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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.

This is a very much under construction topic at the moment, please check back and don't share this link yet until you see this warning gone as the link will change when I make a better title. ________________________________________________________________________________________

I'm looking forward to receiving my ozonator today. One of my very own, which I can take and demonstrate to others, and use wherever I am to lessen the toxins in my surroundings or going into me via liquids and foods.

In 2015 my focus so far has been on bringing the highlights of the results of work coming from a man in the hills of North Carolina, who I thankfully encountered in August of 2014 when doing outreach on Facebook when looking for sources of cutting edge information about "Lyme disease" and activism around that labeled group in the environmental medicine palate. 

Steve Beddingfield is his name, and he invited me to join his group, Steve's Images, and at this time there are only about 60 people who have been in the group longer than I have. Several of them are now administrators, one who joined a month after I was included is also an administrator, and all are good teachers. There was a lot to learn. A lot to process, and a lot to bring to the pages of Lumigrate.  And a lot to 'apply' in my own environment / "home".

I was underway with the complement of information at Lumigrate seeming complete, preparing to return to more of a focus on in-person education, because I had thought the information at Lumigrate was about complete for what most people would be wanting and needing if wishing to be a Lumigrate YOUser, or potentially having me guide them as a health information conceirge directly. But what Steve was teaching in his group lead me to see 'the root cause of "our disease" --- the one disease/disorder we all have in various ways and quantities' was 'the core'.  

Steve has administrators who are helping to convey the information to others in the group, and one I called PosterGal at Lumigrate (I removed all names aside from Steve's from anything I was cherry picking from the education going on in the group to provide at Lumigrate). It was her 'rant' at Christmastime, that alerted me to something big having gone on. She'd uncovered a patent trail that substantiated that the one non-natural medication used in his antidoting protocol is known by medical research and development companies and individuals to be effective on 'everything from A to Z'.  Everyone has 'this stuff in us' and hence that is ultimately the core of the onion of causation. It is the root of the matter as to why we got whatever symptoms of unwellness we have. 

Looking at the Lumigrate onion model of layers and the outside to inside layers with something in the very very center helps us to visualize and wrap head around and make the paradigm shift necessary.

©2012 Lumigrate                                               I'll provide you with a link to more about this.....

...Here's a topic that I created later in the summer which is more introductory and 'applied' to "THE Stuff" that is in the environment which we're addressing with a variety of techniques. Simplifying it to call it THE Stuff, even!

www.lumigrate.com/forum/stuff-interloping-and-overwhelming-everything-examples-and-ideas-remediation-our-immediate-env    This includes photos I've taken in the kitchen doing things myself. It's true one has to learn something thoroughly and then teaching it helps you learn it more thoroughly. Taking a picture, which is worth a thousand words, also is an additional step in the process.  


The protocol that Steve Beddingfield promotes is basically like a tripod, there are three components. We all know how a tripod is simple, strong and sturdy.  A three legged chair doesn't tip, etc.  I like it because of the simplicity with three aspects.  However, each aspect is a facet unto itself for learning.  This topic about ozone is part of what I'll provide to address that facet, as one of the three aspects has to do with ozonation of liquids (most importantly consuming and using cleaned up, safe water) and solid things that can be ozonated. Things which are hosting a lot of microbes can be ozonated.

"Load theory" is one of the concepts we've presented at Lumigrate from an environmental medicine MD who provided content in 2010-2012 or so.  Load theory as we drew it up graphically in 2012, uses weighing down of an elevator to demonstrate the concepts in a similar way to the "full barrel syndrome" model that Lumigrate started with in 2008/2009 based on seminars presented 'in house' in a holistic medical center that started up in 2008, where I had office space and the recording studio for the videos we launched with.


©2012 Lumigrate                                                                  ©2009 Lumigrate    

Even in our formative year on the Internet, I had respect for the people with chronic illness and considered them 'medical experts' in their own right.  I attempted to connect with certain ones, all women it turned out, to have them writing on a regular basis.  I looked for articulate, intelligent, wise and also not 'angry' and hostile, realizing they'd grown and benefitted from their challenges, yet wanting to solve the underlying problems in ways 'outside the box'. Steve Beddingfield would be one I'd have asked, as well as his inner circle of admins, and have done so with several. Steve prefers to spend his time doing the research. He then appreciates people bundling that up and getting it out to people who can be helped by what is related. 

