Mold. A Four Letter Word and Cofactor to Consider with Chronic Illness (and Wellness / Prevention, Too!)

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.

"Mold" is one of the major facets of contributing factors when people end up with complex, chronic illness that is along the lines of 'chronic fatigue and pain'.  Four letters. "A four letter word.....", I say, jokingly.

Something we've known about 'forever'... so it's easy to not have it register on our 'radar screen' of things to be concerned about.  So often, people will respond when you try to educate them about it as a health issue that it's in "The Bible".  Mold's ubiquitous, to use the word in a popular and slightly incorrect way.

But that was the kind of mold that grows on food in the fridge left unattended, or in my history, my first cup of coffee I was given -- with cream and sugar -- that I set in a corner of my little pretend 'kitchen' in my bedroom and then found a few days later, though that was more fermentation. I was 6 or 7 or so, I think. It looked like a 'science experiment'. 

And I was in 'dry' Colorado, though our property was very wet, comparatively, at the confluence of two mountain valleys.   I later came to have a lot of clear symptoms when I entered the home in midlife after I'd moved to the far west end of the state and instead of going to assist the elderly family member still living weekly or every other week or once a month, I was going less than I'd have preferred, sometimes after not being there for three months. I'd go to bed on Christmas Eve night looking fine for having the harrowing and long drive, and get up and look like I had pink eye.  Which was totally gone within the hour it took to drive to where we were celebrating Christmas that year. 

But that stuff was out of sight, underneath the house (one part of the house, the part built in the late 1950s), not out in the open like --- my science experiment / 'slash' coffee. Blue cheese dressing, I remember thinking 'you want me to eat mold?' and now I've heard that perhaps that's a type of mold that's going to bolster our health since it's something we've been consuming 'forever'. 

I now love blue cheese so I try to eat some from time to time and make it really high in quality in terms of the manufacturer and producer of the dairy. I am shocked 50 years later, almost, that there's some monkeybusiness about legislating against Roquefort cheese I saw somewhere along the way. So -- many facets to the mold situation.  

Things have changed from those 'good old days' when the biggest discussion about mold had to do with your salad dressing. Things, too, have changed in terms of how people react to molds, as well as what is in the environments that people are steeping in.

For those who like podcasts for learning, I recommend the podcast at The Klinghardt Academy dot com.  You'll see it on this list at the 'Listen to Dr Klinghardt' tab.  He's one of the biggest experts in cutting edge treatments for environmental, complex, chronic conditions in the US, and apparently is even bigger in Europe (he is originally from Germany).  He has a very integrative approach to treatment. .

It's the one at the far bottom of the 'handful long' list of podcast interviews he's had. Wouldn't you know, this was the last podcast of his I listened to and I wish I'd listened to it first, because his helper with the website information / education ends up on the call at the end, and there is more that they say about her recent involvement and what they're doing to make their online information and other education from him more accessible.

That is what I'd noticed when I found this website -- he could be doing so much more if he had someone grouping up on the website information. Turns out he'd hired someone a year before, Debby (sp?) who is heard at the end. I cannot say enough how much I recommend taking the 90 minutes to listen to this (and make notes perhaps).  I'm not saying, necessarily, grab your credit card and book a flight and make an appointment at his clinic.  I think many of the things he teaches about can be done locally and DIY with the support of Facebook groups with very experienced people in them who have been at this a long time and have a lot of experiences to share and help guide. 

I think some of the things these providers get into because they're able to handle complexity are overwhelming to most people and as time has gone on it seems I'm seeing more and more people finding more simplified ways of addressing their health issues.  And mold is one of those areas. 

Anytime something doesn't 'add up to me' about a provider I don't know personally, I wonder about it.  Why would someone have so much great information to share with people, products to sell, and etc and have their podcasts all be interviews with others, their YouTubes I found seemed to have been filmed by others. So I was initially not so sure about Dr. Klinghardt when I 'discovered him' in my researching.

But knowing that he was putting resources toward getting more current as is revealed in this particular podcast which Debby was spearheading organizing how they did it and recorded it, helped explain that.  (He's not without his detractors on the Internet, but what I've seen and then heard from him, such as on this podcast about they use fewer products now, the costs are lower now -- much of the criticism is likely due to the learning curve EVERYONE was on in the past about this. He's a real leader of this kind of treatment and I hear him over and over saying 'we used to do differently'.  He talks at the end of the podcast about how there are quantum leaps sometimes and they'd recently had another one in recent times before the podcast.)  

Some people have gotten second and third mortgages on their houses to pay for treatments they found after they'd gotten into a financial position where they had no other choice than to do that IF they wanted to have that expertise helping them.  Sometimes people don't do everything that is recommended, sometimes what is recommended and complied with isn't yet the right thing and it's a long process, and sometimes it's not a case that can be helped, and then people tend to get angry and they can easily voice that online. Sometimes people get worse and sometimes they die, and people are angry and take it out with their keyboard writing about a provider they're displeased with.

Decide for yourself on all providers after looking into what you can find out about them.  I find Dr K someone who has so much to offer for education I include his information a lot in the forums at Lumigrate. 


Mold on Facebook

There are a number of good Facebook groups as well as individuals with Facebook profiles or pages for them as individuals who are focused on the mold issue.  One guy 'everyone' knows about is Erik Johnson.  I have found him sometimes difficult to understand, and with a chip on his shoulder about people not listening to his opinions about what was causing the mysterious illness that started in the mid 1980s in the Lake Tahoe / Truckee area, where he is a resident, and where he grew up. 

I've really enjoyed his sharing photos and descriptions of where he grew up.  It's very similar to where I grew up.  And he's quite a scientific, logical mind type, and a researcher and thinker.  So he's found and shared things such as an article from the local paper there talking about the illness outbreak news update right next to a story about geoengineering in the form of cloud seeding that was starting at that time there.  The cloud seeding program was researched out of Colorado and disclosed in the early 1960s to us, but my suspicion based on the snows in winters from when my parents moved to their location in 1954 was they started sometime a bit before 1960.  Did this affect the mold? 

I wanted to talk to the family of the people who had sold to my parents in the fall of 1954, and just happened to know someone who was connected to that family.  They'd not had any health issues, they sold because they simply wanted a bigger property for their ranching / farming.  I suspect the house as they lived in it before it had an addition built on of a totally different type of construction, heat and etc., was fine.  But when I was a tweenager yet another addition was put on to fill in the "L" shape of the original houses that were attached to each other through a breezeway with the 1955 addition.  And then everything went to having one heat source and the air wafted all around the whole house for the first time.  I attributed my increased symptoms to growing and hormones and puberty.  Who knows.  I just know I did not have it easy in most ways at that time. 

So, being one who wanted to figure this out not just for my own well-being but to help others, which is why I created Lumgirate in 2007-2009 and have been nurturing it along since, I very much appreciated connecting with Erik Johnson.  I'm editing this topic on July 22, 2017 because he just posted this synopsis which I wanted to edit into this topic and am inserting it here.  This is something he's saved from when he posted it at a website to do with this stuff, CFS Research Group (chronic fatigue syndrome is also known as ME in other parts of the world, which is overall considered a more effective label for it to have the respect it deserves).  (I have added some more breaks to make this more easily readable for visually / mentally challenged people.)

CFS Research Group
Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:42 pm

Re: "Shoemaker Lacks Science"

I'm a survivor of the 1985 Incline Village CFS epidemic and one of the
people Dr Cheney and Dr Peterson used to demonstrate that CFS was not
chronic EBV.

I was back in Dr Petersons ampligen screening program in 1998 when I
was at my absolute lowest point and was once again diagnosed as "The
Perfect Case of CFS" but I couldn't afford the ampligen.

I had been complaining about an extraordinary reactivity to specific
mycotoxins from the first time I walked into Dr Cheney and Dr
Petersons office during the Incline Village epidemic.

With no access
to ampligen and no other options that seemed likely to help, I decided
to try to exploit the knowledge that high levels of mycotoxins were
devastating to me and see if I could avoid low levels as well to
minimize the deleterious effect.

Within six months of following a strategy of extreme mycotoxin
avoidance, I returned to Dr Petersons office with pictures of myself
after climbing Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain within the contiguous
48 states in the USA.

I have spent the years since then controlling my symptoms through
extreme mycotoxin avoidance and being discounted by every researcher,
doctor and PWC I tell my story to.

There are dozens of people on this list that I have backchanneled
about my experience. They find nothing of significance in my story.
Dr Shoemaker describes my situation perfectly in his book "Desperation
Medicine" and an approach to my illness as being "neurotoxin mediated"
has restored my ability to go mountain climbing, lead an active
lifestyle and avoid an incomprehensible level of misery.

I learned to
take advantage of an effect I observed over years of suffering.
My experience doesn't conflict with HHV6 concepts but rather adds to
it since my "sudden onset" was identified by Dr Peterson as HHV6a and
as I said in message 13684, "I have no reason to doubt it".

If the researchers believe that no one clinically diagnosed with CFS,
especially a person who was used to define the parameters of the
syndrome has improved significantly by taking advantage of concepts
that are in accordance with Dr Shoemakers ideas, it is because they
refused to listen when I told them about it.



Some of my history

I started working in a building in 1992-1994 that had been a 'sick building' and cleaned up just prior to my getting the job. In that case, it was a building that had air conditioning and it was found the drip pan of some sort to do with the air conditioner hadn't been maintained. A PT and program manager was on disability from it, I had to get some training from her, and she met us outside.  It was the first I heard of such things. I was starting a job in health education at a major university's student health center, ironically .  "You couldn't WRITE this stuff!" comes to mind way too often for me when I work stories of my real life into topics at Lumigrate!  

In 1988, one day I just could not get out of bed.  I had been working long hours in a new portion of a building that had been built on the solar energy research area of the foothils research campus of the University.  Much new and not expensive, government contract material was in that new portion that was open air and flowing with the original portion of the building.  Could it be there was mold in the older portion (where we'd been crowded in like sardines in 1986, we'd originally had space in the Federal Building in town until the things were worked out to fund the new addition at the research campus). 

Since a new bookcase against the newly painted wall had been moved after about nine months and it had outgassed so much that instead of offwhite the area was like a dark eggshell color, I perhaps mistakenly attributed my health lapse to the chemicals outgassing and wasn't thinking about mold.  All these years later, I'm re-thinking things.  However, different than in Erik's area, Fort Collins had an area-wide outbreak of 'whatever it is' (as my GP doctor called it when I sought his advice), and nobody I worked with was ill.  The man back home next door to where I'd grown up had something similar though.  But he was worse, had a different 'diagnosis' from different medical providers entirely as he was seeking Denver advisors and I was in Fort Collins. 

So I hope this information, as I'm presenting it so far is worth your time to look over and perhaps delve into deeper and really read, listen to and follow some of the leads I've found to be helpful.  I hope my hears of experience will help others to find their way out of a health quandry with more ease, less money, fewer frustrations and better results sooner than I've had.  That IS one advantage of these times today, there's NOT a lack of information anymore! 


Health / Life Coaches and An Option re: Mold

At Lumigrate, we've had health and life coaches as part of our complement of providers since the very beginning: Dr Paula King who provided a video on how to make lasting change (as opposed to short-term enthusiasm), as well as information in our forums later on, is a certified life coach as well as a licensed psychologist.

We were then fortunate to be connected to Gwen Pettit, PT who is also a certified life coach. I worked together with her personally in 2013 and can attest to her abilities, and I got a better idea of how the remote coaching experience worked. (As she met by phone with someone in town that I worked with in person on teaching how to be a proactive medical consumer and get what they wanted from their time and energy going into efforts to improve their state of overall well-being.)

She doesn't have a specialty 'niche' with chronic pain or illness, however, and I was pleased to see that this resource, below, does. 

There's a fascinating story about how this group came together, and the health/life coach (there is a difference in terms of what they've been trained and certified with)  has, in recent years, had a history of ups and downs with the chronic illnesses, having been diagnosed with the typical things many get diagnosed with AND having been incorrectly found to NOT have Lyme / Borrelia.

Once that was rectified with a diagnosis, treatment was done and she had improved / reversed symptoms signficantly.  It truly is a fascinating history that is related at a link that is at a website I'm very fond of. I'll get the links.

For starters here's the link to the online coaching tab (and she does phone and etc too) at the SurvivingMold dot com website.

And this is about her. Patti Stilley Schmidt is a chronic illness survivor, with years of experience managing, researching and advocating to improve the lives of chronic illness patients. She has been a peer counselor, support group leader, national advocacy organization board member, and has written dozens of articles on these topics, along with the book Mold Warriors with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. 

At the very bottom, if you follow the link, above, you'll see this note from Patti:   

I recovered with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s help. If you’re interested in reading the story of how he diagnosed and cured me, please visit
So I went, expecting to see something about her at ProHealth (a website I'm very fond of and respect a lot). And that didn't come in until Part 2 of 2, and Part 1 was very long and well written article that was a whole history of the lives personally and professionally of the founder that lead up to having their experience and business, then having treated Patti. Then you see how it is she's is now part of the SurvivingMold group.  Who initiated what, isn't completely clear but does it really matter? 
I suggest you take the trip at the link to ProHealth and read that whole Part 1 and Part 2. It's a good overview about how this all fits together and had absolutely fascinating information about how people figured this stuff out LONG ago. 
A highlight for me was the ridicule the doctors faced, as it the typical situation that happens when anyone goes outside the box from what organized medicine tells people. They use the example of ulcers and the researcher who figured it was a bacteria and the resistance he experienced, unfortunately. That is one of our history's biggest, most amazing stories and I hope everyone knows of it and keeps it in mind whenever someone is presenting innovation. 
Another highlight for me was the clear empathy (meaning is different than sympathy, empathy means you've experienced it first-hand (at least in my mind that's the difference) in how her biographical / marketing page at the website ended: 

I went through difficult times when I was diagnosed at various times in my life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), mold illness or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), fibromyalgia (FM) and Lyme Disease. [1] I was lucky to have a supportive husband, family and friends, and I finally found physicians who helped me recover.1

Struggling not only with illness, but with the disbelieving, disrespectful views of those around you is a heavy, lonely burden to carry. No one should have to do that alone. (Bolding added by me/Mardy)

As I was constructing this topic today (10 Wednesday Sept 2014), I would go maintain what is going on at Facebook and saw that another woman had died from chronic Lyme. There was a particularly insightful flow of the words that came from people who responded to the news. The one that touched me the most was from a woman who clearly was at the end of her rope and verbalized that in a diluted way, and focused on the overall issue that we have in common --- this is a major issue for millions of people and we can come together as one and solve things if we can find ways to connect as well as support.
To me, the information and resources at this website are on point and the cost of having the support of someone qualified who is attached to a group like this one is well worth the price that is charged for that personal attention. Unfortunately, it is not something that someone can afford when they're past a certain point on the financial aspect of debility. 
And that is the only thing that I am not seeing at this website that would pacify my concerns about that --- do they take donations from others to fund someone who cannot afford the help but is willing and able to do the work? Or beyond that, do they have a process where people who don't have the funds are selected to have the service gratis? Just things I look for and would prefer to see.  
As I was preparing to write this, I saw on television that Judge Judy just put a book about her -- clearly a potential money-maker, online for FREE. Saying it was the right thing to do, for those who were her fan base and allowed everything to happen. That's great. And let me guess, there's a way to capture people on that and it's not truly 'free' because there'll be some sort of registratio, and after that there will be more money-making.  Maybe I'm jaded. Maybe I'm realistic. I'm certainly at this point, not an optimist. And that's good. Because an optimist would look at a bunch of toxic mold and say "how pretty".  At least today I look at all the options. 
As I typically do, in order to encourage the trip on the link to see the sites, here's a sampling: 


New Theory Links Neurotoxins with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme, MCS and Other Mystery Illnesses

By Patti Schmidt 

PART 1 of 2 

Two doctors believe they've discovered a new brand of illness and a new way for pathogens to make people sick. They also have an FDA-approved treatment that was effective in a small, preliminary clinical trial. 

neurotoxic /nõr'ò tok'sik/, anything having a poisonous effect on 
nerves and nerve cells, such as the effect of lead on the brain and 
nerves. -The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia 

There are many theories and much disagreement about what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), 
fibromyalgia (FM) and some other chronic multi-symptom illnesses. 
Some science points to abnormalities in the immune system's 
viral-fighting pathways; other research to a cascading combination of 
genealogical, environmental, and health-and personality-related 
events and factors that begin with a predisposition and a "bug" and 
ends with someone who's chronically ill. And despite a rash of 
recent scientific evidence to the contrary, some out-of-touch 
physicians still insist sufferers are just depressed. 

While some blame stress and societal ills for the widespread fatigue, 
depression, joint pain and cognitive problems common to these 
illnesses, recent research suggests these problems may instead be 
linked to toxins generated by cells gone awry-that many people are 
chronically ill due to biotoxins in their system they cannot 
eliminate naturally. 

Two scientists - family practice physician Ritchie C. Shoemaker and EPA 
neurotoxicologist H. Kenneth Hudnell, Ph.D., - have collected data to 
back up this "neurotoxin-mediated illness" theory, and they've 
developed both a simple way to test for neurotoxins and a treatment 
protocol featuring an effective, FDA-approved prescription medicine 
that flushes toxins safely from the body. 

Shoemaker's website features information and research as well as a 
way to measure toxin exposure potential. After answering a brief 
health questionnaire about symptoms and some questions designed to 
eliminate confounding factors, it takes just five minutes and $8.95 
to take the online Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) test, which 
measures the impact of neurotoxins on brain function. 

Data from the questionnaire and vision test are analyzed immediately 
to determine if users are likely "positive" or "negative" for 
neurotoxins. The website doesn't make an official diagnosis, but 
gives a push in the right direction. Users can then take the test 
results to a physician so they can be treated if necessary. 

The two say they have data to support the claim that 90 percent of 
the people who test positive for neurotoxins improve following their 
treatment protocol. 

