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Marianne Williamson's Passionate Speech About Activism in a Peaceful and Productive Manner
Marianne Williamson provided a short and motivating speech in May (2013) at the rally in Venice, California for March Against Monsanto. I saw it shorly after it was posted to YouTube and that is where I learned of there being a movement to march against geoengineering and chemtrails. Within days it was June 1st and I was outside doing the summertime outdoor cleanup -- washing the outside of the house, including windows, pruning, etc., and 'noticed' at the end of a VERY long day, the planes that had flown over. How could you not notice?
That is when I woke up about geoengineering. I woke up earlier than is ideal (difficulty staying asleep) two days later and thought 'GREAT, I'll go for a hike/walk before it gets hot out', and went but just was 'off' from a cardio/respiratory standpoint and returned to the trailhead in short order. Then later in the day I 'noticed' I simply felt really 'out of it' cognitively -- I 'connected the dots' and realized that I'd been having symptoms for a while for no apparent reason... because I'd not woken up yet about these geoengineering, despite seeing some 'chemtrails' and a little information about it and just shrugging it off as nonsense. Or 'something to look into sometime when there's time'. I currently believe geoengineering is a HUGE deal, and warrants our attention.
I want to direct you to this website's coverage of Marianne Williamson's speech, because they embed it right there for you to watch but they also transcribed it into readable. So I've included the words written out, below so you can read them over, for Lumigrate's YOUsers' ease, but please follow the link to RunningTheCountry and watch the portions of the video that resonate. It's a neat website and group, I think, you might be interested in other things there!
I'd certainly suggest watching the last five minutes or so, of the video also, if your time is limited (ideally watch the whole thing). She gets fired up! Hear her give the phone # to the White House. Hear the passion in her voice but with the wisdom and centeredness that are her literal 'trademark'. Seeing someone as influential and knowledgeable as Marianne Williamson get into this Monsanto/Geoengineering debate influenced me in May, and then, as I said, on June 1 (and since, most days this summer), this is what I saw!
Link to RunningTheCountry (please go there and watch the vidoe AND look at their website!):
(For our YOUsers ease, I am making this more readable and popping out for the areas that I think will be most of interest to our YOUsers with a little bolding. The more important information about taking ACTION (in a very simple way -- phone call, takes five minutes or less typically -- is near the end). Also, the transcription of her talk was done by robotics I think and so I've edited it to read more readily, but everything's kept to being her exact words and message, just very different than their transcription of the verbatim. If you hear her speak you'll know what I'm saying ...
The food movement has been an entry point for a lot of people. A lot of people who are very upset about what is happening with genetically modified food, but in many cases do not understand the larger context in which this is all occurring. And what this cannot be, in order to really make a difference, is just one march, one day, when everybody got all excited, and came to places like this, and had signs and .... you know, "Yeah, yeah, we’re gonna do it and march around the city." I assure you, that of itself does not make Monsanto’s legal team scared.
So let’s talk a larger context, because as in any non-violent movement, some education is important ..... because in any situation, really knowing on deep levels why you’re here and what the real problem is does everything to really make you effective. And also, we’ll be talking about the things that, if you do not understand these larger issues, can make you in yourself so disconnected from what it’s all about that you wouldn’t sustain a movement anyway.
There is a larger problem than just Monsanto. We begin with that. Monsanto is only one. There’s Bayer, there’s DuPont, there’s Dow and other chemical companies who are involved here. And it’s a larger issue. Not only is it a larger issue than just Monsanto, it is a larger issue than just GMOs.
The large issue is a huge multi-national corporate matrix that has sucked the soul out of American capitalism, has turned the U.S. government into its own cash cow, and, if allowed to continue, does nothing short of threatening life on Earth.
Now for us to understand the hugeness of the issue, it is important to understand that it’s about much larger than one industry, it’s MUCH larger than one issue. Okay, but if you truly allow yourself as an American to recognize what I just said: huge multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporate matrix...... Okay, you got that..... .... has sucked the soul out of American capitalism. What do I mean by that?
