Visible Signs of Chemicals in the Air. History and Halo Effects per Russ Tanner at Global Skywatch

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.

Halos appearing around lights is something Russ Tanner 'noticed' after he became a 'skywatcher' because of his sensitivities and reactions to the chemicals, which have created significant health problems for him and others; geoengineering is the cause. Mostly what I hope to offer with are topics about various important concepts related to health and well-being, and do the homework to sort through some of the information out there that's overwhelming us all, to bring you (and me) the ones that I think are worth suggesting at this point in time, to the best of my knowlege. 

I'll be frank here: there are a lot of things out there when I got to Searching about "geoengineering" and "chemtrails" that made me start to doubt that I'd ever get to the bottom of this and begin to understand the who, what, where, when, and why. The "name of the propaganda game" in order to get legitimate activist educators to have more problems getting their message heard is to discredit people "out there", and their websites, if they are speaking out. I came to find out that the social media 'giant' I turned to for connecting with people, Facebook, seems to have as many 'shills' and others who are feeding off the frenzy of people who turn there to learn as there are legitimate people, at least those 'doing that talking' (many just read and stay under the radar, I learned.)

This is easily accomplished if there is funding to pay people to do so. And with a program like this which is massive and expensive which apparently needed to be kept from the public's knowledge as long as possible, I draw the comparison to BigPharma / BigMedical or any of these topics that have come to light to the majority of people in recent years -- but which got past most people for a long time. This is a fun exercise:  Just for a day think about geoengineering's overall project as it is being shown to you in this topic or overall what you know of it but use your playful/creative part of your brain and think about it in a pretend/game way. Pretend you're "in on it", you're at the very highest level of the organization that would know all about it and be co-ordinating all the working parts. You're wanting to spray a bunch of chemicals in the air and control them with electromagnetic equipment that are a variety of known and very top secret/unknown and sophisticated tools, and you want to get away with people not finding out about it for as long as possible, until your group decides it is time to let everyone know -- in the way you want them to find out.

What would you do to make people like YOU not believe it, so you could get away with it longer (or forever)? I find that helps people find their way through this almost unbelievable reality we're faced with today, with geoengineering. Simply put, a lot of the program's coverup has been related to many things within our education, scientific, and medical communities; they've done a bangup job of painting the public's image of the words 'conspiracy' and 'theory' in a way that leads people to picture people wearing 'tin foil hats', which is really sad when you know how legitimately ill people in mental institutions (and outside) will use foil to try to bring in the sounds they're hearing in their head better. So it even goes into 'slamming' the ill, by having included that facet in their ploys to discredit people, and I find it really 'dirty pool', personally.

I finally listened to a webinar that Russ Tanner did, part of his regular/weekly Monday evening programming, and I'm glad I took the time. He came across as sincere in wanting to help everyone learn more about the subject; he admitted he learned from the guest he had on, and he seemed very humble and lowkey, easy to listen to and he sounded remarkably healthy for a person who I've read on his website and Facebook about how ill he is made by the chemicals, he states. He was unaware of what VOCs were, which his guest told him about as they were talking about air cleaners. Russ' experience is that he'd bought a bunch of different kinds to try ("thank you credit cards", he interjected) and I recall his website showed large contraptions he had constructed in his attempt to remove the chemicals and he had said that he could still smell the chemicals despite having these various air cleaners, purchased or home-made.

So it's very interesting to hear him learning from his guest when they sidetracked into air cleaner talk, that after all that experience with efforts concerted on air purification he still had more to learn. We've had VOC information on Lumigrate since December of 2012 as 'Buttercup' wrote in and had symptoms from fragranced cleaning or air freshener products in her workplace. I learned a great deal working on that topic from the expert I 'went to' for assistance, which was Robin Thomas. (So those are Search words to use here in our Search bar if you're interested in locating that topic.)   

Russ and his guest, a woman in the PNW of the US, stated in very sincere tone that they're wanting the government of the US to simply do what is right for people and everything to do with the ecology. It wasn't anything venomous at all. I'd not gotten that sense from his website as well, and it's great when someone puts the time into doing a weekly show to have those to listen to (in archives as well) to help figure out where someone is coming from. I will say that not all of the information at Russ's site, or the sister sites he has, is 'where I am at', but I wanted at this point in time to bring to the Lumigrate YOUsers a couple of the main 'players' in the US when it comes to geoengineering education on the Internet.  I encourage you to go to his website and tune into the various learning experiences he offers and decide for yourself what YOU think. 

