Borreliosis. Neuroborreliosis. Lyme. Biofilm: Terms Morph as Information Increases in Availability

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Lyme/Borrelia is a complicated topic in health care, and it affects MASSIVE numbers of people, most of whom do not know that their symptoms are partly due to "the bugs" being present in their systems. Many know there is a connection suspected between autism and Lyme / Borrelia (and the other related, similar "bugs"), and with the current rates of autism skyrocketing, and the typical parents for that group of young people being motivated to learn what causes it and what to do about it, awareness levels rose more. It is an extensive topic to learn about, and so I hope to have pared things down for YOUsers finding this article / thread.

I want to start by impressing upon everyone how common it is to have Lyme existing in people: the source at this link says 80% of people in the US, and that is what I have been guestimating once I learned that it was a cofactor in all the progressive neurological diseases and autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue / ME (which really comes back to looking at Epstein-Barr Virus once I studied the current information). And it explains well, the reason you see the autism population having a lot of Lyme and how that is 'loading' their bodies down more so that the interventions they are doing aren't as effective, unless they also address the Lyme load too. This is a very short article, well written, and at a very interesting website I've selected to link to at this point; you will see it has sections about GMOs, synergistic heavy metal burdens, and electromagnetic frequencies as prime culprits interfering with wellness.

You will find resources, below, including a link to a website by a well-respected Lyme specialist in the US, David Horowitz, MD, who has a symptom checklist that is helpful in determining if a person should suspect they have a variety of the 'bugs', such as Borrelia / Lyme. And as you'll read, below, the exact terms that ideally should be used for the condition is debated or rather discussed by those in the field. And then there's the interrelated 'biofilm', which is different than Borrelia bacteria. They're kind of codependent organisms to use a 'psyche' word. I'm going to abbreviate it L/B sometimes, meaning Lyme/ Borrelia. 

Even NHL (Non-Hodgkins lymphoma) might have some connection with L/B (Lyme / Borrelia) . Many people have been diagnosed by their medical providers as having This, That, or The Other, and treated with BigMedicine's approaches for the pain, fatigue, spasms, endocrine system dysfunction, or neurological symptoms, etc., but nobody's told them about the Lyme / Borrelia connection. I like to mix things up a bit with what I provide to people as linked resources, so here's the Lyme Australia  website, which has great history overview and a world-wide focus, more than most resources that I've seen: .  

From what I've gathered over the years, there tends to be a "marketing-ness" to the term 'Lyme' and it is somewhat concerning. I wouldn't be concerned if it didn't imply that the whole disease wave started as recently as what is documented from Old Lyme, Connecticut. Hence my calling it Lyme / Borrelia here, and having the topic having the Lyme word mixed in with these other terms, and providing the information below about the various words. This is actually a VERY old bacteria, there is extensive history for hundreds of years, and it has been found in the tissues of very old bodies found as 'icemen'.  

Remember that it was not until fairly recent times that we were able to understand how things are communicated/ transmitted. Do we really know, still, when someone's contagious when they have the 'common cold', for example? So the 'programming' we had in our minds about "Lyme" and tick-borne diseases, it turns out, was likely very limited and so right up front I want to say that other bugs transmit these bugs, and people transmit them to each other. Pets and livestock then interact with humans, and vice versa. So open up your minds right away to what you're going to learn as you go forward from here. 

Briefly, the history overview: "Lyme", the term, comes from Old Lyme, Connecticut (USA) which is near Plum Island, where the US government had a research facility for biological weapons, allededly (which is well documented and not at all 'debated'; some believe it's quite established they had a shooter there to protect it from anyone coming along and interfering, even).  Because of the sensational aspect of this aspect of the Lyme story, some people get to thinking that this is where it all started for the United States. But that is not true in terms of the disorders that are caused by these types of bugs in general. I wanted to establish that right up at the top of the topic, too.  

In the "Lyme literate community", it is generally considered, or perhaps "universally" is a more accurate term to use, that the programs at Plum Island created a new strain of the bacteria, which inadvertently or intentionally was allowed to spread outside of their biological weapons research facility on Plum Island. Take that with a grain of salt, and don't shoot the messenger -- I'm just trying to give YOUsers a snapshot of what you'll find if you go looking around for information on the Internet. Others will say this is really difficult to prove and distracts people from what really is important, and I'll agree with that. So, don't get too distracted if you're wanting to find out what's going on for you or someone you advocate for, and what to do about it.  

I will leave further investigation up to YOUsers to do on your own about that, and to form your conconclusions about intentions and Plum Island. But -- seed planted and you're now 'aware' about that aspect, become further educated if you wish. For now, let's move on. (As Lumigrate's MD expert on fatigue and chronic illness, environmental illness specialist Marc Spurlock, MD has always signed off here at Lumigrate, his motto is There is no one to blame .... There is 'take action'. I wanted YOUsers to have a little overview, however.

I like to be SURE that all people learn about the "Load Theory" topic that Dr Spurlock provided to us at Lumigrate in the timeframe he was helping us create content to get the word out to people about what causes these conditions, and what to do about them. (And  know of him as a resource, naturally.) Here's the link, it's titled "Are You Loaded?....." and relates what he views as the contributors to why he's seeing so many more people with environmental illnesses -- young, and old and in between.

Another resource I also liked is the blogsite at the following link, because it is written by an adult in a family where it turned out ALL members had Lyme and they're now all undergoing treatment, and she relates how they're doing that. And what all they went through.  But the history information presented included the interesting Black Forest (in Europe) history, where people in different valleys had slightly different manifestations of symptoms -- the savvy medical expert the people would present to could figure what valley they were from based on their presentation of symptoms! 

This was most interesting to me because I have been asked by people from the mountainous area I grew up in if anyone else sees how many are ill in these various conditions that don't really seem to be the same outward cause. And in one of the many 'coincidences' of the past decade, I sat at a concert and chit chatted about who we were and where I was 'from' with what turned out to be one of Colorado's biggest environmental illness researchers who said 'oh, that's a well known area for environmental illness'; really? Why hasn't anyone in the area ever been notified about that (to my knowledge). I'm not sayin' it was vector borne diseases at all, I'm just sayin' that they have studied the area and knew there were a lot of people ill from 'environmental illness' there, I didn't get details.

I just want YOUsers to understand how these things are being studied and not disclosed in places that most people have access to. There are some tremendous, motivated researchers in their homes looking into all kinds of things thanks to the powers of the Internet increasingly (and hopefully it stays a strong place to get information without censorship).  So as you look at information about this and other subjects which have some monkeybusiness going on like this one has, consider all that. The conventional research programs and places that publish it have been corrupted over the years and are not really reliable anymore for honest information. Meaning that the researchers who cannot get their research published because it goes 'against the grain' of what the less than ethical and honest organizations are wanting the public to know have to start their own journals or find ways of getting their message out to the public. And they're often having stones and dispersions cast at them in order to keep them from being trusted and their message heard. Go and watch videos of the providers, see if you think they're sincere or not, and decide what information YOU are going to believe. That's a new skill we as consumers have to develop. I encourage you to do so, it will benefit your wellness if you do. 

Perhaps other YOUsers reading this will have a similar observation if they think about where they have lived and the people they have known. Also, when I got what is now called chronic fatigue syndrome in 1989, I was told there was a lot of it in the area for some unknown reason. You'll see if you view Under Our Skin that the Tahoe / Truckee area is shown, for some reason they got in the mainstream media with their outbreak and Fort Collins, Colorado where I was in the 1980s to mid '90s did not. I have been unable to find anything on the Internet about it, and even tracked down the doctor who told me that who now claims to not recall that information (which had to do with there being a potential 'retrovirus' as well.)

I have to think that my having experienced these things and can recall and relate them to others might be of value. Hence I include these details here. Yes, we aren't going to have a short, sweet topic to cover Lyme / Borrelia / biofilm at Lumigrate! Be sure to view the additional Comments underneath that I've added more specific information as it comes along and 'fits'. The 'story stuff' that I put in at the top is enjoyed and helps many to apply the information to themselves and see it differently. And if people don't want it, skimming over is certainly a good option. 

I hope you're willing to take the time and use the energy to read over a more lenghty topic than many people present. Basically this is a difficult and important topic and if a person isn't going to be investing in time/energy to glean a thorough understanding, based on how I present it, then they're not likely going to be a person who would roll up their sleeves the way millions are to address challenging health conditions. It's not everyone who can ultimately do what the Lumigrate YOU! model shows, which is put themselves and their health (or those of others they advocate on behalf of) as the center of importance, building a good team around that they've really worked to select (and that can include education providers not just service providers). I hope our information at Lumigrate helps people to do that who wouldn't otherwise.  Hence, I do things a little differently. 

So this complication and confusion about Lyme, that I'll call Lyme/Borrelia or L/B here, has had a history within the conventional medicine system that's unfortunately is 'history repeating itself'. But this time, there were more people aware of history and the monkeybusiness involved. I like to call conventional medicine 'inside the box', and more recently I've seen it being called 'organized medicine', and like that expression. I remind people it's inside the box and 'the system' where all the power is.  The allopathic, conventional system finds ways of getting out of addressing things: they don't teach providers about things they don't want them to know, they create monkeybusiness to keep their agenda in motion, etc. -- it's how the game is played. You can't 'blame them' for that, if you think of them simply as businesses -- profit is the #1 priority. Yes, once a person figures this out there's essentially a grief cycle that occurs ... but ultimately taking action is what will allow a person to be in control of the situation and not be a victim of the system. 

We ALL have the 'outside the box' options, even if it's learning at free places on the Internet and DIY when it's possible and safe to do. Others will have more financial resources than others to pursue other things. My suggestion is to always look at what you DO HAVE at your disposal and to not focus on what is impossible at this time, that will be a defeating situation.  It's really our choice if we're exclusively using medical care via insurances provided to us by our jobs (which is the "in the system" stuff).  Sometimes people are using insurance or health care provided by the government/system, particularly in the US if we're older or are disabled. Services outside the box costs money -- not as much money as inside the box, typically. More traditional medicine healers and those outside the box of modern convention are usually scraping by financially, or 'getting by and not trying to get rich', operating as they do for a variety of reasons that I'll not go into here. In 2013 Lumigrate's "Grate Groove of the Grand Valley" collaborated to help a patient who wanted chiropractic care and didn't realize her clinic for the underinsured provided a mechanism to waive the copayment for those who didn't have the funds. By the time I learned what to teach her and she was proactive with the clinic, they were requiring flu vaccines or masks to be worn and the volunteering chiropractors refused to do either, so she was unscheduled for this very desired care.

So I arranged for the DC / chiropractor who had been one of those in the situation, who had provided some content at Lumigrate in 2012, to collaborate with me and others in providing services to the gal, and at the end of the year we tabulated our total 'cost' -- $10,000, and the increase in function she had was incredible. She is now on the very long list for vocational rehabilitation through the state of Colorado, but is physically and mentally capable of returning to working full time work. However, 'the system' gets wrapped around a person and it's difficult to navigate back out of, and you know how hard it was to get into all the programs for subsidized housing, food, health care ... and it's a risk, literally, to try to 'get back on the horse'. In her case she had  a work-related injury but had already had symptoms of what was later diagnosed as fibromyalgia. So how come if it would only cost another $10,000 to have a patient have chiropractics, movement therapy, health coaching, teaching of how to be a medical consumer (YOU! model), and their dentures updated so they fit and they appear to others without missing teeth, doesn't the system incorporate these providers and services? "Just sayin'!"...... (You can read about Project Billie Green if you Search at Lumigrate's search bar. It was win/win/win -- Billie was hiking mountaints and plugged in to get voc rehab, which she had been unaware of, and the providers all learned what could happen to ONE patient who was willing to put in the time and effort if the $-factor was removed from the treatment equation. And we would have had more success had we been able to officially be dovetailed with 'the system' where she got her primary care and medications and other services but we were two separate groups with only the patient relating to us what the other system/group was doing with her. But it was as close as we could get to it on our own and it was a very productive year for learning and growth.)

This is the health 'care' industry, and there are standards of practice with ethics involved: "Do no harm" being three simple words that are the 'standard'. "Is it the right thing to do for the patient?" being a 'universal law' in my mind, and one which I operated under, I hope, every day that I was working inside the box, which was over a decade. Some have even 'pledged' this when earning their wings, so to speak.  I had innumerable hassles with management and recently communicated with one of my former coworkers who now works in another state and was punished for speaking out about mileage reimbursement changes. They'd receive half the previous amount (which was what the IRS' rate is for mileage for business people) and they got a gas card for their fuel. Meaning you don't have a choice who you're getting your fuel from as a consumer.  It just whittles away and drives providers away when they're able to change their bills, their lifestyle and their vocation. (Or they retire early too, and retired is a vocation I suppose, if you're getting income.) 

I asked "If you knew what the realities were of working in the medical field, would you have opted to do all you did to get into the program you did and graduate, do internships, etc.?" People are leaving medicine in droves, it's really quite a problem for the people who rely upon the medical workers, particularly those with experience. Sometimes they try to get training in things 'outside the box', as this therapist did before we worked together in 2001/2, but finding enough people who see how the system works and that paying for things out of pocket 'outside the box' is sometimes necessary to solve a problem. Otherwise you'll continue to have the problem and be dealing with symptoms and symptom control which is what conventional, allopathic 'in the box' medicine's strong suit is. 

People with all the various conditions not being addressed appropriately within 'the box' truly suffer for it when they or their loved ones have these various conditions. I saw a child last year that is part of a family I've known for a long time who is just being put through ongoing daily horrors, which everyone around is affected by whether in public or private. The resources are there to go outside the box but the realization about the system isn't there for those who make the decisions. Or the realization is there but then the lure of the insurance keeps the focus on that since that's 'already paid for'. I know how that goes, my health went backwards in the years I had insurance provided by employers who weren't paying me as much as I'd made in the past due to the system's downturn in the late 1990s related to how Medicare reimbursed therapy services. Many don't know that in 1999 50% of therapists were not employed as therapists! But I'm grateful today for how that all occurred, because I got to see what happens when people have insurance and then no funds for anything outside the box. I learned -- the hard way! 

I like to remind people the veterinary medicine business has the same problems and solutions in its midst as human medicine does. I had a cat come my way in 2009 which I knew was some sort of teacher to me, I just was trying to figure out exactly what. Then in 2012 she started having neurologic episodes and I was trying to get to the bottom of it, feeling the inside the box DVMs were way off course in seeing what it was, a homeopathic expert didn't know either, referring me to Jackson Gallaxy who was now too busy to do consults as he's a big Animal Planet star .... and ultimately learning from the privately owned pet supply owner of THE veterinarian who knew what it was and what to do about it.  (And in August of 2014, I am editing this topic and can include that I just found information from a veterinary researcher I happened to know back when he was a dog expert. Turns out he got into feline research after I left Fort Collins and a topic I saw posted on Facebook was about his research findings about cats and guess what? Seems it's possible her symptoms were brought on my tick-born bacteria that you'd call borrelia / Lyme / etcetera. Thanks to my beautiful, special cat who had such a tormented time sometimes due to the particular symptoms she had which made her lose her sense of reality, I had my radar up about the 'dots' between human and feline (and canine) disorders that might have a common thread and we're perhaps 'codependent' the way Borrelia and biofilm are!  Do people having sex reinfect each other? Do animals who have the bugs reinfect their owners? Are human guardians infecting their pets? What's the relationship? Food for thought.  

That took me 14 months to look into her issues, to the best of my abilities, and inretrospect I was not putting enough priority on it as I did NOT understand the severity of the situation and that it was progressive neurological in nature, and I certainly had not thought that it could have this type of 'bug' behind it. Because she was fine and sweet and her normal self and then loud noises or surprises, or people or cats coming near the house would set her off, but only sometimes. Diet seemed to play into it, I was trying all these different things, as I would imagine many readers will 'relate to'.  

I learned a great deal, mostly because I started seeing the similarities to her symptoms (hyperesthesia, a very severe case with seizures and loss of reality with attacking owners, two cases have been in national news recently.) She was amazing when my father was dying of Lewy body disease and she wasn't very affected then, I was unaware of early symptoms that would have let me know what to watch out for. But I wonder if they're looking at some sort of disease like L/B being part of feline hyperesthesia. Perhaps this planting of the seed will be read by someone who will know or think about things differently.

Here's a resource online about Lyme/Borrelia in veterinary: . This is not a veterinarian I have ever worked with or met, though in 1975 when the founder of the practice (not the current DVM) came to Conifer we took a cat to him and I was told it was a pregnant female with 2-3 kittens he could palpate. No kittens ever came, so back to our usual vet we went. "Come on, girl, come here and look at this (squeezing the genitalia of a neutered male)" I was 15, so embarrassed. But talk about lessons in how far off doctors can be!

However, that new vet went into some outside the box things after that and became very well known for it. This was in about the same timeframe as a doctor saw my blood sugar going to 60 at hour 3 after dropping from way high, and saying '60's WNL, so you're fine'. So I guess I'm now at about four decades of the gradual awakening of the realities of the medical system, both for human and other animals on Earth!

All of society suffers because of these systems of medicine for humans and other animals being in power in the US (and beyond) as well. The loss in productivity, the things people aren't contributing to in their families or groups in the communities because they're unwell is staggering and virtually incalculable. BigMedicine's ways are very short-sighted at the least and corrupt, dishonest and diabolically wrong at the worst. "It's just plain wrong" you might say. 

How it all fits together only makes sense once a person learns about the systems that are in power that are not revealed to us. Think about it, the system is where we've gotten most of our knowledge from, one way or another. People with children or who know teachers will know of the new 'thing' called Common Core. Ironically, people were posting things from the early 1980s from our county's outdoor laboratory school, and 'core' was on the worksheets over and over again.

This was about the timeframe my mother, a fourth grade innovative teacher, retired early rather than be fired because she refused to teach her 'lower 1/3 of the class' students the way the school system was demanding. She knew about activities and exercises that helped the students' neurological sytems get more 'integrated', it was called Sensory Integration back when I was in OT school and my program at CSU in the mid '90s was very strong in it. How my mother learned of it by 1970, I will never know, but I didn't really understand, nor did she, the big system stuff. I'm glad I do now.

