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Our Medical Experts
This page provides a review of the medical experts which are featured in our online video seminars. They were recorded in the fall of 2008, and were part of Lumigrate when it went live on the Internet in March of 2009. However, the integrative center that all of the experts, Mardy Ross included, had come together to help get off the ground in early 2008 had begun taking a different path in terms of focus and everyone eventually went their separate ways or formed new associations to practice in other wellness clinics. read more »
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Welcome to the Products Page at Lumigrate
Below you will find some examples of JEWELRY and the link to take you to the Jewelry area in Forums. (It is if you'd like to take it from here.) The Forums has the capability to organize the items into categories and have a thread for each individual item or grouping. At the start of my offering jewelry, I have almost 300 items in the inventory! Here's a sampling to see here:
Gorgeous Autumn Themed Set with Necklace, Earrings and Pin (PLUS Optional DKNY Watch)
Mardy's Jewelry Education Moment (JEM): "parure" is a French term that doesn’t have an English equivalent but means "a matched set of pieces (intended to be worn together)". From the French verb "parer" (to adorn).
Price: $ 95 for watch, necklace, earrings, brooch/pin. Purchase watch or the three items in photo together for $50. Shipping included, no returns (thank you).
A new battery was installed in the watch on 10/20/2022 and 24 hours later it is keeping perfect time. Aside from the scratches on the clasp (near the D in DKNY), this watch is like-new and in great working order, has a solid feel to it. There are not additional links though it's with a generous length of band. This fit-factor is why I'm offering the set with or without the watch.
From Jewelry 101 at TheCourtJeweller .com "Jewel historians use several versions of the term parure to classify sets of jewels. A parure that consists of at least three pieces of matched jewelry is generally referred to as a full parure. These suites of jewels can consist of a number of pieces, but they often include a tiara, a necklace, a pair of earrings, bracelets, and at least one brooch. The sets also sometimes include additional pieces, like rings, hair combs, or even jeweled fans or watches."
I recently bought the brooch/pin to go with the necklace, earrings and watch that I had in my "inventory", which technically are not a set as they are all from different makers, of different qualities, but they looked good together and since this venture was coming about in the fall / autumn season, and I don't have other similar pieces to sell, I thought they'd be a "grate" place to start.
I encountered the term "demi-parure" initially, online, when looking up jewelry to compare with what I had obtained. The local-to-me jeweler resource I'm considering a mentor was present and said it means a set of two, such as necklace and earrings, but I learned at the education resource I've cited here that in other circles it means the set doesn't include a tiara !
I don't forsee getting into tiara's, but I assure you, I have some VERY EXCITING pieces in the inventory already, which I will be including here. This journey began with essentially an "estate" which I sought input from a local expert (professional jeweler for many years), and I've been purchasing pieces for months and focusing a majority of my work-time each day to bringing jewelry to YOU, with the coming holiday season on the heels of autumn.
$45 (includes shipping)
I hope the photographs convey the quality of craftspersonship in making this beautiful, multi-layer beaded necklace known as a "torsade". I found two that were the identical chartreuse (or celery) color, and knew I had earrings from an estate that basically started my "inventory" and lead to this adventure. The earrings were a great match with one of the two, as you see:
I'm offering them as a demi-parure (which YOU and I both now know the definition -- basically set of two to adorn with). The set is also $45 (includes shipping), same as the larger solo necklace, above.
HERE IS THE LINK TO the JEWELRY AREA of Lumigrate, where you'll be directed if you're interested in purchasing to a topic HOW TO PURCHASE.
OTHERS' HEALTH-RELATED PRODUCTS Suggested for Consideration
Stiff 'n' Sore by SUCO, Inc.
Link to their website:
This is a company that makes one thing, and they've been providing it for a long time. I learned of it in 2011, if memory serves (as I write this in February 2022). My osteopath carried it and I didn't even know for the longest time, as she had it quietly in a cabinet, not one to sell any products I thought. But my S.I. had slammed out on me on a trip to Denver, I returned home to a cold house because the boiler was out just two days before Christmas, and by the time I had my pre-scheduled appointment in January, my body had resolved everything. "What can I do to be prepared for this if it happens again?" I asked. And that's when I first set eyes on Stiff 'n' Sore, and purchased -- unsure if I'd like cream or gel, I got one of each. I prefer the cream but those that like gels (which I don't generally), have liked the gel just fine. I've helped several I know personally to try it, like it, buy it.
That provider no longer is in my area, and it was time for me to purchase some. I used the old link I had on Lumigrate from creating the topic almost exactly 10 years ago, and it wasn't working. Oh no, I thought, a sinking feeling when you maybe lose another resource. But by Searching at my search bar, I found what I presume to be the new website. That link is above, and I'll provide it here, too:
I've always thought of this gal as an old time type, and that has been renewed. The process is that you print out an order form and calculate shipping and when you receive the order, you send a check.
Old school!