Russ educates readers in this topic that I have set up here from his website for you to see/learn from/follow out to if you wish, ( Global Skywatch), about making the connection of seeing halos around lights to frequent episodes when his community/home is subjected to geoengineering chemicals. He also has some interesting history he relates about early whistleblowers. He also talks about mercury and cinnabar, you'll see. Let me share a photograph I took of a sunset that occurred after the massive chemtrailing and then EMing (electromagnetics), became so common this summer of 2013. (And so dramatic that it's very evident now things are being manipulated.) 

 People here said they've 'noticed' that the lightning lights up the clouds and shows a red color as well, or sometimes it's gold, as seen another evening.                                                                                                    

I think Russ takes a balanced approach in this topic, focusing his information on many concepts people ask when they're 'aware' but not yet 'educated' about this subject. He has put a lot of thought into the 'how' and 'why' and 'who'. Hence, having this topic to provide to them will expedite my time and serve to allow better education by offering 'the horses mouth' straight.

Remember that there's going to be a huge factor to take into account when you look for information about geoengineering; there's not the massive dollars being given out by the usual sources for funding research -- this is a program that supposedly doesn't exist so there's no way to get funding to study it. Any information out there about it is either privately funded by sincere individuals or groups OR is funded by the program to put out skewed information according to the program's agenda for having massive propaganda for seekers to have to wade throught if they brave going on.

Dane's had some funding from 'an anonymous donor' he said on something I listened to, in order to purchase a piece of high level particulate monitoring equipment recently, and someone with decades of experience doing the collection has volunteered to do the work. Hopefully more people who have information and abilities will come forward and contribute to the fund of knowledge that is available (and get it online where people can find it).

But that's an ongoing problem that I see when I try to get someone new to go and see this information: They turn to the Internet and find the naysaying websites, for one thing, (without considering where's their funding coming from, is it propaganda?), and they expect the information about chemtrails to look like scientific / funded research that they're used to comparing everything to. Hence, my working to find good sources to lead you to from here. 

I'm an OT coming at education about wellness with Lumigrate. Russ shares his professional background in his story about how he got into this education that's solely about things to do with geoengineering. I literally 'dropped everything' I was working on and doing at the start of the summer, to turn my attention to learning and sharing at Lumigrate before the Auguest 25, 2013 worldwide march protesting geoengineering occurs. (Six days from when I am writing this, which is my third topic on the subject, I did one in June and a second in July.) 

Below is the link, which I encourage people to follow out to so you get the full effect of all the photos and images he has included there. As I typically do on Lumigrate when introducing people with one topic to a resource that I hope they go out to and explore fully, I'm going to show you as much of this one topic as can transfer here, so you'll hopefully look it over and see the thing or the things that will pique your interest and encourage you to spend the time and energy to go to Global Skywatch and see all that Russ has there. I've communicated with Russ privately and he even made a clarification within this topic at my suggestion. I thank you, Russ, for having information out there to help me when I was first learing (and afer) and now in turn, those coming to for information about this controversial and confusing subject of geoengineering. (And I'll be adding more information so there will be more topics to come, this is the third I have created on the subject so far.)

I have also added a comment on the initial topic here in this forum about chemtrails, which is about Russ and his frequent collaborator on the west coast, Dane Wiggington, inviting people to their websites. I call them Mr Fauna and Mr Flora because Dane's focus is using his background in solar energy and the environment. Russ's inspiration is more related to health: he bases what he promotes on that he's one of the 'canaries in the cage in the coal mine' who feels the effects from the chemicals and has negative consequences to his health, which he writes about on his website. 

And we all have one thing in common: wanting people to 'see that' and 'realize' the dangers that lurk in the air (and then the water and the soil and everything the chemicals reach). I have benefitted greatly from joining Russ' group on Facebook, which had about 10,000 members when I joined it. It's now approaching 11,000. It is good to see the numbers grow: there is strength in numbers. (However, with small or large groups, on this subject, be very aware that it's difficult to know who is genuine/a real person and who is not, there are massive numbers of people intent and paid in many cases to distract and mislead, there's much snake oil and salesmen thereof, also.)