Well, before the 1970s, there was a general consensus that capitalism was based on a basically ethical social contract, that value was created, value was created for the customer, and that there was an ethical responsibility to create value for the customer, and also some ethical responsibility to the workers in the corporation.
As of the 1970s, there came to be this economic revolution of sorts where the consensus shifted, and the consensus shifted to the notion that the only responsibility of the corporation is to create a profit, it’s own bottom line for its own shareholders. Period. And that became a new corporate ethic, or a new corporate non-ethic, because it took American capitalism and completely disconnected it from any ethical center.
And by the way, this is not inherent in capitalism if one creates value. I’m a writer. I write a book, I poured whatever creativity I have into that book and you feel that it’s of value to you, and you pay me a dollar, then we both leave in a win-win. But if I see you only as "how can I make a buck from you, how can I make a buck from you", then it puts me in a completely different psychology. Really, how can I manipulate you? How can I screw you? How can I do anything just to make the dollar?
Okay. Then you add to that the fact that in the beginning of the 1980s, with a president who thought deregulation of corporations was the answer to all of our problems. So you had this huge deregulation, this explosion of deregulation that began in the 80s. And that has, in its own way, continued unabated, no matter who’s been president in its own way. So this is form, this is what you have in the movie Avatar, where in Avatar it was a magnificent cartoon characterization of what’s going down on this planet, where the government was basically in service to the corporations in their search for, as they put it in Avatar, "Unobtainium".
Okay? And so what has happened is that as we have completely got a situation now in which the government which has, from its beginning, been about balancing the needs of the people with the economic freedom, instead of being there as the kind of watch dog to make sure corporations do not exhert undo influence. Instead, because of the complete lack of public financing of our political campaigns, and now particularly with Citizens United decision, we now have a situation where, in order to get into office and to stay into office, both main political parties need the money of these corporations. This is more than a "toxic brew". And it’s more than the chemical companies with our food. It’s the oil companies and their determining their influence on our environmental policies. It’s military contractors and their influence on our military policies. It’s prison builders and their influence on our incarceration rate.
So this is a much bigger issue than just Monsanto, and it’s a much bigger issue than just food. And if we meet it as people, and anything less than the realization of the huge issue, then we will not be effective in the ways we desire to be effective.
Okay. Now where do you go with that? So you say you allow yourself as a human being and as an American to take in all that, and to go:
"Huge multi-national corporate matrix that makes billions of dollars sucked the soul out of American capitalism, now uses the American government as its cash cow, and which, if unabated, will continue to cause extraordinary amounts of unnecessary suffering on the planet and possibly destroy the whole thing within the next 200 years."
So you allow yourself to take that in. And it’s hard to take that in. It’s hard to take that in, because if you go, then you go, "If that is true, if it is that big . . . Whoa! Whoa!" And this is why a non-violent movement is holistic. It takes every aspect of who we are to deal with this. Because if it’s any less than the totality of our humanity, we will go into fear, we will go into cynicism, we will go into denial, we will go into anger, and then they’ve got us. Because the only power which is great enough to triumph over a situation that is truly this dire, is an awakening among whole people.
Now, Gandhi and King talked about this. This is what the philosophy of non-violence is about. As Gandhi called it "Satyagraha", he called it "Soul Force". But it can’t just be intellect force. It can’t just be a few marches force. It must be Soul Force.
Now, I’d like to take for a moment a little bit of historical context why women particularly, .... our issue related to GMOs. Before the advent of early Christiandom in Europe, Pagan culture prevailed. And Pagan culture was one in which there was recognized a divine partnership between humanity and nature. And women particularly, what would later be called "the witches", the wise women, except there was nothing funny about what was done to those women. They held aloft the rituals in their communities that kept people in a sense of divine sacred partnership with the Earth and with the sky and with the rocks and with the trees and with the rivers and the lakes and the oceans. Those rituals were significant. They aligned all of us, meaning all of who we are with that sense of sacred partnership.