Another word for studying is the "Agenda 21" which has come from the United Nations. These things are facts, not "conspiracy theory", so if it's any kind of conspiracy it's a conspiracy fact. I recommend Yousers/ readers not be dissuaded by that "conspiracy" word, think about effective parents who put up a united front with children, they are "conspiring". All businesses typically get some sort of arrangement with others. C hildren will typically conspire among themselves as well, and sometimes it gets a bit unhealthy when a parent and a child form into one of these unions, the whole family system goes wonky at that point. (You'll see a lot of divorces occur when the child in that relationship hits adolescence, it's very interesting and less-known psychology realm information I was fortunate to learn about years back.) It's a natural thing that people do, forming alliances and conspiring, and it's gone on forever and our whole country and system of government and everything that has come from big businesses has stemmed from those long-ago roots. Marianne Williamson's speech in 2013 is one of the better 20 minutes and I give the readable form of it at this link FYI:

 The speech at the above link was given in Venice, California in May 2013 at the March Against Monsants Rally, and before Ms. Williamson announced she was tossing her hat 'into the ring' and running for political office. I kind of wondered when I found it at Running the Country's website when I Searched on the Internet for it based on keywords. So they took the time and resources to transcribe the 20 minute talk so it's readable, and they have the link to the video as well embedded. I highly HIGHLY encourage people watch it. You'll see at the topic I wrote about it that I realize she's not going to be 'for everyone' but I believe much of what she says DOES resonate with MOST people, and she gets really fired up, isn't doomsdayish but does make it very clear that this is not a time to put off getting active and involved, this is the biggest time in modern history in our midst, these things going on which we have the power, in theory, to affect. 

Here's a rather fun and experiential, though overly simplified way of seeing how the medical system and overall system has come to be: Imagine you're the head of a crime ring and you're going to prey upon your city -- are you going to tell the people living on your street or your families about how you're going to pull off a hoax or heist? It might be difficult for some people to envision themselves in a manevolent position like that, but please try and envision who you'd recruit to do the various jobs and tasks for you ... would they be 'in on it'? If you know good people like I do, you'd not be able to recruit them if they knew, so you'd really not be able to tell them MUCH and certainly not all about it. And then imagine that you needed to create educational programs to create the worker bees, would the people teaching the students know the inside scoop about your new 'industry' or would you infuse them with partially honest information only.

In 2013 I became aware of 'geoengineering' and was concerned due to it's clear potential for harming health of people, animals and basically everything in Earth's ecosystem. Someone who followed my Facebook posts was going to University to study one of the sciences and asked a professor about it. The response was presented with great authority and was dismissive, and insulting -- including things like 'they should take a climatology class or study a book and learn something before they make statements like that.' I had already been in contact with our state's climatologist, who I happened to know from my previous work in air quality research program administration. I got a very polished 'I'm interested and send me photos, but so far everything I've seen can be explained as a contrail or climatology.' It turns out they've modified what is in the official scientific guidebooks to incorporate how the program's results will appear, and concerningly there were many people who are so geared to trusting teachers or other experts as telling the truth that a proverbial Trojan Horse got past billions of people around the world. And this was a program which shockingly goes back to long before World War 2, I found out in my investigation of it. An offshoot was that I better understood the BigMedical, BigInsurance, BigMilitary, BigMedia, BigEverything in power 'complex' and how it all fits together. And Lyme/Borreliosis and the way it has been handled in the US (and beyond) is better understood once a person has an understanding of The System at hand.

Biofilm as well. Simple things like 'why don't they make all medical workers change when they arrive at the facility and change back when they leave, with showers available depending on what a person does for work.' I recall working in a city hospital and would go into areas we had to gown up, and I'd see the people who went into surgery areas being the only ones who changed at the hospital and went home at night without the bugs on them from the various patients.

As a therapist of the OT or PT kind you're often with a lot of bodily contact, and we were provided polo shirts, in limited numbers, we had to wear from home with our street pants and shoes. I maybe thought about this more than others because in the mid 1980s my future husband got MRSA in his brain from a surgery and in 1986 his doctor said 'sorry I almost killed you treating you but if I didn't get that aggressive it would have killed you.' It turned out the bug wasn't gone from his body and it came back and caused problems for years if not decades. I'd divorced in 1992 when things seemed to be going well, over his lack of support for my returning to complete my University degree in OT, something I felt was my path to my life's work. 

The Internet has changed what information people have at their disposal, and never before have medical consumers been more aware of what we're not told by our parents, our schools, our newspapers, magazines we grew up trusting -- Time, Newsweek, National Geographic, and naturally television. Remember it being called 'the boob tube'?

Currently there has been an infiltration into the popular social media platforms in order to sway what people are passing around as information there, 'paid disinformation trolls' is perhaps the best way to describe them that I've seen. They often infiltrate or create groups and sincere seekers are unaware they're basically in a group with a gang of people interconnected to make whatever their ultimate goal is come to be highlighted. That might be a provider or a product or something, and it might not be totally legitimate. Buyer beware. User of FB and etc, beware.

But the sleeping giant as we've been called, is waking up and I commend efforts such as I'm providing below. You'll see I include a link to read the overview from Dr. Mercola's website about Under Our Skin. I know someone who took a class with Joe Mercola long ago, about how to do website businesses, and he'd shared some things about how hard it was financially and legally to break out of the 'box'. I try to commend him and remind YOUsers of him and his website on a regular basis. 

There are people who are outspoken advocates about Lyme who have literally said 'we all know that Lyme started on the East Coast of the US because of the germ warfare experiments being done on the island off the coast.'  That's all very interesting and is part of the history of Lyme/borreliosis, but it was in medical texts before that. So they're not accurate.

But they have a lot of people following them and taking their words as fact. I would hope if I misstep and someone is able to correct me, I'd then accept that and learn more and correct my misstep. Sometimes I don't see that happening. Remember, many people with the condition have had their brains very affected and this means not only thinking ability but personalities. So it's a tricky one. As they improve their wellness, these things also repair and change for the better, but they can be vascilating a great deal in the process.  This is the case in people who identifiy their symptoms as being consistent with the label 'fibromyalgia' as well. 

And ultimately, if you're researching something for yourself or on behalf of someone else and are seeking 'what to do about it', the whole history is helpful to know but takes your time/energy/money resources away from taking action. When you see the people filling the aisles at the healthier food stores, they're taking action -- they might not know all the history of the food industry, they just know if they go to a store that sorts in the good things and out the bad things for them, they can more easily learn to eat differently and have the health and wellness of those consuming show the results. However, some people are more 'into history' and I'll leave that to those who want to explore that and provide the basics here. 

I chose the videos, below, and other descriptive or educational information to help us start off this topic about "What's in a name?" when it comes to neuroborreliosis with the intention of finding some of the core resources which are most valid and best to study while also providing things YOUsers might not find easily on their own. So --- is it Borreliosis? Chronic borreliosis? Lyme? Chronic Lyme? I'm thinking that Lyme/Borreliosis might be the best term to run with if I were going to pick a term. You know you're in the land of the growing theories when there are a variety of terms tossed around. And growing it is, the Lyme/Borreliosis field of awareness and treatment. 

The most important thing to know about L/B's recent history that's caused so many to go untreated is that the group that is in power within ConMed relative to infectious diseases had a lot of monkey business go on, and I've included some of that history on Lumigrate's topics about L/B. That group is "IDSA". This is not unique with BigMedical, unfortunately.

There was a furor when the 'bible' manual of mental health diagnostics and statistics put out their new, fifth version in recently years, the "DSM-V" (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). You could literally find something in there for every person under the sun and there would then be a way to label them with a mental health issue and provide them with treatment (and bill insurance if they have it.)  Again, a little foundation for awareness and a little knowledge about it here for those who are wanting to get to the 'what to do about it'. 

At YouTube, the channel for LymeDiseaseAction provides a video titled
"Illuminating history". It's only had 500+ views as of my writing/viewing (late April 2014), and was published to YouTube on Aug 22, 2013 with the only desciption provided as "How we got into this mess: presentation to the 2013 LDA Conference, University of Surrey, UK."  I actually found it when searching on "pyrole disorder and borellia", it seems. I had to search for it by remembering LDA when going to it just now to integrate into this topic thread.  I'd not been offered it when searching on "pyroluria" and other search words, such as Lyme or Borrelia.
(As you know I try to teach tips to provide to YOUsers about Searching and my process going about sorting through information to learn from and provide here.  Since the original places hadn't included "pyrole disorder" when I'd learned about pyroluria (and all the other names as you see I include in the topic at Lumigrate about it) I was now making another 'pass' to see if I turned up any more treasures amid all the stones/offerings on the Internet.) 
Here's the link to the "Illuminating History" of Lyme at the LymeDisease Action channel at YouTube:
More about LDA, below.  This is not a long video, so I suggest you watch it and perhaps look around at that channel, they have a recent interview with Eva Sepi, PhD, who you see is covered elsewhere in our content on borrelia, Lyme, chronic borreliosis -- whatever YOU want to call it. One of the concerns about running into the future with the word Lyme had to do with Lyme being in Connecticut/the US and there are different forms of the disease in the US and Europe.
However, with the lime green color, the catchy name "Lymie", and the momentum going with the number of organizations calling themselves by the finally well-known Lyme, it would seem that Lyme/Borreliosis might be the winning combination of words to use. (I went through this with chronic EBV that became FS for fatigue syndrome that then became blurred in with fibromyalgia and then all the 'overlapping etceteras' as I call it: the neurodegenerative disorders -- Lupus, MS, Parkinson's, Lewy Body, Alzheimer's, etcetera. 
What I liked about this presentation was just the overall information and short time to watch, hence I'm including it here, but specifically some of the points she makes about the PATIENTS driving this, because they have the TIME and motivation to scour the Internet for this information, doctors do not. However, they often don't have the backgrounds to screen information well, so they sometimes get led awry. This is what I try to 'course correct' by having Lumigrate provide a good variety of things on the subjects we cover and get our YOUsers at least seeing those things if they follow the leads and information we provide. 
She also states that people listen to their peers, that's just part of the process we use. So doctors listen to other doctors, consumers listen to other consumers, providers to other providers, patients to other patients, etc..  You'll see with the Lumigrate YOU model that we're actually implying that there's 360 degree relationship that does exist between the providers and the YOU/consumer. This does exist, I have experienced it not just with myself as a provider but as a consumer.
I have had doctors not only be appreciative of books that I'd bring them that they'd not yet read and incorporated into their mix of knowledge to operate from, but I've had them sometimes credit previous patients for their having something innovative to offer. That didn't ALWAYS work out for me, and it was well over a decade ago. We've all had to learn how to incorporate the Internet. Many providers disagree with me about the YOU! model -- when the patient is capable of being proactive and an effective communicator and they're working with a relatively sane provider, it works. So there are variables across the different situations so you'll just have to decide about that yourselves.
It's an ideal and does work to some extent in the MAJORITY of consumer/provider relationships to some extent or another, and it keeps the patient in the position of feeling they are in charge of their wellness. Providers can be outstanding and recommend perfect things and it's ultimately the consumer who has to do the work to get the positive outcome and THAT is where the  majority of patients go off track. They expect 'game totally on' by the provider and all involved and are critical of realistic things that occur, and then things in THEIR control in their share of the healing relationship they don't bring their best game every day in every way. (Trust me, I know it's hard to do, I've been in the baffling, chronic consumer/patient shoes for basically my whole life!)(And I've been in the provider shoes since 1996!, I understand both sides of the coin, the whole coin...)
At's About tab, you will find this for starters, so please go and look around. 
About the Lyme Disease Association
In 1991, the Lyme Disease Association began as an informal group and then incorporated as Lyme Disease Association of Central Jersey, Inc. (LDACJ) in 1992 and then became Lyme Disease Association of New Jersey, Inc. (LDANJ) in 1993. It was formed by several patients and doctors─the Fordyce and Drulle Families were particularly instrumental ─who saw the need to organize and fund research and educate people. It had first a regional then state focus. 
In 1997, Pat Smith became President of LDANJ and it began to have influence far beyond NJ borders.  She saw the increasing need for a national organization. Supported by entreaties from doctors and patients alike, the LDANJ Board of Directors in 2000 changed the name to Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) and changed the focus to a national one, which had a broader mission expanding research funding (LDA funded research has appeared in 33 scientific journal publications to date) and including patient support, e.g., LymeAid 4 Kids fund. At that time, LDA decided to remain an all volunteer organization without paid employees so that all monies would be dedicated to the mission.  In 2011, 120 individuals volunteered 20,451 hours to assist with LDA programs. Additionally, LDA created a loose umbrella, LDAnet, where other groups could strategize and collaborate with LDA to impact Lyme disease issues nationally.
Here's a readable article at Mercola dot com that outlines the overview of what is covered in Under Our Skin in a readable way and allows you to purchse the video (and then Mercola gets the affiliate program $, which is a nice way to support his work.) However, the video is readily available for free on the Internet too, so please Search and find if you're interested in seeing it now and free. 
Link to Dr Horowitz' website, to the page where there's a link at the bottom for downloading the PDF of his symptom checklist / questionnaire. It is detailed and from what I know of the subject matter, asks the right questions. It was reasonably easy to fill out. And from what I've gathered from the Lyme community, he is very respected all the way around.  Here's the link:
Now, for 'biofilm': Biofilm's a whole separate 'thing' than L/B, but is interrelated to Lyme/Borrelia, so I wanted to include it here because it helps people understand the complexity of treating L/B once it's gotten past the immune system or acutely administered antibiotics if a person knows they've been exposed to and 'invaded by' the borrelia bug family. They are interrelated. And you'll be way off if you only study Lyme/ Borrelila and not biofilm as they are intimately interrelated, or as I jokingly have said here and overall, 'codependent'.  The best overview I can give about biofilm for starters is something I found 'aha'-ish at the following resource: biofilm's part of what is in the oral cavity / on teeth, so why not have pre-op include flossing and cleaning of the oral cavity?
(Sidenote: Don't get me started on how it is only those working in surgery suites that get treated to not getting their personal clothes germy and then they go to their personal cars, stores, homes... Ugh, the numbers of things BigMedical hasn't done that are just common sense!)  When you've had surgery, as I did once (in 2006), and then read something like that, you think 'why didn't I think of that?' Well, I'm glad others did and now we've brought it here and we can ALL know about it! 

Only recently had I come to find the videos provided at YouTube by 'biofilm' at their channel, which you'll see below. 'Biofilm' at YouTube is Richard Longland, whose history had some striking similarities to mine in terms of being an active professional person who enjoyed hiking and biking and the outdoors, then having problems with chronic pain and being diagnosed with DDD (degenerative disk disease).

Our stories diverge in that in mine, at age 29 (in 1989) I couldn't get out of bed one morning as usual, ready to face the day with 'gusto', and had to stop and rest on the walk to my office at the research campus at Colorado State University within a new addition built to house the air quality research team which blossomed after I was hired to assist. You can read his, below. His path took him to learning of 'biofilm', something I learned about because of following his videos. Per the video, below, of his interview with groundbreaking researcher Eva Sapi, Ph.D., people having an interest in chronic illness and wellness, whether specifically studying Borreliosis (and etc.) or not, will likely want to be familiar with biofilm.  

While I was still whittling away with more time and money and energy with therapists, chiropractors (the first of which was very centered on diet), MDs/DOs and others working nonsurgically on my spine and cranium (and the tissues inside plus everything attached to it), Richard took the trail to eventual surgery and you will see in the About from The Patient Arthroplasty Foundation's website... he didn't have any smoother a ride for a while there than I'd had.

This is what you will found About Richard at The Patient Arthroplasty Foundation: (I embellished with some additional bolding for things I think our YOUsers would want to have 'pop' when reading...)


In 2004, Richard Longland was sickened by an undiagnosed disease after spine surgery. In the months that followed, a list of maladies appeared: headaches; neck, throat and shoulder pain; and random “lightning shocks.” In 2005 and 2006, other problems emerged and challenged his sanity: cardiovascular and neurological troubles; bone-crushing fatigue; and the proverbial brain fog.

During this time, he started the ADRSupport Community for spine patients from all over the world. In 2006, he started The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation, whose mission supports patients facing joint diseases.

After battling the medical system, he was finally diagnosed with a systemic bacterial infection in 2007. The mycoplasma pneumonia that disabled him could have originated from any number of sources: the surgical intubation process, the hospital, any public place, or even a tick. He visited more than twenty doctors for a diagnosis. During this difficult period, he created The Arthroplasty Patient foundation, produced its first educational film and helped spine patients get “back on their feet” with an active global discussion board. His focused research on antimicrobials and anti-biofilm treatments led to his treatment program using pharmaceutical and naturopathic agents to rid his body of systemic bacterial biofilms.

Richard is the creator of the film Why Am I Still Sick, which began in 2009 with his on-camera interviews with bacterial biofilm authorities. Since then, he has learned a great deal about the human and economic costs associated with chronic bacterial infections — biofilms — from university researchers, medical doctors, entrepreneurs, government researchers and dental professionals.

At Ondine Biopharma, his interviews revealed that 38,000,000 people in this country have (or had) a chronic sinus problem. At Southwest Regional Woundcare Center, Dr. Randy Wolcott explained that 550,000 deaths related to biofilm infections occur annually – almost the same number of fatalities as cancer – and thirty times the number of AIDS patients lost each year. Doctor David Kennedy, a retired dentist, lamented that most adult Americans have gum disease — another bacterial biofilm condition involving chronic infection. So just how big is this stealthy healthcare epidemic? This is the profound question that forms the narrative of this unusual documentary.

In an unusually proactive effort to share work in progress with the public, we publish educational videos with experts interviewed for Why Am I Still Sick. Please see our “interviews in progress” with biofilm authorities.

PLEASE GO to the website (llinks above or below).

to see a 10 (or so) minute presentation Richard gives about the overall about the state of spine surgery in the United States and artificial disk replacement, including medical tourism.  

...... and a trailer for the documentary Why Am I Still Sick?

