Political Well-Being and Activism - YOU! Model of Lumigrate Applies. YOU! vs. "The 1%"

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 4 weeks ago.

WHAT AN ELECTION CYCLE!  Some were 'upset', others 'surprised', and others, obviously, would be pleased, relieved, thrilled. And, important to note, the world was 'tuned in', moreso from many people outside the US than some inside the US, but overall people were 'into the election'.  I think that was due to Donald Trump having become positioned as a 'celebrity' prior to becoming an official candidate for public office. 

It was savvy, what has been done, really.  Admirably done, as you'd expect with the massive research and development done for many decades now -- generations -- utilized and refined.  Literally endless money, when it's Federal government-related intertwined with the cabal groups that are though to be the 'industrial' component. It's beyond the 'military - industrial complex' term we've been taught about. 

I was intrigued to figure out whether he was part of the elite cabal evil-doing 'monkeys' as I call them, since he was saying he wasn't.  But you can't go by what anything in politics is stated to your face via mainstream, one has to dig and find the truth.  The Truth Movement, thankfully, has a lot of resources online today and much of the Internet is not yet censored. Though that is in jeapordy. 

Personally, I was relieved because I'd put a LOT of resources in the form of time and energy for over a year, learning via the Internet and finding people and sources that seemed credible to me, and worthy of more study time / energy resources. I'd made sacrifices in order to have the time and energy resources to do so, and then to be bringing new information to YOUsers of Lumigrate and those who utilize me directly to help with their learning. 

The election campaigning started long before the conventions of our past times set, and I really respected Andrew Basiago for waiting until the old norm date to announce he would be running -- he would be a write in candidate, in the end.  I decided to stay out of it, in terms of what I might influence online via my website (Lumigrate) or whatever anyone might see from me via Facebook pages and groups. 

It felt to me, intuitively for me personally, to be a time for me to unplug for a while and focus my resources (which generally are considered to be time, energy, money) on things directly pertaining to me and my work, my learning, and what appeared to me to be a major turningpoint in my lifetime, and for the planet and beyond.  

I'll shortcut through and spare the story and details at this point, to simply say that lead me to finally subscribing to Gaia dot com.  I'd stumbled upon a free Youtube or Vimeo video, I believe, with Regina Meredith being interviewed on someone else's show, and relating her story of childhood illness, how she happened into the mainstream journalism / broadcasting arena in California, the creation of a website where she did videos of interviews, co-founded with her then-husband, about the time I was being ushered to move to western Colorado and later start Lumigrate, in 2006-9 the development occurred, but I did it solo. 

But it was very 'guided', and in having watched about fifteen hours now of her interviews with various people at Gaia, I feel like we're on the same team we just haven't played on the same field yet.  I sense she'd appreciate my story if she were ever to be in a position to receive it.

I'm creating this relatively brief topic today in order to encourage Lumigrate's YOUsers to consider studying a resource she had on Gaia this fall for an extended period of time, someone she met in 2001, and admits blew her mind open in terms of how far back the groundwork for who will get to be elected or run for office is established, when it comes to the POTUS / President of the United States. 

The Lumigrate YOU! Model comes into play when it comes to YOU becoming an active, empowered participant in health, for self and any other person or animal / pet / livestock you are responsible for or have input into relative to their well-being.  The model ALSO is appropriate to show how YOU are influenced by those you have connected to you -- in your personal life, in your spiritual life, in your political life. 


             YOU! Model (Example of One Possible Health Team)

Daniel Sheehan eloquently relates in the fall 2016 interview at Gaia's Open Minds series with Regina Meredith, how his life evolved.   His father was the first in his family to graduate from high school -- so Daniel did not come from a family of 'the establishment'.  He wanted to be an astronaut, and his sense was he wanted to be part of interacting with extraterrestrials 'out there' who he might encounter through his work if he were to become and astronaut. 

He relates how he met with his senator, about being appointed to a position to become and astronaut, but that was not going to pan out for Daniel.  The senator suggested he contact his congressman -- which also didn't work out. 

These two data points allowed him, in my viewpoint of the story, to see how the corruption works, and he came up with being a lawyer.  He got a scholarship to Harvard College, then Harvard Law School.  From there, the establishment presumed he'd be wowwed into accepting their deals that suck you into being one of them and away from being one of us, but he didn't fall for the bait.  He didn't spit the bait out impolitely, he subtly went to the tables and talked to them and dabbled around with them, but then swam away -- a free man. 

