been tending to my blog's comments or adding new topics but it was because I found this whole new and complex thing to study and it took me a few months' (not a direct quote, I was summarizing/ paraphrasing). I felt better. Well, in a way I felt badly as they'd found the pyroluria connection -- THRILLED as I was, clearly, as I was as it is a huge 'missing link', I think -- in 2012, two years before I did. I've read in The Mood Cure that the esteemed Julia Ross (author of The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure) thanked the person who clued her in about pyrole disorder, back in 2002, and she was just starting to incorporate that information into her treatment approach at the time she was writing The Mood Cure. So I hope to do my part in making more people aware of it, sooner than later, hopefully.
I related to what this blogger wrote, as I'd taken a few months to study geoengineering before posting about that after my Aha! moment when finding out about that unfortunate reality on June 1, 2013 and seeing how significant the health issues could be from it. THEN I got BACK to Lyme information after having someone cue me to inquire about alcohol treatment on the Front Range, which lead me to see the video that had the pyroluria word in it. From there I found Klinghardt, which then got me BACK to Lyme. So here we are, the wagons are getting in a good circle at Lumigrate I think!
And, if I've had deficiencies my entire life, and some new ones from supplementing for pyroluria, why would they go away. Deficiencies don't go away. So, I think I would still have to supplement the same as I have been.
Maybe if your cure works it might prevent stress from making pyroluria worse, but I don't understand how your idea of foods (in large quantities) kills off a resistant infection. If this works, then why do you call it the 55 Minute Fix?
Thanks in advance for the information.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
It's so interesting to find a gem like this website when Searching on words like "Morton's toe" and nutrition. There was nothing at the topic about Morton's toe is the interesting part, and nothing at Judy's website, EveryWomanOver29 dot com, when using the search bar there. ... but she had broken out the B6 versus the zinc for the various symptoms she gathered for her list ... and cites her sources. So here is yet another GRATE resource... Live and Learn. Learn and live better. ~~ Mardy
... a sampling of what you'll find at the link, to encourage you to go IF it looks good to YOU:
If you check off 15 or more items, especially the more common ones, it’s highly probable that you have pyroluria and will benefit from taking zinc and vitamin B6 supplements. I encourage you to be tested, but if this isn’t possible, or even if you don’t have pyroluria, supplementing with zinc and vitamin B6 may be worthwhile if you have a large number of these symptoms.
This questionnaire is based on my experience working with many clients with pyroluria, along with information from Depression-Free Naturally (2001), by Joan Mathews-Larson, Nutrition and Mental Illness (1987), by Carl Pfeiffer, and Natural Healing for Schizophrenia and Other Common Mental Disorders (2001), by Eva Edelman.
I start my clients with zinc (30 mg), vitamin B6 (100mg) or P5P (25mg) and evening primrose oil (1300mg), plus a good multi-vitamin (with manganese and no copper) and a multi-mineral and sometimes additional magnesium.
For the zinc I have found Opti-zinc (Solaray is a good brand that doesn’t have copper) to be very well absorbed by most of my clients. Using the liquid zinc sulfate/zinc status test is a useful way to assess your zinc levels (see link below).
We increase zinc based on the zinc test and the vitamin B6 based on dream recall. And obviously social anxiety symptoms too.
This questionnaire and information is taken from chapter 7 of The Antianxiety Food Solution:How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings, available in major books stores, at Amazon and You can find more detailed protocol information in this chapter.
11/5/2013 update – since doing this post, I’ve done a number of other posts related to zinc, vitamin B6, pyroluria and even introversion and I am including links to some of them here:
Zinc deficiency is common: using liquid zinc status test as an assessment tool
The comments on the posts about anxious introverts and the possible connection to pyroluria and/or low zinc and low vitamin B6 have been enlightening to say the least! Additional comments and feedback is always appreciated:
... again, please take the link as suggested and see it all!
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This is a well done topic at Planet Thrive which I liked so well I invested in the printing of it onto paper, something I suggest people do in general IF it helps you be a better learner and/or teacher to others of information. Remember there are people who have printers and perhaps would do that for you, in addition to the usually thought-of businesses where you can send links to have them print things out for you to come pick up / purchase.