I created the initial topic on Lumigrate on this geoengineering/chemtrail 'stuff' in June, soon after I 'woke up' and was 100% convinced this was indeed going on, as I saw something with my own two eyes that was inexplainable by any kind of naysaying propaganda I'd been influenced by, or thought on my own (maybe it's really humid up there today and they're contrails that just are lingering)(maybe two planes just crossed over Grand Junction at this time of day and they do that often and I've just never noticed, and it's humid up there and the trails aren't dissippating and those are just airliners...). I titled that piece in a way to break people in slowly to that we were going to have a topic about it --- What's that in the sky -- a bird, a plane? Santa? --- in order to allow people to think about superheros and fabled characters that some people believe in and some do not. 

I'd been seeing a LOT of strange things, and when I saw this topic about halos, I remembered a night downtown Grand Junction in 2011 or 2012 when I hopped out of my car to take a photo with my cell phone camera because of incredible lighting I was seeing around the downtown lights and traffic signals and moon which was full. I'll share, below, some of the photos I have that this topic from Russ made me think of. I now realize that there was a very odd (for me) sudden onset of a physical symptom which is perhpas consistent with what is thought/known to be in these geoengineering chemical blasts. A WHOLE LOT OF THINGS that weren't adding up overall started making a lot of sense once I started looking at things realistically about this, unfortunately, going on.

Geoengineering Nano-Particle Halos

This article was expanded on August 17, 2013

Since this article was written, it has become blatantly obvious that we are breathing in a sea of nano-particles. These halos now appear in virtually every television show, movie, and commercial. Look at the border of every light. You will see these halo artifacts everywhere.

Halos First Appear Around Lights

Chemtrails first began appearing daily in Jamestown, New York in 2005. At the same time, I began seeing the most interesting thing. When I looked at street lights or parking lot lights at night, I would see what appeared to be a faint, magenta halo around them.

The outer edge of this halo—working from inside to outside—would fade to orange and then yellow. The orange and yellow bands were relatively small compared to the diameter of the magenta core. The way the halos faded from the core to the outer rim created a striking, 3-dimensional spherical appearance. Throughout my life I had always looked at street lights at night, but I had never seen anything like this before.

Halo Intensity Matches Spray Intensity

I have a very sensitive sense of taste and smell, so I can easily detect the intensity chemtrails in the air at any time. Because of this sensitivity, I immediately discovered that the intensity of the halos around lights was directly proportional to the intensity of chemtrail aerosols in the air. This correlation was tightly coupled. As the intensity of the aerosols increased, so did the intensity of the halos. As the plume blew away and the intensity of the smell and taste of the chemtrail decreased, so did the intensity of the halos. This correlation remains to this day.

What Causes Halos?

Halos are caused when light, traveling away from a light source, hits particles in the air and is reflected back towards the camera (or your eye).

You can learn a lot about the particles in the air by the type of reflection they produce. A non-uniform "hazy" reflection may indicate that the reflective particles vary in shape and size. A uniform, well-shaped reflection may indicate that the particles are uniform in shape and size.

In the case of aerosol halos, the shape is very uniform and even appears spherical when viewed under ideal conditions. This suggests that the particles reflecting the light are all the same shape and size.

Later in this article I talk about the white haze that consistently appeared a couple years after the magenta halos and obscured them. This haze is non-uniform and indicates a reflective particle that varies in size and/or shape.

Why Magenta?

The primary color of the original aerosol halos is a deep-red or magenta. Today, when only white light is available, the halos appear a pale-pink. Around high-pressure sodium lights (often used in street lights) which tend to emit an orangish hue, the halos sometimes appear yellow or orange.

In movies and television shows, when red lights shine directly into the camera, the most dramatic and well-defined red halos appear. Clearly, the chemtrail halos are most reflective in the deep-red (magenta) color range.

The appearance of the aerosol halos is associated with a chemtrail type called the "Acetone" type (because it smells and tastes like acetone). This chemtrail type is also associated with health symptoms known specifically to be caused by mercury.

Mercury is mined as a magenta-colored ore called cinnabar. Because of its color, it is most reflective in the deep-red color range, just as the aerosol halos are. This leads us to the logical question:

Do aerosol halos favor magenta light because of the presence of mercury in the form of the inexpensive, unrefined ore of cinnabar?

When we consider the fact that chemtrails induce a number of health symptoms that are specifically identified with mercury toxicity, we have good reason for concern.

What Can We Learn About The Particles?

When you view the reflection or refraction of light off of an object, you can learn some important things about the object doing the reflecting or refracting.

On any humid night, you will typically see halos around lights because the water in the air reflects the light back towards your eyes. Because the shape and/or size of the water droplets are not uniform, the halo will be not well defined. The outer edge of the halo will gradually decrease in intensity at you move away from the light. This is natural and to be expected.

