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Algae Toxins ("Blue-Green", "Cyanobacteria") from Water as Underlying Cause of the Whole Gamut of Illness Conditions, A to Z
“Disease is very old and nothing about it has changed. It is we who change as we learn to recognise what was formerly imperceptible.”
-J.M. Charcot
This may be one of the more important topics I have started at Lumigrate. It is certainly one of the most unique. I hope people finding this information will look into what I present here, and take the time to 'check in' and consider if they think or feel that it's worthy of the time to look into.
Naturally, my intention with education is not to have content fit into the time that the average person will spend on something; my method is intended for those who are going to have the motivation and / or need to spend the time to look into information. Ultimately it takes time and energy (and sometimes money) to make changes, and understanding enough about things in order to then make the time and find the wherewithall / energy to do the work involved is part of the process.
It can be a bit of a catch 22; often people are burdened already with full plates of time-taking tasks and health issues affecting mind, body, spirit 'whole' being. So if you're here, reading, I hope you look things over and decide if it's 'for you' or not.
Become 'aware', basically, that's the first step of the process always with anything. 'Educated about' is the next. 'Proactive', to take action (or not) after that. And just as the Lumigrate YOU model shows, it's simply up to you to decide what's for you and what is not, as with everything. (The YOU! model is found on the home page if you land on or you'll find it, below, on this topic, and others.)
I have been doing in-person teaching about this topic and the related information in 2015 and really enjoy it. Perhaps that, or the next best thing (telephone, etc.) will be something we'll share if that's what will work for YOU (and for me). (See the blog tab and topic about Mardy PopIns/ Poppins, it's pinned to the top).
A good number of people I'm aware of who have found out about this information, either before or after I have, appear and verbalize being extremely grateful to have encountered it, as their or their beloved ones' well-being was helped. On one hand, it's important health-changing information; on the other, it means making a lot of changes, after doing a lot of learning. Which is somewhat cumbersome for me. For others it's very difficult and some it's not possible, without someone helping them.
Sometimes it's just too late for people to get onto the path of new information, and other times it's not too late but simply is not a 'fit' for them; we are ultimately all creating our realities.
For the first few months of 2015, I'd seen something very impressive in a Facebook group, and since getting onto FB in 2008 in order to help market the upcoming website (that didn't even have the name Lumigrate until the end of that year), I've seen a LOT of impressive things on Facebook!
It has to do with a man with a microscope, a bunch of science experiments plus photography equipment to capture what was being seen initially by him and then brought to others via a Facebook group he created in 2014. Some in the group also bought the scopes and "tools of the trade" and started rolling up their sleeves and communing.
In 2014 Steve Beddingfield was 'teaching' about cyanobacteria 'to his class' (Facebook group), and I saw one reference from 'the teacher' thrown in about "giant sulphur bacteria" without much fanfare from the 'class'. That was about the time some leadership had come up from 'the ranks' in 'the class', all women, who were somehow able to make sense of what Steve was 'saying'; I believe some phone conversations likely helped in that process, perhaps.
At any rate, I was able, upon review later even though I'd been seeing things on Facebook as they occurred, to see how they were connecting the dots, sharing about that, others would make more connections of the information and like the upwards spiral that occurs from learning then doing differently, they proceeded to 'action' and 'doing the protocol'.
And then they reported their various experiences with that, and when they saw things unfold the way Steve had said they would, they started looking into the information online to substantiate, and to simply learn. It was as if we had to review anything we'd ever learned about science, and for many learn more than we'd ever learned.
So to get people going with a video, here's something on YouTube which is just under ten minutes of time. I suggest you think about your available time and energy for doing things and consider spending some of it, if you have the ability to watch video, doing so.
What is said about it on YouTube:
Uploaded on Mar 16, 2009Purchase: 3 Billion years ago cyanobacteria appeared on the planet, changing the course of life on earth. Scientists call this event the Oxygen Catastrophe.
This video discusses the appearance of cyanobacteria and the effect it had on the evolution of life over the next 3 billion years.
Suitable for an introduction to evolution, endosymbiosis and the appearance of photosynthesis and oxygen. The video includes an introduction to iron strata formation and the relationship between cyanobacteria and chloroplasts.
In a nutshell, as this relates to our health issues which is the focus of this topic, cyanobacteria live on carbon dioxide and use sunlight to produce oxygen, opposite of what people and other living things use, which is oxygen. If people were contained and lost oxygen we would die because we can't survive on what we ourselves produce/ breathe out (which is carbon dioxide).
Cyanos can't live on oxygen. but when they are inside us they don't have that problem, they don't have access to sunlight to make oxygen. So they're hanging around, interloping in our intestines and becoming toxic. There's a lack of access to sunlight there.
Then in spring of 2015, Steve suddenly started 'blitzing' the 'classroom' about GSB/giant sulphur bacteria. To introduce that, here's an example, one of his more recent 'works of art and science' from Steve Beddingfield's 'scope':
Title of Photo: "Giant Sulphur Bacteria and Its Endosymbiots.". Steve Beddingfiield, ©2015. Steve went on to say '...our mian problem here on Earth'....
I asked Steve to tell me the 'story' about this photograph and his history of how his background lead him to become the unique, innovative civilian researcher he is, potentially coming up with ground-breaking information which can be integrated with the fund of knowledge out there with other ethical, honest researchers. This is what he said: "to be added - check back, please ~ Mardy".
When I was invited to Steve Beddingfield's group in late summer 2014, I saw photographs like this, which were interesting and impressive, but not where my "head space" and time / energy resources were 'at' then, as I had things on my proverbial plate already.
Then at Christmastime, there was a major breakthrough in his group relative to research that substantiated what he'd been 'professing'. The relative slowness of my plate at what for most is a holiday allowed me the time to see what happened and also to attend to and recognize what my gut told me; this could be medical history in the making.
I stress this here because I want people to know what type of research is being presented on my threads. After I have things together on the website from what is the highlights of "Steve's classroom", I'll be then asking those more qualified with backgrounds in sciences to be looking over the information and giving me feedback.
And YOU can do the same, then decide for yourself if you find it useful to you.
So I've "made time", shifted priorities, and dove in, and I hope that I now understand things well enough (end of April 2015 I am editing this to include the photo here, and again early June to add in the video about cyanobacteria, above) to be able to present them to YOUsers of Lumigrate in a way that eases the process of learning for others.
In a way, what Steve's research and theories present is very complicated, but in another way it's simplifying things; essentially it teaches that we ultimately all have one disease/one thing that's causing literally most all the conditions "from A to Z" that allopathic science and medicine has identified and then "labeled", which we can use as Search words at the very least. However, those search words typically lead to endless resources that reinforce that we have separate diseases and not all having one and the same thing, ultimately. This is a paradigm shift.
Some who follow the allopathic model's information, procedures, tests, and products go to an extreme and "brand" themselves with whatever A to Z disorder they have been told they have. Some adopt this so far into their be-ing that the logo for that condition becomes tattooed onto their skin. Some purchase keychains, necklaces, charms and bracelets. Butterflies in purple for "fibromyalgia", pink looped ribbons for "breast cancer", lime green ticks for "Lyme", or ribbon loops, orange things for "multiple sclerosis / MS", zebras for "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome" / EDS, etcetera and on and on. I recall as a child seeing people who wore jewelry that had to do with what religious / spiritual beliefs they had, or what school they went to.
Then they have runs, walks, fundraising, and generally getting more 'invested in' this belief system by having them actively participanting. So then 'we' were thinking there was not yet a 'cure' for all these things. Gradually, though, people have been, increasingly, seeing things differently. I was one, I created Lumigrate when I was only halfway through the process from there to where I stand today. I did not know I was so far from the truth at that time. I believe I'm now, in this topic and others, at the truth, the core, the root of information people seek to answer the question "why is everyone messed up now?"
I hope what I've found, if you wish to go along for the information journey and consider it's validity for you and 'to you', is beneficial. You'll perhaps see that mainstream media increasingly is providing information to the public that would set the stage for what is provided here. More substantiation, in my mind, that it's appropriate to offer this space on my website for our YOUsers.
This information I'm relating via this topic, overall, entails our thinking about paradigms, and shifting paradigms from the mainstream paradigm where we each have 'something', one of many separate disorders we find in ICD9 codes or the DSM manual for physical and mental, respectively, to viewing things as "we basically 'all' have 'the same stuff taking different forms"; the root or the core cause of our various symptoms is ultimately one thing, and something the mainstream is only telling us about in an oblique or sideways manner at this time, and only recently even sharing that much. I jokingly call it 'passive aggressive disclosure process'.
I chuckle today writing this, at my path just in the years since I began to get the insight in 2006 that there was something I was 'needing to do for my business, or for my professional development'. I was an occupational therapist taking insurance and seeing patients through an established and respected outpatient clinic. The live education group for complex chronic illness, which lead to my seeing a website was needed, would take root in 2007 and lead to my leaving for an integrative medical center startup that failed in it's initial proposed focus on chronic illness. This lead to me and all the other providers going our separate ways, leaving that 'center' to create the kinds of programs and sell the services the owner had ended up preferring to focus after the initial group was on board.
Lumigrate launched in early 2009. Whether in the allopathic therapy clinic within an allopathic medical building or at the next stop with the 'center', a relatively 'progressive' clinic, it was almost instant conflict between what I felt was needed by people and what I foresaw as what could be provided versuswhat the overall business owners and leaders steered towards.
I forsee that Steve Beddingfield will have the same issues on his hands with his group of people who follow his work and want to help promote it so others can learn. I recognized speaking with Steve recently by telephone that I'm using the experiences I had in 2006-2009 to guide me today, and I try to share what I can so others might have a less cumbersome time than I.
Ultimately we know that wasted time impacts those the gained information could help. Think about humans and then beyond. Beyond pets. Beyond gardens. Beyond bees. Everything is impacted by what's presented in this information and topic. Not that all I present here is from Steve Beddingfield's work, I have brought in other information in order to share how I've substantiated it. (The more time that went on after I started considering his information and findings, the more I saw things substantiating it, in particular the SIBO information which is presented, below. Read on!)
This is easier or harder AND sometimes perhaps 'impossible' for people to understand, depending upon "where they're coming from", or where "their head is at" when the people reach this or this type of information. Hence so much pre-face I provided, above.
Then it's a matter of the time and energy (and money if they need to purchase something to proceed) a person can and wishes to invest. Thankfully, this is a very affordable method Steve's come up with in his 'protocol', particularly compared to what anyone with complex conditions has experienced in looking at what's been suggested by others before.
Steve often asks in his group if people have added up what they spent on advisors and the products and services suggested by other 'outside the box' medical professionals. I've often thought I'd try to do that sometime. It's simply been so many years, it would be a major project to get an accurate assessment. But I quit going on vacations when my health was not good in order to put money to the providers and services and products that I believed were going to help and I know did help. Not all things did.
I joked that a third of the time it helped, a third it harmed, and a third I'm not really sure. Overall I got better. And wanted to bring the information to others so they might enjoy the same lessening of symptoms and increased quality of life. Steve has the same reasons for putting in the time to do what he does for his message to reach others.
