There! Up in the Sky.. Is It a Bird? A Plane? Santa? The Chemtrail Fairy? What Do YOU Believe?

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 20 hours ago.

For me, the 'perfect' evening of Saturday, June 1, 2013 in western Colorado, my home town for the past 9-1/2 years, will be forever a turningpoint moment; the ironic thing is, I 'almost missed it'! I was enjoying the whole day of truly 'perfect Colorado weather', blue sky all day long, no wind -- not too hot, and was busy paying attention to other things I had set out to do that day and thankfully was where I could see a great deal of the western Colorado sky.      < Me but back in fall 2012

And I "noticed" something, thankfully -- "noticing" is an imporant word that I learned in in assessing cognitive and physical function and safety when becoming an occupational therapist in he mid 1990s. It applies today more than ever, as most people increasingly are 'plugged in' to technology and tuned out of being 'present' in the 'live/present place'.   

Innumerable jet airplanes were flying south-ish in a very narrow area, within minutes of each other. Out of "habit", as for the first 50 years of my life on Earth, I think of jets as typically carrying people and freight, I remember thinking 'wow, Saturday night is sure a busy time for people and stuff to be flying to ------' and I was trying to figure out what airports the planes would be flying to as they were all coming from only slightly different angles from the north, and as I said, at basically the same time.

And then the moment my 'reality bubble burst' happened!  "@#$%, it's true, chemtrails ARE HAPPENING!" But it also made no sense if 'they' (whomever 'they' are) want to be veiling this so the general public doesn't figure it's not contrails like we've seen since jet aircraft started being in our skies.  

I grabbed my camera and got photos of what I thought would look pretty convincing to people if they saw it and also help me to figure out, or others, where the planes were coming from and heading toward in terms of airports as that logically is how this gets argued -- they're aiplanes that are just like all the others going to and fro. I next grabbed a map, just hoping that something would appear to me that was more 'logical' than there are chemicals being intentionally laid out in atmosphere. Because that just seems so unbelievably harmful to everything on Earth that I cannot comprehend, at that moment, that anyone would be attempting 'geoengineering' like this chemtrail stuff has alleged for some time. 

Talk about "the stages of grief", eh? I was there at step #1, denial. Bargaining -- please make it be just that there's some warfare thing about to happen and the military is taking a bunch of stuff and people all at once from up north to down south and they want to fly in a close pack like that for some protective reason... please let me see fighter jets near them as protection if there's something super big and important on those planes. But no ... I didn't see that. It reminded me of the feeling in the MRI in 1995 when they were going to get the IV team because they needed to 'light things up' that they saw... "Please don't make it be M.S., I'll do anything I need to do if it's not M.S." as I was motionlessly having to wait for many minutes alone. My advocate/significant other was an engineer of electrical technologies and was fascinated watching the images and talking with the tech and hopefully getting some scooop so I'd not have to wait for the neurologist to tell me the results in weeks in the future and have that tortuous wait.

If this is your first time reading something I write, I include that here for your benefit, that isn't even when this all began for me, it was 1989 when I couldn't get out of bed one day and go to work. I'd gotten good medical attention from inside and outside the box, the conventional medicine box that insurance pays for, that is, and had made a full recovery until these problems started up again in 1994. It was all 'baffling' to the neurologist after they did the recommended spinal tap to see if the lesions in the brain were from M.S. No myelin -- I got my 'wish' from my time in the MRI. And it's been one thing after the other since then learning about the many things causing so many people and animals and plants and fish to have so many different things wrong with them. That isn't natural! That isn't the way it's worked on Earth all these years! The order of things has clearly been shifted, and it's upon us today to take the time to learn and be active and get together with some others and get things shifted back!

I figured I'd look into the subject of geo-engineering and chemtrails more the next day, when I had time. I'd put off delving into studying this, which I'd learned about on "Faceplace" or others call it "Crackbook". People tend to believe things in person or on "CrackPlace" when someone they 'know and trust' says it, that can be someone you know in the in-person world or someone you know as they're a celebrity of some sort. There's a whole new learning curve for those of us using these platforms to reach people and get the word out, and I learned last year I had done reasonably well in "becoming someone" on the Internet's social media platforms. I don't care about that aside from that my purpose and intention is to help people to become aware, educated and proactive and also provide valid information that progresses/advances their knowledge. ("Progressive" has been 'dirtied' as a political term, in the overall and medical it simply means you're advancing, making progress, we even have things called 'Progress Notes' for documentation.)

And some of my 'virtual friends' who I don't know all that well share about chemtrails, so I was 'aware', and becoming 'educated' but I had not yet gotten to forming my own conclusion and 'opinion'.  This is not the first time I'd witnessed what I thought might be chemtrails, but the previous ones were flying in different directions and could have been airliners and freightliners going the various places that take them over western Colorado. Below I set up a link to something that you'll see has an example of that type of photograph.  You can compare it to the photographs I provide here from this past Saturday, the day my bubble was bursting and I could no longer be a sheeple when it comes to chemtrails.

The flat rock 'monuments' at the bottom of the photo are within the boundaries of Colorado National Monument, a US Department of Interior and the planes are coming from the north, going south and as you can see, converging in a fan-like pattern. On June 1 I had not looked around at Internet information about chemtrails/geoengineering but this was very obviously not possibly people and packages, let alone you notice how the ribbon-like disbursement is nothing like contrails/condensation from jet engines dissippate.