However, if you see a halo that has well-defined edges—such as those associated with chemtrails—then the particles doing the reflecting must all be similar in their shape. If the particles all have a similar shape, this is an indication that these particles have been manufactured.

As you will see in the pictures in the next section below, there are 3 distinct halo types associated with chemtrails.

The first halo type looks just like the halos produced by water vapor, except that they appear during heavy spraying of a certain chemtrail types when there is no humidity in the air.

Since this halo has no sharp edges, we can conclude that the particles are not uniform in their shape. They are still artificial particles, but they simply are not manufactured to have the same shape.

The second halo type has a sharp outer edge. This sharp edge indicates that the particles are uniform in their shape.

The changing color bands indicate that we may be witnessing refraction rather than reflection, and this tells us that these particles may be semi-transparent.

The third halo type appears with fairly-defined edges, but it has the distinct shape of a torus (doughnut). The less-defined edges indicate a less-than smooth surface.

The toroidal shape of the reflection indicates that the particle is a particular shape, however, it will require the help of a physicist to determine exactly what that shape is.

Our Conclusion: The Particles are Artificial

At the end of the day, there are three strong indications that the strange halos around lights are produced by manufactured particles:

1. The halos appear only when chemtrails are detectable in the air. Of course, you must be able to smell and/or taste chemtrails to make this determination, and I have. The visual intensity of the halos appears in direct proportion to the intensity of the chemtrail smell/taste in the air.

2. The halos have sharp edges indicating that some particle types are very uniform in their size and shape.

3. The halos take on unnatural shapes. The distinct and unnatural torus shape of many of these halos indicates a complex but uniform particle shape.

Halos In Hollywood  

These pictures show chemical aerosol halos appearing around lights in the popular television shows "Gossip Girl", "Smash", "New Girl", and "Covert Affairs". Click to zoom and view detailed descriptions.

Another striking change that I've noticed since chemtrails began is in movies and television shows. When a light is shining into the camera, you can see the magenta halos. Of course, the halos may look somewhat different to the camera than they do to the human eye, but they do appear nonetheless.


Here we see an intense chemtrail halo in the popular series "Royal Pains". Click to zoom and view a detailed description.

MARDY'S NOTE: Again, link to go see this at Russ' Global Skywatch website:

Here we see clear chemtrail halos in the very popular series "Glee". Click to zoom and view detailed descriptions.

Older movies, such as the classic "They Live", show no such artifacts whatsoever. In fact, no older movies we've seen have any of these artifacts. 

In this screen capture from the classic Carpenter movie "They Live" (1988), a light shines almost directly into the camera but no aerosol halo can be seen. In this scene, there is some dust in the air producing a visible haze, but throughout the movie, there are night scenes and streetlights but no aerosol halos appear. Virtually every movie and television show made since the early 2000's contains aerosol halos any time a bright light shines into the camera.

Don't be surprised if these artifacts begin to show up in newer copies of older movies. Many are already reporting that chemtrails have been inserted into scenes of older movies. In fact, we have witnessed this ourselves.

This clip from the 1970 film "The Railway Children" was re-edited in 2005 and used in an ad for Virgin Trains. The re-edited version has a chemtrail inserted into the sky in the background. 2005 is the year that $996 million was allocated in the U.S. for a line item called "Aircraft Services" that we believe was used to fund the massive chemical aerosol ("chemtrail") program. In 2006, this funding rose to over $1 billion. 2005 was the year that most skywatchers began to see chemtrails on a daily basis.

Because of the high-cost of special effects and post-production video processing, it is unlikely that these artifacts will be masked out of new productions. It's much cheaper to insert them into some old productions. Then they will use those altered examples as "evidence" that they have always existed. This disinformation technique has already been used by inserting trails into old war videos and photographs. We've also witnessed it in some classic older Hollywood movies.


This frame from the TV series "Gossip Girl" (Season 2, Episode 3) shows a distinct aerosol halo surrounding a candle despite the rest of the picture being crisp and clear. This artifact does not appear in television shows or movies before widespread chemtrail spraying began. This may change as special effect producers are hired to insert this effect into new copies of older movies.

Favoring Deep-Red Light



MARDY'S NOTE: Again, link to go see this at Russ' Global Skywatch website:



These frames from the series "Gossip Girl" expose the affinity halos have for red light and also show halos appearing in front of obstacles, in this case, the characters themselves. Click to zoom and view detailed descriptions.