"If you have the VCS deficit, the potential for biotoxin exposure, 
and don't have other exposures or medical conditions that could 
explain the deficit, our data indicate that the response to 
toxin-binding therapy is over 90 percent," says Ritchie C. Shoemaker, 
M.D., the physician who helped develop the theory and the treatment. The story of how a small-town family practice physician and a civil 
servant who works for the EPA came up with that theory- and how they 
found a treatment for the 10 million Americans they claim it can 
help- is at least as interesting as the theory itself. 

The scientist 

Ritchie Shoemaker always planned to have a rural primary care 
practice. He graduated from Duke University Medical School in North 
Carolina in 1977, courtesy of the National Health Service Corps, 
which paid for his medical education in return for a stint serving 
under-served areas of the U.S. In July of 1980, following a Family 
Practice residency in Williamsport, Pa., the NHSC sent him to its 
clinic in Pokomoke City, Md. 

"I could hardly believe that the government was going to pay my way 
through a few years at Duke Medical School, in order to do something 
I already wanted to do," he said. 

Pokomoke City was then a thinly populated small town situated along 
the Pokomoke River, a tributary of the 200-mile long Chesapeake Bay. The Pokomoke itself flows South from Delaware, 80-miles long and just 50 yards wide in some places. 

At the time they settled there, Shoemaker and his young wife JoAnn 
were newlyweds. Taking great pleasure in the idyllic setting, they 
became involved in civic activities; had a daughter, Sally; and began 
protecting the unique ecology of the Lower Eastern Shore, building 
and restoring wetland ponds, wetland gardens and a mile-long nature 

"This was everything I had ever wanted," said the doctor. " I had 
the love of a spouse and family, the love of my practice and of my 
land. I was happy." 

In 1996, the first reports of "sick fish" in the river began 
appearing in local newspapers. It wasn't long afterward that some of 
his friends and patients began complaining of flu-like symptoms. "They had nasty headaches, diarrhea, rash, cough, persistent muscle 
aches and failures in short-term memory," says Shoemaker. 

His intuition, backed by a solid grounding in science (he was a 
biology major in his undergraduate days) told him the sick fish and 
the sudden illness among his patients were related. When someone 
brought him a dead fish, fresh from the Pokomoke, the curious young 
doctor put it under a microscope. 

"The link was the river," Shoemaker says in the book he wrote about 
these events, Pfiesteria: Crossing Dark Water. "Each one of them had 
spent time working or playing in the slow-moving Pokomoke during the summer of 1997." 

He had no idea that what was under that microscope would change his 
life and put him at the uneasy nexus where politics, ecology and 
medicine meet. 

The collaborator 

Meanwhile, Shoemaker's research collaborator Hilton Kenneth Hudnell, 
PhD, a calm, soft-spoken neurotoxicologist, was building a civil 
service career at the Environmental Protection Agency. 
.............. AND THAT'S WHERE I SUGGEST YOU TAKE THE LINK TO READ ON if you're interested.... 

Moving forward more, here's a link to the Paradigm Change website and a September 7, 2014 topic with most of an interview between three leading specialists in the field transcribed (plus a link to hear the interview if desired).  You'll see Shoemaker's very much a part of the discussion. 

As I frequently do (and did, above), here's a sampling of what you'll find at the link, to encourage YOUsers to take the trip to see the sites I suggest --- 







Physicians Nathan, Teitelbaum and Shoemaker Rap About Mold






Editor’s Note: Dr. Neil Nathan, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker talked about recent research findings and new treatment options with regard to mold toxicity in a recent episode of the radio program “The Cutting Edge of Health and Wellness Today.” Following is a somewhat shortened transcript. The audio version of the interview is available (at link provided at the site if you follow the link as I suggest ~ Mardy)

.... (omitted beautiful image of a painting of ships on a bay)


Dr. Nathan:

Hello, this is “The Cutting Edge of Health and Wellness Today.” I’m your host, Dr. Neil Nathan. I’m joined by my co-host and good friend, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum.

As an extra added bonus for today, we’re going to have an interview with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, who is the foremost expert on mold toxicity. In fact, Dr. Shoemaker actually discovered it almost singlehandedly – or at least, he really explained to us what was going on and its importance. 


Let me take a moment to explain the subject of mold toxicity by explaining how Dr. Shoemaker figured this stuff out.

He was a family physician working in the little town of Pocomoke, Maryland, which is on Chesapeake Bay. Back in 1997, there was a huge die-off of fish. Literally a million fish were found dead floating in Chesapeake Bay. The various health officials said, “It’s not really a problem. There are no real issues going on. Nobody’s getting sick. Don’t worry about it.”

Neil Nathan (2)

Dr. Nathan: “The first thing that we want to bring to your attention is that mold toxicity is real. It occurs and it’s nasty.”

Dr. Shoemaker found that literally hundreds of his patients were coming in with very odd illnesses. Odd rashes, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, couldn’t think straight.

He had no idea what he was looking at. But happily, he had one particular patient who had severe diarrhea. He provided the patient with a medication called cholestyramine. That is primarily used for treating high cholesterol, but we do also use it when people have really bad, out-of-control diarrhea. He only gave it for the diarrhea, but to his surprise, all of the patient’s other symptoms disappeared in the course of a few days.

So being the excellent scientist that he is, Dr. Shoemaker took the time to try cholestyramine with his other sick patients, and again, somewhat to his surprise, most of them began getting better.

He then went to a variety of local health experts, who figured out that what was affecting these patients was a toxin produced by an organism called Pfiesteria. It was being produced because the copper that was being used in the feed of chicken to keep fungus away was leaking into Chesapeake Bay, changing the ecosystem and allowing the Pfiesteria organism to grow, killing the fish and making people sick.

Dr. Shoemaker then took his information and applied it to outbreaks of algae in Florida. And then he put two and two together and realized that there were other things that looked just like this, including exposure to mold in water-damaged buildings.

Patients often had a weird, wild assortment of symptoms that otherwise made no sense. Fatigue, muscle aches and cramps, unusual icepick or lightning-bolt pain, sensitivity to bright light, tearing, blurred vision, cough, chest pains, shortness of breath, cognitive impairment, appetite swings, weight gain, numbness, tingling often in unusual patterns, sensitivity to static electrical shocks, thirst, weakness, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, joint pain, morning sickness, mood swings, night sweats, metallic taste.

Doesn’t this sound like an overview of basically everything you could imagine? For most physicians, if someone came in complaining of most of those, the thought would be, “Oh, it’s got to be in your head. It can’t really be a real thing that causes that.”

But in point of fact, mold toxicity does.



.................So take the link. This is the website collaboration of Erik Johnson, one of the people who was first ill in the Tahoe wave of illness that is well known, back in the 1980s.

Applying this to 'dry  places' -- I was in Fort Collins, Colorado and became ill with what today would be called CFS. A doctor told me there had been a wave of it in Fort Collins, but this is not 'known' on the Internet that I can find, nor in the "mold-focused/ aware circles" that I have found so far. Had one doctor not mentioned it, and I have a good memory for details, particularly auditory/conversation, I would not suspect AT ALL an 'outbreak' or wave in Fort Collins, as I didn't know anyone else who got CFS at that time, from Fort Collins. Within another year or so I knew of someone in the desert SW or the midwest (he'd moved in that timeframe) who had gotten it and was a colleague of my then-boss. My boss was ALL dramatic and wowed about it when he came to the office after finding out, and I said 'that's what I had/ have'.

And 'oh' was the basic response ... Was it because I was sick under 'his roof'? He didn't want to acknowledge it? I wasn't doing any kind of process about the toxins from the new construction that contributed.  It was very interesting to see how people will see one person's case as a big deal and dismiss another. Why? Who knows ... I wasn't a PhD? ,,,  I was a woman? he'd seen me at work every day and didn't realize I went home and literally couldn't stand up long enough to make a simple meal at the stove without sitting down and that my husband took over most of the household and yardhold tasks that I had typically did. 

I went on within a couple of years to work at another office at the University and there was someone who had gotten sick from the biotoxins from a drip pan of some sort in the air conditioning system that had not been maintained since the building was built (this was 1992 and the building was from about 1960 it seemed from the architecture, in Colorado there was a different awareness about things that had to do with humidity, than in more humid places). She had taken it up the flagpole and was on short term disability I believe it was.

And I wonder -- if I knew then what I know now, older and wiser and knowing this was not going to be something you easily get over without a lot of effort and expense in ever way there is, I'd have done differently perhaps. But such is life, you learn and go on. So here I am, learned and going on to provide information that I hope is of benefit to YOUsers who find 


Collaborating with Erik Johnson on Paradigm Shift's blog/website is Lisa Pedrison, PhD, the executive director of Paradigm Shift. This is what is at the Living Clean in a Dirty World dot me site, which I'm linking to immediately below:  


“Living Clean in a Dirty World” is presented by Paradigm Change, a not-for-profit organization focusing on the relationship between environmental toxicity and neuroimmune illness.

The Paradigm Change website provides a wide variety of information for people who are considering the role that toxins may be playing in their own health issues.

Follow Paradigm Change on Twitter to receive updates about this blog and other relevant information.

For additional high-quality information on the topics of natural living and on toxic threats in modern life, please see the sites listed below.

Thanks very much for visiting this blog.

This is a community effort, and so please do consider posting a comment on one of the existing blog posts or submitting a blog post of your own.  Please use the form below or write to: paradigmchange at yahoo dot com


Lisa Petrison, Ph.D., Executive Director, Paradigm Change

This August 11, 2014 article on 'using a pulse-test' was an intriguing article for me, and I wanted to show Lumigrate's YOUsers about the interconnection of these two sites (and people, Erik and Lisa) related to mold information, etc. Essentially, the pulse responds when your body is dealing with a toxin that stresses it and makes it react, and I'd known about this related to food (covered in a topic we have about Lyme / autism remediation where I detail a video of a presentation by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD).


And you'll see in the comment on what's at this link that a home health PT who has sensitivities posts links to some information on heart rate variability (HRV), and is noticing that the homes she reacts in have people with blood pressures that would perhaps indicate their health issues stem from the exposure (as a cause, not saying 'the' cause, remember we think divergently about this, not convergently). I found this to be a very well done article as is the rest of the information at Living Clean In A Dirty World, as well as Paradigm Shift. And now you know of both of them, and the interconnection. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Overview/ transcription of interview with Dr Klinghardt re Mold

Below is a once over transcription of the mold interview that is listed as 90 minutes on the link to download the MP3 file at the Klinghardt Academy website's "Listen to Dr Klinghardt" tab at their website.  I naturally recommend everyone listen and make their own notes, but this might help people to read over what is at the interview or have something to refer to for information. 

And this is a link to a conference of people like Dr Klinghardt from 2014, which the people putting it on have done the same as I have done --- given overview of what was said and presented... so you can go to the document and look it over to see what Dr Klinghardt (and others) said, but there is naturally a LOT of overlap in the two since when he speaks to groups to get his core message out, the information is going to be a lot the same over and over.

The first question on the audio file interview after introductions is about testing / screening for mold in the patient.  He starts with the test that used to be available and then Labcorps bought the company and for a while they didn't have a test available so there were none. But now Labcorps does offer mold testing but there's not one that is a comprehensive panel anymore, you have to specify which molds and so you 

Test the home first -- the test recommended by Dr Shoemaker covers 30 different molds by Mycrometrics. (I might presume that spelling, since these are mycotoxins..).  Whatever you find in the house you also find in the person with few exceptions. The test for testing in the people that is now done by Labcorp which bought the previous company that would do a comprehensive panel, but now you have to tick off which molds you want them to test so this allows you to have an idea what will be in the patient.  

To become a mold-literate provider it is more difficult than becoming Lyme-literate because you have to read all of Dr Shoemaker's books. He differs from Dr Shoemaker though, in that he believes you treat the home AND the patient. Which I am a bit confused by because he then talks about what Dr Shoemaker's approach is for treating the patient and what he (Dr K) does differently. 

Strep in the brain --- he gives the history of PANDAS (the AS at the end is for 'associated with strep' and that has been dropped and it's now referred to as PAND or pands because they recognize it's not limited to strep and staph. 

PANDAS, tics and compulsive behavior. There is a strong overlap with bartonella and molds with what behaviors people end up with. Any infection -- mold infection -- can prime the immune system which causes tics, Tourette's, and compulsive behavior.  People who have low melano stimulating hormone from biotoxins that accumulate in the hypothalamus after going up the olf nerve from the nose, the olfactory nerve or other cranial nerves. And it affects the production of MSH. 

It is not just staph doing this, there is borrelia, bartonella, mold that are doing similar things.  The literature on staph .. strep, molds, borrelia, babesia, bartonella and biotoxin-producing mold, all these microbes find their way up to the brain stem or the hypothalamus.

MSH is responsible for how much vitality a person feels, so it is a wonderful biomarker for energy.  When it is low we know that there is infection in the nose, the jawbone, the throat -- and it can be things other than staph. So cleaning up the whole sinus, nose and throat area is the treatment. How he does that....

1. Using probiotics --- the same used in the gut, acidophilus  -- dissolved in water. And a German product that is sprayed several times a day, displacing the staph rather than focusing on killing the staph.  Biological physicians like Dr K and more mainstream physicians always have a conflict in this regard.

2. Use autourine therapy, as urine has breakdown products of what the immune system has dealt with, the cell wall residues end up in the urine of the patient. So the immune system wakes up to the presence of the microbes by being exposed to these in the urine and wakes up to address the microbes.  
"I know this is not popular but there The AutoHemoTherapy Manual is the reference he suggest and that this is common in naturopathic medicine.

3. Neurotherapy injection technique - you inject the structures with procaine to create a healing response and then follow that up with ozone therapy.

With the chronic mold patient --- 'you guys have moved from seeing that everything is Lyme to seeing there is also mold, and with Dr Shoemaker being a charismatic forerunner several experts are looking at mold, but there should be more attention on parasites.  

4. Biopure (which he sometimes consults for) has a product that translates into right regulating fluid (RiteRegulare it sounds like) which breaks up the biofilm on the back of the throat and on the tonsils when gargled with, swallowed and it's dramatic of how it affects the energy of the chronically ill patient.

Question about blocked passageways for detoxing pathways so they can detox properly.

The dif between a chronically illl patient and a person who gets 3 weeks of antibiotics for borrelia and then is well is the blocked passageways as she calls them, is his answer.

The liver has a couple thousand miles of miles of bile ducts that can be plugged up with toxins so they cannot eliminate things. We have 200,000 man-made chemicals in the environment and are not genetically prepared to detox them.  

The genetically impaired who cannot manufacture enough of the enzymes for the elimination of toxins.

The epigenetics is the third thing, the methylation pathway which is how the body produces glutathione. Trauma in childhood, psychological, one or two generations back is widespread in the literature and easy to find is often the cause.  This gets passed on at least three generations down, cascading down the generations. So you bioacumulate man-made toxins or biotoxins.  Epigenetics can get screwed up by chemical exposures, so for instance root canals or amalgam fillings.  And the biggest thing now is man-made electromagnetic fields.

A study came out from the University of Athens that shows that background radiation from cell phones, or cordless phone as they use the same type of frequency, affects the epigenetics very severely -- things that make your hormones, 150 compounds in the body are permanently impaired by EMFs, and this cascades down generations, so we are moving dangerous direction for humanity.

So his patients get the 'protection talk'.  In an adult using the cell phone a couple of times a day is probably not dangerous. Under 20 and the younger they are are under 20 (other sources explain that it's due to thickness of the skull it is believed), there is a lot of damage done to the brain from this radiation source.

The constant 24/7 exposure from the nearby cellular tower  -- a study showed over a 25 year exposure to using cell phones it increases risk of brain cancer 25 fold -- it is devastating to the unborn child in the womb to have the ambient EMFs from the cell phone towers. So his patients are not allowed to have cordless phones OR tjey need to spend the money to get the cordless phones that only put out the radiation when in use not 24/7. Go to broadband and plug in your computers. 

"Stetzer Filters" that you plug into the house to clean up the dirty electricity are recommended. (Note added later: See a comment added after this one which is about Mr Stetzer, his company, and an interview with him on OneRadioNetwork, he sounds like a fabulous resource who likely has developed some very legitimate products. He said over-order what you think you might need for your home and if you don't need them all, call them and they'll work with you on returning the extras.)

Switch off the fuses for the house to create the electrical silence in the home that are necessary for the brain to recover.  Earthing pads can be used and only when the power is off to the house. (Note added later -- by listening to the Stetzer interview in comment, below you'll understand more why Klinghardt says this BUT my Stetzer has a different opinion about the Earthing pads so perhaps LISTEN to the STETZER interview, below, in your becoming a researcher, expert for yourself on this as much as you can in the time and with the energy you have to dedicate yourself to learning about these important issues.  There is also another comment I've added in mid January to an EMF thread about health effects.  About the new book and website Electrical Silent Spring, and the author has amazing information on her website and in that case I have the interview basically transcribed in an overview way.) 

Measure the microwatts/meter2 and if they are over 10, then use the cloth that his website directs you to. (Note, the author of Electrical Silent Spring brings up another point of view about this type of thing though, so as she says --- same as I do --- do your homework. Resarch this and become an expert enough to teach it to others and then  navigate your way through what YOU are going to do about it.  She recommends people do what Klinghardt recommends related to reducing exposure with your electronics and when and how you use them and not do these other things because you have to monitor constantly because you can end up making things worse if you don't do it exactly right and sources change all the time.  ALWAYS something I look for and like when experts have different points of view because it underscores how YOU have to learn enough to not just follow the advise of the first expert you hear that 'sounds good'.  Then YOU figure out what's best for YOU.  

So Klinghardt says here it is a good place to start by switching things off and plugging in -- without getting to any products -- it costs nothing to switch off the power to your house, for instance, you're saving money on many of these strategies.  

