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Electromagnetics, the Adrenals and You (and Those You Are Responsible for - Including Pets and Livestock)

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a negative impact on wellness. The EMF sources that are conventionally known and disclosed are many, and how much they emit varies.  We have been shocked in recent generations in the rise in chronic illnesses, but it was a very gradual rise over many generations.  Therefore, many people were not focusing on the cumulative causes. It was kind of like putting a frog in water and gradually raising the temperature -- we just didn't react, as a society (in the US, I am speaking about, but this applies 'beyond').  read more »

Introduction to Navigating Towards Wellness Despite Geoengineering's Chems 'n EMs: An Overview for Providers and Consumers

Geoengineering is a very complex topic, but it came be simplified to be looked at as "Chems 'n' EMs".  The chemicals involved are numerous and varied. The ways of getting the chems into the air are numerous and varied. And the electromagnetics involved to influence the chems are numerous and varied. AND they change all the time, so it gets even harder to know all the details.  read more »

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