Hiding The Halos

A year or two after chemtrails were first sprayed daily in Jamestown, there was a change in the taste and smell of the aerosols. It was as if the original chemtrail type was now mixed with another chemtrail type and the two were being sprayed together, at the same time. Consequently, at the same time the halos changed. Instead of appearing alone with their eerie magenta glow and spherical 3-D appearance, they were now obscured somewhat by a white haze around street lights. It looked as if there was a lot of moisture in the air. This white haze made the halos harder to see, but it appeared regardless of the humidity levels in the air. Even in the middle of a cold, dry New York winter, this haze would still appear around street lights in proportion to the intensity of the smell and taste of the new chemtrail component in the air. Again, this correlation between the intensity of the smell and taste was always lock-step with the visibility of the haze and of the halos.

When the halos first appeared, I was shocked at how visible they were. Not only that, but their deep magenta core color was very unnatural in its appearance. It was like watching someone create a special effect in a video or image.

What shocked me even more than the sudden appearance of the halos was that people were not standing around talking about them, wondering what was causing them. I know other people saw them because when I pointed them out, people would admit that they were visible. Nevertheless, most people appeared to simply accept them without thinking twice.

The Whistle blowers

In 2005, when most people became aware of the spraying, a number of whistle blowers who were hospital workers came out and publicly admitted that they were told by their hospitals to monitor and report hospital occupancy rates on a regular basis. They were told to call a phone number and report these occupancy rates. They didn't know why they had to report this information, and they were not told who they were reporting to.

Being intelligent people, these whistle blowers noticed the massive chemtrail spraying in the sky, and they also noticed that hospital occupancy rated rose and fell in lock-step with the amount of spraying that was taking place. This correlation between spraying and hospital occupancy rates was the frightening realization that caused most of these whistle blowers to go public.

These whistle blowers gained a lot of attention from the alternative news media but were completely ignored by mainstream news. Within a couple years, these stories faded away and we no longer heard from hospital-occupancy whistle blowers.

A Feedback Mechanism for Tight Control

Is it possible that these whistle blowers provided feedback to those spraying chemtrails and this feedback was used to adjust chemtrail intensity in various areas so they could make as many people as sick as possible without causing hospitals to overflow?

Certainly, if hospitals began to overflow, local news stations would report this and it would raise public attention. It may even trigger local investigations into the cause of such widespread illness and these investigations may begin to find patterns of massive barium, aluminum, strontium, or mercury exposure (as we are finding today). Of course, those spraying chemtrails don't want any public suspicion about the connection between the lines in the sky and illness rates, so this feedback mechanism could have been their method for controlling aerosol spray intensity so as to inflict the maximum amount of damage while receiving only a minimum amount of public attention.

The Patriot Act and Chemtrails

It has been widely accepted that the Patriot Act—which permits thousands of monitors to listen in on private phone conversations—could be providing feedback to those who spray chemtrails. If and when these monitors heard a large number of people talking about the eerie magenta halos, perhaps this information was used to provoke those spraying chemtrails to remix their chemtrail formulas so as to obscure the eerie halos with the white haze that suddenly appeared.

It's well known that this type of tight feedback mechanism is vital for the success of any disinformation campaign. If you're going to be successful in any deception, you have to know exactly what your target audience is thinking at all times.

Many whistle blowers who were used to monitor phone calls under the Patriot Act have come out and admitted that phone calls have been monitored without discretion. All kinds of information has been collected that has nothing to do with "national security"—the claimed purpose for the monitoring in the first place.


I have been watching the correlation between the magenta halos and chemtrail intensity for over 7 years now, and this correlation has never failed. It is blatantly obvious that the halos are caused by chemical aerosols.

I have also witnessed the altering of Hollywood movies and television shows where chemtrails have been inserted. Numerous animated movies contain not only chemtrails, but a wide array of chemtrail artifacts that have never been seen in the sky before widespread spraying began.Cloud charts distributed by NASA have invented new cloud types with new names that are actually chemtrail artifacts. School children are now being taught that these are natural cloud formations regardless of the fact that these "new" cloud types are witnessed forming from chemtrails on a daily basis.

MARDY'S NOTE: Again, link to go see this at Russ' Global Skywatch website:

The NASA cloud chart on the left depicts about two-dozen "new" cloud types. Virtually every one of these are actually artifacts that remain after chemtrail spraying. On the right is a scene from the popular animated movie "Over The Hedge" which has numerous chemtrails inserted into the sky throughout the movie.

