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‎46 Reasons to Drink More Water

Source: “You’re Not Sick You’re Thirsty” by F Batmanghelidj M.D. – p 32-35  read more »

Are You Waking Up in the Middle of the Night?

Waking up in the middle of the night?

How well are you sleeping lately? Do you wake up between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. on a regular basis? This is a common symptom I hear from clients who are struggling with low energy and don’t understand why.

Functional wellness gives us a clear understanding of the physiology behind what is typically going on in this instance:  read more »

Sleep Therapy Information from Renewed Vitality

Hello - I wanted to stop by Lumigrate and post some information about sleep from our website.  I hope those reading the forums find this helpful; if you do, I encourage you to follow the link, below, in my signature (for (, and see all the information we have related to our unique treatments related to environmental medicine, age management (including biologically identical hormone supplementation for women AND men), sleep therapy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and weight loss management.  read more »

The Yin and Yang of Catching Some Zzzz

It is a common complaint in the clinic.  “I am having a terrible time sleeping, is there anything you can do to help me?”   read more »

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD Has Come 'From Fatigued to Fantastic'

"Feed me now or I'll kill you!" got a round of laughter from the crowd listening to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, or 'Dr. T'. It certainly hit home for me.  He broke things down in a very entertaining way, to the "SHINE Protocol" -- sleep, hormones, infections, nutrition, exercise.
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Jacob Teitelbaum, MD Has Come 'From Fatigued to Fantastic'

"Feed me now or I'll kill you!" got a round of laughter from the crowd listening to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, or 'Dr. T'. It certainly hit home for me.  He broke things down in a very entertaining way, to the "SHINE Protocol" -- sleep, hormones, infections, nutrition, exercise.
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Sleeptracker by Verseo

I'm wondering about this 'gadget' which I recall hearing or reading about in the past -- anyone have experience with it?  Please contact me!  ~~ Mardy  read more »

Sleep Habits for Quality Rest

How much sleep do you need?  read more »

The Three Doctors' Interview: Integrative Approaches for Fibromyalgia's Pain, Insomnia, Fog and Fatigue

Mardy's note:  I copied this in the summer of 2010 from it's original place in the Fibro Awareness forum here at Lumigrate so that it is ALSO located here to be caught here as well.  In two months it had gotten almost 2,000 reads, and by year's end it had just over 3,000 in that original location, as well as the hundreds it had here.  That's really VERY rewarding and inspiring, and tells us what you like to have on!  And from there, we develop in the present and that turns into the future, which you are then a part of forming.  read more »

Foods that Help You Sleep

 What you eat affects how you sleep. One of the keys to a restful night's sleep is to get your brain calmed rather than revved up. Some foods contribute to restful sleep; other foods keep you awake. We call them sleepers and wakers. Sleepers are tryptophan-containing foods, because tryptophan is the amino acid that the body uses to make serotonin, the neurotransmitter that slows down nerve traffic so your brain isn't so busy. Wakers are foods that stimulate neurochemicals that perk up the brain.  read more »

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