No Zinc, No Think. Becky Plotner at NourishingPlot Has That Right! Zinc and B6: Behavioral Through Outwardly Physical Symptoms

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Emotions and copper; people who are violent have copper 'issues' at work (think verbal and emotionally violent and not just physical, perhaps). This is one of the key things presented at NourishingPlot. Zinc is the other, and has a long and varied list of symptoms: depression, brain fog, acne, body odor, knee pain, alterations of the fingernails, grinding of the teeth, patches of no hair or hair loss, pyroluria / pyrole disorder, anemia, angina, hypertension, anorexia, bulimia, cavities of the teeth, herpes (and susceptibility to other viruses), urinary tract infections, obesity, paranoia, PMS in women, and tumors are the things mentioned in this topic at the wonderful blog I wanted to direct YOUsers to.  You can see below, about the blog's creator and how she got into this, and her successes with nutrition for her son who was 'on the spectrum'. 

I wish to interrupt about her blog article and say just a little about 'the spectrum'. Many MANY more people have characteristics of "autism spectrum disorder" (I prefer to call it 'the autism-like stuff) than are diagnosed. I remember one coworker I've had in the past, amazing person, who was saying "I have strange eye contact because I was raised on a reservations, I'm Native American," This was 8 years ago, I only got the memo about 6 years ago about the high numbers of successful scientists, engineers, physicists, and businesspeople, etc., who are with autism-like stuff! My source? A schoolmate, whose father was an engineer and whose son had autism-like stuff, she was a science person and she was, informed. She was a teacher person and so she taught me. 

There are specifics about the alterations of the fingernails, too, you'll see below as well but I wanted to include it here too: "White spots on the fingernails, ridges in the fingernails, splitting down the nail and misshapen fingernails are all signs of a zinc deficiency."  Please refer to the article, below, and the links to go see the source site.  

Zinc and B6 are critical to many aspects of what goes on inside the body, which includes the brain and everything connected. The neurotransmitter that most people are aware of is serotonin, due largely to the numbers of people who have been prescribed or learn of others who are prescribed SSRIs, which selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and thus more is circulation in the nervous system. Melatonin is something most people are aware of but might not know all the things it does in the brain/body.  

GABA is a neurotransmitter that most who have addressed chronic pain that would fall under the category header 'fibromyalgia' know that Lyrica and it's predecessor, generic name gabapentin, know of GABA's functions.  Some are perking things up, others are calming things down.  Aceylcholene is also something which is connected with zinc and B6.

