Layers Like an Onion - The Causes (and Solutions) of Environmental Illness (and Wellness)

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

How do YOU think about what leads a person (or any other being) to be well or unwell/ill?  Do you realize that there might be symptoms that are dismissed or hidden from awareness and attributed to something else that does not 'register' as 'symptoms'?

In my mind, it ends up being much like an onion, with the core/root causes surrounded by the underlying conditions, and then those symptoms still might take some uncovering to reveal. The outward and easiest to detect surface symptoms being the most obvious.  (And sometimes not identified as symptoms, as I said, above.) This is a graphic I had done in 2012 to help demonstrate this concept. 

                                                      © Lumigrate 2012

This is going to be a topic that takes a while to construct, so please check back until you see this statement no longer here. Inspired by the subject of "fulvic acid", which you'll see covered in a section, below, I realized in my having, in the past, relied upon the "invited expert contributors" to post topics they had prepared and were qualified about, we'd somehow missed fulvic acid.  

Eventually I found my way by utilizing Facebook networking, to some of the best experts I've seen --- those with a lot of intelligence, perseverence, and motivation to study and reverse symptoms in themselves or loved ones. I just want to get to the TRUTH and the ROOT or ROOTS. And, editing this in summer, 2018, I've had another layer closer to the root, and perhaps THE root, that I've provided on Lumigrate regarding "dysautonomia" and the causes per a dedicated German auricular medicine expert who simplifies what's needed for supplementation into a very targeted, individualized by day, taking of just a few things and only as needed.  Naturally, it's for YOU to study around and decide what you believe is right for you in taking action.  

ADRENAL FATIGUE: Key Concept with Environmental Illness, and one of the layers --

Here's a link, with transcribed information to read over, that I thought was one of the best hour-long overviews that's easy to understand if one listens to the whole thing. I like reading things over, and thankfully Wendy Myers at Live to 110 dot com has her interviews transcribed with benchmark times for people who want to go listen to certain parts.



  • 03:23 About Pam Killeen
  • 06:43 What is Adrenal Fatigue?
  • 09:17 Factors causing adrenal fatigue
  • 16:22 Causes of adrenal fatigue
  • 21:47 Managing Adrenal Fatigue
  • 23:41 Copper Toxicity
  • 32:37 Coffee and Adrenal Fatigue
  • 41:04 Hormone replacement therapy
  • 44:06 Menopause
  • 50:44 Healing Adrenal Fatigue
  • 55:57 Nutrients that the adrenals need to function
  • 58:54 Sleep
  • 01:04:15 The adrenals and heavy metals
  • 01:08:35 How long to heal adrenal fatigue
  • 01:10:22 More About Pam Killeen
03:23 About Pam Killeen

Wendy Myers: Yes! So we were talking a little bit about the show and you were telling me your story. Why don’t you tell the listeners about why you’re so passionate about health and how you’ve found mineral balancing using hair mineral analysis?

Pam Killeen: Yeah! It was a total fluke. You know what it’s like when you’re out there and you’re spinning your wheel trying all sorts of stuff that isn’t working. I was fortunate, however, that I found the work of Weston A. Price prior to finding nutritional balancing.

So I did have an advantage I think in that department in that learning about animal fat with someone is just so crucial for my adrenals to recover in the first place. And then finding nutritional balancing, that was just the icing on the cake so to speak. That has just done nothing, but fine-tune myself.

I absolutely love what I do, but my clients and I can all vouch (and you can vouch) for the fact that when you’re not feeling quite well, if you’re running on zero cylinders or one cylinder, two cylinders, four cylinders, something is just not right. You go out and you try all sorts of things to get yourself back to running on all eight cylinders. It can be so infuriating trying all that hocus pocus and never really feeling like it’s amounting to anything.

And then when you find nutritional balancing, yes, it’s overwhelming (or if you’d like to call it mineral balancing). It’s extremely overwhelming simply because the journey is so long and it’s a lot of work, a lot of application, a lot of frustration. But in the end, of course, it’s extremely rewarding because you can get your health back using this modality. But you have to be extremely committed and focused and very patient as well.

Wendy Myers: Patience is the hard part.

Pam Killeen: It is! And unfortunately, you see that people drop out of the program and it’s really heartbreaking when that happens because it generally happens for two reasons. Number one, people go through the detox. I mean, my clients jokingly call themselves ‘toxic cesspools’. It’s a very good description of what’s going on.

And so when we start stirring up what I call the hornet’s nest inside of people, it doesn’t feel good. And unfortunately, pretty much everybody is going to go through it. You have to be willing to go through it before you actually enroll in the program.

Wendy Myers: I tell people that they’ve got to deprogram themselves that they can’t take a pill and feel better. That’s what the doctors do because they’re covering up symptoms. But then like you said, they go to doctor after doctor after doctor and they don’t get well and so they still have this expectation. You’ve got to let that go. It’s not reality.

Pam Killeen: Right! They really don’t think the detox should be happening to me or they can’t stand the detox and they quit or they are new at natural health and they believe all the claims that they’re hearing in what I call the ‘candy store’, the candy store of natural health practitioners and supplements. People believe the claims that they’re making and they go out and they want to keep trying something that’s going to help them feel better faster.

It’s heart-wrenching for me to see people do that because I’ve been through it, my clients have all been through it. But the seduction process of really believing that things like chronic fatigue, depression, brain fog, anxiety, OCD, insomnia, low libido, the utopia is that these things can go away quickly, but it takes time to get the body back into balance so that all of these systems are functioning properly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

06:43 What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about adrenal fatigue. We’re going to talk about how these kinds of mineral balancing programs – there’s different programs that have a very similar premise, balancing the body. So we’re going to talk about how those heal adrenal fatigue. But what is adrenal fatigue since so many people are afflicted with this and don’t know it yet? What exactly is adrenal fatigue?

Pam Killeen: Well, I call it the body’s battery is worn down. That’s how I like to describe it. The batteries are just not working properly and the batteries are the body’s adrenal glands. When the adrenal glands are being overly stimulated, day in and day out, year in and year out, they’re going to wear out.

Because the adrenal glands control the balance of minerals in your body (and that includes their ability to kick out unwanted metals), when the adrenals lose their ability to do that, of course, we become these toxic cesspools.

So the healthy minerals fall out of balance. The unwanted metals move in. And because our minerals are our spark plugs, this will influence neurotransmission. This will influence hormones, blood sugar control, thyroid function and so on.
So a lot of people will come to me and they just want to blame the problems on their neurotransmitters or they want to blame their problems on their thyroid. It’s very myopic. It’s just too simplistic an approach. You have to look at all systems together in order so that people can return to running on all eight cylinders.

But the core is always going to be the adrenal glands. So whatever I’m working with – I mean, it’s interesting to know people’s diagnosis. It’s interesting to know their labels whether they have Parkinson’s, whether they have epilepsy, whether they have chronic fatigue or insomnia or infertility issues or low libido. Whatever their label may be, it’s interesting to know their label.
But what is more important for practitioners like you and me is to look at their biochemistry because that’s really the underlying factor we have to look at and consider in order to essentially rebuild that human like a bionic person.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yes. In my understanding, historically, cavemen and Paleolithic men, they worked a 17-hour work week. They did their hunting and their gathering and they relax with their family. That’s not happening today. So I think our adrenal glands are really wimpy. They’re not set up for modern life and someone’s lucky if they work 40 hours a week. I don’t work 40 hours a week, I work seven days a week. But I like what I do, so I’m lucky that way.