The coordination in spreading disinformation about chemtrails is widespread and well orchestrated. This should not surprise us. This type of coordination between Hollywood, mainstream news, and the military has happened many times in history.

Those spraying chemtrails, if caught, will be prosecuted and executed for crimes against humanity on a scale never before seen in human history. Don't be surprised when they utilize every trick and every technology to attempt to convince the public that chemtrails are natural and harmless contrails. They are, in fact, fighting an information war, and they know that their lives depend on them winning.


MARDY'S NOTE: Again, link to go see this at Russ' Global Skywatch website: -- He has included incredible images to help people see this important information. I thank you again, Russ Tanner, for having such a resouce for people with Global Skywatch and your related Facebook page. And I very much appreciate your collaborating with me to provide this topic here for all the Lumigrate YOU-sers out there!                                                                 





Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
My Suggestions Related to Becoming Active in Changing This

Do you remember when the American public cried out and were heard about the SOPA/PIPA Act? Lumigrate was a small part in making that happen. How were we a part of creating that outcome? I created the topic you'll find at this link, which not only gives the website so people can readiliy look up their senators' contact information, two of us shared the emails we got back from our Senators after we'd done our part to let them know our concern and what we wanted them to do about it.

I was joined by Alice, who I now call Amazing Alice more than ever, as after we collaborated on this activity, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. So at least the two of us pushed buttons in our respective states of Colorado/me and Alabama/Alice. Many read what we wrote and perhaps it inspired them to do the same. Maybe reading about what we did then will help inspire YOU to get active about this subject and consider my suggestions. Perhaps you'll decide that's not for you and you'll do something else to be ACTIVE about this issue NOW! This is the most important issue to happen in my lifetime, aside from the Cuban Missile Crisis, which was when I was a young child and unaware of the entire situation, thankfully.

My father was in the atomic program as part of his Reserves service; before he retired as a Major, he was a trainer to other military people in England about detonator maintenance. I'm sure the adults were very aware and concerned and in that case, had nothing they could do as our President and his people were handling the situation. Today we need to get our President to wake up about this, and everyone else we can who can put pressure on them to reveal what this is about ("why") and stop it. It makes no sense to do this to the Earth and all on it. I am a canary in a cage and I'm singing out! (Except on days I'm not feeling well and then I'm quiet.) 

As for Alice, that was about a year ago and she's on a hiatus from cancer treatment, getting her strength up after the surgery and recovery process, then chemotherapy, before starting radiation. She is wanting people to learn what it's like to have a longstanding chronic pain and illness condition, fibromyalgia, and then also have cancer and treatment for that. She has her quiet times too, but overall in this past year she's become EVEN MORE VOCAL through her keyboard and laptop. I asked her a while back and she was 'in' on doing something again here at Lumigrate related this time, to chemtrails and geoengineering. She is A-mazing!

Since many people who are the Lumigrate YOU-sers either don't live where a march is being organized for the 25th (which applies to me), or they're not well enough to go to a march and participate, I wanted to take a page from Marianne Williamsons book of activism suggestions from her March Against Monsanto rally speech (May 2013, Venice, California, USA). Let's MARCH IN PLACE at OUR PLACE (Lumigrate) -- but show up on Facebook to talk about our ideas.

Where to start? I suggest you take in what Marianne said, which I've covered in this same forum, but for your ease, the link is:

You'll see the link to the website I found which best covered Marianne's speech that day is called Running the Country. They transcribed the whole speech (which I set up right on our topic so you can read it here BUT I give the link to watch the video and encourage doing so as they have a great website to look around. The website is created by a man who is going to run the country, the way Forest Gump did but with more of a definite purpose. He has a great story of what motivated him about that, and I just think these are times where this type of inspirational story of young people and middle aged people influencing each other and co-creating awareness and education is very important. 

I personally use Marianne's speech to get me fired up or calmed down when this 'chemical poisoning infraction against us all stuff' gets to me. Just as dealing with chronic pain or illness, your mental attitude is one of the most important defenses you have. Which, in turn, is important to having a good offense! You'll see (or hear/watch) that she rattles off a phone # --- and then says 'that is the White House phone number'. She WISELY, in my opinion, suggests that with all the calls and emails the politicians get, the staff is going to be more apt to tell the higher ups about the calls and emails if you blast them on the same day.

