Find Time to Watch this GMO/nonGMO Movie: Genetic Roulette!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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I cannot more highly recommend spending an hour and a half (1:25 actually) watching this excellent movie, Genetic Roulette, about GMO. I learned about it in a time where it was FREE at their website, which was intended to get interest up about it, and it generally is a $2.99 minimum donation to watch.  In my opinion, had I paid $2.99 I would have invested in information which is going to save me LOTS more money in the future, as well as the time and energy aspects of health problems.  That is how I truly want to present this -- it's your life to live as you do, every moment. It's your time, your energy, and your money if money is involved.  Time and energy always are involved, sometimes things are $0/free.

I watched it early this morning instead of reading as I normally do, in those hours many of us wake up and cannot sleep (for whatever reasons, look at our insomnia information). And as I am working on writing about it here at while sitting at my computer work station, "Sometime Foods" is being discussed as a concept on the daytime television show that comes on after "The View", which believe it or not, I often have on while I work because I find out what's mostly in the news that day of interest to women, as that is what The View's niche market is.

A famous chef and Elmo from Sesame Street stole my attention away from writing just now and made me think:  In the past I'd learned to not look at foods as black and white (good/bad) but black and white with shades of grey from one end of the continuum to the other.  There were categories presented that were "not good/bad", good, better, best.

I was 'getting by' with the 80/20 'rule' that someone else taught me around the same time as the 'shades of grey' philosophy; the 80/20 philosophy about foods is that as long as 80% of what you do is right with what affects you (think body/mind/spirit and then everything you put in and on your body and around you in things that affect you, such as fragrances, chemicals in the home and yard or you get in the environment), then your body can handle that 20% 'hit'.

So how that translates for me is that if a person is more on the chronically ill end of things and further away from chronically well, they have to do more than 80% 'right' for themselves because there are so many things we cannot control, such as air pollution we breathe in, or, to use a recent example, drinking an occasional glass of water that's tap water at a restaurant which only filters out chlorine and not fluoride.

So when it comes to GMOs or non-GMOs, how emphatically a person gets on board eating nonGMO might have to do with how ill or well they are. Ideally, if a person has a chronic illness, it might be wise to be 100% on the non-GMO "wagon"! Perhaps some people can get by eating 100% genetically modified foods, this is something for each person to learn about and decide for themselves, like anything else! Just as some people do better with eating a vegan diet, others need to have animal proteins, and some people excel with more cruciferous and green leafy vegetables and others it is contraindicated. 

I had the benefit of growing up in a family where medical problems were part of my life, and diet was part of what was needed for that family members' well-being. We ALL learned about what the condition was, what caused it (from an allopathic perspective, I now know much more from a functional perspective, now that I've become a consumer of the functional medicine model and given up on the allopathic medical model, instead 'integrating' the best from allopathy and alternative/functional'.  

So it's not foreign to me to make learning about foods a 'homework' assignment that you study and incorporate into your daily home life. Others who are hearing about these concepts, as this information is 'out there' where most people at least hear a little about it, are not inclined to say 'that's something that is part of life, learning the new information about foods and diet and making changes'. So I encourage YOU to look at how you spend your TIME, ENERGY and MONEY and what your values are. And I will say right here, right now, that I am GUILTY of not having taken the TIME and ENERGY to focus about GMO prior to this year. But I am now and I regret that I didn't do it sooner.  So I hope that my sharing that here might encourage people to assess their values and time and act accordingly. 

Much of the information in this movie I had learned in recent years, as I was deepening my study and education resources at Lumigrate related to foods. I began learning a lot about foods in the 1970s about what causes hypoglycemia and 'prediabetic hypoglycemia', as I was diagnosed with in high school, readily adapting my diet as I'd been raised to know how to do that by the family member having to do so previously (which is partly why I was run up the flagpole years later for testing.) And then I just went about my young adult life and had another big step in my learning curve in 1995, when I became aware about IgG food allergies, and that my body was reacting extremely to wheat and eggs and literally pegged the chart in it's reaction about dairy.