He is a man who had a background and love of looking at things under a microscope; many will relate to that. Others won't. As a kid, we had a toy microscope that my older sibling received as a gift when I was very young, so it was 'always there' in a box. The sibling was not so much into science. I enjoyed looking at the slides they provided and a few other things I found, but I simply was not one to get 'into' the microscope.
I've see this diversity within the people in Steve's group as well. Some aren't much interested in the 'scoping' aspect, or photographing things for study and sharing but they were gifted with digging for substantiating research. I'm going to try to provide at Lumigrate enough for people to get an idea of the basics and then if you're interested in more, provide the 'how to connect with more' information.
One woman in his group who tore into research was actually trying to prove Steve wrong initially, she had shared with me, but ended up finding what I call 'the mother lode' of information that substantiated significantly what Steve's protocol based on his research is about. The one formerly-patented medication Steve suggests for antidoting the 'intestinal interlopers' affecting our health in many ways, which also goes onto having systemic effects (including in the brain), which is one of three main facets of his solution/protocol, has chemicals similar to it in structure patented and not yet developed, at least not to the point of being marketed or that we're aware.
Patented with information from research done indicating it's effective for everything from A to Z, as this topic title reflects. This is not the only protocol or place where people are teaching each other about this over the counter manufactured medication, there are many others. His research is unique, his protocol is unique and his story and manner are as well.
Naturally, one wants to back that kind of thing up with research from the more mainstream places too. I hope this topic provides that balance, and in an enjoyable way that will inspire YOU to spend the Time and Energy to look into this with your brain on 'radar up' and know I think it is extremely important to read. If you don't like the background 'story' from me, skip to the next section.
Background Story
I reflect at this moment and realize that I'm starting the topic off with a resource from the National CFIDS Foundation, and it is from October 2009, not 'yesterday'; Lumigrate had been on the Internet since late March 2009, just prior to the day we'd mark my 49th trip around the Sun. I felt triumphant. I'd reversed many symptoms of complex chronic illness -- pain, fatigue, IBS, migraine, uterus-ectomy (my preferred term over 'hysterectomy', think about the origin of the word ( hysteria)).
So much so, I joked one night stacking the audience's chairs up after a seminar at the 'center' I referred to above, where I was the first year while forming the content with which to launch Lumigrate: "it's like you don't have fibromyalgia anymore." My symptoms were so 'well managed', or reversed, and I was leading a very busy life, and doing very well. But I was still with symptoms, and I was still spending oodles of resources on supplements, advise, and even patented pharmaceuticals, as well as biologically identical compounded pharmaceuticals. Out the wallet the money flowed in order for me to have this improved quality of time, hundreds of dollars a month.
My father's health, with similar symptoms to mine at the same age, was an incentive for me, and my mother had died at age 62. Neither had been into much beyond the 'conventional wisdom' of the time. He'd been interested but would never spend the money on himself and his health to get advise that insurance wouldn't pay for. He'd study about things and then not do anything about it, he'd not take action. In late 2008 as the video seminars were finished being recorded at the rented studio space, he had suddenly hit the "skids" that I'd been forseeing happening. He'd have loved this stuff, I think.
I often wonder what his science mind would have thought if I'd gone to visit him after learning what Steve was, without my knowing it, figuring out in his 'hillbilly laboratory' in North Carolina, outside Ashville. He related to me and others that eight years ago his health collapsed, which would put it in the same year that I was doing the first planning about what I was going to create with a website about 'fibromyalgia' initially. Then things just kept morphing as if pulled by some invisible force. Or pushed. Through me.
I emerged in 2014 through what people call 'the rabbit hole', of going to the bottom of information that is not presented to us via mainstream sources. The roots of all that has to do with how the world works; independent sources now abound and it's readily available, I'd just not had reason to study it. I'd previously learned layers, essentially, and provided that on Lumigrate from the beginning. The initial videos of seminars from our team at the 'center' provided a great layer of providers who were venturing a ways 'over the line' and 'outside of the box'.
From there, I got a layer of national (and one Australian) experts to have topics and also sometimes interact with the registered (and often invited) consumer YOUsers of Lumigrate of that era. I'd cue or prod the providers to take a look and add to the discussion threads. We have some very unique and good discussion threads from those years.
But it took too long to get information onto the forums that way, and it turns out I was being held back in my learning by what the providers were aware of and talking about/providing as education! That means the Lumigrate YOUsers were not getting as 'cutting edge' information as I'd like. I only realized in recent years that as my dependence subsided on the 'bigger providers with bigger degrees than I', who provided a sound foundation for us all in progressing 'outside the box', I started connecting with information which was ultimately 'connecting dots' and finding 'the missing links'.
I started writing the content at the end of 2012, and continue to do so today. I've been able to cover a LOT of important ground -- critically important ground -- as a result. By the end of 2014, I was with a good handle on the overlapping conditions such as Morgellons, Lyme, autism and the neurodegenerative conditions. I'd investigated why Colorado appears to have zero cases of Lyme originating from Colorado when it's obvious by being here that is NOT the case.
"If our dogs have it, why would people think we don't?" were the wise words the bell-ringer at the holidays said to me outside my grocery store when I stopped to chat with her, and brought this into the conversation. The years of 'autism moms' on Facebook, and others connecting via groups having to do with various conditions, had made an enriched learning environment I'd now been seeping in since 2008.
And then when I thought Steve's group was going to be just another great group to learn from and share, I perhaps connected with and got to see a major step forward in medical history with the discovery of his 'autism mom' researcher's 'mother lode patent trail' referred to, above.
I created a topic about it in early January of this year (2015) because when I went to purchase one of the products they've figured out helps reverse symptoms and underlying causes (the OTC manufactured medication, a long-used livestock product), the woman who "happened to" help me at the livestock supply store had been blown away with the 'missing link' I provided to her in relating to her about this protocol and who was behind it.
Not an 'autism mom', fortunately her children were without known problems, but she had been researching in whatever spare time a working wife and mother of little ones could, finding the dots to connect to solve her husband's health issues. She related they'd thought they were in good health and years ago had symptoms come on when living in a rental home in a college 'town' (actually a 'university city' in Colorado, where I'd lived from age 18 to 36 and where my health crashed not once but twice)(I'd had symptoms since birth, my mother had problems since before I was born and actually since she was a young girl as well.....).
They found the source, 'mold', or so she believed it to be (would Steve agree? No.) They moved out. Within a week her symptoms were gone but his had never resolved. He'd done everything the insurance-based providers had prescribed and recently stopped doing anything prescribed and had given up seeking that type of provider advisement.
I think we both realized the significance of our encounter that day. How 'meant to be' it was for me was capped off when she said she normally works in their store almost ninety minutes away. They'd thought they needed to bring extra staff in, but ironically when I'd arrived there, all customers seemed to have employees helping them and a group of employees were talking and I'm glad they didn't stop and ask me if I needed help so she could and get that information. I hope it helped him and his family and she's now not having to research at night to help her family survive.
I saw this link posted around Valentine's Day, by a woman who is in the above-mentioned group, who had shared that her new goals are to progress on her spirituality now that she's had a reversing of symptoms and presumably gotten to the underlying causes of the symptoms she had of this 'overlapping complex chronic illness' palate of disorders.
A busy working mother and wife, she was celebrating the love holiday with her husband at a retreat in California and credited the founder of the group and protocol and those who helped from the formative times and after to make it what it is today. It's having self-professed 'growing pains' because they're the 'talk of the town'; in a month about 300 people found the topic tucked away in the 'activism' forum I referred to, above here at Lumigrate.
I heard Dr Deitrich Klinghardt (MD, PhD) say on an interview from 2014 at OneRadioNetwork that we simply have to accept that medical progress today is often made by people trying things on themselves, putting it on the Internet and others try it, with a provider with business interests in developing it eventually learning of it and then trying it -- often on themself too -- and then on patients in a select way and going from there.
Integrating that type of research, which is simply practical and common sense and was likely done since the dawn of time for man on Earth, with sound, funded and more formalized research that interrelates is simply what is occurring increasingly and more people who have been battered around in the 'mangling medicine system' as one of my very wise and knowledgeable friends called it in 2009 have been turning this direction.
This is, however, something people who have enough background can do to ascertain what may or may not be a good thing to attempt and not, whether you're a professional with a 'pedigree' or an amateur without a GED who happens to be good at research and clinical reasoning. YOU, the consumer, have to take information into your hands and decide every day if it's for you or not, and be proactive. That is what Lumigrate's cornerstone is about!
The Lumigrate YOU! Model (initially drawn by hand in 2007 in collaboration with Dr Chris Young, PhD in psychology and building colleague where Mardy contracted to have the OT services within the PT clinic in a large, allopathic, organized medicine building in Grand Junction, Colorado, located to the west of the largest flat-topped mountain / 'mesa' in the world, with the 'mighty' Colorado River running through the Grand Valley. The river was the Grand River prior to being renamed the Colorado, and the Junction is where the Gunnison River comes in from the south and west. Mardy is a Colorado native from southwest of Denver where the show "South Park" was inspired, and where Mardy long-ago noticed 'everyone has something wrong with them, what's the common denominator, what are the causes'.
So to START THIS topic out, I am posting this link and information provided by a long-standing resource I have known about, as I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue before they even called it CFIDS, it was CEBV (chronic Epstein-Barr virus) back in the late 1980s when I was in an 'outbreak' reported to me verbally by one of my insurance-based medical providers who I'd turned to when one day I suddenly couldn't get out of bed because my eyes wouldn't train on anything and I just felt like I was half dead or asleep (or both).
An hour later or more than I normally would get out of bed, I remember showering and having to lie down again, then dress slowly and rest and then rest and walk to the car in the driveway of the home I shared with my husband who I'd met at work in my interview for my first 'grown up job' at age 24.
It's not anywhere on the Internet that Fort Collins, Colorado (USA) had an outbreak of such a thing, but the Lake Tahoe 1985 outbreak certainly is. I presume those who run the world and the media made sure it didn't get ANOTHER data point out there for people to start connecting the dots. Back before the Internet and now with social media, it was a whole different ballgame for keeping us from learning about things in other places and having enough people with awareness or knowledge and abilities to 'put the dots together'.
In finding out from the group on Facebook I refer to at the top of this topic about the connection of cyanobacteria which is actually algal, the blue-green algae is cyanobacteria and has been blooming away more and more due to the interplay of toxins that are now in the waters, I went back to a person who had long maintained it was 'mold' in Lake Tahoe and we talked about the cyanobacteria that had bloomed there before the outbreak -- he remembered it. So now we have there as that in the lake and mold in a school and who knows what all.
So I looked into the water source for Fort Collins and learned that in recent years due to pollution from the massive forest/ wild fire they no longer take half the water from the Poudre River and mix it with another half coming from the western slope of Colorado, which is where Grand Junction is located... so I believe that in the year I became ill and was told there was an 'outbreak' in Fort Collins, at least half the water I was drinking was coming from the Western slope.