I've heard him other places remarking how in the US it takes people about 2 years to take this advise into action whereas in Europe those people go right to action.  He thinks it's because the US does not have as much science provided to people so they don't understand the way that these EMFs are working to harm.  He says there are things the US does more of in their education that Europe gets less of -- he has an interesting world view of things and I get the sense overall listening to him talk that he is well aware of what's running the world, the country, the medical system, the FDA and CDC and he just navigates around it and does his work as best he can. (Please see my topic on Agenda 21, and the topic on education reform if you're curious for more information what I am referring to).  

When you expose mold culture to EMFs they produce faster trying to outgrow the threat, which happens in our body all the time, and it grows more toxic as well.  So when you reduce the EMFs in the home, you are also affecting the growth of mold. 

It is important to look at the internal environment of the body that grows molds and candida.  Often it is a metal contaminated body.  He cites a book by CRC press by Weleski (it sounds the name is) --- where you can find studies quoted there show that when the mold cell is able to store it's body weight of metals without being damaged.  Mold and candida are close relatives -- they grow in areas of the body that are metal contaminated. Our body cells don't survive there -- so the mold (and candida) use those areas to set up their home base.  So he (and others in his area of medicine) focus on the heavy metal detox, which has been very valuable to approach it. 

The second thing we find is that the mold is a bystander bug to parasites.  Most everyone has some worms, protosoas other than babesia that are not detected/known to be in the person.  So we try to treat the parasite because the mold is very easy to treat after that. 

He learned in Ayur Vedic medicine how to palpate the patient to find a parasite load and he uses his ART treating. After the parasite dies it comes out in the 'poop test', so if the parasite is happy living in the body they don't come out in the test as they are adaptive and don't show up in blood and saliva testing too, so his process is to automatically treat the patient for parasite for a few weeks and then test for it and it will come out in the poop as he calls it. 

Sidney Baker is a brilliant doctor he credits and who provided the resource he recommends called The Antifungal Parade.  He found that you can also kill the patient by killing off too many of these things at once , so start with the weakest antifungal and go to the stronger ones in a fashion of a sequence and not all at once.  He then went over the protocol in general but said to refer to the Antifungal Parade for the information. 

Nystatin 4-6 weeks, then graduate to       .... then to diflucan for six weeks, then to 

then to ....... which is the newest which is the only one that can get to aspergilis. 

Biopure uses ozonated plant oils, previously called rizoles and for political reasons they were renamed, and can only be marketed externally but for 150 years they have been used internally, so he uses them off label internally.  It is ozonated castor and olive oils and it's very strong antiparasitic effect, and they get through the blood-brain barrier.  You can find the exact dosage instructions for this in Sidney Baker's Antifungal Parade. 

He then mentions oxygen / ozone ... they like low oxygen environment. (And I think at this point about all the people who have sleep apnea or breathing issues that are yielding low O2 saturation in the blood.  I was shocked when I had mine tested with a simple wrist oxymeter with small computer in the watch-like device you wear to bed in the home (which was a device purchased by a local DME / oxygen vendor and I'd spoken with them about this so they had me test drive it when it arrived...).  

All the molds can only exist if they've found a way to dominate our system, and they do that with biotoxins.  Penicillin and many other antibiotics are created in the laboratory off of biotoxins from molds.  

Anything that lives in us creates biotoxins, and Dr Shoemaker has published about chloreseramine but Dr K finds that chlorella is preferable.  All the metal detox agents, DMPS, EDTA, others are mentioned........... don't just bind metals but biotoxins produced in us.  Salmonella and .................., their biotoxins are neutralized by fairly low doses of manganese and zinc.  So Core by BioPure has a balance of difference zinc and manganeses is a product he's found very helpful, and these are a protection that has been overlooked in the mold and Lyme circles. 

IV doses of ALA (alpha lipoic acid) .. 600 mg, followed by 600 or 1200 mg of glutathione is what he does in the clinic. There is good literature on this and many have used this for 30-40 years without knowing why they are so effective.  Many people chelate and find improved health, and they think it is from the metals not being present but he believes that it is because the chelating agents are also removing these biotoxins as well. 

Question: Do you have to remove the amalgam fillings in patients with mercury toxicity or can you just do the chelations. He gives analogy of a house with mold and a patient .... why would you want to take all these things to protect the body from it, or should you mitigate the mold in the house? 

The interviewer is clearly frustrated about the cost of removing the amalgams.  Yes, clean up the home if you can, then do what you need to clean up the body.  Amalgam fillings evaporate mercury every time you breathe, eat, drink and 80% of that gets stores in the body which is a huge bioacumulation every day as long as you have the filling there. 

International Academy of Biologic Dentistry and the American Holistic Dental Association and the IAOMT -- International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology --  which has a protocol that makes it reasonably safe. Unfortunately the dentists with conventional training have lost their source of income because of better oral health overall so dentists sometimes state they are in line with doing these types of procedures and they are not doing it the right way. So you have to ask them questions and be sure.

Things to look for -- there has to be testing of the material that goes in the mouth to determine what will be safe for the patient, so that is a warning sign if the dentist is not doing that. And the patient should have air ... NOT oxygen as it opens the blood-brain barrier and is a devastating mistake .... Plus a Swedish tool that is put over the tooth as it is being drilled on sucks 100% of the mercury in the air from around the tooth and keeps it out of the patient way for breathing it in (and the workers obviously). And then the usual, reasonable brain and hands to do the artistry part of the dentistry.  At his office, Debbie Ferguson will be able to guide people to dentists in their area if they call. They don't do a list for political reasons. 

Chemical sensitivity patients that are very sensitive to going into buildings or when people come near them who have ... how do you deal with cross contamination? She/interviewer says she has SEVERE patients that cannot get near family members.  His answer is with MCS ... the first question is can they tolerate being in their office so he can test them and can they tolerate the treatment.  There is some genetic issues --- MTHFR issues, methylation, glutathione issues, etc....  

American Academy of Environmental Medicine  (Bill Rea's work, in Dallas he refers to, who along with Jacob Teitelbaum was credited by Lumigrate's second MD expert in the forums, Marc Spurlock, with being a mentor to him.  Dr S was working half time for Dr Rea's Dallas clinic when I encountered/ met him on FB and at the time he met with me in person the first of two times when he was in Utah for multi level marketing conferences as he was a distributor and utilized the NuSkin products .. which included anti aging supplements in capsules not just what you'd think with topical skin. Fascinating stuff and he was very inspired by the products the company was developing)...   Dr K goes on to say that the environmental medicine doctors do it beautifully, and have a network of physicians that do 4 day conference every year.  So they are good resources.

There are mold literate physicians, and Lyme literate physicians, and environmental medicine doctors and they haven't all talked together to each other for a while but that is coming together more lately.  

In the MCS patients, the limbic system is completely in chaos and brainwave biofeedback is used  ....

MCS patients can tolerate huge doses of the things that treat the core of their illness, which often is the Lyme disease or molds, which is stunning because they are so sensitive to so many things, such as foods, etc. They eat one grain of rice and react but can tolerate massive quantities of things when it's addressing the underlying cause of the problem .. they were fascinated by this when they discovered it in his past work. 

He uses a lot of homeopathy and he's created his own line of homeopathics in Austria. is the company.  They do immune regulation.  Then with these patients they work on getting the patient more tolerant of everything. Most MCS patients have Lyme. In 1996 he mentioned this to a group of MCS patients and it was the last time they invited him. Now that has sunk in and many MCS patients are getting treatment along the lines of how he treats, or they're going to someone like Dr Shoemaker.  

(There are many more details in that section, above so please listen ...)

How does it work, what do you treat first? They focus on the larger microbes and then work their way down. Parasites. Protasoa. Bacteria. Microplasms. Viruses.  

Many of the larger creatures are themselves infected with the smaller ones. So if you start with antivirals but the babesia or the borrelia or molds have the viruses in them, then once you're done treating for that, this larger 'bug' had kept what you'd just treated for out of the way of treatment and so you still end up with it being released into the body. Hence this is the sequence, treating the bigger things first.  

The heavy weight of the dosing goes to what you're focusing on but then smaller doses working on the other things .. overlapping.


How does the Autonomic Response Testing work?  The skeletal muscles are innervated to make it contract and then to contract.  The muscles also have autonomic innervation from the sympathetic nervous system -- this was not known until 20 years ago.  This is why your muscles get tight when you're under psychological stress.  

So you're looking at when a muscle tightens up and when it relaxes indicating what's going on with the body.  In the early days we would put things in the mouth of the patient, say bread ... and you'd see the response with the tightening.  When you put something in the mouth that would be like an enzyme to break down the gluten, then you'd see the relaxation response in a few seconds.  

Then they realized you could put it next to the body and the body can monitor the energy around the body .. electromagnetic sense we inherited from old ancestors like sharks ... placing things near the patient.  So if you put the culture of borrelia near the patient then you know if the patient responds to that you know it has dealt with that before.  It helps us sift and get closer to what we need to test for and that helps us get to the truth.  

SideNote: I've had Dr Kennedy, who provided some content in the forums in 2012 testing off of feeling the cranium rhythms he's learned to use.  He said he'd learned from the person who developed that method, but I don't recall the name of the doctor or researcher.  I then had someone suggest to me for my cat's issues an animal intuitive who would do this work remotely, she could pick up if something was a good or not good match or get into which component of a mixed product was not right for the animal (which could also be the person / owner as she remarked about how similar the cat and I were in what our nutritional needs were).  I also know of a D.C. who has provided a topic on Lumigrate in 2011 who was able to look at a photo of a person and a photo of a product and do this work ... and he ironically wasn't all that impressed with muscle testing techniques when he learned of them in DC school but he got into a situation he had to resort to it and realized it worked, then realized he could do it differently than their method.  But he would say 'for what it's worth' and went on his way and said he only did it as requested and a couple of times a week in his practice, typically. He stuck to things that are more in the brain figuring things out, in other words.  So I wanted to elaborate a bit here about these forms of muscle testing, I find them fascinating. Many more people, such as working in health food stores and in providers offices do muscle testing for products and don't make that public as the public is not generally accepting of it and it looks too 'wooh wooh'. 

Stressing the patient and what releases the stress and interpreting that correctly and establishing the treatment program based on that is what the ART method is about, in summary, per Dr Klinghardt.

Once your body is freed up from these things, does the person get less sensitive to foods, as so many of these patients, including the interviewer, have so many food sensitivities.   Basically when you have these exposures, the portions of your body are engaged in the battle of the microbes. Microbes deceive the body and through molecular mimicry it mucks up the body, and the food allergies are the outcome of that -- the immune system is derailed and are attacking things that are important to your survival. Some people are even allergic to oxygen. When a mammal is allergic to oxygen, that is not life-affirming.  Things have been abducted and derailed so it's important to find the microbes and eliminate them and then find the key to switching the immune system back to normal functioning.  Acupuncture can be huge in this. Qi Gong, Tai Chi. adminstrates to the different ingredients to that --- there are many protocols from the many doctors who treat these types of patients.

Four essential steps needed...

Immune regulation.  Find which portions of the immune system are upregulated and what are put to sleep.  He gives more details about this so listen to the MP3 file, please.

Kill the microbes that are deregulating the system.  ALADS protocols he is fine with but he uses plant antibiotics. Reducing them.

Getting the mycotoxins out --  that is the detox programs ... chiropractors have developed fantastic tools, and he uses a lot of microsilica, cilantro, chlorellia, and he has more detail when you listen to the file.

Moving the physiology of the patient back to it's normal parameters.  The pH of the blood has to be in a certain range for all these to work.  Treat the insulin resistance .. both mold and candida .... (again, listen to the file)

he mentions niacinimide and herbs and Biopure

He found the connection between Lyme disease and pyroluria -- credits Abraham Hoffer and the next doctor who was in Chicago (I didn't catch the name of the doctor/ clinic) that dropped the ball on it, then Dr K said he picked up the ball .... it's a trick by the bugs, the immune system is taken down by the pyroluria (which is zinc and B6 deficiency in his teachings, others also add magnesium) and then you can't get the toxins out.  The treatment is very simple, there's one supplement that is called Core that has the right balance of  nutrients (in his opinion)(I have a LOT of information about pyrolure or pyrrole disorder or pyrole disorder as it is more commonly called, he goes by some of the older names for it and there's clearly something different about history than what he's stating because in 2002 Julia Ross wrote about pyroluria in her The Mood Cure book and credits who told her about it, and it wasn't Dr Klinghardt. So someone in that timeframe had kept the fire burning about pyroluria and then Ms. Ross also did in her book. She stated she had just learned of it and was integrating treatment for it into her practice, which is mental / behavioral health with a nutritional, biochemical approach.  

Back to the interview: Immune modulation is the only thing homeopathy does.  Some provider types only address things with supplements, so they're missing the other aspects.  So you have to address all four of these facets .. the find the right products and the right dosing if you get that right, you get wonderful results. 

Mold illness you have to address the electrosmog / EMFs and you have to clean up the home and the work place if possible of EMFs. But other than that, treating viral, bacterial and mold is essentially the same. (Just the emphasis on EMFs for those with mold in them as a component). 

Her question was about mold and clothes and cars that have to be gotten rid of or can it be salvaged and cleaned? His personal experience is that if people have moved from a moldy home they move and it takes the mold with them and it will try to grow in the new home.  But if it's not wet and they do what he says about EMF reduction, and there's careful hygiene in the house and HEPA filter and etc, then it doesn't perpetuate the problem.  

It is best to move naked and start fresh and you're then guaranteed to avoid the problem. But that is very drastic.  Dr Shoemaker says it's not typically in the car but Dr K talks about being in the PNW and that he recommends not getting cars with sunroofs as they leak eventually and once you get one drop of water in a car ..... He then reinforces that Dr Shoemaker's website is the resource people really need to consult with. 

If you're one of the "dreaded haplotypes" I believe he is calling them (listen and see what you think) that are extremely mold sensitive, then the move should be more radical with things being left behind.  Books are one of the worst offenders with mold. If you mitigate the electromagnetic fields in the new environment, then the mold is going to be forgiving.  If you do mold and EMF remediation you can be much more forgiving with the material possessions you take with you. 

At this point Debbie is on the call and they're talking about products they have to offer at that time -- classes and some products they were running specials on. 

There was a quantum leap of advancing what he knows recently and there are many less items that the people have to take, there is less cost involved, things are more biological that he's been using.  He is a medical doctor but he has an intent of working with nature on every level and he has no grudge with the pharmaceutical industry, there are a lot of good people working there, but he has a personal preference to stay on the biological side. That might not be the quickest way to get there, it's more elegant.  And he gives away all his information in the various manuals and DVDs that he sells, and much of what he gives away at these interviews are free and they discuss his generosity with his time.  

She ends with how she is honored and grateful for the interview and she thanks him from the bottom of her heart. He graciously accepts and thanks people for listening and hopes maybe one or two ideas stick and push you in a good direction.  Then she thanks Debbie and the interviewer is thinking they're done but it turns out she didn't know it was being recorded and Debbie had arranged for that. So then they talk about that and her appreciation for Debbie having done that.  "Oh, great, so it was taped" ... and she is thinking they're not recording.  

Take this information to your practitioner, biological doctors or ILADS doctors and he would like to get his methods integrated into what other providers are doing, which is also the goal of the interviewer.  The website is very old and she'll get it updated .. and you can contact her at ... they do not give out or sell email addresses.  

The interview was done by Patricia of a Georgia Lyme Disease Coalition .. at the beginning when she thanks them on behalf of the people at the GLDC she says 'on behalf of myself, Judith (last name), President of .... " and I thought she was saying that she was Judith and was president of the organization but then at the end and looking at the link that was not the case. So I thought I'd just mention that here in case anyone else has the same confusion.  And I'll sign off by thanking Patricia and her organization for doing the interview AND Debbie and Dr Klinghardt and his whole team that are part of offering this type of information that I can them provide at Lumigrate for YOUsers.  Yes, you can thank me, too --- grins. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
D.O.'s website about mold created after she was ill and healed

 Toxic white mold was also part of this doctor's health issue it is stated on the home page of this comprehensive website. She is available for consultations, has a forum area for supportive conversations, and has products and bundles of things that make this much easier to navigate it appears to me.  

I just saw this today, thanks to Eric Johnson who is one of the 160 or so people who were documented in the outbreak that occurred in the winter of 1985 in the Lake Tahoe area. He is a resource that I've found on Facebook to be very prolific in what he digs around and finds and he is a man on a mission with his theories and opinions and has a very narrow focus to what he's looking at so I caution people about that if they're getting out there learning.  But he is one who made a recovery and he is convinced of what he believes.  

I have asked his opinion about Dr Klinghardt and he feels that most of what Dr Klinghardt says lines up with what he believes about chronic illness which has to do with mold exposure and toxins in the person. So I wanted to credit him for his efforts and also let YOUsers know that there are many people in groups on Facebook who have been involved in this as well as these other Internet resources I link to.  

I have no history with who might be a resource at this website in the patient forum area but they are likely a good resource to check out and I will be doing that soon.

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

Eric believes that mold was the cause of the Tahoe outbreak that began in the winter of 1985. He has pointed to this 1986 mainstream media article which is online as a good article about it in his opinion.

I watch his page mostly because I was in the Fort Collins outbreak of 1988/89 which never got any media coverage -- the only reason I know about it was that one of the providers I went to said there was an outbreak of it in Fort Collins and everyone was educated to refer to a group of ENTs that were linked in with National Jewish in Denver and were able to diagnose and treat it. The first partner in the practice that I went to totally missed the boat but I went back when his partner had returned from an overseas sabbatical to start a clinic in India, where he is now full time per the Internet. He immediately saw the puffy under eye area and said 'I know what's wrong with you I think, if that' new' and it was. He did one test, for Epstein-Barr virus, and it came back with high titers.

So I was diagnosed with CEBV at that time. His only treatment was to tell you to rest when you were very fatigued, to keep moving, exercise was needed but NOT once you started to become weak and depleted feeling, so I started with a block (half a block and turning around and coming home and sitting before my noodly feeling legs gave out or my blood pressure dropped and I'd collapse which thankfully never happened in that time frame I was very careful).  The other component was prescribing a very low dose of an antidepressant and I believe it was one that was dopamine ... but I don't have those records anymore to look at so that's just my recollection. That was to help with the sleeplessness and mental fog he said.  

