Lyme Disease Reform and Activism. Unfortunately, Massive Numbers Affected; The Next 'Big Thing'.

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.

Like everyone, I was once NEW to "The Lyme Fight" information, trying to learn what the 'deal was', and sorting out the information of who's who and why things are so 'messed up' was not the easiest thing for me initially. "the Lyme Crime" some have called it.  Or The Lyme Cryme, I guess it is spelled ..... much to cry about.  

I was always a bit 'slow' to figure complex stories out; I remember being a "tween" and a friend saw The Entertainer, with Robert Redford, and told me all about it from beginning to end (she had a great ability for learning and recalling information -- I remember going ice skating with her after she'd seen "Hawaii", I think it was, and I think she told me the whole story in almost as much detail as they showed in the movie -- and it seemed like it took as long as a movie, but that was my first experience with Michener! (grins)).

And when I saw The Entertainer not long after, I was so glad to have had her tell me all about it before I saw it, because I was still kind of half confused until I had time to talk about it on the drive home with whatever adult it was had taken me to the movies. The Lyme Story has been a bit reminiscent of that -- confusing, and like the saying goes "You couldn't WRITE this stuff!" 

I'm editing this topic on June 14, 2015 and including some graphics with credit and as you'll see they've done a good job of getting their information on the meme.  I've added on and included information about Beaux Relliosis (pseudonym on Facebook and her website) on the Mother's Day blog, as well.  I'd like everyone to link to that blog and see what I want all Mothers and Others to know about emerging research, as well as the previously cutting edge that pushed us all trying to study it to the maximum our brains can handle.  Here's the link:



"Please understand that Big Phat Pharma LOVES the argument to be about thimerosal and mercury. What they don't want us to know is that fungal contamination in vaccines has the power to un-attenuate live, attenuated viruses and cause the diseases that vaccines are supposed to prevent. Check out my new page, Here I house the "Common Mechanisms" charge sheet which explains the mechanism of fungal-viral synergy and its parallels in other diseases of immunosuppression."                                                                                              ~          Beaux Reliosis, June 12, 2015



and then the photo from a Facebook friend that I had permission to use on Lumigrate relative to the way BigPharma advertises to the drivers out there in the United States about vaccines: 


Connect the dots.  Use the Search bar at and continue to see what we have in store for you at Lumigrate in addition to the links I provide to make your efforts more streamlined.  Here's more about our vaccine information at Lumigrate: 


The link to the vaccine topic at Lumigrate (vaccine plan, vaccine rights, vaccine injury / adverse reactions of people AND pets, including vaccine rights attorney Alan Phillips who registered and provided invited content at Lumigrate for our YOUsers, who also writes at Natural News):



Lynn T. Shepler, MD Went on to JD and ...

Here's what Lynn Shepler provided on Facebook in the following group / link, TBD Legal Project:

"A comment on my experience with late-stage Lyme disease patients on Cape Cod, working as a psychiatrist -- and why I moved to law, allowing my medical licenses to lapse to speak freely about Lyme and coinfections. Lynn Shepler, MD JD"
Many of the patients I had in my psychiatric practice on Cape Cod had late-stage Lyme disease, never before diagnosed --- later diagnosed by Sam Donta, MD. Most had refractory depression. The depressions became worse while on antibiotics, and virtually no psychotropic medications worked -- some becoming suicidal.

One person, during a Herx, suffered extreme paranoia and began hoarding weapons. No antipsychotic medication worked --- and, of note, the only drug that did work to stop the delusions that someone was going to harm that person -- was an opiate. But how could I justify keeping him on opiates for the duration of his antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, and also cause him to become physiologically dependent on the opiate?

Many also had panic attacks. Likely we missed diagnosing Bartonella, since no one knew it was a problem then.

After the experience, my feeling is that every person who presents to a psychiatrist for care must be screened for these diseases. It is otherwise per se psychiatric malpractice to misdiagnose what is a medical disorder, as merely a psychiatric disorder.

In the early part of the last century, prior to penicillin, patients with syphilis filled up mental wards. The organism that causes syphilis is a spirochete (Treponema pallidum), similar, but less complex compared to the spirochete that causes Lyme disease. To this day, psychiatrists routinely order tests to screen for syphilis knowing it can cause major mental disorders --- and that to miss a case of syphilis would be horrific oversight.

After virtually my entire psychiatric practice came under the care of Sam Donta, MD, I attempted to get an appointment with the Director of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health to alert her as what was taking place. She refused to meet with me.

At the time I took the job on Cape Cod, it was well known there was more psychiatric morbidity and mortality on Cape Cod -- but no one connected it to infected ticks. With respect to my patients, I saw the State of Massachusetts paying out huge sums of money for "psychotherapists" to treat what was a medical disease.

None of these non-medically trained therapists (social workers, psychologists) "got" that what they were doing was, in many respects, futile --- the patients had a medical disorder driving their psychiatric symptoms. No amount of psychotherapy was going to budge that.

Nor were the therapists conversant on dealing with medical illness in the context of psychotherapy. They couldn't diagnose or refer a patient for screening if the patient showed up with a bull's eye rash on their forehead. The systemic ignorance was daunting.

I tried to educate my fellow psychiatrists. If I had 200 people in my practice with late-stage Lyme disease, then what was lurking in their practices?

None of my fellow psychiatrists wanted to know about the disease -- not even for their own self protection. The state-employed director of the Pocasset Mental Health Center would harass me and a female patient who was undergoing IV treatment for Lyme disease at a group home. I ultimately filed a complaint against him with the Massachusetts medical board that the Board failed to adjudicate. They sat on it and sat on it, doing nothing.

The complaint filed by myself and the Lyme disease patient was well written, and well documented.

Later, when I submitted my medical license for routine re-licensure (this comes up every two years on your birthday) -- administrators at the medical board stumbled upon the fact that I was the physician that filed the complaint against the state-employed doctor.

The Massachusetts medical board then claimed they did not receive my license renewal application, which meant I could not work. I did not have money to pay my bills. That is how punitive they were, and how protracted the dispute became.

The Massachusetts medical board at the time had 37,000 physicians under its jurisdiction. Many, many physicians forget their license is up for renewal and file late -- past the renewal date, so technically they are practicing on an expired medical license. In those cases, the board simply issues the license without a hiccup.

When I produced a Fedex receipt showing the time and date of delivery, and name of the person who signed for the package containing my medical license renewal application delivered within the allotted time --- the Board refused to accept it as proof, providing no reason for why the Fedex receipt did not constitute legal proof of delivery.

(This goes to the issue of how state medical boards, as state agencies, operate outside standards of law accepted by U.S. state and federal courts.)

After discovering the complaint I filed against a State-employed physician, filed by myself and the patient in question, complete with graphic photographs I took showing what the physician had done --- the medical board required me to go to my medical malpractice carrier to hire an attorney to represent me before the Board.

All of this, no doubt, was in retaliation for my filing a complaint against the state-employed physician, because it meant the State agency might have to take action against a State-employed doctor, and the subject was about Lyme disease and sexual harassment.

Massachusetts government is known for its corruption, and its Dept of Mental Health not held in high regard. The system was "privatized" by Mass Gov William Weld, a prominent Republican, and what was once considered a shining example of a public mental health care system, was destroyed. Private contractors who knew little about mental health were given contracts to provide care to the most severely mentally ill people in the State.

That experience: talk about beating your head against a brick wall!

My malpractice carrier assigned my case to a second-tier insurance defense law firm in Boston where my case was handed off to an young associate who was so sloppy she did not even bother to read the applicable law. When I discovered the incompetence, having waited patiently -- but then going myself to do the legal research --- I summarily fired them.

I attempted to relocate to New Hampshire which has a better mental healthcare system, but by then the Massachusetts medical board had created all sorts of smoke and mirrors around my license renewal, making the New Hampshire medical board unwilling to provide a medical license based on "reciprocity." I waited, knowing nothing would ultimately be found by the New Hampshire medical board as a "smoking gun" in my license application that would prohibit me from practicing in New Hampshire.

The Massachusetts medical board lost or deliberately sat on the medical license renewal application, making it seem there was a material reason as to why the license was not automatically renewed. They refused to accept proof that the application was delivered to them, nor did they allow me to submit a subsequent form, which would allow them to quickly dispose of the issue -- since many physicians forget, and then need the Board to quickly process the application so they are not practicing on an expired license.

All of this pain was in retaliation for me filing the medical board complaint against the [bleep] state-employed doctor on a matter that concerned LYME DISEASE, and also SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

The Massachusetts medical board is the same board where approximately 20 patients filed complaints against Allen Steere, MD, and the Board refused to entertain them -- some of the complaints by medical health care professionals.

Ultimately, I decided I had had enough of the abuse of power by state medical boards, and researched where women's careers were making a headway. I had a law degree from a top law school in my back pocket that I could use to make a living. Not as attractive to me as medicine, but possible.

The career stagnation, harassment, and constant headwinds of gender discrimination in medicine were more than I wanted to continue to endure. Add to that the Lyme disease fiasco, and all these narcissistic, self-important white guys lined up like pigs at a trough at the CDC and IDSA.

Yes, there was and is much sex discrimination in law, also. But based on my research, it seemed women's careers were going places in certain California law firms. So I sent my CV to legal recruiters, and shortly found myself working in California as an Associate at a large law firm. One day a psychiatrist, the next -- all of that past, gone.

I have not looked back. Not having a medical board to breath down my neck -- and to be able to talk about tick-borne diseases without fear of retaliation -- has been a liberating event. Yes, it is a horrible price to pay for free speech in America. I had sunk my life, my savings, and years of sweat acquiring my training in medicine --- medicine had become my passion --- and I knew I had to give it up to talk about the new disease that was sweeping the country.

Perhaps the most devastating symptoms produced by Lyme disease infection occur when the disease spreads to the brain.

The Lyme Cryme

I am also adding in a conversation I saw on Facebook that was one of the best overviews of the Lyme Cryme information, the personalities, and the difficulties that are encountered in the Lyme community with advancing the cause.  

Note:  with names of the 'newer' / 'learning' women removed, since I'm not with the time it takes at the moment to ask everyone involved if I have their permission to share the Facebook names they're using when having this discussion.  I know that Lynn, Kathleen and Jonie are 'out' and up for having what they're providing for activism get picked up places (with credit going as it is due).  Others might not feel that way, obviously, so I'm always stripping the names.

Kathleen, aka KD, and Jonie are two of 'the' names in the Lyme activist circles. Royalty. Veterans. The Grand Dame's.  I'm pleased to say that Lynn Shepler, MD, JD is a Facebook friend of mine and I have only benefitted from the moment that came about.  She's alwasy given permission on her wall to share anything she has on her Facebook; like me, she is on Facebook for her activism.  Basic overview; she went back to university and pursued the law and duality as a career when her health's symptoms necessitated it. She's a tremendous resource and there are extremely high level conversations on her wall. This is what she posted to kick the thread off:


To: Robin Schofield (
To the Freedom of Information Act Officer:
I am writing to ask for any documents that reference what is called the “DHHS Working Group on Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease,” including the names of all members and copies of all emails sent between any parties at the NIH/NIAID and the “Working Group.” Please send documents that exist in any form — not limited to but including electronic, paper, and audio. I would like copies of all documents pertaining to this group that reach as far back as its formation.
I would also like to find out how I could obtain a copy of the webinar on “Borrelia persistence” broadcast by HHS referenced in the email below.
I believe Dr. Joseph Breen of NIAID would have suggestions about how to obtain this documentation.
If the costs of this FOIA exceeds $200.00, please contact me at the telephone numbers below.
I enclose a copy of my correspondence to Dr. Breen should it be helpful. Dr. Breen is the program officer for Lyme disease at the NIAID.
Thank you in advance.
Lynn Shepler, MD JD
1000 E. 53rd St., #418
Chicago, IL 60615
520.369.0434 (cell)
872.465.3134 (landline)
Dear Dr. Breen,
I’m writing to ask who are the members of the DHHS Working Group on Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases? Also, when was this webinar, and is it possible to view it?
Thank you in advance.
Lynn Shepler, MD JD
1000 E. 53rd St., #418
Chicago, IL 60615
520.369.0434 (cell)
872.465.3134 (landline)

Then the highlights of the ensuing conversation WITH MINOR ADJUSTMENTS MADE BY ME TO CORRECT MISSPELLINGS, punctuation, 'damn autocorrect' errors, and etc. so this is easier for the YOUsers reading it here. Bolding added by me too. 

Woman Learning (I'll call her WL1): Thank you Lynn for doing this. Would like to know what the Working Group's end stage goal(s) is/are.

Lynn: Prosecution of CDC staff who committed fraud. It will all sort itself after that.

Another Woman Learning, I'll call her WL2: I just want to use these documents, scientifically scrutinize them In any form, whether mathematical or opinionated. I think by calmly doing this we will gain an advantage. Also, by acting like complete professionals, who are objective and not acting out of emotion. If we keep a cool head, we will be respected more.

Lynn: Typically, to persuade another human being, it is best to come across rational and fact-based. As a psychiatrist, the problem we are faced with is that no matter how rational we present ourselves, the other side has framed out beliefs as themselves definitional of insanity. They appeal to sexual stereotypes of women as "nuts." They have also tried to falsely define us as "dangerous", and even I was subjected to someone filing a False Report claiming I threatened to kill a "Dr. Gary Wormser" at "Westchester Medical Center" when I telephoned the Channcellor of NYMC to report my concerns about Dr. Wormser's conflict of interest and that his "pronouncements" that make it impossible for thousands to get medical care. The conversation did not last all of five minutes before Ed Halperin, MD (Chancellor) hung up the phone saying he did not even KNOW who Gary Wormser IS! Then two officers from the Chicago FBI show up at my door. I thought they must be joking. But this is no joke. If true, a serious threat to kill another person is a FELONY.


  • Implied in your commentary is that we must not act in any way that does not present as rational and objective. True. Who can argue with that? The problem is the powers that be ignore us. To get attention, our issues are spilling into the streets, where the rule is public protest, which some may perceive as an "irrational" choice. People shouting. People with megaphones. People dressed in head-to-toe green costumes. Street theatre. A spectacle.
    It brings to mind my days in law school studying employment discrimination cases. What typically occurs in sex discrimination employment cases is that a woman will make a complaint. Even though her previous reviews may all have been positive, the strategy for the other side is to paint her as lacking in some relation to her BRAIN --- either she is "crazy," "moody," "can't get along with people," "misperceived" (it never happened", "she is a pathological liar"), had an "inferior" work product (even though last review was glowing, or never occurred), or it was her "personality" (i.e., she is a "bitch" and NO ONE liked her, or she was difficult to work with).
    This is the classic defense in sex discrimination cases. This is what they did recently to venture capitcal associate Ellen Pao in her case aganst Kleiner Perkins covered in the New York Times.
    Then Kathleen Dickson hops in:  The best thing to do is just show how Steere committed research fraud - the stuff left out of the Dearborn booklet.
    • The CDC's old standard, performing serial Western...
    • "Anecdotal reports of inadequately documented...
    •  That's an old report from 2008 or 9, but still good, and Joe Breen agreed with everything I said, so, it's a straight and simple false claims case.
      Lynn: Probably, we should all go to are local libraries (public, community college, university) and check out books on DEBATING and MARKETING. I realize that in starting the "Tick-Borne Disease Legal Project," part of what I must do is to try to REFRAME THE DEBATE, and to MARKET our issues.
      I have checked out books from the university library on development and philanthropy. There is a lot we must learn. I also think lessons on assymetrical warfare could be pertinent, not because I believe in violence, but assymetrical warfare is about how to defeat an opponent who is bigger, larger, better funded, etc.
      It is what we have been facing in the Middle East. Principles of warfare where one side just overpowers another are passe. That was WWII. It appears the guys have us set up for WWIII.
      Are humans of the male gender hard-wired to fight? One wonders about the effects of testosterone sometimes, although one cannot help but appreciate and admire the strength of human males. Yes, I love men. I do not like war. I've been thinking of compiling a reading list to put on "Tick Borne Disease Legal Project" --- reference books that will help people understand and strategize. Your points are well taken.
      WL1: Persuading or convincing CDC/IDSA "gods" to embrace ILADs guidelines is very hard or impossible . I believe we are dealing with people who have serious emotional and ego issues (fear based). How do you rationalize with these people? Think part of the solution is a changing of the guard, they need to be removed. How is that done? Advocates, Lyme doctors and patients, scientists, legal action, congressional action, accurate data publicly and repeatedly reported, etc. Too many other doctors, esp ID Dr's are "afraid" to voice disagreement - afraid of the the powers who are emotionally sick??
      • Kathleen: Right, we want to accuse them of FRAUD to have them prosecuted, so we have to show what the FRAUD is. That seems to be a sticking point here. I can't force people to look at the data that shows fraud and especially, I can't understand it for them.
         ILADS does not know what they are talking about. They dont even care to know how the vaccine caused the same disease as Chronic Lyme. So, A), people refuse to look at how Steere falsified the case definition, and B) they don't want to look at the evidence the crooks themselves revealed about how OspA causes the same disease as chronic Lyme. The only two things to know about this.
         You can't go forward without addressing Dearborn and OspA.
        WL1: How will pointing out, or addressing Dearborn and OspA change the mindset or better treatment, etc. How do you proceed? Who needs to do this?
        Kathleen: They committed fraud, right? And the guidelines are based on Dearborn/Klempner, right? ... I already filed all the charges a long time ago with the DOJ and again last week all over DC. This is all done and worked out.
        WL1:  I don't understand this process with charge sheets and what it accomplishes, who's involved, the decision makers, etc. Charge sheets are submitted then what happens? Effective change or steps toward effective change? I will try to find out.
        Kathleen Dickson (aka KD in Lyme circles, and she is the self-proclaimed Queen of the Lyme Cryme, or maybe it is Lyme overall): 
        • I mean, Blumenthal charged them with AntiTrust and now he is having the FDA assure the testing is valid per FDA rules for a validation right? Because Lyme is Fraud and RICO, right? How so? It is in the charge sheets.
           You want to talk about what to do without knowing what the problem is. Silly.
        • JR:  I see the problem as (my narrow view) -- CDC/IDSA denying Lyme is chronic, long term ABX don't work, and they don't address the co infections. Sounds like these enacted positions/beliefs are based on Fraud re Dearborn and OspA.
          I did read about CT AG filing a CID on CDC/IDSA - saying that they tied hands of doctors and they should not do that and that's where it ended re lawsuit.
          I don't think too many people get the Fraud re OspA and Dearborn and what that means in terms of change for the better. OK - this is over my head. I will study with my frickin' Lyme, Bartonella brain.
          KD:  Yes read the criminal charge sheets. It does not have much to do with long term abx or coinfections. AT ALL. The disease is the cryme. 
          Society for the Advancement of Scientific Hermeneutics (SASH) = "we descramble bullshit". LOL
          June 12, 2015

           SASH Whistleblowers Declare 
          Washington "Occupy" a Success

           Washington, D.C., June 12, 2015: Medical abuse-victims' rights group 
          Society for the Advancement of Scientific Hermeneutics (SASH) last 
          week completed their planned grassroots protest and outreach efforts 
          in Washington, D.C. The primary focus of SASH's June 1-5 efforts was 
          to expose the research fraud committed by CDC officers which led to 
          the falsification of the Lyme disease case definition in Dearborn, 
          Mich., in 1994. 

           The falsified case definition cleared the way for the perpetrators 
          to profit personally from a monopoly on all tick-borne diseases, 
          bogus OspA vaccines and test kits, at the expense of victims who 
          have been unable to obtain proper diagnosis and treatment for the 
          last 20 years. SASH gave Senate and Congressional staff both the 
          public record report of the 1994 Dearborn, FDA Lyme disease 
          conference, and the secret, parallel research report that was 
          withheld from the conference. This 
          secret report is the essence of the case, since it shows how CDC 
          officer Allen Steere falsified the Dearborn testing in Europe with 
          high passage strains, recombinant OspA and B without the lipids 
          attached, and raising the cut-off of the ELISA to exclude all 
          neurologic cases.