....... or Donate to Support outreach and research programs 

........ or Listen to interviews with Biofilm doctors and researchers

My Personal Account of Trying to Plant Seeds in the Research/Medical Field of Colorado; Why Progress is Slow 

I have yet to have any type of arthroplastic surgery, though it was offered to me for one level of my cervical spine (remove the disk and fuse) in 1995, but I knew that artificial disks were in development so felt it made sense to 'try PT first'. However,  I've had the pleasure of having a close personal friendship with someone who has had over 20 by middle age, a very athletic guy who got into the building trades professionally after playing ball at University, and I remarked at what seemed to me to be such similar underlying 'chronic'/daily issues OVERALL.

We both had had some of our care at the world renowned Stedman Hawkins Clinic in Vail, Colorado, which was made internationally famous when Kobe Bryant had some personal problems make their way to the mainstream media when on a trip to be seen there. Between the PT/OT clinic I contracted at for several years before starting Lumigrate and shifting to providing the education via Internet having been at the time I was there the preferred place for patients on this end of the state due to the overall caliber of the staff, and my Humpty Dumpty friend going there, I figured I'd go for a consultation on my neck/cervical spine and 'fibromyalgia'. They have amazing neuro-orthopedic surgeons and orthopedic professionals.  

But they're very conventional, very conservative. Nothing outside the box. Their boilerplate protocol for people with fibromyaligia had five things they recommend in a certain order, and they let me do the order differently. But the items were BigPharma SSRI medication, injections in the nerve roots of a non steroidal anti-inflammatory, surgery (diskectomy and fusion with bone from the hip with coral being put into the hip/donor site, which my friend had done and said it was the worst pain he'd had in his life), PT, and the fifth thing escapes me. Perhaps it was Lyrica, but I'd already been on and off Lyrica. I was going about the serotonin by doing nutrition, supplements and hormone supplementation / balancing (which are building blocks for brain chemicals). So I took them up on the injections and tried that. Total remediation of the pain in my whole body by the time I got back to my  house six hours later. Just remarkable. So, for an inside the box provider of services, I was pleased with them, and the doctor knew I was an OTR and said he didn't have a pain management program to refer people to, he suggested they had a real need for giving patients pain management as they come from all over the state and country. I felt there was perhaps some 'opening there' for there to be collaborations in the future. 

So years back, I called their research foundation to ask about researching related to hormones and chronic pain, and some of these more functional concepts that were helped by hormone supplementation. I spoke with someone at the top of the organization, who said they had research going with Colorado State University about joints and hormones, but their legal structure is set up around orthopedic and not neurologic, so they'd have to look into changing that if they were to want to include it.

Ironically, it was one of their neuro-orthopedic providers who had told me they didn't have a pain management resource for their patients, in the same time period I had surgery for the usual uterus fibroids that come with the fibromyalgia territory. I'd been handled with a boilerplate punch/checklist for the aftercare by the doctor (who is a very good doctor) rather than customizing for my pain and medication tolerance history, and ironically the morphine I requested in the beginning not be given made me nauseous and set up the whole 'learning experience' I had with nursing judgment errors selecting from that list of things they had liberty to give me as needed while he was off seeing other patients or his family or sleeping.  That lead to horrendous nursing responses (including one lying to me as she didn't know I had medical knowledge and boy was she busted, ha!)

This doubled my time in the hospital and so angered and shocked me that I was jolted by motivation from that experience into enrolling in an entrepreneurial class at the local business incubator when I saw it advertised in the newspaper. Within a year I was on the fence considering leaving insurance-based outpatient OT service provision and going to the integrative, functional medicine pile.  

Within another year we had the complement of videotaped seminars filmed and an MDs attempt at an integrative clinic successfully off the ground. However, the clinic's ownership had ventured off course from the agreed-upon concept and was providing botulism for beauty and laser for body shaping and skin and things that are done in many of these clinics in order to create enough income for operating the space. But it was not the 'fit' for the providers, and our videos tab essentially is a time capsule of what had been the vision but not the ultimate reality for collaborative professionals in my geographic area.

It was at one of the seminars there that I learned that hormones have an effect in cartilege. It seemed to me that it might also have an effect on other tissues surrounding orthopedic and neurological tissues. Was there research about that? Not that the MD, who is a good researcher on his topics presented on, knew. 

So within a year or so, I happened to stop into the Foundation's offices when driving through Vail one day on one of my many trips over the Rocky Mountains at the time of my father's end of life due to Lewy Body Disease and resultant treatment (and some missed-treatment and mistreatment if you understand medical from the angle I come from). I often stopped and dropped off some goodies for the upper extremity orthopedic team who had provided many fabulous patients our way, and the team that would see me personally for my neck/spine.

Ironically, they were having all the muckity mucks from the board in for their annual meeting RIGHT THEN -- they were literally mingling around the office area when I wandered in -- and the head guy present and able to talk with me was not familiar with anything I had discussed with the other guy when I'd called. And so it goes. The health and research systems. They're kind of 'stuck' .. and very slow moving. Ultimately they're hooked into longstanding relationships to study certain things and not others, in the BigMedicine Big Research 'complex', which is BigGovernment that will include BigMiltary too sometimes. Go to Colorado State University's information -- even a map of the campuses they own and who is in what buildings. NOAA, CDC, and some are kind of disguised, like there is no real indication there's military research money coming in, but I worked there. There is. 

More of My Story About The Neck, The Neverending Story of My Life

Their process is to have you try a whole boilerplate of things, starting with medications and non invasive strategies. The next level is injections, so I had that done several times which requires a driver and a full day from where I live. But I would have total relief of the fibromyalgia symptoms before I was home almost, and it would last a month and then another month of effect. It cost the insurance company a lot of money, and I simultaneously did PT, which is on their boilerplate of strategies. It enable me to work harder on the muscles of my spine than otherwise, and I made good progress, but my insurance only provided 20 therapy visits (PT, OT, ST combined) per year. Going twice a week, that only provides for 10 weeks of PT. I paid for some additional ones out of pocket and abutted two calendar years so I did about 45 sessions. This was all still less money to the insurance company than doing a surgery, and PT and medications and procedures and having an unknown outcome in terms of what I'd need more of in the future. 

Both my doctor and PT wrote letters to request additional PT and there was visible progress to show, but the woman at the insurance company who took my call to check on the status said she'd worked there 12 years in all aspects of the company and they'd never once agreed to additional services when requested. This was the only insurance available to me in the pre Obamacare years, due to being an 'automatic knockout'/uninsurable due to having the dreaded F word in my chart: fibromyalgia. I had quite a big YOU! team at this point in my life: 

 Interactive activity: Draw out team YOU!                    

So it's been a LOT, this medical stuff. I hope anyone reading this understands I am sharing this to show I'm one of the millions who has had to go through this, and I empathize with anyone who is seeking solutions to improve their wellness state.  

I had good results with all the PTs I have gone to, but I know how to get to the best ones available, naturally, or I hope I do at least!  I was an OT student when I had the surgery/PT choice, and went to the grand pooh bah professor and asked her to look at the short list, that was narrowed down from their long list of PTs with a little gentle cajoling pressure at my nerologists office. "This is the PT who taught me how to do myofascia release (an advanced technique)."  I had more good luck, as I'll relate below. And so Humpty Mardy was held together in 1995 and got through college and into internship before needing PT #2. 

Had I not had that connection to help me find the first PT (and all the subsequent ones once I was a medical provider), I might have ended up without good results from the non-invasive option and have gone the route of surgery at that time.  When I think about the providers I know who have had the opportunity to go into these advanced hands-on therapeutic courses and be able to provide advanced techniques to patients, such as manual therapists do, for instance --  they're increasingly fewer and farther between.

I've worked for a hospital system as an OT and it's really interesting how they don't seem to put any resources to continuing the education of their therapists so they have 'grand skills' the way the therapists did in the past.  I mean, really, with all the overall costs to employ a person, you can't spend more than $1,500 on continuing education? It seems it is perhaps a way to route more people with insurance to the more lucrative surgery route. You can't blame a business for doing what it needs to do to make money and keep the lights on. Unless it's hurting people and you could shift resources so there were better provider services that were non invasive. Why not provide both? (Because the system is set up to NOT, conventional medicine wants people to have a certain kind of solution to their problems and not others, it is as simple as that. Follow the money and who had been 'the powers that be', or some call them the 'power that were' now because it's thought that there may be some 'overthrowing' of the system going on, quietly as of the writing of this in mid 2014. Many stories in 2014 would indicate this is the case, so we can hope it is upon us, the shift we've all been waiting for. It will be tumultuous though so we'll have to weather the storm together, knowing it will be better sailing after! 


I was actually working on information sources about pyroluria when I meandered into this biofilm information provided by Richard Longland. Specifically,  why information about pyroluria -- which affects on average at LEAST TEN PERCENT of people -- is  SO NOT "out there", even in the outside the box medical community. The providers are not aware of it, let alone the consumers/patients.

I spent a bit of time at my local health food store recently, to ask the clerks who advise patients in the supplements section if they've had inquiries, and to see what resources they had available. It is a good sized chain now, expanding into many states, and with a terrific book section. I'd purchased The UltraMind Solution by Mark Hyman, MD there, which had a lot of progressive information in it and is a functional medicine 'bible' in my opinon, but it doesn't have pyroluria included.  

The only book that had any reference to it was the original resource I pointed to from Lumigrate: Primal Body, Primal Mind. How many feet of books on a bookshelf in a health food store and it's that obscured, yet affects TEN PERCENT (or more) of people? What is up with that? Well, perhaps it will tie in with biofilm. And the huge number of people who are affected by Borreliosis/ neuorborreliosis / Lyme and ... biofilm. Has it ever been studied if pyrolurics are more susceptible to becoming a viable host for Borrelia, and does treating the pyroluria affect the Borrelia? This is the question I've not yet been able to find an answer for, but I'm going to see if Mr. Longland can get me closer to an answer.

Aren't we ultimately looking at the things which have to do with the immune system being strong or compromised? It just seems to me that if someone were wanting to fight Borrelia, they'd do well to know about pyroluria, as it likely is a factor in a high percentage of people who have succombed in the first place and NOT fought off the bugs from .. the bug/tick. So far, what I found out from a Lyme 'advocate' who was aware of pyroluria, most of the "Lyme literate doctors" are not aware nor addressing it in their practices, to her knowledge.  

So in researching/studying around about pyroluria and Lyme/Borreliosis, it leads a person into a hand full or two of medical experts' videos, with 'biofilm' guy, Richard Longland, having seemingly had all the fun these past five years interviewing more than a couple of these experts! Having had Lumigrate's roots in 2007 be me with a video camera, filming a seminar about chronic pain and medications for managing it for an MD who wanted the information but could not attend at the time of the seminar, and then having created the videos we did in 2008 that you see at the videos tab, or our YouTube Channel --- I just say 'hats off'/ props / kudos / and RIGHT ON Richard! It is a "long land", the United States, but YOU and your work reached me out here in the medical hub of western Colorado/eastern Utah. 

Once you tap into these videos following the information I was, you then you see other videos that are in the surrounding territories at the various video 'collecting spots' by Richard and his organization(s). I've highlighted one of those video medical hubs on another Lyme topic in this forum. 

So I'm hoping YOUsers will find benefit from learning of, or being reminded of, The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation and the specific library of information on biofilm to learn from. This would include the documentary on biofilm, Why Am I Still Sick? And you'll see Richard's first documentary was about the back/spine and surgery, intended to help teach patients so they could be better medical consumers and have improved outcomes. Please see our patient advocacy 'being prepared' section of forums at Lumigrate, where we have featured Martine Ehrenclou and route people to finding her (and her books on getting through the hospital experience or outpatient allopathy with improved efficacy.)
I have spoken briefly with Richard by telephone after reviewing his "About" information, and was struck at the similarities in our personal histories. It seems to me like we're with seeds planted and working to achieve similar things with our activism as educators and information producers. We just have different skill sets and resources at our disposal, and went about things differently in some ways (as he has taken the step to create a nonprofit, for instance.) Oh, yeah, and he's on the east coast of the US and has these humongous experts in his 'easy reach' for videotaping. NOT that it's 'easy' to get someone's information into a video camera and onto the Internet. Having done that, I know! So...  MUCH in common/overlapping, and much respect! 
This is an excerpt from one of the videos, below, which I wanted to post up top for YOUsers to read as in the video it's the 'closing statement'. I think it makes a great opening statement and introduction for this topic: 
Disseminated bacterial infections continue to disable millions of Americans; chronic Lyme disease is the ultimate case study and learning tool to promote change. 
Invading their hosts' environment, bacteria quickly evolve to evade the immune response or antibiotics. Biofilms are one of the many clever adaptations that Borrelia (et al.) microbes have to outsmart us. They've already outsmarted the American medical system. 
There is no standard of care in the United States that defines the diagnosis and treatment of disseminated bacterial infections. Tens of millions of human beings suffer with chronic infections: Lyme disease; UTIs, sinus, wounds, periodontal, hospital acquired infections; implant failures and many more chronic disease states. 
Naturally, Richard's on the east coast of the US and I'm "out west" basically in the middle of the country, in Colorado. He was an IT professional, I was an OT professional (medical, occupational therapy). He waited for the artificial disks for the spine, as did I. I was offered my choice of surgery or PT in 1995, but it would have been a fusion at a fairly high level in the neck and I believe the spine is like a slinky and the opposite end will compensate for lack of mobility coming from the area of limitation.
And fortunately a PT at the Denver VA where I was doing internships when I had a little injury with a patient knew of an outside the box PT/DDS in town, originally from China, who worked only with cervical and neck patients and just incredible stuff. As I said, above, that was after one of my OT professors suggested the first PT I went to when the neurologist offered me PT or surgery for the disk that was pushing my spinal cord over per the MRI back in 1995.
I also felt that food allergies were contributing, and asked the neurologist when she went over the spinal fluid results that showed no myelin, baffling them as to what was causing my symptoms. She had not one suggestion of a provider I could seek opinion from. But the acupuncture and traditional Asian medicine provider I'd started with (to no avail) had said in the evaluation that she thought I was needing to eat 'less wheat -- you don't need to eliminate it, just whenever there's a non wheat option, chose it.'  So I called her and she pointed me to my FIRST 'integrative' MD.
Again, outside the box and out of pocket, and in Loveland, the next city away, but for about $1,000 for tests and doctoring time, we found I didn't have parasites as he'd suspected but I had more food allergy severity than expected. I was as allergic as you could be via IgG reaction to dairy as a person can be. Hey, if you're going to do something, why not peg the scale, right? I thought by eliminating wheat/gluten, dairy and eggs I might feel a little better or be a little stronger in a month.
HA! THREE DAYS and I was markedly better, a week and I was REALLY better and within a month I was really feeling almost 100%. I went on to do a yeast cleanse the next summer and all was well for a little while, until winter and my first week working at my first job as an OT.
And then everything fell apart again. SLAM. Horrendous upper respiratory infection came on fast and took me donw and out, I was calling in sick literally on my 3rd day I think it was. I'd read in the Rocky Mountain News about Milton Hammerly, MD, and 'integrative medicine' specialist working for a clinic that was owned by those investing in such things I believe it was.
So I became his patient at that time, just as he was really learning about all the stuff he wrote about later in the series of three books he published once on the staff of Catholic Health Initiatives in Denver, Colorado. I learned of that via a patient with fibromyalgia coming to the live, free 'Fibro Forum' we hosted in the building I had the outpatient OT practice in, collaborating with the neuropsychology PhD. What a surprise THAT was, to look inside the book, not having looked at the author's name, finding it really good and wanting to see who wrote this good stuff, then seeing MY old MD had! And he was supported in it by the CHI group. Interesting. 
This was about the time the YOU model had been used for the first time with patients, and it proved that the providers learn from the patients, it's a 360 degree circuit. Convincing some providers and patients of that is not easy, depending upon their personal experiences. But it IS the MODEL of collaborative care. (See the Lumigrate YOU! model in this thread or Google it.) 
Looking back, the biggest change was sleep and time of year, then having my system further loaded by a cold virus going around, back in 1996 they tended to make the rounds after Thanksgiving travel, I had been very ill in the same period of time in 1994, to my surprise I was diagnosed with the first sinus infection at that time. My robust significant other had also been sick, I got the last appointment available before New Years holiday for him and then went in with him and my/our doctor got two birds with one stone that day.  
In learning about restoring the adrenals, the later sleep cycles are the most important, so instead of leaving at 7:45 a.m for work as I had when I was at the Denver VA for internships, I needed to leave at 5 a.m. to drive half an hour to west Denver and get THREE patients up before breakfast, was my supervisor's mandate. OTRs are often parents, so they like to be home when kids are out of school, hence doing morning ADLs and showers with patients has worked well for many of them. But effectively, you're not truly doing 'therapy' with the patients, it's often more like billing Medicare for something a bath aide could do. The patients in that facility weren't given their medications on time so were too in pain to work with efficiently, and so I had to go in super early and would even call and remind the nurse to pass meds to the patients I was going to be seeing in an hour. 
Those three hours were a deep bite of restorative sleep time. 1996 was the year my 'auntie' was in town for New Years and my family brought her by, and a bottle of bubbly, and they drove me to Vitamin Cottage to get more natural cold and infection remedies, as I had bronchitis, which was becoming my new norm at that time period. We celebrated on East Coast Time (10 pm Mountain Time) and off the old people went leaving me alone to rest.  I hope to be conveying here how it's NOT just THIS or THAT, it's THIS AND THAT (and the OTHER too) that contributes to becoming less than well, and it takes a concerted effort on many levels or fronts to regain it. 
Within a year, Dr Hammerly learned about, and started me on Myer's Cocktail vitamin/mineral IVs. They were the 'magic bullet', and now that I have learned of pyroluria and am sure from the many symptoms I have that are on the list, it makes sense why. IV nutrition is a slow climb in countries where allopathic, "western" medicine is the convention. I've paid thousands of dollars over the years when I can find a provider doing them. But those providers have not apparently know of pyroluria and how to supplement orally differently in those patients -- they advised me on oral supplements in addition to providing the intravenous nutrition. 
If this story sounds familiar to anyone who has not yet been identified as having one of these named disorders caused by Borrelia, allegedly, let me share that I was diagnosed with CFS/chronic fatigue syndrome in 1989, when there was a known 'wave' of that in the Fort Collins, Colorado area. The Lake Tahoe/Truckee wave is well publicized as it got into the mainstream media, and was prior to the Fort Collins wave, but I've talked with people in the FC area who have chronic illnesses of these types, and they've never been made aware that the medical community in 1989 was saying 'there's a bunch of this baffling fatigue stuff here'. Were there waves in lots of places and we're just not aware? 
I was under-reporting 'pain' and calling it 'muscle tighness' without the provider putting hands on to help identify what was going on, so  I was diagnosed in 1998 with the FMS --  but only 'unofficially' as that doctor (and MD you pay by the hour for, but wasn't part of an 'integrative' clinic) wisely knew it would mess up your insurance and you'd become 'uninsurable'. Better to stick with the things like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, infection as the ICD-9 codes. Yes, I have learned more about the medical system as a CONSUMER than I did a PROVIDER. Between the two, I've gained a lot of knowledge and as I've shown here, am continuing to learn -- and then share/teach from there.  
The "take home message": Make a mental or physical list of the symptoms YOU have which are of concern and consider that you might want to just know what those would indicate so that you can find the appropriate Search words to do your homework and be a proactive consumer/patient. And then decide from there what you want to have officially be your 'labels' or not, but learn all that you can. Solicit teammates for the YOU! team if necessary and appropriate.  
Anyway, up and down I went over the years, getting better with big efforts after learning something new, like food allergies, candida yeast protocol, and was basically "surviving" around the age of 40, really. I was working a taxing job that had a lot of driving and long days which pushed away my exercise/activity time as well as affected time for preparing proper foods to take with me. My father was failing in health and had a large property to maintain. Interestingly, he self-identified his behavior symptoms as having autism before he married; he'd thought there was something wrong with him and he perhaps should not procreate. He also noted that he caught ever illness that made the rounds in Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s and got a BAD case of them too. He just felt he was a genetic misfit and shouldn't have children. 
I now believe he likely had pyroluria, Borreliosis and fibromyalgia; the only thing he was diagnosed and treated for with were hypothyroidism (from the 1930s), CFS (1939 I believe, he was in his first semester of engineering studies at Purdue University and it was called 'chronic mononucleosis then, diagnosed by excising a swollen gland in the neck and looked at under the microscope), migraine headaches, chronic pain (shoulder, knees, neck, hips over the decades, it was not always everywhere but made the rounds), chronic fatigue, and at the end of his life after the most bunbled of hosptial and skilled nursing rehab stays, Lewy Body Disease. (Which entailed the home health RN saying the same thing I'd said the whole way and years before, and finally he was taken to the doctor who missed him going from 190 to 130 pounds, and from almost six feet tall to just over five feet.
But I was  thriving by the time I was 45, and starting an in person/live patient education group with the input of local providers successful in treating these conditions and inviting the public to come for FREE to learn the answers, per the local experts, to their question "Why Am I Still Sick?"  
It turns out, Richard was doing the same thing in his life, slightly different years and time-frames, becoming ill, finding the reasons why and taking action, then becoming an educator and advocate professionally. But he went a different route in the way he learned and turned over stones, and now he's brought a whole bunch of resources to answer that question as to why people are sick! So please, go look at his organization (a non profit) and what they offer for education of providers and the consumers in the public.  

