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When Passion Meets Profit: Is MLM Right for You?
When Passion Meets Profit: Is MLM right for you?
When I first encountered network marketing, I had no idea what it was all about. Sure, I had attended Tupperware® parties over the years, and had even hosted some of my own. It was fun attending parties with my mother's friends while enjoying a Mary Kay® facial. My mother, kindergarten teacher and expert in early childhood development, sold Discovery Toys® during the years I was in college. But I never had any thought about selling products myself. And I certainly never thought I would become involved in a network marketing company - and LOVE it!
I was securely ensconced in the employee mindset: go to school and make good grades in order to have a safe, secure job. I worked for 23 years in a laboratory as a research technician, coordinating and implementing research on inflammatory diseases and enrolling participants in the studies. I enjoyed the science and meeting new people, so the job fit my interests. In 2004 a family crisis caused me to take a step back and look harder at my job. I was needed at home to care for my son heading off to work each day just wasn't going to happen. That year a friend introduced me to my current business. It was in the Health and Wellness industry and had a business plan known as MLM (multilevel marketing). After careful research on the products, I was impressed with their high quality. I eagerly started my new business: it allowed me the flexibility to care for my son, and allowed me to keep my interests active - science and meeting new people.
I started slowly, enrolling customers and a few business partners. My sponsor encouraged and trained me every step of the way, and I began to see the benefits of my work. Sure, I made plenty of mistakes along the way. But fortunately I never quit. I read as much as I could find about this unique industry, MLM. I dissected books and audio CDs, listened to trainings, studying the experts for tips and hints.
One thing I learned along the way is that network marketing is just not for everyone. Some of the greatest benefits of having your own business are also some of the greatest pitfalls. Because it is so easy to get started in network marketing it is also easy to give up. Start-up costs are generally quite low for most network marketing companies, and there are no educational or professional requirements. Most network marketers add a home-based business to an already full life, building their business on a part-time basis.
Network marketers also come from many different backgrounds. In my company, the top income-earners include a single mom of five, a former carpet installer, a minister, a fashion designer, a pharmacist, and a former retail manager. They all come from different educational, cultural and economic beginnings, as well as different countries, but they all have certain qualities in common. No one can predetermine whether you will succeed in network marketing, but the following characteristics certainly help. Do you recognize yourself here?
1. Strong Motivation and Drive
Think about past projects. How do you feel when you have achieved something? Do you relax, resting on your laurels, or do you feel stimulated to strive higher? What happens when things don't go the way you planned? Do you deflate and give up easily, or do you see it as a learning process to improve and grow? Do you have the determination to run a successful business, or do you feel like if it happens, it happens? No business of ANY kind becomes successful without the commitment to take action, even if you only have time for one or two hours a day. Time is not an issue - many network marketers have built hugely successful businesses during their lunch hour.
2. Communication and Relationship Skills
How well do you resonate with others? Are you trustworthy, honest, and sincere? Are you sensitive and understanding of other people's thoughts, feelings and experiences? Do you have a sincere interest in helping others accomplish their tasks and reach their dreams? Network marketing is all about the relationships you develop. Whether you are working with friends, family members, or business groups, face to face or online, personal connections are crucial. The best network marketers work hard to make their network successful, for only through helping others does one develop a strong network "family". This not only makes more money for everyone, but is a lot of fun in the process.
3. Business Skills: Are you Teachable?
Smart network marketers invest in themselves. Most people who start a network marketing business have never before been in business for themselves. Remember, I was a science nerd, a lab rat, who had zero experience in sales or marketing. And, no matter what anyone tells you, network marketing IS marketing. When you are not marketing products, you are marketing yourself as a leader and role model.
But never fear- these are all skills that can be learned. You need to be open-minded and willing to attend trainings which will improve your skills. An excellent company will provide training in many ways to accommodate different learning styles and schedules. Your sponsor should be your personal coach and guide helping you find the right training in order to develop skills needed to become a leader. The company that I am affiliated with provides an award-winning online interactive training, monthly audio CDs and MP3 recordings from both corporate representative s and successful associates, bi-weekly telephone conferences, and multiple web-conferences.
The best sponsors set up a training schedule for new associates, keeping in touch by phone or email to walk through the key training topics and to ensure understanding. The responsibility of the new associate is to keep those appointments and do what is asked of them. I have found that no matter the previous experience - or lack of experience - the willingness to learn and the responsibility to act on that training is key to success.
4. Strong Belief
“Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.” Henry David Thoreau
Belief in Your Product
The basis of network marketing is recommending products or services to others. If you do not have a firm belief in those products or services, it shows in your speech, your body posture, and your overall presentation. A friend recently encouraged me to look into a different network marketing business. He was doing extremely well with a company that sold a prepaid cell phone service. I saw his enthusiasm and understood the value of what he offered, but I just don't get excited about cell phones. I couldn't see myself recommending different cell phone plans when I am someone who only uses a cell phone when traveling ( I am unable to access any cell service at my home) My passion is health - so it makes perfect sense for me to affiliate myself with a health and wellness company.