           SASH's leaders say that this is a clear False Claims and Qui Tam 
          case prosecutable by the Department of Justice, and that all 
          pertinent and incriminating information was handed over to 
          legislators from eight different states. In addition to meetings 
          with legislative staff on Capitol Hill, the SASH team visited 
          more than 20 foreign embassies to provide identical information and 
          to relay the message that the U.S. CDC cannot be trusted with the 
          welfare of U.S. citizens, let alone as the worldwide "authority" on 
          human disease.

           The group also protested in front of the U.S. Department of Justice 
          with the message, "DOJ, do your job!" SASH's Kathleen Dickson, known 
          as the LYMErix vaccine whistleblower, provided the same information 
          to the Department of Justice in 
          2003, on the advice of Justice Department staff in the office of
          Richard Blumenthal, who at the 
          time was Connecticut's Attorney General. Dickson says the DOJ's 
          12-year neglect of her disclosure necessitated the widespread 
          dissemination of SASH's charge sheets and supporting research 

           SASH is calling on USDOJ to finally prosecute these crimes. Lyme 
          disease, or neuroborreliosis, has left millions of people to suffer 
          in isolation with an AIDS-like illness, while being ridiculed by 
          doctors, family members and employers as psychosomatic or lazy. The 
          victims, often bankrupted by the high cost of out-of-pocket medical 
          expenses, and unable to work due to illness, frequently commit 
          suicide to escape their continuous denial of basic human rights. In 
          2013 the CDC admitted that actual cases of Lyme disease are 
          under-reported by 10-12 times.

           For additional information and to view the charge sheets, visit

      WL1: OK - I am studying now. I am slow, so it will take a while. You are right - FIRST "what is the problem". Currently reading how CDC falsified LD case definition (not sure what that means - the word case throws me). I am glad You are Not my piano teacher! Will get back to you. You're making me a better person...
      KD: I will show you what I mean by case definition....
      WL2: I have no problem with our peaceful protests, they have to stay, but when getting into official legal matters we must be lawyers, all of us, and your idea of a reading list is a practical and useful approach to us getting to be lawyers. With my degrees in chemistry and microbiology, I am a scientist with heavy medical knowledge and also wrote a paper on OspA and OspB and C and their effects on chronic Lyme Borreliosis Complex, I.e. persistent infection of the body. If I can, I'll send my senior thesis on the persistence of B. burgdorferi in the body and some avenues the anthropomorphical intelligence of said microbe takes in using the body's own immune system and our ECM's involvement. I have a few other papers written as well.
      Known activist Joanie hops in: "These are “trainer” videos on all aspects of the Lyme Cryme, from disease mechanisms to Dearborn, to important patents."


        Besides me.
        Maybe someone will listen to you (name removed, it was WL2), since you are not me.
        Or maybe they will listen to Ray Dattwyler:
        . Ray Dattwyler who objected to the Dearborn case definitionT cell anergy" in 1988 his European patent for an inhalation form of OspAOspA is Pam3Cys and a TLR2-agonist
        WOOT WOOT !!! We may have a breakthru here.
        • WL1: Steere used high passage OpsA and OpsB so they drop off leaving out 85% patients with Lyme??? Really?
          Actually it was high passage Bb
        • KD: Right, high passage strains of Bb, and recombinant OspA and B without the lipids attached, correct.
        • "Anecdotal reports of inadequately documented...
        •  And as you can see in the RICO complaint (as well as the report above)... Steere raised the ELISA cutoff to leave out the 85% without the arthritis HLAs:
        • The CDC's old standard, performing serial Western...
        • WL1: Understand the without the lipids. Steere originally included the OspA and B.
          KD: Is there something you are not understanding there?
        • ........  Oh, yeah, of course, back in 1986, sure.
          WL1:  No. Still studying and grasping. Documents very scientific/medical. Started reading your charge sheets. Think majority of folks don't understand the "real" problem.
        •  This has been enlightening for me. Thanks. You submitted charge sheets in 2003 and then this year. Thanks. What happened in 2003 after submitting?
          KD: Well, that's true and we don't have any help. ILADS has no clue what they're talking about and neither does the LDA, and they obstruct so, it's just and the NIH who get this, really. Blumenthal then sued himself for antitrust, 2006. He didn't sue, not sure why, but applied CID. Blumenthal sued, yeah. IDK how people don't know that and be on a Lyme legal project page, LOL, no offense.
          WL1: "AG Blumenthal served the IDSA with a Civil
        • Investigative Demand (CID) because he was concerned that the 2006 IDSA Guidelines violated antitrust laws by restraining “doctor and patient choices for treatment of the disease, and preventing physicians‟ clinical judgment.
          AG Blumenthal never filed an antitrust lawsuit against the IDSA because both parties entered into a settlement agreement on April 30, 2008.5."  
          a quote from the document  Joan posted, above. 
          (Which I'm inserting here, Mardy's note: "Unprecedented Antitrust Investigation into the Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines Development Process"

          WL1: Kathleen - enough with the barbs. Perhaps I should not be on this site. A recommendation, then will stop the comments. If you are interested in recruiting people to comprehend the "real" problem as claimed, it needs to be explained in summary, laymen terms. I do think that people of multiple Lyme sites would appreciate. The science explanation is complicated to most people they will lose interest and not comprehend.
        • KD:  I know, but there is no way around it. You have to understand the science if you want to prosecute the science fraud.
          Note, ending, by Mardy: And THIS is how I found the thread at the time I was transferring it here, cold for 9 hours at this point.  This is what I have observed over and over, and had directed at me, too.  It's just so complicated to figure out and everyone's working with brains that have the effects of 'this stuff we all have' if you wish to believe the emerging theories that thinkers have been putting together, which I personally am finding works, and which continues on down the path a bit further than this.  This is a key piece, it fits together and is very complex.  








Basing my guesses on my personal situation on clinical symptoms, and educated guesses by those who treat people who have symptoms like mine, I'm guessing I had these types of bugs contributing to symptoms I've had since perhaps before birth. It may be one of the reasons why my mother had fertility issues and when she did become pregnant, miscarried on one occasion. No way of knowing for sure, but I want to front load this topic to highlight that I am referring to a woman and me being conceived in the 1950s -- I want the Lumigrate YOUsers to not think of this as being only from ticks and just a recent disease as tends to be the way these stories are conveyed and the information passed on. This Lyme Story takes 'divergent thinking' and really some thought, study and time. But I encourage YOUsers to take that time and put in the effort. It will definitely be a factor in someone's life that you know, if not yours. 

So maybe I was a little 'slow' as a kid because, in part, Lyme was part of the reality in me even back then. I had sensory processing problems. My first birthday fell on Easter and there are movies of me playing with kids older than I. I was stuperous almost. Clearly not 'normal' and 'well'. My mother had taken me around that time to a pediatrician because I got up every morning and took everything out of the kitchen cabinets in the exact same order every day. "Don't worry about it", he said. And that was what occurred repeatedly in my life. "This isn't seeming right" I or others would question authorities, and it just was brushed off. And I worked my way around a lot of difficulties. Learning disabilities being one. Blood sugar problems and adrenal fatigue symptoms, another. Maybe this helps YOU with insight about yourself or someone you know.

Now, back to the bigger story. And I am continuously modifying this topic as the better information emerges to add in, and can replace other information that was coming out earlier that perhaps had some problems with it. Though I leave in some of those and point out the problems so YOUsers can learn how to look at the differences. I even take a risk on this thread and include the information of an activist that in the Lyme / chronic fatigue community is very controversial and some won't even talk to me about if any of her information is relevant or not. Others will talk with me and they believe it is. So I include it and let YOU decide what you think, but at least you're being put in the path of the source and information so you're aware it's out there at least. 

Figuring out The Lyme Story in the United States' medical/ political/ industrial/ military 'complex' and 'organized medicine' was rather the same way. I've needed a lot of mentoring from those who have been focused on Lyme for longer than I have. Thanks to all who contributed directly or indirectly. 

To me, at the crux of the matter is the IDSA. I felt like, as I went on, I wanted to have a list of 'black hats' and 'white hats' in terms of the organizations and individuals involved. There are a lot of acronyms, and there is a lot of technical information that people who are concerned about Lyme and learning ideally should be able to learn and get digested and 'under their belts'.  So on this topic thread I want to provide my contribution to provide for our YOUsers. 

And this article at Truth Out by a PhD psychologist who is an expert about Lyme is where I'd like to start.  (Note: I added this on 9/18, as I was looking for THE right resourcer for the groundwork of this topic I created recently. ~ Mardy)

As I frequently 'do', in order to give people an idea of what is at a resource, and encourage them to take the time and energy to go to the site, here's some of what you'll find if you go (you will also see that they ask for donations, please consider doing so in order to fund this type of information to be available, it is greatly needed. I hope I am also contributing by having our YOUsers be SURE to learn about the website resource and this Lyme series they have invested in doing. I thank you and support you!):

Irate Lyme Disease Patients Storm "Dinner Party" at IDSA Headquarters

Friday, 30 May 2014 09:44By Jessica Bernstein, Truthout | Report

This story wasn't funded by corporate advertising, but by readers like you. Can you help sustain our work with a tax-deductible donation?

Ten years ago Josh Cutler never could have imagined that he'd be out leading hundreds of Lyme patients in protest at the headquarters of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) in Arlington, Virginia. But when Josh was 25, he watched a friend die of Lyme disease. Then at age 26, he became sick too. Now 34, he's married with two young kids and has been disabled and unable to work for the last five years. He wanted to live to see his children grow up, so he knew he had to do something to create change. 

What is the IDSA you may ask? It’s a private medical association made up of physicians, scientists and other healthcare professionals who specialize in infectious disease. According to their website, they're dedicated to improving the health of individuals, communities and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health and prevention. Most importantly (for our purpose in this discussion), they are responsible for creating the diagnostic and treatment guidelines for Lyme disease that are primarily used by all the big guns - the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of Health (NIH), physicians and insurance companies.

This distinguished organization started back in 1967 from the humble beginnings of two little dinner groups. Their original goal was to cultivate the growing knowledge of infectious diseases within their small membership, who were the most promising researchers in their field. Yet, somewhere along the way, something went very awry within this new society that has since grown to over 9,000 members.

Flash to May 22 and 23, 2014 when hundreds of irate Lyme patients led by Josh are protesting in front of the IDSA headquarters, in a desperate attempt to change IDSA policies that prevent them from receiving care. In the tradition of ACT UP, the AIDS activist movement that sprouted up back in the 1980s when patients were dropping like flies and nobody cared, protesters took to the streets outside the IDSA building, demanding changes in diagnostic criteria and treatment protocols. 

And that is where I will not only leave off with the teaser to see what you'll find at the above resource / site, but about IDSA overall.  Perhaps start a list with white hats on one side of the paper and black hats on the other, people on one side of the page, and organizations on the other side of the page. Do whatever YOU know about how you learn best if something is confusing and difficult, and keep going.  

NEW addition into the thread at this point, from October 12, 2014. IDSA had a conference in Philadelphia, PA this past week / weekend and it was QUITE interesting. I had three FB friends who were there, one from Oregon, Divegirl Deb is her name on Facebook, and she has a FB group focused on people from Oregon who have Lyme but they're open to others. She's been doing a mind BLOWING job of activism shortly after getting her symptoms turned around enought to be -- well --- 'active'! So she traveled to Philly, and apparently was the farthest to come.  My FB friend Carol was also there -- they didn't know each other before I saw they were both there and told the other about the other and tried to connect. Carol then did spot Deb and go introduce herself. 

So I wanted to put the coverage and highlights about what went on there.  It's IMPERATIVE people understand what the 'war is about' with 'organized medicine/ research / nonprofit complex', or 'organized medicine'. This is a term I am using lately.  This might be thought of as 'conventional', 'Western', 'allopathic', 'mainstream', etc.  

This article from Philly dot com was one of the first to be out about the protest and was good, but the writer got it MASSIVELY wrong calling organized medicine 'traditional medicine' in the article. So 'teaching moment' here! It happens all the time. Traditional medicine are things like those that have come from our distant ancestors, things like 'traditional Oriental / Chinese medicine', 'traditional naturopath'.  (And I'll just toss it in that 'occupation' is what occupies your time, 'vocation' is how you make money -- how often do you see THAT incorrect versus correct in the US?)(As an occupational therapist, or OTR, I've had so many older people say 'I don't need you, I'm retired'. Ugh!). There are other things in the article that aren't what Lyme experienced literates would have written, and I've seen other criticisms of it BUT it was coverage of it and I wanted to include it. 

So please go to this article and read about it if you want to see an example of that level of article.


I'll also be bringing some of the other goodies that occurred here for YOUsers to get a real picture of what it was like there. I heard that some doctors or others participating at the ISDA conference were belittling patients, even during the candle light vigil where the reading of names was going on of people who have died of chronic Lyme that was not addressed appropriately because of this monkeybusiness in the United States (and beyond... the other countries that follow the same 'organizations' involved in our 'organized medicine' are having the same difficulties as Americans. 

(Editing in October 17th, this is a YouTube video that Josh Cutler had posted on Facebook and he asked that everyone watch it. It's under five minutes. He's seen around minute 3 with a megaphone talking with the protesters (and for the video camera). He said many positive things came from this protest -- some doctors have asked for collaboration. Other things to do with media are to come which he is not at liberty to disclose at this time. And he is asking for people whether they're well or not to get to the May 2015 protest. Someone said they cannot afford it. Divegirl Deb said she could not either, but she used her resources and said 'ask for help'.  )

Josh also had posted this link to a political activism / marketing website that covered The Mayday Project's protest in Philly well, and he and his FB friends had commented under it in a way that made me want to go see it, and then bring it here for our YOUsers at Lumigrate.

As I do, typically, if I really want to be sure YOUsers are encouraged to go to see what's at a link, I'm going to provide some of the information here so that you'll get an idea of what you'll find if you take the trip to go see the sites. 


The Mayday Project gains further recognition of Chronic Lyme in Philly

Lyme patients gather in a peaceful protest at IDWeek (in Philadelphia, PA)

Last weekend The Mayday Project protested outside the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) conference in Philadelphia to support those suffering from Chronic Lyme Disease. Specifically they asked for improvement of the IDSA Lyme guidelines, which would allow for more regulated lab testing and treatment for those ill with the disease in its chronic form, which has been scientifically proven, yet not legally recognized.

According to the CDC, Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector borne infectious disease in the US, estimating around 300,000 cases per year. Lyme disease is  multi-systemic, affecting even the nervous system, and multi-infectious, including more than just the dreaded Lyme bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, but also additional co-infections such as Babesia, Bartonella, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and produced biotoxins, to name a few. This makes the treatment for those chronically infected all the more complex without the right information, and many times unsuccessful with the standard 4 weeks of antibiotics. Documentaries such as Under Our Skin  and its sequel, Emergence explain some of the complexities of this invisible, yet very debilitating disease.

On October 10th and 11th,  the protesters stood at candlelight in front of the IDSA, encouraging them to revisit current scientific evidence proving the realities of Chronic Lyme, which would ultimately allow patients treatment. The  protest focused on the recognition of chronic Lyme, calling for more money for research and treatment. The answer isn’t necessarily longer antibiotics, rather it is recognition of ongoing infection, ongoing oppression of those afflicted, and a striking need for research of this plague that holds eerie resemblance to the 1980’s AIDS epidemic.

Some sufferers of Lyme disease are lucky enough to finally get the correct testing from a knowledgeable doctor, allowing for treatment, and leading to a path of recovery. Even so, many have encountered this only after years of shrugged shoulders from doctors, misdiagnosis, and continued medical isolation. Over 100 people were able to attend the protest in Philly, but hundreds of others shared their support through the live-stream event from home while sick in bed, as many more were still in the fight elsewhere– the fight with insurance companies, the fight with doctors to provide the correct testing, and the fight with their bodies simply to continue the fight.

More About The Mayday Project-

black and white

Several members of The Mayday Project before convening with doctors at IDWeek

Josh Cutler founded the Mayday Project with Allison Caruana, after his friend’s life was taken by Lyme at 32-years-old. He was struck with the disease himself after a tick bite and forced to replace his career as an engineer with instead agonizing CNS, heart, and fatigue symptoms. After years of misdiagnosis he is finally seeing improvement and regaining his health. They now work with several others who were also touched by Lyme in some fashion: Amber Limbaugh, Tracy Will, Saby Mo, William Duggan, Angele Rice and Crystal OBarr, on the non-profit. They continue to raise awareness about the many injustices of the hundreds of thousands suffering with tick borne illness,  and work to encourage more research and advocacy about the disease. As more and more people continue to suffer, and as the numbers of those afflicted by tick borne illness grow, they will be standing in fight for the rights of those who need it most. “I have lost too many friends to this disease,” Josh says, “and I’m not ready to lose more.”

Dana Howell

As an Executive Assistant to the CEO and President of Campaign Consultation, Inc. I primarily work on initiatives with Very Special Older Properties (VSOP), Transit Choices, and the School of Social Work. Prior to joining Campaign Consultation, I worked as account manager for a growing medical company, interned with both the U.S. House and Senate focusing on health care and national security, and served as part of the Commerce Department for the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen where I helped U.S. companies find potential business partners in Denmark. Read more.


THERE ARE OUTSTANDING COMMENTS UNDER THIS ARTICLE AT THE TIME I GRABBED THIS, so please go and see what's at the source website. And Wellpower's About and topics are just really interesting too.  Again, the link is:



Here's a photo of my friend Carol DeLucca at the protest's vigil where they read the names of people who have died already of Lyme. She was PMing me a little saying how moving it was. I added the names of my classmates and schoolmates who I suspect might have had Lyme as part of the reason they died along the way since we were together in school. Being a relatively small class, I was organizing a reunion in 2013 and had an arrangement made with a flower for each person who had died; it was larger than I'd like to see it for people on the early side of mid 50s. I know I thought at one point that I'd not live to be 50, but thankfullyl I found some providers and got things turned around. Then created Lumigrate to bring the information to others. 


Next, the story of Susan Green and something from Baltimore Magazine. 

The story of Susan Green, which I learned of from this article in Baltimore Magazine, is quite impressive and has a lot of overall information in it. Through Facebook, I have made a concerted effort to network with people who have had a diagnosis of Lyme disease and also became very proactive about treatment, as well as doing their part 'getting the word out'. In other words 'activists about awareness', or 'activists about education'. I'd consider myself in that batch. I view it much like a musical or theatrical show -- you need the performers, you need the back stage helpers, and you need the audience. 

Then there are the activists who take it from there, and some people have brains and personalities for the political and legal process. It's not 'my thing'. Some people don't have the 'thing' for eductation but they have the 'thing' for research and activism in other ways. It's all important, and it's 'teamwork'. Ms Green, who apparently is about my age according to the author of this article, is well represented in this article for the work she has done, the story she is sharing -- which is all too common a story, and takes strength to tell, due to the vulnerability it takes to say 'I wasn't competent for a while there'.  I love the expression she had for when you're home and not really able to process information and you look out the windows: The goldfish stage. 

They portray her here to include her professional image and M.O., which is as a fierce, competent attorney. But one of the comments someone took the time and care to write, starting with "I hope I don't soften her image by telling about what she did for me..." (I'm paraphrasing).  There was another comment from someone who has done their research about Lyme and gives a lot of advise, and I thought it was a shining example of an extreme of the proactive, 'take-charge' attitude that Lumigrate's YOU! Model is all about! So I wanted to create a topic about this article and bring those comments and some excerpts of the article to entice our YOUsers to take the link and go see what the site's about that I am encouraging so much.