So I'll be doing that, and in the mean time, I've communicated with the owner by email and let them know I was going to include SUCO on my products page. I hope it will help YOU, Lumigrate YOUser, to find something of interest and perhaps to purchase and use. On this one, I do not have any kind of arrangement with the provider for my being compensated for getting people from here to there, to purchase. I'm adaptable, and they are not set up with the new school affiliate stuff.
If you do order, perhaps you can write on the order "found you on Lumigrate" or "I saw Mardy Ross of Lumigrate's products page featured you". If you wish to email or hard mail me, the information is (messily) on the Contact tab, and within the About tab here at Most of all, I hope it helps!
Dis~Ease Solutions, created and provided by Crystal Tripp
Above: The first product I tried from Crystal on myself (Mardy): Soap!
31 December 2020: Revising this page's content ~~ Mardy Ross, thank you.
Transparency statement: If you order from Disease Solutions by using the link I provide here, which is an "affiliate link" with Disease Solutions .net, I will receive from Disease Solutions, a percentage of the total sale. I would appreciate your taking this step, particularly if you initially learned of Crystal and her products from me OR you are reminded by being here now, or otherwise want to support my efforts in doing what I do.
I created Lumigrate for consumers and providers, to help make it more affordable and time efficient to get quality products, information, services and other resources to "light the path to health and well-being."
Here's the link to explore the Disease Solutions .net website. Thank you.
Crystal Tripp, creator of the Disease Solutions products, came about things, up to a point, like my experience years before.
She became extremely unwell in her mid-life. She worked to figure out what might have contributed to losing wellness, and from there, she took a very different path than I.
She began making unique products that were based on what helped her and her family get out of extremely problematic health in half the household's cases. She had Facebook friends. She created a group. She started having the people in the group use the products, paying what they could, if they could.
And eventually I'd cross paths with her again; we'd initially met in early 2015 in a Facebook group learning about a protocol that was cutting edge at the time. Then we'd gotten separated on Facebook, but I'd see her in 2017 somewhere and we reconnected.
I'd become a helper to her about many things, including administering her Facebook group. Finally she'd get her website completed in April 2019, and I'd be finally with something to provide at my products page here at Lumigrate -- which had plans from day 1 in 2008, but things kept not working out with those I was collaborating with at the time. I'd move on to focus on people using Facebook, and weed them out over time to find the ones who were sincerely, in their heart of hearts, unselfishly helping (while doing what is needed to live and have a decent life, of course, we're not expecting martyrs!). Please join the Facebook group by search bar entry: Disease Solutions - Rope Worm, Candida, Parasites, Mold Avoidance, and Lyme. The link is: .
Crystal Tripp's cornerstone product is an intestinal cleanse. Look for it at her website (by taking the link I provide, as I said, above, if you purchase, I get credit for having helped get you there.) I encourage anyone interested to look into it, purchase if you feel it's for you. But I'm sticking to basics and the easy stuff at Lumigrate, when it comes to what I do for "show and tell".
Her tooth or mouth paste, as I prefer to call it, I think really whitened my teeth. Before, a photo of me outside on the left from early summer 2017 before I was using her paste, and indoors in the late summer one evening (different lighting obviously, my hair color indicates, too) below. Just my experience, and rare photos I have of me at that time, to substantiate what I think worked for me.
As products looked in 2018 from Dis-Ease Solutions.
In May 2018, I inspired a new product for people, by asking Crystal what I might have on hand to provide a pelvic PT who did a mountain bike race plus educational video on pelvic health; wash the bacteria up, put on a salve or lotion to help with chafing, she said. This is eventually what she provided to her customers (not sticking with the rose otto scent, I highly HIGHLY recommend at least starting with it.)
She has, in my opinion, an overwhelming number and variety of products at her website and it's confusing. But if I at least highlighted two key products, which I have used on a regular basis and recommend, you can perhaps navigate the website and purchase what YOU FIND to potentially help yourself or loved ones, human and otherwise.
Again, please take the link I provide, as an affiliate, and go visit.... let me know if you purchased, and that helps us track what is owed between vendor and advertiser (me) AND I can then brief you on the unique information I have about what affects people and others with ALL products, including tap water, in almost half of all people/others.
The link (that is my affiliate link to take so I get credit for your getting to her website IF you opt to make a purchase is):
Contact me at mardy.poppins at yahoo dot com if you wish to let me know you've ordered, OR
on Messenger. Be sure I respond, I often don't see the messages come through from "non friends" and I rarely accept friend requests anymore. It's just the nature of where I'm at with Facebook in 2021!
Note: The Contact us area of Lumigrate cannot be updated and is incorrect, my apologies. I do update how to contact me at the About tab. It's an old website, I'm sometimes feeling like I'm riding a very old, bow-backed horse trying to eventually get to the finish line and get some kind of renumeration for me efforts.