I'd not ever really thought about what was in the water back then, it tasted good and nobody was getting the problems you'd hear about if they went to Mexico! Today we HAVE to THINK ABOUT and LEARN ABOUT and DO SOMETHING ABOUT the WATER WE CONSUME and USE on our foods AND provide to our children, pets and others in the family who are less inclined for activism or else YOU might end up having to take care of THEM due to mental and/or physical well-being problems.
I realized that with my first husband either before or after we married (which was in 1981 and I immediately had symptoms that I later realized was from thimerosol in the rubella vaccine required to get a marriage certificate and 'be legal' in the eyes of the System in those days), some other broke students told us about a watering hole up north of Fort Collins where we'd go in the summer and swim and cool off. It had maybe been an old quarry and I don't recall it being around where there would have been agriculture but --- what was in the soils that might have encouraged algae to grow?
Could that have been another factor to my eventual disabling fatigue in my later 20s? Was it the drinking water and I'd not even thought about either of those two things. In my community of origin I have interviewed some people who have illnesses in the families and have kind of felt them out for what they think is going on -- the water was a thought but they were thinking it was due to the septics being so close to the wells.
I tracked down the woman who had lived in my home before my parents bought it and the property (a small 'ranch'); she actually shared the bedroom closest to the power lines that was the one my parents moved into when they took possession, and later gave to me. I'd come to realize the connection of EMFs/ radiation and mold in 2014 in my time 'in the rabbit hole' and that also included the nearby Lookout Mountain antennae mountain, which I also created information about on Lumigrate.
Thankfully, when my health really totally fell apart and 'tipped' or 'crashed' or 'overflowed into major symptoms of illness', I was very motivated to not be one of the 50% who stayed impaired and disabled in those days and I have, as I said above and overall at Lumigrate, been up and down with my symptoms and overall and clearly a productive member of society and well enough to lead a relatively normal life. But I am NOT well, and would like to be! Imagine what I'd be able to accomplish then? I look forward to finding out!
So I feel like I've come full circle, starting this topic off with the National CFIDS Foundation's 2009 piece, on a 2009-launched website of my creation because I was well enough to do so (and I actually had a gut/G-d/Source connection feeling that I had to get my health better in 2006, there was something I had to do for the health field and it just presented like Richard Dreyfuss' character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the mashed potatoes he shaped into Devil's Tower (Wyoming, USA, National Park Service site and landmark of the indigenous and people after).
INTEGRATING in this type of mainstream and formally recognized information with what some amazing researchers at home, motivated by their desire to get well or provide that for their children who were ill because this is a 'trickle down' kind of situation with what ails us all.
I will, below this, link you to the other topic I've referred to, so you can see there what has been provided by providers who are not at all medical establishment, but they knew how to do research, they used their spirituality, they got 'real' when things were tough and they were feeling they might die in some cases, and unfortunately they had one member of the group suicide which, in a field where there is apparently about a 15% suicide rate, that's unfortunate but not anything unusual (again, unfortunately). May this group have the fewest suicides of any group about reversing complex chronic illness.
May there be more success stories than any other group until there are other groups that replicate and are inspired by and they do the same and this, if it is something of significance about cyanobacteria and other interlopers inside our intestines and throughout our bodies that apparently will and do come out and people then heal up if it's manifested in things coming through skin outside or inside the body (such as the mouth, intestines, etc.)
And may YOU do your TIME researching things and deciding what is right for YOU and most of all getting a good team of expertise around you (and the products and services) to have your health journey be what you are going to make of it.
The list of conditions is staggering that patents have been obtained for (without drugs appearing to have been developed so far as anyone has been able to find or has said) that have a chemical composition similar to the fenbendazole that is what the afore-mentioned people are utilizing in the group to stun the algae and other interlopers and have them pass from the colon without disintegrating and dumping the toxins they hold into the person's body (or minimally so compared to if the chemical 'killed' the interlopers hitching rides and hijacking our health). Stop reading. Pause. Think about that and why that is. Proceed when done letting THAT sink in.
I will start it with the 'designated conditions' or 'labels' this resource specifies:
ALS/ Lou Gehrig's Disease
Please take the link below to find the PDF, it is 24 pages plus 2 pre if you print it. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print that much, consider asking someone to do that for you whether it be a provider's office or a copy or office supply place that provides that service.
Remember to think about providers for pet services -- might your veterinarian be interested and print you out a copy, or some other office you could pop by and perhaps help THEM start to connect the dots of this important information. I have to just say 'it was not meant to be that I'd have taken this into account in 2009 if I even saw it -- did I see it?
I don't know, it's been like a snowball fight or dodgeball some days on how many things are shared on social media. What is important is I saw it this time and now it is here for YOU. With my BIGGEST SUGGESTION THERE IS, to READ and better yet PRINT IT TOO and read it, distribute it, and take action!
The Role of Blue-Green Algal Toxins in the Development of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and Cancers
The National CFIDS Foundation with The Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases Oct 2009
Prepared by Dana T. Cesar, Ph.D.Click below for the full published article in PDF format.
[Note: If you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, clicking this link will open Acrobat displaying the article. If nothing happens when you click on the link or if you do not have Acrobat Reader installed, click on the bottom icon to download the free Acrobat Reader software.]
I believe I witnessed in Steve's Images today one of the most wonderful exchanges among group leader and followers who are turning into leaders and joining the others, the ripple effect will require many people to be grabbing oars and helping usher those along the water to where they will go and presumably find healing as has occurred with so many reporting in the group.The woman who wrote this said she'd be fine with her crafted words being used if it would help others, but I will remove her name and then post what Steve said in reply (there were others who had similar feelings and families and experiences who also posted and it was truly a wonderful exchange but I'll keep it simple with just the back and forth of mentee and mentor (Steve).(When she refers to the things coming out of her, that is a symptom of the Morgellon's form of these overlapping conditions -- think of an artist's palate with your hand holding it and the blobs of color being 'Alzheimer's' , 'Parkinson's', 'ALS', etc, and think how you can have symptoms of a mix of them and be making those with the multiple diagnoses that are available as flavors of the month from mainstream medicine. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is going to be the next 'fibromyalgia', I predict, starting in late 2014 with some hubub and funding connections and major stuff they have to market for treatment from PT / gymnasium to create revenue from treatment.)Her: I know (it)'s hard to understand and it hurts so deep you feel like your heart is being ripped out. I know i felt that way at one point. I was so sick and hurt so bad , that I was crying in my bed cause that's where I stayed because I couldn't get up.
And I would talk to God and ask him to let me die. I felt it would be more merciful for him to just let me die because I truly felt that's where I was headed and I was living in torment and couldn't sleep sometimes for the pain and my body doing crazy things.
And then my mom didn't understand , she has been different since her stroke and she couldn't grasp reality, and my sons were my life. And we were so close I thought I could tell them anything but I was wrong. It made our relationship very strained and because they couldn't understand , they listened to what others said and doctors even said and when I realized they didn't believe me but would rather believe I was crazy it crushed my heart.
I felt lost and totally abandoned but I decided I had to get well and prove what I was saying. I knew if I got well that would be a big statement. But I went on the journey looking but I quit telling them or anyone anything I anymore. I quit looking at things that came off of and out of me. It was consuming me. I found I felt better if I didn't dwell I the things I knew were in me.
I think it took some of their power away. Stay strong for yourself you can get better . I truly believe I can now. In time if I stay on this Fenben and.reishi and also get my water ozonator. Just think about getting well. It helps.Steve: "Thank you for your heartfelt message, no one has ever said it better. There will be many times that your post will be able to help others understand that they are not alone with the suffering and confusion. Hope it's ok to use it for helping others. It's a truly inspirational letter, for it's from the heart, plus it's very well written. You will be needed more after you heal from this suffering, pain and isolation, so glad you're among us, your new family."Her: "Thank you (Steve), think I finally went to sleep after writing that. I'm surprised it came out right. But you can use it or anything I write if you think it will help someone. I have had many trials and really heart breaking experienced during this. Some I thought were finally going to knock my hard headed determination down for good. But I always got back up somehow.
At times I really questioned myself? That's how crazy I can be. But I believe I and all of us have to decide we have no choice but to fight. We know this is not in our heads and we have to fight for answers because so many others are going to keep getting sick. I don't want people to suffer like I have at times. But thank you for your and everyone's encouraging words. Love all of you"Steve: "Seems to me that the best way for allowing those around us to see that we have been telling the truth about our disease, is to become a shining star. We can do this by stopping the arguments with them and rather instead, we properly treat ourselves, regain our health, restructure our lives, help others through networking with a set of proper facts, improve our appearances, say little with our words and say more with our positive actions.Focusing upon the negative actions of others is counterproductive. Often times their ears can't hear and their eyes can't see. Unles they change their perceptions, beliefs, their life may not be spared. I nowadays believe in my new family, the one that's here in this group."
........ HOPE was something an activist on FB and the Internet operating with focus on the 'fibromyalgia' aspect of the overlapping conditions asked for in years past and this was what my graphics artist friend from FB and from 40 years ago now in the in-person world created for me to submit and I've used it now and then ever since. He's just remarried which I wasn't even aware he was dating anyone as I had made time to add what Steve's Images has going on to my plate at about the time they started dating.
It has been wonderful to see so many 'flowers' springing up through the old grass or dried grasses on the path of our well-being and look forward to what lies ahead with this new-found connection, information and support for not just me as a learner and provider of information, but for YOU who might find your way to Steve's Images and the other topic on Lumigrate at the links here, and naturally that PDF I feel is 'required reading' it's THAT important!
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy
Other topics on Lumigrate you might want to check out from here:
Information about cleaning your environment, laundry, etc. in light of the new information (which is based or at least includes a lot of information from Steve and his group's highlights of conversation on this topic).
and naturally please click the link to get the list of topics in this environmental illness / wellness forum and see what other topics are here, as this is the heart or hub of a lot of things which stem from simply 'the environment' and affect people --- all people -- the same.
We might have different manifestations, but that's a core shift that is coming from this information; the treatment that has been largely roughed in by Steve to create solutions was substantiated by one of the et al's to show that mainstream science and medicine has found that the medication that's no longer on patent for veterinary medicine purposes is similar to what's been named in patent after patent after patent for 'everything from A to Z', as I've said here. And then not put on the market (so far). So that leads to the conclusion that it's one solution, one disease ultimately ... one thing. We are all with the same stuff in us that's creating more or less symptoms and each persons' symptom set will be a bit different because of all the variations in genes and what we've been exposed to and our lifestyles, etc.
I definitely want YOUsers of Lumigrate to know about the work of Dr Stephanie Seneff of MIT, which I have put on a lot of Lumigrate topics in various places. She's tremendous at seeing factors that overlay, interplay, and focuses on glyphosate's impacts on the gut, the environment and how it gets into everything and how that presents congruently in her analysis with disease rates.