I'll provide more detail about this later ..... 

Naturally, there's information at the link to the About Daniel Sheehan tab at The Romero Institute, which is where he asks people to connect with him and his causes, but I liked not only learning for the first time about his history via Regina Meredith's interview, but seeing what the details of the story new to her were doing to inspire her reactions.  I'll put that link, below.

Hence, I wanted to include a synopsis here.  Naturally, I hope YOU will go and explore what little is involved in becoming a subscriber at Gaia, subscribe, and watch the interview if this is of interest to YOU.  The cost is minimal in terms of how long it takes (time and energy) as well as cost with money.  

HOWEVER, since many people either won't or can't spend any funds on such a thing, I wanted to lead the way to what I found by doing as Daniel Sheehan asked, and connecting with the Romero Institute's website.  Everybody there gets to particpate, it's a collective process, he says at the very end of the interview at Gaia with Regina Meredith. 

I got tears in my eyes when saw that the roots of the organizations he has been involved with and Romero Institue includes Karen Silkwood's "murder" (with no 'alleged' in front of it) and later lawsuit with a large award in retribution by a jury, appeal, and then settlement by the huge company, without admission of wrongoing. IRONICALLY, her death was on November 13 (in 1974) -- which coincided with when I found my way to the information which spawned this topic.  I suggest you do a little Internet research on Karen Silkwood, in the first two links I chose to read, there was a big difference left in the mind of the reader -- a skewing one way in one case, and a skewing to be leaving it as an undecided case by another.  Both were interesting.....

I'd never put it together that she was 'dropping a dime' on a company a patriarch in my family had a connection to, though he died in the 1950s.  Hanging out in the company they had him managing the building of a new steel mill, with the VP of the country, no less. 

Columbia was the country.  He had the most common genetic disease there is, hemachromatosis, as did my mother, it turned out -- unusual for a woman as it's recessive genetically. Both were alcoholics (so peel the onion and look for the underlying reason alcohol was making them feel better at some point, maybe at some level at all points, while doing it's overall damage), both had a lot of liver dis-ease at the time of their deaths.  Hers was indirectly due to the liver, his was directly.  Point being, his 'partying' as we'd call it today, with the country's VP was certainly not benefitting his health.  And therefore gave me this connection to that industry -- a corrupt industry, certainly, the energy industry and it's surrounding industries to do with growth and development, building, etc.  

As I went into 'the rabbit hole' of truth in essentially mid 2013, I'd many times thought of him, and other family members on both my mother's and father's sides, and what part they played in all this 'monkeybusiness' as I call it -- the monkeys (cabal elite in the shadows) and their monkey businesses. 

I broke into tears needing to be dabbed a bit, as they tumbled down my cheeks, when I read the syllabus for his class at one of the University of California campuses --- they have no required text, to keep costs down, and they have an equal number of seats for people not paying to take the class, who participate.  They don't get to have all the interactions the paying students have, but think about how much that benefits those students! And the community overall, what a linking it is to have those not 'in college' coming to take a class -- this was on one of the many courses he'd taught that have been videotaped throughout the semester and all are neatly organized at the Romero Institute's website.

Below's the link to the pdf on a page at the website for the recent course he taught about "the truth" (my word choice) which I am suggesting people take the TIME and use the ENERGY (and not have to spend any MONEY to go LEARN .... in addition to what YOU can learn from having an inexpensive subscription to Gaia, or in stead of: 

The Trajectory of Justice in America - Rulers of the Realm; The History of "The 1%" and Their Influence on American Policy (Both Overt and Covert) 1776-2016

Lecturer Harvard Law School Graduate Constitutional Attorney Daniel Sheehan



There are AMAZING resources out on the Internet today, and so many of the baby boomers who have reached fruition in their processes to provide content -- I'm on the tail end of the baby boom, Mr Sheehan and Ms Meredith are more in the middle of that era, but in her interview with him, he brings a lot of thinking to his words about the younger generations, the millenials who are up to age 33 now, for instance. 

He has opinions on how to be active today in the political shift, and brilliantly relates how he views extraterrestrials using humans, same as humans use chimps or whatever we've used to experiment with.  We could get involved with some group wanting to have an agreement that's not any more ethical than the 1% are, or we could get involved with extraterrestrials who would be wonderful allies. 