I believe in the holistic, integrative medicine concept of addressing 'mind, body, and spirit' -- again something presented with three facets, similar to the protocol Steve Beddingfield developed to address 'the stuff that's causing us all to be unwell in various ways because we all have this stuff in us'.  

In my in-person work, the the first new person I was advising in 2015 surprised me and immediately ordered an A2Z via Amazon, where shipping is free. It turns out, they had an ozone machine for the air running for years in their home! And they'd even almost gotten into selling the units, via a multi level marketing company.  I was surprised when the A2Z product arrived within 24 hours, on a Saturday.  

The unit  was taken out of the box, the little instruction manual read over, and then the unit was set aside for about a week. This was a person with a complex situation so I was in-house every day facilitating things along.  This was someone who had never identified their family and own issues as being part of complex chronic illness, nor 'environmental illness'. They were only in the last year making the massive shift away from conventional American food consumption, and currently focusing on organic and home made, including baked goods.

I got to work almost daily for two months after the ozonator arrived and I got to see what a process this is for someone who is having to take in information slowly because it can be overwhelming thinking about what's getting inside of us.  Everything from what is tracked in from the outdoors on shoes, to what is in the soil when gardening to laundry (see other topics in this forum). Processes are slow with some people to integrate in something new like ozonating dry ingredients that would go into making baked goods. Everyone goes at their pace, they have other things on their plates taking up the time and energy that it takes to study, contemplate and make change.  So I elaborate on this aspect at this time in order for YOU to think about what your priorities are and act accordingly. 

Ironically, at the time the first ozonator I was an instigator in having arrive was sitting there yet unused, in Steve's group people happened to discuss their trepidation about using the ozone machine, and generally they related that it was about a week before they got the 'nerve up' to start. So the one I was helping in-home (using my Mardy PopIns/ Poppins health information conceierge service was simply being 'normal' and 'average' for someone who has impaired body/brain/spirit function due to this stuff we all have in us affecting us all in similar yet different ways.

I took note of this and realized how much guidance 1:1 people are needing.  In the two months I was asked to provide information guidance and oversight, input and opinion, that person only used the ozonator for water which was consumed in food and drink. They went on to utilize other portions of the protocol and then to help their adult child get started on it, which was nice to see the way they went about that --- starting with the ozonated water after the added oxygen dissipated out, then starting some supplements, then some recently ozonated / high oxygen water, then going on to the medicines.  Overall there was improvement in the primary aspect of the young adult's functioning, which was behavioral/ cognitive. "This makes me feel more like I think I'm supposed to feel naturally" was the comment I heard on my last visit with them. Their brain had gotten more congruent and they were 'noticing' things they hadn't noticed before, things on their skin that would substantiate and be in line with information Steve produces about what's making people have the symptoms we all have. 

This family had an ozonator for many years for the air, which was always running in the home, so they even had that familiarity with this innovative technology that I'd somehow missed all these years.  I got enough experience with the ozonator with water, felt it was helping me and I was getting comfortable with it -- it's not something to be used by people who don't have enough cognitive clarity. So this becomes a concern, naturally. Attention and focus and good functional cognitive processing are always evaluated in occupation therapy to determine safety. Ozone is no exception.   

So I ordered an A2Z by going through the company. I only did that because I have the website with education and wanted to form a relationship and check them out, so to speak. It arrived on Wednesday, and I'd ordered it on Friday, taking the full three days that Federal Express, ground, gives. So I'd definitely suggest ordering through Amazon unless you have a reason to do otherwise.  I opted for a refurbished unit.

I was impressed, the marketing person I spoke with was very helpful and has a lot of experience. The woman who answered the phone had a good grasp of what ozone is about and said she was also in charge of the blog on their website, which I wanted to find but have not been able to locate.  I did find testamonials and some had good information to relate for YOUsers learning, so I'm going to transfer some here.  

I'm looking forward to having a new person I've been asked to work with and help learn, who also ordered a unit. They preferred new. So we can start from the beginning and I'll create the information at this topic to reflect that 'learning curve', below, in comments. 

Here's something PosterGal said in Steve's group which highlights WATER, as well as there being recognition of this problem that Steve's research focuses on as far back as 1985. Hence, I thought I'd add it here.