This is just what I saw with my two eyes and photographed to share here. Please read on and know that I'm only suggesting people, like with ANYTHING related to their health and wellness, do their own investigating and research. For your opinions. Talk with others and say what is opinion and what is fact, on this one I found WAY more 'opinions' being stated as facts when I did my searching on the Internet -- much is having to be pieced together and is 'conjecture'. But talk to people. Today I talked with someone who has no computer, only watches TV and reads the paper -- had seen this event on June 1, above, and had not been feeling well and hadn't connected the dots. So it is confirming for me every time I talk with someone who lives in the community I do and they aren't 'tracking right', are 'unusually tired', sad, mad, etc. and that's not like them, or they state they were not going to their usual activities or whatever, and they didn't 'know about' chemtrails.... Just as I didn't 'know' or 'believe' before, and I wasn't knowing why I wasn't feeling as well as I would think I should for what efforts I'm putting into my well-being. 

I'd taken photos of those in the past with my cellular phone's camera, so I might look at a map and see if they were going to/from airports that would have such big planes. And then I didn't put the time in then to roll up my sleeves, but I did have my beloved cat having some serious neurologic issues start in January of 2012 that I was working on figuring out, it was rare stuff and apparently was from toxins triggering genes but I had hoped that there would be some 'out of the box' or 'in the box' veterinary medicine expert who would know something that could resolve the underlying problem. I was more suspcious of the obvious, the vaccine I'd had her get to be compliant with the laws here in 2011.

But these trails in the sky from jets were different, all going the same basic direction and not criss-crossing! So I turned to the people I know on FB and in the in-person world who might know more about it and it turns out, most know less about this than I do, so we're now in this learning boat together! I hope by sharing this it will help to make them more aware and possibly provide education. For those experts who have the select priviledge of contributing at Lumigrate, I will openly invite you to add any resources YOU find and share with us how you Searched to find it and why you wanted to share it for the benefit of other learners using 

What happened in the days this week has been nothing short of incredible, an unfolding that has much to do with that "faceplace" /social media as well as my actually knowing someone in the face to face world that I trust as credible and I know is not one to get out into all this 'whacky stuff' so it was completely non psychosomatic what was experienced in terms of well-being this week!

On Sunday I didn't feel well, and out of "habit" (again that important word choice I want to highlight here) I attributed it to all the activity I had on Saturday, as I was feeling really GOOD on Saturday and then you naturally take advantage of that and like everyone can do, you overdo it a little. Which is fine, that always makes me stronger not worse off since getting things 'turned around' and doing relatively well since moving to western Colorado. But the last few years I lost a lot of ground and was attributing it to stress but not of the chemical kind in terms of what's in the air! 

I've had chronic pain and fatigue issues on and off, more or less, since I was 29 and I'm now 53, hence my creating Lumigrate in my late 40s as a way to 'work differently' using my 10+years of experience as an occupational therapist, two years in health education at Colorado State University, and eight in, ironically, visibility/air quality research program support.

I stayed at that job, which had required a two-year commitment with the job offer, for so long because I felt I was learning things I needed to learn. The Clean Air Act Amendments came out of the work 'our team' put their souls into, many of us, it was blood, sweat and tears at some points for the more committed of us. I was one that was committed to the work beyond 40 hours a week, taking flex time in the summer and going on lovely motorcycle or truck 4WD camping trips with my husband.

Ironically the indoor air quality of our new building for our growing group's outgassing VOCs is what finally took my 'teetering health' to not being able to get out of bed and train my eyes on what I needed to me looking at, out of weakness of muscles. Obviously I recovered, got into a very difficult educational program and once again got whammed by similar symptoms which were ultimately 'fibromyalgia', the aforementioned MRI experience was while I was in the occupational therapy program at Colorado State University, one of the top-rated programs in the US and world. 

Naturally, this was life- and career-changing due to it's complexities and how much it takes to stave it off; it's like having a part to full time job if you're going to do everything to keep yourself 'ideally well'. If you get an OT job like many I had which required commuting and driving on top of long hours at the desk or with clients/patients/consumers of the services, you can't do what you need to keep your wellness level as you have to exercise, prepare and eat nutritious foods and get restorative sleep, to name a few. Even staying hydrated, health care workers can't just go to the bathroom whenever they feel the need, same as commuters so that contributes to people not consuming enough water! And water is one of the keys for ALL beings to have ideal health. 

And CHEMICALS, particularly heavy metals, have been a part of my awareness, education and activism in the past and therefore it's on my 'radar' in the present and I'm concerned about chemicals in the environment going forward into the future. So what I witnessed Saturday was HUGE. To me. It isn't like the chemical or lack there-of is the water I consume today, it's something affecting EVERYTHING on Earth -- me, others in my community, the animals, the insects, the plants, the water that goes downstream and out to the ocean if it doesn't get used up by all the human needs from western Colorado west and south of us the way the Mighty Colorado River flows from here. Quantity and quality are key features, obviously. 

Again, "habit" and "routine" are a big part of human behavior, and "loss" and the grief cycle, is what we all go through whenever we lose something important to us. Our health for one, or our belief that we're being told the truth about things that affect us directly such as what's in the air.  