They met at the big disclosure event about extraterrestrials, which occurred in 2001 but was not carried at all by mainstream sources.  However, it's all 'out there' and now that people are increasingly realizing that the TRUTH is on the Internet in some cases, and never in the mainstream places, increasing numbers are finally accessing truth that happened in 2001.  From 9/11 to The Disclosure (via Dr. Stephen Greer). 

It's worth the price of admission, in my opinion, to sign up at Gaia, and it reduces your time looking around through all that's on YouTube because Gaia vets their sources. As a matter of fact, in the interview I'm highlighting here on Gaia, he includes that vetting sources is part of his work with activism currently. 

When he was first hired as an attorney, by the way, he made the deal that half -- half -- of his time could be pro bono, and THAT is what lead to his having the people coming to him for assistance with such great backgrounds in the corruption that he got going in the direction he did and now is where he is, at about 70 years of age.

I have immense first-hand appreciation for this aspect; I was being paid well enough as an occupational therapist to hire an employment attorney, Keith Cross, in Colorado Springs back in 2002, when I had my first big injustice in medical as an employee occur.  Then when the next occurrence occurred, I was whisked into his offices when I called, and he teased through the details and found 'whistleblowing' worthy aspects.  The State Attorney General did contact me but the fraud I'd been punished for NOT being part of at a municipal hospital system was inpatient and they were focusing on outpatient fraud at that time.  But I understand the costs, as I paid the bills per hour to the attorney --- gratefully! I got to 'resign' and NOT BE GAGGED due to Mr. Cross' adept legal input.  

We stand united.  Even when we haven't yet met.

Live and learn.  Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy


Link to the biography tab at Regina Meredith dot com .... reginameredith.com/bio/ 

And I've repeated the link, below the biographical information at Romero Institute about Daniel Sheehan, as well as the biography.  I do this to ENCOURAGE YOUsers of Lumigrate to GO TO THE SITES because they'll see enough of the source that I'm 'whoopped up about' to see why I'm encouraging the time, energy resources to GO and SEE.  Depending upon our devices, and our connections to the Internet, it's feasible or not so much.....



Link to the biography at The Romero Institute about Daniel Sheehan: 


Daniel Sheehan – Leading lawsuits to expose structural injustice

Daniel Sheehan is president and co-founder of the Romero Institute and the former president and co-founder of the Christic Institute.

Carrying degrees from Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Daniel has helped lead more than a dozen lawsuits of historic importance, including three Supreme Court cases. Among the lawsuits Mr. Sheehan has joined are as follows:

  • The Pentagon Papers Case (New York Times Co. v United States)
  • Eisenstadt v. Baird
  • In re Pappas: Branzburg v. Hayes
  • The Watergate Burglary Case (United States v. George Gordon Liddy, et al.)
  • The Wounded Knee Trials
  • Morton v. Mancari
  • The Karen Silkwood Case (Silkwood v. Kerr McGee)
  • The Three-Mile Island Case (PIRC v. Three Mile Island)
  • The American Sanctuary Movement Case (U.S. v. Stacey Lynn Merkt, et al.)
  • The Greensboro Massacre Case (Waller v. Butkovich)
  • The Iran-Contra Affair (Civil) Case (Avirgan v. Hull, et al)

Mr. Sheehan’s legal work has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in the United States and around the world.

Daniel currently lives in Santa Cruz, CA and teaches at the University of California at Santa Cruz. You can view the archive of Daniel Sheehan’s UCSC courses. He is the author of a memoir, The People’s Advocate.



the biography of Regina Meredith, from her website: reginameredith.com/bio/



The early days:

Regina’s media career began as a ski reporter while living at Lake Tahoe for NBC affiliate KCRA-TV in Sacramento, California, the nation’s first television and radio ski report from an independent roving reporter.  Her first studio reporting job was in Sacramento and here she is on her first ever show.

Early TV set







NBC Sports:

NBC reporter 1statsCatching the eye of senior management, she was quickly offered a position as one of the first women to enter the world of television sports broadcasting on NBC and riding the wave of women on the sports desk, she was hired to co-anchor weekly football coverage in New York at NBC with Bryant Gumble.  She commuted weekly from her home on the shores of Lake Tahoe to “30 Rock” (NBC’s studios at Rockerfeller Center) and worked on the weekend show.