As This Tab Read From Start in March 2009 Until
April 18, 2019. For the sake of history....18,500 saw it this way in 10 years.
22,425 saw it at the time it was edited on January 1, 2021.
The topic of "intestinal mucous" / "rope worm", etc. seems to becoming more sought after by information consumers using the Internet. I provided my first topic about it in 2017 at the request of Crystal Tripp, a USA (East Coast) provider of products you may have seen at Lumigrate's "Products" tab, where I suggest products and providers thereof, selected through my processes to suggest for consideration to YOU, the Lumigrate user ("YOUser").
Unwittingly, Crystal Tripp became a top go-to/ resource person when it comes to the subject of what has been commonly (and, in my opinion, erroneously) called "rope worm". I say "unwittingly" because as her extensive story at her website (Disease Solutions .net -- important to note the .net so as to not venture to .com by mistake), she was the mother of three, wife to one, and caretaker of a bedbound family member with a recent employment background as a public lands ranger and service provider in restaurants when she other members of her household had a drastic downturn in their wellness level.
As a young girl, she gravitated towards plants, and growing things, and returned to those "roots", pun intended, after dead-ending with every attempt seeking help from providers who took insurance. One was so ill they were hospitalized, and Crystal was finding clues visibly coming out of their body, to no avail. It was a "millenial", who got her underway using the Internet, including Facebook groups.
That's where she and I first "met", in what was then 'the new hot group' about what's lurking within or on us (from intestines to skin and hair), and simple, over the counter solutions to consider. The group at that time attracted the best learners / teachers seeking health solutions on Facebook at the time, and I was taking a keen look at new members, and Crystal's history was extremely intriguing to me. That group in 2015 had about 1,000 people at the time she joined (I don't know about today, those who lasted and became knowledgeable to help teach and lead were yearly removed from the group it appeared, and my turn came in 2018).
Crystal's group had about that many when we reconnected in another group I'd joined, where she made an informational comment and I recognized her name. At that time, she was getting feedback from those who wanted products, and I declined her offer at that time to trial and give feedback due to an upcoming extended trip I was taking to assist a family in the Denver area.
She was taking the feedback from herself and users, modifying the ingredients and process, packaging, and so on, and going from being a "citizen teacher" among many, to standing out as a "go-to" top resource.
Yet, it's a very difficult position to be in whether you're mainstream or outside the box of mainstream and people ask "expertise" in a field that's quite frankly, murky. That's the position Crystal Tripp was in, and so she'd inquire with me. "Curbside consults" they're called in the old days, today with virtual we aren't on the curb literally, but essentially that's what it is. So, for what it's worth, this is what I'm offering to YOUsers of Lumigrate on this up-and-coming subject. And I'm emphasizing the backstory with Crystal Tripp as well as search words in bolded italics.
In teaching consumers of information (and products and services), such as yourself if you're reading this, I like to suggest looking online, not just taking my "word", or suggested links. I like to see what a variety of sources (such as Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster and other mainstays) would say about something, keeping in mind how manipulated the mainstream sources can be to fit the agenda of the big, interconnected system and it's priorities (and censorship).
It's VERY IMPORTANT to know what the "majority rules" thinks about something, of course! But keep in mind that's what "they say", and keep finding sources that balance that perspective. I like to keep it about even how many sources from each 'direction', I read, at least initially. Then decide which path you're wanting to explore, and get going! Take it in with an open mind, tease it apart, and decide what YOU think.
Here's the link for Wikipedia: .
(Note the title of the thread is "mucoid plaque" and not "rope worm".)
Several years ago, I had the pleasure of becoming a "hand", or helper, at a distance, when Crystal was refining her products, creating labels for printing and putting on the bottles and bags of products people were ordering from her, and pulling together a website. It was gratifying to assist someone who was creating a website, full of enthusiasm for what could come from it, as I had done similarly almost a decade before, when I was in my 40's, like Crystal was/is (I'm now in my 60s).
Crystal made me aware there was a researcher at the University of South Florida, Alex Volinsky of the mechanical engineering deparment, raising money to study the genome of a sample of rope worm. The major controversy at that time from what I gathered from Facebook group interactions and looking into it a bit, was
- is "rope worm" mucous,
- or is it "a worm", a parasite?
If you wish to go to a PDF, a 2013 document with Volinsky as lead author came up high in my initial "Search" on the Internet this time, using Duck Duck Go search engine.
I felt (or in part "thought") it was likely mucous with parasites and other interlopers in it ("worms" potentially), and looked forward to what the outcome would be if they were to get results on DNA sequencing. Which they did, and Crystal dove in to what information she could get about it. She provides a link at the Disease Solutions website to the "google docs" she prepared, which I'm providing here for your ease.
Naturally, I suggest you venture to her website and find what she provides about intestinal mucous / "rope worm" for information, then, from there, what she came up with for solutions to the dis-ease for resolving her own issues with it, whatever "it" is! (note it's .net, not .com).
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