I lost my hope Saturday that what I'd been hearing and seeing about chemtrails from those I don't know so well on CrackPlace wasn't true. I'd say I was tending to be one that would say it was actually happening probably, but I was still holding out hope there was some odd explanation about it; that someone would post something on faceplace and I'd see an answer that was less difficult to accept than chemicals being blasted into our atmosphere. Like they went to adding something into the usual jet fuel and now the contrails look different than in the past. Or that I have moved to another part of the state and the sky was always this shade of blue and different than where I used to live for some reason I don't yet know, and I'd not 'noticed' it when I got here. But that didn't really make sense. And with all the other busy-ness I have, just like everyone, I simply didn't 'focus' on it as it just seemed 'unbelievable'. It wasn't fitting with how I thought of my country and the world on one hand, but I know that things lately are not the way they used to be, and even when I was younger things were a lot more underhanded than I knew. It's a 'habit' what you think about the world's ways, after all. And habits die hard sometimes.

And the spectacular sunsets we've had lately are because of naturally-occuring and not man-made and man-placed particulates, out of airplanes, into the high atmosphere. Maybe it seems like cropdusting gone high and mighty, and in my opinion cropdusting has kind of been proven to harm the environment and overall too. Ever talk to anyone who has lived around fruit trees being sprayed with the old pesticides with heavy metals in them? I have. They typically have some sort of chronic illness -- dementia at an early age, fibromyalgia and autoimmune disorders, etc.

I grew up in the mountains outside of Denver, same community as the creator of South Park the comedy series and movies came from. In 'my day', "they" (again, whomever 'they' are) were 'cloud seeding' to get rain to fall in certain places, and those things set us up to think that this kind of thing is acceptable because decades ago nobody was much too upset about cloud seeding!

But I'm upset about what I just saw in the sky, and interested in what happened next. Sunday night I saw on faceplace, that Marianne Williamson had shared something about the next big 'March Against" was going to be about chemicals in the sky in these 'chemtrails'. GREAT, and GRATE, LumiGRATE Grate, sign me/us up! 

To be clear, these trails are different than 'contrails', and they dissippate differently. Those who argue that chemtrails are just contrails, and fuels have changed and they're airplanes carrying people or freight say the fuels have changed. I'd held out hope that was the case.

Part of the research at the visibility project was funded by the US Navy and was about what the human eye could perceive in the way of plumes coming out of fighter jets as we were technologically neck-and-neck with the USSR and the human advantage of the pilots fighting with jets was an important advantage to have. So then cleaning up the exhaust to that level to be less or invisible, which is expensive, was the ultimate goal. The cold war ended when "The Wall" came down, and the funding was cut and many people had to make their jobs be about something else in the Navy and all the contractors and subcontractor that got their funding trickling down from those war concerned for the benefit of our country. AS ALWAYS, FOLLOW THE MONEY, whenever you have questions about this, learn your history as much as you can and then always think about the money aspects.

I respect Marianne Williamson, as do many millions around the Earth, including those in the United States. So she has a lot of virtual fans on faceplace, and the comments on what she shared about the next 'marching/activism' wave will be about chemical geo-engineering, which would include the chemtrail issue, presuming it is truly going on. The people who commented went into what people in the communities this has occurred experience as typical symptoms.

I went to sleep still not thinking that my not feeling too swift was anything to do with that, my back hurt -- I'd overdone it in a good way on Saturday was all. Again, "habit": how many thousands of days have I had in my last half of my life that I attributed how I felt to what I'd done the moments or day(s) before? (Answer: I don't even want to think about it, let's stay in the present and look forwards, it's too depressing! I'm old! LOL/GRINS.  

I had been looking through medical receipts and paperwork and notes and was filing / organizing things that had accumulated since the last time, and I'd had heavy metals 'challenge' testing, through the urine, re-done in December. The first testing was in 2005, via the same lab. So there's a lot to look at with that, which I'll report on more later in detail.  Suffice it to say I've been very aware of heavy metals since 2005 and reducing my exposures. I learned that Thimerosol is still in some vaccines, along with any of the allopathic medical community who went to the CME at the hospital when it was about the upcoming flu season. As an OT I am included/welcomed in that education as it improves the whole of medical care for all the medical consumers in our area.

Grand Junction was named for two big rivers merging -- The Colorado used to be called The Grand River and the Gunnison Ts in here.  It became a hub for trade and development and became the medical hub between Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. It isn't like they track you down and tell you about these educational opportunities, I was actually told it was only for doctors, until I went to see physical therapy teammates present and was told by the people that run the thing that I could participate, they're all set up for that. I appreciate the education, it allows me to know what the allopathic community is learning and 'where their heads and hearts are at". I keep my finger on the pulse, so to speak. And I've gotten many medical providers connected to getting this wonderful education they were previously left out of the loop about! 

One of the things I've always been sensitive to being around was cigarette smoke. My mother smoked. Her mother smoked and we all lived together -- it was awful. Ignoring my requests for them to stop, for their health not mine, as I didn't know it could be 'bad' for me at a learning leve, I remember just 'knowing' it was not good for me and wanting to get away from it. I now have that same feeling at my OWN home, but it's coming from the skies and it's apparently going on all over the place, so no escaping it as you do when you just wait your time out and fly the nest when you're 18. And I'm not happy about it!

But my recent testing had concerningly high levels of lead. Ask the people around me, I was going nuts and driving them nuts (and asking them as vendors to do their homework) on where that lead was coming from in 2012 -- was it the seafood I'd been enjoying, purchased from a knowledgeable and ethical source, concerned about the environmental toxins in seafood and landfood meats? I switched to artesian bottled water delivered as reverse osmosis had caused me to have stomach acid problems for the first time. Could the water company not have the filtration and quality they promote and discussed with me when I was doing my homework/research as a concerned consumer?