And I did get better, though I didn't look well within a year despite that I was working out over the winter at the health club I'd joined and getting more and more of my physical condition back VERY slowly.  I just figured it out on my own, the trainers didn't know of anyone with my issues so I just figured it out ... pool work to keep from getting overheated, rowing machines that had fan resistance and that would blow on me and cool me. Toning classes not aerobics but the room was very cool and I'd not overheat. I thankfully had just bought my first car in 1988 that had air conditioning in it so I remember thinking I'd not be able to have driven if I'd not gotten that car. Then I went to a chiropractor who was very focused on diet and supplements as well as the alignments of things structurally and I got to feeling more robust and well than I ever had in my life.  I can honestly say I thought I was 100% well for a number of years.  

And then I loosened up on my extremely 'different than what most people consume' diet I was following with good results, and started doing what my friends were doing -- who also worked out a lot and were active outdoors and were 'animals' ... not really getting it that I was with other things in me that would have to be dealt with life-long.  Now I get it now!   It's about time -- I'm in my 50s and have been dealing with significant issues that wax and wane and need attention by a LOT since just after getting married in 1981 (which had to do with my body reacting to the rubella vaccine required by the state to get a license, something I regret feeling the need to do today but again, live and learn).

But this is something I see in patients I'd worked with who'd had acute, traumatic brain injuries and I'd even warn them at the start that EVERY patient will be really good at their adapted lifestyle until they start getting enough return / reversal in symptoms that they'll do something they used to do without thinking it though, and set themselves back.  In one case it was at a time in her insurance process from worker's comp that she ended up with a settlement and not getting to continue on, recover and return to work which I was actually forseeing she would do up until the setback (which was going to a movie that was loud and flashes of light -- overwhelmed what was in the brain processing that kind of stimuli).  

We're all human, after all!

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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2013 Study: Outstanding Resource From a Dr to a Pt to FB

I have grown to encouraging people increasingly to be networked about topics they're working on researching with other places I've found that have good researchers and teachers, advocates, activists.  In order to help people wade through the scads of options on Facebook by now, I mention the resources so people can find their way to what I, at the time at least, though were good resources.  Eric Johnson I've mentioned elsewhere at Lumigrate, I believe, and do caution people that he's totally focused on mold, and I'm not convinced it's as easy as that.  Convergent thinking is what we've discussed on the vaccine thread about what's in vaccines and why they wreak havoc with health and how it takes divergent thinking ... there's a great graphic that Debby Bruck provided.  She's totally focused on homeopathy.  

I'm not certain that's the way to go either, I think it's complex and multifaceted.  And Dr Klinghardt discusses that (mentioned in above comments, I'd transcribed his mold interview and provided it here) on one of his handfull of interviews that are provided at his website's 'Listen to Dr Klinghardt' tab. That homeopathy is important and addresses one aspect of what can be done for treatment, but on its own it doesn't solve the problem.  Hence consumers have to make up their virtual or live health care teams as we show with the YOU model at Lumigrate and it gets complicated when you have multiple people in the family you're ushering to the various providers, services, products. 

Something that stood out in this information at the link were some of the cases broken out to go into detail about were entire families that had symptoms that would indicate mold, per the research and other research. The symptoms vary in different people though, so it's not like everyone has gotten the same cold or flu bug and they make the connection that what they were exposed to is causing the symptoms.     

It also breaks out the types of molds found, which I found interesting. In Dr Klinghard's interview about molds he speaks of the various types and I'm not great lately at picking up spellings when seeing words and then being able to spell them correctly when writing and so I've left spots for people to hear those details. Sometimes I can't make out the word because of the poor quality of the recording and perhaps my hearing getting less than ideal, plus he has a German accent. I've always had difficulties with accents, I had an OTR coworker who was a cajun from Louisiana and he'd laugh at how I'd have to watch his mouth then process and then get what he'd said.  As an OT he'd noticed, or else he was a good observer. 

NOTE: NCBI at NIHdotGOV, when one goes to copy and paste anything from the abstract to use as I frequently do to show people why I say 'this is what you'll find if you take the link and go to the site', allows you to highlight what you want to copy but when you click where you'd drop into edit to copy, it just clicks you out of being highlighted. SO no highlight / preview here for you to see as a result.  Why would that be?  I've had things be different at links before and I've then not been able to find the previous resource that was at that link.  2006/7 I found an incredible resource about cervical versus lumbar disk problems in people who had fibromyalgia symptoms and had emailed myself about it and then went to that email to pull it up and it was a different document, similar subject information but not at all what had been there.  Just sayin' that I find it really not cool that our .gov website doesn't allow us to copy and paste out portions of things that are at their website and should be something I'd like people to be aware of. 

Typically the sites will say 'just give us a link back and give us credit' basically.  Natural Grocers' website was such that you can copy and paste out and into your own site their graphics even which is groovy as they have developed great graphics for their foundational nutrition information resources, and then just give a linkback.  Dr Teitelbaum, who is on this thread above in the interview with Dr Shoemaker, had told me in person that I could use up to a certain number of pages of content from his website before the lawyers get upset and he was welcoming that I was going to help people find out about him and his work that way. I do try to make these threads now be more on each thread about the facets to do with health so people can chew away and come back and keep going on things over time that I think are sorting in some of the better things to study for people who have less time and energy or wherewithall for studying and getting the information we have to have to figure out what to do for ourselves or our loved ones.  I hope this mold topic is helping, so far it has only had a few hundred views.  I think it warrants a lot more attention and my guess is in the coming times people are going to be more and more aware and be searching.  



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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InsideMentalHealth at, from 1/12/2015

You'll hear The Scorpions' song "Hurricane" as intro music on this listenable learning file.

This was something posted by Eric Johnson and he pointed out the use of the music as something he appreciated because, he said, at the 2009 IACFS/ME conference in Reno, they warned CFS researchers to watch for what would happen after the next hurricane.  Then Hurricane Sandy occurred, and what happened after that confirmed their predictions (about mold and wellness).  He said that  Dr Shoemaker says, "You have to be blind or intentionally disinterested..."…/2015-01-12T12_13_…


Here's what you'll find at the link to read: 

Ritchie Shoemaker M.D. and special guest Bill Young, owner of Mold n More discus the doctors book - Surviving Mold: Life in the Era of Dangerous Buildings...

Richie Shoemaker, M. D.,is a recognized leader in patient care, research and is an education pioneer in the field of biotoxin related illness acquired following exposer to Microbes, especially molds and bacteria, growing in water-damaged buildings thus making people sick. Powerfully written, Surviving Mold follows Mold Warriors (published in 2005) as the definitive source of information on "mold" illness, its basis in inflammation, its physiology and its links to politics, lawsuits and science.

Written by America's most widely published mold-treating physician, Surviving Mold has true stories, cutting edge science and a wide open expose of the shenanigans in medicine, governmental agencies and courtrooms regarding this increasingly common problem in the US and around the world.

If you have an ill-defined chronic illness, or know someone who does, your first step to return to health might be to ask if there is the possibility of exposure to musty basements, wet bathrooms, leaking roofs, flat-roofed schools, office buildings with recirculated air or buildings with construction defects.

If you already know that you could be sickened by water-damaged buildings, Surviving Mold will guide you through diagnosis and treatment, through remediation and return to health. Complete with multiple chapters written by guest authors, Surviving Mold is based on Dr. Shoemaker's experience with over 6000 patients he has treated from all 50 states and 30 foreign countries. The science in Surviving Mold is all peer-reviewed and published.



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Wonderful Overview Article at

A GREAT topic written by a woman who is a mother that started a website (DecodingADHD dot com) to relate what their process was when they had a child diagnosed with ADHD.  Looking at what the child's writing issues are in a photo shared in the end-of-year topic she (Elle is her name) added on New Year's Eve, there's a lot going on with this kiddo's neuro developmental systems.  

With this kind of knowledge and research she's done and thankfully provides for us to learn from as this is a comprehensive as well as easy to read article, and the progress being reported so far, I'm looking forward to seeing what the progress  the mother reports at decoding ADHD dot com.  

Link to Red Tides Inside, this wonderfully written (and referenced) New Year review she published at her website on New Years Eve 2014 (and then updated in 2015 when getting some information about patents that substantiate the portion that is about cyanobacteria):

An excerpt from "Red Tides Inside" (link, above and at the end of the excerpt : 

A mother will fight for her child to not only survive, but thrive.

I believe that our amazingly advanced modern medicine is woefully inadequate to the present state of disease and illness in children.  In fact, the elephant in the room is the very same technology that we all praise as saving us.  Our modern lifestyle of chemicals infusing our air, water and soil, has potentially permanently altered our genes and cell function while inciting a new class of enemies we can hardly fathom.  Our global and human immune system is under massive attack.  The red tides are not just along our shorelines, they are lapping inside the cytoplasm of our children, distorting and damaging their ability to defend themselves and grow the way nature designed.  Our immune systems are incredibly robust and capable, until and unless they are disabled or damaged.  No theory of evolution can outpace the madness of modern toxicity.  There seems to be no end in sight.


What is wrong with our children?

Much of the confusion parents face today comes from the enormous tidal wave of chronic disease and conflicting treatment pronouncements.  Something doesn’t add up and no one is giving us any answers.  If you have a child today, you probably remember a childhood relatively free of serious disease.  Children were very rarely afflicted by anything more serious than chicken pox or the flu.  I didn’t know anyone with allergies more serious than hay fever.  Now my niece can DIE if she touches peanut oil?  Today, every other child in my son’s class has a health issue of one kind or another.  Most have adjusted to the ill fitting new normal and have no idea what it’s like to eat without care or process information without a prescription.

The Cinderella Vaccine Effect – Modern Medicine Hurting More than Helping

We were raised listening to the horror stories of our parents and grandparents, mostly about war and poverty, but also about diseases that are now easily prevented or treated with better hygiene, water sanitation and nutrition.  Vaccines were rushed into production (captive, fearful and trusting audience) to fix anything else deemed threatening to our future Jetsons lives without regard to the actual impact of the contents or whether or not vaccines were even necessary or effective in disease prevention.  We all lined up for our shots and happy meals….Little did we know that the world that created vaccines, also brought a tsunami of untested toxins, depleted faux foods, and chemical “cides” that would make all the worlds mercifully acute epidemics seem like expired dance cards compared to the long suffering and mysterious chronic plagues of the modern world.

As the 70s and 80s progressed, and we earned our degrees and met our mates, the level of chemical pollution in our air, water and soil escalated to unprecedented levels.  Whatever your beliefs about climate change, the fact that modern industrial practices have unleashed millions of new lab created chemicals and microbes, never before existing in this biosphere, is NOT a trivial little factoid.  Much of what we unleash into the ground and air is meant to kill the known enemies and ends up feeding and catalyzing the unknown enemies.  We have yet to understand nor appreciate the synergies of mother nature.  And as a consequence, 


We are engineering our own extinction."   

-- again, the link

Live and learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Stetzer As Resource About Electricity in the Environ & Remedies

They ran WAY over on time at OneRadioNetwork  when electricity expert Dave Stetzer was the guest on this relatively popular online radio show.   

Mr Stetzer began his career in the health aspects and remediation of effects of electricity as an electrician in Wisconsin.  Listening at the link (below), he explains the history of how he got into looking at EMFs and electricity's effects on health.

With the expected midwest accent, it was enjoyable to listen to him talk, and I got the sense from what he said that he's very honest. Yes, he sells filters and meters and etc. for people to monitor and reduce the 'electric smog' in their houses (or whatever) and etc., but most of what he talked about on this show was discharging the electricity that builds up in you by standing regularly on a piece of aluminum foil. He talks about the various soils and electric factors that result in it being sometimes detrimental to health to be walking barefoot, and the history of how the electricity industry's ways of doing things have changed over time and created these issues.    

And yes, people have asked him which side of the aluminum foil and if that matters.  He also makes the point, substantiated by anyone asking what side of the foil, that we get taken advantage of by people making products to sell us that don't work, sometimes making things worse even, because of our lack of knowledge.  As he steps the host through the information I'm challenged to figure out what he's really talking about because I was really never good at understanding electricity. I'm glad people ask! I'm just so sorry that we've had such debilitating education in life that we're literally sitting ducks for being taken advantage of.. and killed! Slowly sometimes.  Faster other times.  So let's think about putting in the TIME to do our homework about what helps us and our loved ones (remember pets too!) have a better shot at wellness and get away from this increasing illness problem!  

My father was good at understanding electricity, and I believe he taught it to some degree in the military.   He spoke of it often, so I have an awareness but not an education because despite steeping in it, my brain just cannot grasp a lot of things without EXTENSIVE study.  

My mother was a teacher who got into some really innovative information about the neurological system and  how it was leading a lot of students to having learning disabilities because of the neurological system of the body being impaired.  Exercises were something that was done by her and later would be done with students identified with 'sensory integration dysfunction' in public schools and some private schools that I was aware of.  Since my mother screened every student in the late 1960s to mid to late 1970s that went through our local elementary school in 3rd grade once learning of these issues and help via exercises, I was privy and recall her saying only ONE had a perfect neurological system, my classmate Shellie (permission from her given to me to share this by the way).  

In every photo of me from in school, my head was down .. I now realize I do that to darken what comes into my eyes/brain if the source of light is not to my brain's liking.  Damaged brains know these things, we might not be aware.  So with the fluorescent lighting of those days perhaps there was more my mother could have done in her classroom.  It wasn't going to matter for long, a regime change occurred in the mid 1970s that put pressure upon her to stick to the curriculum and what they expected from teachers. She refused to stop doing what she thought was right for her impaired students and had to retire early rather than be fired.  It was quite an ugly issue darkening my already burdened family home.  A home which I later came to realize had many issues that had affected my health negatively.  But kudos to my mother, deceased since 1987, for putting up the good fight for us! 

I knew this electricity in us and how to get it out and remediate it in the air around us was important.  So I'd been really seeking the 'expert' I wanted to have about this topic to link to from Lumigrate. Now I have.  I'd heard Dr Klinghardt referring to Stetzer filters but couldn't make out the name/word Stetzer, and then a savvy, smart, and sick but working to get healthy FB friend who understands WAY more stuff that the average person (clearly a genius in my guessbook) had shared this link on a discussion that I happened upon when making a NEW FB friend that also was just all over it with what they had posted (related to molds, cyanobacteria, etc.,). 

So here YOU are -- Stetzer as a source! I had held off for years now on information that I had presented to me about gadgets that people were getting all whooped up about, because I hadn't been convinced that it was 'the real deal'.  Do your homework, this is just my process I share with YOUsers to make time and energy more efficient from Lumigrate out to learn more about things by reducing the risk of getting into misinformation.  

His website is, where people can go and order online, but he said if people call 'the girls' will give a little discount to callers. (I wasn't sure if this was in combination with the radio show and people call there and then it's all connected with their agreements to share monies from these marketing / education shows or if it was his staff that gives discounts if you call and say you heard about it on this show..... )

He said at one point that he calls people 'girls' when they're women --- it was really kind of cute the way he said it.  He was talking fairly early on in the show about a study related to how much electricity would build up in women working around computers, and then in the morning after they'd gone home and done all they did and slept (with any luck), what they measured when they arrived back at work the next day.  

I think when anyone is saying he gives out tin foil to people and he's only on his second huge roll of it since discovering this stuff decades ago, it's a good chance this is a source worthy of time.  I found near the end the detective work the host reported doing on the 'earthing mats' was interesting as well, he's just seeming to be more and more of a favorite source for me the more I have someone suggest something from his radio 'network' on the Internet.  

Other highlight: ABSOLUTELY stay away from compact fluorescent bulbs he says and backs up with information about what you get from bulbs of this sort  plus studies about EMFs.  Non dimmable LEDs would be what he'd recommend, and they use less 'juice' than even the CFs.  Incandescents are something people stocked up on when they foresaw this happening.  The CFs don't lower the electric bill, the meters read inaccurately becasue the meter spins faster -- they use less electricity.  

Truly, worth the time to listen to. I'll hope to return and add more overview for those who want to read and not listen. Either way, please 'hear' the information and hopefully support sites like OneRadioNetwork.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

Here's what you'll find in part at the home page at Stetzer's website:


Over the past decade, Dave Stetzer has focused on troubleshooting power quality problems, specifically the problem of dirty electricity (electrical pollution, “stray voltage”), in the United States and in numerous countries throughout the world. His work in this area led to the development of the STETZERiZER® Filter, the world’s first power line EM (electromagnetic) filter.

If you are looking for information about dirty electricity, electrical pollution, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), then you’ve come to the right place. If you want to know how dirty electricity affects you, your loved ones, your employees, or your clients we have many articles and scientific, peer-reviewed papers available on our Research page. If you are looking for a solution to your electrical pollution problems, go to the STETZERiZER Store and check outSTETZERiZER Filters and the STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter!

If you need to purchase STETZERiZER products for use outside of North America Stetzer Electric has contracted independent distributors in most major countries throughout the world. Find an authorized STETZERiZER distributor near you.

Stetzer Electric is not only the world’s leading source for STETZERiZER® brand products, but we also offer professional electrical services including electric motor rewind and repair and electrical contracting. Over the past decade Stetzer Electric has also performed power quality consulting for farms, residences, and corporations all over the world. Check out our Services page to find out more about all of the services we offer!

To find out more about Stetzer Electric in general, check out the About page.


 February 24, 2015 he was once again a guest and I think it's an hour worth listening to --- the listeners / followers of OneRadioNetwork and Patrick Timpone (pronounced Tim pone eh) were credited by Dave Stetzer MANY times with how educated and intelligent they are and how much he enjoys their calls and emails to him after he's been on the show. He goes over in more detail due to many questions about the tin foil for discharging  ... and other things relative to protecting self from 'smart meter' frequencies and what the symptoms can be.  He even travels with bulbs to put into the hotel room's fixtures while he's there since so many  use the curly, toxic ones.  He mentions his US Senator asked him to go to Washington and he did, and his senator had told him that there's a lot of money with lobbyists that has skewed the policies and products that we're having to work our way through getting OUT of our environments.  