With the advent of early Ecclesiastic Christiandom at that time, there was, among other things, inaugurated this huge dispensation which held that humanity was given nature as a gift by God to do with whatever it wanted. And so this twist of divine perception, this maladaptive perspective that we can manipulate nature, we can use nature, it’s okay to dominate nature. Now, the best that that perspective can come up with is that we are to be like stewards of nature.
That’s important because, once again, what this conversation is about is our being effective. If we do argue the Biblical injunction that humanity should be proper stewards of nature, that will get you your right-wing Christians and Biblical crowd. If you really want to get something done, make sure that that’s an opening in your mind and in your heart. Not just to talk to people who agree with you, that’s not how you build a movement. Martin Luther King said, “You have very little morally persuasive power with people who can feel your underlying contempt.” And Gandhi said, “The end is inherent in the means.” Only if we are doing are own work, will we be able to rise collectively to a place where this can occur.
Number 1. When those quote unquote "witches" were destroyed, when Pagan culture was thrown over, all of the women, all of the Pagan cultural perspective which held divine partnership in Nature, was destroyed, ...was hidden for many, many years.
So I just want to say that for those of us who are women, we do have a particular cellular memory of a time on the planet in Western civilization where our taking a stand, not for the domination and the manipulation and the abuse of Nature, but for divine partnership and proper care and love and emotional sacred connection with Nature. This is one of the reasons we were born, this is one of the reasons we were born before when we understood it, and it’s one of the reasons we are here today. And so today must be just the beginning. And that is what we want to recognize within ourselves.
Progressives tend to love a good party. We tend to show up for the sexy times. We tend to show up for the presidential elections, but we don’t care so much about the quote unquote "lesser important". Let us remember, ladies and gentlemen, there are scores of corporate lobbyists, including the lobbyists for people like GMO, and let’s face the fact here, the true fact is that President Obama is even worse on this issue than George Bush was. Monsanto executives are high in the FDA, Tom Vilsack is from Biotrade.
One of the most important things that you can do, but none of this would have happened if the American people had not gone to sleep. So let us all be really clear, let us all be really clear, after the Constitutional Convention when a woman asked Ben Franklin, “Do we have a republic, Sir?” He said, “Yes, if you can keep it.” Which means that every generation ..... you know, in the Jewish religion it says that every generation must rediscover God for itself. And every generation of Americans must rediscover what the American government means, what it’s about. And if you don’t know what it’s about, and if you do not stand on the belief that when it’s good, it is a blessing.
You know, I had a friend who lives in Dubai in town with her little girl. And there was a gay pride parade. It was last year, and we went to some event connected to the gay pride event down in San Diego. And this little girl, she wasn’t so little, she was about thirteen, her mouth was just like "this" the whole time, like .... because, even though she’s American, she’s raised in Dubai; never in a million years could gay people in public having an event celebrating gay pride.
It’s very, very important with a nation, just like with an individual, it’s really important when you’re looking at your mistakes and you’re looking at your problems, it’s important to remember you don’t do everything wrong. Just as it’s important when you’re looking at what you do that is right, for somebody to be there to remind you, yeah, you don’t do everything right either.
The United States was born in a contradiction. The main signers of the Declaration of Independence themselves were slaveholders. So we have always been a contradiction. We have always been a contradiction between these extraordinary principles of life and liberty, which are no small things, which enable us to even be here today, which enable you to do basically whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
We were born out of the contradiction between that and the fact that from the beginning, the genocide of Native Americans, the slavery of Africans, of refusing women the right to vote, the lack of civil rights for Black people in the south before the 1960s. But it has always been the narrative of American politics. It has always been the narrative that there have been those who have wanted to expand the embodiment and the manifestation of our principles and there have been those who wanted to withdraw our commitment, our national resources. Twas always thus.
But you know what, let’s not forget this: In the longer historical arc of the United States, this is not the first time we have deviated from our ethical center. This is not the first time that we have deviated from the principles on which we purport to stand. But let’s not forget, our tendency historically has been to self-correct.
The great American dream started with those who, in the founding of this country, threw the tea off the boat and said to King George, “Hell no!” There has always been that great characterological strain in Americans.