So NOW the question was, could that current source be coming from the air, getting on everything I touch and also in my body through inhaling /breathing? Or is it in the dirt as this is old orchard country and the chemicals used for pesticides before DDT were a mix of lead and arsenic; the lead doesn't go away the way arsenic eventually does. Huge overall environmental and health issue in the US, housing being built on lands that aren't really safe for people to live long-term. 

Why would the chemicals in the planes, if indeed it is what I and others now think it is ('happening/for real'), include lead? Has anyone been testing this and finding it? I can see them thinking it's maybe a good idea to bounce the sun's rays back out so the Earth doesn't get warmed up, though I canNOT say this is a good plan, just put the efforts into lowering the emissions that can affect what happens down here on Earth. But lead? No way! (YES, way -- 'tis part of what is alleged, suspected, reported to be in the stuff spewing out of the planes high above us doing this intentional chemical geo-engineering.)

I got up Monday morning, about the time the sun came up, and wanted to get out before it got hot and do a little hike, my soreness from Saturday's activities were better and I normally like to walk or hike later in the day, it's simply when my body is more in the groove to do so. But when it gets to summer here, it doesn't cool off until overnight, so I end up actually getting out less and having to do it earlier. I'd been up for a couple of hours, was feeling 'fine' but just didn't feel right.

I went to where I broke a sweat and turned around and that was it, returning to immediately shower, as it's obviously important to get the toxins off the skin that leach out of you with activity if you're trying to not re-absorb them, which becomes your habit when you learn about detoxing/cleansing/chelating. Getting the lead out, as I guess I'll call it now.

I used to be more concerned about mercury and said I was a human thermometer. You just HAVE to keep a sense of humor about these things! But mercury's gotten lower/better, the cadmium is no longer even on the concern radar, but lead's now the #1 worry. "Worry" is not a good word maybe, concern ... problem.... "proven neurotoxin in higher than acceptable levels per my heavy metals challenge testing of December 2012."  

I went on Monday afternoon to my monthly osteopathy (a provider that you pay out of pocket for and if the insurance you have will allow it, they'll reimburse you), appointment and didn't mention anything about the chemtrails or not feeling well that day, out of 'habit' I was attributing how I was feeling to overdoing it on Saturday but was happy to report I was feeling SO WELL on Saturday, that I felt up to doing something that reminded me I have muscles!

And I'd had a migraine last week, the first in many, many years, but I attributed, again, to neck positioning with sleep, or things I have control over and just hadn't done quite right lately. I'd been at the computer more than I prefer, there just was stuff on my plate that needed to be done. I remembered I'd had one start to get started last year when I was feeling like I was coming down with something and just sneezed and sneezed, which was unusual. Had that had anything to do with the air and I'd not 'realized it' because I wasn't yet paying attention to what was goign on in the skies? I looked back at photos and what the Internet tells me about chemtrails in Grand Junction and it's been reported on as far back as 2011. I saw that I had photos of what I'd noticed and wondered about and just not gotten into studying if it was possibly chemtrails/geoengineering that I'd started hearing about. Are they crazy conspiracy theories like some out there say? Or is it reality. I just didn't know, I just didn't look into it. I just didn't make it a priority. Now I do!

INTERESTINGLY I happened to 'notice' someone who lives in Grand Junction and who I know and had just seen recently in person, saying "My coffee is just not getting me going today." Others agreed, and it appeared to me they live here, maybe they weren't here when they were commenting and were traveling, but I let them know there were chemtrails on Saturday. I think they were not so aware of that phenomenon, you'd have to have crackbook friends who 'into' that kind of ShareWorthy things in their feeds to Share if they felt it Worthy.

Without their knowing ANYTHING about chemtrails and the controversy, nor the alleged symptoms that I saw just the other evening on Marianne Williamson's page about symptoms for a few days after an area has been aerial chemically engineered from jets. And they were describing the EXACT symptoms I'd just seen people on Marianne's wall. This is why it's so great to have gotten a mix, from the very start of my time on crackbook/faceplace, of various 'walks of life'. I'm on there to get the word out about Lumigrate and my work, naturally, and to share the things that I believe will help people stay or get well, or closer to it!

So, now I was REALLY interested! I got ahold of the most chemically sensitive and ill person I've known here and there was a happy report of improved help due to having some more therapies 'outside the box', and continuing with what has been helping in recent years, since medical cannabis was legalized in Colorado it's really opened up a new direction for natural wellness.

They'd seen the chemtrails, no problems for them. "Get a mask" she told me. All I could think of was the gasmask I found in my aging and ill father's bed one day in the years I was trying to get him to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment. But he was concerned with indoor air quality, he had an old funky house that had all kinds of things in it that were not conducive to wellness but wouldn't sell and move.

So you just have to do your best in those situations. But I have this 'thing' about things on my body/skin/pressure. Earplugs drive me nuts, masks pose another problem in that I already have difficulty with breathing due to sinus and throat malformations, it's simply the way my body was formed and grew, and possibly had something to do with forceps injury at birth -- who really knows for sure, it just 'is what it is'.

If you put me on a mask, it maybe has to have oxygen with it supplementally. Ugh, I'd been trying to put that off, that's just a hard thing to face, another 'step' that would have to do with wellness for me but also another symptom of the malfunction and dysfunction and being on the illness side of the wellness/illness teeter totter, or continuum, whatever YOU want to call it!