Hopefully we'll be getting the corrupt system OUTed at some point and then we can go foward with less efforts but in the mean time it is up to YOU to LEARN what you need to know about subjects affecting  your well-being plus any being you are responsible for such as pets and plants and etc.  His background was re-iterated at the top of the interview relative to the cows in Wisconsin where he is/was an electrical contractor and their production being affected.  He also tells of how he had terrible headaches after being gone on a trip for a couple of weeks and others in his business' building were not well and that he felt better when he went up to another place in the building.  Then a worker remembered to say that the utility company had been out and changed the meter.  So he goes over health effects he's aware of that have to do with EMFs.  I love his idea of giving away aluminum foil squares to help people get educated and active about dis-charging themselves.  

I'm not the only one who has difficulty with standing still for a minute (I put it where my supplements are that I dig through and then take, mid day but then I also take probiotic at bedtime (some say to take it with dinner with the food as our bodies were used to getting the bacteria with the food, but so far I've not changed my 'habit').  Funny how the simple things are sometimes the most difficult to incorporate.  Thanks to Dave Stetzer for his enginuity and rising to meet the needs of electrical consumers seeking ways to reduce the health impacts of EMFs in their homes and offices.  

They also discussed EMFs and cars, by the way -- I understand it better now, as he said diesel engines are what some have to go to that are sensitive to EMFs and that makes sense! And naturally the more batteries the vehicle has like hybrids, the more EMFs, so they discussed that.  Someone asked about using aluminim foil with the hands similar to the feet -- my thought was to think about surface area and that it might not happen as fast as with the feet ... it is easier to discharge more frequently with the hands but I'd say before bedtime, best to do it the way Dave has researched it and recommends.   Below is what you'll find at the OneRadioNetwork topic about this show:


Over the past decade, Dave Stetzer has focused on troubleshooting power quality problems, specifically the problem of dirty electricity (electrical pollution, “stray voltage”), in the United States and in numerous countries throughout the world. His work in this area led to the development of the STETZERiZER® Filter, the world’s first power line EM (electromagnetic) filter


Show Highlights:

-Dave Stetzer was inspired to look into stray voltage when farmers started complaining about the low milk production of their cows

-What changed in the way they built the energy efficient appliances?

-The problem with CFLs, the worst light bulbs

-What do micro surge meters show?

-What’s the difference between dirty electricity, WiFi and cell phone tower frequencies

-Why is it that other countries like Israel and France have outlawed WiFi in schools, but the U.S. will not acknowledge the dangers of this technology?

-Discharging the body by standing on aluminum foil

-Is there any problem with sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad?

-When metering, what is a safe level of RF?

-Why Dave is not a fan of grounding

-Are faraday cages effective in a home environment?

-What about if your room has carpet; doesn’t walking on the carpet build electricity? For those with pace makers what the impedance level ?

-Shielding EMFs from smartmeters

and so much more!!

Dave Stetzer

Visit Website


dave stetzer and all things electricity, february 24, 2015

I don't pick up the phone and call every source of information that I find and utilize for YOUsers of Lumigrate to link out to when I'm checking around and then creating content and figuring out where to go with things for myself as a consultant about education on things to do with wellness, for Lumigrate as a website (which is interrelated but intended to be ultimately useful for many people for many purposes).  
But I did with Dave Stetzer.  And I'm glad I did. His customer service person was very friendly and appropriate and helpful, and took a very good message down. He called that evening and answered my questions and discussed what I was interested in doing relative to helping people take the action needed to make their homes, offices, vehicles 'better for them' than they are.  It's a lot to learn but I encourage YOUsers to always learn about things, but it's another thing to have them get enough knowledge to DIY. In most cases the people are limited by knowledge, but in the case of people who Lumigrate and I reach, they're at least 'aware' and then if they get enough education about the topic at hand then they might want to become proactive about it.  They might be limited in one of the resources (which break down to time, energy, and money), but with setting of priorities and looking at choices, lifestyle habits, and their decision making process, most barriers can be reduced and worked around. 
So I kept studying about Stetzer and his ways/ gadgets and information, and saw that OneRadioNetwork's interviews with Mr. Stetzer had included his talking about his colleague and friend, Sam Milham.  When I saw that Dr Milham had been interviewed by Patrick Timoni in 2013 and 2014 in their wise lists of 'other interviews you might want to listen to' at the end of each page having to do with an interview at OneRadioNewtork, I listened.  
Dr Milham was more difficult to listen to than David Stetzer, he was having difficulties with his throat which reminded me of my father when my father was his age, and then I went around his website and found a YouTube video that I watched and so saw Dr Milham after hearing him talking about hiking many miles into the forests and backcountry and still finding electricity running through the Earth/ground.  The video was about how he came to get involved with a cancer cluster at a school nearby.  Later in the video he brings in another school with a photo that a teacher had sent him showing a whopping tower, not your regular 'cell phone tower' immediately next to the campus.  
It reminded me of a health club in Grand Junction which I think is superb and has amazing massage therapists renting space in the building, but there's a massive tower right there.  I wonder about the health effects of the people who spend a good deal of time in that area -- there are many other businesses nearby too, I used to work at one of them but was doing home health so was only there for a few hours a day.  THANKFULLY they had us wired in with our laptops not using wifi; how far I've come since 2005-2007 when I thought they were not keeping up with the time by having all the wires when my other building where I contracted O.T. services we were with three wifis in our clinic if I remember correctly due to the metal studs and layout of our clinic's offices and treatment areas.
This is an area of wellness I'm really excited about right now and believe it's one of the EASIER things to help people change (as compared to changing diet, exercise, vices, etc.).  Just like Dr Klinghardt says when treating a chronically ill person, you start with the biggest parasites first and then basically you see a reversing of symptoms that eventually includes brain function and THEN the person can REALLY get going on figuring things out and doing differently.  I had the great fortune to consult 1:1 with someone yesterday who has reached that point now and it's a whole different 'deal' than when I was first talking with them 15 months ago.  This is a person with a science background formally and who worked in education.   
was just as informative and so I continued to listen AND then go to his website and look around.  But to introduce Dr Milham here I wanted to provide THIS link and topic to a wonderful article about him at MicrowaveNews dot com: 
as well as the Bio of him from his website:

Education and Experience: Union College, Schenectady, New York, September 1950-June 1954, B.S. Sigma Xi, Fuller Chemistry Prize New York State Medical Scholarship.

Albany Medical College, September 1954-June 1958, M.D. Alpha Omega Alpha.

Intern, U.S. Public Health Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, July 1958-July 1959.

U.S. Public Health Service Residency in Public Health. Assigned to Monroe County Health Department, Rochester, New York, July 1959-August 1960.

Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, September 1960-June 1961, M.P.H.

Senior Resident in Epidemiology. Epidemiology Residency Program, New York State Department of Health, June 1961-1962.

Development Consultant. New York State Department of Health, 1963-1967.

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Albany Medical College, July 1964-1967.

Diplomate, American Board of Preventive Medicine, June 1966.

Associate Professor, University of Hawaii School of Public Health and Medical School, 1967-1968.

Travel Fellowship, IARC 1971.

Section Head, Epidemiology Section, Washington State Department of Health, 1968-1986.

Travel Fellowship, International Cancer Research Technology Transfer, 1981.

Washington State Public Health Association Annual Award, 1986.

Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, Washington State Department of Health, 1968-1988.

Clinical Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Public Health, 1968--.

Section Head, Chronic Disease Epidemiology Section, Washington State Department of Health, 1988-May 1992.

Adjunct Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 1989--.

Robert Carl Strom Foundation Humanitarian Award, 1990.

Member of Bioelectromagnetics Society, 1984--.

Self-employed, June 1992.

Elected to Fellowship, Collegium Ramazzini, October 1994.

Ramazzini Award. 1997

Sam Milham Cirriculum Vitae

By Googling his name and keywords, will you find naysaying websites taking digs at Sam and his work? Yes, you will. Remember, there's a LOT of money at stake for the industries involved in all of this, and movies have often given us stories of true or based on fact situations where people were harassed for trying to tell the truth to others.  YOUsers of Lumigrate hopefully keep this in mind and I always suggest that people do their own vetting of sources, don't just rely upon my judgment -- thought my judgment has gotten increasingly better the longer I've been doing what I'm doing here at Lumigrate.  
Five years ago or so, you'd have easily found something on Google that was naysaying about me --- why would anyone have taken the TIME and ENERGY to put out the naysaying about me and my website .... they were purporting to be a person with fibromyalgia with a Facebook group and in 2009 when this occurred, Lumigrate was brand new and I'd invested all of my funds to get it off the ground.  All of them.  
So it was very frustrating when I saw online that  someone accuse me of being a fake like the actresses on Lyrica commercials, as was stated, and say 'nobody with fibromyalgia could look like she does and go and do the hiking and skiing she claims to do' (which was actually that I GOT BACK TO DOING because I REVERSED symptoms by finding the underlying CAUSES and addressing them via 'FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE', using increasingly more natural and traditional solutions than unnatural and modern, allopathic style medicine). 
I hope to have both Mr Stetzer and Dr Milham look at my history including that of my mother before and after I was born and the property that they purchased five years before I was born and give their comments in order to not only help me learn but be an example for YOUsers that might  make this more interesting and helpful! 
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

I sometimes dedicate days of work to certain people.  Today I am dedicating my day of work to the teachers of Colorado, past, present and future.  One of them, who was a mother of a friend of mine who came out of her way to include me in taking tennis lessons as a teen, passed this week and thankfully similarly to my own mother in the spring of 1987 -- massive brain stroke and within a week you're with them on the other side.  ET went home, some might say (her initials), I'll be looking out for your 'shnoopsietups' (as she called her daughter, my friend) and her family as much as I can.  I thank you for the interest you always took in me and value everything I learned and experienced becasue of you and hope that all mothers out there who see a nice kid whose parents are unwell with whatever, as mine were, pick up the ball as you and so many of my friends' parents did and enlighten my life in my formative years.  

This is also inspired by the afore-mentioned science-trained, professional educator who lives or worked not too far from "ET", above, who thanked me yesterday for providing the learning opportunity I have on a subject they were 'into' but were 'stuck on'.  It was simply the layout of information provided by a dynamite researcher also working to reverse symptoms of what is labeled "MS" by allopathic medicine.  

I provided on a topic I've suggested at Lumigrate this year about cyanobacteria / algae, red reishi mushrooms, clean water, and of all things fenbendazole (livestock worming medicine) and the related trail of patents obtained by mainstream, organized businesses / BigScience, BigMedicine, BigPharma leading one to believe that there is MUCH more known about what's making us unwell and what can be done about it that has been patented but NOT developed and told to the general public! So to the Dr. Milhams and David Stetzers out there, THANK YOU for being in the trenches with me and I hope that what I provide from Lumigrate and my personal work consulting with people helps forward the ball you've been carrying for a long time.  



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Neuro-Degenerative & Cyanobacteria; 20 Universities PLUS Others

 Above, you will see a comment I created about the topic on a website about behavior (by Elle, a mother who created a website when a child of theirs was diagnosed with ADHD and she wanted to share the process with others what they did as a result), and when I had more time I went into look at the links she put as references for her topic "Red Tides Inside", which had a great deal to do with cyanobacteria. This is an exercise I'd suggest all researcher/YOUsers of Lumigrate do! 

Of particular interest to me was this article from 2012 which ends with reporting that 20 universities at that time were 'focusing' on cyanobacteria, and gives the history of the researchers that got into this long ago and to this day are studying it outside of Yellowstone/ Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  They say if they could disprove it, they coudl go onto something else but they have yet to disprove it. Other researchers finally replicated their research findings and it's a good thing for YOUsers to go read this and see what went on initially with a "BigResearch" type study and how these researchers then took the lead to suggest there be some changes in how everyone was doing the research to get in line with how they'd done it so others wouldn't be getting negatives when it was because of their process.  (This is my interpretation of what the author of the topic has written.) 

And ASTOUNDING statistics about ALS (a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's disease) rates going way way way up near areas after there are cyanobacteria blooms.  I have heard this from someone on Facebook who goes to a neurologist in an area not that close nor far from Lake Erie, it was actually a suprising distance from the lake, and in their community of 7,000 people there were 64 cases of MS the neurologist reported to this patient with MS and in a couple of years it shot up to many times that number, in the hundreds. In a town of 7,000! So while this article is about ALS, and mentions other neuro-degenerative disorders, perhaps thing broader and that might go past the things thought of as neuro-degenerative.  I believe millions of people have been going along with a diagnosis by organized medicine of 'fibromyalgia' without being aware of the 'overlapping conditions' theory.  So all the overlapping conditions I might suspect could potentially be included in this, if the research were to extend out further.  

NOTE that the research at this link points out they looked at Huntingtons as something to compare to as it is genetic.  But then there was some research which indicated that some of the things that appear to treat cyanobacteria might work with Huntingtons.  So more food for thought and study! 

Here's the link:

AND as is my usual format, a good sized appetizer of what you'll find if you take the link and the trip to 'see the sites' as I say:

BANACK AND COX SAY they believe the paradigm is shifting in the science of neurodegenerative diseases. For the past decade or so, most funds have gone toward seeking genes that cause neurodegenerative diseases. “If there’s a gene that can cause ALS, then maybe there’s some way to block it. Everybody’s been looking at genetics,” says Banack. “There’s some good research out there, but as Cox says, scientists have been kicking the same ball for 15 years.” Given that 90 percent of cases haven’t yet been explained by genetics, more scientists have begun assessing environmental triggers.

One thing going for the institute’s research is the variety of fields represented in Cox’s consortium of scientists. Too often scientists work in disciplinary silos, “and the silos are not communicating,” says Cox. “A lot of neurologists never heard of cyanobacteria, and a lot of cyanobacterial people were not that familiar with ALS. But there have been a lot of really smart people working really hard for a long time, and there has just not been any progress in terms of discovering new therapies. It’s going to require an interdisciplinary group to approach the problem from a number of different angles.

“The paradigm here that is emerging is that there are ties between environmental health and human health,” Cox goes on. “There is a tie between cyanobacteria and human health. I think that’s pretty well accepted. And at this point we suspect there may be a tie between cyanobacterial toxins and your risk of progressive neurodegenerative disease — but it’s still a hypothesis.”

“If we can disprove it, we can go move on to something else,” adds Banack. “But so far we’ve been unable to disprove it. The data support the hypothesis.”

“We probably have some details wrong,” Cox admits. “But at this point, it’s hard to think that we, including all 20 universities focusing on it, are totally on a wild-goose chase.”

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Food Mold

I've been adding onto other topics I had at Lumigrate and creating new this year with a great deal of insight and credit going ("where  credit is due") to the workhorse administrators in a group (on Facebook) started in 2014 by Steve Beddingfield, which has been putting pieces together about what is causing complex chronic illness symptoms in people (and other things). Steve's work is covered extensively at a topic, which I suggest people really working on their wellness/illness reasons/solutions go to.  You can find it by searching his name at the Search bar, or "Steve's Images". 

I was asked by Steve to review his photos, which I added on the thread about Steve's protocol, images, Facebook group, etc., on the creation date of this comment when I found this about "food mold", which I wanted to add here and start building some mold-focused information about what Steve's perspective is on mold --- with some of the highlights of the comments his very studious and throught-full, 'invested' 'students' have to say 'in class'.

Just yesterday Steve asked the group to revisit mold because of all the mainstream focus currently on mold. Dr. Oz had a segment on it. And Suzane Somers has come out with yet another book talking about mold (and I've heard it said she's basically said she didn't have 'cancer', she had mold symptoms, but I've not yet looked into what she is saying AS I've been working so much on capturing what Steve and his followers have to say and brining the highlights to Lumigrate for YOUsers. (And implementing it into my consultation work, plus all the other things I do surrounding getting word out about the 'hands on' learning melding health education with my experience when I worked as an occupational therapist, it's such a very good way to teach concepts in a relatively short time for those really wanting to get change coming where THEY are.) 

Whenever the mainstream starts pushing a concept, you can count on more people turning to Internet searches, and I hope that what I can provide at Lumigrate is unique and of value. I know it is unique -- I was the first to pick up the information of Steve Beddingfield; I created the topic about his group, microscope, protocol in early January of 2015/this year. 

"PosterGal" (I change everyone's names but Steve's) is a woman in the group who basically was the "home run hitter" that got me really tuned into the information in Steve's Images around Christmastime 2014, though he'd invited me to the group in August 2014, which he'd started in spring of 2014.  "PosterGal" recently went her separate way from the group, and it's very sad to see such a key group member's name in grey letters with the little symbol that indicates they're no longer a group member. Others of the 'et al. gal group' as I called them, who were all administrators at one time, and are all now not, still remain in the group as far as I've seen.  "Transitions" are something we do well to know how to weather. 

"PosterGal", as you'll see if you follow the information on Lumigrate about Steve's work, contributed so much, and I am sure is spending her time now getting things put together that she is going to be presenting to the Internet directly, and participating elsewhere on Facebook.  In the mean time, I had made her and all others aware I was taking highlights to post on Lumigrate in a way that they'd then have those to utilize in future work but also in the mean time the information is reaching people who are seeking information on the Internet. 

Editing this on Sunday, June 14, 2015 to include something Steve kicked off a new thread with in his group, on the subject of mold.  



Mold? Seems that it's taking over our homes, anywhere inside our homes that it's damp and dark, mold is growing. Mold is now a huge issue for not just home owners, we see it in commercial buildings, it's in the heating, cooling duct work, bathrooms, even places it wouldn't normally be found.

Has something changed with the mold? Why has it now become such a dominant decomposer? Why does it sicken the inhabitants of any building which it is inside? Has mold always been a huge problem for us, or did something change with mold?

How can a life form, one such as mold, suddenly become much more invasive of a species? How can it become much more pathogenic to those exposed to it? It seems that mold has changed!