So please, if you're thinking 'what can be done about it', or 'who is doing this and how did this situation come to be', I think she gives the most articulate, succinct and balanced explanation I've ever heard. The military/industrial complex, the government/corporation complex. It's all complex -- but she makes it VERY understandable as it's an overview. And she brings you in talking about the food movement. And I know our You-sers at Lumigrate are into the food movement, you've attracted to us since our launch because of our information and position about diet.  

So for senators, you'd need to do that by state. For county officials you'd need to get that organized for people in your county. For the whole US we can just pick a day and call that day. And for those of you outside the US, do similarly where YOU are! What do you say? I'm going to give it a try. As our Yenta signed her stories at Lumigrate: "It can't hurt!" ~~ Mardy

  My WAKE UP MOMENT, June 1, 2013. "I have to grab my camera and start doing something about this because this is REALLY happening, as unbelievable as it is!"  "Hope" we inspire YOU to be active too!        


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
A Weather Extremes Topic by Dane Wiggington at His Website, FYI

Since I mentioned Dane Wiggington, above, I wanted to set up a topic that I found interesting related to the weather extremes, so that you also have one topic here to 'wet' your appetite (pun intended so much that I misspelled the work, I believe it is 'whet'). You will find it at the following link, which I encourage you to go to and look at there, because the graphic showing the weather forcase for May 1 that is referred to is shown, as well as he just has a lot of interesting information.  

What I set in a blockquote box, below and bolded is the reason I said "I just have to post this on that topic about Russ and the two of them collaborating because they have different focus areas but overlap on the core issues". Essentially, what Dane spells out related to the person become proactive about this is exactly what I have done and exactly what I am hoping to suggest to others to do! So please go look.

He suggests printing things out to show/give to people which are credible and he sets up a link for that, suggests people connect with others about this imperatively important issue, and email them. I have contacted everyone from the state meteorologist to a criminal investigation consultant to people who work in laboratores. I don't expect everyone reading this to necessarily have the time, energy or other resources to do this kind of button pushing, but perhaps you can find something -- calling local or state or national political or industrial leaders to let them know how you feel and what YOU think. And most of all, tell those who surround you closest, and keep looking up -- together!


Posted on May 2, 2013  

“Weather Makers” Create Erratic, Record Setting Temperatures

The Geoengineers are hard at it yet again. As they sprayed the hell out of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in recent days, causing record warmth and record low humidity, they were preparing for yet another geoengineered “winter storm” further east. The latest in a parade of geoengineered winter storms has theatrically been named “winter storm Achilles”. The ongoing extremely radical forcing of the Earths climate system is wreaking havoc on the environment as a whole. The example outlined below, with data from NOAA (national oceanic and atmospheric administration) and “AccuWeather” is only the latest in a very long and growing list of completely engineered weather events. The “weather makers” seem to have absolutely no regard for the climate chaos they are creating around the globe.

How far can they push the envelope? If the ongoing insanity of global geoengineering continues, we will likely soon enough find out as the entire climate system unravels around us all.

Amarillo TX shattered its former record high temperature on April 30th 2013, nearly reaching 100 degrees, now, snow is going to fall the very next day, May 1st, 2013.

One has to wonder just how much toxic chemical ice nucleation material it takes to create such an extreme event. Very significant HAARP readings are also evident on monitoring stations in recent days, this is certainly a component of the latest engineered “winter storm”. The now constant use of the globes ionosphere heater installations to manipulate jet stream patterns is also throwing the entire climate/weather system of the tracks.

The ongoing atmospheric spraying programs, and the HAARP ionosphere heater installations, are not just an inconvenience, they are literally threatening the planet’s life support systems from top to bottom. This is not even to mention the completely toxic fallout of heavy metals and chemicals which are raining down on all life. These elements are “bioaccumulative” and are building up in the environment and our bodies.

Its up to all of us to bring these lethal weather modification programs to light. All is at stake in the fight to expose these deadly climate modifications operations. Every day matters in this effort.

  • Make copies of a credible flyer on geoengineering and its dangers and pass them out, examples can be found at
  • Locate groups, organizations, and individuals on line that would care if they had a clue.
  • E-mail them an appeal to investigate the geoengineering issue and send them some credible data with a source for more.

We must act now,
Dane Wigington

Please review the data below,

Amarillo TX from a record high temp of 97 on April 30 2013, to snow forecast today, May 1st 2013

Record Report

Statement as of 2:02 am CDT on May 1, 2013
… Record high temperature broken at Amarillo…
… Record high minimum temperature broken at Amarillo…

The high temperature  Tuesday April 30th… at Amarillo
reached 97 degrees at 553 PM CDT. This breaks the old record of 93
which was set in 1981.