I wanted to add this in today,  mid August (2014), as he'd had a Letter to the Editor published in the Wall Street Journal which had surprised him that they ran it.  Commendable. Activism step. He said itt had to be pared down to half the size of his original letter he said, but this is how it appeared: 

Leave Well Enough Alone on Lyme

The Democrats don't offer credible arguments for why Lyme disease diagnostics should be strictly regulated.

Aug. 13, 2014 4:49 p.m. ET

Regarding the article "FDA Seeks to Regulate Lab-Developed Tests", (Marketplace, Aug. 1): The five Democratic politicians petitioning the Office of Management and Budget don't offer credible arguments for why Lyme disease diagnostics should be strictly regulated.

Increasing regulations for Lyme disease diagnostics will remove treatment choices from patients and doctors. The current Food and Drug Administration-approved, two-tier testing is inaccurate and was intended for the Centers for Disease Control's surveillance purposes, not diagnostics. In fact, "approved" tests screen for only one strain of the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, and there are dozens of strains that cause harm to human beings. It's no wonder so many false negatives exist.

The CDC acknowledges 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year in the U.S., and 15%-20% of treated patients suffer ongoing severe pain, fatigue, cardiac, neurologic and arthritic illness. False negative results lead to tens of thousands of misdiagnosed patients each year.

Legislators should focus their efforts on increasing funding for research to improve Lyme disease diagnostics, not increasing regulation that will reduce innovation and limit access to better quality tests.

Richard J. Longland

Woburn, Mass.

Fortunately, I had good results overall and have enjoyed a fairly normal functional level in my middle age despite having taken on a big project that was outside my realm of previous experience with creating Lumigrate. At a time that the Internet was shifting, the economy was shifting, and things in my personal life were shifting which affected my stress levels a great deal.
I'd joke that the treatments I've tried were  1/3 helpfull and good, 1/3 was bad, and 1/3 you really have no idea.  (And I really was very injured by more than one medical mistake made by the doctor who just wasn't thinkin' and I didn't catch it either, though at some point you don't put the responsibility for medication errors in prescribing on the patient, obviously).
And at the strangest of times, after years of more than the desired amount of stress, where I had held up really well, I went downhill again. Thankfully not as far as I'd gone in the past, because I have done some permanent things that helped, such as removal of amalgam fillings. I wasn't as hard core on my eating as I could be, but it was what had been working just fine for years. So, baffling.
And this was about the time that I got to have a conversation about me not just about general illness education for us all, with Dr Spurlock. He teases out, via laboratory analysis, bacteria and viruses and from talking with him and looking into it a bit more, I realized that I was a Colorado native that simply had somehow had Lyme as part of my picture since day 1 perhaps. You can look at the list of symptoms for the various bugs as I just simplify in calling them, and given that the tests aren't very effective, it's not like you really have to wonder if you have it or not. Naturally, great to have the analysis done for information purposes and comparing so to see progress with treatments, but sometimes that will take money away from other things that will actually be helpful now and that is what I opted to do. 
I was also learning more about the things we don't typically learn, such as a baby detoxing the pregnant mother. Or 'bugs' being transferred from mother and maybe father to the baby. The sexual transmission of these disorders that is also just being told to the public by some experts and increasingly verified by other experts.
And epigenetics --- I was really wondering in looking at how similar my father's health problems had been dating into the 1930s and even '20s, if it was perhaps coming from the fathers as well. Will I ever get to the bottom of this? I hope so, and in the mean time, I just kept bringing the experts I was finding to Lumigrate. Hopefully finding and having at least a bit of a personalized relationship with. But increasingly I was providing content at Lumigrate without going through that process simply due to the time involved and I'm a one woman show. In the interest of time, I have typically not had these experts more recently register and do a signature information and photo and have them comment here, it was taking too much time to have that depth of conversation with them. So in Richard's case, he'll be made aware of the link and I can change anything that's not met with approval. I sometimes don't have time to even let all the sources know that I link to. If I had more time I would though. 
But every one of my providers who has put hands on me for my back/spine/body issues has heard me ask "Do you think I should have had the surgery? It just seems this is a never ending story and I'm continuing to have to put out fires." The consensus was that my neck was really not THAT bad, and that I'd made the right decision. Always best to work around surgery if at all possible is the general rule.  And when I learned of biofilm, I added that to the list of possibilities that might have been a negative outcome if I had the surgery. Since I now realize that I had an underlying nutritional deficiency from pyrole disorder, I might have been affected by it. At that time I was also eating the SAD diet (standard American diet), including GMOs. I didn't even know what GMOs were then. See how much we all have learned? It's GRATE! 
Clearly, I hadn't gotten to the bottom of what was CAUSING the problems. And it was just my sense and decision about using resources for testing that there might be a more natural and more simplified way of going about it. I was admittedly having difficulties getting into the groove of taking the regimen of supplements I had previously had down to a routine. It turns out we were being inundated with geoengineering and I wasn't aware of it. At least that is what I believe was contributing. Electromagnetics -- a new huge tower directly across the river from where I lived appeared at about the same time, I later realized. Who knows, you can spent your time looking backwards and figuring things out OR you can get an overview enough to know where you are TODAY and look forward. 
Despite having practiced functional medicine to the best of my ability for time, energy and money and the choices of how to spend my resources, I've still not gotten to the deeper underlying cause or causes of the symptoms. However, I've been able to maintain a 'workable' functional level for a decade now. I am grateful, and I created Lumigrate to bring the things that I believe are helpful for people to learn to our YOUsers. Which can be, again, providers or consumers. 
Just as bugs morph, the words used to describe medical conditions and the underlying causes develop and shift over time as well. Most people today have become familiar with "Lyme disease", but Dr. MacDonald,  one of the premier researchers in a  video interview made with and by Richard Longland, makes a compelling argument for calling it 'Borreliosis' --- then naturally "chronic Borreliosis (aka chronic Lyme)" could be more descriptive, but I prefer 'neuroborreliosis'.
I think it's simply critical to highlight that it's affecting the neurological system. However, if it's setting up camp in areas that don't have anything to do with neuro, then perhaps the more generic "Borreliosis" is going to be the better word to run with. "Borrelia", some believe, is the root word that should be used instead of "Lyme", because Lyme really only applies to the US and this is a condition that has different forms in Europe, for instance, but is traveling around the world because of the way it is transmitted and the way that people move around the world. 
From the 'biofilm' YouTube channel, Richard Longland has provided a complement of videos (39 at this time). He sets up really thorough information when one clicks on the tab to drop down more information, so his Internet places are particularly great resource to follow, in my opinion. 

Borrelia Burgdorferi Biofilm - Live Microscopy Video

Published on Oct 2, 2013
Eva Sapi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at the University of New Haven, hosted my visit 2008. She collaborated with Dr. Alan MacDonald, retired pathologist and Borrelia career researcher, to discover and prove that Borrelia creates biofilms, as microbes have been doing for three billion years. 

Using video microscopy, Dr. Sapi's grad student David Luecke explains in this video how DNA from the Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 "fluoresces" or glows an eerie green. Any green life forms you see in their various states originate from the B31 strain of Borrelia -- one of 100+ strains known.

REMINDER: Most Lyme disease tests only test for ONE strain of Borrelia! Igenex, Advanced Labs and Spirostats will test for more than one strain, however.

Prior to Dr. Sapi's pioneering efforts researchers dismissed Borrelia biofilms. As well, Borrelia biofilm would ruffle the feathers of the IDSA, NIH, CDC and (most) insurance companies, as it would spell out an obvious scientific syllogism for neuroborreliosis -- known previously as chronic Lyme Disease.

Later, they learned that Sapi et al were correct -- that the standard BSK media could be enriched with collagenase (which humans have abundantly) and this media proved to be ideal for growing spirochetal, slimy communities!

This video shows four different life forms alive in the community: spirochetes, cysts, granular and of course the biofilm community itself. Biofilms protect the microbial community from the immune system and antibiotics, which enable infections to live indefinitely inside us. 

Hence, chronic Borreliosis (chronic Lyme disease).

Note: you may have seen this before in low resolution. I offered it to the producers of Under Our Skin years ago (free of charge). In this HD version, I included some amazing new high res AFM photos and additional explanations. Special thanks to David Luecke, who provided these slides, and of course to the Sapi-MacDonald team!

This video was produced by The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation. Please offer an any-sized, tax deductible donation at this link:

Our specific library of current intelligence on biofilms:

Our documentary on biofilms, Why Am I Still Sick, now available in French, Spanish, Simplified and Traditional Chinese:
Standard YouTube License


Here's the link to ALL the videos Richard provides at his/his foundation's YouTube Channel.  I just saw part 1 of his interview with Alan MacDonald, MD shared in a Lyme group on Facebook and someone commented that the series is what they recommend to people in general who are unfamiliar or famiilar with Lyme/ Borrelia. I thought about that I'd linked to a video of his and that would allow people to then look around at other great videos he has, but that it might be a good step to encourage people in putting a link to the videos listing and specifically 'teach'/ suggest that people take the time to look at other things that are linked to from Lumigrate in general. In certainly to be sure in this case!

THEN CONTINUING ON TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BIOFILMS, a previous interview snippet from  a 2009 interview by Richard Longland of groundbreaking researcher Eva Sapi, PhD

Biofilms and Chronic Health Conditions: Challenges for Patients, Doctors, and Researchers

Interview with: 
Eva Sapi, PhD
Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology
University of New Haven
August 28, 2009
Interview conducted by: Richard Longland, Founder and CEO, The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation
9:33 video of Dr. Eva Sapa - Bacterial Biofilms and Lyme Disease which is taken from a 70 minute video which is available to purchase from TAPF
has 26, 614 views at this time (4/23/14). Loaded April 3, 2010
Provided at the biofilm YouTube channel (which currently has 39 videos and 692 subscribers)
Dr. Sapi was a cancer researcher at Yale University for over 10 years. 
In 2001 she accepted a position at University of New Haven. A year later she had Lyme disease. This whole experience made her think about starting to do a different kind of research. The cancer research background has helped her in this infectious disease research. She asks different questions than other had before. 
She asked what happens to Lyme bacteria when you treat it with antibiotics or any other agent, when it turns to cyst form or biofilm form  or any other forms. 
When she was investigating it, she was looking at research papers/literature about what different kinds of things (bacteria, protozoa, virus) can be found in the ticks. It wasn't as comprehensive as it should have been, so let's collect some ticks and find the coinfections, which lead to the different discoveries, like the microplasma discovery. And the  with _______ philomenio nimotodes  _______________         about coinfections which is being published as we speak. 
Don't forget the brain, the brain is very juicy and so it's a good place for the borrelia. I know it sounds strange, but we should look at the brain. 
If you look at Dr Magnal's research or Dr Judith Mc______     's research, 
they find spirochetes using immunohist    
in the brain, especially on plaques that are very characteristic for Alzheimer's patients. 
It can be everywhere, everywhere -- practically every joint in the body can be a target for borrelia, and again, if you think about biofilm being a slimy layer, you need some kind of a surface, so joints being a structure, it's a perfect space for borrelia to grow in biofilm. 
About Borrelia -- Borrelia has at least 6 or 7 different forms we're able to find. Obviously the spirochete form, which is the one which is the most susceptible for any kind of treatment. 
But you also have the cystic  forms, the biofilm forms, the granular forms and also at least five or six pleomorphic forms that can reside in the cyst. 
Spirochete form -- which is the straight (zig zaggy motion with her hands)
biofilm forms -- she thinks this is more than one kind, depending on the condition and they find that different  environment provides different biofilm.
granule forms which we find are extremely, extremely resistant to any form of treatment.
cystic form, it's the famous hiding place for Borrelia, it's like a hiding place like a cocoon where it can enter and hide until you're done with your treatment.
And all the pleomorphic forms -- with probably countless forms of pleomorphics, when I say it's 6 or 7 it might be up to 30 forms, really. 
The syphilis research from the 1920s and 1930, had a very famous drawings about different forms of syphilis and  there were at least 60 or 70 different forms on the tables. 
We know that some strains are more pathogenic. The (three?) strains we're studying, the B___  is sort of 'the monster'.
We need to isolate the strain and be sure that what we're saying is true.
Knowing spirochete, even the B9 strain can cause lots of problems. 
I hope you're right, and only certain strains can cause these chronic diseases so we can find some certain treatment, but being a little pessimistic here, I think even the other strains can cause some significant problems. 
The fifth kind can be very common, I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't really answer why it is so important, but  I think something about the brain having the most delicious food for Borrelia, I wonder, this part of the body is where Borrelia mostly resides. I know it sounds gross, but certain parts of the body are just better for the nutrition they need. The nutritional requirements of Borrelia is quite significant. When we culture Borrelia in the lab, we have to use a very rich media that was specially designed. (Waterford who discovered Borrelia developed the media.) It has a very special nutritional requirement. 
She didn't suspect that one species like Borrelia could make this complex biofilm formation, and some of the images we have to show now, definitely shows that even one species is able to make a whole host city, and with more species that could join this biofilm, it would become more complex, and there would probably be many different ways to evade your treatment. 
Inside the biofilm you can find all different forms.
Let's just talk about just one biofilm, the Borrelia biofilm. We can see cyst forms,  
and the pliomorphic forms. We know those forms have developed resistance to treatment. 
On these forms you have a layer of protection, and when you try to treat it with antibiotics. First of all, antibiotics might not be able to even penetrate. However, they've seen little channels on the biofilms, so they might be big enough for the antibiotics. But don't forget, antibiotics only work if the bacteria is growing, that's the whole mechanism of how antibiotics work. And so with this, the bacteria are just trying to survive and aren't growing .......... 
Our latest research shows that microphilia nimotodes can be found in ticks. This is a worm, and in the larvae stage which is micron sized, it can be found in the gut of ticks. We've found out that 84% of the ticks carry species of microplasma.  We sent out the paper a couple of times, but it was such a new idea that it was hard to accept it. Right now we are doing immuno-histochemical studies to show that microplasma is indeed in the tick gut.
I think that will be a big one (discovery) and we're finishing up the paper --  because microplasma is very difficult to kill; if you have microplasma _______, the treatment length is 8 to 9 months long. If the Lyme disease patient has microplasma infection then we have to think about the length of treatment and think about the long-term treatment.  The length of treatment is a big argument in Lyme disease. 


History and thoughts for YOUsers about Lumigrate and Info Provided Overall


YOUsers of Lumigrate, whether medical providers or consumers, know that our cornerstone is the YOU! model, which teaches or reminds that the patient/consumer is ultimately in control of what happens to them. 


