Yoga Dance for Special Populations at Fruita Rec Center

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Kohava Howard's picture
Kohava Howard
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Feb 24 2010
Posts: 8
User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago.

YOGA DANCE FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS is a unique class designed for people with or without yoga and dance experience combining fun and easy dance moves with simple yoga poses and breath-work. It is accompanied by great music … while sitting on a chair!! There are many people who would love to move their body to dance and do yoga, but a person with special needs may be impaired from moving freely.

The elderly or people who have balance impairment, neuropathy, M.S, fibromyalgia, arthritis, breast cancer, chronic pain conditions, Parkinson’s disease or other debilitating ailments or conditions can experience increased strength and reduced levels of chronic pain.  Feeling balanced and happy from the inside out results through regular practice.  YOGA DANCE in a chair is a great workout and a joyful way to achieve better physical health and sense of well-being. 

Reconnect with your inner dancer through YOGA DANCE!


  •     Increased range of movement
  •     Increased activation of all the senses
  •     Increased strength and flexibility
  •     Mind-body and spiritual stimulation
  •     Increased confidence and body awareness
  •     Increased brain activity through musical and physical stimulation
  •     Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system
  •     Healing from the inside out while seated and having fun!

The website for the Yoga Dance Teachers' Association has a listing of certified teachers by state for those who live elsewhere, please check into it at


YOGA DANCE FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS is being offered once a week at the Fruita Recreation Center starting on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, then again February 29th from 8-9a.m. (and hopefully ongoing into the future) and runs six weeks in length.

Cost is $35 and people can also register and take one or more classes in the session for a per class fee. Register:  Call Fruita Parks and Recreation at 970-858-0360 to register.  WEBSITE for Kohava/Dancing Butterflies is:

If you'd wish to contact Kohava Howard her number is 970-208-2503, email is and she's on Facebook with a page for Dancing Butterflies:Yoga Dance at . 

You may also read Kohava's history and about general YogaDance (for "nonspecial/average populations") and "Dancing Butterflies" at another piece in the Movement Therapies forum at Lumigrate. Link is:  She regularly teaches this class as well, at the same place, different day and time.  


Please visit my website at I am an LPN, Reiki Master, Reflexologist, and certified in various Yoga/YogaDance specialties, which are in detail at the website. I also enjoy my time with family, and can often be found hurrying to get my kids to around places, like so many parents. It makes my time to DANCE and let my butterflies out all the more important! "Come Let Your Butterflies Dance -- Peace and Love -- Kohava"

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
GRATE Facility + GRATE Class = GRATE 2012 for Special People!

Kohava, congratulations on starting 2012 out this way for our local information at Lumigrate! I believe I've known you for two years now, after going to a meeting where you were presenting about YogaDance.  

Through the LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley, which you have participated in whenever possible since it's very first sprouting days in 2010, you recognized the difficulties for some in performing YogaDance in it's usual 'on your feet' format.  Your background with people and health care in addition to your uniquely compassion heart and spirited soul coupled with thoughtfulness are reasons why I encourage people to take this class with you.  Let me know if there are any things I can do to help you with input from my years working as an occupational therapist and a person with a personal history which includes the chronic pain, chronic fatigue,  fibromyalgia "spectrum". 

~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Kohava Howard's picture
Kohava Howard
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Feb 24 2010
Posts: 8
User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago.
Class is off to a GRATE start!

Mardy, thank you for calling to see how the first day of this class went yesterday; it was very good! I'm pleased with the number of people who enrolled and how they responded to the class.  I also thank you for your suggestions and education related to this population and working with them.  I hope others who are interested in this class will come and DANCE from the chair with us.  



Please visit my website at I am an LPN, Reiki Master, Reflexologist, and certified in various Yoga/YogaDance specialties, which are in detail at the website. I also enjoy my time with family, and can often be found hurrying to get my kids to around places, like so many parents. It makes my time to DANCE and let my butterflies out all the more important! "Come Let Your Butterflies Dance -- Peace and Love -- Kohava"

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
A FREE Saturday Class was offered to further raise awareness.

This is OLD NEWS but I left it here because it was pertient in terms of planting the 'seed' for approaching Kohava to potentially do a free class again, in order to recruit more providers to learn about what her work is about, so they can refer patients/clients/customers who would be appropriate.  Again, the link to the website for Fruita Parks and Rec where you can keep tabs on what Kohava's doing there is . Also, if you are in a position to gather a group together and bring Kohava in for your group, whether professional or personal, FUN, healthFULL, and unique, it is!

I had received an electronic/emailed flyer from Kohava about a free offering of this class for April 2012 and put the information here for those in the Valley who might be interested in attending saying  "Suggestion: Providers who might refer patients/clients might want to take advantage of this SATURDAY class."  

Yoga Dance


Special Populations


Great for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia,

MS, Parkinson’s or other conditions that

may make traditional fitness classes more


Date: April 14th, 2012

Time: 11 a.m.

Location: FCC

Presented by Kohava Howard,

certified instructor


~~ let Your Butterflies Dance joyfully ~~

"Dance As Though No One Is Watching"

Note: It never hurts to be sure when you sign up what their policy is and procedure for if the class is cancelled for some emergency reason; with special populations, particularly, it can be a very big deal for them to spend their energy that day and get a 'bust'.  

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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