Again, follow the link and see the real deal on his website with graphics and all the bells and whistles at
AccuWeather 5-2-2013

Also the low temperature Tuesday was 62 degrees. This breaks the
old record high minimum temperature of 58 that was last set in 1961.




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
A Collection of Notes/Feedback - Russ Tanner, Other SkyWatchers

Since Russ wrote such a nice note to me related to my bringing this topic to you at Lumigrate, I thought I'd share that with you here (with his permission), and I'd also let others in the geoengineering community of activists, educators and believers know about this topic and invite them to comment for inclusion here.  

If you email or message me on FB with a note, please set me up with how you'd like to have your name (or initials or 'anonymous' or 'Chemless in Seattle'/whatever) and website (or whatever), so if people who see it here wanted to contact you they can (or can't if you're trying to be under the radar.) My email is (the contact us comes to me as well.) 


Thank you, Mardy, for reprinting the article from GeoengineeringSkywatch, my website. As one of the people who can smell and taste the chemical aerosols being released, I have been able to track spraying intensities, spray schedules, varying chemical types, and have been able to witness the emotional effects these chemicals have on people and children. I have also tested various air purifiers to see which ones work - and don't work - against these fine aerosols.

Since I am like a canary in a coal mine, I have a deep sense of responsibility to share this information so it can help others realize that these toxic substances are indeed in the air, even if they are unable to smell or taste them.

Now that shorter trails are being released in more parts of the world, the spraying activity is becoming much harder to see and detect visibly, so we have to work harder to bring this to public attention in those areas, as well.

Nevertheless, these programs are not freely admitted to the public, and there is a reason for this. An educated and active public could easily put an end to the overhead spraying programs and demand accountability, and this would thwart the long-term plans of the corporate power brokers who are profiting from this activity, as well as land some of them in prison.

I strongly encourage everyone to become educated and active, even if it's only a few minutes a day. Your actions have a much more profound and lasting effect on the world than you realize, sometimes! A small percentage of the population spending just a few minutes a day will change the world, and in fact, has done just that many times historically.

We have a page on our website that contains suggestions for daily activity which takes 5-minutes or less but has a huge impact.

Thanks again for including this at Lumigrate, Mardy, helping us to raise awareness about this historic issue that will undoubtedly be considered one of the largest crimes against humanity - and nature - in human history.

-- Russ Tanner, August 20, 2013



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
Dane's 2014 NEW Summary: Climate Engineering/Climate Lies

Around the time that this topic was added that Dane wrote at his website, ( ....I'd put in FB friend request and had a pleasant back and forth where I gave him a summary about my experiences in western Colorado in 2013, and focused my discussion on the electromagnetic facility I found to apparently be of great influence. He responded as though he was thinking the massive towers I was referring to that are 'officially' part of the mid-20th century missile defense system were RF towers, so I corrected him on that and gave him the resource for a map of the NEXRAD towers in the US in one color, the old 'defense' system towers in another color, and he responded by suggested I could perhaps write something for his website. My preference was to talk with him about it and then he could then do that, as he is the expert at his website; he declined and pleasantly asked me to keep him updated of any new developments.

Everyone has their 'niches' perhaps, and their plans for how they will navigate getting from where they are now to where they want to be with their work. He clearly wants to stay focused on just the chemtrail/chem aspect and not have anything to do wtih EMs himself. I don't want to be writing on other websites which might reflect on me in a way other than what my objectives are for today and the future. But this is a great overview topic for people to be aware of, so I wanted to provide the link AND set the YOUsers up with knowing that I have done my communicating, networking and gotten invitations to be seen writing in other places and -- that was not for me on this topic, at least. I thank all who do their work in their 'niche', whether that is reading and talking to one other person, or sharing links, or creating whole websites and collaborations on an area that they're committed to, such as Dane is with his focus on one aspect of geoengineering.

I hope you will, therefore pursue looking at other topics on Lumigrate related to the EMs and Chems, I have created them in the environmental wellness/illness forum. I'll provide a link: 

This is one topic in that forum, which I'd suggest at this time, generally, be where I'd start related to geoengineering if I were to be using the topics at Lumigrate overall as a resource to study. At the time of my bringing the link here, it had been up two months and had about 2,000 reads so far. In Lumigrate 's reality, that means that we've gotten somewhere with new people finding us from Searching the Internet, it's not coming fully from our existing YOUsers (followers).



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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