We saw slavery, yeah, but we abolished it. We did not give women the right to vote, but then we did give them the right to vote. We did not have civil rights, and then we passed civil rights legislation. This is not to say we’re perfect now. It is to say this however: What is happening now has happened before. And I will say this also: This is worse than ever!
This is huge. Because when you have corporations, huge multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerates who don’t care, whether it’s oil or prison building or chemical companies or whatever it is that sees sucking, sucking money and profit out of whatever situation at the expense of any ethical consideration, and you have that in this toxic combination with a government who basically is in their pocket.
This is number one a big deal, but number two there is no order of difficulty in miracles and it is no big deal in the face and in the presence of an awakened people, awakened in our minds, awakened in our hearts, awakened in our guts, who have recognized ..... you know...... "Yeah, the legal team of Monsanto is not afraid of us. They’re not afraid of this march. They’re not even afraid of the march around the city or around this country. They will only recognize they might have a problem on their hands if everybody who participates here ....."
Oh baby, this is just the beginning! Because I know, for instance, and everybody should have this memorized and you should have this on your refrigerator. 202-224-3121. That is the number of the capital of the United States of America.
Barbara Boxer. Celebrate Barbara Boxer. Barbara Boxer, Senator from California is good on the food movement issues. Senator Feinstein is up and down. How your congress people are, you have to look it up yourself. That’s the value of the Internet. They should get to know you. These people should hear from you,
“Hi, I’m Gloria Conners and this is a constituent call. Okay. I would just like to say that I really was not that pleased with what Senator Feinstein did the other day.” Okay, the guy will say, and you will explain yourself and the man will say, Okay, I will tell the Senator. Now, like hell he’ll tell the Senator. BUT, if ten of your friends also made that call, he actually WILL mention it to the senator at the end of the day. Do not kid yourself.
So if you’re just here for the party, that’s nice. But those of you who might just be here for the party, this is not going to make it. What’s going to make it is an awakening on every aspect of our being that is sustained, that you recognize what’s going on, that you educate yourself about what capitalism is supposed to be, you educate yourself on what the government is supposed to be, that you educate yourself about what American history, that you educate yourself, you read the paper, you see what’s going on, you call your congressman, you call your call your .... you write your president, you write your senators, you talk to your friends, you use your social media, and you recognize that this is just one more era in the narrative of a magnificent unfolding which is the possibilities of the United States of America.
When Lord Mountbatten looked at Gandhi, he said to Mahatma Gandhi, “Little man, do you think we’re going to just give you India?” And Gandhi responded, “Yes.”
You know what? Some of these people go: "What? You think we’re just going to give you the fruits away, we’re going to give you the right to do with the environmental policies whatever you want, just because you’re a democracy? You think we’re just going to give you the military policies just because you’re a democracy? You think we’re going to give you the justice system just because you’re a democracy?"
They’re expecting us to not notice that we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. They’re expecting us to not notice that since the 1970s we had 300,000 people in prison. Today we have 2.4 million. They’re expecting us to not notice that an African American man in the United States today has a one in three lifetime probability of incarceration. That is morally unacceptable. They’re expecting us to just not notice. But you know what? In a democracy people do notice and that is why we’re here.
And as I said before, we’re not just here to have a party today. We’re here to just start something today. We’re gonna kick ass. And when they ask, “What do you think we’re going to do? Just give you back your democracy?” We’ll say, “Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah!”
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
As we approach another March Against Monsanto, a year now after Marianne Williamson's speech, above, there's another wave of interest and tools online about Monsanto. Here's one I wanted to add on Lumigrate.
I think there's a lot of good information at TrueActivist dot com in general, and since they produced a nifty printable list that people can use as an easy resource when going shopping or making our their list as they go through what's in the pantry and upgrade what they're purchasing and consuming (or feeding their family and other loved ones)(human an non), I wanted to add onto this topic with the following link:
I hope our YOUsers find this a helpful tool. Remember, YOU're in control of a LOT, as our model shows:
Think of YOU! and the things you buy surrounding YOU, too, similar to providers/experts.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Someone dropped me the link to this article, which I really liked, the evening before St Paddy's Day. Initially a FB friend I met via geoengineering circles, it turned out the person ended up living in the same city as I -- and now is a personal friend and 'comrade in arms' so to speak. We've shared our stories of how we went from being raised in the Colorado mountains and in the rural 'sticks', to being city people and buying into all the 'monkeybusiness'.