The article I'm providing here for Lumigrate's YOUsers to link to and learn from cites a Greg Emerson, MD, a holistic Australian physician who specializes in Lyme, parasites and mold. Lyme is now so intimately interconnected with the neuro-endocrine disorders such as 'fibromyalgia', as well as a host of others: MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lewy body disease, Alzheimer's, which I have provided topics on at Lumigrate. And to bring things full circle, it's generally considered that kiddos present to these doctors with signs of autism and Asperger's, and adults present with fibromyalgia and things under the Lyme umbrella. (As it's usually an intermingled, complex mix of bacteria, viruses, biofilm, food addergies and sensitivities causing inflammation responses, electromagnetics, radiation, and all the 'environmental exposures'. Mold too. Yes, complex stuff.
So I'd been busy the last years creating Lumigrate and providing what we had to offer to people wishing to learn, and our content was getting pretty completed, yet I felt there was a 'missing link'. I'd noticed in working with patients who had complex chronic illnesses like this that they didn't have the usual family systems surrounding them, and this was the case for me personally. I then started seeing people who I lived nearby and who knew others I knew and started seeing that families that didn't had maybe only one person diagnosed and treated for one of the 'overlapping conditions' had the same mix of behavioral and social problems that the patients who had been formally identified and referred to me in the past had.
So I was scouring the experts I had access to, Lyme advocates, patient advocate teachers, everyone on Lumigrate and nobody had any information. Some hadn't really noticed it, but I noticed that patients who had other conditions that were similarly serious and debilitating had these families with the usual family dynamics you'd think of for 'healthy families'.  Why are the others not? This had been really 'spurred' in 2011 when someone with one of the conditions, who lived locally, ended up hospitalized and a friend was asked to contact me and a very intersting situation evolved after that. There were actually three cases in my part of Colorado that I was involved with in one year, and then three the next year. What was going on? Where's the missing link!? 
This spring I knew I'd found that 'missing link',  to explain the connection between behavioral health issues and chronic pain, fatigue, etc. which are these 'overlapping illnesses' I mention, above. And that was methylation issues and in particular "pyroluria" or pyrole disorder it is also called.  I was shocked that the majority of non-pharmaceutical reliant providers I know (ie 'holistic', 'outside the box') were learning of pyroluria / pyrole disorder  from me and Lumigrate! What's awry with where they get their education that they're prevented from knowing about pyroluria/ pyrole disorder? No matter really why, I'm just glad that Lumigrate is finding the missing links and filling in the holes, and provides all our YOUsers, professional or amateur health information seekers, with the information.
 Important to note: They were ALL aware of zinc deficiency, and B6, just not of the massively different "pyroluria / pyrole disorder". I'd been found low on zinc by the first MD who I had that was aware of it, but I only supplemented a normal amount, not the amount one would for pyrole disorder. And I had many of the symptoms -- going back to my teen years! the nails, the skin spots, the stretch marks, the side stitches, the tics (I began gently pulling the hair behind my left ear when I'd write, for instance. So this was, to me, the 'Mother Lode' item I'd been looking for. And 10% of people overall have it!  Just think what the overall % of people is with B6 and zinc deficiencies that are in the 90% who don't have the genetic / familial pyroluria/ pyrole disorder?   
I built topics right away that had an "integrative approach", with the various provider types (psychiatrist, naturopath, nutritionist, etc.)  who educate online about pyrole disorder / pyroluria. I felt that it would need substantiation by these various experts 'backing it up' because it's so unbelievable that something that affects 10% of people overall, and in some groups of patient types up to 80%, is being overlooked.  
So seeing this blog article being shared today on Facebook by a German physician who is very progressive naturally piqued my interest. As I read, the article seemed really great, but I was not really hoping to see 'pyroluria' included, but it is! So I wasn't about to let this go past one minute without grabbing it up and creating a new topic for our YOUsers. This is such a great article to show the many conditions that can be caused by zinc and B6 being low for other reasons than the person having pyrole disorder / pyroluria.
This, to me, is one of the bigger health topics today to promote and be sure everyone you care about is aware of it. I have done that myself, and it's simply up to each person to look into it and decide if they're going to be active about it or not. Willful ignorance is pervasive in the people I know. But, then we get into the question -- if their brain is so goofed up they cannot process things, are exhausted, or aren't dealing well with reality because --- of the nutritional deficiencies affecting their brains, how do you help them get help? No Zink No Think, as the title says! 
So here's the link, they have great photos of the fingernail symptoms. So please go to the site. And such a great title! No Zinc, No Think. I commend Becky Plotner for this July 12, 2014 article and those who share things around on social media so that we know they're there. Please read at the site about her, and how her blog works and how you can connect with them on Facebook should you be inclined to use Facebook.
I hope you take a look around NourishingPlot as well. Just remember we're still here at Lumigrate, helping our YOUsers lessen the load for finding valid, progressive information in a streamlined way (by being able to turn to us on a regular basis to keep up on new information or if you have a specific question about a health / wellness topic we might have covered). 
As usual, I will be providing bits from the article to pique your interests and YOUsers will know if it's something they should go 'take the trip on the link and see the sites' as I say. In the case where there are photos or videos at the source site, showing that there's MUCH MORE if you go to the source while providing the overall of an article will likely increase the odds that someone will go to NourishPlot to see all the bells and whistles. 
That is, after all, what I'm wanting -- YOUsers to find other great websites for information, and those websites to benefit from our wonderful YOUsers heading their way. Which supports them and allows them to continue to provide this kind of content. Please read about Becky Plotner being a mom who had a son with autism / Asperger's and what she's doing with her blog, how they can make a little money if you shop through them at Amazon, and how to connect with the Facebook to get updates from them. 

No Zinc No Think


Serotonin is the hormone that makes us feel happiness. Melatonin assists hormonally with sleep and circadian rhythms. GABA is a hormone responsible for relaxation. Aceylcholene is a memory molecule.

Zinc deficiencies are always present in those with violent behavior, Dr. Greg says.

He adds, “Copper is the emotional mineral.”Dr. Emmerson says, “Zinc and copper are like a seesaw. When zinc levels go down copper goes up. As zinc goes up copper goes down. High copper is a disaster for the thyroid.”

High copper and low zinc has been connected to tumor formation and post natal depression. To bring it down use vitamin C and zinc. Other symptoms are tiredness, an overactive mind, PMS, hormonal swings, migraine headaches, depression, craving chocolate, avocados and nuts.