So, in my search/research, I punched in "chemtrails, city, state, month year", making it June 2013. And what came up at the top of the list? Something on the local news from two years ago. Shoot, they didn't cover what I saw on Saturday evening, and what someone clear on the other end of town also saw.

There were INCREDIBLE sunsets being shared on FB and nobody was saying 'that's because of those chemtrails on Saturday evening maybe" but in my mind I was thinking 'what forest fires are out there causing particulates to do that kind of sunset? ... what about dust storms ..... ' and I really hadn't been hearing of anything in the news but then again there had been a 2-1/2 mile wide tornado, the widest ever in recorded history on all of planet Earth.

And that was just after that same area had one of the most destructive tornadoes as it was powerfully strong. I'd been transfixed on Friday night watching the live coverage of Oklahoma, texting my only friend in the in-person world in the area, who was watching a movie and not really wanting to be involved with this historical tornado -- neighbors were outside watching it so they'd alert if there was anything to tune into related to safety.

Again, perhaps a 'habit' to be watching a movie at that time and not a tornado that was historical. I've since asked if they've seen any chemtrails, and was creating awareness of someone who hadn't heard of them. That's what you get from watching movies and not crackbook with a variety of friends! So this is the link that I just referred to. Interestingly, I've had symptoms such as a tinny taste in my mouth for years now and my holistic dentist and general dentist and environmental medicine specialist had no idea what it could be, and it had been gone recently and it was back very strong this week. So perhaps ANOTHER mystery solved.

Had I simply 'believed in' chemtrails when I first learned of the controversial changes in the skies, I'd maybe have done myself some good SOONER than LATER. But I'm in reality now, so CARPE DIEM. And so, for YOU, reading this .. YOU ... I encourage you to carve out and schedule if you need to, some time to simply do some reading and watching and talking and learning, then decide your opinion. And if you think it's true, become ACTIVE in educating others and also pushing the buttons that cause change to occur in the United States.

Start locally in your research and in your activism -- here's what's from my community's newscoverage of it.

Mardy's Note: Ironically, some of the ONLY mass media news coverage on the Internet, I later found out, was this from Grand Junction, it doesn't even show up unless you're Searching with the specific city. I learned about Denver's Fox station covering chemtrails after I wrote this -- it was big news in Europe that somewhere in the US a Fox station had covered the subject! So I created a new topic just about Colorado Chemtrails for those interested in a state-wide example. Taking a big situation and shaving it down smaller is often the best way to have people see it. So even if you're not from Colorado, this might be a topic for you to go out to and read as well. I'd never guess that Colorado might be on the leading edge of this issue!

So, to continue to help teach those who are asking me every day to help them with how to do Internet Searches to get the information they're wanting to hone in on, I simply searched on "chemtails, lead". I'm going to share this link first, because it's FUN and if you can handle seeing "f*ck" and listening to an original hip-hop/rappish tune called "Lead the horse to water", I provide this link.

This is actually an 'accident of good fortune' because lead in this case is the verb, taking something/leading. I was wanting the metal lead. But this is a cool site, and I loved the activism and creativity of Tina who made the video (look to the bottom of the screen at this link and it'll take you to the YouTube video.)

Next, I want to get out of all the things that are coming from the public and get more into scientific and more 'regarded' websites, so I go to the searching on the more scientific word used in the things you find if you read about 'chemtrails', which is geo-enginnering. So geo-engineering, lead as search words yields a very different looking list of things to chose from. I selected this one because I have a sense of the 'esteem level' of The Guardian website. You'll see it is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Do you remember Katrina? Did you ever hear that there was some sort of geo-engineering going on relate to that devastating storm almost a decade ago? I hadn't. I have now, thanks to my spending a little time today, spurred by my concern about my needing to not be a sheeple anymore about what's going on with geo-engineering related to the atmosphere. Now we're getting into things being presented at professional, scientific community conferences, which to me, isn't anything foreign. If you're a member of any kind of professional society, they're pretty much all the same.

Things that are presented at meetings tend to be things that will later, years later, might be trickling down to the general public's information. Remember, there's quite a lot of monkey business that goes on related to the mainstream media anymore, hence the Power of the Internet in the last five years in particular, initially due to crackbook and now increasingly due to that other "birdie told me" social media storm.

Just watch the shift in the popular television shows where you vote, they focus on the birdie place now and not the faceplace. I figure the most important things are on the faceplace and the more instantly popular things are on the birdie place, so I have stuck to concentrating on the crackbook of faceplace.

Oddly, in searching on the words geo-engineering, Marianne Williamson, the first thing that comes up in the list provided (using Google) is something about Aerosol Geoengineering and Hurricane Modification Program Run by ...... and then Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson are mentioned somewhere on what is at YouTube.

Naturally, with my professional background including working in the same building as NOAA employees for many years, including the semi-famous Dr Bill Grey who would give his yearly and very accurate hurricane predictions before the start of the season -- lights, camera, action would be there and on the TV I'd see a face I got to see regularly in my work routine, and 'knew'/respected due to my first-hand knowledge of them, I went to see what was at this link -- take the five minutes to watch, is my suggestion.

