The Package Inside of YOU. Free e-Book and Thoughts to Get Started

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Judi Larson BASW CACIII SLC's picture
Judi Larson BAS...
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: May 18 2011
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User offline. Last seen 13 years 30 weeks ago.


While sitting in my bedroom this afternoon contemplating on an E-book I plan to write for my website/consulting business, the following thoughts took hold of me. Inform people about "packages". When you arrived into this world you came in a package filled with pure love and innocence with a purpose to fulfill.  The package might be large, small, long, tall .... it really does not make a difference, they all have a purpose to fulfill.  

However do to the fact that life is not always fair, events in your life began to influence your purpose. Events such as abuse, adoption, loss of a parent, or maybe you only had one parent to raise you; it could have been your parent’s were alcoholics or drug addicts. On the other hand maybe you were raised in a home where you thought as a child life was great, dad worked, mom stayed home with the kids and everyone in the family was happy.

Whatever the case was for you something in your childhood may have detoured you from your purpose. By the time you were an adolescent life was not as happy and joyful as it was as a small child. As a young adult leaving home for the first time, maybe entering college or marriage and/or a career, for sure these events would bring the answers!

This is what life is all about right? It might have been "wrong" in your case. Life sure did not feel like it had a purpose. Events started showing up in your life, things like addictions, depression, eating disorders, failed relationships and divorce. Maybe a gambling problem, sexual abuse or health issues to name a few. When a person experiences this sort of trauma in their life they also carry with them a great deal of shame and guilt. If you are a person who carries a great deal of shame in your life, guess what? Without intervention you are on a journey in life that will eventually kill you.

If you identify with this, remember that shame is toxic; it does not carry with it any life. Shame is negative energy full blown. If you suffer with any major health issues more than likely shame is the cancer in your emotions that is keeping you from your purpose.

I will let you in on a little secret. There is hope you can still live your life’s purpose and have the life you always dreamed about. Here is the secret: you need to open up the package and look inside. This is where you will find the gift. Like I said before, you are here to fulfill a purpose. The gift inside the package is you.... yes, YOU!

The journey you have been on has brought with it many roadblocks, pain and heartaches. These painful events in your life have kept you from living your life’s purpose. You see as a child the event’s that took place in your life left you with negative core beliefs. These core beliefs reside in your sub conscious, they have been influencing the decisions you have made in your life.

Now I am not saying all your decisions have been wrong. I am saying your core beliefs are keeping you from living your life’s purpose. You will not be able to live a life where you feel alive, motivated, happy and successful until you discover these core beliefs. Once you discover them you open the door to the truth. How do I know this? At one time, I was not living my life’s purpose either. In fact, at one time in my life I almost left this planet as it gave me no reason to continue to live. Then I began to uncover my core beliefs.

It changed my life totally. Today I am living a life I never dreamed possible. I am living my life’s purpose. Let me give you some examples: When I was an adolescent I would ask my father to help me with my algebra and he told me I was stupid and would never amount to anything because I did not understand algebra. When I graduated from high school it was my parent’s wish that I enter college. I did not follow their wish. Why you might ask? In my thinking I told myself I was stupid; remember, my father told me I was stupid. I was not going to prove him right by failing college. This was a core belief I told myself as a result of my father telling me I was stupid.

I am not blaming my father, I am just pointing out a core belief that went into my sub conscious as an adolescent. Can you see how just one core belief changed a positive experience I could have had into a negative one?  I have one more example for you from my past.  

I was the oldest of three daughters born to my parents. When I was a child my father was an alcoholic, though I did not know this at the time. It was when I started to work on my life that I came to this knowledge. Living in a home where my father had a drinking problem affected my mother also. She was always depressed, she did not talk to me, I told myself there must be something wrong with me, and I am not good enough for her. This was another one of my childhood core beliefs. Just this one core belief affected me negatively in many ways across time for a long while.

I was shame-based and became a people pleaser, caretaker, thinking for sure people would see me as good enough. My parents were not capable of meeting my emotional needs because they were struggling themselves. This left me feeling unloved and unwanted. So as a child I had to learn to meet my own emotional needs and keep myself safe. How is a child capable of meeting their own emotional needs? It's not possible, right? I went into hiding to keep myself safe. As my life progressed, I can reflect back and see where I became a person who did not trust people. I became a controlling person; if I was able to figure out how life would turn out by being in control, all would be great! Wrong again, another level of negative energy taking place in my life.