I will say a few things to preface when you read this, however --
Here's the link, please go and take a look. Interesting comment thread too.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
The more I work with people surrounding this information, the more I'm thinking there's something about deficiencies in these nutrients that makes people CHEAP about SPENDING MONEY on CONSULTATIONS for INFORMATION that is GOING TO HELP THEM -- and help them SAVE MONEY, be more productive (make money). The OCD I'm seeing when looking through my 'OCD lens' is massive, and in one person they might spend money on a lot of other things but simply will not spend a time on someone advising them. Yet their brain function is not good enough to wade through and learn what is needed to be their own advisor.
So the best I can do to help all is continue to bring a complement of resources to these threads. I see many things. I really do work to get things pared down on topics on Lumigrate to be both unique and of high quality, and hopefully the experts I'm routing to are of genuine nature and aren't into all this for money-making aside from what is needed to keep in operation and alive. I'm realistic, naturally, we can't be doing this work and not be compensated somehow.
So when you get to the end of this resource, notice, please, the note about funding in 2014 for the last revision of the information. Consider these things, and be reminded to always be thinking 'follow the money'. And then keep all the information you find in mind and come up with your own conclusions, take action accordingly. I'm increasingly suggesting people learn about AK testing and finding the right information for them as independently as possible, and having that tool in their very own toolbox. That's a big far outside the 'box of convention' for some, but it's becoming increasingly accepted, even in central western Colorado.
Of what I've looked at and experienced in my time with this information, I think this is good information to have in the mix. It has enough detail yet is simplified. They cover the highlights such as hypothyroidism, carpal tunnel syndrome, mental status -- things that from my standpoint are symptoms I see and have seen over and over in my work. I encourage people to really took a look at NUTRITION. And keep thinking 'what is going on me that is robbing my body of specific nutrients'. How do you give your body what it needs and support it to be able to function as well as possible AND then also be working to reduce that 'load' of things 'robbing you'.
Also, I encourage people to keep it in mind something that I'm finding beneficial this year to highlight. My mother was a teacher in our rural school in the 1960s and 1970s, for about a dozen years. For about 10 of those, she was aware of sensory motor processing problems and wanted to work with the students in her home room class, which was 1/3 of the fourth graders, so she'd screen ALL third graders. And then those with the most symptoms would go into her home room -- we were 'ability grouped' back then. I was in the opposite group from hers, I was in the home room with the least special needs, YET I remember in fourth grade having better ability for comprehension reading if I walked around, I had a lot of symptoms even as a child of brain-based learning problems.
In OT school I was told by the professor who specialized in sensory integration that I was a mess in that regard. So I was by comparison not one of the more problematic at age 10/11, yet I was THAT messed up by the time I was 34-36 in OT school. That was the timeframe I was being looked at by mainstream, organized medicine for things they couldn't figure out; it presented like MS. I had five punctate lesions in my brain, I was weak, fatigued, had a tremor on one side of my body more than the other and it came and went. Thankfully within a couple of years I'd seek out an MD who would come upon IV nutrition and try it on me, and others, It saved my career in occupational therapy! It saved my life possibly.
The take-home message, though, is that WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING GOING ON, it affects everyone a little differently but we ALL HAVE IT. My mother told me she found only ONE student in all those students over the years who she could not find anything with her sensory processing and output -- it was a classmate of mine, who was right up there on the honor roll, in the same classes as I was. But she could sit on the bars on the playground like a bird, she had coordination to get the artwork out of her brain and to her hands to be an artist the art teacher made a 'pet' in what I thought was a creepy way.
She could do gymastics, cheerlead, etc. I've talked with her, she cannot identify anything that made her issues negligible, indistinguishable, or possibly non existent. She went on to be the most 'awake' person in our class, in my opinion, and has lead quite a cause for telling people about the system. She 'unschooled' her children, and went on to teach others at her property via her new family of inhabitants learning and being together how to be able to live and leave behind the system that has created most of us, schooled most of us, given us our medical advise, etc.
Virtually ALL had impacts to their neurological systems / bodies even in the 1970s, in the area I grew up in, outside Denver, Colorado in the mountains. (The show South Park was inspired by the area, one of the creators is ten years my junior, he just missed my mother, if I have my timeline right when she was forced to retire over her doing these activities and tests to help the students.) What was creating that? Please look around the topics at Lumigrate, look at the About tab and get ahold of me if you would like individualized guidance with where to find education that is what YOU are needing at this point in time. Or someone to provide appropriate medical advise.
Here's the link for LPI:
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!