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Change: Ours. Yours?
I've had a lot of meetings lately with people about Lumigrate. The first year was focused on getting core people on facebook to know about it/me. The second year I focused on getting a nation-wide "net" cast of professionals and then as we headed to begin our third year I oped to bring things back to my 'home town' of Grand Junction, Colorado and focus on connecting the local 'homeys' with Lumigrate's nation-wide 'net'. Then once we're al grouped up reasonably well, we'll be doing a marketing campaign to let as many people know as possible about and read more »
- 65035 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
- 1 comment
Jan 3, 2011
Resolution List- Do you start out the New Year with a long list of things that you want to accomplish?
Here are some ideas to help you feel good about your resolutions. read more »
- 1643 reads
Everyone who is reading this is an expert in themselves and perhaps also an expert in human behavior.
Some are due to an innate ability to study and think and feel their way through things, and others have perhaps studied formally. If you're REALLY lucky, you come upon someone who has both the ability and the education to be particularly helpful as a guide, teacher, mentor, counselor, therapist, etc. read more »
What are your fitness barriers?
The top three reasons people fail with a fitness plan
1. Do you believe that once you reach a certain size or weight, you’ll be happy?
When you say to yourself, “I’ll be happy when I reach ____ pounds,” one of two outcomes will result. read more »
- 1861 reads
For those of us who then know what we need to do with eating differently (or exercising, or stopping or starting any new 'habit') Dr. Paula King (psychologist) was generous to contribute her time to record 'Strategies for Lasting Change' which has a cool handwriting exercise that shows why it's so HARD to take on a new habit, and then gives us a full on 'guided imagery' exercise! For $20, anyone in the world can download a video and powerpoint of what she says in the seminar. All videos are set up to not have any time limit or 'watch limit' on them... read more »
- 1742 reads