Then through various different or similar life lessons, came to 'wake up' and become part of the ripple effect that's part of what this article by Mehmet Sebeheddin at New Dawn professes. I hope YOUsers of Lumigrate like it as much as I do; I appreciate New Dawn's reproduction policy and hope that I'm doing so appropriately.
I've gradually found myself over the past years becoming less impressed with a lot of things that used to impress me, entertain me, bring me 'happiness' -- big music events, skiing at big resort areas, and yes -- St Patrick's Day. This morning I was reflecting on my home when I was a girl getting ready for the school day on March 17th, I'd suppose the year was 1969 give or take a year.
My mother came into the kitchen as I was preparing my breakfast and I said 'where's your green?' and she snarled about how she didn't play into that stuff. I thought it was fun ... you'll get pinched if you don't wear green, and if you wear red it was also going to be a repercussion. She was wearing something with red in it that morning, if I recall. If I was nine, she was 45 at that time.
I have been on the planet going around the sun for a decade longer than she at that time at the time I'm writing these words, and have to say that I was maybe a generation that got more 'snowed' than hers so it took me longer to 'get there'.
I remember not particularly enjoying learning about history, and talking with her about it when I was in sixth grade. I was having difficulties remembering the dates that were pulled out to be the questions we had to prove our competence on subjects we'd study, something that has gotten worse (while other things have improved with my abilities and brain function, interestingly). She told me that mostly what she thought was important about learning history was that it helps you to see current situations and not 'repeat the mistakes' of those before you so much.
So for me, this was very interesting and I appreciated reading it, and having it dropped my way to to give me food for thought on St Patrick's Day.
The Dawn of Aquarius: A New People, A New Consciousness, A New Era
Aquarius will be the new age, the new life. First there will be disastrous events, gigantic upheavals, turmoil and change of all kinds….
– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (1900-1986)
The transition to a new zodiacal age is altering the political map of the world. For the last two thousand years much of human history has been determined by events in Europe and the near Middle East. From Greece and Rome, the great power centres of two millennia ago, with their inheritance from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, a distinct civilisational impulse spread westward into Europe, eventually reaching North America. Decisions made in the grand capitals of Europe and, for much of the last century in New York and Washington, have impacted the lives of millions of people in every part of the planet.
The advent of the Age of Aquarius coincides with the emergence of new world power centres. Just as old Egypt, Babylon and Sumeria were eclipsed by Greece and Rome, so too the ‘old world’ of Western Europe and North America will be overtaken by new geopolitical alliances and fresh centres of global influence. And this will be accompanied by a dramatic change in consciousness, as the worn-out Western values and Eurocentric rationalist thought prevailing for the last few centuries surrender to the new Aquarian thinking.
The current turmoil and conflict unleashed on the planet by the United States and Britain is only the beginning of the climax of a struggle between cosmic influences of which most people are completely unaware. Today, America and Britain embody atrophied and degraded Piscean energies. The Anglo-Americans, as the standard bearers of bankrupt Western materialism, are trying to reorganise the world, imposing their imbalanced, egoistic approach to life on all societies. Yet their latest brutal and insane actions, witnessed in the tragic invasion of Iraq, are part of a frantic effort to prolong their collapsing system. Despite all their apparent power and wealth, Anglo-American universalism is in a state of rapid decline leading to death.
A new era, a new consciousness and a new people are on the horizon, as the planet goes through a turbulent transitional period paving the way to the Aquarian Age.
