Organic Diva

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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I thought I'd go ahead and post this here and hope that Ann Garrity or someone will start a new Topic about Organic Diva and contribute in this section for others to learn and potentially be helped in a streamlined way to buy if they so choose. ..... Thanks! Be Purty Outside and In!  (and healthy!) ~~ Mardy

To members of Organic Divas
Ann Garrity February 20 at 10:20am Reply
Consider it a Valentine that arrived a little late, darling. From now until Midnight Tuesday, February 23 enjoy 20% SAVINGS STOREWIDE on the most popular non-toxic personal care products around.

Use promo code: febfbdiva at checkout to SAVE 20% STOREWIDE.*
*Some exceptions do apply. Not good with other offers.

This is unpublicized sale for members of our Organic Diva Facebook community only. Savings will be extended to all new members who sign up for our community prior Tuesday, February 23.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

abemer (not verified)
Re: Organic Diva

The Organic Diva website has been a tremendous aid to me as I research what beauty products are safe for me to use.  I was recently diagnosed with estrogen positive breast cancer and thus began my search to do everything possible in addition to my standard treatment to make sure I'm not putting my body at risk for any cancer recurrence.  Ann Garrity at Organic Diva is a great resource and the information on her website and in her email responses have been extremely informative and helpful. Previous to my BC diagnosis, I struggled with Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder (MCTD), which was causing me chronic arthritis pain and fatigue. I'm excited to have found a site that can help me with both issues. Not to mention, I've been very impressed with the products I've ordered and used. It can be quite overwhelming to maneuver through all of the claims that beauty companies make - even the "natural" ones. I like the idea that Organic Diva screens the products so that I don't have to do all of the work. I highly recommend checking Organic Diva out and taking advantage of the sale!

Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
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Re: Organic Diva

 At Minneapolis Radiology in Maple Grove, MN we have partnered with Organic Diva to provide our patients a comprehensive health option in the form of our Girls Night Out, an evening out with friends for a mini manicure, screening mammogram and a visit with Ann Garrity, the Diva herself, regarding how to choose healthier skin care and makeup products.   THis event has been hugely popular with our patients.

Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
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Re: Organic Diva


I'm a concerned consumer and was blessed when I came across Organic Diva! This is by far the most comprehensive online store providing safe, toxic free products. As a daughter and niece of breast cancer survivors my radar is up! I’m trying to be an advocate for both myself, my own daughters and girlfriends. I’ve been burned too many times by products that I thought were “safe”. The Organic Diva “Deadly Dozen” list has taught me otherwise and now I have the confidence to question so-called safe brands. This site has brought me peace of mind and has become a tool for me to learn, connect and purchase products of high quality from companies with high integrity!  Thank you Ann for all that you are doing to keep women safe and healthy!

Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
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Re: Organic Diva

Organic Diva has helped me find the perfect products for my ultra-sensitive fair skin. Many brands claim to be safe, but I have learned through Organic Diva which products are truly non-toxic and free of harmful ingredients. Whenever I choose a cleanser, sun screen or lip gloss from the Organic Diva Web site, I know I'm getting something that not only keeps me looking my best but also respects my health.

Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
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Re: Organic Diva

I am a huge fan of . They are consummate researchers, and it shows!  They only carry clean products on their site and the criteria that they use to determine this is so important.  Before a product can be carried by Organic Divas, they use Skin Deeps website to determine toxicity, they requiring companies disclose their ingredients, they have product testers (diva's) across the country, and they must sign the Compact for Safe Cosmetics to be carried on their site.  Items on their site are continually evaluated for ingredients, they never stop! I don't know if those girls sleep!!! 

I use them in my teachings with women going through fertility treatment.  Organic Divas helps to provide an education segment of Fertile Grounding Yoga, the women that I work with are amazed with the depth of information. We are working hard to clean up our bodies to optimize our fertility and Ann Garrity and Organic Divas are such huge partners in helping us see what is important to pay attention too.  The studies linked to toxicity and it's effects on the reproductive system are shocking.  We are so grateful to have a partner in this research, and a place to help us find products that will be great options for our bodies through our fertility, our lives, and our families lives.  We are so grateful for the Divas' they are not just an amazing beauty stop, but a healthful stop, with amazing integrity.  

Organic Diva's We love you!!!!  

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Re: Organic Diva

Thanks to Ann Garrity and her passion towards raising awareness of the importance of using clean, non-toxic skin care products I am now sharing her message and website with all of my friends and family.  As a woman who has suffered from a diagnosis of hormonal inbalance that has lead to my own infertility I am doing everything I can to advocate the use of clean products for myself, my sisters, nieces, and girlfriends.  Finding clean products is not an easy endeavor.  I know when I visit I am provided with a comprehensive listing of products that are healthy, effective, and easily accessible.  Thank you, Ann Garrity, for sharing your research and providing me with a resource that helps me maintain my goal of healthy living!

Bikram Girl
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Re: Organic Diva

It is really scary and confusing to try to figure out what is non-toxic in the world of cosmetics.  Thanks to Ann Garrity's Organic Divas, there is guidance on finding the cleanest products available in the marketplace.  Trying to research all of this on my own was VERY overwhelming -- this website was the first resource I found that was clear and very helpful.  I tried the organic food stores and even found the words "natural" and "organic" used incorrectly there so needed information I could trust.  Organic Divas does an incredible job of making products available, but also educating people as to why the chemicals in cosmetics are harmful.  It is an awesome website--easy to shop and VERY FUN to read.  It is clear that the founder has a passion for sharing her experiences in a way to help others.  This is such an awesome site -- -- these products are worth every penny.  The knowledge gained here is precious and priceless.  

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