"A smoking gun if ever there was one. From FDA. This is dated 1985. They still primarily use LAL for testing of endotoxins in bio med products. They are having much more success with TLR's (human receptors) but expensive. Most contaminants it says, from WATER and yes that likely includes vaccines.

They also mention endotoxin tolerance, 1985, long before anyone claims they really understood this phenomena. I would be sharing this with every autism Mom. The water. " www.fda.gov/…/InspectionTechnicalGuides/ucm072918.htm


I am transferring what I believe to be the most important information from the Steve's Images group to topics in Lumigrate and always giving credit where credit is due to the group and the members BUT aside from Steve, I change the names to pseudonyms. I also make editing changes to make things more readable and understandable to those who find the information at Lumigrate.

One of the women who I reached to in 2014 when trying to learn about aspects of this, and who thankfully mentored me the later part of 2014 (and ongoing when I need and ask) had this to say about ozone recently:

"(I) take no medications or supplements within 2 hours of active ozone water. Take only antioxidant supplements 6-12 hours apart from active ozone. Foods high in antioxidants will be cancelled out by ozone when ingested too close together.

Drinking ozonated liquids 30-60 minutes before and 2-3 hours after eating will prevent stomach pain or distress. Active ozone is used as medicine to kill pathogens.

A common practice by veteran ozone practitioners is to drink 1 quart of active ozone water first thing in the morning each day, and only once per day. All other drinking water is then processed distilled and ozonated but NOT active with ozone. Regarding probiotics, I'd take those at bedtime to benefit best from them.

Eating within 30-60 minutes of drinking active ozone is just fine. Medication and supplements need a 2 hour window away from ozone, with the exception of any anti-oxidant supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, some of the B Vitamins like B-12 and folic acid / folate (B9), alpha-lipoic acid, manganese, selenium, zinc, amino acids like L-carnosine and N-acetyl cysteine, L-taurine, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10.

Ozone is oxidizing and will cancel out the effects of anti-oxidants, therefore it is recommended to keep these 6-12 hours apart from ozone. The small ozone generators used by this group (A2Z) are absolutely beneficial and safe to use when processing clean drinking/cooking water, and purifying air such as in a vehicle or bathroom.

Drink only purified water, preferably distilled that has been processed with ozone. (The O2 dissipates out leaving pure, safe water that is H20). Drinking active ozone water" has an inhibitory and killing effect on most pathogens and will indeed cause a Herxheimer reaction. Therefore starting out at a low dose of 4-8 ounces is recommended. The amount of active ozone water may be increased to 1 quart, or to your tolerance and desired effect."

This same woman had said elsewhere that 'let's not drink rust' when reminding people that ozonation is oxidizing the minerals in the water if a person were to ozonate water that's not distilled or reverse osmosis with the minerals removed. Apparently cold, distilled water will best hold the oxygen from the ozonation process. 

POSTERGAL had said this, also:

"Ozone is completely safe yes, and this (A2Z) machine yes. Medical grade, not sure what (the person asking the question) meant by that; if you are thinking of using this to decontaminate your house like a hospital with A2Z, no, this model is not made for that (Mardy's note: but the company makes many and larger units, this is the smallest and least expensive).

For purifying water, cleaning food, a 300 sq. foot area, yes. Any effects are likely more die off in you than the ozone can then effectively neutralize, just not enough to do both. Just drink the pure water end product until you don't experience Herxing from drinking freshly ozonated water. Only then does it work for detoxification. Some people are so infected the minute that oxygen hits their gut, they vomit.

A Herx or flu-like symptoms are your clue to your load of infection..... Don't drink freshly ozonated water until the level comes down and you can handle it (and then drink it with the afore-written guidance from the other group member/admin).

Just drink pure water, which does wonders in and of itself. Our other goal with ozonated food and water is addressing chronic exposure. No one is likely to ever get well if one just keeps reinfecting themselves daily by using tap water" (or other non pure water)(and consuming foods which are high in the offending organisms -- again, my/Mardy's note).


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Aqua6 Model from A2Zozone

Above, you've seen that I've talked about the people I learned about this company and product from and how I've started integrating it into my daily routine AND teaching of information as a health information concierge in 2015.

The highlights of what you'll find, to encourage YOU to take the link and go see their website of other products and information is:


First, some things from their Applications tab, the link is:



Let's get to the FaQ's!!

The application and benefits of ozone can be used everyday and in surprising ways!