And I believe the work of Dr. Klinghardt is helpful to laying foundation down or supporting what is being said by Steve. I know more than one of the et al.'s has agreed with me in private conversations that he provided a lot of stepping stones to helping people go learning and doing in the direction that allowed them to then be able to take in and then embrace what Steve's work is all about. And then go on to help formalize the content for others to learn and understand easier and better, and help 'the ripple effect'.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
Once a person realizes what a mess the water situation is here on Earth, the innovative information on 'primary water' is particularly interesting and confirming of things that can be tapped into. This was a most interesting perspective on water, and I enjoyed listening to Maria Wheatley being interviewed on the last day of March, 2015 by Patrick Timpone. Her father was, according to the introduction from Patrick Timpone, the guru water 'dowser' of the world. Here's what they have on the One Radio Network website about Maria Wheatley:
Maria Wheatley
Earth Energies
Maria has studied Landscape Archaeology with the University of Bath in Swindon, has written holistic diploma courses for the British School of Yoga, teaches reflexology, dowsing and past life regression for Swindon College and is co-author of Avebury Sun Moon and Earth a popular book which reveals the many ley lines and earth energies which were skilfully integrated into the megalithic architecture of Avebury Henge, a gigantic megalithic power centre in Wiltshire, England which contains the world’s largest stone circle. She has appeared on the History Channel, BBC radio and has lectured for the British Society of Dowsers, and she regularly gives talks and presentations for dowsing and spiritual groups in the UK. Maria has also written numerous articles for Prediction Magazine and the British Astrological Journal.
Show Highlights:
-What are ley lines?
-Energy created by underground water
-Geopathic stress and deciding where to build a home; should it ever be built over underground water?
-Why do we care about the energy of Stonehenge and other sacred sites?
-Harnessing the healing energies of the Earth
-Enhancing the energy of your water
-Imprinting distilled water with a lovelier resonance
-The benefits of imploded water devices
and so much more!!
Here's the link to the topic
... and the link to her website, The Avebury Experience: where you will find:
Overview / Highlights ---
Patrick starts with asking if there are certain magnetic forces, going back hundreds of thousands of years ago knew about. To the Stone Age/ Neolithic, 5-6,000 years ago, these incredibly sensitive people looked at the Earth differently and they saw where ley lines were and different currents. It's like two rivers of energy, yin and yang, and they intertwine. She's from Avery Henge where the
a large heartbeat like energy pulses out. Lots of sensitive people can feel the energies. Or if they can't they can use the medium of dowsing to locate these different kinds of energy. Underground water, a particular type -- water that falls from the rain, sky, clouds and fills up the aquafir. Then there's another type of water that is independently born in the womb of gaia, that's your holy world. It was deemed to have healing qualities with the resonance in that water. The ancients seem to know where the primary water, or yin water as she calls it, is located. They'd put places like Stonehenge over these places due to the energy, which is from the primary water.
Patrick then relates his experience having a 500 foot well drilled in years past to back up his primary water source being rainwater collection. The dowser said he found primary water -- water made in the Earth which has never been above ground. And if you can get that water, it would be amazing. So they drilled but never hit it. A lot of progressive thinkers are saying beyond life itself, the universe, can produce water. The Earth produced silver, sulfer, gold so why not water, Maria says.
There are a few wells in her area -- country stately homes have wells and some of which are deep yin / primary water. It's not just the water below the surface the ancients were aware of it is the energy field it produces. That spiral patterns of enenergy is constantly turning and affected by the phases of the moon, so that is what the ancients were looking for. The energy field associated with it..... It is producing a wonderous negative ion energy field which is good for you so then the area around that will be good for you/ a person.
Patrick asks if you'd build a home over it. It is true that if your house is associated with normal aquafir rain water it has been found to be geopathic stress and found categorically that with cancer patients, no matter what type of therapy you did your body takes longer to self-heal. It's not being over an aquifir but more where two rivers or aquifirs cross, he thought.
An underground stream that is associated with rainfall water, that produces a high hertz energy field that influences your brainwaves and body and will break your immune system down.
A good hertz frequency, about 10 Hz she states is close to the alpha brainwaves, like is from the yin / primary water.
It's perpetual, once we tap into that source, it will never run dry. So the idea that the governments saying we'll run out of water, that is an impossibility.
Going back to the early '90s, a bunch of people coming over from S Africa to work with her father (and her) to learn to find the geo spiral.
There are lots of types of Earth energies, and Maria believes we can learn from our ancient ancestors and apply it to modern living and situations.
Primary / yin water is a perpetual source of water. There's been Dr Pollack (sp?) in the US has looked at the deep, deep well water and it's H302, so it has a more energetic property and it's alkalied on a negative charge --- so modern science is catching up with ancient divine law.
"There is no need for draughts", it's self-perpetuating, it is constantly replenishing itself because the Earth is producing this from the get-go. It is believed it's produced chemically ..... she interrupts herself to say there was information published in New Scientist Magazine -- underneath Old Peking / Bejing China, there's a massive volume of water that is bigger than the Arctic Sea. Under certain countries there are HUGE HUGE quantities of water.
There's probably more water under the surface than there is on the surface of Earth. Iraq is also water-rich, Patrick notes. Hence the geo-political war includes this, because people know this. She confirmed this, that the Middle East also has good surface water with the rivers. China would be able to supply a good supply of water world-wide she said. It has never been fully mapped, just a few places have been named so far. In these deep, deep, underground caverns they probably have their own weather systems.
The energy phenomenons will differ in what they have under for water. Stonehenge is one part of things that are much larger -- there's a secret military area next to Stonehenge which has monument after monument which people cannot access. Somewhere like that has numerous ley lines crossing through it's center, like spokes in a wheel. A vast amount of energy going into and out of the site. You'll see a gigantic circle that is global.
Say the ley line coming out of Stonehenge goes into the UK -- it goes around the world from there. There are 12 holy circles it was said, which she presumes are zodiacal. Think of them as circles and Stonehenge has several of them. It's a huge vortex area, people going there have life changing experiences because it's so intense.
We can learn from the ancients and apply it to the current generation. If you were creating a new hospital you could integrate healing energies. There are some things that cause problems with geopathic stress. There are other grids discovered by a physicist.
There are equally spaced grids, and a healing grid that crosses at a certain angle. (she elaborates on more details) It was renowned in ancient times that where these two grids intersected was a good place for communication. You'll see pulpits in old churches being at this intersection, she mentions the Templers and the Masons who utilized this information.
Patrick brings her back to talking about the Vatican and Masons to see if they used these things to their advantage. Let's look at this today with people with autism or stammers, we can change the resonance of any building by integrating that fully into that site by placing the building in that localle. Build appropriately upon the energy and you harnass the energies. "Embue it with it's unseen power."
She confirmed they did and cited the buildings in England she is familiar with. Some researchers say that Washington DC was build upon that as well. In fairly ancient countries, they have the histories of Masonic involvement and she suggests looking at how they integrated these things. This was just after the 30 minute mark. Old New York, for instance, build under the Masons. ... The catacombs in Austria were utilizing the ancient wisdom.
Today with the Internet and people like Patrick who are knowledgeable and putting this information out -- we're learning all the time and becoming free citizens due to this information, the information is no longer confined to the (elite).
Patrick inquires about if we're in a golden age cycle within this iron age we're in ... She thinks we're on the cusp of a revolution that is going to involve the Earth. We're looking to the Earth to being a living, sentient Earth with living creatures on the Earth. Live more in harmony with Earth and nature.. If we can go back to the ancient wisdom and apply it to the current generation, and she thinks that's what's happening. We're becoming aware of our food, the water, how we eat -- this is like the ancients knew. Rekinding in our lives and souls today.
Patrick states : What we as a culture have done the last 100 to 150 years, the Earth is kind of angry and that is part of the what is causing the earthquakes and weather pattern changes.. he asks if the Earth is angry and is that conscious. She answers that we have undoubtedly since the industrial revolution damaged the Earth.
We're all familiar with the ozone, and we are going through climate change she said. If we look at the Earth as our One Mother and ask forgiveness like any mother, you can have forgiveness.
We can return to Eden just by being more aware -- chosing our food, chosing the products we are going to have. We can speak with our purses, our hearts our souls so the companies that produce the chemicals that are doing the damage are affected. It's up to us as a conscious movement. That's what we are, we're a conscious movement, Maria says.
He asks about the fracking of the petroleum industry. Maria answers that anti-fracking demonstrations in England, she refers to. Those chemicals eating down into the beautiful yin, primary waters. Right now we are poluting from the outside in. She says we have to think outside of the box and laterally for energy change. She states:
Communicate and pass on good, grounded information to people. Whether you're spiritual or not, then you can see that you have a choice. We do always have a choice.
Yin and yang, female and male, you need both. .. what's the difference with the primary water and 'spring water' to drink. She says the main difference is the spring water can be derived from very ancient waters that fell in the Jurrasic era and can be up to 30,000 years old -- that's going to be pure.
Water, we can relate to it, it is sentient -- it is alive -- it is the living essence. And water has memory. Homeopaths tell us this.
So whether you looked at the ancient water that surfaces as a spring. The deeper yin water will be mineral rich and will have added to it from new waters as it is perpetually generated within the womb of Gaia. It will have a slighly more alkaline resonance to it. Both types of water are very good to drink. The deep aquafir water will be a healthier water to drink, it will neutralize and alkalinize your body.
Spring water is not necessarily 'yin' / deep / primary water, Patrick clarifies as a question. Exactly, she said. Some of it is very old and filtered through the Earth for thousands of years and it is very, very good for you.
It's very easy to find with dousing. If you're shown how to douse it, it's easy to differentiate. She asks people to take that quiet moment to make them feel what they'll feel from it. She'll feel it in her solar plexus and heart when she's over it and she puts her palms down. If she's over an aquafir / rainfall water, it will make you feel differently with the dousal response. After a while you will feel the difference. So when you walk the landscape, if you sensitize your body to identify different kinds of Earth energy you can understand and interpret the landscape when you're walking it.
Patrick asks about the vorteces like at Sedona. How's that different than at Stonehenge or Averbury, he asks. She says they're similar she thinks. She's been to Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania etc., and when people go around with her, they'll recognize the energetic signature and say it's similar to what they've felt at Sedona as they lived or worked there. It's a similar type of energy.
You divine/ douse / atone the Earth and then build appropriate upon that. That's how you harnass the energy. A dome shape does help -- Mosque, White House .. the Earth energies can then fill the space.
She uses 'imploded water' machine that cost her about 100 pounds. Start with the water in your home. So you start with the hot water sources. It's based on water having memory. So you then tie it to the main water source to your house.
She then goes into the color coding of water, based on homeopathic principles that water has memories -- leave the water there for 20 minutes ... that will instantly change the resonance of your water.
So you distill your water .. set it on a violet card and it will imprint it with a lovely resonance -- the water will take that on. A certain type of water is put into a device. She wanted to upgrade the whole house .. it's a way to encode the water in the whole house. Her bath water, every single bit of water in her house is encoded. Go to the color card and get a really good color of violet and that will encode your water. Water 30,000 feet deep will come out violet. Yin water will be white.
Patrick refers to people doing magnets on their water (I've listened to that interview as well). He asks for a resource from her for the imploded water and she suggested Googling it and adding 'UK' to it. She actually looked for information while they were on a break and couldn't find it so that was interseting and shows she's not getting some sort of funding for suggesting a product!