Aquarian Consciousness
Whether the earth is shaken by natural catastrophes, or nuclear warfare, or both, earth and the life upon it does survive. More than that, however: A New Age emerges and the devastating changes that have preceded it are understood to have been necessary purgations effecting the transformation of humanity into a new mode of being. By analogy, just as the individual near death experiencer may have to endure the pain and suffering associated with the trauma of almost dying before positive personal transformation can take place, so the world may need to undergo a “planetary near-death experience” before it can awaken to higher, more spiritual, collective consciousness with universal love at its core.
– Kenneth Ring, Transpersonal Psychologist
Two thousand years ago, at the time of transition from the Age of Aries to that of Pisces, there were secret schools, most notably the Essenes, trained and taught to align themselves with the spiritual impulses of the incoming age. These small communities worked quietly, in retreats; but with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls we now know they were actually the ‘seedbed’ from which came the original Christian revelation.
These separated mystic communities provided the necessary environment for the message of Jesus the Christ. With their unique synthesis of Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Egyptian and Israelite spirituality, the Essenes acted as a bridge between the ‘old age’ religions and the unfolding new revelation. Above all, they represent the budding of a new consciousness which would impact history for two millennia. The declining Roman Empire’s embrace of Christianity led to the triumph of the new religion in Europe. With the arrival of the Age of Pisces, Christianity became synonymous with ‘Western civilisation’.
Writing a century ago, the gifted Englishman Edward Carpenter speculated about Man’s evolutionary future and the development of a new humanity imbued with a new consciousness. “We do not know,” he observed, “what possible evolutions are to come, or what new forms of permanent place or value, are being already slowly differentiated from the surrounding mass of humanity.” Carpenter noted that “at the present time certain new types of humankind may be emerging, which will have an important part to play in the societies of the future – even though for the moment their appearance is attended by a good deal of confusion and misapprehension.”
Throughout the writings of the 20th century’s most influential spiritual teachers from Charles W. Leadbeater and Rudolf Steiner, to Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, we find numerous references to the immanent emergence of a new human type. With one voice they link this new humanity to the dawn of the Aquarian era, which they warn will be ushered in by a major purging of mankind. In the words of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov: “The Age of Aquarius is fast approaching, and it is going to overturn and shatter all the old forms and values that human beings thought of as permanent.”
According to all the great mystic teachers and seers, the Age of Aquarius is heralded by a time of immense conflict and turmoil never before witnessed in recorded history.
Writing in his book Love and Sexuality, Aivanhov notes:
Human beings need to suffer before they begin to wish for harmony and peace and the splendour of the new life. If they are not ground down by all kinds of sufferings, they will never understand or make up their minds to work for the Kingdom of God.
John White, a respected New Age author, observes in Science and Spirit that if modern civilisation is destroyed, “some people will survive, according to the predictions and prophecies. The great loss of life will open up niches in the environment where new life forms can emerge. Those most deeply attuned to cosmic processes will become the seedbed from which, it is said, a new race, a higher humanity will evolve in accelerated fashion.”
The survivors of this ‘great tribulation’ ushering in the Aquarian Age will be those men and women who have not been ensnared by the ‘strong delusions’ of the dying old order.
A remnant, who like the ancient Essenes before them, renounce the ephemeral fleeting attractions of the old era, will also live on to protect the law of the truth and lead the survivors in the new era.
Most professing Christians are looking for the return of Christ who they expect to establish a new age. But how many Christians are willing to prepare themselves, after the manner of the Essenes and the Gnostic secret schools, for this new era? Christians are fighting each other over dogmas and doctrines. They are like the Pharisees of Christ’s day, searching the Scriptures in vain, unable and unwilling to see the plain truth in front of their eyes! Christians spend their time serving the very System of Money and Power which crucified Jesus the Christ and persecuted his early followers. The True God is not to be found in any of today’s Christian Churches. Christianity, a religion of the Piscean Age, has chosen to stay with the old order and will invariably perish with it.
A new community is now being prepared in response to the first impulses of Aquarius. They are the ‘seedbed’ of the new era, a Noah’s Ark of Safety and Light in a time of turmoil, confusion and chaos.
