The Omni Diet:The Dovetailing Duo of Dr Daniel Amen (MD) and Wife Tana Amen (BSN, RN) for Brain/Body and Mental Health

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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"Eat like a gorilla" Tana Amen advises, along with her well-known husband Dr Daniel Amen, on a PBS show about The Omni Diet. (PBS has tons of programs on their website, so you might look for it on your television program guide if you have television or online if you are more computer-based). 

They present interesting information about captive gorillas, Beback and Mokolo, who were inadvertently being harmed by the nutritional cookies provided by their "keepers" in a U.S. zoo. So "eat like a gorilla in the wild". Not only did they have physical problems, it was reflected in their behaviors.

When provided a diet congruent with what gorillas eat in the wild, their issues reversed. However, our intestinal tracts are not as long as gorillas', so in their opinion, we cannot eat only plants for optimal wellness, the facts are we're set up to require fish and animal proteins, but they underscore the quality of the products. Free range, grass fed, wild caught from fresh waters and eating what they would normally 'in the wild' as well. 

This took me back to my first hour of class within the occupational therapy program at Colorado State University, which focused on the similarities and differences between human and non-human primates. I always like to educate people that famous primatologists Jane Goodall and Diane Fossey were occupational therapists by training/education.

The Omni Diet - (as in omnivore), is now a bestseller, after being released this winter/spring. Written by Tana Amen, BSN, RN. This is a 'diet' (which simply means what you consume) you don't do "for a while", you embrace this for a lifetime. They humorously point out that what diet is best for people is as much a hot topic causing fights when people are together, in addition to the age-old religion and politics! So I like to  remind people that everyone's entitled to their opinions, there are many, many other sources to look at, but this is, in my opinion at this time, the top thing I'd be suggesting to people.

It's congruent with others I've covered such as Mark Hyman, MD and The UltraMind Solution, which is about functional medicine and suggests a diet that isn't as 'right on' as this one yet is a great place for people to get going (and was published years before). I worked in supportive information from Wheat Belly's author, William Davis, MD, on my coverage of The UltraMind Solution to bolster the importance of gluten-free, particularly from the modern version of wheat that has been devised in the last decades to be very different than in the past. Our bodies simply are designed to eat the stuff from long ago. 

They underscore the influence it has on children so that they grow up with good eating habits, getting brain-boosting and not brain (and other body systems) drain. Important to note that they included medical issues that included skin problems, inflammation that was noted frequently as joint pain, and digestive system problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, ALL resolved, and rapidly, by the program. This is what I found in the mid 90s when I initially found out about food allergies/sensitivities causing inflammation, it was incredible how fast there were results. In Tana's case with her sister who finally reached out for advise, she asked for a two week trial before starting on three prescription medications the doctor had prescribed and said would be required for the remainder of her life. None were ultimately needed.

The Omni Diet is basically paleolithic, though they never said that word. Talking about non-human primates though, is a great way of reminding us of our primal past as human primates without wading into the belief-systems of people's religious beliefs about evolution. Considering I've utilized an evolutionary psychiatrist's work extensively as reference material at related to diet and mental and physical health, I don't sidestep that issue but do wish to state again, opinions are what all experts offer, based on what the facts are, to the best of our abilities to know. 

And naturally, there were many before and after photos of people whose size and shape had changed, with many happy-looking faces both in the audience and in the photos of the people who had put in the efforts to embrace the change to The Omni way. 

Their exercise/activity recommendations are straightforward, the foods are 70% plants (mostly vegetables, some fruits), 30% high quality proteins. No grains. And there are recipe books, journals, Internet-based supportive services, and it dovetails with what husband Dr Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and notorious progressive brain researcher professes for brain health.

The Amen Solution at Home is the new revolutionary brain testing and exercise 'brain gym' which is available 24/7 online. There are guided imagery and relaxation components, and brain-boosting activities can be done in just 10 minutes a day. They underscore the word "easy" with The Omni Diet, and they set you up with a plan and a lot of supportive information and offer bundles and packages and add-ons at the websites. I'm providing both links and encourage you to follow them out and look around their websites.

They do recommend individuation of supplements, but for everyone there are five things, and this is consistent with what our experts at Lumigrate have always suggested. So all the way around, this was something that was adding up to me as 'GRATE' information to set up and suggest people to consider following/doing. I like the way they address progress, that will be an overall uphill as you go along in the future implementing the changes. You'll make mistakes, you'll do well. When you make a mistake, do like the navigator on a car, don't berate yourself, just do the next right turn and get back on track.