Towson attorney Susan R. Green knows she’s been bitten by ticks at least four times in the past two decades, and thinks her problems started that far back. But when she called her doctor after first noticing a bite, he said not to worry unless she noticed the tell-tale bull’s-eye rash. No rash, no worries. For Green, that was just one of the misconceptions about Lyme that resulted in years of crippling sickness. Long before Western medicine finally acknowledged that she had Lyme disease, she noticed that her memory wasn’t what it used to be. Then, she developed a twitch in her left eye and some anxiety, things she’d never experienced before. She got an MRI brain scan to find an answer to her memory issues, but, mostly, her doctors said she was fine. And she believed them. Until December 1, 2007.

“I had a nick on my abdomen, apparently from a tick, and I remember wondering how I had a nick there, because it was winter.” (Actually, Baltimore winters are too mild to kill off all the ticks.) “It wasn’t like I’d been running around in shorts or something,” she recalls. Within 24 hours, she was flat on her back in bed.

“I felt like someone had dosed my nerves in gasoline and lit them on fire,” she recalls. “I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow, I couldn’t breath. I had a cough. I couldn’t speak in sentences. I didn’t have enough oxygen to walk to the bathroom. I remember it was four o’clock in the morning and I couldn’t sleep, and I remember thinking, ‘Either put a bullet in me or get me to the hospital, just make it stop.’”

So began an epic journey that would take Green from one doctor’s office to the next, and from a career as an attorney to a calling as an outspoken Lyme-disease advocate.

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it’s the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the U.S. When captured early and treated with antibiotics, most people make a full recovery. Untreated, however, it can attack the nervous system and cause an array of symptoms, including facial palsy, arthritis-like pain and swelling, and cognitive defects. Worse yet: Despite her doctor’s assurances, a bull’s-eye rash does not occur in all cases of Lyme. And Green’s infection remained undiagnosed—and therefore untreated.

A statuesque blonde with deep brown eyes and a sense of fashion that lends itself to savage high heels and killer suits, Green is also an aggressive litigator. (Her website is She defended Avi Werdesheim in 2012 when he and his brother Eliyahu were accused of assaulting an African-American teenager while on neighborhood watch, a case that sparked tensions throughout the city. (Avi was aquitted.) Pre-Lyme, Green ran five to six miles a day and took no medications. Yet this dynamic, no-nonsense woman (the probably fiftysomething lawyer prefers not to share her age), who describes herself as “a tough old bird,” was deteriorating.

“By February, I had no memory whatsoever. When I would leave the house, I would get to the end of the driveway, and look left and right and couldn’t remember what was in either direction. So I’d sit in my driveway crying,” she says. “I would have blackouts where I’d get up at 7 a.m. to go to work, and I’d go outside and it would be dark and I’d have no means of accounting for what happened to the day. And all my hair fell out.” In that same month, she had a seizure.

The CDC recently revised its estimate of the number of cases reported annually from 30,000 up to an astounding 300,000.

Green realizes now she had fallen prey to yet another major Lyme myth. She had been tested for Lyme, but the results were negative, so doctors misdiagnosed her with everything from menopause to bipolar disorder. Friends and family began to think she was just crazy.

The reason the tests are so often ineffective is that they measure antibodies made by white blood cells in response to infection. But as the CDC now explains, it can take several weeks for sufficient antibodies to be produced so that they show up on a test. The CDC was part of the problem, too: It only recently acknowledged inadequacies in the testing and reporting of Lyme disease, causing the health organization to revise its estimate of the number of cases reported annually from 30,000 up to an astounding 300,000.

Lyme disease is like the climate change of the infectious-disease world, with believers and doubters. The differences of opinion can be seen in even the most basic of statistics: The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) states that a bull’s-eye rash is apparent in 70 to 80 percent of Lyme cases. The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) says it occurs in fewer than 50 percent of cases.

These two entities represent two opposing schools of thought on Lyme. Meanwhile, many sick patients are stuck in the middle. Green found herself right in those crosshairs when, on the recommendation of a friend, she went to a Johns Hopkins-trained infectious-disease doctor (she asks that his name not be used) who tested her for Lyme again. This time, it was positive, and she also tested positive for several common co-infections including Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis. His diagnosis: She was very sick and would require long-term antibiotics to be well. What happened next shocked her.

“He said, ‘I can’t treat you anymore. I belong to the IDSA and my society would drum me out if they knew I gave you antibiotics past 28 days.’”

For those whose Lyme goes undiagnosed, and for a small population who go through antibiotic treatment without success, long-term antibiotics have emerged as a solution. But the practice is controversial—

... AND THIS IS WHERE I'LL STOP WITH THE PREVIEW.. Take the link, read the article! 

As Susan Green set out searching for a doctor to help her regain her wellness / reverse the symptoms of the illness, she would commit to each one: “If you give me my brain back, I’ll fight to solve the problems you face.” She found two so-called “LLMDs,” or Lyme-literate doctors; Dr. Joseph Jemsek (who was, in fact, eventually represented by Green) and Dr. Kenneth Singleton, author of The Lyme Disease Solution.

And fight she has! Please read the story. It's a story that most people will recognize as familiar if they know someone who has or had a severe case of these types of bacteria getting the best of them because of what we cover in Lumigrate's 'foundational information' about full barrel syndrome or load theory (same thing, just pick which one you prefer as an analogy that 'works for you'.  (Full Barrel Syndrome's covered in a one minute snippet at our Videos tab and Load Theory is in the forums, just Search at our Search bar, or on any search engine with Lumigrate with it, or Marc Spurlock, MD who wrote the topic and generously provided it at Lumigrate for our YOUsers who are readers of the forums' content (along with a LOT of stuff in the forum (which has his name on it, it's in the section that's about chronic fatigue, pain, fibromyalgia). 

However, the above statement about 300,000 is going by the CDC's statement, the 'official' numbers. Those who are immersed in the Lyme issue generally have a consensus, from what I've gleaned, that there likely about one million new cases per year in the United States alone. Why is it that the numbers are so wiggy? Here's the best overview of the history of the "Lyme Wars" that I have found so far from a mainstream, establishment-recognized/respected source: National Institutes of Health, NCBI. And they actually state that it's believed to be up to one million new cases per year in the US, right in the top portion. (I would like to add that these types of bacteria are ancient, and evidence has been found in other continents far back before anything that's talked about in the United States of America. We simply are the focus of the epidemic currently. This is a world-wide problem (I was shocked to hear about how many cases in China, for instance).  
Here's the link:


So now I want to talk about activist Mark. He's made this comment at the above article at Baltimore Magazine:

The reason the IDSA says a high percentage get a bulls eye rash is because that is one of the criteria for a CDC-reportable case. So, many who don't have this rash don't get counted. And doctors don't understand that the critieria for surveillance reporting should not determine whether a patient in a clinical situation gets treatment or not. And the CDC doesn't do anything to change this perception.

It's like a club where you have to have the password to get in; therefore, people inside are going to know the password. Obvious, wouldn't you say? So obvious that only very stupid or very dishonest people would continue to insist that a high percentage of people has the rash. Not only that, but published papers say the bulls eye is not even the most common type of rash that occurs in lyme disease.

When do we get some honesty in the handling of this disease? IDSA, CDC, NIH.......when are you going to do your job right? How many more lives are going to be damaged or destroyed in the meantime?

Yes, that's "activism" -- taking the time to write a thought-provoking and educational comment! This is something that people can do if they're well enough to be on their devices that attach them to the Internet (which some are not that well, I know of a woman who has been for years now, able to only sometimes interact via a smarphone using Twitter due to the short and simplified way of communicating). She is essentially at the mercy of her advocate to research and find out about treatments and providers. As you see in in the article about Susan Green, it is stated that people need to ask someone to help them with the reading (and understanding of what is read). This is complicated information. I've tried to provide the clearest resources I can here. 

Another activist is another commenter on the article about Susan Green:

Lymies...I would get all these tests... Western Blot for Borrelia, also test for Borrelia hermsii, Borrelia recurrentis, and Babesia duncani and microti and Quest can test for duncani, Bartonella henselae and quintana, Brucella, Tularemia, Coxiella burnetti or Q fever, many rickettsias ie Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Typhus, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, EBV, CMV, all Coxsackie viruses, and now Powassan virus and its cousin Deer Tick Virus, HSV 1 and 2, HHV 1-8 if available. Parvovirus B -19, Papillomaviruses, Toxoplasmosis, Chlamydias and Mycoplasmas and get genetic tests for hypercoagulation like Mthfr and Factor V leiden, and test all your IgG subclasses 1-4, and CD 57 and C3a and C4a and CBS mutations and HPU/KPU and mold testing since so many of us have issues with mold. ECP or eisonophil cationic protein seems to suggest to docs that you have babesia. Also transfer growth factor b-1 and Beta Strep.

High CD 57 counts may be associated with Beta Strep. Heavy metals have a part in this and we are low in Secosteroid D or vitamin D and some are low in Potassium and others iron. Many are deficient in all amino acids. Our hormones are a mess and the whole HPA Hypothalmic pituitary axis is the problem.

We can have probs with our adrenals and thryoid...we do not convert T4 to T3 and in my case I have high reverse T3 or rT3. We are quite low in testosterone as well. Check out every hormone in your body, amino acids and vitamins and minerals.

There are over 100 viruses we can get from a tick and also many parasites. The labs that insurance covers can't find a parasite when we can see it under the microscope. Quest at Nichols Institute in Valencia California can culture samples and might even be able to distinguish Brucella suis from melitensis or arbortus.

We also need an MRI of our brain with and without contrast. Many lymies are showing up with pituitary adenomas and pheomchromocytomas. Make sure that you do not have these. I have spent years trying to figure out what is in us and so far this is what I have seen.

Unfortunately when your physician may take years to order all the necessary tests. Make sure you get tested sooner rather than later. One more thing may get tested for Brucella today and 2 years from now may show up IgM positive. The immune system is overwhelmed with all these pathogens.

Whole HPA is a mess. ADH is not normal in lyme patients. We also need to be tested for all the opportunistic fungal infections of AIDS patients.


Can you say 'overwhelming'? Maybe overstepping bounds? If there were enough resources out there for the public to get the information they need about what to 'do about it', perhpas the Lymies who are reversing symptoms and so enthused that they have seen rewards from their efforts AND wanting to help others wouldn't feel the need to spend their time and energy doing what the medical system is FAILING with their fellow Lyme "family"/teammates/ comrades / fellow 'man'. 

What would you guess is the estimated cost for all those diagnostic tests? And the providers to interpret the tests. And advise the patient about their tests?  Then multiply that by the number of people in the US who have these factors in their bodies, causing all the symptoms -- with the estimate today of 'fibromyalgia' being 10million, and the recognition that we're likely at 1 million NEW cases a year, plus all the other things that are 'diagnosed' by organized, mainstream medicine that is found to have these bacteria as the underlying cause in most cases. OVERWHELMING the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM and the funds available is, perhaps, the 'motive' for the reason the organized medical system is acting about Lyme, causing the "Lyme wars". 

I have created a lot of information about Lyme / Borrelia / neuroborreliosis / borreliosis in the forum that's title Environmental Wellness / Environmental Illness. I have looked for, and used the information suggested by the Lyme activists I have connected with, and believe we have a very effective complement of information available, not only about the history of Lyme / Borrelia, but the researchers, the documentaries produced, and then treatments. The man who wrote the most recent comment I put in a box, above, is totally coming from an organized medicine standpoint for testing.

There are others who believe differently, that are from the more traditional approaches of medical and health / wellness care. Treatments that are discussed typically in the mainstream include antibiotics; others have looked at research or what they know from their angle and address it differently. You will find, in the resources I provide in the EI/EW forum I refer to here, people who have irradicated the bugs using unconventional approaches, as well as the people who we have become familiar to us from their having been in Under Our Skin, the groundbreaking documentary about chronic Lyme and the 'wars'. 

YOUsers at Lumigrate know that YOU are in the center of your health care team, YOU are the one who it is encumbent upon to do enough research to be able to make good decisions about what type of provider YOU select for not only information and advise, but treatment. These can be online resources, those who operate remotely through computer or telephone. And you can consider the 'virtual' providers you will learn from via books, videos, websites, etc.  You're making me and the Lumigrate team of experts and our content one of your potential 'orbs' on the molecule around YOU in the YOU! Model. 


Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Two Days of Battle Over New Washington Post Lyme Article

I wanted to easily show the YOUsers of Lumigrate the comments that ensued under a Washington Post article from September 15, 2014. I created this topic comment and titled it about two days of battle, but after another two days there were more comments that were worth adding here for our YOUsers to more readily be able to read if they have difficulty, as I have with busy website comment threads. What a 'whistleblower', Kathleen Dixson, had to say was the best I have yet seen her present, but when they limite your space to comment, she was not putting in breaks and making it really easy to read. So our YOUsers get the easier readable version here. I hope it is helpful to those trying to figure out the Lyme reality and who the players are in the 'fight'. 

Since the information is so complex, if you can make it EASIER to read, then it might help people be able to absorb and become functionally literate about Lyme.  That was my thinkin'.  However, PLEASE GO TO THE SOURCE DOCUMENT and read the article and  look over the comments thread as there will be more than what I put here, for one thing... and all the bells and whistles are there. It was a very typical article about Lyme that comes from the mainstream media.  If you're at all familiar with Lyme you might just take in these comments FIRST and THEN go read the article.  It is titled:   "A Big Dispute Behind a Tiny Tick Bite: What to call the lingering effects of Lyme disease?", by Janice Lynch Schuster.  

BEAR with the presentation on this from me, below, please, as I had worked on bringing these comments here and making them easier for people with Lyme or other brain (and vision) difficulties easier to read and comprehend and 'follow'.  So I grabbed what was there from 9/15 to 9/17 on 9/17, and then came back on 9/19 and got the more pertinent comments and added them at the top (as the most recent comment is at the top and the first comment anyone made about the article at the bottom.  

When you see three horizontal breaker lines, below, that is what I added on 9/19 above, and below it is from the first batch (where I brought every comment because they were all good, after 9/17 there appeared to perhaps be a heckler of some sort (perhaps paid, who knows for certain) trying to attack Kathleen for not having published research and referring to her own website as reference. She is no longer working as a researcher and there are limited peer-reviewed publications that would likely take it on; she'd then dilute her time and energy for activism rallying people to do the pressuring of the Dept of Justice. So this is really a great little 'study' for people to see how this Lyme war goes. 

While spirochetal diseases are permanent and one does need 3 months of IV ceftriaxone (Fallon, and Dattwyler and Krupp) as soon as possible since these bugs go right to the brain as discovered by Ray Dattwyler et al, by examining spinal fluid while the EM rash is still there, it is also true that the NIH has admitted publicly what they found regarding exposure to such antigens as the Lyme vaccine, OspA. It's likelier to be about fungal-antigen induced immunosuppression and the reactivation of the latent herpesviruses (see the NYT last year with Jane Brody and NINDS' Adrianna Marques). So, indeed, ILADS is ripping these people off and they refuse to consider how LYMErix causes the same systemic disease as "Chronic Lyme (Dave Persing and Ben Luft)." Sickening, really, that ILADS refuses to put up a fight over the Dearborn case definition, TOO!! - while they expect Senators like Blumenthal to take on the CDC and IDSA over their bogus testing, FORCING the FDA to do their jobs. What a FARCE of a "country," seriously,

Does anyone care to know what the NIH thinks is the reason Lyme is primarily seronegative and why the NIH thinks OspA-like antigens are the cause of the New Great Imitator outcomes? Or is 8 years not enough time for ILADS to consider the science?

Four Things we know for sure, now, about "Lyme Disease": 
1) When I recommended on that the other 49 states should sue the State of CT for participating in Yale's Lyme and LYMErix crime (140909),... the various dot edus went a little kookoo, and then the (Plum Island) showed up to the tune of 47 individual pcs from that domain in one day. So, it looks like someone asked the, "Now what? It was *your* idea to say Lyme was just a bad knee..." 

The scientific data says 2) the area of Lyme, CT/East Long Island was the original outbreak area (Bosler, SUNY-SB), and that this particular borrelia (closest relative = African bird borreliosis, anserina) showing up in this particular tick in this particular region was evolutionarily, genetically, unlikely (UPenn).

3) There is an obvious press black-out. NYTimes's Holcolm Noble quit the NYTimes in 2001 when they refused to publish his Lyme-LYMErix cryme story...

And 4) notice that none of the major dailies wrote a story about the reasons Senator Richard Blumenthal sued in 2006. 

See the PI and Trainer Pages page of A-L for the scientific data on phylogeny: and

Therefore, long ago we decided we were DONE with this baloney. We'll just fax the foreign embassies with the scanned in data. ActionLyme was a precursor to WikiLeaks. I'd say it was effective at proving one thing: "Doctors" are severely undertrained, almost to the point where you could say "Medical School" is where they're exposed to a form of socially-acquired-dementia. A contagious disease of character. A model for proposing the theory that arrogance negatively affects cognition in a linear way.


Then from a Ross Anderson: Hello, I would like to see the leadership at the CDC and I.D.S.A retire early. Send them off to clown Island and let them keep their money and ignorant ideas. The other alternative will be prosecution and a legacy of disgrace. This never ending, ridiculous debate over what to call a disease is literally killing us. We shall call it Lyme Disease. Please pull your collective heads out of the sand, and work together to end this suffering. #CureTheCDC

Ms Dixson's response: BigPharma and the NIH were losers, too, since they chose to ignore something as big as a "New Great Imitator" that caused MS, RA, Dementia, Lupus, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue and the other non-HLA-linked outcomes. China is ahead of them, Brazil makes fun of the CDC/IDSA clowns on "Lyme Disease," and Russia kicked out Americans and banned human DNA samples being taken out of their country six months after I started faxing their embassies with data about Pam3Cys and what the likes of the associates of Durland Fish and Gary Wormser were doing with that disease susceptibility pharming out of New York Medical College. 

"In May 2007, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the Russian government banned all exports of human biosamples.[13] The report claims that the reason for the ban was a secret FSB report about on-going development of "genetic bioweapons" targeting Russian population by Western institutions. The report mentions the Harvard School of Public Health, American International Health Alliance, United States Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division, Karolinska Institutet and United States Agency for International Development." 

Coincidence? Possibly, but I started faxing the embassies in June, 2006. By Sept 2006 I had 14,000 visitors from Russia, alone, and then the following May, 2007, Russia kicked them out.


Fascinating stuff. Who the H *are* these people? 
CHAPTER 8, Mysterious Russian (Defectors?) Scientists at New York Medical College study the cyst or spheroplast form of spirochetes as well as human racial diseases susceptibilities.  
Some of the other Russian Scientists either publishing in Durland Fish's 'Journal", or New York Medical College- Look closely at all of their publications. They're very interested in genetic backgrounds of peoples of foreign nations: 
That all ^^^ means the bioweapons to be developed against these people have to be stealth against their HLAs. That is, the disease cannot be an HLA-linked disease or else there will be antibodies against the stealth infection, which would render the disease detectable. Read more about it here.


MzCitizen2   #1 7:12 AM MDT  (Note from Mardy - with no date it meant 'today', 9/17, so you can see as this goes on, it's going backwards in time with the discussion). 
For those who have been experiencing symptoms that their doctors, or the CDC approved testing, has not been able to define - please look into what is fast becoming the new "gold standard" in Lyme testing 
Lyme Blood Culture Test 
Advanced Labs of Pennsylvania 
Advanced will culture a blood sample for six weeks or more, in an attempt to "grow" borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes from cells in the blood. (A well known "Lyme Literate" physician helped to develop this test.) 
It is expensive (about $600.00), and most health insurers will not cover the cost. Also patients are advised not to take antibiotics for one month prior to the blood draw. But people who have not been able to get a definitive diagnosis in the past, are finally now getting some answers, with a 94% accuracy. 
The lab sends patients a microscopic photograph of any spirochetes grown from their blood.  
Imagine the progress that might be made if insurers were required to cover this test? 

KMDickson1 #1-1 - 7:48 AM - That's not a validated test. Besides, most of the borrelia escape to "immune-privileged sites" (code language for BRAIN) and are not typically blood-borne; not this borrelia, anyway. And, what's the disease if it was caused by OspA/Fungal vaccination, too? Please, let's be sure we know what we are talking about and stop quoting ILADS - who does not know what they are talking about. Bad enough we get confusing garbage from CDC and IDSA. ...