A listener sent them 'imploder. com'. The beauty of the device is you switch on the water. If you invest in this, which isn't too much money, you can take it with you -- it's the best value of money that could benefit her health and her family, she thought.
It even juices up city water to be more beneficial -- You can follow the step by step instructions --- she said if she can do it anyone can do it. At the end of the day, water is fundamental to our health. That's the first step to a healthier and hopefully longer life.
If you don't want to go that far and you don't have a well and not into crystals, this is an easy and cheap thing.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Dr. Paul Cox and his 501(c)3 / nonprofit have been involved in looking at cyanobacteria for a long, long time.
Here's the link to the website: (a portion of the 'about')
A TEDx talk (x = independently organized) available on YouTube, titled
Secrets to Alzheimer's, ALS and Parkinson's Disease: Dr. Paul Alan Cox at TEDxJacksonHole,
has this information about Dr Cox, his work, and the presentation (just over ten minutes is all in terms of time). as well as the nutshell of what TEDx 'is', as you'll see, below:
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Relatively few people who read this will know where Grand Junction is, but I encourage looking this information over because it could possibly help see this situation upon us from another angle, and reinforce what this topic is about, generally.
I encourage YOUsers to take this subject matter extremely seriously. I have suggested that YOUsers approach studying about things to do with wellness/illness (for them selves or others they have influence over or responsibility for) -- approach your study time as if you are taking a class --- either for a week, a month, a weekend, and ultimately as if you're getting an advanced degree -- becoming a 'Master' -- perhaps you'll go on to be so well-versed it's like being a 'Doctor'/ having a doctorate.
This comment is inspired by someone who has been doing that. I call her PosterGal on my topics at Lumigrate, as she has not given me the green light for her name to be published on the Internet outside of the closed group on Facebook where I had the pleasure to get to know her and see her process unfolding in late 2014 and early 2015 when she was MASTERING the information about what's causing environmental illness per the teachings of the one who has the DOCTORATE in it, Steve Beddingfield.
You'll find the link in the start of this thread, the main article above, to the topic about his images, his Facebook group, and his protocol. I do believe I saw history in the making and am proud to say I was the first person to put the protocol on the general Internet with the topic I created in early to mid January, 2015. Again, this topic links you to more information about THAT, if you wish to look into it and see if YOU think it is 'all that'.
So today, April 21, fully a quarter of a trip around the sun later, PosterGal posted many things that the lucky 1,700 in the group (which they've closed to newcomers in order to get more people up to proficiency on the rather difficult information) had the opportunity to see. It was about water and algae and treatment, essentially and someone in the group commented about that 'they' are going to start trying to treat the water with chemicals and likely mess it up more.
PosterGal countered that they wouldn't do that, they'll need to go to ozone and ultraviolet, she's said recently on other conversations that it's going to be extremely expensive.
I'd added to the conversation with information that someone I know well works in the water/wastewater industry and makes the point that essentially it's one water that we have but it's split into two organizations treating it, and there's much more that technology has to offer but the consumers have resisted the costs. Even a $2 rate hike per month per customer would cause pushback was the example given in a recent conversation I had.
And are 'they' (those in charge of water to customers) doing things to the water due to algae? I'd not been aware they were until I happened to watch the mainstream, local, television news on a day they ran a story about a new solar powered device that is able to pump 10,000 gallons/minute and move the water and thus keep the temperatures from being 'ripe' for blooming, which occurs twice a year with the changing seasons this source said (see the topic, link, information below for more details). In this case it is the Jerry Creek Reservoir, which is a (or other places have said 'the') source of water for Ute Water to supply to its customers in the Grand Valley.
Below is an expanded version of the essential part of what I added to the conversation, but I've elaborated more here about the tactics the laboratory worker used towards me in my dealings with him when trying to get a local laboratory to analyze rainwater I collected back in 2013; collected near my home in the Grand Valley area not up on the mesa, to be clear.
I want YOUsers to be thinking about what's going into our waters, particularly things that are blacked out or greyed out or made fuzzy by the mainstream sources. Naturally geoengineering chemicals are something that has been historically blacked out (it's a black budget program), with it being grey now as I believe the powers that are supervising what we know have wanted us to gradually become aware and know about certain aspects so we don't freak out when they get to announcing it to the public outwardly and then only those totally out of the loop will be hearing it for the first time. Many around them will have had months and years to be aware and maybe educated and done the work to wrap their heads around it. That's just my personal opinion but others agree with me recently.
I want YOUsers to be on the cutting edge, informed, effective and able to navigate this difficult time we're in that doesn't have to destroy our well-being and lives. If it already has before you knew something you now know, the symptoms can be reversed and many are! It's an exciting time. (Much also about Monsanto awareness, it interplays a lot as you see at topics here at Lumigrate, and they're being hampered finally, there are a LOT of activists now taking aim and hitting them where it makes a difference!)
Initially after the rain of 7/7/13 occurred, I Searched for labs in my area and found the one and talked with the man I later talk about here, but their equipment for what I needed done was broken -- meaning he had time to talk with me a bit about what I was getting at with geoengineering, something he'd not heard of and was open minded about. So he referred me to another laboratory that was a mom and pop place that was handed down to brother and sister, who found 0.00 mg/l of total barium, 0.000 mg/l of total lead and 0.14 mg/l of total aluminum (m = milligram, so milligrams per liter).
I was very new to this and wasn't sure what to ask for from them in terms of anything specific and hadn't yet connected with activists who would have guided me on that so this was simply what an ordinary little lab in an agricultural and petroleum industry city would run when asked. I requested lead because my December 2012 urine challenge for heavy metals had shown high lead levels. Barium because that was also elevated in my results and is one of the common things in chems of chems 'n' EMs/geoengineering.
GRAND MESA, Colo. - Ute Water Conservancy District officials are hoping they can phase out a chemical treatment process with a new green alternative.
A machine called a Solarbee has been installed at the one of the Grand Valley's main drinking water sources, Jerry Creek Reservoir, to help eliminate the growth of harmful algae that naturally occurs in the water. Ute Water officials said the decision to purchase the $60,000 device is a very forward thinking move.
“There's no other drinking water utilities on the Western Slope that are utilizing Solarbees for their reservoirs, but more than likely there will be in the future,” said assistant manager at Ute Water’s water treatment plant Dave Payne.
The Solarbee sucks water from the bottom of the lake at a rate 10,000 gallons per minute and brings it to the surface. This helps maintain a consistent temperature and circulation throughout the body of water. Payne said this process prevents lake turnover, and thus naturally hinders the rapid growth of algae during an algae bloom.
Algae bloom is known to happen in lakes on the Grand Mesa twice a year at the changing of the seasons. The presence of untreated algae causes off-tasting water in Grand Valley taps. If the Solarbee works properly, the blooms should cease to come about.
“We may be able to eliminate algaecide treatment altogether,” said Payne.
The Solarbee will be working perpetually after installation on Monday because it uses the sun to charge its batteries. Officials said it’s also built to work in icy conditions during winter.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Once again the 'infamous PosterGal' from Steve Beddingfield's Facebook group struck a home run with this link, which had other senior members saying they wanted/needed to have this guy (Miguel Vincent, the writer at the blog cited) in their hard research group. I thought I'd bring it to this topic at Lumigrate for our YOUsers and so this can be a resource to help support what is being said generally on this thread. On another topic at this same blogsite posted around the same time, I noticed that Steve Beddingfield said that this was the best blogsite he'd seen from his vantage point about what he thinks needs to be related to people about biology. Here's the link and then to topic -- hopefully I've talked up the site enough YOUsers will take the link to see other things, photos and more at the ASMblog.
Complex Simplicity
We translate and offer a post from the Spanish blog Esos Pequeños Bichitos (Those Small Bugs).
by Miguel Vicente
The textbooks we used in the 20th century described bacterial division with one term, binary fission, implying a simple process. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Today we know that more than a dozen proteins are employed to make the division septum in Escherichia coli. They assemble in a complex sequence and all are needed. In the absence of any one, subsequent assembly is not possible and division cannot take place. Before this machinery can be assembled, an initiator protein, FtsZ, becomes localized in the middle of the cell, where it makes a constriction ring.
The Search for the Center
There are at least two mechanisms that ensure the precise location of FtsZ. One is that this protein does not function in the vicinity of the nucleoid (termed “nucleoid occlusion” by Conrad Woldringh). The other way is independent of the nucleoid and relies on the local concentration of an FtsZ inhibitor called MinC (a mechanism proposed by Larry Rothfield).
Likewise, there are two mechanisms for the establishment of this MinC gradient, with the greatest concentration being found at the cell poles. MinC is associated with a membrane-bound protein, MinD. The MinCD complex oscillates from pole to pole in E. coli with the help of a third protein, MinE. In Bacillus subtilis, on the other hand, the MinCD complex is attracted to a protein called DivIVA that is localized at the cell pole.
Riding the Rails
In either case, how do these proteins manage to travel the length of the cell? Investigators from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the University of York found that lipids in the membrane in B. subtilis make helical “rails” that bind MinD and its associated MinC. To detect these rails, the authors used fluorescent dyes that preferentially stain the particular phospholipid to which MinD binds.
There are other proteins that form helical bundles along the interior of the membrane of rod-shaped bacteria. One of them, MreB, is responsible for maintenance of the cell’s shape and cells become rounded in its absence. Even FtsZ and its accompanying protein FtsA, two proteins needed for making the division septum, make intracellular helices.
June 02, 2008 at 10:41 AM in Physiology & Genetics, Teachers Corner: Growth and Cell Division, Teachers Corner: Structure & Cell Organization | Permalink
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
More information to substantiate and suggest as resource -- posted, naturally, by one of the members of Steve Beddingfield's group, one of the more senior gals. One that I consider part of the et al. in 'Steve et al.', as I refer to them, collectively.
More below about Lynn Margulis.…/…/ref=lh_ni_t…
From a website about evolution, via University of California, Berkeley, here's a link which has really good overview information about Lynn Marguis and her groundbreaking research:
And this is very interesting and a little more off the beaten track. Unfortunately very long and difficult visually on some of the paragraphs, however.
One highlight: Others saw her stubbornness as a necessary reality, what one must have when one is right and everyone else disagrees. Scientists are supposed to listen. They are supposed to constantly consider and reconsider their ideas. They are supposed to respond to criticism. Yet criticism will come regardless of whether one is right or wrong. Lynn Margulis had to listen well enough to be bent by the tide when she was wrong, but not so limply that she would bend even when she was right. Scientists before her had advocated the symbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts. They had both bent to the tide. She would not.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
The Must Reads - Prepared, Produced, and Provided by ...... PosterGal, of course!
The Must Reads
A collection of links (for the hard core readers) related to
and more. ...
Again, posting this important/key info .....
Steve Beddingfield on Feb 23 in Steve's Images FB group said: Someone knew something or the chemist would not have known what to relate the cure to.