Hand washing:  Instantly ozonate your tapwater when washing hands and doing dishes (check out our Aqua Touch) 

Water PurificationThe unit produces different concentrations of ozone for sterilization, disinfection, removal of impurities from decomposition and oxidation, removal of residual chlorine, oxidation of heavy metals, and clarification through oxidation.

Produce:  Rinse fruits and vegetables for neutralization of residual
 pesticides and fertilizers, and to kill surface
bacteria and virus.  The flavor is fresh and vibrant and the preservation period is greatly extended.

Meat and Poultry:  Rinse and soak meat and poultry in ozonated water to kill salmonella, E. coli and other harmful microbes, as well as to neutralize residual hormones. Preservation time is increased 2 to 5 times.

Fish: Rinse and soak fish in ozonated water to kill microbes and remove fishy odor.

Beauty:  Use ozonated water for washing, shampooing and bathing, to remove skin bacteria and activate epidermal cells.

Daily UsesUse ozonated water for daily disinfection of clothing, dishes and tableware, baby's toys, etc.

Oral Hygiene: Brush teeth, rinse mouth, and gargle with ozonated water to freshen the breath and prevent oral diseases such as gingivitis.

Pets: Use ozonated water to bathe and disinfect pets, remove fur odors, prevent growth of skin bacteria, and reduce flea breeding.

Floors: Use ozonated water to clean floors in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and toilets to prevent bacteria and mold.


Why choose ozone for your daily needs?

One of the most miraculous things about ozone is that after it destroys germs and bacteria it reverts BACK TO OXYGEN, meaning no hazardous or chemical byproducts.  


Is it safe to use in my home? 

  • Our in-home generators are designed to produce just the right amount of ozone to effectively sanitize your water and air, but not strong enough to exceed recommended EPA levels.  The current EPA standard for in-air ozone is .05 ppm.  Ozone also has a 20-30 minute half-life in the air meaning that its' concentration will break down quickly.

Will ozone destroy mold and mildew?

Again, our answer depends on ozone concentration.  To effectively remove a strong offender like mold or mildew- you absolutely need a very high level of ozone for maximum saturation of the mold.  Industry standard and research suggests that 5,000mg and higher is a fairly effective amount of ozone for shock treatment.  Again, this amount depends on how severe your damage is, shock treatment can include anything from mold and mildew removal, to pet odor, to smoke damage.  Our air ozone generators, the Air-7000 and A7K are shock treaters, these units produce 7000mg/hr ozone output and are not designed for everyday household tasks like the Aqua 6



 About the Aqua 6 unit/option from A2Z:


Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator

$ 69.99


The Aqua 6, 600 mg/hour ozone generator is a light-weight, portable unit that can assist you in every room in your house!  This unit is exceptionally easy to use and reliable, and has been our best-seller for nearly 10 years.  This unit includes a timer with 15 different settings designed for the particular function you need it for.  
Special Features:
  • Functional Timer with 15 settings for different applications
  • Two 36" polyurethane tubes for ozonating
  • One fine white diffuser stone 
  • One coarse grey diffuser stone
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Wall-Mountable
  • One-year full parts and service warranty
A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Ozone Generator and Fruit
Typical Applications:
  • Water purification (drinking water by glass or gallon, bathwater, small pools, etc)
  • Treatment of Fruits and vegetables
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Air purification (releases small amount of ozone into room for freshness)
  • General disinfectant

Technical Specifications:

Model:  Aqua 6
Power: 110 VAC 50/60 (10 W) Hz OR 220/240 VAC 50/60 hz (12 W)
Ozone output: 600mg/ozone per hour
Weight: 1.7 lbs/.8 kg
Dimensions:  11l x 8w x 3 h (inches)

Parts Included:

1. Ozone machine
2. Operating manual
3. Two sets of long tubes for ozonation (36 inches long each)
4. Two short spare tubes for internal replacement if needed, 1.75" and 2.75"
5. Fine white diffuser stone 
6. Coarse grey diffuser stone
7. Spare Fuse  
30 day money back aqua 6one year warranty aqua 6


Some of the highlights I think most applicable here from their many favorable reviews from consumers are:

This product is not designed to run longer than 20 minutes at a time. Because of this, it really isn't designed for Ozonating air or oil. It also doesn't have a fan on it, so I personally wouldn't buy it for Air purification purposes, UNLESS you are trying to kill the odor in a very small space, like a car. It says in the user manual that oil needs to be Ozonated for hours in order to actually hold any ozone, and since this machine is only designed to run at 20 minute intervals, it really isn't practical for oil, although, technically it can be used for it.