09:17 Factors causing adrenal fatigue

Wendy Myers: So what are the factors that are causing adrenal fatigue in addition to people working way, way, way too much?

Pam Killeen: Okay. So in my last book, I talked about that term, the ‘fast, new world’. We’re living in a fast, new world. It’s a synthetic new world. We’re just not designed to be busy, busy, busy, get up at seven in the morning and go until midnight. That’s just not how we’re designed to operate.

But another thing that’s wearing down the adrenal glands is this high carbohydrate, low fat diet because the best fuel for the adrenal glands to keep the adrenal glands strong is animal fat.

And so if you look at the history of chronic fatigue and depression, don’t get me wrong, I know they’ve been around for a long, long time, but the epidemic really began more so in the 1980s and I was in that first wave when people started collapsing with things like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and so on (or mood disorders in general).

But if you look at the history, what happened in ‘70s that led to that epidemic becoming worse in the 1980s. And in the 1970s, that’s when we went really hard core with the low fat diet. I can tell you in the 1970s, I went hard core with the low fat diet. And of course, by the ‘80s, I collapsed with chronic fatigue.

So I was in my early twenties when I collapsed with the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. And if you look at the numbers, you’ll see that it’s no coincidence why this tsunami has been getting worse and worse and worse because so few people still really know about the importance of animal fat in the diet. And as a practitioner, you know, Wendy, it’s really difficult to get people stabilized without the animal fat.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. My vegetarian clients, forget it. It’s very difficult for them to heal their bodies without more animal fats – the vegans. Vegetarians get by eating dairy and things like that. But the vegans, it’s difficult for them.

Pam Killeen: Oh, yeah. No, I don’t work with vegetarians and there’s other reasons. I mean, I want my clients eating red meat and it’s just going to be easier to stabilize them if they’re eating enough red meat at least one serving of bread meat a week. I mean, I have clients that eat way more than that.

But as an addendum here, when you transition to what I call the ‘three square meal’ model where we’re turning to getting about 70% of our calories from animal fat (which is what your ancestors and my ancestors had adopted to), when we return to eating animal fat in the diet, it can be problematic. I’m sure you’ve seen this with your clients.

So even if people aren’t working with people like you and me, Wendy, they’ve got to realize it could be a bumpy ride returning to animal fat in the diet simply because, as you know, as the adrenals get weak, this adversely affects digestion, things like the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and bile. And for hydrochloric acid and bile to communicate properly, it takes time because it relies on the strength of the adrenal glands and the balance of minerals.

So when you return to animal fat in the diet, you have to put things in your stomach to help support your digestion. I tell my clients, “I need you to trick your stomach into thinking it’s acidic because right now, it’s not going to be acidic enough.”
So they have to do things like raw sauerkraut, lemon water, apple cider vinegar, pickles, pickle juice, sauerkrauts. They have to do things in order to trick their stomach into being acidic .

Wendy Myers: I’m all about the pickle juice. I love me some pickle juice.

Pam Killeen: Isn’t it fantastic? You sip on some pickle juice and it really helps settle the tummy. It’s incredible. It works really quickly.
And then you have to use a specific digestive aids in order to get the bile going. But even more importantly than that, the coffee enemas are just magical.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Pam Killeen: I make the coffee enemas mandatory for my clients. It’s simply because I used to be lenient about using the coffee enemas. And back them, I had like a 95% dropout rate because people couldn’t handle the detox. So now, I make them mandatory.

It’s just not worth my while for people to do a year on the program and ten quit. A year in nutritional balancing time is not very long. So people are still going to be sick generally speaking a year into the program. That’s just not uncommon.

Wendy Myers: And so, you listeners out there, if you’re not familiar with coffee enemas and you’re like, “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What did she just say? Coffee enemas?” These are something you can learn about on my website, Pam’s website and we’ve got a podcast about coffee enemas and the amazing unbelievable benefits of coffee enemas and how to make you feel like a million bucks.

That’s something that we both use with our clients because they get that bile flow going. They stimulate bile flow and you have to have that for digestion and to detox metals.

Pam Killeen: That’s right. And it’s mythology (as you know) that fiber is going to help us with our digestion. I mean, that’s just sheer mythology. I have books listed on my website and I highly recommend the book, ‘Fiber Menace’. I was one of these ones that got so fooled into thinking fiber was going to help my digestion. It’s really about getting the bile going.

So if you want to have good elimination, you need to get your bile going. And bile becomes extremely stagnant without enough animal fat in the diet because why should bile show up if there’s not enough animal fat on the diet? So bile essentially goes to sleep.

And on top of that, it gets thick like toothpaste. And so it’s going to form gall stones in the bile duct system.
So this is a big hurdle that a lot of people have to overcome. It can take a year, two years, whatever the case may be in order to get the bile to start behaving properly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And there are people where their gallbladders were removed, which is insane, craziness when they just need to take some Ox Bile or another kind of supplement or eat bitter/sour tart foods to get it going.

Pam Killeen: Yeah, it can be difficult. I think the gall stones that can form in the gallbladder can be enormous and in some cases, cannot be overridden. I’ve rarely seen people who have to get their gallbladders removed.

A lot of the times, what it is is there’s hundreds (if not thousands) of gall stones trapped within the bile duct system. And oftentimes, my clients might do a liver/gallbladder flush and see nothing come out at all. That’s how incredibly blocked up the highway systems is with their bile ducts. They may need to do three, four, five six liver/gallbladder flushes just to explode out those stones. And mark my words, there’s going to be a lot there.

Don’t go running – you can go running to the doctor anything you want to for testing, but generally speaking, when you go for testing to see if you have gall stones, you can pretty much bank on the fact that the test will not show the gall stones. Usually, the tests come back negative.

Wendy Myers: Ah, that’s interesting.

16:22 Causes of adrenal fatigue

Wendy Myers: So why don’t we go into some of the other causes of adrenal fatigue? What are some of the things people are doing that just wear those things out?

Pam Killeen: Right, yeah, things where we’re obeying mother nature. Being excessively busy is one thing. You wake up in the morning and you go until midnight, just a workaholic type of lifestyle. That’s going to wear down the adrenal glands.
A low fat diet, that’s going to wear out the adrenal glands. But another big, big subject that nobody likes to talk about, Wendy is exercise.

Wendy Myers: Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes. I have a lot of exercisaholics because it’s healthy, right?

Pam Killeen: This is taboo for us to be talking about this right now.

Wendy Myers: Yes, exercise is so healthy.

Pam Killeen: No. Vegetarianism is so healthy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So what’s the problem? What’s the happy medium? You always can get too much of a good thing. So what is the happy medium that people should be doing?

Pam Killeen: I call it ‘smart’. You want to do ‘smart exercise’. I’m not anti-exercise, but it can be excessive. Our adrenal glands are not designed for doing spurts of cardio, for example.

If you look at the work of Dr. Hans Selye (who was the foremost researcher on the world on the adrenal glands), he actually did this research right here at McGill University, we ran for two to three minutes at a time to eat or avoid getting eating. We didn’t over-exert our adrenal glands in human history. This phenomenon of exercise is only very new to humans.