Low zinc is evidenced through signs like knee pain, grinding of the teeth, patches of no hair or hair loss, brain fog, Pyroluria, acne, anemia, angina, body odor, anorexia, bulimia, cavities, depression, herpes, hypertension, susceptibility to viruses, obesity, paranoia, PMS, urinary track infections, tumors and alterations of the fingernails. White spots on the fingernails, ridges in the fingernails, splitting down the nail and misshapen fingernails are all signs of a zinc deficiency.

Again, please go to the source and see the photos! Link:

Beneficial aspects of detoxing are sweating, food sources of vitamin C from a local farmer who does not treat with pesticides, and medicinal clay like zeolite or bentanite clay as well as detox baths like sea salt, Epsom salts, sea weed, baking soda and apple cider vinegar.Natural detoxing can be done through juicing as a supplement. When juicing, it’s best to take it with a dollop of home brewed sour cream and an egg yolk to increase healing cholesterol impacts and prevent blood sugar swings, according to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Other good sources for detox are ginger, turmeric, glutathione, dandelion and dandelion extracts.

A red blood cell zinc or a plasma zinc test will show levels appropriately. Click here for a zinc test, an assay (affiliate link). Set one teaspoon in your mouth, if it tastes like water or has no taste, you are zinc deficient. If it has a bitter taste so bad that you need to spit it out this shows adequate zinc levels. If you are zinc deficient you are copper toxic. Taking zinc will bring up the zinc and bring down the copper.Microtoxins have the ability to damage the myelin sheath affecting autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, depression, bipolar disease, and if you have a severe zinc deficiency on top of it the potential for an infection is higher.

Foods high in zinc are oysters, liver, pumpkin seeds, tahini, Alaskan king crab and lamb. Zinc levels can be tested more in depth by clicking here.  

*If you would like to receive further posts from this author go to the Nourishing Plot Facebook page linked by clicking here. Once there, “like” a hand-full of articles so future posts are uploaded into your Facebook newsfeed.*If you learned something from this post share it so others can do the same. To support the efforts of this blog shop the affiliate links above like this one. You pay the same shopping through Amazon while the author receives a small referral fee from Amazon. This offsets the costs of this site.

*Nourishing Plot is written by a mom whose son has been delivered from the effects of autism (asperger’s syndrome), ADHD, bipolar disorder/manic depression, hypoglycemia and dyslexia through food. This is not a news article published by a paper trying to make money. This blog is put out by a mom who sees first hand the effects of nourishing food vs food-ish items. No company pays her for writing these blogs, she considers this a form of missionary work. It is her desire to scream it from the rooftops so that others don’t suffer from the damaging effect of today’s “food”.

Other sources:

AND there are two videos she includes at the site: Pyrole Disorder Predisposes to Yeast Infection is the title of one, and there is another video as well... So as I've said, please go via the link as see the site! This was an excellent topic and leads YOUsers to a great resource. 

The link to the topic at Lumigrate that's the 'main topic' about pyroluria / pyrole disorder, which has a link to the first one (about addictions) (in different forums):


(Added Nov 13, 2014) ANOTHER great blog site I found is RadiantLifeCatalog dot com, via a fabulous Facebook group that's about iodine deficiency as a focus. Facebook is like school --- who you sit next to in class, your friends, and what they're talking about has an impact on you. What classes (groups) you get into affects what you learn.  The "About" tab at RadiantLifeCatalog's website explains that it's a family business with others helping with running the operations in Santa Rosa while they're on the road promoting their supplements/website business.

Husband and wife met in high school, she became an RN, he an entrepreneur and MBA guy, and she was being a stay at home doing the work of raising children when she had a medication side effect that was of significance. They'd been doing what they thought was proper health care, and presumably that was mainstream, organized medicine -- they then got onto the natural, functional medicine path after that, and it lead to their creating this family owned and operated business.  Both children and their spouses work with them and are on the road when they go around to various locations promoting Radiant Life.  It's a beautifully written About and has lovely photographs too, so I encourage a trip to go see. 

This topic is titled about a simple DIY test to determine if you're zinc deficient, BUT has a great overview about zinc, and even great comments underneath. When I saw it, the last comment was from someone who had said they've felt better since stopping drinking coffee because of what's in coffee in terms of another mineral they'd learned also competed with zinc for binding sites.  SO maybe my going to decaf (successfully for the first time in my life for longer than a few months, I believe due to understanding more about why it is harmful but also having changed my diet and supplementation upon my new understanding of my individual needs) was not enough.   I'll look forward to if she has a topic on that as she said she'd look into it AND naturally, I can hit the Search engine too.



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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