Belief in Your Company
The same is true for belief in the company you choose: take a good close look at the founder, the CEO, and individuals who make up the management team. Do they share your own values? What is the history of the company? Integrity and accountability is vital, especially in today's economy. What is being said by outside business organizations? Ratings by both Better Business Bureau and Dun & Bradstreet are good places to start. Is the company publically traded? It is not necessary for a MLM company to be publically traded, but it does lend a certain transparency and accountability. Wall Street analysts keep their eyes on the profitability of publically traded companies. Through these third party sources, you can determine whether your company has a proven track record of consistent growth and profitability.
Belief in the Industry
What about the industry of network marketing? A lot of people come with preconceived ideas about network marketing- not all of them positive. If you have any doubts or any feelings of disbelief about the network marketing industry, that will be a block for you. Again, education is crucial: reading books and listening to audios will keep you focused and will help you develop a mindset of success. Network marketing has come of age, and there are many examples of personal success. My favorites include Jim Rohn, Tim Sales and Randy Gage. You can also follow the successes of other associates in your own company. A natural
feature of network marketing is the training you receive from other associates. Many of my team-members get a huge boost from listening to our monthly audio MP3s recorded by other successful associates. Just listening to an audio or reading a couple of pages every day can make a huge difference in your state of mind.
Belief in Yourself
This is probably the most important belief of all. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. This is also one of the most difficult for all of us. Life is full of challenges, and there are many things in life that are out of your control. I've heard it said that life is simply a game of obstacle courses. Self-doubt, insecurity, and fear are your handicaps. Frequently you are your own block to success. That does not mean that you are "stuck" forever, though. Become solution oriented rather than problem oriented. Shift your inner voice from where you are to where you want to be. Keep self-doubt at bay through simple daily actions. Become in the habit of looking for the good in the people around you, in yourself, and in your business-deliberately focusing on what is going right.
Surround yourself with positive people: choose your sponsor and business associates wisely. Take responsibility for your own reactions to challenges in your life. And above all, use gratitude to lift yourself up. Gratitude strengthens faith and renews purpose. Affirm your ability to believe in yourself. You deserve it!
5. Your Vision or Your "Why"
Having a clear motivation will help you over the challenges of this business. You cannot move forward - without a path and a clear direction. Your hopes and dreams- your VISION- will be your personal motivation. Your "why" will give you the energy to overcome and persevere, putting immediate comfort aside. Successful people see beyond their current circumstances to dream big. They write down their personal vision statement in order to be clear about what they are striving toward. Visualization using all their senses makes their dream real. Reviewing their vision daily keeps it on the forefront of their mind. They begin to truly believe in both themselves and in their dreams, and through hard work and dedication, make those dreams a reality.
A strong "Why" will help you get "unstuck" in your own life.
The author of "The Power of Vision," Lynn Allen-Johnson, states it quite eloquently when she said "If you can't accept that you deserve abundance, it won't matter how hard you strive. You will find every reason to sabotage every blessing that comes into your life. Many of us feel guilty for wanting more. We must make the emotional and physical shift to believe we're worthy knowing that we were put here to let our light shine, to radiate prosperity, and give back to others. The past does not equal the future. Your fears and insecurities do not define who you are. We are all worthy of our dreams."
Most people reading through these qualities have mixed emotions about whether they can meet these expectations. Honestly, I doubt anyone is born without insecurities and self-doubt. You only need to be honest with yourself about your willingness to make changes in your own life: each one of the above successful qualities CAN BE LEARNED. Your job is to work on yourself day by day, and be open to CHANGE.
Truly, when you start seeing these qualities emerge in yourself, a whole new world opens around you. Network Marketing is a natural model for teamwork: teaching and sharing resources for a common purpose. Through teamwork, the strengths of individuals shine while at the same time they add new skills. With the right team and the right company, Network Marketing provides a vehicle for both personal growth and financial independence. I invite you to take a careful look at the Network Marketing industry again and see if you find it fitting into your life today.
Are you ready to make a positive change in your life? I’m ready to help.
Robin Thomas
For further reading, here are a few of the books that have made a difference in my life:
Getting Out of Your Own Way by Lynn Allen-Johnson
The Power of Vision by Lynn Allen-Johnson
You, Inc., Own Your Business, Own Your Life through Network Marketing by Rosie Bank
The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W Dyer
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Business for People Helping People by Robert Kiyosaki
A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckart Tolle
People go into network marketing for many reasons. I believe that one of the main reasons there are people who simply discount network marketers is the impression that they are only out "for the money". I do understand that there are MLMers out there whose vision is primarily "riches and fame".