And I’m a recovering over-exerciser just like I’m a recovering vegetarian as well. You get up and you do lapse in the pool up at the university and then you go jogging and you run on the treadmill and you do all these exercises – aerobics classes, whatever. So I really did my adrenal glands a lot of damage.

Now, when I exercise, I do smart exercise I don’t push my adrenal glands. I actually play tennis and I usually only play doubles because it’s not…

Wendy Myers: That’s less work.

Pam Killeen: …and you get to laugh and giggle and socialize, get some fresh air and sunshine. So it’s a really smart exercise for me I find.
Another smart exercise might be golf because you’re really not stressing yourself and you’re still out in the fresh air and sunshine and socializing and smiling with your friends, which is very therapeutic I feel.

Other things like yoga, pilates, qi gong, simple stretching, maybe light weight lifting (just light). These are all acceptable forms of exercise. If you have adrenal fatigue, you absolutely need to consider, if you are going to exercise, that these are basically the exercises you might be able to do.

But I will tell you that I have clients (even myself included years ago), I had no business when I was really, really sick. I used to play tennis and do all these things. I should not have been doing any of those things. Even yoga would’ve been too much for me.
I wasn’t paying any attention. I didn’t know about the exercise equation. So I do have clients that I work with who couldn’t even fathom going out to do a yoga class. They can’t even get off their coaching. That’s how incredibly fatigued they are.

So what I tell them is, “I want you to be a couch potato. You need to celebrate this. I know it’s boring as heck.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, watch a movie. Relax.

Pam Killeen: We’re all big movie fans and documentary fans, watch golf on television. We’re turning into golf fanatics just vicariously through television because it’s relaxing to watch golf. But they have to watch relaxing media if they’re going to do any kind of television. They have to be relaxed.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yeah, that’s why I don’t watch the news because I just get stressed out. I could feel my adrenalin going and I’m like, “This is not healthy. I just need to be ignorant and happy.”

Pam Killeen: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: …and healthy.

Pam Killeen: That’s the trick. I’ve had some clients who have been watching thrillers or horror movies. I’m like, “No, no, no. That’s going to overstimulate your adrenal glands and they’re too weak right now. They won’t heal if you overstimulate them.”
And even people, I’ve had some musicians who continue to drum more or play their guitars. That’s too stimulating for them. They have to go on hiatus from anything that stimulates their adrenal glands.

I tell my clients, “I want you to imagine that your adrenal glands are in a cast, broken like a broken arm or a broken leg. Just like you’d heal a broken arm or a broken leg in a static position, that’s what has to happen with your adrenal glands in order so that they heal.”
The rest of it, as you know, Wendy, the whole program together works synergistically. But honestly, if pp are not resting, if they’re still overstimulating their adrenal glands, I don’t see great results with these people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Pam Killeen: They’ll get better eventually. It’s just going to take them a lot longer.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it will take them a lot longer, yeah. And also, people that are really copper toxic. I know that some of my clients, they use exercise as a drug, that the only way some of these really copper toxic people (the metal that really drives them), the only way they feel good is if they exercise.

And so they exercise six days a week and it’s kind of this vicious cycle. Because of adrenal fatigue, they become copper toxic. And because of the copper toxicity, they continue to over-exercise.

21:47 Managing Adrenal Fatigue
PLEASE GO AND CONTINUE WITH ALL THE DETAILS..... I am trying to reduce the length here but there's not a lot I don't think is utmost 'grate' to have here ...... excellent overview! 

23:41 Copper Toxicity

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk a little bit more about copper toxicity. It’s something that not many health practitioners are aware of, but it’s one of the main causes (at least in my clients) for unwanted health conditions. It’s a huge problem. It causes their symptoms as well, the symptoms they don’t want.

Can you explain exactly what copper toxicity is and how it is promoted by adrenal fatigue?

Pam Killeen: Oh, yeah. Essentially, our adrenal glands are responsible for controlling the balance with minerals in the body, but that also means they’re responsible for taking out unwanted metals. It also secretes a protein into the body to grab the copper, take it to the bile and then out into the toilet it goes.

But because of the low fat diet, why does bile have to show up? It goes to sleep. So now, the exit route for the copper to blocked essentially. And because there’s not enough animal fat in the diet, the adrenals keep getting weaker and weaker and weaker. So you see why my clients call themselves ‘toxic cesspools’.

And when we stir up the copper, it’s an interesting cause and effect relationship. When people start taking the supplements, what they do is essentially release what I call the hornet’s nest, copper included. Other metals are going to be moving as well, but copper is a big culprit.

So as we stir up the hornet’s nest and people feel the copper moving, you know it and I know it, they feel it.

Wendy Myers: It’s fun stuff.

Pam Killeen: They end up with what is known as a very distinctive copper headache. I mean, it’s unmistakable when you start getting a copper headache. It’s a very metallic horrible feeling in the brain. Oftentimes, a lot of nausea and vomiting accompanies it.

And so it’s a shock when people go through the detox. I’m oversimplifying the detox here, by the way. But it’s an episode that can happen here and there while people are on the program.

But as the copper cleans more and more and more, over time, over several months, the brain starts getting sharper and sharper. Moods starts getting enhanced. Sleep improves. Libido improves. It’s a cause and effect relationship because as people hear you and I talk about copper toxicity or even the entire program, it’s all intangible because we can’t see copper, smell copper, taste copper.

When people are smoking cigarettes, you can see the toxicity, you can smell the toxicity. We know it’s toxic. But when we start talking about copper or lead or mercury, adrenal functions, all of these things are intangible to over 90% of the population.

So as hard for people to understand when I tell them about the copper toxicity issue, only until they actually move the copper do they say, “Oh, my God! This is really what my health problems are all about. It’s this copper.” It’s so incredibly powerful as the copper clears and you could feel the cause and the effect relationship.

And so you have to be in store for the feelings associated with moving the copper. You have to be ready for it. The coffee enemas are there in order to help ‘soften the landing’, so to speak. Not all my clients go through a horrible, horrible detox, but a lot of them do.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Not everyone does. Everyone’s different. Everyone’s different. Everyone has different – I think everyone has all the metals in them. It’s just a matter of to what degree and what’s going to come out, in what order. So everyone’s a little bit different.

Pam Killeen: That’s right. And a lot of it depends on their age when they start the program, how sick they are when they start the program, their level of compliance when they’re on the program. It also depends on whether or not they were ever a vegetarian. If they were ever a vegetarian, I noticed that they have a way tougher time on the program because they’re more toxic. They have more toxins.

And also, if they have trauma during the program. So if they have death in the family, a divorce, a geographical move, if something goes on while they’re on the program, some kind of stress like that, oftentimes that delays their progress as well.

Another thing that will delay their progress is if they don’t switch to bottled spring water. If I have clients who don’t listen to me and they continue to drink well water or distilled water or filtered water, if they don’t believe me when I tell them about the water problem, a year and a half into the program, I’ll say, “You did switch to bottled spring water, didn’t you?” and then they’ll tell me no, they didn’t, I’ll say, “Ah, that’s way. That’s why things are going slowly here.”

Wendy Myers: So do you not even like the carbon-filtered water? It doesn’t have the minerals. Yeah, I’ve got it over here. It doesn’t have the minerals. Filtered water doesn’t have it.

