Primary Care Partners

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US Health Care: The Good News on PBS. GRATE if you ask me!

Here's a link to watch a snippet/trailer about this show OR the show at their website.  WELL worth the 52 minutes of your time.  Tell your providers about it too, maybe you'll inspire and plant the seed for change, or help encourage a sprout that's taking root in your community!  read more »

7 Years Ago to Now ... It Comes Together!

Mardy Ross's picture

I woke up this morning a little later than I wanted to -- I sleep with an 'intermission' these days and last night's intermission found me getting up to make something to eat after finishing a wonderful book titled Women, Food, and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything by Geneen Roth.  So Rock Cesario's "Acoustic Sunday" radio show on local radio station "Drive 105" was underway, but the lure of someone having brought me Gevalia yesterday had me enticed.  I struggle with caffeine addiction the way other people struggle with o  read more »

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