So how does a species of fungi suddenly take a giant leap with its genetics? It does appear that such a leap has occurred, one that has now made these toxic molds much more powerful. They also grow much faster.

Many homes have been taken over by mold, Which can affect your health in ways that before now never seemed possible. There have always been molds in our enviroment which were capable of doing harm to humans, especially to the immune compromised, but now it seems that mold is capable of taking down healthy people, all occupants of any building.

We absolutely have a huge problem with mold, but why?!  Why does mold now have the ability to destroy our homes, autos, workplace and lives?  This is a question that needs answering, for all of us are now in some way, negatively affected by mold.

This question about mold and its new role as a super pathogen enters into my research with GSB. MOLD and GSB (giant sulphur bacteria) have come together, not as one, but yet they can present themselves as one. How is this possible? How can one organism, such as a species of fungi, become genetically linked to a species of bacteria? It is achieved via horizontal gene transfer.

From a group member who looked up what horizontal gene transfer was:

Another member says that Dr. Shoemaker is in the movie Moldy , at this link:

Another member said this: 

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker has mentioned that a fungicide was added to paint in the 1970s and some molds mutated after that, making them more powerful. I wonder if it's possible that new chemicals have caused other mutations for indoor and outdoor molds?
  •  Another member: Let's not forget about the electronics. Mold seems to be attracted to those. Mold mixed with chemicals in man made materials seems to make it mutant.
Yet another: The book, "They're Poisoning Us" by Arnold Mann connects mold to pesticides and other chemicals -- this book is a great resource for understanding why mold and sick building syndrome are affecting so many people. This is not a new thing -- it is just starting to be recognized more-- and it is more deadly because of mutations and building practices. We still have a long way to go in education -- doctors, construction industry, politicians... and people who are sick. I was sick for 20 years before I figured it out. It's not just mold, it's the toxic soup that surrounds us all. Clean food, water and air are something we have to work at getting. They don't come naturally.
Another posts this link:  It is related to sulphur, and another group members asks if SO2 is in the emissions from jet aircraft. 
Then yet another asks: How are the GSB traveling from the deepest ocean to our very terrestrial bodies? More important, will The Protocol offer me some protection from this toxic soup we live in, when I can only control a miniscule portion of it? If not, what will? And how do we stop this mutant mold before it stops us?
Another: Previously the talk on this page was all on cyanobacteria. Now the focus seems to be on GSB. Are they connected? Have you just moved on to a more pressing threat, Steve? I'm interested in learning what you've discovered, so hope you don't consider this to be off topic.
AND another, a member I recently got a chance to connect with privately and I went for a walk after that, 'taking her with me' as in a relapse, she has not left the house but four times in 10 months said "What I'm trying to understand is, if this is new, why have I been sick since 1956?"

  • Here's a screenshot of a resource the afore-mentioned "PosterGal" posted about in November of 2014 and highlights of comments that were generated from it. I think this shows her trail of research.  By Christmastime she had gotten to the patent trail about the chemicals similar to what's in the manufactured medication used by increasing numbers of people on their animals and selves which convinced me that what Steve Beddingfield and his group was about was extremely relevant and something I wanted to put on Lumigrate for YOUsers seeking and finding it (and all the other information we have). She's an inspiration and has helped me in guiding more than one mother who 'relates' to what she would say about her daughter's progress or symptoms and difficulties. 


This was a good book for learning how to rid some of the toxins. I doubt her assessments about bread though, at least American bread and flour. I find Aldi's has the least toxic food in general. They seem to only abide by European standards generally. It's (above) a free resource. "Cure for All Disease" is the title. She mentioned using vitamin C for neutralizing so I thought that was interesting. In some ways she was right on, parasites and pollutants cause all disease, in some ways could have used some updated knowledge, no mention of cyanobacteria that I saw. Just mold and ergotism and all that. Still worth the read though. Definitely.

Apparently different ergots produce different poisonous symptoms.

The ergot of maize produces neither gangrene nor con­vulsions, but causes baldness in man, and is hence termed mats peladero in Columbia, according to Roullin. He states that it has a narcotic effect on monkeys and parrots in the fields; mules lose their coat and hoofs and hens lay eggs without shells.

Before ergot was definitely recognised as the cause of the convulsive disease, the latter was attributed to a variety of other impurities in corn. Thus, in Sweden, Linnaeus considered that charlock, Raphanus Raphanistrum, was the cause ; although there was not the slightest foundation for this, the name raphania was at one time used, on the authority of Linnaeus, to designate convulsive ergotism.

In Germany and elsewhere, the darnel {Lolium temulentum, zizania, the tares of Scripture?) was considered by some to be the cause of the Kriebelkrankheit and more plausibly, since this grass does indeed contain a narcotic poison. Hussa observed a number of cases of actual poisoning by rye containing 16 to 20 per cent, of darnel seeds; the symptoms were frontal headache, giddiness, rumbling in the ears, gastric pains, twitching of the tongue, difficulty in swallowing and in speech, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue, cold sweat, and trembling of the limbs. The patients declared that they felt completely intoxicated.


I'm afraid to hope. Doesn't that sound terrible? I see my little girl, the real one, not Jekyll and Hyde as mentioned above. (I remember one time when she was around 5 or 6, she said "(Using her first name) was gone, she didn't remember her." Even tempered, happy, funny, clever, nice, caring. Not that I haven't ever seen it since our million 'interventions' we tried so far, but she seems to be doing very well with little effort lately. I gave her milk, no bouncing off the walls, no dark circles. That was previously her worst.

As people in the group saw these things, they'd not only consider starting the protocol, part of which addresses mycotoxins and other problematic things on foods and in water, and they'd then report progress if they started and had progress. Word spread. By spring 2015 the group size was growing so fast before PosterGal and others who were helping with writing up and producing information for people to see and learn from, that the group got a bit difficult to manage for anyone whether observing or administering.  They got that problem solved and then Steve returned to more of a leadership role and then PosterGal made her announcement of departure. Credit and thanks where that is due. 

June 16, 2015 someone in Steve's group on Facebook asked about mold. Their son had become very sick in the past and they believed the home had 'mold'.  The person was asking if the protocol for treatment that Steve Beddingfield came up with will treat mold.  

Steve's response, on June 18, 2015: 

It can look like the mold species, but microscopically it will show GSB inside. I'll bring out pics of this later. .... Pictures tell a tale.

Many species of organisms can now possess the genetics of GSB (giant sulphur bacteria), it makes them more powerful. Look at mosses, Bryophytes, mushrooms that grow where they once never grew. Mosses have ruined most lawns, these mosses seem to glow with their super green color.

Lichens created from these mosses can now attack trees, look at the massive amount of lichens upon trees, the number of species of lichens upon trees is also extraordinary. GSB can transfer its genes horizontally, unlike humans with their vertical transfer; vertical is mom / dad, kids, grandkids. Horizontal means it can do the transfer instantly, plus it can switch the genes of other microbes, off and on.

The enviroment around volcanic cracks in the ocean floor can be extremely hot, 750 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Massive amounts of nutrients are available, in particular, hydrogen sulfide, which is the main source of energy for GSB.  Some organisms adapt to this extreme environment so well that their metabolic processes occur at super high speeds.  These same organisms can be seen at coal seeps, but at coal seeps their metabolic processes are performed at much slower rates.

GSB and it's high speed metabolic processes are now here on land and in our bodies, as well as upon other organisms. These high speed processes can be seen. But here's what's interesting to me: GSB can transfer its high speed actions horizontally to other organisms, even to humans.  We can become genetically altered by GSB.

On another thread, started by a very active group member who found a mass of white inside an organic grapefruit and took a photo and posted it, had this from Steve: (someone in the group asked about why the fungi would be in the center of the fruit not in the flesh)

 "It isn't fungi, its a giant bacteria, filamentous, trichomic. It grows mycelium like a fungi does but its not a fungi (eukaryote), its bacteria (prokaryote). The center of grapefruit is the main area for all development of the juice inside this fruit to pass through. 

 Similarly, on yet another thread, Steve had this to say when clarifying how what people think is simply 'mold' is not simply 'mold'.

 It can look like the mold species, but microscopically it will show GSB inside. I'll bring out pics of this. (Name removed), yes to your question. Pics tell a tale. Many species of organisms can now possess the genetics of GSB, it makes them more powerful. Look at mosses, bryophytes, mushrooms that grow where they once never grew.

Mosses have ruined most lawns, these mosses seem to glow with their super green color. Lichens created from these mosses can now attack trees. Look at the massive amount of lichens upon trees; the number of species of lichens upon trees is also extraordinary.

GSB can transfer its genes horizontally, unlike humans with their vertical transfer, vertical is mom dad, kids, grandkids; horizontal means it can do the transfer instantly, plus it can switch the genes of other microbes off and on.

The enviroment around volcanic cracks in the ocean floor can be extremely hot, 750 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Massive amounts of nutrients are available, in particular, hydrogen sulfide, which is the main source of energy for GSB. Some organisms adapt to this extreme enviroment so well, their metabolic processes occur at super high speeds. These same organisms can be seen at coal seeps, but at coal seeps their metabolic processes are performed at much slower rates.

GSB and it's high speed metabolic processes are now here on land, and in our bodies, upon other organisms.These high speed processes can be seen. But here's what's interesting to me, GSB can transfer its high speed actions horizontally to other organisms, even to humans.  We can become genetically altered by GSB.

(And more can be added to this, so please check back)

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better. ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Bulletproof, Dave Asprey, Mold, Moldy

 I was thrilled to hear that Dave Asprey was going to be the guest of Patrick Timpone on OneRadioNetwork today.  I tuned in and was able to listen to about half of it in real time, and then was eagerly awaiting their getting the link and other information at their website so I could put this here for our YOUsers.  Please go listen, it was extremely interesting and FUN because they both worked in the music industry before so they chatted about musicians and even hockey's Gordie Howe, who is in his 80s now.  

My second husband had been thought to be the youngster coming up through the ranks who would become the next sensation, and then things went another direction for him.  A coach was abusive and not long after, he was having seizures and the start of hydrocephalus symptoms (he did not have any physical trauma in hockey, he had in junior high PE doing a wheel barrow race where he was to be the wheel barrow to give the advantage to a very uncoordinated boy who was the 'person', and didn't regulate his pushing speed so he was with a terrible concussion.) Sometimes people have no awareness of who Gordie Howe was; I do. 

Here's what they say at OneRadioNetwork: 


Founder of Bulletproof Coffee and Producer of the Movie ‘Moldy': The First Film About Toxic Mold


dave-asprey-the-bulletproof-executiveDave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof and author of New York Times bestseller The Bulletproof Diet, is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $300,000 to hack his own biology.

Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time. Learning to do these seemingly impossible things transformed him into a better entrepreneur, a better husband, and a better father.

Dave is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the #1 health podcast, Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Bulletproof Diet. Through his work Dave provides information, techniques and keys to taking control of and improving your biochemistry, your body and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you’d expect, without burning out, getting sick, or allowing stress to control your decisions.

Dave’s newest venture, the first Bulletproof Coffee shop and cafe, is scheduled to open in Santa Monica, California in mid 2015.

Show Highlights:

-Dave talks about his new film called “Moldy”; Dave explains his journey from being the Bulletproof executive to mold warrior

Watch The Moldy Movie by clicking here

-Toxic mold is invisible and really bad for the health; Dave shares his personal story of mold toxicity and explains, in depth, the problems it posed to his health

-Are there people more predisposed to the effects of mold?

-Are there affordable tests to check for mold in your home?

-The #1 thing you can do if you are being exposed to mold

-Using upgraded activated charcoal to deal with toxic mold

-Dave tells us he has become quite a biohacker having studied what makes him feel well and what makes him feel weak; he talks hyperbaric chambers, saunas, cold therapy and much more!

Visit Website

Again, the link at OneRadioNetwork


Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy

I'm whittling away at transcribing / overviewing what they discussed, so below the line is the overall after one pass ---- check back, once this forewarning is gone, then it's completed.  But this gives you something to go on at this time. 


When you came out a few years ago with this BulletProof Coffee thing, and before you knew it, you were a rock star, I don't know how you did it! You've not moved from coffee to films, it's called Moldy. How'd we get from coffee to Moldy? 

Dave wanted to share about things that made you strong, and things that made you wake. 

Do fewer of the things that make you weak. 

What I've found in the course of 


toxic mold in our environment is a major, major thing that takes away energy and makes people unwell. 

You generally don't see it until it's really bad, it's invisible. 

There are, by his reckoning, about 100 million people in the US who are genetically more susceptible, and so it was a good subject for a documentary. 

Patrick asks if there's a genetic predispositoin.

28% of the population has genes that mean they get chronically, and sometimes permanently inflamed after they are exposed to mold such as in a water damaged building. Say they move into a building that had water damage that wasn't remediated properly.

They gain weight. They get cranky. They get brain fog. They get inflammation.  They assume it's from eating wrong, lacked will power, they don't know about the mold connection. It can go on for years.

A major cause is mold that we eat in our food or breathe in.

Patrick: So someone rents an apartment or buys a place and they move in and wouldn't know that this is going on. 

Tiny little toxins: Micotoxins, or 'mold toxins' affect your immune system

most of the time you don't smell a funky, moldy smell. But it's there, and you don't feel like yourself.  You might have gained 20#, your estrogen levels were changed by this mold in your environment.  It's pernicious. You might go to 10 doctors and they have you on psychiatric drugs .... too many symptoms, and we can't find anything on our tests, so clearly it's in your head so we better treat your head. 

Patrick: What's the process physiologically?

Mold in the environment outdoors has competition, inside it doesn't have the competition. So it blossoms.  But it's stressed as it's not in a good environment,  and stressed mold makes more toxins.  Breathing things through an inhaler is a powerful way to get drugs into the body. So we're making it available through our lungs and the mucosa nose and sinuses.  

There's another mold that comes from the skin, called tricosophene (?).

Being in water that has mold can get you quite ill.   Lesions in your arteries, celiac, Hashimotos thyroiditis, food allergies, can be triggered by breathing mold. 

  • Primary
  • Secondary caused by the immune system reacting to the mold itself.

The documentary took about 2 years to make. It took Dave about 10 years to fully grasp what happened to him and he said something about spending about $300,000 doing so. 

He used to weight 300#, he weighs 200, 210 today, generally lean.  He was fat as a kid. He is amazed he has kept that off. But the major difference is his brain works now. As a 14 year old he had arthritis in his knees.  Nosebleeds, 10x a day sometimes.  Chronic strep throat and sinusitis; he was on antibiotics every month for years.   "I was not that well, you could say", he still has stretch marks, even though I'm thin, that was from high cortisol from the mold exposure. 

In his mid 20s he moved into a place ...when I bought the place, the carpet was wet.  It was a leaky water heater that was someone elses, and there was black, slimey mold on the back of the drywall in the bedroom.  He'd gained 40# that he'd lost before he was in that building.  I went to the doctor and said "I feel like something's wrong" and nobody could help me, nobody knew what it was."

Patrick: Back to your basement when you were a young fellow.  Was it cement walls or was there siding?

It was a fully finished basement, window wells, with wood paneling, my bedroom was paneled -- when it flooded, which was before they bought the house.  It was paneling on top of drywall, which probably made the problem even worse than just drywall, which would have been a problem too, just drywall.  It looked normal, nice, but my body was reacting very strongly. He had rashes, asthma,  behavioral disorders,  all of this related to breathing stuff.

Patrick asked if there was odor, or if he got used to it and didn't think it was an 'off odor'.

Dave: "In retrospect, it smelled musty, like a "basement smell".  A place that smells musty isn't a good thing for anyone even if you feel alright when you're there. 

When I fast forward today, having lived in several places that cause brain inflammation and I'll not feel good because I'm one of those 28%, I can tell you when I walk into a building with mold, about 90% of the time, within one breath, there's a small smell, but you can feel it in the nervous system.  

This is roughly one in four people, so there's a lot of people like this.  "I feel stressed in this room and I can feel it and I'm not going to go in there". I've learned to just know what it is and not go in. 

What about the others? Patrick asks

Dave: Miners used to take a canary into the mines.  They couldn't detect the toxic gases in the mine as they didn't smell them, so they knew if the canary fell over, they needed to get out.

These molds are directly linked to cancer and a whole host of autoimmune diseases. Time after time, in Moldy, the documentary ..... there was a couple, both physicians, which made it particularly interesting.  The wife, Jeanette, got quite sick.  She went 'all in' medically and had every organ in her body biopsied.  She had a slight fever, so she knew she wasn't crazy.  

When they finally fell into the moldy environment information out of desperation and treated her, she got better dramatically and quickly. 

Her husband didn't feel it, because he had different genes. But if you look at ALL the research of what these mold toxins do, it doesn't mean it's not causing mitochondrial damage, oxidative DNA damage, disrupting your hormones and making you cranky, or this profound fatigue that some people have, feeling like someone just took your life away.

Patrick:  It's just an unnatural situation to be in these environments. 

It's not healthy.  Reasons:

1) Farming and lawn care practices; we modified the mold that grows by using antifungal chemicals on the cropland. These chemicals kill 98% of molds, but in the 2% they turn on mutation, so we increased mutation.

2) Our building practices. In the 1970s we started making these buildings that are well-sealed. And our building materials.  Drywall is paper with drywall material --- now we have a place mold will like to grow.

Then to frost the cake, we use mold-resistant paint.  It's not an ideal place to grow like soil -- soil is where these fungi come from.  We've created a perfect storm --  water from condensation or a sprinkler hitting the side of the house or from a leak ..... the mold says 'this isn't a very good place for me to grow' and it makes a lot of toxins, and then we breathe it. 

We don't know why we are not feeling well and the providers we go to don't know what is causing the symptoms.

Patrick: is where you can get the movie.  More to talk about after the break, and maybe we can chat about BulletProof coffee if we have time. 

Good morning. It's June 18th.  (17:44)

How can I test... if I can't smell anything .... is there an affordable way to test?  