New Eurasia
The Truth of Life descends from the world of Eternal Light to illuminate the minds, regenerate the hearts, raise and renew the souls of all the sons of Truth destined to constitute the nucleus of the new humanity of which the Slavs will be the cradle.
– Peter Deunov, Bulgarian Mystic, 1898
The inspired Gnostic Master Teacher Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno), who lived in Bulgaria from 1864-1944, prophesied the birth of “a new type of man” on Earth to coincide with the astrological Age of Aquarius. According to Deunov, the final stage of the previous Piscean Age, transmitted by the Anglo-Saxons, was passing. In the new aeon the Slavic people are predestined to play a leading role. Speaking to his early Gnostic students, Deunov announced: “You are the chosen children of truth who were preordained to form the seed of the new humanity of which Slavdom as a family, descendants of Judah, will become the hearth.”
The 20th century, in Deunov’s prophetic scheme, was a preparatory period distinguished by the waxing and waning of Anglo-American civilisation. From this perspective the collapse of the British Empire and the rise of the USA at the end of the Second World War marked a key turning point in history. Anglo-American culture having reached its peak is now in its death-throes, and the first light of the new culture is dawning in keeping with the incoming Aquarian influences.
Russia constitutes the largest Slavic nation, and the last hundred years may rightly be said to have been the time of Russia’s ‘Golgotha’ or ‘crucifixion’. A hundred years of incredible human suffering and enormous national sacrifice claimed millions of Russian lives. Within the first five decades of the 20th century the Apocalyptic Horseman of Famine and War ravaged the vast Russian land. Archaic landmarks swept aside and old values overturned only to be replaced by radical new ways which themselves were soon found wanting. Spectacular material triumphs accomplished at the cost of personal liberty and paid for by human sacrifice. Was such collective suffering a preparation for the new era?
Could it be Russia, a land that has endured so much in the 20th century, will finally find its prophetic destiny in this third millennium? Revolutions, civil war, famine, two world wars, political repression…. were these all part of a cleansing process signaling the beginning of a new era in which Russia discovers her true mission?
Alice A. Bailey, who is credited by many as the founder of the contemporary New Age movement, saw a unique role for Russia in ushering in the new era. Writing at a time when Russia was firmly behind the communist iron curtain, she predicted:
Behind the closed borders of that mysterious and magnificent country [Russia], a great and spiritual conflict is proceeding, and the rare mystical spirit and the truly religious orientation of the people is the eternal guarantee that a true and living religion and culture will finally emerge.
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who established the Anthroposophical society, believed the Slavic “folk soul” would play a major role in the future development of a new humanity. He saw the Slavs as a bridge between the Orient (East) and the Occident (West). According to Steiner, the religious thought of the Orient belongs to the past; the Occident’s philosophical-scientific thought to the present; the Slavic soul will bridge the two and create a pathway to a spiritual future. More than any other national soul, claimed Steiner, the Russian group soul strives to realise the world of the spirit. In Russia the synthesis of the highest features of both Eastern and Western cultures would one day be achieved.
“Its geographic location places Russia between two extreme, monolithic cultures – between the materialist countries of the West and the passive, world-denying countries of the East. It is appropriate that Russia creatively unite these extremes,” wrote Nikolai Belotsvetov, one of Steiner’s leading Russian followers.
“Our country is a peculiar country, placed between the hammer of Europe and the anvil of Asia, destined to reconcile them in one way or another,” wrote the world famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. “It is my deep conviction that Russia is called to allay the age-old hostility between Europe and Asia, to reconcile and unite those two different worlds, and find a proper balance between the progressive but proud and inconsequent individualism of Europe and the sense of social and political cohesion of Asia…”
For the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, civilisation has traveled the course of the Sun from East to West, reaching its apogee in the modern USA. With the end of the Piscean era, history and civilisation is reorienting. We are seeing a return to origins with the emergence of a new power centre at the cross-roads of the East and West, in Eurasia, the great heartland of Russia.