Pam Killeen: Yeah, the problem with the carbon is it’s not going to rid of the artificial water fluoridation. Now, you’re opening up a huge can of worms for me because I work on getting fluoride out of our city water locally here where I live in Ontario. I mean, we can do a whole show on fluoride.

Seventy percent of the United States is artificially water fluoridated. In Canada, our numbers are going down dramatically. So we have less artificial water fluoridation in Canada. We are working very hard to stop it.
Experts that are working on getting rid of artificial water fluoridation, they’re saying that probably it should be done and over with over the next two years.

I’ve also seen water tests of tap water. I know a girl here in Canada that I collaborate with and she shows me water tests. She shares a lot of information with me about water tests. Water tests are inconclusive. What is most important is what you and I see in the hair analysis and what the body is holding on to.

So even if you test your water and it shows according to government regulations, it shows that it’s okay, please don’t believe it because what’s most important is what you and I see in terms of what the body is holding onto.

That’s what the trouble is, the water test. When people take their water in for testing, they come back to me and they say, “Pam, you’re wrong” and I say, “No, no, no. Please don’t drink that water. Even though the test look okay, what’s most important is for me to see what your body is holding onto.”

Wendy Myers: It was interesting when we had talked at one point and you had said that mercury is a big issue in well water in the western United States. Can you explain that a little bit?

Pam Killeen: Right! Because the coal-burning power plants in China, the drift is going towards the west coast of Canada and United States. If you’re drinking rain water or well water from rain, there’s a good chance it’s going to be contaminated with mercury.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and iron and manganese too. I see that toxicity in all my clients that are drinking well water.

Pam Killeen: Well water, you’re dealing with iron, manganese and aluminum, which you’re going to see over time especially if they stop drinking their well water. Now, the contamination has stopped coming in, so the body will actually let go of the toxicity.

So the hornet’s nest should stir up after one or two tests. You should start seeing the manganese, iron and aluminum coming up as long as they’ve stopped drinking the well water. If they haven’t stopped drinking the well water, chances are they’ll still stay down because the contamination is coming in, so mother nature just keeps sequestering and hiding the metals.

Well water is going to be a problem for those three particular metals. Sometimes, you’re going to see arsenic because of the agricultural sprays. Sometimes you’re going to see the mercury. We don’t test for fluoride, but there’s a chance. You’ll see that person will be affected from even high levels of naturally occurring fluoride, not necessarily always the artificial water fluoridation coming from municipal sources.

And copper. In city water, they’re adding copper as an antifungal and also, they’re adding aluminum to give water that crystal clear look. And because all water is connected, that is also going to affect the wells.

Wendy Myers: It just sounds delicious.

Pam Killeen: Water is the big issue with me. I wish people didn’t have to drink bottled water. Obviously, the plastic, it’s the lesser of the evils.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I tell people. Proper hydration and minerals is much, much more important to your health than avoiding plastics and BPA. It’s a reality in modern life.

But I think you just detox it in the sauna. You sweat those things out. You sweat out phalates, you sweat BPA and residues of plastic in the infrared sauna.

Pam Killeen: But the xenoestrogens are going to come out through the bile. So if you’re doing the coffee enemas, you should be able to pull out the xenoestrogens from the plastic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

32:37 Coffee and Adrenal Fatigue

Wendy Myers: And let’s talk about what people are putting water in, which is coffee and how coffee causes adrenal fatigue because that’s a big one for a lot of people.

Pam Killeen: And again, it’s a stimulant, so you’re robbing Peter to pay Paul, right? And so when people start my program, I tell them, “It’s interesting to know what drugs you’re using. That’s interesting.”

I never take drugs away from anybody. So if somebody is using meth or crack or nicotine or sugar or Prozac or caffeine, marijuana, I never take anybody off their drugs because as long as their biochemistry is a mess, they can’t get through the day without their drug.

And just because their drug is legal or illegal, it doesn’t matter to me. A drug is a drug is a drug. Why are people taking drugs? Because they feel lousy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And they want to increase their energy. They want to change their body chemistry.

Pam Killeen: I mean, the drug part is a joke because if people feel lousy, they’re going to climb a mountain to get a drug.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Pam Killeen: And if a pharmaceutical drug isn’t working, then they’re going to go out to the streets to find something that does work. The drug war itself is going to fail. As long as people feel lousy, they’re going to seek out drugs.

I’d like to solve the drug war by getting to the root cause of the problem and that is to getting people feeling like they’re running on all eight cylinder because then you don’t need to have caffeine to get through the day, you don’t need to have sugar to get through the day, you don’t need to have Prozac to get through the day. You can use what mother nature gave us.

Wendy Myers: You need minerals. That’s what we need.

Pam Killeen: Yeah. You feel happy and healthy and wholesome without having to rely on any kind of drug.

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk a little bit more about coffee and how exactly that fatigues the adrenal glands. What is that whole mechanism?

Pam Killeen: What it’s going to do is essentially is it’s going to step on the gas. It’s going to just push and push and push tons of adrenalins out and even cortisol. That depletes your magnesium, for example. So that just causes a cascade or a domino effect in the body.

So you see that inescapable effect of drinking coffee. As long as you’re drinking the coffee, you’re going to keep pushing out the adrenalin and the cortisol and keep depleting your magnesium, which has a spillover effect on your other minerals, right?

I’m oversimplifying it. There’s more to it than that, but off the top of my head, that’s the way I would describe it. And so you have to keep going back to the coffee simply because what coffee does is it makes you feel wired and tired at the same time, doesn’t it? It makes you feel wired and tired.

So you can’t escape that feeling as long as you’re using a stimulant and depending on a stimulant for energy, but it’s a fake energy. It’s a synthetic energy and it doesn’t feel good in the long run. You just keep depleting and depleting and that’s depleting your battery.

So then you have to increase your dose over time because the fatigue gets worse and worse and worse and worse. But again, I never take anybody off of their drugs. Very few of my clients actually drink coffee, which I’m really grateful for. But if they do drink coffee, it’s a very small amount.

And what they do is they consciously – say, for example, if they drink one cup a day, I think the most any of my clients ever used to drink was four cups a day.

Wendy Myers: That’s a lot.

Pam Killeen: You know what it’s like for those people out there. But there’s people out there drinking a pot or two pots of coffee a day. I think the most any one of my clients has ever consumed was four cups of coffee a day. Most of my clients may be one or two, three cups a day.

What they do is they cut what they’re used to drinking and have and they stay with that for a while. And then they cut back dose in half. And then they might switch to tea, which has its own problems, but it’s got less caffeine in it.

We have to watch with tea because of the cadmium and the nickel and the fluoride, which are going to be picked up from the soil. You have to be careful with tea. I’ve tested tea toddlers and the cadmium, their nickel can be very, very high.

So you can kind of dose down on the coffee, but I never take it away from people simply because it may be the only thing they have to get through the day. Just try and keep the consumption to a bare minimum. And then as your biochemistry gets stronger and stronger and stronger, you should be able to notice you can walk away from the coffee and don’t need it to get through the day.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think people, once they start getting energy, their habits just naturally fall away. They don’t need it. They don’t need it as much when they have natural, authentic energy with minerals.

Pam Killeen: That’s right.

37:27 adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues

01:04:15 The adrenals and heavy metals

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about some of the metals that irritate the adrenals. This is the last question. A lot of these heavy metals that are inside of us are irritating and stimulating the adrenal glands. Can you talk about some of those?