Eukaryotic cell division or cytokinesis has been a major target for anticancer drug discovery. After the huge success of paclitaxel and docetaxel, microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) appear to have gained a premier status in the discovery of next-generation anticancer agents. However, the drug resistance caused by MDR, point mutations, and overexpression of tubulin subtypes, etc., is a serious issue associated with these agents.
Accordingly, the discovery and development of new-generation MSAs that can obviate various drug resistances has a significant meaning. In sharp contrast, prokaryotic cell division has been largely unexploited for the discovery and development of antibacterial drugs. However, recent studies on the mechanism of bacterial cytokinesis revealed that the most abundant and highly conserved cell division protein, FtsZ, would be an excellent new target for the drug discovery of next-generation antibacterial agents that can circumvent drug-resistances to the commonly used drugs for tuberculosis, MRSA and other infections.
This review describes an account of our research on these two fronts in drug discovery, targeting eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic cell division.
Bartonella is asked about a lot -- you'll see it included, below, second link.
The tubulin-like protein FtsZ is a bacterial division protein which is also required in plant and algae organelles. Benzimidazole disrupts this protein formation.
The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a structural analogue of tubulin. Bacterial mutants in which the ftsZ gene is inactivated are unable to divide. Numerous inhibitors of tubulin assembly are known, some of which are used as fungicides. The strong structural homology between FtsZ and tubulin raises the possibility that some of these inhibitors could affect bacterial cell division. Here we report that the tubulin assembly inhibitors thiabendazole and 2-methylbenzimidazole cause cell elongation in Escherichia coli and cyanobacteria.
Eukaryotic cell division or cytokinesis has been a major target for anticancer drug discovery. After the huge success of paclitaxel and docetaxel, microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) appear to have gained a premier status in the discovery of next-generation anticancer agents. However, the drug resistance caused by MDR, point mutations, and overexpression of tubulin subtypes, etc., is a serious issue associated with these agents. Accordingly, the discovery and development of new-generation MSAs that can obviate various drug resistances has a significant meaning. In sharp contrast, prokaryotic cell division has been largely unexploited for the discovery and development of antibacterial drugs. However, recent studies on the mechanism of bacterial cytokinesis revealed that the most abundant and highly conserved cell division protein, FtsZ, would be an excellent new target for the drug discovery of next-generation antibacterial agents that can circumvent drug-resistances to the commonly used drugs for tuberculosis, MRSA and other infections. This review describes an account of our research on these two fronts in drug discovery, targeting eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic cell division.…/article/pii/S0968089614001424
**** About Mercury
Bacteria Wiki
These processes are also important in biological responses to pollution; for example, sulfate-reducing bacteria are largely responsible for the production of the highly toxic forms of mercury (methyl- and dimethylmercury) in the environment.[89]
Bio magnification Wiki
For example, though mercury is only present in small amounts in seawater, it is absorbed by algae (generally as methylmercury). It is efficiently absorbed, but only very slowly excreted by organisms.[3] Bioaccumulation and bioconcentration result in buildup in the adipose tissue of successive trophic levels: zooplankton, small nekton, larger fish, etc. Anything which eats these fish also consumes the higher level of mercury the fish have accumulated. This process explains why predatory fish such as swordfish and sharks or birds like osprey and eagles have higher concentrations of mercury in their tissue than could be accounted for by direct exposure alone. For example, herring contains mercury at approximately 0.01 parts per million (ppm) and shark contains mercury at greater than 1 ppm.[4]
****** Scientists at Arizona State University tell us that antibiotic use is known to almost completely inhibit excretion of mercury in rats due to alteration of gut flora,3 and even with the known fact that antibiotics are creating powerful resistant bacterial strains does not stop doctors from using them to their hearts and pharmaceutical companies content.
Virulence of Fungi and Yeasts
The Red Pigmentation
Bovine Growth Serum - The Vaccine Connection
Alan Barbour among other authors in the infectivity and virulence of Borrelia.
"In conclusion, our data suggest that variations in BSK medium formulations have
significant effects on the infectivity and pathogenicity of B. burgdorferi clinical
isolates. The attenuated pathogenicity of B. burgdorferi variants cultured in BSK-H
medium is not due to the loss of plasmids. Further studies are in progress to compare
the differences in levels of gene expression and in the protein profiles of variants of B.
burgdorferi clinical isolates grown in various BSK media."
BSK media is bovine serum. Steve and we have shown that cows are increasingly
infected with ‘pathogenic fungus’. Bovine serum is also used to culture many
vaccines including MMR.
I do believe they recognized this phenomenon much earlier as I have earlier
abstracts. Example:
Schwan, T. G., W. Burgdorfer, and C. F. Garon. 1988. Changes in infectivity and plasmid
profile of the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, as a result of in vitro cultivation.
Infect. Immun. 56:1831-1836.
A plasmid is a small molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and
can replicate independently. They are most commonly found in as small, circular, double-stranded DNA
molecules; however, plasmids are sometimes present archea and eukarotiuc organisms. In nature,
plasmids often carry genes that may benefit the survival of the organism, for example antibiotic resistance
. While the chromosomes are big and contain all the essential information for living (an adequate analogy
is the hard-drive of a computer), plasmids usually are very small and contain additional information (in
this analogy, plasmids are the USB flash drives). Artificial plasmids are widely used as in vectors and
molecular cloning , serving to drive the replication of sequences within host organisms.
Plasmids are considered replicons, a unit of DNA capable of replicating autonomously within a suitable
host. However, plasmids, like viruses , are not considered by some to be a form of life . Plasmids can
be transmitted from one bacterium to another (even of another species) via three main mechanisms:
transformation ,transduction, and conjugation . This host-to-host transfer of genetic material is called ,
horizontal gene transfer and plasmids can be considered part of the transduction and conjugation. Unlike
viruses (which encase their genetic material in a protective protein coat called a capsid ), plasmids are
"naked" DNA and do not encode genes necessary to encase the genetic material for transfer to a new
host. However, some classes of plasmids encode the conjugated sex pilus necessary for their own
transfer. The size of the plasmid varies from 1 to over 1,000 kbp , and the number of identical plasmids
in a single cell can range anywhere from one to thousands under some circumstances.
More About Borrelia
"Although Borrelia spirochetes are often, but mistakenly described as Gram-negative bacteria due to their diderm, i.e. double-membrane envelopes, a closer examination reveals significant differences in composition and architecture. Probably most striking is the lack of LPS, the presence of major surface lipoproteins at the host-pathogen interface during transmission, persistence and ensuing pathogenic processes and the additional function of periplasmic flagella in defining cell shape.
Benzimidazole derivatives play important role in medical field with so many pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial, antiviral, antidiabetic and anticancer activity. The potency of these clinically useful drugs in treatment of microbial infections and other activities encouraged the development of some more potent and significant compounds. Benzimidazoles are remarkably effective compounds, extensive biochemical and pharmacological studies have confirmed that these molecules are effective against various strains of microorganisms. This review is summarized to know about the chemistry of different derivatives of substituted benzimidazoles along with their pharmacological activities.
Benzimidazole is a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound. It is an important pharmacophore and a privileged structure in medicinal chemistry. This compound is bicyclic in nature which consists of the fusion of benzene and imidazole. Nowadays is a moiety of choice which possesses many pharmacological properties. The most prominent benzimidazole compound in nature is N-ribosyl-dimethylbenzimidazole, which serves as an axial ligand for cobalt in vitamin B12.1 [1]
The tubulin-like protein FtsZ is a bacterial division protein which is also required in plant and algae organelles. Benzimidazole disrupts this protein formation.
The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a structural analogue of tubulin. Bacterial mutants in which the ftsZ gene is inactivated are unable to divide. Numerous inhibitors of tubulin assembly are known, some of which are used as fungicides. The strong structural homology between FtsZ and tubulin raises the possibility that some of these inhibitors could affect bacterial cell division. Here we report that the tubulin assembly inhibitors thiabendazole and 2-methylbenzimidazole cause cell elongation in Escherichia coli and cyanobacteria.
Every bacteria including spirochetes.
Eukaryotic cell division or cytokinesis has been a major target for anticancer drug discovery. After the huge success of paclitaxel and docetaxel, microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) appear to have gained a premier status in the discovery of next-generation anticancer agents. However, the drug resistance caused by MDR, point mutations, and overexpression of tubulin subtypes, etc., is a serious issue associated with these agents. Accordingly, the discovery and development of new-generation MSAs that can obviate various drug resistances has a significant meaning.
In sharp contrast, prokaryotic cell division has been largely unexploited for the discovery and development of antibacterial drugs. However, recent studies on the mechanism of bacterial cytokinesis revealed that the most abundant and highly conserved cell division protein, FtsZ, would be an excellent new target for the drug discovery of next-generation antibacterial agents that can circumvent drug-resistances to the commonly used drugs for tuberculosis, MRSA and other infections. This review describes an account of our research on these two fronts in drug discovery, targeting eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic cell division.…/article/pii/S0968089614001424
Highlights of comment thread under this as of April 23, 2015 between PosterGal and a group member who is a medical professional and is on the protocol -- as well as treating a minor child of hers.
PosterGal: Endotoxins are the result of a Herxheimer reaction. The world of toxins is study unto itself. There are cytotoxins, exo toxins, endotoxins, cyano toxins, excito toxins, alkaloid toxins, myco toxins -- and I'm sure more than that, I just can't remember. But it does appear the majority are immuno suppressive in some degree or another and capable of all kinds of cellular dysfunction. But yes, our root dysfunction is endotoxin tolerance, innate immune failure; endotoxemia it would be called in the old days.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
PosterGal had provided this information in later April 2015 and I am now providing it here. Highlights of the conversation that followed will follow as well:
Algal Poisoning Symptoms
Algal Poisoning Symptoms
* Although the species sensitivity and signs of poisoning can vary depending on the type of exposure, the gross and histopathologic lesions are quite similar among species poisoned by the hepatotoxic peptides and neurotoxic alkaloids. Death from hepatotoxicosis induced by cyclic peptides is generally accepted as being the result of intrahepatic hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock. This conclusion is based on large increases in liver weight as well as in hepatic hemoglobin and iron content that account for blood loss sufficient to induce irreversible shock. In animals that live more than a few hours, hyperkalemia or hypoglycemia, or both, may lead to death from liver failure within a few days to a few weeks.
* Neurotoxicosis, with death occurring in minutes to a few hours from respiratory arrest, may result from ingestion of the cyanobacteria that produce neurotoxic alkaloids. Species and strains of Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Oscillatoria, and Planktothrix can produce a potent, postsynaptic cholinergic (nicotinic) agonist called anatoxin-a that causes a depolarizing neuromuscular blockade. Strains of Anabaena can produce an irreversible organophosphate anticholinesterase called anatoxin-a(s). Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermopsis, and Lyngbya can produce the potent, presynaptic sodium channel blockers called saxitoxins.