Maryland has lyme -- #2 7:05 AM MDT

So amazed that NOTHING was mentioned about all of the other horrific pathogens that ticks carry in addition to Lyme. Lets just pretend for a moment that the CDC, FDA, and IDSA decided to come clean about this epidemic and acknowledge chronic Lyme...then the whole cascade of the other organisms needs to be tackled.

I would like Wormser to have a heart to heart with one of these sick individuals...they will tell you they have no desire to take these outdated antibiotics for long term...but at this point what choices do they have?

I can tell you from personal experience, diet, exercise and CBT WILL NOT give people back their lives!! BE HONEST!! Babesia- a cousin of Malaria is in just about every tick that carries Lyme...Tell me again when a clean diet can make things better from Malaria??? Stop being pimped by Big Pharma and actually do something to help our citizens!!

KMDickson1 - #2-1, 7:52 AM MDT - BigPharma is not the problem. CDC is the problem. It was in the majority CDC officers who changed the diagnostic standard to suit their own personal patents' royalties bottom line.

Pharma would LOVE nothing more than to sell a mab drug or two to the 30 million of us with Chronic Fatigue/Lyme/Fibro (against the EBV/herpesviruses reactivated by OspA-like antigens shed by the borreliae, and also against TLR2-agonist tolerance, for which there is no cell surface marker identified at present). 

That this scam has gone on so long since we had the FDA order LYMErix off the market because it was technically a toxin, is ONLY because CDC staff and their ALDF/IDSA associates do not want to spend the rest of their lives in jail for negligent homicide over the Dearborn testing ruse. That's it. All this malarkey including the "guidelines" are merely the attempt at the maintenance of the alibi - that the Dearborn case definition was real and valid.

OspAfail - #3  6:21 AM MDT
Ask the eminent doctors who are quoted in the article to explain what OspA is/does.
KMDickson1 - #4   5:53 AM MDT, and associates have misunderstood the statement by the FDA issued July 31, 2014, which was to specify what are the FDA's own criteria for a valid test (specificity, precision, linearity, accuracy, limit of detection, and ruggedness).
These criteria are ONLY met by the Yale flagellin method (US Patent 5, 618, 533). In the same report to the Senators, the FDA refers to their Adverse Events reporting page, which now allows Lyme victims to report how the CDC's Dearborn case definition caused them injury.  
We, ActionLyme and associates, will help everyone with their adverse events reporting and what to say in quotation of CDC officers supporting that Flagellin is the only antibody needed (Band 41) to diagnose Lyme in the presence of the Triad of symptoms; so join us and we will train you:
HERE is the FDA document from July 31, 2014 and what it says about validations: 
"Under CLIA, accreditors do not evaluate test validation prior to marketing nor do  
they assess the clinical validity of a LDT (i.e., the accuracy with which the test identifies, measures, or predicts the presence or absence of a clinical condition or predisposition in a patient).
**** Under the FD&C Act, the FDA assures both the analytical validity (e.g., analytical specificity and sensitivity, accuracy and precision) and clinical validity of diagnostic tests through its premarket clearance or approval process. In addition to premarket review, FDA requirements provide other controls to ensure appropriate design, manufacture, and safety and effectiveness of the device.****
As a result, while CLIA oversight is important, it alone does not ensure that LDTs are properly designed, consistently manufactured, and are safe and effective for patients. ..."
Yale owns the only testing for Lyme that is valid according to those rules (US patent 5,618,533) developed in 1991, and they are also the owners of LYMErix. Yale did not use the FDA-validated method to assess the outcome of LYMErix because they knew LYMErix did not prevent Lyme,... and they knew "Lyme Disease" was not simply "an HLA-linked hypersensitivity response" - the current falsified case definition. It's a simple false claims act case against Yale. Here is the pubmed report associated with patent 5, 618, 533.
You can see they met the FDA requirements for a validation (accurate, early, sensitive, applies to all kinds of Lyme, and most of all SPECIFIC): 
MzCitizen2 #5   5:09 AM MDT
Allow me to address the inaccuracies of your article, as told by the various CDC sanctioned "experts" ... 
1. About 40% of those who test Lyme positive, never had a bulls-eye rash. 
2. The 24-48 hours tick engorgement rule is a CDC driven fairy tale. Some patients have reported knowing their tick was only with them for fifteen minutes, yet suffered infections that debilitated their lives. Some researchers say that borrelia burgdorferi can head straight for the central nervous system, within fifteen minutes of blood/tick transmission. 
3. The current CDC and IDSA sanctioned test for Lyme - the ELISA (antibody) test, is estimated to give a false negative in approximately 40-50% of all tests. The current CDC and IDSA sanctioned "standard of care" for Lyme REQUIRES that patients must FIRST have a "positive ELISA" before attempting to "confirm" those results, with the more accurate Western Blot. However, standards for "bands" on the Western Blot to indicate a "positive" can vary from lab to lab or manufacturer - so knowledgeable patients seek to test by the "expanded" Western Blot - offered by a California specialty lab.  
Recently Labcorp made Lyme Community buzz, as their newest policy refuses patients a Western Blot if they have not tested positive by ELISA. This move seems to be the result of pressures brought by the so- called "Lyme experts" - such as Dr. Gary Wormser. Dr. Wormser is notorious in the Lyme Community for his exceptional talent to land big government grants to do the kind of research that learns exactly nothing - while he disparages those researchers and practitioners who make real progress.  
For now our hopes are pinned to the first Lyme Research Bill that has just passed Congress last week. 
Thank You Rep. Chris Gibson et ALL! Now Senators - for heaven's sake, please do YOUR part! 
If you think you have Lyme, here are three important websites to visit: , and
the Tick Borne Disease Alliance


KMDickson1 - #5-1    5:51 AM MDT.   Actually, the and associates have misunderstood the statement by the FDA issued July 31, 2014, which was to specify what are the FDA's own criteria for a valid test (specificity, precision, linearity, accuracy, limit of detection, and ruggedness).

These criteria are ONLY met by the Yale flagellin method (US Patent 5, 618, 533). In the same report to the Senators, the FDA refers to their Adverse Events reporting page, which now allows Lyme victims to report how the CDC's Dearborn case definition caused them injury.  

Unfortunately this (above) is the wrong information. We, ActionLyme and associates will help everyone with their adverse events reporting and what to say in quotation of CDC officers supporting that Flagellin is the only antibody needed (Band 41) to diagnose Lyme in the presence of the Triad of symptoms; so join us and we will train you:

KMDickson1 - #6    4:23 AM MDT
The NIH has admitted this disease is probably more about the reactivated herpes viruses and tolerance to fungal antigens in the NYTimes last year. They *had* to since they were the authors of that research: 
10) This is the NIH group that discovered that *** OspA *** (the fake LYMErix "vaccine") was the cause of the MS/New Great Imitator outcome of Lyme (Martin and Marques, 2006): 

"Complicating the picture is the fact that some people with PTLDS symptoms apparently never had Lyme disease in the first place, Dr. Marques said in an interview. There are other infectious organisms — Epstein-Barr virus, for example — that can produce similar symptoms and may be the real culprits." 
Here are the NIH's 2 reports that say OspA (TLR2-agonist) is the cause of the MS/CFIDS/EBV-reactivated kind of Lyme (that also causes humoral immunosuppression),... and that as a result of exposure to OspA-like antigens (shed constantly in a process called blebbing, as revealed by CDC officer Alan "Stealth Bomber" Barbour), you might not even have anti-flagellar antibodies (TLR5-agonists): 

Borrelia burgdorferi Induces TLR1 and TLR2 in human microglia and peripheral blood monocytes but differentially regulates HLA-class II expression. 
Borrelia burgdorferi lipoprotein-mediated TLR2 stimulation causes the down-regulation of TLR5 in human monocytes. 
So, Lyme, LYMErix and people victimized by the CDC's falsified "Two-Tiered" case definition should join us here and we will help you fill out your Adverse Event complaint to the FDA: 
This has been the most popular file referred around from for weeks. It comes from the NCI's and the US Army's (late) pathologist Paul H. Duray in IDSA's own journal from 1989 referring to what he finds in Chronic Lyme victims: 
"Immature B cells can also be seen in the spinal fluid. These cells can appear quite atypical- not unlike those of transformed or neoplastic lymphocytes." --  --1989, IDSA's Journal 
KMDickson1 - #7   3:59 AM MDT
Go back to the 1950s to see Rockefeller Bioweapons Inc experimenting with mycoplasma antigens like OspA - Enhancing Mouse Leukemia Virus, just like fungally-contaminated vaccines do, which was the reason they put Thimerosal in vaccines, to prevent fungi from doing this (Clue: HIV and "Lyme" bearing the same immunosuppressing triacyl lipopeptide fungal antigen, OspA): 

"In Swiss mice, animals with high natural resistance to hepatitis virus, the pathogenicity of this agent was markedly enhanced by combined infection with eperythrozoa. Eperythrozoa were maintained throughout 18 successive passages in normal Princeton and Swiss weanlings with intact spleens.
The combined infection of Princeton mice with eperythrozoa and the virus component of Gledhill, Dick, and Andrewes, which is nearly inactive when injected alone, resulted in acute hepatitis with fatal outcome."
The reason the CDC refuses to reveal what Borreliosis is all about (Immunosuppression and the activation of latent herpesviruses) is because that mechanism reveals the source of the "Autism" pandemic. See the above experiment Smile And we have a lot more data on that, including the CDC's and BigPharma's own data confirming. 
Join us here @ the OCCUPY the USDOJ page for all groups [Autism parents, Psych Rights, Fake Criminal Courts, Police Brutality (Ferguson), Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, etc) because we are going to DEMAND the USDOJ do their jobs and protect us from corporate criminals:
Recall that the Scientific Fraud and Racketeering complaint was already filed with the USDOJ in July 2003 (New Haven, CT), upon the recommendation of Richard Blumenthal's (now a senator, at the time, the CT Attorney General) staff lawyers once they had seen that the testing schema for Lyme had "CHANGED??!!"
Later in 2006, Blumenthal sued himself for "AntiTrust." So, obviously something strange (and criminal) is going on.
theresal58 - #8     12:40 AM MDT
Ms Shuster, 

You and your daughter are headed for the 7 Circles of Lyme Hell ( see Dante's Inferno) if you believe what the CDC and the IDSA tell you. I was infected at 18. Blown off by conventional doctors for years. I am now 58 and bedridden with intractable lyme infection and it's coinfections. 

I am not alone. Ten minutes on the internet and you will easily find 1000's of us suffering from untreated , undiagnosed, under diagnosed lyme. People from around the world, from all walks of life. 

Lyme IS a the next AIDS. If caught within hours of infection, it can be cured with antibiotics. Brushed aside and swirling in the controversy, the lyme goes untreated and your daughter will be permanently ill.  
None of us lyme sufferers buy into Wormser and the CDC.
Find yourself an ILADS doctor and get her help before it is too late. This is a serious disease. It will kill you. There is no cure for lyme. And there is no research being done to find a cure.  

Wise up quickly or your daughter is in for a hellish life. And it CAN be passed in utero to an unborn child.

KMDickson1 - #8-1   4:21 AM MDT [Edited]   Actually the NIH has admitted this is probably more about the reactivated herpes viruses and tolerance to fungal antigens in the NYTimes last year. They had to since they were the authors of that research: 
10) This is the NIH group that discovered that *** OspA *** (the fake LYMErix "vaccine") was the cause of the MS outcome of Lyme (Martin and Marques, 2006): 
"Complicating the picture is the fact that some people with PTLDS symptoms apparently never had Lyme disease in the first place, Dr. Marques said in an interview. There are other infectious organisms — Epstein-Barr virus, for example — that can produce similar symptoms and may be the real culprits." 
Here are the NIH's 2 reports that say OspA (TLR2-agonist) is the cause of the MS/CFIDS/EBV-reactivated kind of Lyme (that also causes humoral immunosuppression),... and that as a result of exposure to OspA-like antigens (shed constantly in a process called blebbing, as revealed by CDC officer Alan "Stealth Bomber" Barbour), you might not even have anti-flagellar antibodies (TLR5-agonists): 
Borrelia burgdorferi Induces TLR1 and TLR2 in human microglia and peripheral blood monocytes but differentially regulates HLA-class II expression. 
Borrelia burgdorferi lipoprotein-mediated TLR2 stimulation causes the down-regulation of TLR5 in human monocytes.
Bill Syrjala - #9  9/16/2014 8:47 PM MDT
This article is a joke. To completely ignore all the science that shows that Lyme persists after 30 days of abx? And you're an unbiased science writer?  
I know people who have taken months worth of abx, and *still* test positive under the CDC/IDSA standard.
arniespeaksout - #10       9/16/2014 7:38 PM MDT
Good article, but I'm surprised there was no mention of the Lyme disease vaccine, which is highly effective and is widely used in Europe. It hasn't been approved in the U.S., due to the all-too-familiar and all-too-nonscientific claims that it causes disease rather than protects against it.

Bill Syrjala - #10-1 9/16/2014 8:45 PM MDT
Vaccines have risk. There's a reason there's a vaccine injury court, which uses science.

KMDickson1 - #10-2    4:10 AM MDT
Incorrect, OspA was a fungal antigen that was removed from the market due to it causing the same protean disease as chronic Lyme. There is no Lyme vaccine being used in Europe at all, and Baxter is dropping their version of it.
See more on I am an analytical chemist and am the whistleblower re this fake vaccine and the falsified testing use to lie it on to the market by the CDC and associated criminals at Yale.  
makwavz - #11    9/16/2014 7:33 PM MDT
“The clearest harm occurs in people who end up with long-term IV antibiotic therapy." NOT! The clearest harm occurs in patients who remain undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and under treated! Why are they trying to kill us? And why is any journalist quoting that Wormser character?
The journalist obviously did not watch the movie. This is a total CDC article. It's BS! If you're writing this article and not getting information form the hundreds of thousands of people suffering from Lyme because the CDC won't treat us, you've missed the whole point of writing an article on Lyme.
SterlingReader - #12   9/16/2014 6:25 PM MDT
Just another Lyme story. Doctors who deny this are fools. The IDSA is a criminal enterpise.
Bill Syrjala - #12-1  9/16/2014 8:45 PM MDT

KMDickson1 #12-2   4:15 AM MDT
Yes, IDSA is a criminal enterprise. Not to mention brainless. Think: Bernie Madoff. IDSA is the Bernie Madoff version of an Infectious Diseases group. 

heinpe - #13   9/16/2014 5:16 PM MDT
When I was in Virginia last year, I picked up a pamphlet that claimed that a local version of tick - "white-starred tick", I think it was - could also transmit a disease, albeit different from Lyme or Q Fever.  
Naturally, a couple of days later, i found one attached. I - being a good little doobie - lifted off (not easy) and deposited it in a vial.  
I offered it to my doc, who said "no point in sending it out, they always come back 'inconclusive'", and prescribed me a course of doxycycline. I never developed any symptoms, so either (A) the tick was non-infectious, (B) it wasn't attached long enough to infect me, or (C) the antibiotic did the job. 
I have NEVER seen any other reference to a tick-borne "tidewater" disease. So IS there such a thing, and if so, why don't we know about it ?
Shainzona - #14   9/16/2014 5:09 PM MDT
We lived in the Lyme Disease Capital of the World - Chappaqua, NY - and dealt with another tick-borne illness: ehrliciosis. While traveling through the various medical channels I learned that no one wanted to admit another tick illness was out much so that we were told that in order to investigate they would need to send investigators into the woods in protective suits...and they were sure the neighbors would not be happy to see that. 
You are your own best advocate. Don't give up.   (I (Mardy) ADDED THE BOLDING TO "pop" it)
ea21 - #15   9/16/2014 5:06 PM MDT
A short article obviously can't cover everything but it definitely leaves out important current info - such as that there is a bill before Congress to increase funding and attention paid to Lyme disease and it just passed in the House! 
I became ill with flu like symptoms in 2000 and rapidly deteriorated to the point I couldn't sit up by myself and I unfortunately went to Hopkins. They said I had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and in sum – “there's nothing we can do for you but you should seek alternative therapies because some patients have found success there.” I was a high school senior, an honors student and state championship athlete.
My initial Lyme test was negative, but it was done early on. One later was indeterminate and they never bothered re-testing. I didn’t know enough at the time to know about the high amount of negative tests. As a result I accepted my fibro and CFS diagnoses and didn’t think about Lyme for years. I finally reached a breaking point where I had several infections and daily fevers for months.
I found new doctors and asked them to go back to square one. Fast forward from finally receiving the Lyme diagnosis and long-term antibiotic treatment –I’m still sick but I’m so much better and I finally see light at the end of the tunnel. My treatment is so much harder because I lived with this bug for over 10 years and I only think back to if I had been given an initial 30 days of antibiotics… 
To all of those who are concerned about antibiotics overuse I challenge you to be in my shoes to be told, at 18, to expect to live in constant pain, with extreme fatigue and tons of random horrible symptoms, on disability the rest of my life and not expected to hold down a regular job vs. what was the harm in trying 30 days of antibiotics to see if I would improve? Several years before I became ill I had been put on those same antibiotics long term for acne but as soon as I really needed them, doctors refused. It doesn’t make any sense.
homeschool4joy - #15-1   9/16/2014 5:21 PM MDT
I couldn't agree more. What is the use of antibiotics if they are not used to kill bacteria when the bacteria are harming us? Surely advanced Lyme disease is more serious an illness than acne? 
Since my diagnosis with late-stage Lyme, after months and months of misdiagnoses and indifference, I began with a month of high-dose amoxicillin, then a month of Ceftin, and now IV ceftriaxzone, and with each step, I got more and more of my life back. I am not well yet, but I am so incredibly much better.
One day, I took my husband by the hand, asked him to look me in the eyes, and remember me the way I was that day, because the real me had returned to him--I had fallen so far, I did not even realize how bad things had become until I had a little reprieve. 
I am in my late 30s. I still hope to have more children, to work, to enjoy life. To be told I have no choice but to live in constant pain, to not know when my mind will work enough to let me read, or write, or type, or remember how to check out at the store or pump gas, to limp and shuffle as though I were an old woman...that is not acceptable.
  • SterlingReader - #15-1-1    9/16/2014 6:29 PM MDT   Keep up the pressure on your elected officials. That is the only way to get the insurance industry and the IDSA to comply
KMDickson1 - #15-2    4:18 AM MDT
The RICO and FRAUD laws already exist. This phony Lyme bill will create a Supreme Court of Lyme Crooks on the bench. Do not endorse. These guys belong in jail for negligent homicide. These guys are worse than the NAZIs because this experiment with untreated spirochetal diseases was already performed a couple of times: Tuskegee and Guatemala.
Cotour - #16   9/16/2014 5:05 PM MDT
Look into LDN (low dose Naltrexone) for treating Lyme disease and other diseases like MS. Read about and go to Youtube and see what others says about it. The use of LDN is out of most doctors sphere of knowledge and protocols. I have suggested this for others who are taking it and it seems to have positive results. Good luck.
rgsoleary - #17   9/16/2014 4:33 PM MDT
I would suggest you get in touch with the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH, at or at (740) 698-9119. They have some helpful protocols for addressing Lyme Disease and meliorating its effects without antibiotics. Good luck to you and your daughter.

djweiss - #18
9/16/2014 4:30 PM MDT
There are many people recovering from Lyme with the help of support groups in all 50 states. Doctors can be helpful but many are too busy to become experts at dealing with tick-borne illness. Please reach out and find a support group that pools the information and knowledge of many people who have healed themselves of Lyme. I organize a support group in Charlottesville and welcome all who would like more information.
3 Run HR - #19   9/16/2014 4:19 PM MDT
Glad you got another pediatrician. Your first was a complete idiot. I knew I had Lymes, forced a blood test on a doctor and then thankfully had a doxy round. Mostly ok, but different now. I was in fantastic shape, now have more pronounced aches and pains, it's like it amplifies any joint issues from arthritis, etc. As to the neurological issues, anyone's guess.
mccall1709 - #20 - 9/16/2014 3:16 PM MDT
From the article: " Wormser said that many people who come to him for help with what they describe as chronic Lyme have no evidence of ever having been infected with it". What test is Wprmser using to make this statement, because obviously the testing has proven not to be accurate.
Current testing test for antibodies to the bacteria and for most people that I know with chronic lyme disease show deficiencies in the IGG Subclasses, which means that the body is unable to make antibodies. Too many articles analyzing the debate but no action. You can talk about a problem all day long but until you start acting on that talk we will get no where. And this is where we have been for the last 30 years NO WHERE in fixing the issues with lyme disease.