Pam Killeen: It’s a cocktail. It’s really a cocktail. The adrenal glands are saying, “They’re invaders. Get out!” That’s the adrenal gland’s job. They’re saying, “There’s an invader here. It’s my job as the adrenal glands to kick that baby out, to kick that out” to whatever is in excess and isn’t supposed to be there.

So the copper is constantly, constantly on alert to send out those signals, to grab at the unwanted metals, send them to the bile and then we’re supposed to eliminate them into the toilet.

So any metals really, it’s just a cocktail of metals that are going to be there to irritate the adrenal gland, but the most invasive one is going to be the copper simply because copper is so incredibly ubiquitous because of copper pipes, because of copper being added to city water as an anti-fungal, because people have become red meat phobic. They’re not getting enough zinc to counteract the copper, so copper will over-accumulate, birth control. There’s just so many ways.

I completely agree with Dr. Eck when he said that copper toxicity is the greatest scourge on society today. I completely agree with him on that. But because we don’t see it, smell it, we take it for granted. I do classes on copper toxicity. Obviously, I know what’s going to happen. Their eyes are going to glaze over because they’re hearing it for the first time and it’s like, “No, that’s just too complicated. I’m not going to do it.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And because copper is a nutritive mineral (or metal, what-have-you) and it’s in all the vitamins, especially prenatal vitamins, people think that they need to be taking it.

Pam Killeen: It’s confusing. There’s no question. Most of my clients are referrals. You’re probably getting a lot of referrals. People who do the program, they feel the result on the program and they tell their neighbor, their sister, their father or their mother or whatever. It’s very difficult.

I tell my clients, “One percent of the population will find out about mineral balancing. But of that 1%, only 1% will actually do it.” So it takes a very precious person to surrender to do this program. It takes somebody who is extremely motivated, who is tired to listening to hocus pocus and false promises and that candy store of supplements that is out there. It’s not easy to do this. It takes a lot to surrender to it.

When you start mineral balancing, you will not understand in three months. You will not understand it in six months, probably not even in a year. It takes a long time to totally understand what mineral balancing is truly all about.

Wendy Myers: And it takes a leap of faith as well for people to surrender all the knowledge they know and all the programming they’ve had and what their doctors are telling them, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera that’s just shining right directly in the face of the program.

It takes a certain person to be able to let go of that and stop trying to change it or not do parts of the program, “I’ll do this, but not that” and what-not. And so it is challenging.

But it works. For the people that do it, wow! They have amazing results.

Pam Killeen: Oh, it works. It works, but they do have to be ready for it. I can vouch for that. I used to think I knew a lot about natural health and nutrition. I used to think I knew a lot about it until I learned this and I went, “I knew nothing.”

Keep in mind, I collapsed in the ‘80s. So I’ve been in this field for a long, long time. And so when I found out about copper toxicity, I went, “Oh, there was stone I didn’t look under.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmmm… exactly. Yeah, I feel very fortunate I found it early on – very, very, very fortunate. A lot of people do a lot of different kinds of things and so I’m very thankful I found it.

01:08:35 How long to heal adrenal fatigue

Wendy Myers: So how long does it take to heal the adrenal fatigue?

Pam Killeen: It depends on the individual. It depends if they’ve ever been a vegetarian. Vegetarians are going to take longer to heal. You can give it a 2-year window. I’m fortunate that I understand the importance of animal fat. My clients have an edge over others who may not understand the benefits of animal fat and how it relates to adrenal function in general, but also in terms of getting the bile going.

So I think two years is a good window. It may take three or four years. If somebody’s working a full-time job, the program, they may take longer just because there may be stress at work or they may be not getting enough sleep or rest. It depends on every individual.

So there is no answer to that question unfortunately. There is no absolute answer.

Wendy Myers: So between two and five years roughly?

Pam Killeen: Probably. Probably, yeah. It depends. It depends. And I tell all my clients, a lot of them take what I call the ‘slow train’.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Pam Killeen: …because they don’t want to provoke too much of a detox for whatever reason. If they take this slow train, it’s going to take the window that you were describing, two to five years probably.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, okay. Well Pam, thank you so much for being on the show. That was amazing! So informative. I love you and I’m so glad that we connected and I had you come on the show.

Pam Killeen: Thanks so much for having me, Wendy. And keep up the great work. You’re doing some fantastic work.

Wendy Myers: Thank you.

Pam Killeen: I do hope we could meet at a conference in-person and not just thousands of miles away.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the Weston A. Price conference, yeah.

01:10:22 More About Pam Killeen

Wendy Myers: So do you have any closing thoughts you want to tell the listeners or where they can find you and buy your books and things like that.

Pam Killeen: Yeah, if people want, I have an open Facebook group where I just post the occasional article or radio show. So Facebook is the place to find me. I do a lot of radio, so I have multimedia pages where I post a lot of my archives show.
You’ll find I don’t talk a lot about mineral balancing when I do other radio shows simply because I find it too much for people to understand. Their eyes just glaze over. I tend to talk more about Weston Price’s work and other subjects.
But yeah, I have a lot of radio shows on my multimedia pages that people might enjoy. Feel free to send me a friend request at my main Facebook page.

I do have another book that I’m working on that will be coming out hopefully by the end of this year as well. It’s another call-to-action like my last book, which was a call-to-action about the addiction epidemic that we have. This next book is a call-to-action as well because I just don’t see how our children are going to be able to have children unfortunately based on how incredibly sick they are.

I think we need to start that discussion. It’s a very important subject that’s very near and dear to my heart when I look at our children today and I see how much they’re struggling. It’s pretty serious stuff. I hope to have that book out by the end of this year.

Wendy Myers: Do you have a title yet?

Pam Killeen: Yeah, it’s just ‘Survival of the Unfittest’.

Wendy Myers: I like that.

Pam Killeen: I just started my Facebook page for the book the other day. Now I’ll just have to decide what it’s like or how do I do it, sell it as an ebook or a hard copy. There’s almost too much choice in terms of getting a book out there today.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. Yes, there is. I understand.

Pam Killeen: I just have to make that decision next. But the book is basically written. It’s just all these little intricate details that have to be worked out from here on end.

Wendy Myers: Okay, Pam, thank you so much for coming on the show. I definitely, definitely want to have you come on again and talk about addiction because that’s a huge problem.

Pam Killeen: Huge, huge.

Wendy Myers: Let’s do that next.

Pam Killeen: A big problem as well. So yeah, let’s give these people some hope.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if you want to learn about detoxification and my version of the primal diet, the Modern Paleo Diet (very similar to Weston Price), please go visit I talk all about detox, you can learn all about my Mineral Power program and how it can heal your health and reverse disease and detox you and experience all the lovely detox symptoms that we talked about today on the show. Visit Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast. 


How to Fix a Broken Brain, presented by Pam Killeen at the 2012 Westin A Price Foundation conference titled Nutrition and Behavior can be found at the following link at YouTube

Highlights of the presentation (and the timeframe in the video, which is 57 minutes long -- learners, compare this to the length of time you'd spend doing something using an electronic device or other 'obsessive habit' you might have.  CHOSE to spend YOUR time to help or hinder YOU.  It's as simple as that!):

In the beginning, Pam talks about her health history and how she spent two years in Europe, one in France and the next in England, where she had mold growing on her walls, her clothes and she did not understand at that time how toxic mold, or what she thinks to this day is simply mold, apparently (which I 'further the ball about' here and on other topics at Lumigrate) (see below, this topic leads into mold information -- heading 'Mycotoxin').   