Clinical Findings and LesionsOne of the earliest effects (15–30 min) of microcystin poisoning is increased serum concentrations of bile acids, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyltransferase, and AST. The WBC count and clotting times increase. Death may occur within a few hours (usually within 4–24 hr), up to a few days. Death may be preceded by coma, muscle tremors, paddling, and dyspnea. Watery or bloody diarrhea may also be seen. Gross lesions include hepatomegaly due mostly to intrahepatic hemorrhage. Intact clumps of greenish cyanobacteria can be found in the stomach and GI tract, and there is a greenish stain on the mouth, nose, legs, and feet. Hepatic necrosis begins centrilobularly and proceeds to the periportal regions. Hepatocytes are disassociated and rounded. After death, debris from disassociated hepatocytes can be found in the pulmonary vessels and kidneys. Clinical signs of neurotoxicosis progress from muscle fasciculations to decreased movement, abdominal breathing, cyanosis, convulsions, and death. Signs in birds are similar but include opisthotonos. In smaller animals, death is often preceded by leaping movements. Cattle and horses that survive acute poisoning may have signs of photosensitization in areas exposed to light (nose, ears, and back), followed by hair loss and sloughing of the skin.
* The water pollution of toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) is a worldwide problem and worsens with industrialization. Microcystins are potent cyclic heptapeptidic hepatotoxins produced mainly by Microcystis aeruginosa, and their hepatotoxicity has been well-documented. In contrast, information on the genotoxic effects of microcystins is relatively scarce. In our present study, the genotoxicity of microcystic cyanobacteria extract (MCE) of a water source in China was studied using Salmonella typhimurium assay (Ames test), comet assay (Single cell gel electrophoresis) and mouse micronucleus test. Results from Ames test indicated that MCE had strong mutagenicity regardless of the presence of S9. Moreover, MCE was able to induce DNA damage in primary cultured rat hepatocytes examined by comet assay. In addition, MCE also enhanced bone marrow micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in mice. The analysis of HPLC showed that the main component of MCE was microcystin-LR. The understanding of the potent genotoxicity of MCE will help to establish the possible link between water cyanobacteria contamination and high risk of primary liver cancer found in some endemic areas.
Medical literature described several confirmed cases of significant lyngbyatoxins effects on humans having contact with water resources with high occurrence of Lyngbya. The most common symptoms involve skin and are usually defined as “seaweed dermatitis” [20]. Osbourne et al. examined a group of 5000 marine recreational users in northern Moreton Bay (Queensland, Australia) during a period of L. majuscula occurrence. The most frequently observed symptoms were: skin itching (23%), skin redness (10.5%), skin burning (10.5%), skin blistering (2.2%) and skin swelling (0.8%) [21]. These symptoms were most intense in genital, perineum and perianal areas [12, 22]. The irritant properties of lyngbyatoxin also affected ears (sore, discharge) and eyes (sore). The most frequent general symptoms were headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea probably resulting from simultaneous ingestion of intact cyanobacterium with water [23]. Young adults (18-29 years of age) had the highest sensitivity to lyngbyatoxin. First symptoms occurred within a few minutes to a few hours after exposure. Visible dermatitis with redness began to occur after 3-20 h and lasted for 2-12 days. No connection between the type of symptoms and their intensity with duration of bathing was found. Similar symptoms were observed for people staying in water from 2 min to 4 h [24, 25].,7,18145,1,1.html
11 Cutaneous protothecosis and chlorellosis, extraordinary “Aquatic-Borne” algal infections *
been classified as (i) cutaneous lesions, (ii) olecranon bursitis, or (iii)
At least half of protothecosis cases are simple cutaneous infections, and the majority of these infections occur in individuals who are compromised by immunosuppressive therapy. Individuals presenting with olecranon bursitis are usually not immunocompromised but report penetrating or nonpenetrating trauma to the affected elbow (39, 100). Dissemination occurs in individuals who are severely immunocompromised. Uncommon presentations, such as urinary tract protothecosis (156), colpitis (61), respiratory tract protothecosis (56), choroiditis (51), intestinal protothecosis (125), ungual infections (47, 168), and meningitis (62, 144), have been documented in the literature. Also, three cases with lung involvement have been reported, including one case of probable and two cases of autopsy-proven pulmonary infection (78, 150).
The chronic presentation of protothecosis is typical for skin lesions and olecranon bursitis, yet in one patient protothecal meningitis persisted for more than 6 years despite treatment with various antifungal agents (144). Acute and fatal infections are rare and usually occur in severely immunosuppressed patients (65, 78). In one case, the use of infliximab for treatment of steroid-refractory graft-versus-host disease likely played a role in the fatal outcome of protothecosis (65).
Cutaneous InfectionsCutaneous protothecosis includes cases of infection coincident with trauma and consequent to defects in skin and mucosal surfaces (such as postoperative wounds) but also encompasses situations with no clear compromise of mucosal integrity (56, 65, 80). Manifestations develop slowly and usually show no spontaneous dissolution (134, 165).
The most common presentation of cutaneous protothecosis is usually a vesiculobullous and ulcerative lesion with purulent discharge and crusting (142, 150, 157). However, the spectrum of cutaneous lesions can take various other forms, including erythematous plaques, pustules, papules, nodules, verrucous lesions, pyodermic and herpetiform lesions, vesicles, ulcers, and hypopigmented or atrophic lesions (27, 50, 56, 88, 164). Manifestations of postoperative infection include nodular lesions, synovitis, tendosynovitis, and chronically draining wounds (54, 94).
It is believed that the incubation period is several weeks and that the algae penetrate the skin following posttraumatic damage (45, 59, 80). The lesions generally remain localized; immunocompromised patients, particularly those with cellular immunodeficiency, show a trend toward dissemination (56). The cutaneous lesions are located mainly in exposed areas, such as the extremities and the face. Over one-half of documented cases of protothecosis concern cutaneous or subcutaneous manifestations, which are often preceded by skin or wound infections (148).
Health effects caused by cyanotoxins
The cyanotoxins include neurotoxins (affect the nervous system), hepatotoxins (affect the liver), and dermatoxins (affect the skin). The presence of high levels of cyanotoxins in recreational water and drinking water may cause a wide range of symptoms in humans (Table 1) including fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain, blisters, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, mouth ulcers, and allergic reactions. Such effects can occur within minutes to days after exposure. In severe cases, seizures, liver failure, respiratory arrest, and (rarely) death may occur. There is
Symptoms from external exposure are skin rashes, lesions and blisters. More severe cases can include mouth ulcers, ulcers inside the nose, eye and/or ear irritation and blistering of the lips. Symptoms from ingestion can include headaches, nausea, muscular pains, central abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Severe cases could include seizures, liver failure, respiratory arrest-even death, although this is rare. The severity of the illness is related to the amount of water ingested, and the concentrations of the toxins.
If you are affected, you’ll feel an itching, burning sensation that begins within 24 hours of leaving the water. Other possible symptoms include skin sores, headache, fatigue, irritated nose and throat, and swollen eyes. Luckily, treatment is fairly simple. First, wash thoroughly with soap and water, rinsing your whole body and flushing your eyes in the process. Next, rinse your body with rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Afterward, apply a topical OTC hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. Your doctor may recommend antihistamines, and if a subsequent infection occurs, you may need antibiotics.
•Direct ozonation of 4 toxic cyanobacterial genera from natural bloom.
•Microcystis was the genus the least affected by ozonation.
•41%–80% cell lysis due to ozonation and 100% toxins removal.
•Maximum 3.5 mg/L DOC release & 87 μg/L extra TTHM due to cells.
Localized exits due to Fenbendazole
Different from lesions caused by cyano
Skin may break out, legs may swell, horse may go off grain feed, abcesses in feet may localize and resolve. Horses may be reactive to vaccinations given concurrently — it is best to vaccinate 30 days before or after 10X Panacur. All these effects are positive signs that the immune system is being stimulated and may be dealing with previously unresolved problems.
Cyanobacteria and Human Health
Background on Cyanobacteria
Health Concerns Associated with Cyanobacteria
Summary table of toxins.
Existing Guidance Regarding Cyanobacteria
Communication with the Public
Fish Consumption from High Cyanobacterial Count Areas
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Dane Wiggington, at 22 minutes into this video of his presentation (YouTube link) talks about massive algae blooms and dead zones in the water, oceans' rising CO2 level, etc. To connect this to geoengineering, which I've covered on topics at Lumigrate since I learned about it in 2013, and help people 'connect the dots', is my intention.
And you can use the Search bar at Lumigrate to find the information about geoengineering, one topic is about chems 'n' EMs, I simplify it, and focuses on the medical / health aspects of the technologies involved, and the other is about my learning to look up and 'wake up' on June 1, 2013.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Largest Ever Bloom "Maybe", W Coast, USA
Gulf of Mexico, Early July via Local Affiliate
July 9, 2015 - Lake Erie Affecting Ohio .... a quote to get your attention:
“Last summer’s Toledo water crisis was a wake-up call to the serious nature of harmful algal blooms in America’s waters,” said Jeff Reutter, Ph.D., senior advisor to, and former director of, The Ohio State University’s Sea Grant program and Stone Laboratory. “This forecast once again focuses attention on this issue, and the urgent need to take action to address the problems caused by excessive amounts of nutrients from fertilizer, manure and sewage flowing into our lakes and streams.” What you'll find at the link:
NOAA, partners predict severe harmful algal bloom
for Lake Erie
Heavy June rains causing heavy nutrient runoff into lake basin
July 9, 2015
This image shows the extent of the Lake Erie algal bloom at its height in 2013 (top) and 2014 (bottom). Orange and red show concentrations that may cause scums and other issues. Different areas are affected in the two years because of wind patterns. The data came from NASA's Aqua satellite and was analyzed by NOAA's Center for Coastal Ocean Science. (Credit: NOAA)
NOAA and its research partners, using an ensemble modeling approach, predict that the 2015 western Lake Erie harmful algal bloom season will be among the most severe in recent years and could become the second most severe behind the record-setting 2011 bloom.
The effects of the cyanobacterial blooms include a higher cost for cities and local governments to treat their drinking water, as well as risk to swimmers in high concentration areas, and a nuisance to boaters when blooms form. These effects will vary in locations and severity with winds, and will peak in September.
The bloom will be expected to measure 8.7 on the severity index with a range from 8.1 to potentially as high as 9.5. This is more severe than the last year’s 6.5, and may equal or exceed 2013, which had the second worse bloom in this century. The severity index runs from a high of 10, which corresponds to the 2011 bloom, the worst ever observed, to zero. A severity above 5.0 indicates blooms of particular concern.
“While we are forecasting a severe bloom, much of the lake will be fine most of the time. The bloom will develop from west to east in the Lake Erie Western Basin, beginning this month. It is important to note that these effects will vary with winds, and will peak in September,” said Richard Stumpf, Ph.D., NOAA’s ecological forecasting applied research lead at NCCOS, who formally presented the forecast in a media event and science presentation at Ohio State University’s Stone Lab on Lake Erie today.