If there's someone in your family that has emotional irregularity that suddenly came on, or they suddenly gained weight, or you see signs of water damage.  

Have a home inspection from a qualified home inspector.  Quite often this is so preventative.  You'll know where you stand.  ERMI .... Environmental Relative Mold Index.  The house that made Dave really ill

ERMI will be $300 - $500 or more if you have a big house. What about the things from Home Depot for $20.  That is useful, but it's not good for telling you what kind of mold.  

A reliable at-home test is not yet available but he's working on a product for that, basically getting something like ERMI be more affordable. 

Get out of the moldy environment, if you have symptoms of mold exposure.  Number one, is get out of the moldy environment.  If you have symptoms of mold exposure (listed in Moldy, the movie, there's nothing like getting out.  I interviewed a couple of people in the movie who decided to leave the possessions behind even.  Your bed, your couoch, everything porous that you have, picks up the spores and the toxins that sticks to things and are 300-500x smaller than the mold spores.  You then have to get rid of the porous things, or dry clean them and then wipe everything that's not porous.   

To this day, I have a plastic box of papers that was in the house with the worst of the worst black mold.  I only have a few papers in there, really important ones.  I should go and get them sorted and then laminate the important ones. 

The symptoms are very predictable, there's an inflammatory cascade, you can see it. Muffin top grows suddenly the day after exposure, you'll wake up feeling hung over but you didn't have anything to drink. I may get inflammation right away and feel it and you might not. You get the same damage eventually, you just don't see it right away.  

There are things to do to remediate the mold in the body. In the documentary I interview several physicians about this, including Dr. Shoemaker, who's a pioneer in toxic mold.  He went out on a limb and talked about this, he's a small town physician who is a really really good medical detective. The protocol that he works iwth is similar to what the military works with. What you want to do is  bind these toxins in the body. 

The 28% that are susceptible, we evolved differently from a survival perspective.  We're set up to recycle bile. Bile is metabolically very expensive to make bile, it takes a lot of resources from your diet. So our bodies are recycling bile much like your car re-uses the same motor oil. In a famine, the others would not live as long.

These toxins that stick in the bile keep making you sick after you're exposed.  So you take things to help you get rid of your bile.  

#1 - activated charcoal.  Now BulletProof sells activated / upgraded coconut charcoal.  They burn it but put out the fire when it's half burned.  And it's electrically charged to attract the toxins, then your body can excrete them. 

Charcoal was used by cavemen. It helps you naturally excrete the toxins that are causing the symptoms. 

You would be quite ill if you had no bile.  This is going to help the body make new, clean bile.  You just don't want to recycle so much.

The other thing to do is is a Rx drug called cholestyramine, a prescription drug. It sticks to the bile. And then also bentonite clay... so these things work on the toxic binding. 

The joint pain can feel different.  

The next thing you do is to affect the glutathione in the body. It's the master antioxidant. It's what the liver uses for detoxing. So he has a BulletProof product for that. We wrap the glutathione in a molecule called a lipsome.  We add another molecule called lactothion. Then people take that, they feel their brain turn back on.  That's what I feel, that's why I make it.  

Dee in California calls in.  Thanks Dave for the information he is sharing. She's in the boat and people think she's crazy but she'd not been able to shake mold.  She still has autoimmune type problems.  It's very systemic.  Every time she goes to fight it, it fights back 10x harder and makes her miserable.  She's taken charcoal in the past and people say not to take that because she has a mineral absorption problem, so Patrick asks Dave to address any ideas for Dee.

"Having minerals when you're full of poison is less important."

Get a Myer's Cocktail, IV minerals and vitamins.  Which you go to a functional medicine physician for.  That will help dramatically with the mineral issue.  Work with your physician to get the prescription for cholesyramine and then his Bulletproof products, the Upgraded Coconut Charcoal

You can feel better literally within a couple of days. The chronic autoimmunity is going to take some time. He recommends you check out Richie Shoemaker's book Surviving Mold, it's a big book and a lot to read but it will be good information. 

Your protocol using the charcoal (and etc.) helped me not only sleep later but took away sciatica overnight, and all-over ice-pick like pain. 

Turbinafine is talked about, they think it's an antibiotic specifically for biofilm. 

To get rid of the biofilm to get rid of

what have you heard about the use of  turbinafine ... (a specific antibiotic for biofilm)

When bacteria get threatened, a shield is formed

colonies of mixed bacteria and yeast together can do this -- when they get threatened they are a bunch of

they make a shield around themselves. 

In hospitals, biofilms kill people all the time because they're shielded, they're impermeable. They're antibiotic resistant. 

When you breath these mold toxins, not from eating them or drinking them, when they form in your sinuses or in your gut, they're very hard to irradicate them. What this email is about is how to get rid of those.  

One thing that profoundly changed his medical status was medical ozone therapy.  You can use it IV, or an ozone enema, essentially, or via the ears or vaginally called insulflation.  This turns the mitochondria back on. These micotoxins cause mitochondria damage,  so you can feel like you get your brain back.  You'll have to do it regularly in order to eliminate them. 

The email was referring to taking the antibiotics and taking garlic medically --- if you're working with a physician using these modalities, you're in the right place. 

I have a full human biohacking facility on my farm, full of equipment Dave said, and laughed.  One of the things you can do to take control of your biology is things he has done. 

Hyperbarack equipment. 2-3 times a week he'll go in and breathe oxygen, in this long zipped up tube.  As an anti-aging, anti-cancer type of environment.  People who fly a lot for work, it affects our brains.  This also affects our brains.  Spend an hour or two .... whether or not you've been exposed to mold toxins.  

He does not sell these, he just has one.  They range from $3,500 from a low end Chinese one that has low reliability.  You can pay to use a soft or a hard one, he recommends.  One that's a more reliable brand of soft are $15,000. Usually you have to get a prescription from your doctor, in a mid to large city there are usually a couple or few places.  Some it's required for healing, or ozone therapy even if you do it at home is enough to get on the healing path.  

A million people a month come to BulletProof's website, Dave said.

BulletProof Labs, is the tools that he has to make himself strong. Such as unique forms for electrical stimulation ...... neural feedback.  

There's even a sensory deprivation tank which allows your brain to relax. If you're stressed by your environment, and contantly not feeling well. You also get the magnesium through the skin and you can relax in a way that's really healing and you get the mental benefits. 

Detox or athletic recovery.

Various forms of oxygen therapy. 

Weight lifting device called ARX fit that has you fighting a winch with a computer. 

There are ways to accelerate your performance.  Such as a liquid nitrogen tank that will expose your skin to super cold temperature for a short time. You spend 3 minutes in really cold air and you then sleep well, and recover faster from a medical procedure or just from being tired. 

Another break (about 45 minutes in) where you can purchase the movie for all the other stuff

This is Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork dot com. 

Then more ads .... rebounders, 66% less breast cancer in women who exercised.  It moves the lymph, which brings out the toxins (then to the heart and out through the urine).  

90% of all homes have mold because of the sheetrock. 

You can get it in China that is made from cemen

Magnacrete does not mold.  Patrick said someone said it was not more expensive. And Dave was looking for that when doing a remodel for his business space and looked into it, but it was going to cost 4x. So he used normal drywall and then used dehumidification, moisture barrier in addition to green building techniques. 

If you want to feel amazing, go into a place with good air flow and used green building techniques plus low toxin techniques. 

From the movie, another example is a NY new building, moist air got into the building and it was so airtight it grew mold. The man recovered rather quickly because he detoxed the system, got glutathoine quickly.  

Increase circulation --- most people who are fatigued don't feel well enough to do that, though.  

So use a rebounder. That helps with lymphatic flow, which is how you get rid of toxins. 

Dave has a gadget he sells that is the high tech version of this, which percusses  30x a second and stimulates fast lymphatic drainage. It has huge effects on elderly people.  Stimulates the body for muscle and bones.  Sarcopenia / muscle loss.... osteopenia / bone loss. 

If you have a poorly maintained building, you might have mold exposure that causes brain fog. 

Dave said when he was younger, he bought disability insurance because he couldn't remember anything, and he felt he was losing his mind.  Not like going crazy, just could't think. That's how profound it can be

These detox methods increase how your brain functions. 

The people perform better, they're nicer to people around them. 

What if everyone had the tools to help them and didn't have the things causing the problem. 

George Swanson link is talked about again by Patrick (who at the end says he'll send the link too). George is who had said on the show that all the drywall / sheetrock is created to get moldy. 90% of all homes have mold because of the sheetrock.   

What's the best bang for the buck for neurofeedback? Zenger is asked about specifically.  Dave carries it and 40 Years of Zen, it takes 7 days.  He's a fan of the Zengar Optimal which he can find at BulletProofExec dot com. 

Favorite supplement is Unfair Advantage, a special form of PQQ.  You open a mini shot and the mitochondria are helped 

It's a perfect party in your cells when you add oxygen. 

Can you overdo oxygen? Patrick asks.

If you do an hour a day, that's a lot but you're not overdoing it. 

At the pressures of oxygen and flow rates he's using, it's not a problem.  If you did it all day every day you might get too much oxygen. 

Is it possible 90% of houses have mold? Patrick ask. Dave answers: Anywhere form 50 to 80%, depending on the region.  How and when the house was built.  Since he's a walking mold detector he can feel it.  It's like if someone's color blind or can see colors. 

Schools dont' have money for maintenance, and imagine every day your kids have behavior problems. 

I'm sure some of my behavioral problems ... Dave said, were from this. I'd get it at home, at school, I felt like a zombie, I wanted to do good things, and I didn't feel good. 

ERMI test, for $300-500, what

How would you ameliorate that?

You call a mold remediation company and have them figure it out.  You should not be doing the work.  They'll create negative pressure zones; you can spread it if you do it wrong.  You scrub the air

If you give me your email address at moldymovie dot com, I have a bacteria coming out in a couple of months called home biotic, we've worked with this for 2 years.  I'm done with mold.  

What about some kind of purifier of the air.  HEPA can help --- it might improve your sleep quality.  It's not going to fix things, it can move the needle in the right direction. 

Scrape the studs, you may treat it with a variety of things -- it's big work and it's expensive, but so is dying. 

ERMI text, you put a culturing tray with a fan in each room.  One of my best friends had the worst kind in the closet of her bedroom.  She was trying to get pregnant at the time.  Brilliant woman, her brain wasn't working..... 

Sam from Omaha is the next question....

If you have a toxic mold issue chances are you also have a candida issue. 

Once your liver is strong enough to handle the treatment for these, the medication can be very effective. 

I don't know anyone with toxic mold who didn't get a candida problem, Dave said. 

Your liver and your kidneys get even more tired. 

Flucozonol, a Rx from the doctor --- tough on the liver in some people ,but it knocks out the mold problem. 

Is a musty smell a dead give away 100% that you're dealing with mold? 

Test the species or look at the symptoms you're getting. 

If you're  agitated, 

If there's a musty smell, get rid of it.  Figure out where condensation is happening, where the water is.  If you fix it you'll probably live longer and live better. 

He lives on Vancouver Island. Fresh air, organic farm, and a half hour from the airport. He is not disconnected, but has bald eagles in his back yard. 

Keep in touch, Dave, you're doing good work. 

He thanks Patrick and says "I love your show". 

Patrick said "he has good taste" and that's that. 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Architect Cheryl Ciecko & Avoiding Water Damage, Mold, Toxins

Avoiding Water Damage, Mold, Toxins is a Facebook group that is tied to Cheryl Ciecko Architect's Facebook page. 

I saw her share something on the CCA page about tapeworms and cancer and FDA yesterday, and it made me tune in more to her page, and look at her video where she introduced herself and guides people to her FB pages.  I did not realize there was one beyond the Architect page, so I applied and was approved. 

There, I found a nice pinned post with the rules and felt it was going to be a group 'for me'. And so I went to write a comment to thank her for the addition of me and to introduce me to the group there.  And of course it was too long.  So I thought I'd put it here and maybe someday she or others will read it and know what I really wanted to say. 

Thank you for the add, and for being an activist leader about health issues and reversing symptoms coming from your professional background in the building / architecture industry. Meeting of minds, diversity in teams of knowledge, backgrounds, and abilities is synergistic and together the consumers -- as long as we have access to the Internet or similar -- have been able to make more headway together and recently than any other time. And Facebook has been the single most robust tool, in my opinion.

My background as I understand it today -- my mother experienced health issues her whole life (was from Chicago, S Side, born mid 1920s), as did my father (was from Chicago, N Side but they met in 1950ish in Albuquerque, which was a happening place post world war 2 for women to husband shop and so she and 3 sorority sisters set out in a sedan purchased for $50 after graduating from Wittenberg).

My father's uncle was a building exterior designer and designed one of the famous Chicago buildings, his other uncle was one of the first employees coming to Mrs. Brach's house to make candy in her wringer washer ... My father was always unwell, would today be diagnosed as autism spectrum and due to the rarity of what he had then and the persons who adopted him being more concerned with appearances than how he felt, he suffered an abusive upbringing. He would die of Lewy bodies disease in 2010, on Labor Day.

He was a genius, and was in top secret programs in the USAF which took him and my mother immediately after marriage to England. There, they enjoyed his relatively high salary and not having rationing of food as the English people around them had, and my mother did not like the military life and was seeking how to have a career and income as a stay at home mom back in the States eventually, so they learned how to breed and show and sell golden retrievers.

They ended up purchasing a property that was part of an old farm that is outside Denver; the property was small and was at the T of two valleys with a lot of water, and where the area's power lines T'd. I believe the construction of the original part of the house was fine but the portion my grandmother added on in 1955 was what got my mother having fertility issues and then lead to my finally being born in 1960 but with problems from the start. It was a local carpenter who did that addition, the original part of the house was built by two GIs from the Army, after ww2 and was cinder block slab and walls.

I only recently recalled that my dad had said there was water under that part of the house at certain times of the year. The foundation was rock and as tall as your knees, and then 2x4s, no drywall though. It had a floor furnace that was under the wall between the bedroom and the hall / great room / dining room (but this was an extremely small house, it was called Cabin of the Lazy Mom by my grandmother.

With the energy crisis, my parents put a greenhouse on the south end and heated air was blown under the house -- which of course was having that air go up into the house with whatever was in the air and dirt underneath. Prior to that they'd had a younger local contractor add on an addition that filled the L in to be a triangle and one huge furnace was put in the attic and duct to the 'cabin' portion were added (and air returns) so then you've got the air and whatever blowing under the cabin and up into the house and getting distributed throughout. There was an electrostatic air filter.

Everyone's health was deteriorating (or grandmother had died) but in different ways. My health was paralleling my father's at that age, and my mother and I shared a lot of issues which I'd realize were EDS about the time I was focusing on mold in 2014. (She died in 1987). My sibling had been in the house since they lived there and was born in England and had envisioned how life was going to be there forever and obsessively (and I think unhealthily -- in 'it's a trick by the 'bugs'/mold' -- has worked every day towards owning the house, and keeping the place.

My gut told me to get away from the whole place and people involved once my father passed. Which I have done. In a 'fractured family' kind of way, but that was what I felt was right and which would allow me to get the perspective and have the time to get better perspective (and not be diluted in time, energy, money --- resources -- and be able to perhaps eventually circle back around and be wise in my ways and not just muddling through with the mud and muddlers).

The show South Park is inspired by our area -- Trey Parker is 10 years behind me in all three schools I attended in the mountain area. Everyone was sick, in one way or another and I was one of the first to get a diagnosis that made someone think that there was something going on with all of us --- because the myriad of different diagnoses we had, or then those who had children -- were not like "Love Canal" where everyone had the same thing -- a cancer in that case.

I was thrown off though, by my living in Fort Collins after high school (for 18 years) and was told by my primary care provider that there was a bunch of whatever it was I had in Ft Collins. I think he was maybe not supposed to say that. He shortly thereafter left the US citing religious pursuits which were perhaps not directly connected .... anyway, the neighbor man 'back home' had similar symptoms to mine but sought different medical system and got different treatment than I did but it just seemed fishy to me he'd get similar to me around the same time. (He died the same week the other neighbor man died of something different, too, so sitting with both widows or attending funerals made me think....).

I'd go on to have my relapses and improvements and make it into and through occupational therapy program at CSU, graduating in 1996. There, I'd learn more about sensory integration, be basically diagnosed with a whopping case of it, though a professor can't officially diagnose a student of course.

But it was familiar to me, as my mother had gotten into teaching once I was old enough to be in school and she got a job teaching 4th grade in our elementary school the year I was in 4th grade. So she screened all students from my class through Trey's class and maybe one year beyond, over a thousand students if I am estimating right. And we ALL had sensory integration dysfunction to one degree or another except one girl in my class. Who, you betcha, I've been interviewing as my learning unfolded about what causes health issues. Trying to figure out why she had the unaffected nervous system.

And for some reason, despite all the providers I went to over the years who did NOT TAKE INSURANCE (plus the ones who did of course), nobody brought up mold in my case. The only time anyone talked about mold was my chiropractor in 2007 or so, and I asked him why so many people in Grand Junction, where I'd moved in very early 2004, had allergies that made them stand out as miserable. It's an agricultural valley and so I was thinking pollens would be the answer but ... he said mold. But he never talked to me about mold in my case.

Finally in 2012-2014 things changed on my street where I'd moved in 2006 and those of us whose properties were on a big greenbelt started having black mold in our bathrooms, just where water would be or along the toilet bowl line where water level was. A gal moved into a house across the way who liked to have people over and got a bunch of us together and someone mentioned that there had been a mold problem in the house with prior tenants and the neighbor who had said that knew the history as she'd lived in the area since it was developed. So that just got me looking at mold.

I left being an OT in mainstream outpatient therapy (after doing it all almost, inpatient, rehab, subacute rehab/ nursing home, driving rehab, home health) in 2008 to help start an integrative medicine center which still exists but the original plan to focus on chronic illness and figuring out what causes it and how to help people with it did not remain the focus past when the paint was applied, really. Literally. So everyone sooner or later left the owner carrying on as he sees fit and the rest of us are still in our independent clinics or in my case houses.