This product is basically for purifying water. However, after reading opinions from users on this product, its very clear to me, that most of the negative reviews it received, were from people who were trying to use it for air and oil purification. Again, these people must have failed to actually read the user manual. Because all of the issues stated in the negative reviews, were addressed already inside the user manual.


This product works EXCELLENT for purifying water .... if you're looking for a machine to ozonate your air or oil, keep shopping.


MIGHT I ADD YOU MIGHT SHOP AT A2Zs website as they have larger units.  Call them if you have questions. 

I bought this ozonator to help cure Lyme disease and it has been very helpful. Because of the O3 molecule, you have free oxygen immediately, and this helps to oxygenate our cells, but also the free atom is actually poisonous and kills all kinds of pathogens including funguses.

Before buying it I talked with an MD who is an authority on oxygen healing at our local hospital and was told that for the purpose of drinking the ozonated water it will indeed kill pretty much everything including not only borrellia and candida but also bartonella (which is aerobic and typically grows in the presence of oxygen). 

It can also help to reduce Herxing because it reacts with toxins and helps your body excrete them. She said ideally to pulse it -- take for 3-4 days and then stop for the same period and take antioxidants to normalize functionality. Don't keep taking it every day.

It did do this reduce Herx for me on a lower setting. On a higher setting drinking a full glass of water I did herx because it was killing too much at once, but it is a great combination with Rife machines for curing hard to kill 'critters' and quicker and fewer side effects than antibiotics. I am thrilled with it!

And for one more -- there are another 45 at their website, please go look:

This is a great little ozonator. I am using larger ozonators in several commercial restaurants to sanitize produce and to eliminate mold, but wanted a smaller unit for my home. Easy to use and puts out sufficient levels for personal use. Couldn't find a better value anywhere - great job

 And they have GIFT CARDS at this link: www.a2zozone.com/collections/all-products/products/gift-card

So I hope this has been a good starter 'comment' for anyone interested in purchasing, or using, ozone, and in particular the Aqua 6 from A2Z Ozone. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Applications of Ozone to Foods

 Ozone Solutions is a website I wanted people to know about.  The company has a blog which is managed by employees, this is what is said at the following link, about their blog: 


This Ozone Journal is a blog managed by the employees of Ozone Solutions. The purpose of this blog is to inform and educate the readers about the world of Ozone, provide news about the ozone industry, and have an easy opportunity to inform about new ozone products.

Check back often, ask questions, and let us know if there is anything you would like to hear about.


And here are, as of early July 2015, some of the more pertinent topics they have for the YOUsers of Lumigrate. As soon as I was learning about this 'stuff', I could see how we do best by doing more of the preparations in our homes and use ozone UNLESS we know that a manufacturer of a prepared product does so at their factory.  From this blog, what is ozone is answered:


Ozone is an oxidant. Ozone (O3), sometimes called “activated oxygen", or "triatomic oxygen", contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms we normally breathe. Ozone is the second most powerful oxidant in the world and can be used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and odors.

Ozone is a gas at ambient temperatures and pressures with a strong odor. Ozone can be produced as a gas from oxygen in air, or concentrated oxygen. This ozone gas can be dissolved into water, or used in the gas phase for a variety of applications discussed in this Journal.



For stored grains:



Ozone for Stored Grain Fumigation

Posted by Kaleb Jensen on March 13, 2015 under Uncategorized | Be the First to Comment

Grain Remediation is a growing topic and rightfully so.  Chemicals like phosphine and methyl bromine are heavily used to protect stored grains from pests. Because of concerns on using chemicals in the post-harvest stage there have been several non-chemical pest control techniques. Use of temperature, heat treatment, and physical exclusion have been among these non-chemical alternatives.

Ozone is among the green non-chemicals which reduces mold spores in grain and kills stored product insects. Ozone reduces mycotoxins and different toxins in the grain and makes them safe for human and animal consumption [1]. Ozone reverts back to oxygen when it is used in grain storage so there is no residue or remnants of ozone on the grain.

Ozone is generated on site so there is no need for a storage tank. For a suitable ozone concentration, contact time is the key for the ozone fumigation process to be successful.