There are also companies whose primary focus is truly for wellness and many, many private individuals who have a true passion for their company's products and services. These individuals tend to give the extra effort towards customer service and education.
The company with which I am affiliated had a bit of a shakedown last year. A small group of staff and marketers actually took product formulas and started a company of their own. Two huge initial disappointments for me was the loss of Dr. Ray Strand and Lynn Allen Johnson. But the disappointment was short-lived.
USANA renewed it's strong focus on product quality and efficacy. Investments have increased in scientific research partnerships with third party organizations. This research is for basic knowledge as well as product development. Plus, the manufacturing processes are still of the highest standards possible.Dr. Wentz, founder of USANA, spoke at the last convention. If you care about quality supplements, you will want to listen to him speak at this USANA link: USANA
Robin started contributing to Lumigrate in August 2010. "Meet Robin Thomas", a topic in our biographies/vitae forum is at to read all about her journey, which was greatly influenced by the need to help solve her youngest son's significant health challenges. For those who want just the overview here: After working over 22 years in medical research at the University of North Carolina on chronic inflammatory diseases she switched her focus to preventive health in 2004 when she was introduced to USANA Health Sciences. Robin is passionate about helping others improve their health, have more energy, manage their weight, and improve their skin.
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"I dream of a world free from pain and suffering. I dream of a world free from disease. The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth. Share my vision. Love life and live it to its fullest in happiness and health."
-Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder and Chairman, USANA Health Sciences
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
I appreciate Robin's having provided this -- it's something she had prepared which coincided with a request from me for information about MLM. I've told her and others privately that when Lumigrate launched in 2009 I hadn't foreseen that Lumigrate would appear to be something which could 'sell' products if I were to sign up as a distributor. Well, that's not what I set out to 'do' with Lumigrate -- I can't very well be providing a variety of information if I'm invested in getting revenue from ONE product.
And to be frankly honest (something I'm known for), some of the people who were represented initially on Lumigrate were not in favor of MLM AT ALL. And we're all a reflection on each other at Lumigrate, and so that affects what/who are best to include. I asked others who were experts represented on Lumigrate and they said 'but there are some good companies and products out there now in MLM'. So there I was, 50/50 split. And I opted to go forward in a VERY selective way, and incorporate MLM at
MLM is a growing reality. And if it's growing there are reasons for it. Ultimately, I decided to have some MLM represented on Lumigrate, and to have 'the discussion' about it and use it as an oppotunity to educate about none other than what MLM is, how to chose a good one IF it's something you're inclined to consider doing.
Many of us understand more about companies where you can order on-line, or go to a store and purchase. I honestly had very little experience with MLM going into this, and I appreciate the education that Robin and others have offered to me. Just as anything, I'm going to work hard to 'strain out' the best and most popular ones (that is best AND most popular -- meaning if it's popular and not one of the best/valid ones, don't look to see it here). The business model of Lumigrate is having progressive and valid information, provide it in a streamlined way (meaning links out for following for those who want to pursue more from here), and overall having it so we'are all having FUN while we do it.
FUN can be a variety of things but to me it means 'enjoyable time', and I find anything that Robin writes as such. Such as this topic, above. I really appreciate that she was preparing this and it met some of what I want to have on Lumigrate for our users to learn about MLM marketing. Please notice she provides the information of how to check out a company to find out about it's validity.
I care about the guests/users of and about the overall of people 'out there' in the communities of the US and beyond. If Lumigrate and I can help to connect someone who would like to work under a mentor like Robin and get more people 'out there' aware of and potentially taking the quality products like USANA offers, with the support for education that Robin providers, I cannot be more encouraging for YOU to contact Robin (or any other providers you see at, naturally).
She's a great teacher, with ethics "at the core of her very being", with a focus of looking at the LONG RUN. (Hence, low 'push', high 'pull', I guess you could say.) ~~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Tony Pantalleresco is billed at OneRadioNetwork as "Just a guy who knows a lot of stuff about health"... I like it! I was, above, crediting Steve who is 'just a guy who knows a lot of stuff about things that affected his wellness and he figured out WHAT and created a protocol with the help of people who allied with him, collaborated, etc. Just moms who were fabulous researchers and proactivists in their families and then wanted to help others find out what was, they believe, a new major development in what people have to find on the Internet that can help them reverse their health issues. "The root" maybe, even. Which isn't just one thing it's a whole glob but they're interrelated and the way to treat is very simple, relatively speaking. I have a hunch someone like Tony Pantalleresco will want to know about it. And others. It will be so interesting to see how it goes , going forward.