Limiting carbohydrates to 72 grams, and this would look like: (at about 28 minutes in video)

  1. 1 slice of bread (sourdough)
  2. 2/3 cup of peas
  3. 1/2 of a medium potato
  4. 1 cup of broccoli
  5. 1 medium apple
  6. 2 tablespoons of dried beans (hydrated)

A source she used to calculate carbohydrates is

She works with a lot of carbohydrate-avores.  Some carbohydrates, particularly dark berries and vegetables, are loaded with anti-oxidants.  Our guts are not designed for a lot of fiber in the diet, they're designed for fats and protein.  So you'll get some fiber but not too much.  

We are fat heads, our brains are made up of a high percentage of fat, and she breaks that down into what types of fats. (30 minutes).  She refers to other presenters at the conference who hopefully have put people at ease about cholesterol and animal fat as being what she and others thinking the Westin A Price Foundation way believe.  TO THE CONSUMER -- YOU -- YOU will need to decide for yourself.  Opinions are formed from education after getting information which comes after becoming 'aware'.  If you're reading over this now, you're 'aware', but if you study from here, and go into the links and put the time in and understand the information presented, you'll be 'educated'.  

From there, you can form your opinion and THAT will help YOU to take ACTION, and stay compliant with something that might not be what your body or those around you are 'wanting you to do'.  "Let's go out and get a beer (or a glass of wine) and watch the game (and hang out)", "want to come over and watch the game (or play music)" which might have beverages with it which are not congruent with how YOU believe YOU should be consuming.  So this means a person ends up changing their social relationships, or doesn't stay as compliant, and their progress is affected.  

You're getting everything in animal fats together, it's very harmonious and it helps with conversion of hormones. A graphic is shown on the screen of the various hormones interplaying in our hormone system, and a block to drive home the key point: Vitamin A 

 So, unfortunately when people, so people compromise the production of their hormones when they limit fat. 

Nutritional medicine was cholesterol phobic, and that is turning around, she thinks, largely to the work of Westin A Price Foundation.  She cites a 2012 book on mental health, page 31, 

Chris Masterjohn's work is cited in a slide about Vitamins A and D and AA (arachidonic acid) working together Regulate Stress via Dopamine and Cortisol.  (32 minutes)  (they lead to the endocannabinoids, which leads to regulation of dopamine and cortisol, which leads to regulation of anxiety, depression, and motivation).  The best foods for your adrenals and your body as a whole are: 

egg yolks, butter, cream, cod liver oil and other things she mentions at this point. 

From her book, Addiction, the hidden epidemic, she cites those with ADHD, alcoholics are deficient in  

Good Calories / Bad Calories book by Gary Taub (sp?) is cited at 34 minutes, breaking out nutrition - dense traditional foods that were deviated from in modern times (a can of lard is shown, eggs, cheese, cod liver oil.....). 

Cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D), and iodine.  She suggests cod liver oil to all her clients in order to also get vitamin A, which is needed for iodine.  

We need to get D from food as well as the sun (and our skin).  (About at 36 minutes here)

Homocystine - is a significant risk factor for many health issues.  You can control the homocystine in your body via your B vitamins. 

Methylation is a process that helps make, break down and 


when homocystine is high, it can interfere with the methylation process.  

So you want to keep homocystine down so you don't mess with the methylation in your brain, you want that working properly for your nervous system. 

We're not getting enough of these key B vitamins in modern diet to keep this operating properly in our brains. 

She goes into vitamin studies to support this at 37:30.... B6, B12, folic acid are cited .... which are best found in animal foods. 

Organ meats are high in B vitamins. 

Minerals are the spark plug, and you want them in balance, not just among the minerals, but with other things as ratios.  The adrenals are controlling but the levels and ratios. They 

Some settle in 

Imbalance in minerals can result in feelings of 

emotional sensitivities. 

You can have trapped metals in the brain, like copper, which is very conductive, and it can cause the neurotransmitters to not fire and interact properly. (At 39 minutes at this point). Excess copper in the brain can alter the balance of dopamine and norepinephrine (two key mood-regulating chemicals). (Citing Dr Walsh, Director of Research at the Pfeiffer Treatment Center and the Health Research Institute in Warrenville, Illinois (USA).

40 Minutes:

Red meat is underrated of the nutritional value within which help stabilize mood.  When she gets people to increase their red meat and they come back and report improvement, it's just the tip of

When you reduce red meat, you won't get enouch zinc, so then copper will rise since they're antagonistic to each other.  City water can have copper sulfate added as it's antifungal, or if you have copper pipes.  Artificial fluoridation in your town, (the chemical used)  attracts to copper and lead and other minerals and is a very reactive ion. (41 and a half minutes) It will pull

Reasons for Copper Toxicity

Red meat phobia

Copper can be added to town/city water as an antifungal

Copper pipes

HFSA (hydrofluorosilicic acid), an industrial waste byproduct, is added to city/ town water (as 'fluoridation', a subject covered thoroughly in 2012 AT THE TIME OF THIS CONFERENCE, at, if you're interested in further information please use the search bar at Lumigrate and discover what our team of holistic DDS, environmental medicine MD, doctor of chiropractic and I had to say about it on several very thorough but concise topics).  

Hot tubs and swimming pools can be a source

 Hair analysis, she thought was foo-foo stuff and she's fortunate to use the lab and program she uses, because she uses a very specific set of supplements to undo the mineral imbalance and to do and interpret the tests as she does.  The adrenal gland are controlling the level and balance of the minerals, and you might not even see copper come out if the adrenals are low.  A lot of mood issues around copper -- fatigue, addiction, etc. 

When she puts people on a program, it's for two years.  You have to balance the four key minerals ......... and then the rest follow and balance out spontaneously.  There will always be individual changes to a protocol as a person gets recovering and is 'stronger'.  

If you follow this program, you will save money, time, and grief. 

She works with people on disability, on welfare.  They have to sign a contract before they start.  "Sargeant Pam" for two years to do the work.  (45 minutes)

Targeting the digestion is key, and this is difficult.  The gut is the second brain, it assimilates nutrients, etc.  

Why you must be so patient, to get well.  Low zinc and low sodium -- you need these minerals to produce hydrochloric acid.  And your gut needs to be able to break down the things she's recommending you eat.  When things come out of the stomach into the upper part of the small intesting.  Bile will be released if the pH is very acidic, to neutralize the acid (as it's more basic, lower pH).  So the body has forgotten how to digest animal fat and animal protein, these wonderful traditional foods.  So when the foods come into this upper part of the small intestine, this is where mineral absorption is -- but if there's a break down in this area of the gut, then there'll be digestion issues.  So we need to support the digestion with acidic foods: 



Pickle juice

Apple cider vinegar

When the bile has been dormant, it gets thick and sluggish, and you should produce a liter of bile a day, it might not come down into the gut and you'll get stones.  A liver / gall bladder flush can be done by her clients who are brave enough, and she won't go into that now but it's easily found about that. 

When you see sodium and potassium down like in her slide she's showing, you know they have adrenal burnout -- as long as the adrenals are weak, the digestion will be weak.  (49 minutes) So it's quite complex. 