YOU investing time and energy, when wellness is sufficient to do so, might mean giving up time and energy from some other "occupations", unless you've already structured your habits and time to learn about wellness and what causes illness. It wasn't something the education or family systems in the US typically taught us to do. So it has had to become a conscious effort by those who want to get to the underlying reasons for lack of wellness, or if they're really thinking proactively, maintaining it if they're one of the fortunate chronically well. "Occupation" is anything that occupies time, so watching television or cleaning the floors are both occupations, for example, driving, shopping, and virtually everything you 'do'. (How one earns money is 'vocation', if a person 'works' in a way they receive money in return.)

Pick your information/education sources with that in mind, as well as the experts you 'employ' to assist you is 'ideal'. Naturally, everyone has their current reality to operate within and will have to fit the YOU model concepts into their situation, and ideally I hope that people will become proficient and self-sufficient and how to do Searches and find credible, reliable information.
However, it is time-consuming, so if people like the way I go about it, then they might stick around Lumigrate and use the links and resources I turn up indefinitely. That is a compliment, naturally, if people do that. I try to take these varying levels of YOUsers into account when I create these topic threads, so I apologize if there are aspect that do not suit you well. I put in the bolding and highlights, and create many shorter and easier to read paragraphs for easy skimming/reading. 
What I present always at Lumigrate is looking for the UNDERLYING causes for wellness or lack thereof, which is called 'functional medicine' today, with an 'integrative medicine' approach (body, mind, spirit -- whole person/holistic).  These are our foundational concepts from when we went live on the Internet in 2009. We've included the model of 'full barrel syndrome' and 'load theory' from our experts from the ND and MD realms, respectively. 
This topic and information is going to apply to WAY more people than will likely realize it from looking at the title. I hope it's caught your attention and you read this information as it will be very few people who don't know someone who perhaps knowingly or unknowingly, has Borrelia as a contributing factor or cause of symptoms. I personally believe this is going to be one of the biggest medical story of the 21st century, and the way it's coming out rapidly in the last five years, it's really 'happening' right now. I hope that this topic contributes for our YOUsers at Lumigrate in a significant way. 
The terms being used today for what is commonly called 'chronic Lyme disease' represent the shifting that is going on in reality in this field of medicine. Neuroborreliosis appealed initially to me as the 'pick of the litter' to run with, but I can see why some people might like the transition term 'chronic Borreliosis'. Overall, I would hope that we've learned that the word 'chronic' can lead people to lump what you're saying into something they 'dump'. Look how hard a time people have being understood if they say they have 'chronic fatigue syndrome' (everyone's tired, that's just part of modern life) or chronic pain (because the 'f word' of fibromylagia gets such pushback from discriminatory medical experts.) 
The medical community concerned with chronic illnesses, whether consumers/patients or providers, is really struggling to catch up with what is going on in the field. Some are on the leading edge of the information or are contributing to the research and education, but most are in various stages of learning and adapting to all that has been coming out in recent years. This topic will present some of that leading edge information for our YOUsers. 
Today, there is more awareness and education than ever that has reached the patients who identify themselves as having the various conditions that are increasingly appearing to be caused by Borrelia and can be traced back at some point to tick bites which exposed them or their parents (or perhaps sexual partners). (Look in this same forum on environmental illness/wellness at Lumigrate for that topic if you're interested.)
Whether the person's been diagnosed as having MS, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, Lyme, Alzheimer's, lupus, ALS, (and on and on), if the consumer has looked outside the conventional 'box', they've likely seen something about tick-born / Lyme / Borrelia being suspected as the cause. Yet that's very different than conventional thinking, historically. The video information's setup, below, provides some insight into why that is, as does what is at Lumigrate on other topics. However, not all people have gone past 'awareness' to 'educated', and some maybe have never been made 'aware'. So this topic is for them/YOU.  
Two important points. One: many many people who have the SYMPTOMS of these disorders have NOT YET IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES AS HAVING THE SYMPTOMS. Two: The statistics reported, such as 300,000 new cases a year, are based on all these things occurring: The person with the disorder becomes aware and educated enough to be concerned. They seek out the advise of a provider. And the provider is adept at finding it. AND it's the kind of provider that reports statistics (via insurance coding typically.) So, for instance, I'm not counted in a great number of statistics because I prefer to go to providers who are outside the box, that is where I find that I have had improved advise and, when it was correct advise and I followed it, improved function and wellness level. 
So keep in mind your own situation and think about the statistics -- are you 'captured' in them? Therefore, what we operate off of in terms of numbers of cases if often VERY misleading and inaccurate. The only way to get around that is to do a study where EVERYONE would be screened or tested and then calculated into the statistics. Which is time and money intensive. And also remember how the modern research funding works. It's not reputed recently as being the most honest system, unfortunately, and it has likely been manipulated for a very long time if not indefinitely, to one extent or another.
I would guess this research has been done and the results are not made public. Hence those outside the system would have to do the research and there's no funding for that kind of thing, typically. Maybe more communing of resources and private donation fundraising will allow for that to occur. It will likely vary a great deal from community to community, so a smaller study of say, 100 might not be good unless they do that in 100 places. Seems do-able, but organizing that and getting people behind it would be labor-intensive and someone would have to pay for that labor.  See why things are so undefined on this subject? I hope so. Again, a complex topic and I hope I've covered many facets and that allows for it to be time well spent reading through. 
Lumigrate's YOUsers, whether closer on the continuum to well or to unwell, whether providers or consumers can look for my having sorted through various sources and brought the ones together on various topic threads to integrate, thereby simplifying the Search and hopefully sorting into the mix the better sources but with variety of 'takes' on the information, thereby reminding YOUsers that it's incumbent upon the consumer to be in charge of their wellness plan and team. Naturally, this is the ideal, as much as is possible,  when working within the system they're located in.
Example, a child will have a parent or other guardian figure as advocate, as will some adults. (Pets and livestock / animals do as well.) Some employees have health insurance offered to them and it's a choice to use those providers exclusively, not at all, etc. Many people have very limited financial means to do many things they would like to do, but often there are ways to DIY or involve those who are at their disposal. 
In 2013 someone in England was so inspired by a Lumigrate story of a proactive patient we were helping in my live community (referred to, above, the Billie Green Project), she translated what we did into her National Health System's offering and had great results from an occupational therapist who worked with her neck. They both, ironically, were hiking and reporting on going to music festivals, and very challenging physical tasks by mid year. And they both said it was a little too much, physically, but was what they needed to do mentally and spiritually (in my translation of the conversations with me).  And in neither case did it get into looking for if Borrelia / Lyme or the etceteras were a factor in terms of laboratory tests or any of that, which can be done outside the box and are accurate somewhat, they get a lot of false negatives.  Point being, just doing what is known to help 'fibromyalgia' can help people return in the direction of wellness. They're not 100% well, but better and having the functional results as a result. 
They had to find their new limits or have a last big hoorah for such things as camping and going to cold weather festivals as our "Enthused in England" reported. Both women identify with their diagnosed conditions of 'fibromyalgia', and perhaps they'll keep learning and look into the neuroborrelia information and 'keep going'. I presume they both continue to use Lumigrate as a resource.  
What I hope to accomplish with Lumigrate's topics is getting people headed through links and resources provided, where they can go from there depending upon their personal situations, as it varies so widely. Some people have funds to work on their health but they chose not to spend them that way, others have limited funds but they find ways to squeeze a little money here or there to improve things and they end up having better results than those with more money. Some people are very limited by time and/or energy. Hopefully we help those as well through our selection and routing/suggesting process.
Keep in mind these are very complex situations and we're not going to try to address anything superficially in a five minute 'sound bite'.  So, live and learn. Learn and live better! Thank you for having Lumigrate help light your path to health and well-being! (Please remember to look at the additional and more specific materials in the following Comments on this thread)~ Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.'s Dr. Seneff is NOT in the Med Research "Straightjacket"

It was from Richard Longland's Facebook page that I found this resource, indirectly. (Read about Richard, above, in the biofilm section).

He was actually linking to one of the PDFs that is about Dr Seneff's research finding that autism has to do with an interplay of aluminum and the chemical that is in Monstant's product Roundup (glyphosate). Recently an article had swept around Facebook that had to do with wheat sensitivities being proven to be from the chemical being used on the crops. (Now keep in mind this is maybe in addition to the changes that have occurred with the hybridization of wheat which is what other researchers and experts have proclaimed ... they might all be right, or it's a combination of some or these theories and not just one OR another thing.) 

I encourage anyone reading to take the journey on this link and go see the presentations Dr. Seneff has made, the papers she has published and what is said at this page about her relative to the straightjacket of medical information research. There is ALSO a topic there on a line that is about a Monsanto and a journal which is influenced in what it publishes. This is really important for people to understand how it has come about over the years and decades that so many smart, well meaning people were basically unaware for so long about these things. If you're one of them who today is just waking up to this, or it's still sinking in, congratulations on getting to this point. It's a hurdle to get over, particularly for those who were taking in what they believed to be sincerely the best information available and advising others in accordance, i.e. doctors and other providers and experts. It can be like a death or other loss of innocence, as when someone realizes they were abused by a loved one as a child and harmed by it. But from the truth, true information and healing can lead the way for people to create the new ways together.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better ! Mardy  

Here's an excerpt from what you'll find at the link to encourage you more than my maybe piquing your interest! For each item I've copied and pasted here, at the site (link above) about Dr Seneff, there are links to the powerpoints, slides, videos, papers, etc. at each item. I have removed them here in order to encourage YOU to GO to the link, above and see them ALL. Delve into these resource gems that I am uncovering along the way and bringing here as the BEST stuff that I think people might not easily find on their own!  

Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation – developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master's and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA). 

In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written 10 papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. 

Contact Information

Stephanie Seneff
Rm G-438 MIT Stata Center
32 Vassar Street 
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

New! Presentation on glyphosate on May 24, at AutismOne in Chicago 


Autism Explained: Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate
By Stephanie Seneff
May 24, 2014


 Highlights of what you'll find (these are from the very end of the PDF/presentation she gave, I  

highly recommend going to see the 150+ page PDF It is from spring of 2014 -- very current as of the time of this writing in mid June. The one about glyphosate (and aluminum). This is some of the highlight from the end:

How You Can Protect Yourself and Your Family

  • Go organic
  • Eat foods high in sulfur
  • Eat foods high in manganese
  • Hang out in the water in the seashore
  • Escape to a sunny place in winter
  • Epsom salts - magnesium sulfate in hot bath water is a cheap and easy way to get sulfate supply to the skin. 
  • Infrared heat is also beneficial. 
  • Take off sunglasses and look at the sky. 
  • Don't get flu shots, get exposure from Roundup/glycophate, wear sunglasses, consume high fructose corn syrup, use sunscreen, 
The autism epidemic is caused by:
  • Glyphosate working synergistically with aluminum and mercury, with insufficient sun exposure to the skin and eyes
  • Diet depleted in micronutrients: vitamins and minerals
Glyphosate's chelation of metals is a core component of its toxicity
  •  Disrupted gut bacteria leads to brain pathology
  •  Aluminum, mercury and manganese can account for many aspects of autism
  •  Pineal gland plays an important role in brain function
  • Autism may be treatable through organic diet enriched in sulfur and manganese, along with abundant sun exposure. 



New! Presentation on glyphosate on April 28, 2014 hosted by the MIT and Wellesley Alumni Associations

New! Presentation on April 12, 2014 at Unite For Sight's 11th annual Global Health & Innovation Conference. 

New! Presentation on March 26, 2014 at International Symposium on Vaccines in Nice, France: A Role for the Pineal Gland in Neurological Damage Following Aluminum-adjuvanted Vaccination

New! Presentation on March 16, 2014 at Physicians' Roundtable Conference in Tampa, FL. 

Presentation on Oct 16, 2013 hosted by the Wellesley chapter of the League of Women Voters. (Video and slides)

Compilation (by Rosemary Mason MB ChB FRCA) of data worldwide on effects of glyphosate on human health.

Former Monsanto employee put in charge of GMO papers at journal
Scientific journal withdraws Seralini paper on Roundup toxicity

Autism Rates and Glyphosate Application Rates to Corn and Soy in the U.S. as A Function of Time.

Slides Presented to MIT Faculty at CSAIL Offsite Meeting on May 17, 2013, on autism and glyphosate. 

Papers on Nutrition and Disease 

Note: Entropy is an Open Access journal that is willing to publish novel hypotheses regarding biochemical and biophysical phenomena, which can help the community break out of its current straitjacketed research paradigm. The papers below, many of which were published in Entropy's Special Issue on Biosemiotic Entropy: Disorder, Disease, and Mortality, cover several topics relating environmental toxins to disease, as well as the revolutionary concept that endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) synthesizes sulfate as well as nitric oxide. The papers were subjected to rigorous review by experts who were not beholden to industry influence. These papers collectively explain how widespread cholesterol sulfate deficiency throughout the body is behind most modern diseases and conditions.

  1. Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, "Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" Entropy 2013, 15(4), 1416-1463; doi:10.3390/e15041416 (LINK PROVIDED)




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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NEW video (52 minutes) about Lyme

 This was shared by Richard Longland, who I've referred to above on this topic on Lumigrate related to his niche about 'biofilm' (though he also works on this overall 'overlapping' causes and contributors). It's a NEW video, I was the 189th.  I have NOT watched it, as I did not have the time NOR was my connectivitiy happy about doing the data-rich video 'getting' at the moment. But I wanted to add it here for our YOUsers so YOU know about it. It's titled Lyme A Silent Epidemic, per what I can see that YouTube's info (which is minimal on this, I don't ever see no explanation and etc). and it's about the INTERNATIONAL aspects ('great' for LumiGRATE as we do have a number of 'beyond the US' YOUsers.

(With that 52 minutes, I'm wondering if it's been produced with the hopes of it airing on television someday...)

SO great to see the amount of information now being produced, this is a MAJOR topic and growing. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~~ Mardy 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
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One Million New Cases in US Perhaps Per ABC7News in Bay Area, CA

Cheryl Jennings of abc7news (dot com) did a thorough segment on August 4, 2014 which ends up as a 17 minute video which you can access at this link:

Initially they have actress and author Amy Tan on (who has a new book out), with her doctor from Union Square Medical, a Raphael Stricker, MD (apologies if I didn't get the spelling and complete name of the clinic taken in my notes).  Amy refers to her time before treatment, going to doctors who said it couldn't be Lyme (she had a rash, she didn't have a bulls-eye rash and besides, the majority of people who contract Lyme disease from tick bites do not get a rash AND that's not the only way to contract it, which is the only critical thing I have to say about this segment -- they imply that the only way to get Lyme is from ticks).  

She talks about how she was not following conversations and pretending at parties, she talks about how she was the proactive patient, or take-charge patient some call it, and left the doctor who had refused to test her for Lyme but instead tested her for syphilis, then finding the Lyme literate MD who appears on her left in the television studio. She started a foundation to raise money for parents of children who have Lyme, "Lyme Aid Kids".  There's much more in the interview, it's worth the time and energy (and money if you're paying for data) to see, if you're interested in Lyme, I believe. 

The next segment showed film that was courtesy of Kevin Gonzalez of 12 Point Productions that introduced the next people in the studio.  A mother, Kate Steele, who later reveals she is a psychotherapist working two jobs to pay for her family's living expenses with one and their medical expenses with the other. Her son Ari joined her, daughter Dannie was not well enough to make the trek from home to the studio, but Kate said that this was a major improvement overall for her family to be able to plan to be somewhere such as for the interview and do this kind of education and outreach.  Her nonprofit is Help Ari And Dannie dot com (or run together, 

Ari is now a college student, and still has some symptoms. He was able to tolerate antibiotic therapies better than his sister. About a decade after symptoms started, they went to India for stem cell treatments, he was able to make three trips, Dannie has only been well and had the funds to do one. His first 'good day' in 12 years after becoming ill was in India and he remembers it fondly.  

Ms Steele, who is a single parent, said that it was 'not a life' for them to have the health level they had, and she was aware that suicide is a common result when people have this chronic level of unwellness. She didn't feel her children were suicidal but she was 'willing to go to the ends of the Earth' to find solutions and improve their quality of life.  

She said that her practice has now turned to having 90% of people seeking her help having Lyme in the family, and that she wouldn't want to have it be that her children didn't have Lyme, she believes she's in a position to help raise awareness. She parted with the advise to viewers to say that family and friends should hang in there with people who have this disease, they can't do it on their own. Again, this is video worth the resources to see and hear, in my opinion. Great to see a mainstream media outlet doing a show on this, and they did state the figures that CDC used to be reporting 1/10th the number of new cases a year they now say is the case (30,000 versus 300,000) AND that it may be a MILLION new cases a year that would be newly aquiring Lyme/chronic Lyme. (They didn't specify, they were calling chronic Lyme 'Lyme' in the segment and didn't talk about acute versus chronic at all, I also noticed.) 




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
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More on the #s, 461,616 in '09 for US per Under Our Skin

Under our Skin, a documentary that has made the rounds and successfully gotten millions of people more educated about the pervasive nature of borrelia / Lyme disease, had different numbers than are being most commonly circulated, as above -- the 30 to 300k/year jump that CDC is reportedly saying is not in line with what they had --- but they show statistics that end at 2009 as they were making the film and then releasing it in 2011, I believe. 

Here's a link to the page at their website, I encourage people to go and look, it's a very easy to understand bar graph with good information supporting it. The Part 2 is about to be released apparently, too, so 'stay tuned' for that. This is one of THE HOTTEST health stories in the US currently due to the numbers -- and I think it's important to note that many people have some symptoms of what they attribute to other things and never suspect they might have Lyme as a contributing factor, etc.

When it comes to people who could have a fibromyalgia diagnosis and do not, I've thought that only about 10% of people who have symptoms end up with a diagnosis or being made aware they are 'on the continuum' of symptoms which would indicate they have the underlying conditions, such as Lyme, food allergies / sensitivities, malnutrition due to diet and poor supplementation compared to individual requirements, mercury sensitivity plus exposure, and on and on. If they're not made aware, they might end up deteriorating and losing their relative wellness to becoming relatively unwell. Best to have the awareness and education before and nip things in the bud, so to speak.