And so the next link under the one I just shared was this one, and I encourage you to go and read it. It's something by Marianne Willliamson, an excerpt from her book that came out late in 2012. I realize not everyone vibes with her spiritual 'direction'. I frankly wasn't all that much of a fan a decade ago, I didn't think what her words in books I would look through was more than common sense, really, but that was just for me and I had close friends who were newer to spiritual rather than religious thinking who were devout fans of her work.

Lately she has seemed to me to be leading the way increasingly toward helping people build upon that selfish 'this is what you can do for you' focus she had and she's talking more about how to look at the history of business, government, and it's people, here in the US and beyond, and keep our health and our sanity while we also become aware, educated, active and involved in creating change and shaping the future moments and years to be what we believe would be best for ourselves AND OTHERS. And so I encourage you to grab a cup of something wet to revitalize yourself with and read with an open mind and heart what is at this link.

On the most recent new topic at's forums, Dr. Marc Spurlock (MD, environmental medicine, viral/immune system expert) set the stage with a topic titled "Are YOU Loaded?", and explains all the things that 'load onto and into' a person that brings them from the natural state of wellness at conception to illness at some point along the way, and is sounding the alarm and giving solutions for those seeing the increasing number of ill young people and middle aged and older aged/elderly.

In my response comment, you'll see at the link at the end of this paragraph, I provide the link to a blog to an amazing website that had not only embedded Marianne's powerful speech in LA at the 2013 March Against Monsanto rally, where she is not particularly focused on GMO foods as much as the OVERALL and how to get people ACTIVE and not only raising awareness with the public by marching, but in pushing the buttons on your phone and keyboards to get ahold of your representatives in Washington. For those of you in other countries, translate the concepts into what you do in YOUR country.

So in closing out this new topic, I will link you over to that topic so that you can see what kinds of mental and physical maladies are caused or contributed to by these types of chemicals which are toxic in certain quantities and are GETTING YOU LOADED.

You might not even realize the insomnia or feelings of sadness, being overwhelmed, muscular fatigue, 'being off' when driving or doing other challenging tasks requiring multiple things related to divided focus as being from 'the environment', you might be like me, in the 'habit' of thinking it was something I am having as a result of overdoing it on a perfect-weather weekend day, or ..... well, just think about it for yourself.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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"Noticed" Again Monday June 10, 2013 - Photos FYI

 I made this as large as possible. To the left many hundreds of miles is the area south of Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. To the right if you keep going hundreds of miles is the area around Denver, Colorado. This was taken around 11 a.m. on Monday June 10, 2013. There was one 'cluster', this one, that was basically 'over' the highways and mall and etc of Grand Junction, Colorado (I-70 and US 6 and 50), and then another batch running at a different angle but another 'pack' of them, see below. 



Look at a map -- find Colorado National Monument, that's what that rock canyon is -- look to the southwest and think 10:30-11:00 am on a Monday morning in early June, why WOULD so many commercial airliners be flying so close to the same time -- and why are their contrails so unusual? You see here one that has a plane currently flying (over the tree on the left), and then you see some that are slighly or more 'airborn' and starting to dissipate. That's not what contrails used to look at. If I were doing this and not wanting anyone to know, I'd sure put out a lot of propaganda to make people think they're contrails and that everyone saying otherwise is off their rockers. I might even pay people to 'market' that online and be on social media.

Just sayin'.... THINK and decide for yourself. Only when you're informed and educated can you be prepared.  The best 'defense' is a good 'offense' too. So I'll have to figure out somewhere else to 'clean up my act' to make more room for this toxic burden. And figure it out every day. And I'll go listen to Marianne Williamson's speech about the times were are in, the challenges and yet the hopefulness there is because there is an awakened public today like never before. I am increasingly. And I hope I am doing my part to help others be as well. ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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The Array of Responses Over the Past Week

I'm going to devote a whole new topic to this information, but for those who are reading this currently, the easiest way for me to say this is that there are a few kinds of people. What kind are you? How do YOU react to this kind of information?

  1. Empirical People: Consider the evidence and they'll change their minds if it's convincing to them.
  2. Paradigm People: They've found a paradigm to operate within that works for them and they don't want to change. These people won't even really open mindedly look at the empirical evidence. 
  3. Wishful and/or Fearful Thinkers: They'll reject/'refuse to believe'. Really, they're fearing the truth and as the famous Jack Nickolson line goes: They can't handle the truth. It's a protective mechanism in their mind that keeps them from feeling the anxiety, fear, etc.  They're afraid of the 'work' of having their lives inconvenienced by one more thing they'd have to address if they considered this new information as part of their reality. They're not wanting to be confused, or having the psychological deterioration that would come from believing what the truth is. They're often people who can't handle the feelings that will come up. They defend themselves this way.

Naturally, people can have a little of this and a lot of that, or a lot of this and a little of that. Of the three types I've listed above, how do you see yourself in these three categories? 

More about the historical applications of this information which might help shine light on this particular issue, later, and I'll link from here to there when it's completed for YOU to go to and read. I hope this helps each person reading step through the process by sharing MY process and then more information about how people process, because I'm just me, one person and YOU are another person -- we all are. And there is much to gain in understanding WHY everyone processes things as they do in these situations. Because the reason more people don't speak out about this is they're fearful of having someone say 'you're crazy'. And I was grateful to someone in the last week doing exactly that on Facebook. I hope my response was appropriate and enlightening, and it spurred me to get to this sooner rather than later. ~~ Gratefully ~~ Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 20 hours ago.
Mask Guidance from an "Old Pro", Veteran, RN with MCS (Chem Sens


  • When I go in public I wear a mask made by a woman in Chicago. Her web site is It isn't as good for me for working outside, though, as it isn't a tight seal, and when I pull the straps tighter it hurts.