This is something that there's a lot of misinformation about.  Many people take hydrochloric acid, and that's fine but you're not finding out why your body's not having enough acidity in the intestine.  

Another thing -- why bile is so important, it's essential for the paristalsis to take place.  So if you're constipated, coffee enemas are fabulous for boosting bile production.  You stir up a hornet's next when you get the heavy metals out of the tissues, they need to get out of the body, and the coffee enemas are very helpful for that. 

Zinc is required for the metalathionine 

When you're not eating enough red meat, this is compromised by reducing the body's ability to produce this metalathionine. Red meat is the best way to get zinc.  A zinc deficiency can cause insomnia and depression. 

A study is shown where depression is halved from eating red meat. In a group who was wanting to show the opposite, she notes. 

1996, depression was the 4th leading cause of disability worldwide, by 2020 they were predicting it to be 2nd leading cause.  

Aldous Huxley foreshadowed this in his novel, and the society where everyone was on a fictional drug called Soma.  He didn't get into the nutritional aspect, however, 53 minutes at this point.  The side effects of the drugs that are handed out are often worse than the symptoms from what they had prior to the prescription being taken. 

Doctors in Ontario stated they fear chronic illness will be worse in children than their parents.  Pam says she sees the mental disorders -- 25% of children in schools are diagnosed and identified as having mental disorders (attention and focus and etc.)  What is going to happen if their children if all their brains can do is play video games and watch TV, they won't have the mental ability to go to college and be providing to society (and selves). 

As a call to action, she wrote her book, Addiction, the Hidden Epidemic.  

She hardly gets anyone to her classes if she titles it about ADHD, because the ritilin is a great babysitter.  But you want more for your kids, you want your kids to get the proper nutrients.  A lot of parents think all they need is to keep their children functional at the moment to keep the family stable and functioning enough.  More needs to be done.  

Her website has her radio shows posted on them. 

Copper in dental health will be a January Healthy Mouth Summit topic (2013) she states.  And has lots of time for questions and this is where the YouTube video cuts off.  

TO SUPPORT THE OIL / FAT / CHOLESTEROL aspect, Sally Fallon, President of the Westin A. Price Foundation, presents 'The Oiling of America', which Pam Killeen sets up at her YouTube channel to play after this video I have provided, above.  Here's the link, and what she puts there, publication date (2014), etc.. 


Published on Oct 31, 2014

Sally Fallon, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, exposes the many problems associated with the cholesterol theory. For more information, read the article, The Oiling of America by Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary Enig.



Fulvic acid is  something I came to learn about from someone I was consulting with (focused at that time on helping them with how to be an effective YOU! / consumer when their health derailed in middle age and in a new-to-them city, with Medicaid insurance, and with a very new, young, new-to-the city MD as well.

I was able to help them look at what their symptoms ended up ultimately telling us about what was going on and suggesting they go backtracking and getting different referrals and consult with someone little-known aside from in 'outside the box circles focusing in complex chronic conditions'. And other information sources to look into. I'm pleased to report they continue to make a good recovery and to utilize my consultation time 1:1, in person, to continue their education. 

This person remembered back to when they had someone who was into MLM (multi level marketing) supplements get them onboard taking something with fulvic acid in it, and how that supplement mix reversed many symptoms at that time.  Eventually they dropped using that produce, and eventually 'crashed'. So they just needed to reconnect with something they'd not thought about for a while. And in the process I was learning more.  

My health collapsed in the 1980s, you'll see in something I provide about Pam Killeen and Wendy Myers talking that Pam also collapsed in that timeframe and that's when she credits her independent health study beginning.  I actually go back into the mid 1970s because I read Sugar Blues then, due to known blood sugar issues that were extremely problematic and dramatically high/low. Guaranteed by the MD from conventional, mainstream, organized medicine that I'd be a diabetic as an adult, I'm pleased to report my hard work and continued education (and now teaching) has paid off for me! I hope it will for you. 

In 2014 I found that a supplement company in Grand Junction, Colorado that had fulvic acid as it's 'cornerstone' of it's product line. I understand it's very important the quality of the extraction process when dealing with fulvic acid.  In their case they put folic acid in many of their products which I called them about because it's suggested to be avoided for MANY people, by experts about detoxification and MTHFR / methylation issues. I had almost a combative conversation with their marketing person who couldn't get it through their head that I wasn't talking about their beloved fulvic, I was saying folic, I spelled it.  They didn't really know much, clearly.  So that was my impression of THAT company.  I left my information if they wished to get back to me and I never had a follow up from anyone in the company. 

Fulvic Acid Resource

Here's a link to something at PubMed about research findings to do with Alzheimers and fulvic acid as beneficial and a potential treatment.  Here's what you'll find at this link:


 2011;27(1):143-53. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2011-110623.

Fulvic acid inhibits aggregation and promotes disassembly of tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer's disease.


Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder involving extracellular plaques (amyloid-β) and intracellular tangles of tau protein. Recently, tangle formation has been identified as a major event involved in the neurodegenerative process, due to the conversion of either soluble peptides or oligomers into insoluble filaments. At present, the current therapeutic strategies are aimed at natural phytocomplexes and polyphenolics compounds able to either inhibit the formation of tau filaments or disaggregate them. However, only a few polyphenolic molecules have emerged to prevent tau aggregation, and natural drugs targeting tau have not been approved yet.

Fulvic acid, a humic substance, has several nutraceutical properties with potential activity to protect cognitive impairment. In this work we provide evidence to show that the aggregation process of tau protein, forming paired helical filaments (PHFs) in vitro, is inhibited by fulvic acid affecting the length of fibrils and their morphology. In addition, we investigated whether fulvic acid is capable of disassembling preformed PHFs.

We show that the fulvic acid is an active compound against preformed fibrils affecting the whole structure by diminishing length of PHFs and probably acting at the hydrophobic level, as we observed by atomic force techniques. Thus, fulvic acid is likely to provide new insights in the development of potential treatments for Alzheimer's disease using natural products.




The Top-10 MYCO-Toxic Foods

By David A. Holland, M.D.

1. Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol is the mycotoxin of the Saccharomyces yeast--brewer's yeast. Other mycotoxins besides alcohol can also be introduced into these beverages through the use of mold-contaminated grains and fruits. Producers often use grains that are too contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins to be used for table foods, so the risk is higher that you are consuming more than just alcohol in your beverage (Council for Agricultural Science and technology. Mycotoxins: Economic and Health Risks. Task Force Report Number 116. CAST. Ames, IA. Nov 1989). Before you drink for the health of your heart, consider the other possible risks of drinking. There are safer ways of consuming antioxidants.

2. Corn 
Corn is "universally contaminated" with fumonisin and other fungal toxins such as aflatoxin, zearalenone and ochratoxin (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Mycotoxins: Risks in Plant, Animal and Human Systems. Task Force Report No. 139. Ames, IA. Jan 2003). Fumonisin and aflatoxin are known for their cancer-causing effects, while zearalenone and ochratoxin cause estrogenic and kidney-related problems, respectively. Just as corn is universally contaminated with mycotoxins, our food supply seems to be universally contaminated with corn--it's everywhere! A typical chicken nugget at a fast food restaurant consists of a nugget of corn-fed chicken that is covered by a corn-based batter that is sweetened with corn syrup!