And then, again, I just went about my business with that information and recommendations. However, what the experts' opinions were in 1995 (and again in 2006 when I had IgG retested), is different than what is the 'cutting edge' information today, and so the other aspect about foods information is that it keeps changing. And that frustrates people, as it not only is a lot of work to learn and change what you provide to yourself and others to eat, but increasingly the information that is coming 'down the pike' is that the foods most people eat the most of are the ones that are causing Americans the most problems, overall.  Do we want to give up our pizza and hamburgers? Our bread with dinner, or the cheese we enjoy, or yogurt, or ........ ? No! Our popcorn at the movies? That's likely a GMO corn used, and not an oil that's good for you either. UGH, it's just everywhere, the way 'everyone' eats and the way we are eating, or wanting to eat .. LEARNING to eat and avoid the other things. That goes for gluten, casein, artificial colorings, flavorings, sweetenings as well as GMO/non-GMO.

The other info I did NOT yet know, related to the lingering effects after stopping eating GMO foods was eye opening, and answered a question a real-world friend of my age with similar medical problems asked me recently, as she doesn't buy-into the organics concept: "How come if you do "all this stuff" related to eating (organics and gluten and dairy, fluoride-free water, for instance) you're not totally well?". My answer was 'well, I'm also not totally unwell either, and I've not died of a chronic disease and am in my 50s -- that's a major accomplishment. People think I look younger than I am, I think that's to do with things I have been doing differently than if I'd not had a chronic disease to 'motivate me'.  

But in reality, it was because, like anyone, I was doing a % somewhere between 0 and 100, and not doing ENOUGH --- for my body/mind/spirit -- and I was missing something in my attempts.  But what is it? So I spent some time analyzing my life, not just the diet aspect (food/drink) of what I needed to be doing or not doing.  And because it's not just about me and my genes and what I picked up in this life so far -- it's about what my parents ate, and how that affected their genes, and what their parents ate; epigenetics, this gets into, which is the area that looks at the genes that are affected by things, basically.  

AHA! So there is the added 'history' of the relatives a few generations back either not knowing or knowing and not "doing better" which tricked down to rest upon MY shoulders! (Example, my mother and grandmother were living together and I was a wee child when the US Surgeon General made his sweeping proclammation about tobacco cigarettes and health. They didn't change their habits at all from that moment until the day they each died, early in both cases, as a result of the cigarettes and my heavy metals testing is not surprising in having high levels of metals found in cigarette smoke. And I have never smoked first-hand. Did their cigarette smoking affect the genes that got passed on to me? What about foods? Epigenetics research CLEARLY shows that diet affects genes generations after the consumer has a change in diet!)

Genetic Roulette touches upon and 'meshes with' the epigenetics information that I've studied over the past four years, in widely available magazines such as National Geographic and Time or on PBS. This is where I saw convincing information that it is not the generation that gorges itself just one winter on an overabundance of food, nor their children, but their childrens' children show the impact, when studied scientifically, or 'objectively'.  I think of the friends my age who over and over have children with health issues that aren't anything we had to deal with years back and now that their children are having children --- it's staggering the birth defects, or infertility and etc that I'm witnessing 'subjectively'.  

What 'motivates' a person to make change, or to at least open their eyes and ears and minds and at least consider learning always differs, but there are general categories: They want to be here for their family in the future is one I have heard a lot, including a wonderful client I consulted with in the past week. Fear of going through the "mangling medicine maze" is another common one.  VANITY, is another -- they want to look good, or not look not good, at least.  I was just getting my hair colored and cut and the conversation in the salon was about what women/people go through to have long eyelashes -- expense, time, pain even, and potential health impacts.  So I encourage you as you read this to think about what motivates YOU.  