I hope this information on this thread if of value, it's becoming a long thread but it also is on one thread and that simplifies it for people. Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

September 8, 2014 update: There's NEW information I created about statistics and reporting about Lyme and the etceteras.  Basically, I found out that the state of Colorado's statistics were saying there had never had any cases that were new occurrences originating in Colorado, which just made no sense when you looked at the overall. And I found that Dr Martz from Under Our Skin had done research on a SE Colorado town, as there were a lot of people there who had it when tested. But when they contracted it and how, wasn't clear. So I happened to call a clinic that fortunately had an experienced practice manager filling in for a vacation leave and I got a return call that informed me that at that clinic alone, which only has 100 patients and is not advertising per se, they had a handfull or so of NEW cases this year alone, from ticks picked up in the mountains. A few had the bulls-eye rash (seen in only about half, so that was consistent statistic-wise). I'm from the mountains of Colorado, I've long observed symptoms that maybe were related among my peers. And the more I learned, the more it seemed like I had symptoms that sounded like Lyme. I'd ask and the thought/ believe that Colorado doesn't have Lyme would be cited. But out came more and more research such as what I present here for our YOUsers, and it did NOT compute that there could be none in Colorado.

So unofficially, there is a LOT of Lyme in Colorado from ticks. Unofficially the CDC and State Health Departments are corrupt and the number of people who know this is growing. And people are being harmed by this, so look into it, talk to people, look out for others and yourself. Don't rush to judgment and treatment, look into what to do and decide what is right for you. This clinic stopped offering treatment to people with progressive neurologic diseases because the patients, such as those with ALS, simply were desperate and they did not get results. Those who were able to get treatment earlier though, responded. And they were doing antibiotics as part of their approach. Dr Mercola's information I provide on a topic here in the forums says that is not his first choice for approach. 

Here's the link to that topic on Lumigrate, it's in this same section on Environmental Illness.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Cited in NYTimes dot com blog from 2013

 This article has one flaw that jumped out at me -- the quote that couch potatoes don't get Lyme disease.  How do we know? They're at home on the couch, not researching, not pursuing treatment -- has anyone studied that? I also ALWAYS like to remind people about 'depression' versus 'cognitively and physicially impaired'.  The long-standing filter for fatigue and fibromyalgia experts that I subscribe to, follow, have learned from and then repeat the best of, said the same thing I came up with on my own: If you have an interest in doing things but don't feel like it that's being unwell, not depressed. The brain might also be foggy and slugging, that's NOT what the mental health word 'depression' is about. Learn the difference and insist your providers, coaches and educators do too! Depression is a lack of interest. BIG DIFFERENCE.

 I suggest people learn a little of the history of the conventional, Western mental health system, their "DSM" (diagnosis and statistical manual) and how getting a person diagnosed leads to the treatments Western medicine has in store.  There are many great things available from within the system, and it also has NOT solved a lot of underlying issues. See my information here about mental health and diet, DSM, and psychiatry/psychology. You can also look for information about the education system, which creates the providers. There's a forum on political ... Internet etc. things to get our YOUsers started on being aware and with a little education about each of these facets. (Or in other areas of Lumigrate's forums too).   As is my custom, I'm providing an excerpt for YOUsers to see what's at this link, hoping it will allow you to know if it's something YOU want to take the time and effort to follow out to (and then come back if you're so inclined). 

Reports like Ms. Rasenberger’s are hardly unusual, and experts now realize that some people who get Lyme disease go on to develop a chronic illness even if their initial infection was promptly diagnosed and correctly treated. Approximately 10 percent to 15 percent of people who are treated for medically documented Lyme disease develop persistent or recurrent symptoms of fatigue, musculoskeletal pain and cognitive complaints.

The condition is known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, or PTLDS. “It is a real disorder, although nobody really knows what’s happening,” Dr. John N. Aucott, an infectious disease specialist in Lutherville, Md., said in an interview.

“A lot of patients have been told they’re not really sick, just tired or depressed,” he added. “But this is not normal fatigue, and it’s not caused by depression” — although depression certainly can result from the patient’s seriously diminished quality of life.

Antibiotic therapy for PTLDS is based on disputed reports that these patients may harbor hidden reservoirs of the spirochete causing Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, long after their initial treatment. But researchers who have studied the therapy havefound it of little or no benefit, and many say the regimen is fraught with hazards that could be even worse than the illness.

Risks include the development of an antibiotic-resistant infection, intractable diarrhea, kidney or liver damage and, as happened to a 30-year-old woman treated with an antibiotic through a catheter,death from a systemic infection called sepsis.

People with PTLDS are not hypochondriacs seeking attention or sluggards wanting to avoid work or chores, Dr. Aucott said, though they may benefit from psychotherapy that helps them cope better with their symptoms.

“These are high-functioning people — couch potatoes don’t get Lyme disease,” he said. “They are not crazy, and the doctors who treat them are not evil. These are desperate people trying to get better, and well-intentioned doctors who are trying to help them.”

But until the causes of PTLDS are discerned, it will be difficult for researchers to find effective therapies. Among the possible causes of the syndrome are prolonged post-infection fatigue and an autoimmune reaction to the infecting organism, according to a recent book by Dr. Adriana Marques of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

As for why some people with PTLDS seem to benefit from intensive antibiotic therapy, at least temporarily, Dr. Aucott suggested a few theories. The antibiotics may have an anti-inflammatory effect that relieves pain and swelling. Alternatively, patients may have a low-level, persistent infection that is temporarily suppressed by antibiotics — but not killed by them. Or it may be that some PTLDS patients experience a placebo effect, improving because they believe the treatment will help and because someone is finally taking their symptoms seriously.

Complicating the picture is the fact that some people with PTLDS symptoms apparently never had Lyme disease in the first place, Dr. Marques said in an interview. There are other infectious organisms — Epstein-Barr virus, for example — that can produce similar symptoms and may be the real culprits.

But experts cannot rule out Lyme spirochete as a cause, either. Many, if not most, people who are infected with it never know they have been bitten by the tiny deer tick that spreads the bacterium from animals to people. They may never develop or notice the red rash that can result. Even when a rash occurs, only one in five is the characteristic bull’s-eye associated with Lyme disease. Most are solid red and round or oval.

Again, please follow the link and take the trip to go see the site if this is of interest to you. Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better!! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Antibiotics & bacterial biofilm: chronic lung, sinus, ear inf'cn

Low dosees of antibiotics have been a common treatment in some of the "Lyme literate doctor" toolboxes. When you study the methods a bit for treating chronic Lyme, there are a wide variety of methods being used to treat it, ranging from providers who use nothing but BigPharma (or the documentary Under Our Skin ONLY presented only about long-term antibiotic therapy and NOTHING else, as I've pointed out, with only MDs interviewed which, in a sea filled with PhDs and DOs and NDs and DCs and etc popped out to me when viewing it for the first time years ago).  

Most providers 'integrate' things from conventional medicine and traditional/ natural  medicine (some call it 'complementary and alternative, I've preferred recently to move away from that term as it makes it gives the allpathic / conventional the upper hand/ alpha position and makes traditional and natural therapies secondary / beta.) And some use only natural / traditional. So there's much for people to learn and decide about before they decide what they're going to do related to treating these conditions that are co-existing in their body / bodies. Here's an interseting study published in PLOS ONE about bacterial biofilm and antibiotics which supports what is above on this thread.  The link below the photo takes you to the North American Spine Insitute's website's topic which is based on the PLOS ONE article provided by the USC research team. 

Researchers from the University of Southern California and the Oak Crest Institute of Science have discovered the link between antibiotics and bacterial biofilm formation leading to chronic lung, sinus and ear infections. The study results, published in the current issue of PLOS ONE, illustrate how bacterial biofilms can actually thrive, rather than decrease, when given low doses of antibiotics.

"This research addresses the long standing issues surrounding chronic ear infections and why some children experience repeated ear infections even after antibiotic treatment," said Paul Webster, PhD, lead author, senior staff scientist at USC and senior faculty at the Oak Crest Institute of Science. "Once the biofilm forms, it becomes stronger with each treatment of antibiotics."

During the study, non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) bacteria a common pathogen of humans was exposed to non-lethal doses of ampicillin, a class of antibiotics commonly used to treat respiratory, sinus and ear infections, or other beta-lactam antibiotics. The dose of the antibiotic was not enough to kill the bacteria which allowed the bacteria to react to the antibiotic by producing glycogen, a complex sugar often used by bacteria as a food source, to produce stronger biofilms when grown in the laboratory.

Biofilms are highly structured communities of microorganisms that attach to one another and to surfaces. The microorganisms group together and form a slimy, polysaccharide cover. This layer is highly protective for the organisms within it, and when new bacteria are produced they stay within the slimy layer. With the introduction of antibiotic-produced glycogen, the biofilms have an almost endless food source that can be used once antibiotic exposure has ended.

There are currently no approved treatments for biofilm-related infections. Therefore, bacteria forced into forming stronger biofilms will become more difficult to treat and will cause more severe chronic infections. Adults will suffer protracted lung infections as the bacteria hunker down into their protective slime, and children will have repeated ear infections. What may appear to be antibiotic resistance when an infection does not clear up may actually be biofilms at work."

Researchers from the University of Southern California and the Oak Crest...

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Garlic, a natural approach for biofilm. Look to China, MidEast

Cutting through the biofilm using garlic -- information from Greg Lee of GoodByeLyme dot com. Here's the link and you'll see below, the topic unaltered by me (aside from taking out the images that didn't copy in). Thanks to information providers who allow for us to get this information out there to people readily due to their intellectural properties philosophy: 



How to Prevent Recurring Lyme Fatigue by Cutting through the Biofilm

For people with fatigue caused by Lyme disease
By Greg Lee

When I used to work late at a 24 hour diner, the most scary time was after midnight. I went into the employee break room and was freaked out when I flipped on the lights. Hundreds of roaches, some as big as a golf balls, scattered in all directions. Yuk! The roaches were having a feast on someone’s leftovers.

After the exterminator came and sprayed toxic chemicals around, I didn’t see any roaches. A few weeks later, I would see them slowly making a coming back. Roaches keep coming back despite harsh chemicals.

And just like roaches, Lyme disease keeps coming back despite some pretty strong treatment
And as you already know, when the Lyme disease returns, so does the fatigue. So how do you stop Lyme disease fatigue from returning?

Fatigue is caused by the Lyme bacteria rob your cells of their food and secrete toxins in your body
When your cells don’t get enough food, you feel tired. The Lyme bacteria are stealing what your cells need to produce more energy.

These bacteria are also poisoning your cells with their toxic waste products and their dead remains. This combination can lead you to feel so tired that you can’t get out of bed. Just like roaches, these bacteria keep returning and causing fatigue despite strong chemicals.

Antibiotics may not be enough to make your fatigue go away for good
Most people get antibiotics to try and eliminate their Lyme infection. When the bacteria are killed off and their toxins are eliminated, many people feel like they have more energy. Unfortunately, some people feel their fatigue returning when the bacteria infect them all over again.

Fatigue keeps comes back because the bacteria can hide
Many people feel better for several weeks after completing their antibiotic treatment. If the infection is not cleared entirely, then the symptoms will reoccur weeks or months later. People will get another round of treatment. And another. And another.

Some people will repeat this cycle of feeling fatigued, getting treatment, and feeling better for years. This cycle may lead them to feel desperate or hopeless of ever clearing their infection.
Where are the bacteria able to hide from strong antibiotics?

Lyme bacteria can hide under a protective shield called a biofilm and come out later
These bacteria can produce a sticky, gooey substance called a biofilm to shield themselves against medications. You may kill off most of the bacteria with antibiotics. However, many can survive under this protective biofilm.

When you go off of medications, the bacteria can re-emerge and produce fatigue all over again.
There is lots of new research on medications for cutting through different biofilms.

What about garlic? Can it stop the bacteria from hiding behind this shield?

Garlic prevents recurring fatigue by cutting through biofilms and killing bacteria
A recent clinical study has shown that garlic has proven effective at cutting through the biofilm and killing the bacteria behind cystic fibrosis. The patients in this study were not responding to antibiotic treatment. In other countries, it has also been used for hundreds of years to kill similar bacteria and parasites.

In China and the Middle East, garlic has been used for over four hundred years to cut through biofilms and kill bacteria
In Israel, a Sufi Master herbalist uses raw garlic to “cut through the things around the parasite” which refers to the biofilm. In China, garlic is used to neutralize toxins, kill bacteria, reduce cholesterol, fight cancer, lower blood pressure, and to protect the liver. A Chinese folk remedy to protect oneself from disease is to eat one clove of raw garlic every morning. However, most patients are worried about the side effects of swallowing raw garlic.

How to take garlic for stopping your Lyme fatigue from returning
Most people want to avoid taking raw garlic because of the odor that comes out the breath or the skin. When eating garlic, some people have indigestion or produce more gas. Consult your physician about taking garlic regularly if you are taking insulin, other anti-diabetic medications, or the anti-coagulant drug Coumadin/Wafarin.

I recommend taking raw garlic with food to reduce indigestion and gas. It can be chopped up and swallowed with water to avoid garlic breath. I suggest that my clients swallow three chopped cloves every day with food to help breakdown the Lyme biofilm. Garlic also helps to help prevent Lyme fatigue from returning by neutralizing toxins and killing the bacteria.

Garlic can help you prevent recurring Lyme fatigue
Just like getting rid of a pesky roaches, you can use garlic to help prevent a resurgence or reinfection of Lyme bacteria. Swallowing a few cloves of garlic with water during meals can help cut through the Lyme biofilm, neutralize toxins, and kill the bacteria. As the bacteria and toxins get eliminated, you will have greater energy and the fatigue will stay away.

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And include this at the end of the article. 
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Note: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is generic and for general information purposes only, and is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, or disease. It is very important that you make no change in your healthcare plan or regimen without researching and discussing it in collaboration with your professional healthcare team.



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Borreliosis Basics - A short overview highlighting 'the dots'

 I came across this fabulous, short overview about the basics of borreliosis and wanted to add it on here for our YOUsers to benefit from.  It hits the high notes, or 'the big dots', as I think of them.  Laura (who I do not know who she is, this was shared in a FB group that is activists about the Lyme (and vaccines) issue) cites some of her sources but not all, and on this one she does not cite where the information she was including came from. Beyond what I've provided, above, as you'll say she says here "the info's out there, go for it" if you want to look into it more to be sure what's being shared and said is accurate for YOU to 'run the ball' with. I've added bolding, as I often do, for making things more obvious and to break things up a bit. 

Borreliosis Basics - by Laura Hovind

Borreliosis is a multi-system disease caused by a spirochetal bacterium (parasite). A spirochete is a spiral-shaped parasite with an internal flagellar bundle.

Borreliosis is transmitted primarily through the bite of an infected tick, but also may be transmitted by insect vectors, in utero to an unborn fetus, (says Yale), and possibly via sexual intercourse.  If not treated immediately with antibiotics, the infection can persist for years and cause neurological diseases such as MS, Lupus, cancer, Chronic Fatigue/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and Alzheimer’s, according to IDSA and the CDC. 

Borreliae parasites have the ability to change (shed/bleb off) their outer surface proteins (Osps/Vmps) to evade detection by the immune system in a mechanism commonly known as antigenic variation. Several of these outer surface proteins such as OspA (the Lyme "vaccines") are TLR-2 agonists or are fungal types (Pam3Cys or similar), meaning these shed lipoproteins essentially disable the immune system, and not just by tolerance to other fungal antigens (TLR2) but to other antigen types (managed by other TLRs):

See this report: "Because IRAK1 is required for TLR7/9-induced IFN-I production, we propose that TLR2 signaling induces rapid depletion of IRAK1, which impairs IFN-I induction by TLR7/9. This novel mechanism, whereby TLR2 inhibits IFN-I induction by TLR7/9, may shape immune responses to microbes that express ligands for both TLR2 and TLR7/TLR9, or responses to bacteria/virus coinfection." 

Also, there is cross-tolerance to TLR4 agonists from constant TLR2-agonism of shed borrelial antigens like OspA and vice-versa. (This is in the literature, so help yourself.)

This creates an environment where opportunistic infections can thrive and cause chronic, disabling disease. TLR2-agonist tolerance apparently reactivates latent herpes viruses (thru IL-10, the and inhibition of apoptosis of OspA or EBV infected cells, the mechanism shown above re TLR2-signaling and the inhibition of IFN-I, and perhaps other unknown mechanisms), particularly Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), which is probably the main driver of all these New Great and Great Imitator disease.

Fungal antigen tolerance from exposure to shed borrelial lipoproteins causes fungal tolerance in the blood and the inability to get rid of mycoplasma/eperythrozoons from the blood, especially the red blood cells (which causes fatigue).



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Dr MacDonald on Difficulty in Getting Biofilm/Lyme Published

 This is an excellent, interesting and fast read about the process and length of time that it took for the biofilm research to be accepted and published in a 'recognized and respected' journal, and that included with mandatory, non negotiable revisions to omit any reference to this being in humans. I hope you'll find this comment I created at Lumigrate and the source I link out to a GRATE addition to your learning about this topic.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
The Various Symptoms & 'Bugs'. Treating Lyme. Varied Methods

Lyme Symptoms dot com is an amazing website resource which I want to put a lot of information about here on this thread so that our YOUsers at Lumigrate will know about it for SURE, and take the trip to go explore and 'work' there. For a good 'first impression', the wonderful chart the creator, Louise Jenner, provides there was sent to me by a Facebook-engaged Lyme activist that I networked to and connected with sent me for starters. I'd told him what Lumigrate and I 'are about' and I am grateful for having been provided this gem of a website to share with YOU.  

I'm going to remind people of the YOU! model here because I think Louise operates from much the same place I do with what I've gleaned from reading what she's suggesting to patients/ consumers/ people who have Lyme / Borreliosis / Neuroborreliosis. (Please don't turn away from the massive information because she doesn't put the 'e' on 'borne' when writing about tick-borne illnesses. These are picky details, but I've seen someone rip on a non-medical person's website before because of that error, believe it or not).  You've added me/my website to the team you put around you (and with Lumigrate you have a whole team of providers to learn from and perhaps use them as resources to help you directly if they work remotely OR it will inspire you to look for a similar provider in your geographic area that you'd have access to).  So when  you see the "who would you add?" orb on our YOU model, keep in mind the providers that you learn about at Lumigrate. Louise is an example and there are not probably dozens of providers that work with people remotely, which I've showcased from topics on Lumigrate who work remotely. 