I could go on and on, it’s not about me so I will leave you with those few examples how not changing your negative energy keeps you from living your life’s purpose. Today I live my life from positive energy and I choose daily how I want my life to be. Until you begin to open the package which contains the gift of you, life will continue to bring you suffering and less than what you deserve.

You see you are created from energy, everything on this planet is created from energy and everyone and everything is connected by energy. If your energy is filled with negative emotions you attract negative people, events, thoughts and circumstances into your life. Feelings are energy in motion. When your energy is filled with positive emotions you attract positive things, thoughts, and events into your life.

Because I took the risk to look inside the package of my self and get to know the gift of me, I was able to identify my negative core beliefs and work through my pain. This has changed my life so dramatically that I want as many people as possible to open up their package and find their gift and live their life’s purpose. You see we are all made of energy and if I help you to have positive energy and live your life’s purpose, you in turn affect someone else’s life in a positive way.

I am so passionate about this that I am giving this e book as a free gift to you; this is how much I believe in my gift to help you change your life forever. (Note: We are still in the process of putting things together so let me know if you'd like to be made aware of the e-book when it's available or keep checking back, I intend for it to be ready soon.)

I also want to share with you some questions you might want to ask yourself when reading and processing the information in the e-book.

  • Are you a person who is carrying around a great deal of shame and guilt?
  • Do you tell yourself if people really knew you they would never hang out with you?
  • Do you have a need to be in control to feel safe?
  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • Are you a workalcoholic?
  • Do you find it hard to relax, and feel stressed all the time?
  • Do you drink too much, take to many pain or other medications?
  • Do you have one failed relationship after the other?
  • Do you always tell yourself you are too fat and ugly?
  • Are you depressed, lack motivation, missing too much work?
  • Have you been divorced and see yourself as a failure?
  • Do you keep your guard up around men because of how they have abused you in the past?

If you can answer 'yes' to any of these questions, then you are reading this for a reason. I once could answer 'yes' to many of these myself. Today these things are all part of my past. With our combined efforts, my coaching and counseling will set you free from all of the above mentioned issues. I know people have told you before they could help you and it never happened. That is why I am offering this information to you.  I was one of those people that did not trust people. Too many people promised me things and I ended up with more pain and problems than I already had.  Ask yourself what you have to lose; it could not get any worse than it already is, right? I have been helping women just like you and me for twenty years now; I would not in business if people were not seeing results.
Let’s talk and see if we are a good connection for each other. Maybe you have something I need to learn from you also. 



Judi Larson loves living in Palisade, Colorado on the east end of the Grand Valley of Western Colorado. Her formal education includes what is reflected in the 'initials' after her name: Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Certified Addiction Counselor - III, and Certified Life Coach. Respectful that education is much more from life, she believes "The best education I have received taught me 'To Thine Self Be True' and 'Nature is my friend', which is represented at her website if you follow the link to

Judi Larson BASW CACIII SLC's picture
Judi Larson BAS...
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: May 18 2011
Posts: 7
User offline. Last seen 13 years 30 weeks ago.
Details about getting the e-book

Mardy's Note: When the e-book is complete, Judy'll have space here that's 'saved' for her to let us know the specifics of what it's called and how to get a copy.  




Judi Larson loves living in Palisade, Colorado on the east end of the Grand Valley of Western Colorado. Her formal education includes what is reflected in the 'initials' after her name: Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Certified Addiction Counselor - III, and Certified Life Coach. Respectful that education is much more from life, she believes "The best education I have received taught me 'To Thine Self Be True' and 'Nature is my friend', which is represented at her website if you follow the link to

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Re: The Package Inside of YOU. Free e-Book and Thoughts ...

Judi, thank you for providing this.

What you say and how you say it, Judi, really makes sense to me and resonates with my past and present.  How is that saying about today being the 'present' because it is a gift to do with today?  I've always liked that saying. 

Thanks again for being here! (In all ways, on the planet and on Lumigrate and everything in between. We're in this together, eh?).  ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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