This graphic illustrates, thru the red bar, what the projected HABS bloom range for 2015 will be in comparison to the final bloom size of blooms over the previous 15 years. The wider portion of the red bar is the most likely scenario based on current nutrient loading data. (Credit: NOAA)
“This is the fourth seasonal harmful algal bloom outlook for Lake Erie that NOAA has issued,” said Holly Bamford, Ph.D., assistant NOAA administrator for the National Ocean Service performing duties of the assistant secretary of commerce for conservation and management. “NOAA’s ecological forecasting initiative, including this Lake Erie seasonal forecast, the NOAA weekly HAB bulletin, and the experimental early season HABs Tracker, provide science-based information that water managers, public health officials, and others need to make critical decisions to protect the health of their communities, understand environmental impacts, and mitigate damages to recreational activities that are a vital part of the region’s economy.”
The 2015 seasonal forecast uses models that translate spring nutrient loading into predicted algal blooms in the western basin of Lake Erie. After a relatively dry April and May, the heavy rains in June produced record discharge and nutrient loadings from the Maumee River, which runs through Toledo, Ohio as well as northeastern Indiana, will result in a more severe bloom. This marks the fourth year that NOAA has issued an annual outlook for western Lake Erie.
Models were developed by scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), the University of Michigan, LimnoTech, the University of Michigan Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, and the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). The models use nutrient load data collected by Heidelberg University’s National Center for Water Quality Research.
“Last summer’s Toledo water crisis was a wake-up call to the serious nature of harmful algal blooms in America’s waters,” said Jeff Reutter, Ph.D., senior advisor to, and former director of, The Ohio State University’s Sea Grant program and Stone Laboratory. “This forecast once again focuses attention on this issue, and the urgent need to take action to address the problems caused by excessive amounts of nutrients from fertilizer, manure and sewage flowing into our lakes and streams.”
To provide more real-time information during the bloom season, NOAA has produced HAB bulletins for western Lake Erie since 2008. The bulletins will continue at the twice-weekly frequency established during last season’s Toledo event, and can be received by a subscription to the NOAA Lake Erie HAB Bulletin. Additional information on the size and movement of the bloom can be found via NOAA’s experimental HAB Tracker. As the summer progresses, field observations on water quality, algal biomass and toxicity will be collected by NOAA GLERL and CILER, the Ohio State University’s Sea Grant Program and Stone Laboratory, Heidelberg University, the University of Toledo, Ohio EPA, and LimnoTech. USGS will work with NASA in providing satellite tracking of the bloom as well. These results will provide valuable information to regional managers and assist NCCOS scientists in further refining the accuracy of this year’s forecast models.
The Lake Erie forecast is part of a NOAA ecological forecasting initiative that aims to deliver accurate, relevant, timely and reliable ecological forecasts directly to coastal resource managers and the public as part of its stewardship and scientific mandates for coastal, marine and Great Lakes resources. Additionally, NOAA currently provides, or is developing, HABs and hypoxia forecasts for the Gulf of Maine, Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Northwest
True color satellite image showing last year's bloom in Lake Erie at its maximum intensity on September 29, 2014. Data from NASA's Aqua satellite. (Credit: NASA).
NOAA, NASA, EPA, and the U.S. Geological Survey announced, in April, a $3.6 million multi-agency research effort designed to be an early warning system for freshwater nuisance and toxic algal blooms by using satellites that can gather color data from freshwater bodies during scans of the Earth. The project will improve the understanding of the environmental causes and health effects of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton blooms. The effort includes the Great Lakes and will further strengthen initiatives like the NOAA Lake Erie HABs forecast.
Funding to support the NOAA forecast was provided through NCCOS, NASA’s Applied Science Health and Air Quality Program, the EPA-administered Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the Erb Family Foundation, and the U-M Graham Sustainability Institute.
The research programs supporting this work are authorized under the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act, known as HABHRCA, which was amended and reauthorized by Congress through 2018.
The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science delivers ecosystem science solutions for NOAA’s National Ocean Service and its partners, bringing research, scientific information and tools to help balance the nation’s ecological, social and economic goals. Visit our website for more about NCCOS research.
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our other social media channels.
THE BLOB is what the mess in the Pacific is being referred to, now, as seen in this very good article at the blog area of Discover Magazine. By summer I was simplifying my words to just call it THE Stuff .... that means this interplay of mysterious bacteria with the other things it's being symbiotic with and mutating and etc. I highly recommend taking this link:
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Once you're 'up on this stuff', aka THE Stuff (my term for it, to simplify), and you have your radar up for the information out there about what's going on in the world, on the Earth, above the Earth, etc., you can see the enormity of this issue. I'm not saying here that all these stories I'm going to share are definitely related to The Stuff, that's for YOU to be deciding for yourself, but I am increasingly confident that what I'm seeing and forseeing is mostly correct. What Steve Beddingfield has taught is mostly (at least) correct.
Keep in mind, we're with careers and backgrounds not as immersed in the learning of how to be 'researchers' as those formally considered researchers are. Will some not listen because of our 'credentials'? Is the amazing woman who just sang opera on a talent reality show 'an opera singer' based on her abilities she proved with, or did she not have all that a trained ear would hear had she trained formally and had the label 'opera singer'. When you were doing wonderful art that went on the refrigerator or wall as a child, were you 'an artist'? When do those labels come and go based on others' powers for labeling?
This is an age-old issue with people who have health symptoms: I'm better at figuring out what label for physical or mental symptoms conventional medicine providers who are 'qualified' to 'diagnose' often are, and even when it comes to me, myself, and I, people will sometimes snark "was that self-diagnosis or did a doctor say that?"
Yes, the powerful man in my teens who totally missed that I had POTS (blood pressure drops when you stand up and many other things) and his colleagues ever since who have sometimes been correct, more often wrong or totally missing the boat completely and not even knowing that all my symptoms were that of POTS are still, in some people's minds, superior to me in figuring what's going on with me. Despite that I've spent considerable time every day for years thinking about what's going on with me and clearly doing a lot of homework (which I share much of on Lumigrate for YOU to benefit through using as well).
The last MD I was entrusting my care to had all kinds of information provided by me about symptoms that were unexplained by what the operating diagnosis was ('fibromyalgia'), to which he could have said 'what about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?' --- It seems improbably to me that a protoge of Teitelbaum and Bill Rea, environmental medicine guru in Dallas, Texas, wouldn't know of EDS, so I'll never know if they knew and weren't wanting to disclose, or just didn't know. However, I happened to encounter someone who had privately told this provider she'd recently been diagnosed with EDS to which there was no response. And yet he didn't tell me about EDS after that when I inquired with clear symptoms being described!
I belabor this here not to complain about providers, but to remind and 'cheer lead' people about the new way of people getting well -- by working with less burdened experts, more motivated experts -- former and current 'patients' working to recover their wellness. Some have incredible abilities and backgrounds for researching. Some wish to teach, some are good at it, some are not -- but there is such motivation on the part of the ill who want to get better and find solutions they persevere just as one would with a difficult advisor for a Master's Degree or PhD.
My first doctor pulled me out of my mother with forceps only a handfull or so of hours into labor because he had a golf tee time at 3 pm that beautiful spring Saturday in Denver, Colorado (USA). Think about YOUR history with providers. And then reflect on the Lumigrate YOU! Model -- create a new innovative team YOU! that will help you progress your wellness and decrease your illness symptoms, is my suggestion.
I suggest YOU empower yourself even with news stories about what's going on in the world with other living things and figure out what YOU think, feel, believe to the best of your abilities today. Share with others. This is important and 'it's here and happening now'.
©2015 Mardy Ross
This is my picture from Grand Junction's I-70 / Horizon exit way in the middle of the US (and to the west a ways, but not far west of the Continental Divide), a phenomenon I've seen for a few years now in the summer -- this summer understanding what I'm seeing better than I used to, better than many others who will hopefully learn soon, and then realizing when learning of this story in the news, wondering if this is going to help motivate people to deal with the areas surrounding their homes or properties.
On my Facebook when I posted the above link, last night, and tagged Steve Beddingfield, this is how our conversation went:
Mardy: Other stories that might be related ... grizzly in Yellowstone that went berzerk, snakes on east coast with what is said to be fungus, chickens with what is said to be some bird flu bug, tadpoles with some bacteria was it, I can't recall, in many states -- deer dead near a lake in California -- those were just last week that I saw them and they were all recent/the last month if not that week/current.
Steve: Bees missing, little brown bats are gone, cats are dangerous for pets, the water, homes are uninhabitable, cancer is now more common than the common cold, frogs are chewing their skin, humans are killing each other. (Later he'd elaborate on dogs chewing their skin to the point of bleeding, and I'd be witnessing this with a dog at the same time as I'd see someone come into the pet supply store I was in and say their dog was immediately itching like crazy after a trip into a lake at a park they went to with it -- responsible pet owners getting a bath with the groomer ASAP, and possibly saving the dog's life sooner than later.)
Me/Mardy: Those controlling what the masses are exposed to were made aware of 'mold' which isn't really mold anymore, same as the algae's not really algae BUT the mainstream sources are telling people to keep everything out of the dangerous water and so they're making it simpler and less scary but hopefully doing enough that anyone who is well enough in the brain will realize the significance and do what's needed to be done. Those too affected already won't and we'll just see increasing numbers of basically 'everything'.
I keep wishing I was forseeing things incorrectly, and we'll just have to go along and see if I'm on track or not, but it's such a difficult time -- much tragedy and cleansing of the Earth going on while simultaneously the things that will be on the forefront taking us forward and solving the problems are very exciting and to be part of helping people learn about all of it .... 'grate' as we say around Lumigrate.
Links from what I've shared on Facebook or to show some of these things mentioned above, here: --- the stories about this started out about ONE state, then it was NINE 'and maybe more'.... This is simultaneously getting worse and spreading and affecting more BUT it is ALSO THAT THE CONTROL ON THE INFORMATION BEING RELEASED is VERY planned. Think about what this is, and how people might react. Think about how YOU are going to react. Think about the PRIORITY YOU ARE PLACING on elements in YOUR LIFE and I recommend getting more serious about this than you've been about anything in your past and present.
If we ALL do that, it's going to make a substantial difference ... in a family and home system, in a neighborhood system, in a community and town, city, or county-wide, state, country, continent and world. Do your best, that day, that hour -- the more this story emerges into mainstream's awareness the easier it will be in a way because you won't be as distracted with what mainstream is making you think is important and top priority. "I just have enough on my hands getting back into the school year responsibilities" one mother, my age, said to me yesterday. My response: "Well, once everyone knows the schools are a primary source of The Stuff and exposures you might not have to be getting kids to school and then you all will have time to study from home about this and figure out what to do for your yard, fish pond, house, foods, water .... pets."
There was silence. Truly, sooner or later, YOU WILL DEAL WITH THIS. One way or another.
YOU have such power and influence; and then don't lose sight of the trees by looking at the forest. Look at your water intake and quality first and foremost, your foods and diet, what you get on your skin doing your work inside and out, what you breathe in, etc.
AND CONSIDER GOING TO THIS LINK THAT'S THE MOST SIMPLIFIED, Picture-i-fied, and APPLIED (What to do about it) topic about THE Stuff which has gotten a lot of positive feedback from those understanding the information from studying via Steve Beddingfield's Facebook group, and elsewhere:
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!