In 2004 I attended my first outdoor concert in my new Valley near the border of Utah, and happened to sit next to the owners of a winery who have concerts. I was told how great a venue it was by my friend I was with, and the next month an old college friend was in the area working for BLM, and was a musician so I suggested we go to the concert at the winery that night. I happened to set up my chair next to an environmental research institute worker who at the time was on their way up to where they are now as THE recognized name in the area for the system's organizations about environmental health.

Disinhibited a bit by the music and festivities, she told me that my home town of origin has been studied and is known in the environmental health circles to be a hot spot. Funny -- nobody has ever 'us' that... maybe I missed it, though I read the local paper every time I was home, my dad left them in a stack for us to read when home (he was assisted living level from 2000 and needed assistance beginning in 1987 and increasingly so by 1996.)

So I started a FB group for my area of origin so I could on the side figure out if anyone living there has been made aware of what the environmental researcher insider knows and says is well known in her circles... and it has about as many people as this group and .... nobody has gone beyond 'noticing' that 'there's a lot of neurological problems' and suspecting it was the wells being so close to the septic systems.' (That came from a family member of another prominent family there which had fewer people who moved away than my family and in their case 3 members in 2 generations have the same mainstream recognized condition diagnosed and treated and others have other conditions.)

I believe the septic systems / leach fields and the soils in the area is a possible factor but not so much that it's to do with the wells. That it's to do with the construction practices in the area -- my family hired 2 local contractors 18 years apart and both built with crawlspaces ... AND with the enormous heating bills with the 'energy crisis' --- My family's gas bill was $250 a month back then. So they did things like I've described which would save money on heat but which .... caused health issues, unwittingly. In my opinion. Based on what I've learned so far. (And hope to learn more here.)

In 2014 I started envisioning a particular type of RV which I'd finally see in the 3D world in 2015, June -- at the third house I'd gone in the Mardy PopIns Project. It was outside a big McMansion which there are tons of in Grand Valley / Junction, and had an old unwell dog needing someone caregiving it, and the house needed care taking ... though I prefer to call it care giving too. Because it is a gift in a sense, that I'd know what I knew by then, and started doing things which reversed symptoms in the dog, and then worked to educate the owner and eventually they realized the mold issue generally in the area and it's people (and pets).

So going forward I'm trying to facilitate how to have a healthy house. It's a win, win ... I get to learn and apply my knowledge experientially, which helps me teach it to others. And so I'm grateful to connect with Cheryl and then with this group. I hope this lengthy introduction for me has been interesting and explains my reasons for wanting to participate here. Again, thank you for having this space and place for people to commune about this important subject.

I believe mainstream is slow drip wanting the public to know about mold and mold illness and meet the needs of the people with their usual tactics, which is to not solve the problem but make money off of the reaction and solutions they offer. And I'm wanting people to get the most affordable, effective, and correct solutions and not have more problems than necessary and really loved your intro video, Cheryl. TY again. ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Biotoxin Journey is a website to definitely utilize

I was drawn to a topic at because of the image used -- of an old single seater school desk like so many in my generation (and before, and after) sat in if going to public or private schools, I would imagine.  It was posted in a Facebook group about mold, and the comment thread indicated that people unanimously felt it was an accurate portrayal of their journey into the depths of complex, chronic illness when mold was one of the primary contributors. 

However, I'm not going to bring that article here -- you can go looking for it and easily find it from the desk image if you are so inclined.  Some people are spending an hour on this website, and there is the usual means of supporting a website included here ..... going through them for Amazon shopping.

Please use the Amazon link at the bottom of any page when you go shopping. A small percentage of sales goes to supporting the site without any cost to you.


Working Together

This article takes a look at the bigger picture related to Biotoxin Illness – also known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Specifically, it looks at why many of those who suffer from chronic illnesses, including CIRS, will continue to do so until they’re able to see past differences and form a unified front.

Right now, my impression is that the mold community is really fragmented as a result of differences in opinion on how to get better after having been made sick from mold exposure. One person will say ozone is the cure, another strict avoidance; a third will extol the benefits of following Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol. This is all well and good.

However, what often happens is that when disagreements and questions naturally arise, the opposing sides become entrenched in their views all the while ignoring the often vary valid and helpful view of the “opposition”. This needs to change. Those in the mold community need to begin to see opposing views as opportunities to find common ground and enhance the mold paradigm.

From what I’ve been told by others that participate in Internet groups, neither side really hears the other. No one takes the time to stop and reflect. No one takes the time to empathize with the other side – to make the effort to see the world through their “opponents” eyes. As a result of this limited view, biased conclusions are made with neither side ever really “hearing” one another. “In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change” – Nhat Hanh.

However, an even bigger impact is that this fighting keeps the community fragmented. The established power structures love in-fighting. The insurance, building, real estate, and property management industries laugh all the way to the bank when the oppressed fight among themselves. It’s important that you really take a hold of this vital point.

It is this point that lies behind why I find it so demoralizing and heartbreaking having to experience this type of pettiness regardless of the venue. In the context of Biotoxin Journey, it is the point that underlies why I had asked for a token fee for some of my content. It was my attempt to solicit the camaraderie I needed to continue to write.

I figured if some folks were willing to go through the effort of having to create an account just to pay the 25 cent fee for articles, then what I was writing must be of value. Some made the effort and others used the Amazon link so I continued to write. It was my way of creating a space where I felt like we were working together.

Just recently, the value to myself, and the importance to the mold community, of working together became much clearer. This was a perspective I hadn’t fully appreciated for myself until just recently and is, in part, why I think it’s important to write this piece. Let me explain.

Not long ago, I was involved in what should have been a trivial disagreement. I’d asked for slight change in position by a Reader and made very real efforts to address concerns that arose in the conversation that ensued. This was all to no avail. It was a really heartbreaking experience for me because all along I kept thinking to myself that the mold community is doomed if this is at all indicative of the level of cohesion among the mold community.

Said another way, the more we disagree among ourselves, the more we lose. When we fail to begin all discussions with words of praise for the effort it takes for competing views to be expressed and for the potential benefit to both parties from an open, caring, and honest discussion, the more we lose. The more time we spend drawing lines between ourselves and competing ideas, instead of always working to develop an ever more inclusive model, the more we lose. The more we’re unable to set aside small and even moderate differences, in order to promote cohesion, the more we lose.

I can assure you that without a united front, only a handful of those that suffer from CIRS and other chronic illnesses will ever find their way back to health. I don’t know about you, but this is utterly unacceptable. We all deserve to be loved and cared for well, especially when we’re ill.

In contrast, the entrenched power structures understand the importance of working together and do it very well. They don’t sit around and deliberate about word choice and technical nuances. They see the big picture and they ruthlessly execute in order to realize intermediary goals that then lead to broad reaching outcomes. These outcomes increase their positions of power and wealth. I strongly recommend those in under privileged groups including CIRS take note and embrace the same level of discipline. Failing to do so means forever being downtrodden.

Again, I’m not saying constructive debate on how to best treat CIRS isn’t important. To the degree that real care is taken to promote cohesion and develop a more inclusive model, it is very beneficial. However, the emphasis should always be on promoting community. This is what really matters. This is the key.

In other words, we can have all the good science and comprehensive understanding we want and it will not make a bit of difference if we can’t figure out how to work together. It is the number of people and their willingness to act that really matters. In terms of social change, science and truth are secondary.

Ultimately, having good science and a comprehensive understanding on why people get sick from mold is really just the glue that allows the community to stick together and act with conviction. We can do this with or without a perfectly formulated model. If you think that being correct or being truthful is a requisite to social change, just look at all of the really toxic models that are being foisted upon the public by a well-organized few.

Do you think the power structures controlled by a relatively few give a damn about what’s right? And yet, they’re dominating the landscape because they work together and understand how to make the “system” work for them. It’s time we did the same.

Getting Involved

To give you a taste of what I’m referring to, take a look at the work of a true mold champion, Sharon Kramer. I strongly encourage you to watch her video below, Lawless America. Sharon explains that support for the claim that mold can’t hurt comes from well funded industry groups who paid for flawed science that was then disseminated to doctors through Federal funding from Washington.

She describes how a “linear dose no threshold risk assessment model” was wrongly applied in a rodent study. The flawed conclusion drawn from this model was then distributed among the medical profession along with the insurance, building, real estate, and property management industries.

Specifically, she describes how rats were exposed to high concentrations of only one mycotoxin through inhalation for a short period of time. From this limited study, mathematical extrapolations were made on the data in order to support the conclusion that mycotoxins can’t make people sick.

The authors of the study concluded this without ever taking into account the facts that people living in water damaged buildings (WDB) are exposed to a whole soup of mycotoxins and other biotoxins all at once, that exposure is not only through breathing but also the skin and by ingestion, and that people are exposed at low doses for long periods of time – not at all like the concentrated and brief introduction into the lungs as in the rat study.

Nevertheless, this single study was being used by the insurance industry to deny claims. In particular and according to Sharon, the non-profit trade association of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) used this study to support the claim that people could not be made ill by inhaled mycotoxins. Once the view that inhaled mycotoxins can’t hurt was vetted by ACOEM, Worker Compensation insurers had the backing necessary to deny mold claims. Later, additional medical communities used the same ACOEM statement or flawed methodology to support similar claims.

Once backed by the ACOEM, industry lobbyist (insurance, building, real estate, property management) paid to have the same data reworked again but this time to support the position that toxic mold is not a killer and those that believe it is are relying on junk science.

This flawed science was then heavily marketed within the industry along with the medical community in part through funding from Washington. As a consequence, misinformed doctors often treat mold patients with contempt leaving them to suffer alone.

Sharon has been working tirelessly to expose this fraud and has been successful in getting ACOEM and others to retract their mold positions. She’s been doing this in spike of being attacked with bogus libel charges to try and silence her. Nevertheless, without a concerted effort by the mold community, a never ending stream of similar corruption continues to be perpetrated. If you’re interested in some of these details, see:

Katy’s Exposure – Mold Insurance Fraud

What’s the solution to this situation? Not one to mince words, Sharon rightly states, “The mold community needs to get off its ass and stop fighting in different areas…and get their act together.” She believes, and so do I, that it’s vital that we all push for Senate investigations into this insurance fraud. She rightly states that without seeing the bigger picture, without putting an end to big money fraud by showing the politicians in Washington that mold does indeed hurt, the mold community will forever remain marginalized and ignored.

OK, so that was a heavy piece of politics to get through. Hopefully you’re now starting to understand the concerted effort, dirty politics, and money that we’re up against. While this foe may seem unbeatable, we will easily win when united in effort.

United We Stand

Related to this discussion, I feel it’s important to point out that this type of corruption is trivial in comparison to other power plays against humanity. If you haven’t figured it out already, the odds have been stacked against the little guy for a very long time. This perversion spans across all spectrums of life and is very dark and deep indeed.

I’m not going to get into any details but suffice it to say that if you were shown how the world really works, you’d be like Neo in the movie, The Matrix. Upon being shown that his understanding of the world was all just a mental fabrication used by oppressive powers to imprison and use him for their own benefit, Neo cries out, doubles over, and vomits violently. I’ll spare you that experience.

Happily, you don’t really need to understand the whole picture. You just need to realize that your focus ideally will always be on presenting a unified front, in finding what’s similar between competing views instead of what’s different, on setting aside what are ultimately trivial differences in light of the real game that’s afoot. I’ve not met one person sick from mold, or one person that was trying to help them out, who weren’t sincere in their effort. All we need now it to refine our efforts a bit.

We just need to understand that we’re in this together. We need to agree on some very simple and basic understandings. For examples, that mold makes people sick, that removal from exposure and the use of binders is essential for recovering health, that mold causes massive inflammation that can be measured by looking at specific blood markers and changes in brain structure, that mold impairs the immune system and this leads to a whole host of diverse symptoms. Well, this is just an “off the top of my head” list. I’m sure as a group we could come up with a list of general statements that we can all get behind.

So we don’t need to figure out how to topple domineering power structures. They’ll fall over under their own weight just as soon as we make very simple changes in our daily lives. By making simple changes in our own lives, together we can make a big impact.

For examples, stop supporting big banks that work to enslave society by issuing massive and unpayable debt. Instead, put your money in local Credit Unions and banks. Stop getting baited into believing the only political issues at hand are limited to racial relations and issues around abortion. Instead, start voting for getting money out of politics and limited terms.

I know you all are already buying organic and have limited chemicals in your homes. We all know this is essential for good health. Add to this, the understanding that the mold community needs to work cooperatively and focus on key issues like the one put forth by Sharon Kramer.

So maybe you think this is all a “pipe dream”. We’ll never get along and the controlling structures are too powerful. To that I fervently retort, “we can and they’re not”. Just to give you a taste of what’s possible by simply changing personal behavior, consider the fact that WalMart now has organic groceries. This is from a business that is all about the bottom line regardless of the social consequences.

And it doesn’t take everyone to get on board either. In Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas, it was found that conviction of a mere 10% of a given population was all that it takes to bring about social change. Small but real change on an individual level multiplied over as little as 10% of the population can bring about lasting change.

So I’m just one guy who’s been through CIRS writing about what he discovered along the way. If you’re so inspired, there’s an Amazon link at the bottom of any page for when you go shopping. If you don’t like my content, that’s fine too. The point is that if you’re a “moldy”, then find some way to contribute to the community (by “moldy” I mean those made sick by biotoxins from mold, Lyme, some reef fish, and so on). Find some way to bring greater unity, or clarity, or better content, or love, or whatever it is that inspires you. Emphasize the good in others, and be caring and specific when issues are raised.

Surveying the Landscape

So here’s a bit of reflection on where I’m at right now in light of what’s just been said. It gets back to my decision to create a Members only section. I’ve been writing for this site for over 2 years while struggling to remediate my home and recover from CIRS at the same time.

Those of you that have read some of my personal story know that for a time it was like living in hell for me. And yet, I’ve found the time and energy to write because I understood the importance of working together and I wanted to try and give people information on how to get better from CIRS.

Those that have come to the site for the last couple of days know that I shut it down. I did this to make the point that I’m not interested in being involved with a group of people that sound like a bunch of little kids squabbling on a playground. I have alternative venues with real potential for making a difference.

I’m currently working with a local organic farmer. I’ve been brewing up batches of compost tea to spray on the land in an effort to restore the microbiology of the soil. This is equivalent to restoring the gut biome and is proving to be just as challenging.

I’m also learning about stray voltage. From an intellectual level, this task makes understanding and treating CIRS look simple. I’m doing this because I’m interested in supporting small farmers whose cattle, production, and personage suffer badly from this phenomenon.

By the way, those that recommend “Earthing” by having bare skin contact a conductive surface that is then plugged into the grounding terminal on an outlet are not only completely clueless but are hurting others that then follow this advice. The alternative of using a separate, metal grounding rod outside is also very risky as the proper placement of this rod can only be confirmed with a high-end oscilloscope.

On top of these efforts to help out, I really do need to start making a living again. It’s not fair to for my wife to have to carry this burden alone. I’m currently rebuilding an old website. To do this, I have to learn the essentials of 5 different computer programming languages. I’m doing this after having my brain blown up like a balloon by CIRS, at an advancing age, and in light of the fact that the last programming language I learned was in college back in the late 70’s.

Given all of this, I’m compelled from time to time to stand back and ask the question on how best to spend my time. There’s writing for the mold community. Many suffer needlessly. There’s learning how to heal the land. If this isn’t done, it won’t matter in the long run if some suffer from CIRS or not.

There’s working to save the small farmer. If we continue down the path of consolidating farming, not only are vital connections to Mother Earth lost but it puts society at serious risk. Large farms are by their design very unstable – not resilient. Even small changes in weather or price can put them out of business and this can have a big impact on society.

Sandy on August 11, 2016 at 2:49 pm said:

Right on, brother. CIRS (and Lyme) are just further examples of how capitalism exploits people for the enrichment of the unscrupulous few. With so much work to be done to change the world, it is often discouraging to see the people we need to do that work with us. I have benefited a great deal from your efforts, and am grateful for the resource you have compiled. Best of luck in your new endeavors.

Susan on August 11, 2016 at 3:10 pm said:
Wonderful commentary! Thank you.
Rather than an Amazon link to you that we need to find when we make a purchase, yours needs to be my pop up link. Currently, I have but am happy to make the change to you. If you know how to change the embedded link at Amazon, please let me know (along w/ all your subscribers).

on August 11, 2016 at 4:46 pm said:

Thanks for the support Susan.

The Amazon link is at the bottom of every page and uses this code:

on August 11, 2016 at 5:11 pm said:

But we all need to go to and do the following….
To change your charitable organization:

Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
Select a new charitable organization to support.

When I’m shopping at Amazon, I don’t want to go looking for the link embedded in your site. It will simply pop up if we shop thru the link. Many times, if I forget and go to, it reminds me.

That said, it is asking me for the name of your charity as it appears in Amazon (not the link). Please let me know.

on August 11, 2016 at 5:46 pm said:
Oh, OK, I think I’m getting where you’re coming from. I didn’t realize there was a way to have Amazon contribute a portion of a person’s purchases to a charitable organization. Biotoxin Journey is not a charitable organization. I realize there are people out there accepting donations without declaring the proper tax status but this is actually a very risky proposition. The work involved in creating a nonprofit organization is definitely not worth the small amount folks contribute – and this is as it should be. I’m just looking for a small show of support.

Oh well, no worries. If you remember, that’s fine. If not, that’s OK too.

on August 11, 2016 at 8:49 pm said:
Oh! Sorry to bother you w/ extra information. If I’d stopped to think, I would have realized you aren’t a charity!! (Quite the opposite …. so much giving and lots of squabbling coming back!!)

I will make a sticky note for my computer so it’s handy.

on August 11, 2016 at 9:15 pm said:
Now you’ve got it

Now YOUsers of have got it too!  Please do --- support, be involved, help out the people in the truth movement so we can continue to do our work! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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