TouchedByLyme - #21   9/16/2014 2:56 PM MDT
Janice Lynch Schuster: You and I have daughters who are about the same age. My girl got sick with a "mysterious condition" when she was 13. None of the top doctors we consulted could figure it out.
Once we took a leap of faith and stepped outside of medical straitjacket imposed by the IDSA Lyme treatment guidelines (the ones Gary Wormser wrote, the ones that prevent untold thousands of Lyme patients from getting appropriately diagnosed and treated, the ones that condemn many people to a life of pain and misery) -- only then did we find treatment that got her out of the wheelchair, gave her back her brain, and allowed her to graduate from high school and college and move on with her life. 
I find it puzzling that your article only quotes experts from one side of the chronic Lyme divide: Wormser, Auerwater, and the American Lyme Disease Foundation are staunchly on the record as disbelievers of the ability of Lyme spirochetes to persist in the body beyond a short course of antibiotics. You've ignored a vast number of equally impressive clinicians and researchers who have come to believe otherwise. You state AS FACT that no studies have ever shown effectiveness of such treatment. That's simply untrue. 
You don't mention in your article whether your daughter is currently being treated. I hope for her sake that she is. Not only in my family, but in my support group and through my Lyme advocacy activities, I have met hundreds of people who have benefited from such treatment, and via online groups, I have heard from thousands more.
My advice to her would be to find an ILADS-affiliated doctor to help her sort out everything that's going on in her body (indeed, it may well be more than Lyme. See Dr. Horowitz's excellent book "Why Can't I Get Better? Unraveling the mysteries of Lyme and chronic illness" for more information about the wide range of other factors that can keep people from getting well.)  
Best regards, 
Dorothy Leland 
blog: "Touched by Lyme" 

KMDickson1 - #22   9/16/2014 2:37 PM MDT [Edited]
Thankfully we can all now report our adverse events to the falsified Dearborn "Lyme Disease" "case definition" to the FDA because now the FDA is being forced to assure lab testing is validated according to the FDA's own rules. See for more data on how to report your AE to the FDA, and join us on Facebook, we have an OCCUPY the USDOJ group going to Washington next year and we're gathering the Autism Parents, CFIDS, Gulf War Illness, Psych Rights, Ferguson-type Victims, etc.
We're going to contact the FOREIGN press and explain in detail why this country is such a FARCE on the word "Democracy" and an insult to anything anyone ever knew about the concept of Human Rights. Look for "USDOJ Protest for All Abused Groups"
So far in the planning stage for the OCCUPY JUSTICE: Bring clown and Zombie costumes. Oh, and a lanyard that says "USDOJ EMPLOYEE" to wear on the clown suit.  
Bill64738 - #23   9/16/2014 2:29 PM MDT
My father had this problem as a child half a century ago -- apparently severe arthritis. So bad his doctors recommended he be institutionalized. Instead, my grandparents found a forward-thinking doctor who treated with year long courses of tetracycline (antibiotics)... and it worked. I'm kinda glad it did -- I wouldn't exist otherwise.
homeschool4joy - #24  9/16/2014 2:06 PM MDT
I knew nothing of the controversy around Lyme when I found a tiny speck of a tick on my abdomen in May 2010, followed by a bullseye rash less than two weeks later. Because I was breastfeeding, I got two weeks of amoxicillin and was told I was fine. 
When a new bullseye rash showed up on my right knee in October 2010, I never saw a tick. My knee swelled and became stiff and painful. This time, my primary doctor and a dermatologist both said it was cellulitis, instead of Lyme, and the orthopedist I saw for my knee said it was probably related to a knee surgery I had had five years earlier, and there was nothing for me to do except lose some weight. 
That bullseye rash kept coming back, despite several rounds of antibiotics. My knee didn't get better, either. Then I started to get other, strange symptoms: heart palpitations, chronic sinus infections that left my eyes red for months (while no one else in my family got sick), skin rashes that came and went, anxiety and even panic attacks for no reason, profound fatigue that also came and went...and then one day, I ended up in the ER, because I began to stagger, and when I tried to say something was wrong with me, no words came out, and I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, the right side of my body felt heavy and dull, and my right leg felt shorter than my left, so I could not stand. Tests didn't show anything, so I was told it was a TIA. Still more: the left side of my face went numb; my arms went numb and weak; it felt like I was walking on broken glass, and that someone was stabbing my feet, hands, joints; my hands grew stiff and swollen and painful; more strange rashes and marks appeared and disappeared. 
The worst thing of all? Being treated like an idiot or a loon by arrogant, dismissive doctors. 

KMDickson1 - #24-1  9/16/2014 2:32 PM MDT
They really are idiots and arrogance, you betchya. Next time you run into an arrogant you-know-what, ask them what OspA was. Tell them you want the structure/function.  
dcbill07 - #25 9/16/2014 12:59 PM MDT
There is more to this story: 
sdevlin - #26  9/16/2014 12:36 PM MDT
Maybe if lyme disease becomes enough of a threat (if it isn't already) the lyme vaccine developed for humans will be re-introduced to the world. It apparently was effective, but pulled off the market because not enough people were getting immunized. Strikes me a preventive is far preferable to a treatment.  

bugjah #26-1 9/16/2014 1:50 PM MDT [Edited]
according to the article linked above by dcbill, it was pulled because of supposedly false claims of arthritis caused by the vaccine. The implication is that the anti-vaccine crowd won out and an at least partially effective vaccine was pulled from production. 
that link also discusses a potentially promising new vaccine that is early in the testing process.
KMDickson1 - #26-2    9/16/2014 2:22 PM MDT
Um, no. The Lyme vaccine was a fungal toxin that caused immunosuppression - a definitiojn of the disease thrown out by the DNA/Vaccine patenteering CDC at the 1994 Dearborn conference - and was the Greatest Great Imitator. That will never be repeated.  

See more at 
and here about post-Lyme- and post-LYMErix SEPSIS activating latent viruses:
  • kathlo - #26-2-1 9/16/2014 2:39 PM MDT   The website is so difficult to understand. I wish it and your comments were more in layman's terms as I'd seriously be really interested in comprehending what your they mean.
KMDickson1 - #26-2-2  9/16/2014 3:08 PM MDT
You can't really have a 2-dimensional website describing a multi-dimensional crime that satisfies both scientists worldwide and lay people.
But here is a page I like to send around to people who have questions say, on the mid-level of Lyme Cryme training, and in particular I ask people today to focus on the 1988 report by Raymond Dattwyler who discovered that Borrelial supernatants (floats on the top of a water based solvent and is therefore hydrophobic or lipid like or like the OspA vaccine) cause IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: 
Ray Dattwyler (SUNY-SB) says in 1988 that exposure to Lyme or even just its supernatants (OspA-like molecules) turn off the NK cell activity (or is immunosuppressive): 
"Effect of B burgdorferi Culture on Normal PBL 
"..when lymphocytes are cultured in the presence of growing Bb there is a marked inhibition ( p < .0005 ) of NK activity on days 3, 5, and 7 when compared to lymphocytes cultured in BSKII media in the absence of spirochetes. This effect is not due to a selective depletion or or toxicity to endogenous NK since viability studies and monoclonal antibodies demonstrate no significant changes after culture with the organism. 
"The inhibition is directly attributable to the organism or its supernatants (data not shown)." 
From: Modulation of natural killer cell activity by Borrelia burgdorferi. 
Golightly M, Thomas J, Volkman D, Dattwyler R. 
Department of Pathology, State University of New York, Stony Brook 11794. 
PMID: 3056196 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988;539:103-11.  
GirlGenius - #26-3
9/16/2014 7:02 PM MDT
My husband and I had the Lyme shot when we lived "somewhere in the swamps of Jersey". It seemed to work for us (I have had more tick bites than him). but we have no way of knowing if it's still effective. No booster available. 
We had no side effects from the vaccine.
pbearme - #27  9/16/2014 12:30 PM MDT
We expect too much from our Doctors. Some are very good problem solvers. Many are like car mechanics without shop manuals. Chronic Lyme disease can also present neurological symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. The real answer is a vaccine.

KMDickson1 - #27-1   9/16/2014 2:23 PM MDT
You cant make a vaccine out of a TLR2/1 agonist fungal toxin, and Lyme actually being relapsing fever means the nature of the relapse is antigenic variation, rendering vaccines a ridiculous idea.  
MzCitizen2 - #27-2  6:50 AM MDT
You would NOT say that if you had become one of the many people who became WHEELCHAIR BOUND from taking Lymerix! 
lostintime1389 - #28    9/16/2014 12:27 PM MDT
I know this article is about humans, but on a related note my dog got Lyme disease at 1 year old. He went through the antibiotic treatment but still sometimes walks like a dog 4 times his age.
The vets at my practice don't believe me and even gave him a Lyme Disease vaccine after I told them he had already had Lyme Disease! It's frustrating when doctors and vets have a larger ego than intelligence. Listening to the patient isn't always a bad thing.  
I do wonder why humans do not have the option of a Lyme Disease Vaccine though, I would get it in a heartbeat!

KMDickson1 - #28-1     9/16/2014 2:24 PM MDT
The dog vaccine never prevented spirochetes. There is no vaccine for anything related to spirochetes - never will be, never was.
SouthernYankee27 #29   9/16/2014 12:04 PM MDT
Lynch - I'm a 30 yo woman, sick for 12 years before I got diagnosed last year. I feel for your daughter. Still, I've read 20 articles just like this one. As a journalist, I urge you to look deeper into the institutional issues that are causing thousands of people to go untreated and undiagnosed.
I'd love to see some investigative reporting into the individuals at the CDC who come up with the recommendations for diagnosing and treating and find out why it's in their best interest to allow so many americans to suffer. That's why there is a protest in front of the NYTimes building in NYC tomorrow. Because we need better reporting on the illness, and the people standing in the way of it's eradication.

trainer1158 - #29-1 9/16/2014 1:52 PM MDT
Have you read the excellent series on Lyme in The Poughkeepsie Journal? I only wish The Post would follow suit.
KMDickson1 - #29-2   9/16/2014 2:26 PM MDT
The WaPo knows all about this "controversy," I guarantee it. I get site stats from the server. I know who haunts and have for years. There is a press black out about this. Notice they even bring Auwaerter out again? He does not know what LYMErix was, or therefore how it failed by causing immunosuppression.
So, don't hold your breath on WaPo or the NYTimes ever running the truth about this huge scam.




Paula Kozinn, a NYCity Lyme advocate (who you can see, below in comments with the photos of her and the protest on 9/17) posted this on her Facebook page this week (the week after the protest), on 9/21, and I thought that it was great because everyone could:

1) be aware of the situation, which is a Google group critical of Kathleen Dixon and her work/efforts/ knowledge / activism and 

2) allow Paula's FB friends/followers to lend their support of Kathleen by commenting and Liking, thereby having in one snapshot the knowledge of others' having encountered either someone being critical of "KD", or having an interaction with her ourselves that is not 'normal behavior'.  Many of us have encountered this by either following and reading the conversations she's involved in, or have experienced it first-hand.  Obviously, this can be problematic for any group process, and anyone who has been involved in group process has perhaps encountered what I have -- they've become increasingly difficult to be part of because of so much behavioral unwellness. 

Kathleen is 'difficult' to figure out. Not only is her message difficult to sort out (which is due to her disorders, she has them same as everyone so she has her unique expression of symptomology --- strengths and weaknesses like the rest of us), so is her personality. But what prevailed for me was that she has things figured out and knows things that seem to be accurate and things that I had not seen anyone else saying.  And as a person who is looking for the truth of the matter, on all matters, I will work to find a way to accommodate, to the best of my ability. 

Here is what Paula so brilliantly wrote, and 'glued' a lot of people's heads together on the subject of what many just abbreviate "KD". KD coined the term for herself 'the Queen of Lyme' and I believe coined the phrase "Cryme disease" too, perhaps. I have contributed to this process -- in adding this information here with my support and expertise insights about mental health and the effects of these cofactors on behavior and therefore any kind of activism that involves working collaboratively with others. I have taken the time to copy over the comments KD made on the Post article and simply add in more breaks that aren't possible when commenting on the source's site because they constraing the length of comments to moderately small bites for someone who has as much to contribute as Kathleen Dixon / KD does. I am going to BOLD the parts below that I really want the Lumigrate readers' eyes to see and brains to take in, as well. 


I stumbled upon a google group that's apparently dedicated to the destruction of Kathleen's character and credibility. Here's the response I left on the comment thread:
I have recently become part of the Lyme community, online, and immediately had interactions with Kathleen. It is too early for me to assess whether or not her science holds up, but I think that she is trying to make the medical, scientific and political community accountable for having suppressed real information about Lyme disease and treatment, [believing that it] has resulted in a genuine epidemic. 

If you want to talk to her, you'll need a coat of mail, so be forewarned. You may even need to set firm boundaries to save yourself. But you should also be fair enough to understand the situation, and try to eek out some compassion and even respect for what she is attempting to do. 

I understand that Kathleen suffers from many manifestations of various co-infections that are common to people with Lyme disease, and they [are difficult symptoms for Kathleen] to manage. The allegations you've posted, are quite plausible, due to the very real medical struggles that Kathleen has which are a result of Lyme-related infections. 

Unfortunately, due to the gross lack of advocacy for Lyme patients, in the US and abroad, people with Lyme are forced to get out there and do this pressing and important work, themselves, while being extremely ill. 

If her work results in saving endless lives because Lyme disease becomes effectively diagnosed and properly treated, we will celebrate her. And for her to do this, with a debilitating disability, is nothing short of heroic. 

Cognitive issues and extreme anxiety and feelings of rage, are symptoms that the most docile of people experience with certain Lyme co-infections. Not the best combination for a public figure. But I take my hat off to Kathleen, for staying in the fight because she has to. This epidemic needs to be stopped. People need to be held accountable. And Kathleen is pulling the curtain back to expose the puppet-master/s. Good for her. Those who would ridicule her, should take compassion and carry her torch for her, instead. 

She is no different than John Q, waving an empty gun around the emergency room to save his child's life, when his son is being told to go ahead and die, no one cares -- it's about what's covered, your life is not important enough. In the case of Kathleen, they're saying, "We're willing to pay for our crimes with your lives." 

Is hers crazy behavior? Sure it is. But people get crazy when they feel they're in a life or death situation -- even without spirochetes migrating around their spinal column and into the emotion and processing centers of their brains. 

It's not pretty... but it's beautiful. 
-Paula Kozinn, NYC Lyme Awareness Advocate 

 And here are the responses (with names removed, except my own as I give permission for this to be on Lumigrate, haha!) 

  • Excellent points, cogent, compassionate, and so well written. I was not aware of this woman or her attempts to bring further attention to the Lyme debacle.
  • S.F.: Well said.
  • A.K.:  Bravo
  • J.C.: Love your compassion!
  • J.F.:  Thank you for your support. Kathleen is not your average bear (but always respectful and does NOT stoop to Lyme mentality). She is intelligent, compassionate and fights, without reward and withstanding obvious abuse with dignity, like no one I have ever known! People should try to learn before judging. I have read much of her work and based on my personal experiences with these diseases and doctors I believe she has some important and very valuable information. I just wish people would at least attempt to understand! PC and being minions to politicians has gotten us NO WHERE. I admire her courage and determination... READ and LEARN!
  • J.S.: I really don't know what to think about KD. I admire her dedication, I resent her domineering behaviour, but I believe any group out to discredit her has the wrong agenda.
  • Mardy Ross: It seems apparent that many of us have witnessed and were intrigued by what Kathleen presents, and her interpretation. I know I felt like there were dots to be connected before I happened along her 'work', and am not alone in working to learn to take in and integrate what she says. She's clearly piqued many people's interest -- and has a lot of things to back up what she alleges. 

    And therefore we all have to keep in the forefront of our minds as individuals, and collectively, what that means in terms of how the game is played. "Shills" are said to number 700,000 on the internet today -- paid to disrupt the process of people who are seeking information and moving in the direction of resolving the multitude of issue in the world today. Whether it's Kathleen Dixon or anyone else, that has to be kept at the forefront of all the minds of those who are seeking to create change with the hours of time and immeasurable energies (and sometimes/ often dollars) we put forth in this or any effort. 

    That is all that I can say, beyond what has been said so eloquently in previous comments and the initial, incrediable words crafted by Paula Kozinn, above. I've been in the trenches for along time of people who are with various disorders and active about different things, and I've never seen anything like Kathleen AND the group that 'gets it' why this is difficult for her and for each of us to figure it all out, but I see way more determinism and commitment than 'ego'. On everyone's parts. And as for who 'gets it'.. isn't that Kathleen's claim to fame saying .. 'We've got this'. That's really because SHE's got it and we have too (at various levels of having been able to absorb it all as she clearly has, and digested it and oozes it out over and over.) 

    I cannot imagine how frustrating and exhausting it has been to be her and over and over mentor us all. I think that is tangible and we all see that commitment. And we each have our same stories and what we bring to the table -- and commitment. And stick with-it-ness, and stick-togetheredness with understanding of the reasons for the difficulties. That is truly admirable for all involved....
  • L.B.: Each and every one of us Lyme sufferers/survivors/warriors need support and compassion. Thank you, Paula, for addressing this so very eloquently! You're a treasure!
  • Mardy Ross: ^ gluey treasure, I'd say maybe...
  • D.T.: Kathleen has been fighting this battle for a long time. Longer than many of us have even been diagnosed. She has spoken out against this crime, and has endured great harm done to her family and herself, as a result. If not for Kathleen, we probably wouldn't know what we now know. She's one of the bravest ladies I know.
  • J.P.: “In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
    Mark Twain
  • J.M.: I've had conversations with Kathleen and have thought about how brilliant she was. And how intelligent. I was envious. She's very knowledgable in my book when it comes to this horrid disease. Which, we have to be in order to survive and fight it! I can only imagine it's an IDSA troll who is making these allegations ......
  • Former Bookmaker: I'm nowhere near as smart as KD, but has worked with probability in terms of that I was bookmaker. There is no oddsbomb many of the answers we receive in the coming years indicate that KD has actually been on the trail of tragedy in two decades ..

  • I'm at least at most humble above, the knowledge I realize she possesses and I hope that one day I understand more of what she has been doing all these years. I think she is a good guide.
  • M.A. oh yes, ive seen that group, ignored it though
  • D.M.: Stunningly Beautiful!!!!!!
  • M.A.: anyone who puts kathleen down before knowing her is a coward and does it because they cant understand what she is saying.
  • R.G:  I have so appreciated Kathleen Dickson's brilliance in assimilating all the information from so many sources and, with her formidable brilliant mind, interpreting that information for us all. I have been sick since 1989 in Southern California where, even though my infection took place on a trip to Pawling, Duchess County, New York, I was repeatedly told I could not have Lyme Disease. They said my repeated positive Elisa and Western Blot were FALSE positives. My wife is a Licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist who has worked in Hospital Laboratories for 30 years. She knew the doctors were in error in interpreting my tests and their diagnosis. She challenged them just as Kathleen does. The physicians then attacked my wife and did nothing to address my disease. So, 26 years later I still fight this battle of Lyme but with my wife at my side and friends like Kathleen, it makes the struggle easier to bear. Thank you Kathleen for your courage and strength in articulating complex ideas. Thank you, most of all, for your words of comfort and understanding to myself and so many others who fight this scourge shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart every single day. God bless you!
  • Mardy Ross: I saw yesterday that PsychologyToday has an article about internet trolls and their personality disorders and behavior disorders. I found that there was a lack of awareness in the chronic Lyme community in 2013 about trolls and others who are masquerading on Facebook to be taking advantage in one way or another --- financially steering money their way through crime and fraud / deceit, and it's estimated 700,000 are online working websites, group pages, social media etc. to sway opinions, disrupt activists who are threatening to those who pay their employers to 'troll'/shill.