The title of this interview is about people having to take the lead in their health. See how that fits with the Lumigrate YOU! Model?
700 people had read this thread before I added this comment AND in the comment above, added in the blockquote and hopefully left a meaningful tribute to my mother, who was born on this day in 1925.
I've always worked to 'integrate' information and angles and providers at Lumigrate -- Luminate / integrate is where the word Lumigrate comes from which we created in 2008 when pulling together a massive amount of things in order to create a 'bona fide' Internet-based business.
So to balance this topic out, and also bump it up to the topmost of the short list of topics in this forum as I want the topmost topic to be the one that will for sure be considered by anyone seeing the list and considering spending some time clicking on a link and learning from that thread, I'm adding this on here about OneRadioNetwork's two hour interview from Tony Pantalleresco. He's a minimalist when it comes to how to go about getting healthy in a way -- not overly so, probably about just right so. As with ANYONE, I don't know that he's right about EVERY thing that he says.
I liked a recent interview I saw with Dr Stephanie Seneff who said "I'm not sure I'm right about this that I've been working on recently, but I think so". You have to do your homework, you have to consider various angles and sources and so I simply try to make that be a variety of things that I present from my abilities to sort out information.
IF YOU ARE WONDERING ABOUT PRODUCTS SUCH AS SUPPLEMENTS AND THINGS FOR HEALTH THAT PEOPLE PURCHASE, THIS IS ONE THING I SUGGEST YOU LISTEN TO. And I love in the first hour when he gets a question by email and then the caller's not on the line and he says 'makes me wonder why we do the videos' because clearly the person was asking a question that was in the video. I'm not as nice as he is. I'd just say 'look at such and such a video the answer will be in there and it has to do with _____________'
THOUSANDS of interesting topics and interviews like this one at this website so GO and find what ELSE interests and applies to YOU. This is what you'll find about this one:
Patrick Timpone
Tony Pantalleresco
Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health
We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of videos on YouTube covering a huge variety of topics such as: Making all kinds of extracts, seed milks, nut milks, detox meals and smoothies, juices, chelators, anti-oxidant formulas. Getting rid of cold sores, dealing with skin issues and erectile dysfunction. Making meat safer to eat and making fortified butter/ghee. And the list goes on and on.
Show Highlights:
-Nano anything is not good;Tony talks the 43 different chemicals found in chemtrails and the global annihilation of Canada. And guess what…we get to breath this stuff
-Morgellons: What’s happening in the body? Hint: Nanoparticles
-And how do smart meters and other wireless technology fit into the destruction of good health
-Polymers are everywhere and they’re bad, bad news
-Tony talked about taking turpentine internally on our last show which left our listeners quite shocked. He has since made a YouTube video explaining how to do this safely and correctly
-List of foods in the mainstream to AVOID!
-Even health products have evolved and include unhealthy ingredients;check those labels
-Why is salt so important and the myth of “eating too much” is bad for your health
-Sodium thiosulfate: Tony is excited about using this an effective cleanser
-Pushing out toxins and nanoparticles with Tony’s bath formula
-The fats we should have never stopped eating
-Does the “organic” label really exist
-The simplest way to make Lugol’s
-aria, a listener, needs to lose 100 pounds. Tony gives a little advice
-Tony thinks veganism is the dumbest thing in the world
-A recipe for a super easy colon cleanser
-The cheapest way to up the glutathione levels
-Neutralizing the smell of garlic on your breath
-Natural scar removal ideas
-Tony’s opinion of urine therapy
-Butter: The perfect natural food
-If you’re not going to change your bad health habits, just save your money on all those vitamins and supplements
-Tony got off grains and you can too
-Saturated fat kills cancer cells; Tony has read the studies and explains
-Cholesterol protects the body from cancer
-The best anti-depressant in the world is……….
-Soy: No matter how you cut it, it’s still crap
and so much more!!!!
Check out some of Tonys videos
Email Tony at
Visit Website
Now, I ask you ... want to fill out YOUR YOU model, and would you include Tony on it? I have spoken with someone personally (via Facebook) who had utilized him as a consultant on her wellness and said he was instrumental in the benefits she'd had reversing things. What about a Steve, a Divine Mrs. M, me? We're 'just people' (except in my case I do have allopathic training and credentials).
Take out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Don't just do it in your head, get physical with your body and connect mind/brain to hand/ paper. Make it visual. Be creative or not. Make it your own. Who is on YOUR YOU model and who would help you going forwards? What kind of experts do YOU respect enough to advise you? What is their background and training? This is a huge field opening up of buddy system things with no money changing hands and a wide variety of skills, abilities and background information that the advisor has and it's going to be problematic in some ways and helpful in others. The reality is, it's happening. Meaning, in my opinon, the consumer has to be able to figure out wisely who to ask for help.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!