The history of Russia is not the history of a country, but of a world. It is, in fact, the history of a vast organic whole which had for its cradle the immense open spaces of Eurasia. In the words of one author:
The Eurasian world, as such consists of vast plains which extend, broken here and there by low mountain ranges, between the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific, the Black Sea, the Caucasian Range, the Iranian plateau, the heights of the Pamir and the Hindu Kush, and join up, through the tortuous valleys and foothills of the Tian Shan and the Altai ranges, with the plains of Eastern Turkestan and Mongolia.1
According to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, in remote prehistory a spiritual disaster accompanied by a catastrophic shift in the Earth’s axis caused a great migration to Eurasia from the primal northern region of Hyperborea. Theosophical writers believe that millions of years ago Eurasia was the homeland of the people who:
…later descended into the Indian peninsula those peoples who call themselves ‘Aryans,’ the ‘High Caste,’ who later were divided into Four Castes: Brahmanas, Kshattriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras. From the southeastern parts came later the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Medes and the Persians; and the peoples of Europe, Greeks, Romans, especially.2
Viewed in the light of the Ancient Wisdom teachings, the appearance of Eurasia on the global stage is not only an affirmation of arcane origins but also of the Shambhala influence in our day. Eurasia, the Russian heartland, has long been called “Northern Shambhala” by Buddhist teachers. Having studied Tibetan Buddhism, Nikolai Roerich developed a deep interest in Shambhala and led a scientific expedition through Eurasia to look for traces of the hidden kingdom.3 He later remarked, “The East has said that when the Banner of Shambhala would encircle the world, verily the New Dawn would follow.”
At this crucial period in world history we see the first signs of a Eurasia-oriented geopolitical alliance between Germany, Russia, India and China, as a counter balance to the Anglo-American order. Russia, together with the former Soviet states of Central Asia, constitutes the Eurasian ‘kernel’. In the West this Eurasian alliance reaches to Germany, while in the far East it includes China and north Korea. Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan make up the southern flank of Eurasia. The geopolitical struggles and wars of the first years of the 21st century are the outcome of not only political and economic factors, but of resistance to incoming cosmic energies. All around us we’re confronted with clear proof of the passing of one age and the dawn of a new era in human history.
Britain and the United States represent the final phase of a Western civilisation which succeeded a decaying Rome at the start of the Piscean Age. And like ancient Rome before its collapse, the Anglo-American rulers are desperately seeking to expand what the writer Philip K. Dick termed the ‘Black Iron Prison’. However, the West at its zenith can only be the ‘evening land’, the place where the Sun sets to rise again in the East. To the ancient Egyptians the western lands were, after all, the kingdom of the dead.
The End & The New Beginning
For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
– Jesus, Matthew 24:27
The time in which we now live is charged with cosmic significance as nations and peoples unconsciously struggle to align themselves either with the old aeon influences or the incoming forces of the new Aquarian Age. The prophecies and predictions of so many gifted seers leave us in no doubt – we are right now in a turbulent, even chaotic, transitional period. Nations who cling to the dying old order will fall, to be finally swept away in the coming cataclysm, eclipsed by new global powers, of which Eurasia is preeminent.
Out of this world catastrophe will come a new era attuned to Aquarius. Now is the time of decision, preparation and separation. People who separate from the old order and prepare themselves by harmonising with the rhythm of Aquarius will form the ‘seedbed’ from which develops a new culture and a new consciousness. Those who today place their trust in rampant materialism and the exploitation of the planet, all the while glorying in their wealth, power and might, will be debased.
One hundred years ago the venerable European monarchies looked safe and secure, impervious to change. The British Empire, on which it was said the ‘sun never sets’, straddled the globe triumphant. Less than a century later the British Empire is no more and the traditional European monarchs a vague memory. A similar fate awaits today’s triumphalist powers. The victims of history will soon be the victors as the Earth is bathed in the Great Light of the Aquarian Age.
1. Before and After Stalin by Cyril Ielita-Wilczkovski
2. Theosophical Forum, June 1937
3. “Mystery of Shambhala” by Jason Jeffrey, New Dawn No. 72, May-June 2002
The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 78 (May-June 2003).
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