In my efforts to 'teach' a variety of things in my topics, one being tricks of the 'trade', I'm going to suggest that if people were to see this kind of response on a Facebook thread, they consider putting in Friend Requests and Following these people (after looking at their profiles to assess for sure); they seem like a bunch of people who turned up and took the moment or few to comment after reading what Paula took the major undertaking of time to not only post the comment at the Google group, but then bring that information to her Facebook. 

Kathleen's motto, as I've said is "We've got this." (meaning the protest, the activism strategy lined out, the ducks are in a row).  And it appears 'we got her back'. For the number of FB friends that this page of Paula's has (as it's new, but she's savvy about how she connects), this is a healthy response in support of KD and I'm sure Paula's cementing her place as a rising leader in this movement, and in my estimation, the 'glue stick'. 

I hope this is helpful to show people how the 'movement' is going at this point in time, the late summer/early fall of 2014. If you're reading this in the future a ways, I hope you plug into the movement and can see how it's going at the time YOU read. And this might help people 'navigate' activism related to Lyme (and the related disorders). 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

In early October, I saw that Kathleen had posted something on her Facebook that was, I thought, as cohesive a summary as I'd seen, so I thought I'd grab it and add it in here. If, as I went over it, I thought I could do tiny things to make it more readable for tired or otherwise impaired brains, I have taken those liberties, but do this knowing that Kathleen wishes her message to be heard and she appreciates and seeks out these kinds of tweeks. (Not that I make them perfect but it might help someone reading. However, this one was miniscule what I tweeked and as always, no content is changed at all). 


The U. S. Social Security Administration is being ripped off by the billions every year since they are paying what the insurance companies should be paying in long term disability and medical care. The insurance companies took the risk of paying these bills when they decided to be insurance companies. As expected, the insurance companies are involved in the "Lyme Scam", particularly Kaiser-Permanente, which now has a forward base at New York Medical College, the center of the RICO organization, the or, now, IDSA. I tried to inform the and the USDOJ, but they don't care.

The is STUPID like all the rest of the dot gov agencies, but I guess the important thing is that other countries learn about this so they can disrespect the United States and not participate in any more of the CDC's or NIH's medical/vaccines scams.

People wouldn't even have to become disabled if the NIH/CDC allowed us to be diagnosed early with Yale's scientifically valid flagellin method. Chronic, long term exposure to IDSA's persistent Lyme and OspA appear to activate Epstein-Barr and induce tolerance to fungi/mycoplasma in the blood, causing chronic fatigue.

At least I have been told by the NIH "Lyme Program Officer" that indeed Lyme is relapsing fever, and the only way to diagnose it with an antibody method is to use recombinant flagellins from several relapsing fever spirochetes, including the cow relapsing fever that is currently called "Masters' disease." But he doesn't know what OspA is, he says. 

Yale, IDSA, the CDC and the NIH refuse to answer the question as to what the structure/function of OspA (Yale's LYMErix vaccine) was, but as you recall, Anthony Fauci (NIAID) on CNN in 2003 said - on national TV, to the nation:

"We've had an effective vaccine, but it's the kind of vaccine that you have to essentially vaccinate people each year. And from the standpoint of its use, it has not been used as efficiently as it could have been used. So scientifically, we had a vaccine and still do have a vaccine, but it's not really well used." -- Fauci

That guy Fauci clearly does not know what he is talking about. He doesn't know what OspA is, and he obviously does not know how one performs any kind of analytical validation. So, I wonder what we pay Fauci every year to be clueless. 

The important thing is that the entire rest of Planet Earth recognize that the United States is a dangerously stupid place at all levels, particularly as regards human health.

As an aside, note that Fauci also said: 

"If you want to talk about ethics," said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health in Maryland, "you want to make sure something works before you announce it."

Oh. I see. I guess since Fauci doesn't know what "scientifically valid" means, nor does anyone in his office know what OspA was, nor does anyone at the NIH know a thing about ethics, we should be asking Fauci what he means by "works."

Here is something else Fauci said that is very revealing:

"Or, in some cases, the work might need to be classified." Fauci notes that the NIH does not do classified studies. 'We would have to refer it to an agency that does classified research, because we don't,' he says."

This must be why there is no "National Institutes of Immune-Suppression Diseases," there is only an National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The Immune Suppression Diseases are like Lyme and HIV, both of which are apparently bearers of the infamous immune-suppressing antigen - the infamous Stealth Disabler - OspA.

We know Plum Island is the original outbreak area (accidental release hot zone) because we were so informed by someone at Porton Down (UK's CDC) and then, noteworthily, the infamous Lyme Witch of the UK, Susan O'Connell, suddenly quit her job last month. But we also know because Ed Bosler demonstrated that Lyme, CT was the unlikely original outbreak area, and that phylogenetically, these spirochetes were not likely to adapt to the Ixodes vector:

"Despite the intimate association of B. burgdorferi and I. scapularis, the population structure, evolutionary history, and historical biogeography of the pathogen are all contrary to its arthropod vector."

Yes, you guessed it. Lyme was an accidental release of a bioweapon, and then the whole thing was screwed up again because, as was revealed by Porton Down, the project was "given over to industry," those "tards" being the likes of Crazy Eddie McSweegan, who never actually worked in a lab, and his crooked psychopath Master, Durland Fish.

And now, 10 years after the FDA ordered SmithKline and Yale to remove the OspA "vaccine" from the market, no one from the entire, or Yale, or can answer the question, "WHAT IS OSP-A?"

In case you missed it (below):

1) The USA supported a failed LYMErix-MRSA- and a failed LYMErix-HIV vaccine (PDF), and they, to this day, have not reported why the LYMErix-Tuberculosis vaccines all failed (3, 4, 5). 

2) No one in the NIH (or the CDC or Yale or IDSA) can tell us what was the structure-function of LYMErix. 

3) The CDC and the murdered Don Wiley published that a pandemic flu will be an H9 SWINE FLU (6, 7), 

4) the CDC published 3-4 times that the live attenuated viruses in vaccines reactivated by the presence of LYMErix-like antigens (mycoplasmal TLR2-agonist contamination or vaccination of an already fungally-immunosuppressed host) cause the brain damage we call autism (8, 9, 10, 11), and 

5) Once the German scientist Roland Martin, recruited by the NIH because he discovered that Lyme caused multiple sclerosis, found out it that it was LYMErix that induced the immunosuppression that resulted in the MS outcome of Lyme (activation of Epstein-Barr/Similars), he quit the NIH and went home to Germany (12, 13).

Roland Martin quit the NIH and went home to Germany because he found out OspA was the cause of the immune suppression that resulted in the multiple sclerosis outcome of Lyme-- the very reason he was recruited from Germany to work at the NIH in the first place. 

And the pandemic of vaccines-induced autism?; the CDC already knows the source of. It isn't the Thimerosal.

ANNOUNCER: This is LOU DOBBS TONIGHT for Friday, June 20. Here now Lou Dobbs. LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening everyone. Tonight, blazing Arizona, a fast moving wildfire near Tucson is threatening hundreds of homes. It's already destroyed nearly 300 houses and tonight the winds are picking up. Fi…



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Why Are More Women Than Men Knowingly Affected by Lyme?

I was told that Truth-Out had a great PhD involved with a lot of stories, and it turns out they're doing a series about Lyme. In looking for Jessica Bernstein's name, with Truth Out, I came upon this article which I wanted to add here because it actually uses the 'feminist' word, which I thought was interesting. Drawing upon the experiences of our history in the US with other movements is a key for the Lyme movement. Examples: the right to vote for minorities including women, even though they were not a 'minority' in number, just treated like it by the society in the past. HIV/AIDs. Etcetera.    

As I 'do' to encourage taking the trip to see the site I like and recomment, providing a snippet of what's at the link, is below (and this does NOT inlude the info in the article where they get information from Dr Horowitz as to why it's seen in more women than men):


Dennis J. Bernstein spoke with Sini Anderson about her film on Hanna, as well as what she has discovered more recently as she continues to interview dozens of terribly ill women for her upcoming documentary about Lyme disease. 

Dennis Berstein: Well, Sini Anderson, it's really good of you to take some time out to speak to us about this very important issue.

Sini Anderson: Thanks Dennis. I'm happy to be here talking about it. 

Alright, well let's start with your film about Kathleen Hanna called The Punk Singer. First of all, I think it would be great if you make sure everybody knows something about who Kathleen Hanna is.

Sure. Kathleen Hanna is a feminist, artist, musician who is largely credited for the beginnings of third wave feminism, a movement that really started to pick up speed in the early 1990s. She was a lead singer of a band called Bikini Kill, and then went on to another band called Le Tigre. And she is an amazing artist and activist, as well as a musician.  

Alright, and talk a little bit about why you got involved with doing the film and how, in the midst of it, it was revealed that Kathleen Hanna was diagnosed with Lyme. How did that happen? 

Sure. Well, you know, the idea for the documentary kind of came about when Kathleen had come to me. We'd just been working on a documentary about her band, Le Tigre. It was actually more of a tour film, at that time.  

And Kathleen had not been performing at that point, for several years. She'd pretty abruptly left the music scene, and had never really, publicly, talked about why. So Kathleen was actually extremely sick, and didn't have a diagnosis and didn't know what was wrong with her. 

In fact, when I did get sick and found out that I had Lyme disease, I was like, this sounds like a bad senior thesis film. Like I can't have this thing that my friend has and I'm making a documentary about.

But [after] a few years, after taking a break from Le Tigre they wanted to put out - her and her bandmates - wanted to put out, "Who Took the Bomp?" - the Le Tigre documentary. I suggested to her, at that point, that I thought it was a really, really good time for her to tell her personal story. I also should mention that Kathleen is a good friend of mine and so there were a bunch of us that were very concerned about her health. Kathleen didn't know what was going on and, you know, to be quite frank, she didn't know if she was going . . . if she was gonna live.  

She'd been getting really, really sick, and nobody could figure it out. So, not only were her friends worried, but also her husband, and she was really worried, and we thought this is a really good time to preserve her legacy, and for her to tell her personal story. About six months into the filming, she was finally diagnosed.

And how did that come up? So it came up in the middle of the film? She had been very sick . . . you started filming and then she finally got a diagnosis?

Correct. Half way through production.

And what was your reaction to the Lyme diagnosis? How did you respond to that?

Well, I think that I was really relieved. You know, I was really, really relieved. I thought, "Oh, my God, this is it. The diagnosis is Lyme disease . . . that's something you get from a tick. Like, no big deal." I mean I was actually pretty shocked that it was a diagnosis that I thought, at the time, was something that was so manageable and really couldn't be all that awful. So, it was confusing and relieving at the same time. 

Well, now then there's a real turn of events. Tell us about the really strange coincidence about how you got diagnosed with Lyme disease, I guess, shortly after she did. Had you been sick for a while? Did you just suddenly get the symptoms? 

Yeah, well, I mean this is just like a crazy . . . this is like a crazy story. In fact, when I did get sick and found out that I had Lyme disease, I was like, this sounds like a bad senior thesis film. Like I can't have this thing that my friend has and I'm making a documentary about.

I was really, really scared at that point because I had seen a lot of doctors in the hospital, and I was getting worse by the minute and they're telling me that "actually there's nothing wrong with you; you're fine."

What had happened for me is I had all kinds of strange symptoms for five years prior to that. But they had been coming and going. And when they would go, I would kind of have . . . took the attitude: out of sight, out of mind. And I'm kind of a workaholic; I just, kind of pushed my way through it. And earlier on, I thought some of these symptoms were just like due to aging, or stress, or, you know. And I was pretty much in denial about them. I wasn't, to be honest, too concerned with my health. I would just push through - you know - eat healthier, go to the gym more. 

When I became extremely sick in the filming of The Punk Singer, I mean, Lyme disease was the last thing that crossed my mind. And, what happened for me was Kathleen was diagnosed, and about two months later, I ended up in the emergency room. We weren't sure if I was having a heart attack and I had been in contact with my doctor and had my sixth upper-respiratory infection of the year. I thought I was having the flu again, for the fourth time in the year, outside of flu season.  

My doctor heard my symptoms; they just very suddenly got extremely bad and multiple symptoms came on - and my doctor sent me to the emergency room because we weren't sure if it was a heart attack; I didn't know if I was having a stroke . . . my speech was slurred. You know, I just knew something was really, really wrong. So I got in a cab, went to the emergency room and spent a few days there, without knowing what was really wrong.

Did you come out of the hospital, with a diagnosis?

No, not at all. I left the hospital, and, you know, it seemed like minute by minute, I was getting worse, and they ran a whole slew of tests there. My partner and myself were completely baffled. We had no idea what was going on with me. I was released from the hospital and I was told, you know, I was kept for observation, to take a look at my heart, and I was released and I didn't have a diagnosis. What I was told is, "There is nothing wrong with you. You are totally fine." And, I was really, really scared at that point because I had seen a lot of doctors in the hospital, and I was getting worse by the minute and they're telling me that "actually there's nothing wrong with you; you're fine."

I guess in a way, that is the terrible seed that drove you forth . . . not only to find out what was wrong with you, but to consider this in the context, of perhaps, a woman's issue because there is this historical pattern of sick women being accused of having a bit of hysteria. I mean, you also, probably had a few doubts, I understand about maybe whether Kathleen was really sick or just . . .




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Silence Against Silence Creative, Effective Protest re: NYTimes

September 17th, 2014 was a day I was going to dedicated to the honor of my father, who was born on September 17th, 1921. He died in 2010 of Lewy body disease, also a disease that has been very 'quieted' in the trainings that doctors get to make them aware in order to diagnose and treat it. However, the irony is that Lewy body is the SECOND MOST COMMON FORM of dementia! (Alzheimer's being #1, which has been shown in legitimate research by a legitimate researcher, Alan MacDonald and his predecessory and colleague since, to have in 80% of cases, Lyme in the brain tissues of those who died and had Alzheimer's). 

I got the idea of tha was how I could honor his birthday when I saw that the article from the Washington Post, in the comment, above, had run this week, and had the tremendous discussion going on in the comments, but they were difficult for me to understand and I knew that had he been alive, he'd have been interested as well, but with his brain as it was the last part of his life, he'd have needed it broken out just as I needed it broken out and made easier to read, in order to learn what was being said at the comments at the Washington Post. 

Then I saw in my Facebook feed, photos that caught my attention of the RIGHT THEN going on in New York City silent protest! Wow, what a day this is! Happy Birthday to you, to my dad, right?

Here is the press release posted earlier in September about the event that took place yesterday.

AND here is a link to see how it went, from LymeDisease dot org!  I enjoyed the photos and the summary too.

And this is what some of my FB friends who are Lyme literate AND activists and were involved had to say (bolding embellishments from me to make things pop for YOUsers):

Nancy Cleek Dolan (of Missouri): "The recent protest in NY was organized and carried out by those of us who are bedbound, homebound, and/or feel challenged. This did not prevent it from happening, nor from being successful. Jessica, ULA founder, was responsible for organizing this event and managed to do so from her bed. Jessica rallied and petitioned other ULA members, patients, media outlets, and so many more. No matter our condition, or how challenged we may feel, we have STRENGTH. Lyme does not mean loss of POWER."


Paula Kozinn (of New York) posted on her FB places about how the protest was for her, as she has Lyme symptoms that affect functional status: 

"Yesterday, I had a new understanding of how Lyme looks to outsiders. I know what it is to have it. I know when I was stuttering or slurring, and having palsy in my face, I did not answer the phone. When I'm too sick to go out, no one sees me. At the vigil, I saw a group of people who looked perfectly normal, happy, pain-free. I know that there are good days and bad days, flares and remission, and the people who were well enough yesterday to come, did come. And those who couldn't, watched from their beds and couches as the photos came in.

Yesterday was not a good Lyme day for me. But I had told Jessica that I would take photos, and I know that change will not happen as long as Lymies are invisible. So I shlepped down to the Times,
and by the time I got there, I was ready to come home. I had extreme fatigue yesterday and the bottoms of my feet felt like I had large rocks in my shoes. I wasn't able to stay for the entire event, so I moved around and tried to capture as much as possible, and I left promptly when the dancers left. It took everything I had to get home. The train ride home was difficult. I couldn't keep my head up and had to rest it on the bar -- a germy thing I hate to even touch with my hands.

But who knows what I looked like from the outside. When the AIDS group got recognized, it was when the SICK ones came out, with IVs and in wheelchairs. We are a group who likes to pretend we are okay when we're not. And we hide like hermits when we are at our worst. Getting ourselves a drink or something to eat, or using the bathroom is as much as we can manage on some days. I had plenty of days when I was at my worst, when I couldn't even manage those basic things.

I think the photos did more to show our suffering, through art, than we have managed to express, ourselves. We all need to come out dressed in Scream masks and black hooded robes. We need to organize bios and testimonials of reputable people and known celebrities, so people will open their minds and hearts to this, so they will look at the science and the politics and be appropriately freaked out.

Even if they have no compassion, they should want to get this fixed, because it is the biggest part of our declining economy that no one is talking about. I used to start businesses, do tons of non-profit stuff, and helped everyone around me. Now, I can barely help myself. Imagine what 300,000 more people a year, becoming useless, looks like in terms of our economy. This is has been ignored by so many for so long, because it is going to take a lot of money to fix. But not fixing it, is compounding the problem."

I wanted to show a photo of her that I thought might represent the fatigue she was talking about and she allowed me to use anything on her FB and I found this one and thought it represented what she was saying about her fatigue level on the day she rallied and 'schlepped' to take photos. 


AND then I found this 'selfie' from another day (clearly as her hair color is different a bit): 


LymeDisease dot org had a topic about Paula attending the protest (same information she provided on her FB that I provide here, basically) -- I learn she is a writer and is writing a book about Lyme. Her FB indicates a website concept for awareness raising too which would serve to connect and help organize this burgeoning group of activits' efforts/websites and information (and the typical various co-infections too) .

Those who work with people, live with people, are a person with these disabling, fatiguing conditions know that some days and 'times', even for weeks and months or years, things are better.  Then often/ sometimes you lose some ground on your wellness, and it shows in your photographs of you (if you get a photograph of you, I have gaps in my photos because of this, in part, for myself (operating under diagnoses in the past from organized medicine of CEBV, CFS, FM and I have not pursued a dx of Lyme or any of the others, I have opted to go by the symptoms and common sense FOR NOW, for me..).  

I hope that this pairing of photos, along with the one of the protest from Paula, which shows the 'normals' (the public who we can presume does not have a Lyme diagnosis as they're walking by looking like the do -- WT_?) and with Paula's words underscores how 'they walk among us'. And hopefully picques YOUsers reading this to think, if they don't already know 'am I one of them? are my symptoms something that might indicate I'm one of them? And hopefully you don't have chronic illness symptoms, and also do not have the 'bugs' (as you can be asymptomatic).

But please, do learn of the issue and become effective as one of those among us who can help to pressure where things need to be applied to create the change that is needed. From aware, to educated, to active, and that does not mean one has to go carry a picket sign, as we've learned here. Just make a phone call to an elected official, follow the story and mostly, learn the symptoms so if someone YOU know has it, you can help them learn if they don't already know.

And that is how it goes, from there. The 'ripple effect'. I'd say there was a BIG SPLASH  in New York City with this awareness, and education event! (when the reporters came out and the students for journalism, from awareness to educated they went. And here -- our YOUsers -- educated if you take the time to be! 