Sacramento: KTXL, KXTV & KVIE

Regina KTXL
Taking a break to begin a family, Regina re-emerged in the media as a news anchor at KTXL-TV News in Sacramento.  Dissatisfied with serving up bad news for dinner, Regina made the decision to take her career in the direction of more avante-garde programming
Choosing to raise her son near family, Sacramento became the home base of her production company LuminArt Productions where her first project educated the public on more Regina Envireportenvironmental options in the home in a news feature titled ‘The Envireport’, which aired on the nightly news at KXTV-TV in Sacramento.

These short features on the environment were followed by a full length documentary titled “Sierra in Peril” for PBS affiliate KVIE-TV.

Regina produced and wrote this critically acclaimed documentary, which aired nationally and won several awards including 4 Emmy nominations and a win.

PBS: Regina’s Vegetarian Table

regvegbookregintlbookAs a result of her relationship with PBS, Regina began producing one of the world’s first vegetarian cooking shows titled “Regina’s Vegetarian Table”, for which she wrote two companion cookbooks – ‘Regina’s Vegetarian Table’ and ‘Regina’s International Vegetarian Favorites’ both available at ReginasVegetarianTable.com.

You can watch all her cooking show episodes from the TV series on YouTube.

RVT aired for 6 seasons throughout the United States, Canada and Australia, introducing new production elements to the world of televised cooking shows and talking about healthy fats and oils.

Conscious Media Network:

cmnbannerAs Regina’s career progressed, so did her decades long exploration into the world of esoteric and hidden sciences – the reality beyond the 5 sense world.  Guidance from these realms suggested it was time to bring her skill set to the world of video/televised media, so in late 2004, along with her husband Scott, she co-created ‘Conscious Media Network’, the first online network to feature full length original video interviews with authors and experts in the realms of the meta-physical, healing arts and alternative theories, opening up a world that many had experienced but never had access to on this scale.


In 2012, Conscious Media Network merged with Gaiam TV in 2012, with Regina serving as anchor in their new media division on Open Minds and Healing Matrix.

GaiamTV was renamed Gaia in November 2015, where Regina continues to conduct interviews to the present day.

regina meredith on gaia

Regina on Gaia



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 4 weeks ago.
Re: Political Well-Being and Activism - YOU! Model of ...

A Facebook friend, who was a classmate of mine in the occupational therapy program at CSU posted this today and it caught my attention and moved me to post something.  Which was appearing to me to be censored by whomever is censoring people like me on Facebook.  Since I was editing what I posted (which means it posted initially) to include the link to this topic at Lumigrate, when I could no longer post it, per the message on my screen, I grabbed what I'd written and decided to add it here.  This is what the post said:

This is a post from a longtime friend of my family's close circle back in (homestate in the midwest). Please read and take heart in her message. She speaks for millions of people!

"Just for the record, I am the face of Foward Health, yes Medicaid. For those who don't know I AM A WIDOW AND MY COBRA RAN OUT. REMEMBER YOU ARE ONLY ONE DEATH AWAY. No one and I mean no one even considers this. I WILL NOT HAVE INSURANCE and I am only 50-55.

THIS COULD BE YOU; you're fired, diabled, widowed, get dropped for a health issue; like a car.......this could be you! This country will have millions of medical bankruptcies. My husband's care was a half a million, I just paid off the $30,000 that wasn't covered. So shame on you America if you vote for this while lining your pockets, you're an abomination!

I am the poster child of self employment and my husband traveled for work for 18 years and was never home. As he and I worked our asses off, I deserve what I get! We even gave up having children because we were never home due to our hard work.

So save all the political pontification, you who are whining about not having this "hand out" can trade places with me anytime. Don't forget to block me on Facebook, but keep my number, you'll need it when they dump you too. Oh and did I mention...this could be YOU?????" 

This is what I tried to post as a comment, that, as I say initially posted and then when I went in within a minute to add a link, I could no longer re-post it. 

Great reminder .... In my 3rd job after graduating as an OT (with you -- fun times, do you remember I opposed some of the things to do with the graduation and so watched from the stands rather than get into color-coded uniforms (caps and gowns) after all the curriculum time tied up talking about not discriminating about color of skin and so on?) I would have to hire an employment attorney for the first time. I was 42, had been working since I was 19 (from 13 to 18 I worked for our local lawyer-turned state house representative child-caring his 2 kiddos) and had never had the problems I had in mainstream medical as an employee.