For someone who had the riddling effects of 10 years+ of missed diagnosis before getting treatment and as you'll see, reversing symptoms and  as of March 2013 believing / stating she is free of the 'imposter' bug and zoonotic infections.  Yes, "zoonotic infections", yet ANOTHER word to tack on to this topic thread of all the terms that go with what is popularly called "Lyme". Louise is an inspiration to me today, because we're coming from such a similar place though she is focused on only Lyme / Borreliosis / Neuroborreliosis and the related 'bugs'.  Lumigrate and I were going to do that, with our initial plan in 2007 (but with the operational buzz word of the day, 'fibromyalgia'), and then it became clear to me as I prepred in 2008 that a website for ALL people, about functional medicine, integrative medicine, and including information to appeal to those who identifed as being well -- and wanting to keep it that way -- would be what was ideal. It seemed too big -- as it was, just the numbers of people in the US with fibromyalgia (per the official statistics, which I later realized were extremely low) was a LOT.

Business advisors would say 'you have to have a niche, you have to have a focus' and finally someone said what made sense to me. WalMart has a target market of women, low income, living in single wide mobile homes (with cats). And then they have tons of things for that market and then do OTHER things to get OTHER people, men, those with more income, etc. So our 'target' is those who have complex, chronic illness that was previously lumped in the category for organized medicine words as 'fibromyalgia', and then we built information out from there for 'everyone' in general. It has been a process, and I have kept things very 'clean' in terms of who is involved with Lumigrate. No sponsors. No advertising. And I do consulting and suggest basically the same thing that Louise states here. As does the spirituality coach for Lumigrate, Beth Patterson, it's based on what you have to pay/give in return for the coaching / mentoring she gave. Quid pro quo in a new way of thinking about how to help each other out. 

When preparing the website content on what launched as "Lumigrate" in March of 2009,  the question was put to me to answer: 'what countries do you want to see it on the Internet'? I read that email and gulped. And when, to get people aware of Lumigrate, I networked with the fibromyalgia groups and people on Facebook. For the first time I was communicating with people, not from my area of Colorado where I'd practiced my entire career as an insurance-based, organized medicine occupational therapist (aside from two years doing driving rehabilitation for a private company in the Front Range).

I learned from people with diagnosed 'fibromyalgia' from Canada, where Louise lives, that they had the exact same problems the US patients had with getting proper treatment for the underlying problems. Hypothyroidism was a starting point for our content. Same for England. Same for Australia. Even getting simple hypothyroidism diagnosed and treated effectively was a monumental task, often requiring people pay out of pocket for advisors. So I very much appreciated that this website was created by a Canadian woman, as you might imagine. And I respect the incredible amount of content that is here. I commiserate with how much work this has been for her, and know she has to be committed to it to have it be so thorough, and FREE. You're not seeing here "I'm telling you some things and not others, you have to talk to me and pay me a fee for that." So what a blessing, and I hope Louise will be rewarded for her efforts. 

Here's from the About tab: (as I had a little difficulty finding this information, it was many layers into things before I found it. And About, for those working to learn what I do on my researching and selecting what to bring to Lumigrate, is something I look for early on. Such a great story she has at another tab, too, which I'll share with you below. (Their website has Translate by Bing, too!)


Back to Home
This web site was created especially for anyone afflicted with Neuroborreliosis. Since people with Neuro Lyme, Babesia or other are affected by our environment in a similar way as those with other brain injury - here you will not find animation's, noisy music, ads that appear to be part of the web site or confusing mazes...  I have tried to keep it SIMPLE.... 
March 5th, 2013  P.S. Whoo Hoo! My zoonotic infections are all gone!
Much of the content on this web site is a condensation of the research I did shortly after discovering that what had been assaulting me for over ten years had been Lyme and numerous other zoonotic infections. (Since 2009 I have added to the web site.) 

Prior to discovering I had Lyme disease, this infection had manifested over fifty perplexing waxing and waning symptoms for which apparently there had been no sensible medical answers for it all. It was after a year of long dramatic headaches that I was FINALLY led to find the answer to what had afflicted me.

Filled with hope for now being able to find a quick treatment I eagerly researched this thing called Lyme Disease. I soon discovered IT was a big and convoluted subject! 

Through my foggy brain I persevered; reading through hundreds of pages, printing pages and more pages, and kept notes to try to sort it all out to make some sense of it all. It took much, too much time to find straight information... what I have aimed at providing on this web site so you can quickly eradicate all these infections before they progress and do more damages within.

Here I hope you will find the basics needed to begin to understand this "zoonotic" disease and the many infections that can come from one tick bite and what is required for recovering your health. May your journey through this web site empower you to quickly rid your body of these nasty infections ... and with least delay.

As you read, know that Neuroborreliosis Lyme Disease or neuro Babesia or Batonella ..all these  infections  are filled with much bizarreness, not only with the disease itself, but with everything that surrounds it from false beliefs about the disease, to so, so , so much more. 

All Lyme infected people require proper nutrition, exercise, adequate rest, and an elimination of neurotoxin producing foods and products, and most importantly daily serious detoxification.

Read through the web site and take what you want and leave the rest.