Note that in what Paula wrote, above, she is using the 'official' figure of cases per the latest change CDC made to increase the number by 10x what they'd said before. So ... is 300,000 the actual number? No, it's still low but she's using the official number and I just try to embellish for our YOUsers and remind that it's usually thought to be 1M new/year in the US (and some thing maybe several million now, new/year, see the information I provide for you overall here, you'll see that around). 

So I talked to Paula, who is my newest FB friend at this moment, and she said anything on her FB I could use here so I have included her photos here. Thank you, Paula. Thank you, Nancy. Thank you everyone who is involved ... you know who you are. That is, if you're an activist.  To connect with Paula on FB, this is a page for her Lyme work via her name:

But do you know if you have Lyme lurking? THAT is the ultimate question. Perhaps not needing to be nailed down by a laboratory result, perhaps it does, or would be ideal -- in the mean time find a symptom checklist by Dr Horowitz online as well as reading overall and symptoms and the conditions diagnosed frequently by mainstream, organized medicine which have not lead the patients/ consumers to know about Lyme's involvement in the condition. FOR the reasons that I believe are made clear in the information, above on this tread. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
The Lyme vaccine piece of the puzzle

There was a vaccine on the market in the past, for Lyme -- you will see that in the information, above, from what I'd gotten from the Washington Post's website with the September 15 article that provided the incentive for the conversation to ensue which Kathleen Dixon was a great part of, as you have seen. 

This is an enormous topic to understand, it is essentially a 'rabbit hole' -- where you think you're going to go quickly learn about Lyme disease and ticks, and acute, new infections, and then you learn there's the chronic Lyme that's with the same symptoms as what others are diagnosed with that believe they have 'fibromyalgia', or MS, or maybe they only have symptoms and aren't diagnosed. Then you get into why the statistics are off. And then there was a vaccine and now there's a new vaccine maybe coming out, or is it the old one. On and on. ... why won't insurances pay for the treatments, what is the treatment, what do people do beyond what insurance pays for, or instead of. On and on. 

So I'm trying to create a topic thread here that will step new or novice and intermediate learners along the path and bring out the more pertinent things that I see as I go.  This is one. You'll find it at this link to a Google group. I actually saw someone else, another woman with debility from these disorders, post this link on Facebook: (to a google group)!original/

It is set up showing that it's an email from 2006, she does not disclose, that I can see, who the email is from, which is naturally, the expected protocol for a whistleblower to use. Notice the next to the last sentence, third to the last line. And then the statement of trust and the length of time this writer had established with the source.

I hope this help you understand the history. I also hope it helps YOUsers understand why I have taken up the space and your time and energy (and used my time/energy) to include what Kathleen has to add to this subject. She is difficult to understand sometimes, she just has known so much and for so long, and it's a complex 'mystery' type of subject to try to relate to people. Most people who are trying to figure it out have compromised brains too -- what a mix. Yet they persevere. Because it's important and 'worth it'. 

Many people with these disorders are, it just depends on where we are with things that day, that phase, and what our 'makeup' is about. When there's a legitimate, dedicated person who is so actively working daily on behalf of getting things to change, I think the right thing to do when possible, is to figure out a way to help their message get further. So this is my effort.

"I have a friend that works for the Ct Dept. of Health and he explained
to me what really happened with the Lyme vaccine.
He said that it was not really taken off of the market becasue of poor
sales, but instead it was because of pressure from a state official
that was directly and financially involved. He said that the vaccine
was know never to be safe because of poor testing. The federal gov was
close to a full scale investigation and  they decided to pay a few
individuals 'quiet money' to keep them from running their mouths if an
investigation came about. He specified 3 names to me from Yale
University. At first I thought this Kathleen woman was nuts, but I'm
seeing she may have some valid information. I trust my friend's
information........he has never lied to me in the 30 years we've been


April 21, 2015 - I updated the other main thread at Lumigrate about Lyme activism that has quite

a lot about Kathleen Dixon and her group with the Occupy event set for May to July 2015.

Here's the link:


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Richard Longland's Letter to the Editor Fueled Responses

Richard Longland is a resource I have linked to on the 'main topic' about Borrelia, Lyme, Biofilm -- he got his start producing a video/DVD about biofilm and then has gone from there to the 'underlying' or 'coexisting' subject of "Lyme", interviewing the leading researchers doing outside the box of convention research, but who are at established, mainstream research / education organizations (schools). 

Late summer of 2014, he wrote a letter to the editor that ended up spawning comments and he posts about that keeping his fans and followers aware of the progress and saying "don't underestimate the power of one". I guess I'd suggest that it could be more like 'the power of one droplet that creates a ripple effect'.  Here's one of the rings in the ripple effect that his letter created that I thought was pertinent, particularly when you see who the person is and where they work, and what they are paid to do. 

Everyone in this movement is very 'primed' right now, the momentum is being sensed. It is a time of much work and much hope and I see a lot of things 'coming together'. ~ Mardy

There are 37 known species of bacteria that cause Lyme disease, but the current Lyme two-tier test inadequately tests even for the one spirochete it is designed for—Borrelia burgdorferi. Because of this we are missing many Borreliosis infections, and our patients are subjected to immeasurable suffering because they aren't receiving timely antimicrobial therapy. Research shows that such patients might go on to receive faulty diagnoses of psychosomatic, psychiatric or neuromuscular illnesses instead of prescriptions for antibiotics that would cure their infections.

A paper co-authored by Barbara Johnson, an expert with the CDC Lyme program, reveals that the current two-tier method is positive in only 31% of those with erythema migrans (the bull's-eye rash associated with Lyme disease) and in only 63% of those with acute neuroborreliosis or carditis due to burgdorferi Lyme disease. This means that out of 100 patients who have Lyme disease, we might misdiagnose 69 of them, leaving their infections untreated.

Recent research out of Johns Hopkins University suggests we likely aren't using the correct antibiotics. The drugs we are using might be contributing to persistent bacteria and may not be fully clearing infections.

Given the current urgent state of affairs, we should be racing to find better testing strategies that will identify all of the Borrelia species and associated co-infections, and to find better antibiotic regimens that will cure our patients. We need to find these infections early—before life-altering manifestations of cranial nerve palsy, meningitis, myocarditis, arthritis, permanent disability and death.

Nevena Zubcevik D.O.
Resident physician and tick-borne illness advisory board member
Harvard Medical School


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Dr "Ray" Jones, ILADEF Award Oct 1, 2014 for His Work/Activism

From the Gordon Medical Group's website: (please take the Home link, below and go see their site, they have much information worth looking into).




Dr. Charles ray Jones MD, Pediatric Lyme DiseaseEach year, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation(ILADEF) hosts a gala charity dinner to raise funds to support itsPhysician Training Program,Lyme Basics Course and other educational and training programs presented regionally and internationally. As part of the annual event, ILADEF honors a professional for his or her dedication to the advancement of the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

This year, ILADEF will present the Pioneer Award to Charles “Ray” Jones, MD, the pediatrician who has been a Ray of Hope to thousands of children and their parents who struggle with the consequences of Lyme and other associated diseases. Dr. Jones, like other medical pioneers before him, has had to withstand the scrutiny and criticism of his peers as well as, professional and governmental organizations in his ground-breaking work. In the course of his seminal work treating children with tick-borne illnesses, Dr. Jones has always been committed to his promise to the Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm. His dedication to healing children with these illnesses means that his patients will grow up to optimize their potential and experience successful futures.

Charles Ray JonesLike most pioneers, his perseverance has come at an enormous cost. His customized approach in treating children with Lyme and its associated diseases has been challenged by power professional and governmental forces who disagreed with his treatment methods. Despite substantial legal costs and as well as a negative impact to his practice and health, Dr. Jones was not deterred from a course which he knew to be right. With courage and determination, he continued to dedicate his life to his patients and their families. In turn, his patients, families, colleagues and others supported him throughout his ordeal.

Now is your time to show your appreciation for all that he has done to enhance the lives of others. We invite you to attend ILADEF Gala to celebrate the accomplishments and courage of Dr. Jones, this “Ray of Hope” for children with tick-borne illnesses. Make your reservations to attend the Pioneer Award Dinner at the ILADS Washington Conference website.

For those of you who cannot come to Washington but would like to honor Dr. Jones, you can show your appreciation for his life and work by making a donation in his honor at the ILADS conference website. Donations large and small are gratefully accepted. Money raised in honor of Dr. Jones will support educational initiatives, including teaching pediatricians about treating Lyme and its associated diseases.


And, where I actually learned of this on Facebook was of a share from the Under Our Skin YouTube channel: . One minute and 24 seconds of video. Standing ovation and seeing a pioneer in his later years, honored, and having his sentiments caught on camera, thankfully.

This was shared by a major activist that came up in 2013/14 after getting properly aware / diagnosed and then treated enough to get back the energy for activism, Divegirl Deb. Her FB page is about Lyme and Eugene Oregon if you're interested.  Many of the people in the group commented about how he'd helped them, sometimes free of charge and while pregnant, and now six years later their child is still Lyme free. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Dr Oz Show April 9, 2015, A Celebrity, & Dr. Focusing on Ticks

 I was KEENLY interested to see how Dr Oz's show covered Lyme on April 9th.  As soon as I saw a tick on the backdrop on the graphic over the stage, I was not liking this coverage, but then I also was not at all surprised and had actually predicted this.  Hence, I've not shared things on Facebook that have a tick in the graphic.  Why? Because it's just wrong to educate anybody about Lyme and NOT SAY 'it is apparently spread in a number of ways and Lyme is one of them'.  

They did, at least, say that many people go misdiagnosed or not diagnosed but in my opinion they didn't say it in a way that made people REALLY register that a HUGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE don't know they have evidence of Lyme in their bodies whether they have symptoms to attribute to Lyme or not.  

Then to raise awareness (for what they WANT people to be aware of, but is it really the best thing to be focusing on..., are there Pied Pipers involved or not?), they're doing a 'challenge' to take a bite out of Lyme, where they have people eat a piece of Lyme.  Does this remind me of the walks and runs and other challenges that make people feel like what they're 'doing' is WHAT is the BEST / RIGHT thing to be DO-ing? 

Here's the link if you wish to watch, and I suggest you look around at the information and Seach on Lyme and really investigate the information that I have provided at Lumigrate.  It might take a while, I'm sorry there is just no way around that. 

This is a very complex story and will be more and more in the mainstream, which I've said before -- I started covering the mainstream covering the Lyme story because I think it's going to be used the same as so many other things in the past to scare people, to confuse people, and to get some people who aren't putting in the TIME to learn things and to get in touch with themselves and what they can intuitively feel their way through to what's RIGHT FOR THEM to do or not do related to treating or preventing things.  Similarly, think about how it used to be a good thing to get the measles, now there's fear stories and vaccines and pressure. The flu too. 

Within a week, I just learned, Dr. Oz covered mold and had Dr Shoemaker on as a guest.  Just an interesting combination in such close proximity.  Something to maybe consider if you're reading between the lines and trying to figure out what's what and who to believe (and not).  

Thanks for being here, I hope it's helpful.  Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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April 6, 2015 Dr Oz Focus on Mold Yet It's Not On Their Website

As of today, April 13, 2015, there is nothing I'm finding by searching on good keywords to find where Dr Oz's website has anything about the mold segment BUT I did find this where someone covered it. In the same week mold then Lyme is interesting enough if you're trying to figure out what the mainstream is wanting people to know and not know, let alone when they omit one from their website (as far as I could see, as I said). 

I'm focusing on this because there is emerging information from 'lay' (non professional) researchers that indicates that the mark's been missed or intentionally painted to distract people when it comes to these 'environmental' factors being the cause of chronic illness.  A growing number of people are aware of cyanobacteria and it's interplay with other environmental factors and that ultimately what's driving chronic illnesses from A to Z is the growing cyanobacteria (for decades and over a hundred years, perhaps about 200 years I have seen them saying).  

You'll notice in my wrap up on the above comment that I encourage people to read around Lumigrate about Lyme and to also use the Search bar here.  I recommend you also search on cyanobacteria, and something I have been simply calling 'the stuff we all have', aka 'the stuff'.  Turns out there's ultimately one main cause, and the way to reverse symptoms of the disorders labeled as A to Z is ultimately the same too. 

Lyme isn't what we were lead to believe by a number of sources, apparently.  Same for mold.  We can hope that science catches up whether being performed by professionals or amateurs. We can hope the word gets out to people so they can be the most efficient and effective at figuring out what they (YOU!) believe is reality and what is the right thing for YOU to do about it.  

I'm very glad to see the raised awareness about Lyme and mold as they are truly cofactors in a lot of people's (and other things') wellness.  But I feel that there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, monkeybusiness, whateverYOUwant to call it going on as well. But here's a link to something about Dr Oz's show about mold.

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

PS - thanks to all who work to get word out to people, to investigate and there are some people who have been unwell that rolled up sleeves and grabbed oars to figure out what THEY think is behind all this 'stuff'.  Tip o' the hat to all.  Again, please search on Lumigrate about cyanobacteria, it may be something you find worthy of your time and energy. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Emerging New Perspectives in Causes and Treatments a Must Learn

Cutting Edge and VERY Different Perspective About What Causes Symptoms of Chronic Illness/Fatigue/Pain Essential to Study. Link below. 

Many people who have known they have "Lyme and Company", as it's affectionately called due to there being other bugs that are commonly found in people (and other beings) with Lyme / Borrelia b., tried the diets, the supplements, went to the 'Lyme literate doctors/providers' and saw temporary improvements but often not real "solutions". Some kept looking.

And some of those found their way in 2014 to a group on Facebook started by a man named Steve Beddingfield, who has a self-professed 'hillbilly laboratory' in rural North Carolina.  A hillbilly with a history of microscopy work and photography, who, in his mid-life, developed a very debilitating and extensive case of the form of 'The disease we all have' of the variety labeled by mainstream, organized medicine as "Morgellons".  Singer Joanie Mitchell has been extremely ill (and in ICU in the spring of 2015) with this form of 'The disease we all have' to some extent or another within our bodies -- our brains due to it being in our guts/ intestines.  Intestinal interlopers I simplify it to be attributed to initially.  He has quite a collection of photographs to show people. Here's one.   This is the crux of our problems. And the link below leads you to a topic where more is said about it, same graphic shown there, and much more.

Yes, I say "The disease".  Maybe we can just call it 'The', the way that people around The Ohio State University call it 'The'.  Or I call it 'The Stuff We All Have' sometimes too. It's very simple once a person has enough time to digest that whether the person has what's labeled as 'autism' or 'Alzheimer's' or 'addiction' .... and that's just a few that mainstream labels have starting with the letter A -- hundreds of things to do with mind, behavior, emotion, body, and even spiritual unwellness, I say, is actually being caused per this emerging perspective, by the same 'stuff', and it all responds to the same treatment, and so it's very simply put as 'our disease' by one of the primary leaders in Steve's group. 

Pause if you need to and really let that soak in. I highly suggest it. Taking the TIME and putting some THOUGHT / energy into this aspect right up front will save YOU a lot of time and energy and possibly frustration if you're serious about studying this material.  I've now had enough time to work verbally with people on this information and that's been my experience so far. Months into opting to do the protocol they're still not operating in a way they've REPLACED the OLD LEARNING with the NEW.  They know what we've learned as it applies to them and they know this aspect but they've not INTEGRATED IT fully.  

And unfortunately they're sometimes trying to teach others about it and they're not yet really qualified to do so.  I have enough experience with educating on things to know when I'm ready to and not and had to have some 'guinnea pigs' that were getting the early not experienced version of my method of providing the information to them.  So this is one thing I've learned. Wrap your head around this aspect for sure. Then refer people to adequate resources for help if you're not qualified to do so.  I did, until Steve's group stopped taking new people I simply routed everyone there. Then I asked people to contact me so I could find someone to help them if I wasn't yet able to. And there will be future new groups with experienced people, many very smart, compassionate and 'sound minded' people are going to be coming out of the initial 1,750 in his group at the time I'm writing this in late April 2015. 

Steve's research, which began about seven years ago, lead to finding there is ultimately one rather complex thing causes all our conditions, and he went on to work out a treatment that worked for him. I won't lie to you, it takes a person doing their best to comprehend things we'd call 'science' and 'biology' to follow the trail of information Steve presents. Followers of mine and of Lumigrate know I'd long provided information on 'the overlapping conditions' of chronic illness.  When I first learned of the condition form that Steve had, the symptoms were clearly that of an overlapping condition but with a primary symptom being skin lesions. I remember thinking 'why isn't Morgellons included in the overlapping conditions information I've found and provided on Lumigrate; why am I just now (mid 2013) learning of "Morg"?' 

I'll be honest and say that until Steve was aided by a handfull or so of women who had gotten into the group before I did, or in one case a month after, who took the time to learn what he was relating and THEY felt starting the protocol was right for them and their children in some cases, then also had good results which lead to them excitedly looking into providing more substantiation to support OR trying to disprove it yet finding things that substantiated, I was not 'tuned in'.  Then I tuned in and copied a lot of their information to group it up which I think helped one of them or others too see a need for them to write up things to help others learn.  One has a graphics design background so did a one page version of the protocol.  (Please note this is the first image they did of the protocol and it's currently correct as of April 2015 but they might make further modifications WHICH I WILL PUT IF AWARE at the topics that I link to from this comment.) 


For those who want to be able to read just the words now that you've seen the photos: 

 Again, this is from early 2015. Check for updates by following the link and really studying this information, and be connected with someone experienced who can advise you along the way if you find this is information you'd like to pursue 'doing'.  

This is not easy to REALLY understand at first, and then once you get over a hump, it 'clicks' and then 'everything that didn't make sense before makes sense now'.  Worth the time.  There were many things about progressive Lyme thinking that didn't make sense to me, which was totally explained once I digested what Steve's theories teach. 

I've had to dedicate myself to thing that were difficult for me to learn, and make time I'd not planned on to cover this information because I felt it was what needed to be done. For myself and for others. I have a bachelor of science degree and had to take quite a lot of science to have a career in occupational therapy as I had in the past before going into education of people about their occupation of health care information and proactivity. I call that group of allies 'the Et Al.'s'.  Steve and the Et Al.'s are making the emerging perspectives in causes and treatments learnable. That's what this comment on this thread is all about.  Please keep reading. 

Steve developed a 'protocol' after he'd treated himself, and started a group on Facebook in 2014.  I have been in the group for eight months or so at this time, and there are about 50-60 people who have been in it longer than I. It's capped currently at around 1,750 people as a workable size for educating others who are learning, considering trying the protocol and/or doing the protocol or components of it, and then asking for guidance and input. And they share their 'healing journeys' too. There's someone in the group dedicated to herding those stories together and unfortunately the documents/files in groups on Facebook do not function well on many devices people have to access the Internet.

Steve et al. really wanted the information to reach people and they've been completely non-proprietary and appreciative of my putting the most important parts of the information (and maintaining it when I can as they update) onto Lumigrate. I was the first to put it on the Internet, early in January 2015.  It was uncharacteristic of me to cover something so yet-proven, but I had a forum about activists, Facebook, the Internet's contribution to health care moving forward. So I put a topic there.  Which got a lot of attention. So I took that as I always have, as an indicator of where I need to be putting my efforts. The 'demand'.

Not to mention 'one of those 'coincidences' when I went to look into the livestock medication that's part of the protocol so that I knew where to obtain it since the joke was '20 bucks at Tractor Supply was all we needed and we all spent our fortunes on the doctors and their treatments'. There's a little more to it than that, as red reishi mushrooms (medicinal mushrooms) are the other component in terms of 'medicine', plus you have to clean up your water source and your home and your foods, in terms of cyanobacteria being in them and then getting into you. There were many workers that day, some of whom were gabbing to each other and not asking to assist me. Others were helping other customers.  