    I found a heavier duty one for working outside in a farm supply catalog, then found it better-priced on Amazon. It's made by Moldex and works really well. Just looks less attractive which is why I wear the other one in public and still get sick with excessive exposures, like the day in the doctor's office on this winter (which we talked about previously, privately). That's why I say "I really need a gas mask to stay safe!" And increasing numbers of people do too, unfortunately. I hope this information helps! 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 20 hours ago.
Websites/founders who collaborate. Mr Flora and Mr Fauna

One of my goals with Lumigrate is to provide what I've found to be some of the better resources (links to websites and other resources) for various subjects of interest and importance about health and wellness (or illness prevention or correction, when possible).

I remember when I started doing my Internet homework about "chemtrails", and I learned the "geoengineering" word. AND I learned of Dane Wiggington from California and others he does a lot of collaborating with (Scott Stevens, who it turns out is now living in Colorado), and Russ Tanner who is in Maine. They seemed legitimate enough, but it's hard to tell looking at websites -- and on this subject I was wading through a bunch of junk as well.

Naturally, you have to think about 'who would be doing this', and realize what kind of game they'd be playing, how much money they have and what they would or might do in order to get something like this past people. That includes people who are hired by agencies who work for entities that hire them to have fake profiles on social media and fake FB friends who are in on it also, and they find people who are speaking out about them and try to deter the conversation.

I experienced that this summer and it was very educational for all my FB friends. Because I was aware and suspicious of the person, but I gave the benefit of the doubt, I believe I navigated the harassment well and it seemed to me that it helped convince people in some cases, that this might actually be going on. In other words, their plan backfired in the case of my FB friends seeing things on my wall.

I also have a long-time Facebook friend who is someone who lives in my community -- just was sitting at a traffic light next to her this month (as she'd gotten a new funmobile that was unique so I 'noticed' it on Facebook and then at the light.) She adamantly was opposed to my opinion and the sharing I was doing. It really irritated her, and she let me know. So I suggested she just turn me off in her feed and stop by to see what I was posting when she felt up to it.

She stated that, for her, she'd thought I had a lot of good things to say before, but now it's all tarnished because I am promoting something that she cannot accept is going on. That is her perogative; back when Lumigrate launched with information about food allergies of the IgG variety which leads to chronic inflammation and causes disease, some people thought it was impossible and turned away as well. EVERYONE has their reality to create in their life here on Earth, and that includes every moment you spend learning (or not) and doing (or not).

I'm 100% sure this is reality, unfortunately; before I was 100% sure, I didn't hop in and have anything on Lumigrate about it. And again, the open, frank and very mature, civil conversation we had on my wall on Facebook helped others learn more about my convictions and I got to express how I was aware it might make some people think less of me and Lumigrate; we're about being outside the box and we've always stayed on 'the leading edge' of what is progressing people along with their knowledge about health and wellness.

But part of the reason people struggle through this subject is that there are a lot of people 'of importance' who have been influenced to think and 'naysay' about this subject. They're perhaps older or for whatever reason not sophisticated yet in terms of how the world operates. Just as many in the medical professions have been lead down a garden path and used to be pawns in the game so that BigPharma and BigMedical and BigInsurance can reap their rewards -- and the doctors were slow to 'wake up' to that, there's been a game here related to what people have been told about this subject matter. So there is a LOT of misinformation out there on the Internet on this subject. There is also a lot of correct information and finding those took me some time, and to learn more in other places (some of which was likely correct, some was likely not), and then realize how relatively solid these two sources are.

They're both from the US, and I've found them to be sincere and credible, which their websites reflect. Sometimes I've seen one of them appearing with information personalities who I don't particularly respect and trust, so I just kept learning and seeing how they operated this summer. I think they're just working in various ways to get their message about this out to as many people as possible. You're kind of limited where you can go to catch people since the mass media hasn't been too involved in this story up to this point in time. (Thought I'm seeing that crack this summer, too, see the other topic thread about Colorado Chemtrails.) 

I've actually gotten to know Russ Tanner a little bit through Facebook conversations, and he's legitimate. I found one item in particular of his that I wanted to set people up to read and he took a question from me and modified to clarify what is at that topic.  I wanted to send you to a topic that was really clear and didn't have anything which would make you 'turn off'. It's up to you what you ultimately believe, I just want you to read things with an open mind and think about it, as with anything. And then go from there. No different than learning about why wheat and dairy might be causing people to have disease without their having realized it. (What? We've been misinformed by the FDA and the 'food pyramid'? NEVER! Haha . What? We're not being informed about this by the government? NEVER! Remember Cambodia in Vietnam 'conflict' time ... we were there and we were lied to about where our troops were. Remember all the controversies surrounding other wars, and terrorist activities or other conficts on US soil even. People don't take on challenges like this one for 'nothing'. All of us out there being 'activists' about geoengineering that I'm suggesting you follow about this are extremely dedicated and concerned about the Earth and everything and everyone on it.)