* If this web site has made just one person's recovery journey somewhat easier, then all my efforts have been worthwhile.

~~~~ *** ~~~~

The coach and author in me has enjoyed creating these web pages. It stands as a statement that I am NOT my Lyme disease, even though it has tried to claim every inch of me, many of my cognitive skills, and demands my attention much of the time. ~~~~ *** ~~~~Questions? Contact me here

Or, type in Louise(@)

2014 *** My Service Work: Scans and Plans for Successful Eradication
I have been overwhelmed with emails, even throughout my summer vacation. Somehow illness does not take summer vacations. In the future you will see on your reply: 
* I do accept donations for my service.  
* I leave it up to each individual to choose what they want to give, or not. 
*** This work for you took ________  minutes or hours.  
** Take what you want and leave the rest, remembering human error. 
People ask how much an hour costs and I say the same as you last got paid for an hours work.



You'll notice when you're in the chart or other places on the website, there are links that take you to treatment information. The website, since I was provided the chart link initially, was a process of discovery for me that just kept being 'more wow!' every time I cllicked and went to another link within Lyme Symptoms dot com. 

As my 'trained and experienced eyes' do what I call 'peeling the onion' at a site, same as when you look at a person's health history and figure out what's going on as a provider / consultant / expert asked to help the team or consumer / patient, I look for a lot of things. Eventually I get to the foundation information, and I want to know about the person or people behind an enterprise. 

So here's something to get us started related to Lyme Symptoms dot com. (they offer Translate by Bing too!). If you're very familiar with me and my approach at Lumigrate, you'll understand why I found this page of the website RIGHT ON!  In order to ENCOURAGE YOUsers to GO take the trip to see the sites at the link, I'm going to give the overview here in this comment thread so you can see what ALL there is at Lyme Symptoms dot com and consider really digging in with the information provided. It is thorough, laid out well, and reinforced in the way things overlap on various pages. AND it has a great story about who created it! More about that, later.

Preparing to eradicate  
Lyme and co-infections

Back to Main Home

1. Empowering yourself

2. Planning Your Healing Course of Action 

3. When you are nearing the full reclamation of your health- go here to heal the emotional residues of the disease.



Getting Started 
-on the road to reclaiming your body!
1. The first thing you do is to arm yourself with knowledge.

NOTE: If you have difficulty reading, do ask someone to volunteer their time to read for you.

Knowledge will empower you as you as go through the process of eradicating Lyme disease and co-infections. 

2. The following is a basic plan for the reader to take notes of what he or she wants to include in their plan to build up their immune system as they eradicate Lyme disease and coinfections from their body.

Lyme is a complicated disease most often hidden amongst one or many other zoonotic coinfections. Still eradication of all these infections is done with perseverance and courage. Many times we become overwhelmed at what lies ahead, where to start, and what to do. It feels three times, or more, confusing for anyone with neuroborreliosis.

For a long time I have wanted to set up a basic program, most especially for those of neuroborreliosis. Here it is... finally.

I suggest to follow the links sequentially to get the whole picture of what you need. Give yourself only the best!


This is the very ending portion of the SHORT version of the website founder's story, done with a little 'creativity'. I enjoyed the entire LONG version, and suggest anyone who has been 'at this a while' take the time to read it. 


Ten years into all this 
While searching relief from Meningitis 
Again to Lyme Disease once more I was led 
Ignoring Alta. government’s false claims, this time I read.

Suddenly my bizarre symptoms all fit. 
ALS, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus  
- the waxing and waning...Over three hundred diseases it mimics!

Excited and anxious to finally find the cure to all this 
I quickly learned of its disgusting politics; 
How the College of Physicians and their mavericks 
Persecute their own colleagues  
who treat  
Lyme Disease  
in Canada, 
and the controversies  
‘round Lyme Disease 
 throughout North America, 
How Canadians must pay out of their own pocket and travel out of the country  
To get a clinical diagnoses and treatment for their Lyme infected body.

The insect that bit me may have been an adult tick, or a nymph, only the size of the head of a pin. 
Yet, spirochetes, viruses, protozoa, funguses and at least three co-infections it spilled within. 
Needed would be supplements, herbs, and no less than two years of intravenous antibiotics  
to start out. 
But, impaired speech, brain fog, getting lost in my own neighbourhood, no money, and unable to figure out.... 
I chose to go the route of alternative medicine to begin my recovery; 
Within a few months disappeared the eye problems and the peripheral neuropathy.

Beware of the nasty B. Burgdorferi bacteria for it produces neurotoxins 
It will suddenly cause cognitive impairments, chronic pain and neurologic dysfunctions,  
cause inflammations 
and clog up your detoxification systems.

Deep into the tissues and organs they do dwell 
and also within the large immune system cell.

If you get bitten  
you must insist on no less than four weeks of Doxycyclin, 
not just the two weeks of the tainted IDSA guideline 
and do not believe the MD that says, in Canada you cannot get Lyme, 
for that too, is a bunch of hokum. 
For under-treated it will eventually swallow your income,  
mince your relationships, alter your personality... 

Wherever migrating birds fly, there an infected tick may be... waiting for thee.



So I suggest you follow the links sequentially too. I suggest you just plug in with this website and let them direct you around, with this link as opposed to the others that I'll share below. However, I know that some people like to see the overview before taking the time to go to ANOTHER website, so I'll bring you smatterings so you see!  Next up words of encouragement, the snapshot of the history of the website creator, and an important message to stack 'front and center' so people know no matter WHERE they live, this affects people in their area .... 

In March 2013, I completely eradicated Mycoplasma, Bartonella and the Lyme infection!!  
If I could after 15 years, so can you!!
.Migrating birds 
have been found to carry the Bb bacteria to ticks, as well as to be carrier's of infected ticks.  Therefore, people and their pets can be infected with Lyme Disease anywhere in Alberta, the Northwest territories, throughout Canada, or anywhere else in the world where migrating birds fly. Yet, beware! There are still governments, medical authorities, and medical doctors who continue to proclaim and insist that it is impossible to get infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria in Canada!
Investigation of Genotypes of Borrelia burgdorferi in Ixodes scapularis Ticks Collected during Surveillance in Canada
Believing that it impossible  
to get infected with Lyme Disease in your area is detrimental to your good health!

Everyone needs to know this, because the day the spirochetes enter a host body it becomes their world to live in and propagate in. When they enter your body, if they are not destroyed immediately, they will set up camp and claim your body for themselves and all their future generations. 

You will no longer own  
your healthy body. 
and ... 
they will go on to also  
 swallow your income, mince your relationships, and alter your personality.


Lyme infected people know, all too well, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to explain their so big and so bizarre symptoms with just a few simple words, in just a few rushed minutes... and most especially to a medical doctor, or to friends, who suspect you have suddenly turned into a hypochondriac and/or when your thinking, short term memory or word finding suddenly slips away from you.


This web site was originally created  
especially for those of  
Neuroborreliosis - Neurological Lyme  
Also neuro Babesia what also sometimes infects entire brain


OKAY --- part of the landing page has the information I think needs to be FRONT AND CENTER -- because the statistics in the United States are beyond 'misleading', I personally think they're neglectful in a criminal manner. I've reported here on Lumigrate that I spoke first hand with a practice manager/ office manager at a clinic in Colorado that treats Lyme and the various neurologic conditions (if the patient presents early enough in the disease process, if they're too far into symptoms the treatments they were doing -- which are more 'patented antibiotics' and not natural remedies or 'outside the box', were proving ineffective.  

I was told that for years they have had new patients being diagnosed with Lyme, and the expected percentage even had the bulls-eye rash, yet Colorado is shown to this day (mid September 2014) of having never had a case of Lyme disease / Borreliosis originate in the state! Because of this, I and many others went along not knowing that our neurological symptoms, our endicrine symptoms --- all the symptoms you'll find when you go to the website I'm suggesting here shows -- had to do with Lyme disease / Borreliosis.

Hence "YAY" and A+ from me for this website's landing/home page information putting that about if birds fly in the sky and land on the ground, they carry ticks and therefore you should be knowing that Lyme can occur in your state.  Again, using common sense and not just going by what is reported at the official information we are offered is important. I wish it weren't so, but it is: there is a lot of corruption in mainstream "system", that's the way it's always been and unfortunately it's gotten worse in my lifetime. I was ill-prepared to know about that as a young adult and it's been harder for me because of those lessons not being taught somehow when I was in my formative years. I'm a realist at heart. So I eventually got what I knew lined up with what reality is, I believe. And I hope I present from that 'position'.  

I'm going to give the links to the coinfections tab as well, and the general/home landing page tab too, as they're hard to find and navigate with. But this is a rich resource worth looking around. 

Please look at the About and etc of this website so you understand who has taken the time to create all this information and what you are 'getting from it', how much do you think they've mastered the information, etc, and then consider what they provide as treatment information just as you would ALL sources you will investigate. 

Here are the links:  

The chart:

The coinfections tab:

The irradicating zoologic agents tab: (but please remember that not everyone thinks the same in terms of if you do best to dissuade them/ inhibit them or irradicate, so do a thorough job studying the resources I have linked out to from Lumigrate's topics as well as whatever else you find researching beyond what is from Lumigrate.)  As I usually 'do' to encourage YOUsers of Lumigrate to go to the site I'm suggesting, here's an excerpt: 


The Eradication Process
The Eradication Agent 
to eradicate the zoonotic bacteria's.
Copyright © L.Jenner 
  • The longer the zoonotic infections, such as spirochetes of Lyme has had to reproduce in the body the more population will require eradication causing more die off.
  • The more different infections, such as bacteria's, protozoa's, viruses, rickettsias, spirochetes and encysted forms, and fungus we harbor the more different types of eradicating agents is required to target each, including  different RIFE frequencies for each.
  • Some agents have the power to eradicate more then one pathogen and some can eradicate all.
  • The agents having the power to eradicate all bacteria's, protozoa's, viruses, rickettsias, spirochetes and encysted forms, and fungus is ideal for using when we have no name for our infections. Most of these can be used for slowly chipping away at the pathogens by eradicating and then stopping repeatedly until a long consecutive period can be handled to do the final sweep..
  • Eradication, by whatever means, (except scalar energy and CHIM) must start slowly with a progressive increase as the infection load lessens.  This is done to avoid a dangerous Herxheimer reaction.   Keeping the body in a constant herxheimer reaction, for many years, is very difficult on a body. 
    People with Lyme and coinfections have tried thousands of things to eradicate the spirochetes and the coinfections. Few have proven one hundred percent successful for everybody, probably because of the many factors with this disease and the individual who harbors it; such as different strains of the Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia. The many different co infections regurgitated in the blood- some having have names and some have yet to be named. The unknown zoonotic infections present in the body, Candida and other types of fungus. Heavy metals, parasites, using products believed to eradicate a pathogen, but does not, constant ingestion of other neurotoxins, poor diets,  poor detoxification or not sticking to one eradication program for long enough. Quitting because it is uncomfortable, demands time, attention and perseverance, and impatience - Looking for something more simple and less painful, looking for instant cure, inability to handle the self responsibility required to complete the process, consciously or unconsciously not wanting to let go of the "disease" lifestyle, getting caught up in the experimentation's. Also, being afflicted with another illnesses, as well as other factors. 

    Example of a few  Eradication agents:

    • Antibiotics
    • Natural antibiotics 
    • Homeopathic medicines
    • Herbal medicines
    • Energetic medicines
    • Frequency Therapy

    As confusing as it may be, still people have found ways to eradicate first stage, second stage and third stage chronic Lyme and coinfection. In March of 2013, I eradicated Bartonella, Lyme, Mycoplasma, and two fungus. 100% gone!   Others have now also used same as I to eradicate 100% their own bacteria's, viruses, protozoa, spirochetes encysted form and funguses with Natural antibiotics

    *** Be aware.... Paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatments and the selling of secretive remedies may simply be a way of supplementing someone's income or to increase sales in MLM schemes. As much as we all want a short cut, a magic bullet, believing there just must be an easier and shorter way, a less painful way, requiring less responsibility...this may lead us to spend much, much money and worst then that ... extend our eradication / recovery /  healing journey.  
    There has been a whole industry that has grown around Lyme disease during the past twenty years and they are now feeding off the desperate, those infected with these zoonotic diseases. In the midst of pain, low energy, and brain fog we have to deal with all those lame promises and still find our way out of illness by finding an effective eradicating agent. 

    Miscellaneous in preparation for choosing best eradication agent for you: 

  • The less treatment of the "weird symptoms" with ingested products the better the immune system can re-balance the body naturally, otherwise it must re-adjust and re-balance continuously to accommodate each of the newly introduced products using up unnecessary energy.
  • Best to take one mode of eradication and stick to it for a  the average time the many others have eradicated the pathogens with that particular agent. Mixing eradicating agents, using them at the same time sabotages both eradicating agents.
  • In the case of RIFE frequencies it simply takes an average of two years when a person has a huge population of infections, still we miss all the unknown infections that lurk within. Frequencies do not work when using incorrect frequencies for your strain of bacteria's, or make all kinds of excuses not to coil consistently, use devices not powerful enough to penetrate into the big muscles or joints. Or, over eradicate to keep your body in a severe herx and severe stress twenty four hours a day for years on end.
  • Trying product after product, herbs, supplements and what is recommended to be "good", and then mixing them all together without muscle testing if they can safely be taken with each other or if your unique body requires it at all.. All this can be very difficult on the body, many times very much detrimental causing more illness, distress and even strokes.
  • Believing that the most expensive product will be better then the least expensive one, or that simple ones aren't as effective as those expensive ones with professionally created sales pitch pages that include what looks like an endorsement by professionals, a  celebrity or an MD, or  a cleverly written sale pitches that insinuate something, yet is not part of their product whatsoever. Muscle testing is the best way to know what your body requires and best product for you. 
  • Dismissing natural and basic home remedies over drugs is most often detrimental to the immune system. Read the side effects of what you ingest. Yes, they may give instant relief of a symptom today, but give health deterioration in the future as the poisons accumulate. Most are designed to sedate symptoms and trap toxins within and shove the cause of the symptoms under the carpet.

    Tick bite disease has been in this world for hundreds of years. People would treat these with poultices, homeopathies, herbs, sweats, etc. It continues to be infections that are best treated naturally. Therefore you too can begin eradicating your tick born infections.

    Treating Symptoms: 
    Treating every Lyme disease and co infection symptom can keep one hopping if we focus on the manifestation of the cause, rather then removal of the cause.  Treatment for the weird waxing and waning symptoms is basically useless as these symptoms are being manifested by  either the expelled poisons of the produced by the pathogen or an inflamed brain stem or limbic brain or cerebellum or inflamed cranial nerves caused by trapped and excessive toxins in the  body. Once this inflammation subsides so do the bizarre symptoms. 

    Sometimes the body simply needs serious detoxification as the symptoms are from poisons, toxins re-circulating in the body. Over toxic body results in flu like symptoms. Once inflammation or herxheimer reaction subsides it may lead you to believe it was the product/drug you had used that made the symptom disappear. And then, continuing to medicate or taking the herbs or supplements specific to that weird waxing and waning symptom now becomes detrimental to the body. 

    Of course, some symptoms are not from the zoonotic infections and they must be treated. There is nothing easy, clear cut,  or simple when we are dealing with zoonotic infections.

    MARDY'S NOTE: This, above, is one portion of the massive information at this site, so please go to the site and investigate it thoroughly. Here's what's at the link for the overall ("site map" some would call it), which you are offered from the most recent link:
    PS - they offer Translate by Bing, too. 


 Basic information for planning Your Course of Action  for eradicating all infections and stressors 

The Foundation 
1-A. Deciding to do the eradication of infections, or not. 
1. Vitamins and Minerals 
2. Nutrition 
3. Hydration 
4. Oxygenation 
5. Enzymes 
6. Probiotics 
7. Sleep 
8. Electrolytes 
9. PH Balance 

Understanding the Inflammation / Pain  
10. Inflammation and pain of- bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments.  
11. Brain Inflammation and Brain-Head Support 

Miscellaneous Body Support 
12.  Immune System, Endocrine System,  Adrenal Support, Thyroid, Nervous System, The Detox Systems, Thickened Blood, Smoking Cessation 

The Detoxification 
13. Support for the detoxification systems  
14. The Die Off  and Herxheimer Reaction 
15The Detoxification 

Removing Toxic Stressors 
16. Parasites/flukes/Tapeworms/Amoebas 
17. Candida and other fungus and mold spores 
18. Heavy Metals, chemicals, drugs, vaccination and radiation poisons, PBA's. 
19. EMF Electromagnetic fields and Geopathic Stress 

The Eradication Process 
20. The Eradication agent  
21. Examples of eradicators 
22. Example of an eradication PLAN 
23. During the Eradication Process 

The Recovery Process 
24. Emotional Healing 
25. Recovery after Eradication.

Return to 
Home of  
Return to Getting Started 

I would say that this has been ample opportunity for you to see how enthused I am about this website's comprehensive and holistic approach; whether a person feels they need to 'eradicate' or not, again, is another matter.  

I trust that Louise will see that I've provided highlights for the 'one stop shopers' here at Lumigrate to get a really good overview at what's at all the links and website she has to offer so YOUsers will, indeed, take one of the links (or more) and go to the website.  

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Continuing on with Treatment, maybe near YOU. Ideas.

In my efforts to teach YOUsers of Lumigrate how to become effective health consumers and not only help them explore information in a more streamlined way by what I select to provide in the content at Lumigrate, I work to teach the tips of how YOU can then find providers in your local area, or other information online. I networked using Facebook to study 'geoengineering' in 2013, extensively. (And I provided information at Lumigrate about it.) I found that one of the better groups for learning was from the Oregon area. It helped them, I presume, to hear what was to the east/ south from them where I was coming from CW Colorado .. and I was very much benefitted by seeing what they were having in their area to the NW of me. It helped me put it all together and see the big picture and all the working pieces, which is similar to what has to happen with understanding complex chronic conditions and all the 'overlapping' things to study. 

Someone named Joe Silver posted about a new group page he had started about things that were more 'esoteric' I would say, from the basics of chemtrails, electromagnetics, geonegineering. So I went and joined the group. It was brand new and he was posting a lot of cool stuff. Then he tossed in 'here's a link to my blog' which was where he was getting the links from. And then that was part of the overall website, which had the blog as one of the main tabs.  I liked what I saw.  Note: If you go to an item before he corrects this problem I pointed out where the color he chose is so light you cannot see the words to read them, just cut and paste and copy the information somewhere -- to an email or a FB message or into a Word document or whatever, and you'll be abel to read it. I did let him know about that and had a very invigorating and pleasant conversation. 

Handy for YOUsers if you're in the Portland, Oregon area. So Joe's networking with people around the west and was going to go out and do some traveling this fall to reach others beyond what's in Portland area. Knowing what search words to combine with your location, if someone's gotten their message in the Internet correctly, you'll be able to find providers in your area. And this is an example of what the caliber might be that you'd be looking for.  His claim to fame is giving away simple colloidal silver making gadgets -- as with all things, do your homework and be sure you know what risks and benefits are. Be sure you're going about things in a safe way, and look for advisors who can advise and mentor. Many will work remotely now, it just depends on the field and the expert. 

Due to the way things are set up in the 'system', non medical professionals in terms of their formal education and etc. are able to 'color further outside the lines' than the unconventional medical providers can. And certainly they're doing things that are very different than what the organized medicine's conventional providers can. Put in your time learning, and consider focusing on the providers I've found and provide OR go it on your own or do a mix.

But do put in your time learning. Look at it, as I say repeatedly, as a Master's Degree or PhD you're getting in YOU and what's going on with your well-being. Evaluate how you spend your time. I talked to Joe for about as long as a half a football game would take to watch, while my 'home team' was actually playing at the time.  I used to spend time watching football, as my wellness was starting to slip away.

One of my first memories from the early 1980s was my husband and his friend YELLING at the big plays as they watched the Broncos from our home, and I was on the floor in the sun and would come out of my 'slumber' to see what they were talking about. I was exhausted. It was a good thing I got the rest though, as I did not crash into health problems. I used my common sense and stopped drinking alcohol on weekend evenings (which was the only time I typically consumed alcohol). I quit eating simple carbs, as I knew they were spiking blood sugar and the whole insulin, cortisol 'stuff'. I lost 20 pounds in a month and felt wonderful, not realizing I'd taken a major offender out (wheat) in the process.

I have better things to 'do with my time' than watch men set themselves up for cognitive impairment and progressive neurological disorders in the future. And supporting and organization which knew of the abusive nature of a player, who admitted to the abuse, and they didn't adequately punish him in a way that would affect their team's outcome until a video of the attack was provided to a television program that aired it and then caused pressure.  

Had I been as funky feeling as I was that day watching  the Broncos in the early 80s and I had a tool like the Internet, I would hope I was on it on a Sunday and trying to learn what I might have going on, since all the medical providers I was appealing to were NOT helping me in the long run. Nor really the day to day short run either. And important to note: Joe was doing return calls on a day that mainstream Americans are tuned out o their personal lives and watching American football. Thank you to Joe and all who are out there trying to get the word out and products out to people that can change their lives. He makes it VERY simple, he's very straightforward, he has a background and personality that just serves this purpose well. I hope you enjoy this resource. It's 'further out there' than most I provide -- but that is what some people will find intriguing (and others will not like, so just turn back if it's not for you!)

As I typically 'do' I'll pick a good sample of what is at a link in order to encourage YOUsers to take the trip on the links I suggest and go 'see the sites'. Here's the landing page:



Did you know Silver Colloid was used in ancient times by the Egyptian's, Greeks, Romans, 
and the Wealthy Elite for its germicological and bactericidal properties?
Thusly, the term "Born with a Silver Spoon" was coined.
Subsequently, if one was wealthy enough to "eat off of" and "with" fine silver..... 
There was a marked & discernible difference in one's health.
The term "Blue Bloods" was also coined to describe the "elite".
Which brings me to the subject of people supposedly turning blue.....
In 11 years, I have personally consumed "hundreds of gallons" of silver water, 
99% of which I made personally and often with tap water.
To put it mildly, "I'm not blue!" Not even close.
If you're new to Colloidal Silver & want to save a lot of time....
Watch this video:





I Encourage Each & Every One of You to use Colloidal Silver as the Catalyst for Your Own Personal Awakening!


/Whether you're getting your Colloidal Silver gear from me or getting a free kit & using it yourself or sharing it with others. I'm honored to be able to give back in this manner. Rest assured, if you get your Colloidal Silver supplies from me, you are making a difference to others who are not so fortunate. BPAs in the plastic, fluoride & chlorine in the water, microwave radiation used to cook the corrupted GMO food supply. Labeling and organic standards that are uniquely deceptive. Of course GMO corn & soy everywhere!
The truth.... Monsanto seed is grown in "organic soil" and sold to you as "organic"
at sometimes twice the price!


Organic is simply the method and the means in which something is germinated-grown and cultivated. If you put a GMO seed into "organic" soil.... IT'S STILL GMO! Organic Shmorganic at that point! Microwave Radiation actually alters the structure of food
so your body views it as an enemy!


SOY is sold as something that is good for you right?   Maybe..... if 95% of the world's soy bean production wasn't using
"Roundup Ready" GMO Seed Stock from MONSANTO !!


You do realize that Soy is the #1 ingredient in Baby Formula? Has anyone you have ever known ever put Soy Baby Formula in a BPA Laced Plastic Bottle, filled it with Fluoride & Chlorine Infused Tap Water, put it a Microwave Oven for 3-5 minutes & given it to baby? 

One day I thought...... If they're lying to us about all these things including medicine.... What else are they lying to us about?

Some of these things might astound you.... Geography, Human History and Ancestry, the Musical Scale, Time, Space, Breathing Rhythm, Jesus Christ & the Sun, Sound Resonance, Free Electricity.




Free Colloidal Silver for the Planet!

How it works... Those of you who can afford to get your Silver supplies from Colloidal Silver Guy... You are helping give the gift of Free Colloidal Silver to those who cannot afford it....
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Disclaimer: We believe people should do their own due diligence. Using Colloidal Silver is to be considered your own personal experimental investigation. Colloidal Silver Guy cannot take any responsibility for an individual's choice to experiment with these products.

If you have a medical condition, I urge you to be supervised by the qualified health care professional of your choice. The information or products offered on this site and my eBay store are for educational purposes only and not intended to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to lead anyone away from a qualified health practitioner. This site is not an offer or attempt to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition. does not endorse third-party videos. Videos on this website are for entertainment only, use their content at your own personal risk and discretion!


I Searched on Colloidal silver brands, and colloidal silver, blue -- because there are brands that allege to not have the capacity to be overdone. I said 'you have to way go beyond what is recommended to do that' and I've heard the response about don't underestimate people's abilities to do things that harm themselves.  It's fairly well known, the man who turned himself blue by overdoing it. He was on Oprah. Think about how much THAT set people aback relative to this as a potential treatment! So I picked from the list (I encourage everyone to do your own search too, naturally) and wanted to make sure people knew what had to say. They're just the bread and butter of outside the box information from my standpoint, something I want our YOUsers to be sure to consult on a consistent bases as you go studying things ...  Here's a link about colloidal silver and safety:

Bringing things back around to the site that I suggested in the comment immediately ahead of this one, colloidal silver is one of the many items included on the tab about treatment (which is labeled eradication at the site, again she believes this is the ultimate goal and not everyone has agreed with that when you do research. As you'll see, Louise says 'do your own research, this is to give you ideas', same as I say. YOU need to decide what to do and who to ask to help you with it). Here's the link to Lyme-Symptoms dot com, as I said:


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
What Causes Dementia/Alzheimers - The Lyme (syphilis-like) Info

Looking At Lyme, a website from the UK had this topic, new in the last month.  Thankful to an MD, JD who friend requested me recently as she posts amazingly good things that have passed her scrutiny as an expert in medicine and law. Herself one of the MANY professionals who lost their wellness and Lyme is a factor, so they're now activists in not only figuring out how to keep themselves afloat wellness-wise, but educating others.  

I very much liked this quote from an MD who commented: "Dr Ken Liegner

Here's the link -- PLEASE TAKE IT ...


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

THIS WEBSITE IS AMAZING AND SHOULD BE A TOPMOST RESOURCE TO STUDY BY ANYONE INTERESTED IN COMPLEX CHRONIC ILLNESS.  In order to encourage YOUsers to GO and See the website, this is what converts when copied to Lumigrate so you can see what it's basically about. Naturally it appears much nicer where they've laid it out with their fonts and video and etc that drop out when I bring it here... Again, highly suggested you take the above link and explore. Mis diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, Musculoskeletal Disease,Poly Myalgia Rheumatica - significantly improved when treated for Lyme Disease. Perhaps more aptly described as Multi-Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome - MSIDS. Friday, 30 January 2015


Lyme Disease and Dementia, Lecture and Power Point presentation by Dr Alan MacDonald, John E Grinstein What causes Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia? Such an important question - The Alzheimer's Society estimates that there will soon be 850,000 people in Britain living with dementia, the majority of whom are wholly or partly due to Alzheimer's disease. The economic costs of this will rise to over £26 billion.

The above Vimeo lecture from Dr Alan MacDonald details his work and modern technological developments that are able to show Borrelia infection in Alzheimer's brains.

With latest technology Flouresence In Situ DNA Hybridisation  (FISH) and DNA Borrelia Burgdorferi specific probes he shows further studies he has done with peripheral blood
and Spinal Fluid

Dr MacDonald further says -

Molecular Beacon DNA probes for two open reading frames in the Borrelia burgdorferi chromosome have been developed and Validated for their specificity in hybridizing uniquely to burgdorferi Borrelia DNA.

Borrelia burgdorferi pure culture strain ATCC 35210 = POSITIVE
Borrelia Hermsii ,pure culture = NEGATIVE
Also Negative results with ALL. OF. THE FOLLOWING. : Normal human blood, normal by cal squamous epithelial cells, 
oral bacterial microbes, E.coliCandida albicans

Cerebrospinal fluid submitted from a volunteer for molecular evaluation for possible Borrelia DNA IN THE SPINAL FLUID.
( Hospital testing of the spinal fluid produced Normal glucose, Normal protein, normal white blood cell and red blood cell counts,No bacteria by culture of spinal fluid, no spirochetes seen in cytology examination

MolecularBeacon DNA PROBE RESULTS : Positive for Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes

KENTUCKY resident, adult male, chronically ill, exact cause of chronic illness not diagnosed after multiple physician visits
Lyme WESTERN BLOT : NEGATIVE ( only 41 KD band present)
Patient gives a history of multiple tick bites in Kentucky, no erythema Migrans rash noted at any time

Summation: DNA PROBES (2) demonstrate. Many Borrelia burgdorferi in the cerebrospinal fluid by 
FISH method ( Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) . Many spirochetes seen in fresh up concentrated spinal fluid
By FISH, indicating a very heavy load of infection.
No host immune or leukocytic , macrophage response to the spinal fluid BorrelIa burgdorferispirochetes.
Chronic illness - un-categorized with conventional medical testing - 
Diagnosis: Chronic Lyme Borreliosis, co- infection status not yet addressed by additional proper testing

and from Dr MacDonald -

The FISH DNA hybridization. Will settle the heretofore contentious debates about the REALITY OF CHRONIC BORRELIA ILLNESSES.


AN Epifluorescent microscope is required to accomplish the microscopic exams.

For a limited time I will continue to receive blood smears and Spinal fluid specimens
To extend these observations.

I will donate the peer reviewed methodology Free of charge to persons who 
Own an Epifluorescent microscope.

The Inconvenient Truth of the reality of Seronegative Lyme Borreliosis or IgM reactive serology in Patients with " Late " chronic Borreliosis. Will be embraced as multiple scientists in international Laboratories. Implement the FISH METHOD. for Borrelia detection in blood, seminal fluid, spinal fluid,amniotic fluid,
Or...chamber or the eye Aqueous ...
and biopsies from solid organs or examination of autopsy tissues, with the FISH METHOD USINGBORRELIA BURGDORFERI

DNA hybridization will settle the contentious category of chronic Borreliosis,
Once and for all time...


Further information and images -

For over 100 years it has been known that the spirochete Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of Syphilis causes slowly progressive dementia, cortical atrophy and amyloid deposition  (1)

It is recognised that spirochetal infection Borrelia (Lyme Disease) can also cause Alzheimer's and Dementia (1,2,3,4). 
Sadly over reliance on unreliable antibody tests has held back the science in the field of diagnosing Borrelia infections. (5)

Prof Judith Miklossy (1) and the Lancashire University Dental department found Dental spirochetes in Alzheimer's brains. (3,6)



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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