I had a feeling that I was just supposed to keep looking and not approach them. Middle age has helped me refine this 'inner wisdom / compass'. Then as I gave up and started to head toward the people who were gabbing, a woman with a vest from the company came out of nowhere and asked if I'd found what I was looking for.  I told her I wanted to look into the forms of fenbenda...... 'zol' she finished my sentence. I 'had the fenben word down pat but hadn't gotten the whole word of fenbendazole down yet.  She knew exactly what I was talking about. "Is it for a horse or a goat?"  

I said 'for people' and explained there's a fabulous smart research guy in North Carolina who's come up with a theory of what's causing all the complex chronic conditions and his treatment protocol is (I explained it briefly) and the joke even is that we all could have just spent $9 at Tractor Supply instead of going broke and ruining our lives trying to get well with what the concierge doctors and product pushers lead us to believe was the answer.

We had a 'wow' and hair going up on our arms moment plus a little tears welling when she related that she'd been studying why her husband was with the symptoms he had. The had been in a home with mold when his symptoms started. They moved and she was fine in a week. He's not been well since.  Her background in veterinary medicine and science had her very, very close to having figured out what Steve had, and this was 'the missing link' for her.  I left and went straight to my computer and created the first topic about the man with the microscope, the theory, the images he takes of bacteria and 'the stuff' making us sick, and his Facebook group.  

I met Steve in a very good Lyme group on Facebook, which I noticed has become a secret group now.  I'm glad I did.  I hope YOUsers at Lumigrate will benefit from his and my time working on Facebook to make the connections that allow our work to have the ripple effect it has.  I believe we'll be synergistic, meaning 1 + 1 = greater than 2. 

It was, I believe, meant to be, so that I could bring the information to the Lumigrate YOUsers.  I currently wonder how many topic threads on Lumigrate I started since launch in March of 2009 which I'll be putting a version of this comment thread on in order to help people who find that thread become aware -- if they read on and put in the time -- of this innovative theory. I wonder how it will unfold in the future. How many people will be helped. What interferences we may encounter; such is the nature of the truth-tellers, after all.  

I relate all this so people might realize I put time in watching the group, getting to know Steve and the et al.'s / gals, and have done my own experimenting with the aspects of the protocol. I've guided some people to the information and then followed what their experience was. No problems. I've done my own process with portions of the protocol and have almost four months under my belt, no pun intended. I've taken it low and slow. I've had to back up and try a different combination of things.

I've listened to my inner guide about what's right for me, which is repeated everywhere in the protocol and frequently by the et al's / admins / experienced ones in the group.  I've helped people get into the group and the most recent one has already contributed a lot in relating her symptoms and changes and 'story'.  That person was about to go to the ER to get a better diagnosis on the form of the symptoms they were having and her symptoms were so much like PosterGal's and they didn't live all that far away from each other in the US, I asked PosterGal to do a little mentoring and she obliged and then took it to the group outwardly ASAP for everyone's benefit.  This helped me, every day something would be said that further confirmed that this is truly (I think) MEDICAL HISTORY IN THE MAKING. 

I've prepared topics starting in early January of this year, and continue to update, modify and improve.  Steve and his dedicated group of people helping pull and formalize information and find substantiating research and patents are still in the process of creating that information and polishing it.  The more people ask the same questions over and over, the more they see the need for making the information more understandable. I forsee they'll have a website about this eventually. And a book.  And a place in history. Until then, we have to make our way around the expected issues that come from something brand new catching on like wildfire. So I make sure to tell people on my threads at Lumigrate to contact me on Facebook or go to the About at the home page of Lumigrate and call me or email me. Calling's best as you know I've not missed a message somehow. I will call back if it's a valid call.  

This is being done by a group of people who have been varying degrees of debilitated.  Myself included. I had a baffling relapse of symptoms that hit suddenly in late 2010. My 'environmental medicine MD' couldn't figure it out much aside from that he had me re-test heavy metals through Doctor's Data and I'm glad for that --- it makes me have some good labs to show there's barium and other things in the environment from the geoengineering program that were perhaps part of the problem. Ultimately, this protocol of Steve's gets to The Root of The Problems. All I can say at this point is I can see things improving in my skin, my mental clarity, my balance, my weight, my energy, my tolerance.  

Perhaps our graphic developed in 2012 will help: ©2012 Lumigrate

People who had seen me after 2010 but not in 2014 or early 2015, which is only two, have both instantly said 'wow, you look good!'.  I am good! I was even 'good' when I was in the relapse, I'm just better and on the way onwards and upwards and hopefully THIS TIME, for good! I have, since 1985 had successes with improvements and then relapses.  Why? Didn't get to THE ROOT. This does, according to Steve et al.'s research and documentation.  Go if you wish and learn and decide for yourself.  

Most of the et al. gals/ The Et Al.'s have children who are also unwell; naturally each generation gets a magnified condition from the last, generally.  Some are single and have had to keep working in professions that have nothing to do with health information preparations, yet they're doing marvelous work preparing information for people.  

Yesterday, I transferred that gal's first draft information about cleaning and laundry to a new topic at Lumigrate, for instance.  I've interviewed or had conversations privately with 2/3 of the leadership of the group -- all but one has spoken of what a spiritual path they feel they are on to be providing the solutions and be part of this growing ripple effect movement of what could possibly be 'the treatment' for people to do to maintain their wellness and improve it.

I've put in a substantial amount of time since Christmas 2014 dialing into the information -- my attention was caught and interest piqued when I saw the gal I've called on Lumigrate "Poster Gal" posting a blitz of links to patents and having a funny yet passionate 'hissy fit', because the patents that have been obtained and products NOT marketed lets everyone know that this has been known by the conventional, organized medical/industrial/etcetera complex.  

Maybe the Lumigrate YOU! Model is going to help at this point.  See how many providers an ideal team could have on it, for those who were following the 'integrative medicine' format for addressing a complex chronic illness condition? And as you see, there's the instructional cue 'Who Would You Add?'.  Many people today have gotten some of their best advise from boards and groups on the Internet and Facebook.  So people could be adding 'Mardy and Lumigrate for information guidance'. And what I'm suggesting is that people consider adding Steve and his protocol and the et al.'s who advise about information with Steve's protocol.

There will STILL BE AMPLE NEEDS as people rid themselves of the intestinal interlopers and the damaging effects subside, for residual damages to be dealt with. We'll benefit greatly from using the providers we've had at our disposal before, but there will be enough GREAT ONES of them to go around.  EVERYONE is unwell in some way or another unless they've been aware of what's causing illness and addressing it. People who have had life-long struggles in the mind and with behaviors and addictions, or other more physical problems, often don't identify themselves as unwell.  What they think of as well or unwell is simply not the way I and others look at it. We all have this in common, worldwide (unless people have been able to escape the changes of the microbes that are changing on Earth).   

With Steve's protocol, there might be the addition by some people of a colon hydrotherapist, it's imperative proper elimination continue so that the stunned interlopers can be evacuated before they much get absorbed by the body. Or in my case, a naturopathic doctor (the one from the formative materials on Lumigrate who provided the full barrel syndrome model and information) in 2006 had focused on my intestines. The only doctor who had ever put hands on my belly and said 'you have a bunch of stuff in your intestines, you're not processing and eliminating correctly. And he advised me about that.  I've let him know about this protocol and information and he might expect some patients coming in who have learned of the protocol.  



And I've told Steve that the beauty of my website having been on the Internet since 2009 when 'we' launched with information about hypothyroidism, detoxification and cleansing, supplements and disease prevention, the power of the mind/body connection, and IgG food allergies and food sensitivities is that people who are 'catching up with him' in terms of what they're knowing / learning, will be searching for those topics. Some will find Lumigrate. Or they'll know of Lumigrate and then utilize our trove of information. Which I can easily set up to help anyone with the things from A to Z find their way to this emerging cutting edge theory and protocol.   Expect to find a version of this in many places on Lumigrate if you're looking around the forums. 

Lyme, today in 2015, is a burgeoning topic.  Mainstream media, part of the medical/industrial/etcetera complex is making it so.  And the topics I created at Lumigrate about Lyme and many, many other subjects can easily had added comments to them, such as this one, which will then allow people finding it to be steered to this cutting edge information.  

Be prepared, as always at Lumigrate, for this being a journey that a person needs to commit TIME and ENERGY to.  These are not topics and my format and method is not to provide things people read in the normal attention span of Internet users.  

I care about finding people who are ready to do the WORK involved in STUDYING and becoming MASTER-full.  Think of it like getting a Master's Degree, perhaps.  Or taking a weekend seminar where you dedicate 16 hours or so over a two day period of time. Or you make sure you get an hour in a day, or a half an hour. Get 'inside your head' and look at how you spend your time, find the things you can cut out or cut back on and look at what PRIORITY your wellness should have (or that of a loved one, pet, human, livestock, garden, plants etc.).  Yes, the information includes treating pets because ideally you treat the whole system and environment and get your 'load' you're getting in you down.  

Which brings me to "load theory", which is a method of explaining chronic illness brought to us in recent years by an environmental medicine MD.  I appreciate his teaching me his analogy, it was similar to the full barrel syndrome analogy that our launch-era naturopathic doctor had brought to his presentations and I developed as a core concept. Here's the graphic and below will be a link about how to find the topic provided by the MD about it at Lumigrate, as well as something from the ND as well.  That give you the foundation and pulls our historic information into today. 

LOAD THEORY on the Left           ............................................                Full Barrel Syndrome on the Right. 

Unload the boxes after elevator's crashed or to prevent ...........               Drain or bail the stuff from the barrel. 


     Load Theory © 2012, Lumigrate                               Full Barrel Syndrome ©2009, Lumigrate

Can a person ONLY do the 'work' of taking the products and making their water and other things they put in their mouths and noses/lungs and on skin with fewer toxins and get resolution of symptoms? I think not; they'll have to address the things of mind and spirit as well.  Will they have an easier time addressing the psychological traumas and the spiritual stressors or lack of spirituality? I think so. Will these varying kinds of providers want to support something like this? Many will have restrictions on them by the associations they're affiliated with which guide and mandate what can be said to patients.  This is why I quit being a typical occupational therapist and started being a guide and teacher and supplier of information and encouraging people to be proactive in their 'occupation' of taking care of their wellness. 

An example I think of most often is relative to vision therapy, as not only did that allow me to go to college the second time and be a success not a failure as a student, but I currently keep tabs on a young student whose mother and father eventually heard me and others saying 'go to the Denver expert vision therapy optometrist' and she's now years into not much liking to do her home program and made very slow progress.

What would have happened had we known about this FIRST, if the parents felt this made sense, and THEN had her go to the behavioral / perceptual optometrist and her OTRs for therapy and special glasses with prisms and filters and whatever she might need.  I needed both prisms and colored filters to have the best resolution of symptoms from my spectacles.  

I wonder in the future if my prescription will change, once the intesting interlopers have gotten out and nothing new's been venturing up the vagus nerve and into the brain, essentially causing syptoms of brain injury.  I was a patient in the first year as an OTR of the Denver expert who was the first to say 'your brain sure acts like it's had an injury'.  Much food for though. 

Food; another subject to highlight quickly here. Eating clean and away from glyphosate (chemical in Roundup) and GMOs and all that is advantageous, in my opinion. Study and decide what your opinion is.  BUT people who did the protocol have tried all kinds of things because of financies perhaps, or because they'd been on restricted diets made popular by the Lyme and chronic illness providers who knew there were reversal of symptoms coming from diet.  Everyone had improvements no matter what their diet was.  So there's that which I like about this protocol as well. It's a hard sell about the food changes. Again, study is needed by everyone to decide what to do and then up to you to do or not do.  Sounds like something Yoda would say. 

If you need help, Lumigrate's home page's About area is where I update the ways to get ahold of me.  I can sometimes assist people and other times I suggest other experts, many of whom have provided topics on Lumigrate, such as life coach (who I initially didn't know in person but ended up getting to spend about ten hours with when she was working in Grand Junction when we were both doing our work in Grand Junction). 

Below is the link to the primary topic about cyanobacteria / algae, and from there links can be followed to get into the information about Steve and his 'et al.'s' as I call them (those assisting him), his Facebook group, his protocol.  I foresee there will be additional new groups to guide people to which I can update there.  I foresee this being a ripple right now with only a few thousand people having heard about this, which will rapidly grow.  Steve had foreseen the spring of 2015 bringing an exponential growth of the bacteria that are causing the problems in our environment and thus in everything living on Earth.  

It essentially has to do with thing that were locked away in frozen ice and snowfields being released with the warming on Earth as well as possibly things coming in from the cosmos.  How do they get here? Anything that comes in from the cosmos, the most commonly thought of being meteors.  And who knows, maybe there are other more 'far out things' than that! I'll just stick to the essentials here for now.  Essentially an intricate interplay has gone on with things that are 'symbiots'.  The bugs basically morphing into new things that have occurred very rapidly in terms of how various species can adapt.  

Near where algae blooms (of cyanobacteria) occur, there are exponential increases documented and reported on even in mainstream sources --- even with the way the medical/industrial/etcetera complex tries to suppress statistics being reported by not educating doctors in things they could diagnose, or making ugly time-consuming hoops with extra steps for them and their staff to have to 'do', perhaps getting them looked at by the organizations that rule things, etc.  I provide links about that on the topic at the link (and the links from there).  Poster Gal has a great example.

She was diagnosed with the M.S. version/label of 'The' disease we all have.  They moved states and were in an area near Lake Erie before the algae bloom that was very much in the news in 2014, and naturally the algae was of significance in the water before a 'bloom'.  Before the bloom her neurologist in a town of 7,000 said he had about 65 patients with a label of M.S.; by around the turn of 2014/2015 he reported to her at a following appointment there were now 'about 400' on his books with M.S.  This is found similarly with ALS, Parkinson's, etcetera.  This information is documented at what you'll find at the following link as well. 

AND most of all, I want people finding this comment on this thread to know that what Steve's research has indicated would lead people AWAY from using natural or patented medicine forms of 'antibiotics', which is one of the primary treatments of many of the "Lyme-literate providers." This was my gut 'reservation' about what I came away with from watching the movie Under Our Skin, or about many of the treatment protocols I learned of for those treating people who had Lyme.  

In recent years I presented a very wide variety of information in the forums at Lumigrate about Lyme and company and various provider types and websites.  Some believe you need to 'eradicate' the bacteria and one which did so but it was the most extensive website I think I've ever seen (a Canadian woman).

Others said you just get things improved and let the body take care of things and keep things in balance, reduce the 'load' on the body systems.  This made sense to me because I'd had complete wellness for only a few years in my early 30s after encountering an exceptional chiropractor and being very dedicated to his methods, and had symptoms of Lyme and company as a child, as did my mother, really (and perhaps her mother). So this life experience helped me to not 'run with any of the balls' I saw about Lyme. 

I am now running with the ball about 'The' ... being that most of us do have Lyme and company in us and MANY other things. But Lyme isn't what we've thought Lyme is, Steve et al. present a different perspective and one I think is imperative to study for anyone who believes they have symptoms of Lyme or have done testing to tease out a confirmed diagnosis. Here's the link to 'The Ball', so to speak:

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

The links I stated, above that have to do with supplemental, foundational information at Lumigrate on:

Load Theory by Dr Spurlock, MD:

as well as this topic about detoxification strategies and how to reduce burdens, always good advise but not addressing this cutting edge aspect naturally (as it wasn't 'out there' yet as it is now/ 2015):


Full Barrel Syndrome and complex chronic illness/ fibromyalgia, etc. by Dr Lepisto, ND -- where you will also see the full barrel model, the load theory model and the way these things dovetail, similarly to if you take the time to read the topics provided by Dr Spurlock in the layer of providers after Dr Lepisto's layer of invited expert providers. 

Again, take your time. Make time. Put the effort into this as if your life and that of your family, and quality of life, depends on it.  Because it does! ~ Mardy

On Mother's Day, in order to 'catch' the people going to the BLOG tab at Lumigrate, I created a topic titled about what I want all mothers and others to know, and then link to all the topics on Lumigrate that build upon or toward Steve Beddingfield's research and the information I'm putting 'surrounding that' to reinforce, that way there's one 'master link' that I update whenever I add anything.  So this is that 'master link'.  

I added on a comment on Father's Day geared towards men, fathers and about dogs, since my father loved dogs and due to that love that he shared with my mother prior to my being born, I grew up with dogs and interestingly at Father's Day timeframe was working with my first 'case' that included a dog since learning Steve's perspective and providing it at Lumigrate.

Suffice it to say you might have trouble getting a horse to drink from the trough, but dogs are hard to keep from going to the pond where we're now aware what is brewing in the water. Challenges of how to implement things 'in real life' is what the old occupational therapist in me (my profession from mid 30s until late 40s, when I started Lumigrate and shifted to health education focused), APPLICATION of things in how we occupy our time, that's the key to success after becoming educated (which is after 'awareness').  





Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Colorado Tick-Borne Disease Association

Please take the journey .... no matter where you live... to a great website offered by a fellow Coloradoan, who has created a nonprofit called Colorado Tick-Borne Disease Association.  This is a Facebook friend of mine that created it, and I felt it has very good information. It sounds like we have similar passion for helping people with their wellness!

I wanted to highlight on Lumigrate that there is a significant issue in Colorado and other states sometimes not thought of as an environment for ticks / Lyme, and they've done a very nice job with this website.  So here's the link --

I hope you take the link or came back and are benefitting from the selections I provide. 

Live and learn.  Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 7 weeks ago.
Tired of Lyme dot com a Highly Regarded Resource on Facebook

Among the people learning around in groups on Facebook, in a group with Lyme in the title, I saw a share to the following area of the Tired of Lyme dot com website.  Many people said they'd used many of the products and techniques suggested, and really loved this website.  So I wanted to offer it to YOUsers of Lumigrate so YOU will be able to more easily find your way to the beneficial, best sources that people talk up on Facebook without spending all day on there trying to sort through the unhelpful / harmful groups and providers and the ones not really doing much of anything of significance to move people along, AND GET THE GOOD ONES.

This is what you'll find, so you know ..... and then can better determine to GO (or not).  Again, I suggest GO.

Cleaning Up The Mess Left By Dead Spirochetes

 Picture - Standard type, relaxing looking woman's head as she relaxes

​Detoxing is an essential part of fighting Lyme Disease and achieving relief from a herx.  Many people just think about what antibiotics to take and let the body do the rest from there but killing the bacteria is only half the job.  One must help the body remove the endotoxins that spirochetes release in the body once they're killed.  In fact, well over 90% of the time you're not feeling well is due to a a body that is not detoxing effectively.

The Golden Rule Of Detoxing

The golden rule of detoxing states that if you're going to intentionally help your body kill a foreign invader, you should intentionally help your body remove those foreign invaders from your body.

A herxheimer reaction is not an immediate reaction to spirochete die off but more of a result of an accumulation of toxins over a period of time.  You can kill off spirochetes and have no herx reaction as this is due to the body's ability to effectively remove the endotoxins the spirochetes release, in a effective manner.  When you start to herx, the body's tactics for removing the endotoxins are overburdened due to an accumulation of endotoxins. 

This is where detoxification comes into play. Certain detoxification methods are used for near immediate relief from a herxheimer reaction, such as an Epsom Salt Bath or Burbur Detox.  Other detoxification methods such as Milk Thistle or Cruciferous Vegetables work in the long term by continuously cleansing the body of endotoxins in small amounts, which in turn decreases the likelihood of encountering a herx in the first place.

Detox Methods

You can rate each detox method that you've used for its effectiveness.

Is Tired of Lyme missing a detox method?

Submit A Detox Method

Then it goes to a great interactive listing of things they've provided to date on detox methods, as you see, above, people have rated and are asked to suggest others to add.  Again, please take this resource seriously. 

I'm going to also offer a link to the comment I have created about what German auricular medicine specialist MD Claus-Peter Kessler says about herxheimer which is a little different slant on things, and I believe it's very much worth considering spending a bit of time reading, thinking about and integrating into what you are doing and believing IF YOU FEEL it / THINK it is valid and 'for you'. 

You will find it on this thread, which is in the forum area devoted to Facebook (and other Internet/ social media) sources (but I focus on Facebook).



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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