If you want to learn more about how you can keep you high yields in your grain storage facility, contact us at 1.712.439.6880 or email at info@ozonesolutions.com.



[1]. http://www.ozonesolutions.com/journal/2014/removing-vomitoxin-don-ozone-grain-peanuts/

By taking that ^ link, you'll find this:


Removing Vomitoxin (DON) with Ozone in Grain and Peanuts

Posted by Kaleb Jensen on August 15, 2014 under Uncategorized | Read the First Comment


Deoxynivalenol (DON), commonly referred to as vomitoxin, is a mycotoxin that may be produced in wheat and barley grain infected by Fusarium head blight  or scab. Fusarium head blight may infect grain heads when wet weather occurs during the flowering and grain filling stages of plant development. DON causes feed refusal and poor weight gain in some livestock if fed above advised levels.


Human food products are restricted to a 1-ppm level established by the FDA. This level is considered safe for human consumption. The food industry often sets standards that are more restrictive.

Moist ozone is able to remove 90 percent of the toxin, while dry ozone is capable of removing 70 percent of the toxin [1]. Other studies indicate total DON removal using ozone [2]. The study indicates that there is no change in properties before or after ozonation.

DON will not be killed by temperature, being resistant to heat in the range of 170 C- 350 C[3]. Therefore frying, boiling  or cooking the wheat, corn, or contaminated peanut will not be helpful. Spraying grain with chemicals can be harmful to the product, as the grain may absorb some of the chemicals. Ozone provides a safe alternative for disinfecting grains and peanuts.

 Fruits and Vegetables:



Ozone Use on Fruits & Vegetables


The Problem: Fruits and vegetables will carry bacteria and mold directly out of the field, which reduces shelf life and can cause serious health issues. While nearly all food processing facilities rinse produce with clean water, rinsing alone does not adequately sanitize against mold and bacteria.

ozonating potatoes

Typically the minimal oxidant present in the water rinse (usually chlorine) is quickly consumed by the bacteria and mold leaving significant contamination behind to spread to other produce in the processing line. The resulting spoilage quickly leads to lower profits.

Select bacteria can also cause serious health issues if ingested by humans with weak immune systems, specifically the young and elderly. Contaminated fruits and vegetables can quickly put a produce company into a situation where it is the subject of front-page headlines across the United States.

The Inquiry


Clients will contact Ozone Solutions to design and manufacture a turnkey ozone injection system that will increase shelf life and increase product safety. The majority of clients want a low maintenance, low cost ozone system with a small foot print. They desire to spray ozonated water on the final rinse to attain complete sanitization.

The Design

Ozone Solutions designs a turnkey ozone system that integrates with a customer's existing water supply. The "hands off system" automatically maintains a preset dissolved ozone level and requires very little human oversight. In the event that ozone exceeds a safe level, an incorporated ozone sensor will terminate ozone production. 

The Results

After installation, the ozonated produce has a longer shelf life and less spoilage occurs during transit and on the customer's shelf. In fact, many companies can achieve a 20-50% reduction in spoilage, which results in a very rapid payback, higher profits, and a significant reduction in the possibility of a headline-grabbing public health issue.


 The link that has MUCH about food at this website, again, please GO to the SITES I suggest and CONTINUE your EDUCATION: www.ozonesolutions.com/journal/category/ozone-food-2/

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Ozone and Odor Removal; Hysterical Skunk Story

Ozone Solutions should give this customer some sort of reward for this story, because it makes their website ever so much more interesting to read, and demonstrates how people are using ozone for removing odors (and bacteria, molds, etc.) as well as the customer service that comes with contacting the company with the situations people are having. 


I remembered when my cat was an older kitten, about the size of a skunk 'mama', a baby skunk was following us back to the house as I was walking the cat on the leash in the yard after dark. Had I not have been in the habit of closing the patio door RIGHT behind us, the little cutie pie would have been in the house! Wow, was that a surprise and I stopped walking the cat after I couldn't see anything after that. (I have always had poor night vision, which lead to my not liking the dark as a young person).  

(The cat had 'the disorder we all have' with symptoms that would essentially be considered autistic-like, becoming violent in episodes when her brain got triggered and went into a seizure-like attack (and then be out of it) mode, requiring her euthanization before she was even four years of age).  I really enjoyed the story at the link and hope you do as well.  It lets you know how a consumer is using ozone to solve an odor problem in their house as well.

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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