3. Wheat 
Not only is wheat often contaminated with mycotoxins, but so are the products made from wheat, like breads, cereals, pasta, etc. Pasta may be the least-"offensive" form of grains since certain water-soluble mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin), are partially removed and discarded when you toss out the boiling water that you cooked the pasta in. Unfortunately, traces of the more harmful, heat-stable and fat-soluble mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, remain in the grain. Regarding breads--it probably doesn't matter if it's organic, inorganic, sprouted, blessed or not--if it came from a grain that has been stored for months in a silo, it stands the chance of being contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins.

4. Barley 
Similar to other grains that can be damaged by drought, floods and harvesting and storage processes, barley is equally susceptible to contamination by mycotoxin-producing fungi. Barley is used in the production of various cereals and alcoholic beverages.

5. Sugar (sugar cane and sugar beets) 
Not only are sugar cane and sugar beets often contaminated with fungi and their associated fungi, but they, like the other grains, fuel the growth of fungi. Fungi need carbohydrates--sugars--to thrive.

6. Sorghum 
Sorghum is used in a variety of grain-based products intended for both humans and animals. It is also used in the production of alcoholic beverages.

7. Peanuts 
A 1993 study demonstrated 24 different types of fungi that colonized the inside of the peanuts used in the report (Costantini, A. Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Fungalbionics Series.1998/99). And this was after the exterior of the peanut was sterilized! So, when you choose to eat peanuts, not only are you potentially eating these molds, but also their mycotoxins. Incidentally, in the same study the examiners found 23 different fungi on the inside of corn kernels. That said, if you choose to plant your own garden in an attempt to avoid mycotoxin contamination of corn or peanuts, it does you no good if the seed (kernel) used to plant your garden is already riddled with mold.

8. Rye 
The same goes for rye as for wheat and other grains. In addition, when we use wheat and rye to make bread, we add two other products that compound our fungal concerns: sugar and yeast!

9. Cottonseed 
Cottonseed is typically found in the oil form (cottonseed oil), but is also used in the grain form for many animal foods. Many studies show that cottonseed is highly and often contaminated with mycotoxins.

10. Hard Cheeses 
Here's a hint: if you see mold growing throughout your cheese, no matter what you paid for it, there's a pretty good chance that there's a mycotoxin not far from the mold. It is estimated that each fungus on Earth produces up to three different mycotoxins. The total number of mycotoxins known to date numbers in the thousands.
On the other hand, some cheeses, such as Gouda cheese, are made with yogurt-type cultures, like Lactobacillus, and not fungi (Costantini, 1998/99). These cheeses are a much healthier alternative, fungally speaking.

Naturally, with this list coming from a group that opposes eating food that is merely contaminated with fungi, we'd certainly oppose eating the fungus itself! That would include common table mushrooms and so-called myco-protein food products.

Other foods that could potentially make our list are rice, oats and beans, given that these too are sources of carbohydrates. And occasionally food inspectors will come across a batch of mold-contaminated rice or oats. However, all other things being equal, these crops are generally more resistant to fungal contamination (CAST 1989).

*Diseases caused by fungi and their mycotoxins (Costantini, A. et al. The Garden of Eden Longevity Diet. Fungalbionics Series. 1998):

Alcoholic cirrhosis 
Anorexia Nervosa 

Balkan Nephropathy 
Biliary cirrhosis 

Crohn's disease 
Cushing's disease 

Dystrophy, Muscular 


Familial Mediterranean Fever 


Heart failure 
Hyperactivity Syndrome 
Hyperlipidemia (high lipids) 

IgA Nephropathy 
Inflammatory bowel disease

Kidney stones 

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 

Mollaret's meningitis 
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy

Nephritis (kidney inflammation) 


Precocious puberty 
Pulmonary Hypertension 

Raynaud's Syndrome/disease 
Reye's syndrome 
Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Shoulder-hand syndrome 

Thrombocytopenic purpura 
(low platelets) 


THE Stuff --- a or THE Root Cause, Possibly

From Steve Beddingfield on January 4, 2015. "Blaming chronic disease syndromes on ticks and mold needs to cease. Neither one causes the issues which now concerns a large part of the world's population. Misinformation has been placed among us for long enough. The proper explanation is here and available for discussion. Continuing to speak about mold and ticks as "the cause" is counterproductive.

He then provided  the biotoxin pathway from and went on:

"Some of the blame for not clearly articulating this point is mine. A new document is being written, one that hopefully puts cyanobacteria into its proper position as the major cause of bad health and major diseases." (And as of March 19, 2015 there was not a new document from Steve that I'm aware of. If I see it happen, I'll bring it here.)

HOWEVER sometime in the spring he switched gears and brought the focus to be about GSB, or giant sulphur bacteria, which he believes has intermingled essentially with many things, cyanobacteria included. 

THEN at the end of 2016, a person in his Facebook group who found their way there from finding Lumigrate's information, helped steer the focus for a while to 'slime mold'.  There's an interplay and a lot of symbiotic relationships between many organisms that contribute to what gets inside of us and causes our illnesses, in most cases. People, dogs, cats, livestock, plants and trees, bees, and on and on.  

But here are the resources he was providing:

 She went on to comment: Why I like Aldi's brand bread, they seem to follow more European standards for food safety or you could go with Hulda Clark and basically add a little vitamin C to everything. Buy higher priced bread. But essentially all foods are prone to their own molds, you don't know how long even fruits and vegetables have been stored. 

Stay away from anything from certain countries like S. America or China. And ozonate or peroxide everything.They discussed ways of cleaning produce and foods, not thinking of using chloride dioxide. 


SIBO - Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth

I hope to provide, clearly to the YOUsers of Lumigrate, the picture that providers and consumers are ALL having to keep up with the migration and evolution of information about what's causing our health issues, and what to do about it.  I'm trying to provide the basics on threads at Lumigrate which make the learning easier overall for the consumer.  Still, it's NOT GOING TO BE EASY.  YOU have to COMMIT to making your health a topmost priority and work diligently at it.  And that will include continuing to learn.  It's similar to the effort you have to make if you take a seminar or class --- but ongoing.  Take breaks as needed -- weekends or a weekday or two 'off', but make it a habit to come and learn.  

That might mean halving your Facebook time, or avoiding it for an hour until you've studied and then 'treat yourself', or whatever --- television, a movie. I've seen people who use games on the computer as a reward if they get their work done.  Figure it out, maybe reward yourself with a treat of food or drink that's of benefit to your wellness. 

Above, you'll see I referred to PosterGal and Steve's group who were processing what's made people unwell.  There was a divorce in the group in April of 2015 and it took a full year for the group to recover and get to where it had enough members who were contributing to give adequate assistance, in my opinion, to new learners.  And that was 'adequate', not great.  I recommend people go to the About tab and look up how to contact me and do so, if wanting to have input and guidance on your learning, in addition to what you can find otherwise.  

Apparently, a contributing factor to the parting of the ways of these two people who seemed like a cohesive team was that there was not a shift by Steve to incorporate the SIBO information PosterGal found when people, myself included, gave input about digestive system smptoms that were very problematic.  She was really wanting everyone who'd gotten the previous SIBO-less protocol to have the update about SIBO, and doing SIBO protocol BEFORE getting going on what Steve has long promoted and feels works fine without adding another step.  

So by fall, I created a topic at Lumigrate about SIBO.  Here's the link:

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy  


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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