Dane and Russ have different reasons for 'being in this fight'. Russ, like me, was experiencing symptoms when he discovered the chemtrails/geoengineering where he lived in New York. He looked at moving to an area of Maine where there were no reports and then after he moved, they began there also. Russ turned his attention to developing Global Sky Watch and work on solutions for people related to health and wellness -- that was his profession anyway, producing educational materials. Since he was one of the earlier people 'awake' and involved, he has amassed a great amount of information at his website which includes a lot about filtering the air and things to take and do for yourself which counteracts the effects. He is another 'canary in the cage in the coalmine', as I am.

Dane Wiggington 'noticed' the skies because he is a solar energy entrepreneur. He's concerned about the flora and Earth resources whereas Russ is more the fauna (and people are included in that and are his primary focus). This is how they invite people on Facebook to join them, and I thought I'd share it with you here. Keep looking up! And then look up QUALITY information! Hopefully this helps you get started/continue your learning in an efficient and effective manner and you can have improved health as a result ~~ Mardy  


Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying
Global geoengineering programs are literally ripping the atmosphere/climate, and Earths life support systems apart. The lethally toxic fallout from these same programs is poisoning every breath we take, and the entire web of life. If you think this sounds absurd, or impossible, take the time to examine (it for yourself) thnx Dane Wiggington for and Russ Tanner for


Note, please take the link to the topic thread I created after I'd had more time to explore and learn, it's titled relative to 'Chems 'n' EMs' to make it simplified, and I focused on how it's important for medical consumers AND providers and others to be aware of the effects of geoengineering.  

The link:

June 1, 2015 -- My SECOND anniversary of 'waking up' and 'going down the rabbit hole' was such a wonderful time to see this on Scott Stevens' Facebook showing his opinions based on his knowledge of this, and he 'woke up' in 2004 and got in trouble at his job as a television weatherman for saying things he was figuring / learning about the geoengineering program. He moved to Crestone, Colorado at some point, and we'd had very interesting geoengineered sky symptoms this week, which he did little videos of then posted, which lead to this: "There will be less then 10% (likely closer to 4%) of the people alive today that will survive this coming change. Those that are asleep will die asleep. Let them go. Progress happens "one funeral at a time." It's just that this time there will be mass burials, this is the purpose of JADE HELM to be an advance guard for when this incident happens. Whether it happens because of a fireball from space or they come in the thousands, a dimensional Planet X that just makes an sudden appearance in the sky, or something else...  

But on the other side of this traumatic experience, a great awakening will occur that will set us free forever from that which has kept humanity entrapped since the arrival of the Annunaki nearly a half million years ago. We will finally earned our right to be a sovereign and free race of people with citizenship amongst our brothers in the stars and with an awareness of our connection to the One Creator within the Soul of each one of us. Soul is eternal, and even though many many will leave this theater of existence, they are not "lost"... just on another mission of existence in God’s Universal Body."

^ I really like that. My thoughts are that what the government is preparing for could be to do with the cyanobacteria and interrelated microbes which we're being told in various ways, mainstream and in my case otherwise, is wreaking havoc with the health of humans and everything on Earth, basically. I suggest people find the information I've put in 2015 on Lumigrate about this emerging story. I include the best source of 'what to do about it' that I could find, which is from a 'hillbilly researcher' outside Ashville, North Carolina, who had figured out a protocol to reverse his life-threatening symptoms and then started a Facebook group in 2014 to spread the word and 'teach'.  

You can search on the name Steve Beddingfield. You can connect on Facebook with all of the people I mention on this thread, Scott Stevens was going to be doing something of a website I had thought but I'm not seeing him talking about it much.

Google his name, he's on a lot of interviews and I've found him to likely be an 'expert' who is not being funded under the table somehow like I suspect others are, in order to only have certain things about this vast subject be believed by the public. The 'patriot' / libertarian people appear to me to be part of the official roll out of what they want to be talked about and what not via social media/ Facebook. And they appear to be using a lot of former military similarly. Many of my Facebook friends were eager to connect but only to talk about certain aspects, the other things 'are too confusing' and it seemed they were under the leadership above them of something trickling down telling them what they can and can't post. One even tried to get me to become a mentor as if I was signed up to be in some program teaching new activists on Facebook, which was very interesting. I don't know if she got confused and didn't remember I was an independent, on my own, not part of their group or what. Very interesting stuff.

At any rate, Scott has appeared to me to be as independent as anyone, and this statement above shows that to likely be the case, as he brings up the massive difference in alleged history that actually happened versus what those in control of the world, who he refers to, have created for us to learn from and mis-know our actual history. I was just as under that influence as anyone. In the two years since I woke up and went down the rabbit hole to learn what actually is reality from independent or other sources which present other views and information, and form my opinions which are reflected in how far out I go with information I provide at Lumigrate, for our YOUsers' benefit, I've had literally the 'ugliest' days of my life processing what I was learning and being able to make the shift to being aligned with what Scott says, above.  

The reality of how many people are going to die -- I believe more from health impacts of the cyanobacteria running amok on Earth, and we're dying NOW from that without being told outwardly of the connection (in my opinion) -- is a hard one. How am I going to be prepared? This clearly affects my work, how am I going to adjust? Ultimately I realized I had an advantage over others because I'd had life-long environmental health problems, including long-term pain and fatigue, which I learned not only how to push through but also to listen to, tune into myself, and make the appropriate changes to reverse symptoms and not be dead today. I'm very much alive and fairly vibrant some of the time, always 'okay'/ 'fine'. (I've only started really studying and making adjustments in my lifestyle and doing portions of the protocol for cyanobacteria since January 2015, with good results so far). 

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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