In that situation I was initially PRN and one of our classmates had been hired at the same time to have the full time, benefitted position. I did not know who it was who I was place-holding for full time at a facility in Colorado Springs where a contractor had 2 SNFs, did not know until they arrived and I saw their face -- oh, you're my classmate. Then I was off to the other facility to cover for a young OTR who'd had an injury while lifting a patient. I ended up, being needed 40+ hours a week there for a long time before she was to return to work. In the mean time my phone rang every Sunday about 8 from our classmate, needing to talk about the situation she was in at the facility I'd been at for a few weeks until she moved from another state for the full time position they offered her.

Soon the manager of us had the idea to flip flop us, but that meant I had to go to the fussy facility with the problems that I was helping process about on Sunday nights for 1-2 hours. To lure me, they offered me medical benefits and a full time position after 90 days (as they had to put me on their policy and there was a 90 day period to wait). I was on COBRA from my last job with benefits and it was running out -- I'd had some health issues and it took me 10 months after leaving that job to be up to working. You'd know I had a relapse when in OT school as well, perhaps.

So the switcher-oo worked for the companies involved and our classmate was over at the happy camper facility merrily working and getting benefits in 90 days and I was probably having to call her on Sundays to process the messes. Anyway, after 90 days I asked about my promised insurance and "oops, we forgot to put you on the policy .... we did it now, so in another 90 days..."

In the mean time it's important to note, in the period of time I was at the happy camper facility full time, I'd badly injured my left ankle one evening (a Sunday getting Chipotle) and was at work by 3 pm the next day and it was no more of an issue than if anyone had sprained/broken an ankle and was working as a therapist, we worked around. So at the end of my 2nd 90 days the contract company I worked for sent me the insurance /health questionnaire form and I filled it out honestly.

And then they rescinded the deal for a benefitted job and offered me the $ to pay for health insurance. But with what I had diagnosed you couldn't get insurance, you were considered an "automatic knockout" if you applied for insurance. I had a joke about the last time I'd been called a knockout, and so I guess it's nice to be some kind of knockout... the insurance CSR appreciated the humor. I was only applying to get the declination letter in order to get the 'uninsurable persons' insurance offered in Colorado at the time. Expensive, lousy coverage through United Health, but if I didn't work to my capacity could get it half price for being low income.

I felt that a deal was a deal and their being 'self insuring and not wanting to take the risk of insuring you due to your medical condition' was pretty bad considering I took a risk to go work at their problematic building and save the contract for them just because the people there 'liked me' and I could go off of our classmate's excellent documentation and clinical experience in wheelchair positioning since I had none and she had. Oh, yes, I'd insisted on being trained in positioning before the flip flop agreement and they brought in a nice gal who did that kind of thing and we all had a one hour lunch and learn and that was technically sufficient to meet my demand, they felt. Reminded me of how we asked for changes in curriculum about wheelchair positioning, upper extremity therapy and splinting and were given something minimal that 'sufficed'.

United Health just took over Rocky Mountain Health Plans. The Med Dir of UH became the new Med Dir of Rocky in 2009. Grand Junction, Colorado is more a hub of health reform than people realize. I had the good fortune to be offered a job in 2003 there and took it, just feeling I was supposed to move and do that for some reason beyond me and guided. So I'd end up working for half of the entities that are involved in what is clearly laid out to roll into nationalized health care. In the mean time, so many people are being caught up in the scripted playing out of the mainstream medical reform. It's not health care reform, if they cared they'd not have put us through what we've been through. I'm sorry for anyone who has to endure this as a worker in the industry and as a consumer, particularly if one has health issues of significance.

I'm working to be part of the solution. And it was guided to me in 2006 that I would be. My website was to arrive on the Internet finally, overdue, in 2009, and it makes a little contribution to the overall. Seeing these things is a daily occurrence on Facebook due to what I seek out via FB for groups and learning and connections. But it's uniquely moving when it's someone who my buddy and classmate Mark knows significantly. I hope my comment is of value to someone ~ We're in this together, we're going through it together, and the solutions will be from us working together as well. I LOVE that you said YOU!! -- it's the cornerstone of the foundation of my website, here's a topic about it that's relatively recent.

And here's the link I was trying to add, to this topic:


Hang tight everyone.  Live and learn.  Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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