And then, I recommend you consider spending an hour and a half watching an entertaining movie version of education about foods and the genetic modification thereof.  It might explain why your grandparents did as they did and had so few health problems compared to you today; and if you look at the curve, you can perhaps see the future for your grandchildren, if you are going to have them. I don't have a family legacy in the future to leave, only my personal legacy, and for whatever reason, I care deeply about what happens to people's health today and in the future. Think about what priority YOU place upon wellness/health and then arrange your life accordingly to work in that direction. 

And we have to be willing to just let go of old information as it is replaced. Margarine is an example. Fluoride is another example: the experts told parents, who told children as we were raised that fluoride is good for our teeth.  Now, just about everyone is aware that's a topic to reconsider, and there's a 'grate debate' about. Search on Lumigrate for 'fluoride' or SWIG -- Safe Water is Great is what the acronym is spelled out.  You'll see how we formed an action group to go about creating education for the public or the policy-makers and medical providers, etc. There is an "official statement and story" which has a photograph, our logo and is a good place to get 'the whole overview' in something that can be read in about fifteen minutes, with some FUN in the photo as well.) 

In Genetic Roulette, it shows the exponential increase of various illnesses since GMOs were on the market and increasingly being consumed directly or indirectly/secondarily, as in the case of meats that were animals which consumed GMO feeds.  Important detail, though, is that the graphs all show the increase started prior to the time GMOs came out so, as we always know at Lumigrate, it is many factors involved -- it's a synergistic, cumulative effect of things taking a toll on the body, mind, and spirit! But GMO foods, appears to have been a significant contributor. And how far back was wheat being adapted, even if it's not called 'genetic modification'? I think there's more to the story related to wheat than was focused upon by the producers of this particular video about foods and wellness/illness. 

Pick your poison, and pick your medicine -- food is our #1 medicine, isn't it? Pick what you're going to focus your resources on for your wellness recovery or maintenance.  Each person will have different strategies and values about that, and pretty much, it's on our shoulders to 'do or do not' and at the least, do our best with what we have been handed in life right now. 

So this is why I ventured into talking about WATER here: I'd recommend really looking at educating yourself about SWIGging safe water as well as what you cook with, or water your plants with.  Fluoride ends up in your foods in a variety of ways, IN ADDITION TO the goods, GMO or nonGMO. Is the fluoride in the water in the US, which started being added in the 1940s, part of the reason the illness curves shown in Genetic Roulette start before the genetic modification of organisms?

I've learned recently in Searching on Google for "fluoride in wine" that there is a loophole in the California state laws related to growing 'organic', that allows fluoride to be added to soils (as it is a toxin so it is effective in agriculture to control the things that make growing organically difficult.) Even though what is produced as a byproduct of chemical manufacturing is NOT the same form of fluoride that naturally occurs in rock and therefore soils (some place more than others). These topics truly end up like being 'rabbit holes' in Alice in Wonderland... how far down into the information do to YOU want to go? The number of things that a person has to modify in their daily routine gets quite complicated and can baffle most people. Lumigrate is here to 'support you' with that, just let us know if you want our assistance!

And at the very least, perhaps you'll put your thinking cap on about it after you watch the movie Genetic Roulette, and here is the link.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~~ Mardy


Genetic Roulette -The Gamble of Our Lives 

A film by Jeffrey M. Smith – Narrated by Lisa Oz

A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology

Watch Preview Order The DVD

Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the world’s bestselling book on GMOs, Seeds of Deception, is a leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices.

small_awardGenetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives has won the 2012 Movie of the Year by the Solari Report and the Top Transformational Film of 2012 by AwareGuide!

Never-Before-Seen-Evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn.

Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Don’t miss this film!

The main feature film Genetic Roulette is 85 minutes. Rent the abridged version for a donation of only $2.99 or buy the full dvd with bonus dvd.

Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives is available for DVD purchase with subtitles for the hearing impaired and in Spanish.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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