They underscore that it's not 'restrictive', you're eating more quantity and quality, and it's ultimately more satisfying. And it's not about 'calories in and calories out', it's about WHAT you're eating. It has much to do with what your genes are set up to thrive with and be positively influenced by, versus what will damage. This has an impact not only on you, but your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, the study of epigenetics shows.  

One of my personal advisors, Dr Blaine Chambers (Ed.D), President of Nutra Perfect, Inc.,, advised me to never let anyone tell me vegan is the way to go -- after a handfull of years the body will require re-introduction of some meat or fish protein source. He and Dr Amen disagree about alcohol, with Dr Chambers finding positive influence from a glass or two of wine with dinner and before, as long as it is consumed long before bed/sleeptime. He created an innovative way of looking at live blood cells with clients which, for me, has been similarly helpful to things like Dr Amen does with brain function scans and data from your brain -- it is simply helpful for people to 'see it and then believe it'. That helps with buy-in and compliance for many people. 

The link for Tana Amen's website and the information from the 'about' for you to get 'teased' enough to go to see the rest of the website:

Tana Amen is a registered nurse, health and fitness expert, nationally renowned speaker and nutritional consultant and coach for the wildly popular Daniel Plan. Her new book, “The Omni Diet” is a revolutionary 70% plant-based and 30% protein simple-to-follow plan provides both illness-fighting nutrients from whole living foods and high-quality protein to keep the brain sharp and the muscles and organ functioning at peak condition.

The Omni Diet bridges the gap between meat eaters and vegetarians; health and weight-loss; to restore energy, slash the risk of disease, optimize brain and hormone function, produce dramatic weight loss, and make the body healthy from the inside out.

The Omni Diet is about abundance not deprivation! This revolutionary diet offers three, two-week phases, followed by a maintenance plan, including delicious recipes and important advice, such as how to mimic longevity-inducing calorie restriction without drastically cutting calories.

Give the Omni Diet just fourteen days and you’ll be so thrilled with the changes in your health, mental clarity, energy, vitality, and even the size of your butt and slimness of your waist you’ll joyfully continue with the plan. It has happened for thousands already, and after two weeks on the Omni Diet, you’ll feel that way too!

Same thing for Daniel Amen's website: 



Physician: Child/Adolescent/Adult Psychiatry, Nuclear Brain Imaging

CEO: Amen Clinics, Inc., San Francisco and Newport Beach, CA, Bellevue, WA, New York, NY, Atlanta, GA and Reston, VA

Daniel G. Amen, M.D., is a physician, double-board certified psychiatrist, teacher and eight-time New York Times bestselling author. He is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on applying brain imaging science to everyday clinical practice. Dr. Amen is the founder of Amen Clinics in Newport Beach and San Francisco, California; Bellevue, Washington; Reston, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; and New York City.

Amen Clinics have the world’s largest database of functional brain scans relating to behavior, totaling 80,000 scans on patients from 90 countries.

Dr. Amen is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and is the lead researcher on the world’s largest brain imaging and rehabilitation study on professional football players. His research has not only demonstrated high levels of brain damage in players, he also showed the possibility of significant recovery for many with the principles that underlie his work.

Together with Pastor Rick Warren and Drs. Mark Hyman and Mehmet Oz, Dr. Amen is also one of the chief architects on Saddleback Church’s “Daniel Plan,” a 52-week program to get the world healthy through religious organizations.

Dr. Amen is also the host of seven popular shows about the brain, which have raised more than $45 million for public television. He is the author of 55 professional articles, five book chapters, and over 30 books, including the co-author of the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry’s chapter on Functional Imaging in Clinical Practice. Dr. Amen’s work has been featured in Newsweek, Parade Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Men’s Health, and Cosmopolitan.

In February 2013, Crown will publish Dr. Amen’s upcoming book, Unleash the Power of the Female Brain.

“The next two decades will see a radical shift in the way substance abuse treatment and psychiatry is practiced, and imaging will play an important role in the change." - Dr. Amen

Again, PLEASE take the time to visit the links we've set up, as we tease out the BEST resources to follow out from This is GRATE stuff, I hope it helps YOU have your life and health as you wish it to be! ~~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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