Ilene Spector, DO - Helping My Health from the Head, Neck, to my Feet!

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.

Dr. Ilene Spector, is a "DO", or doctor of osteopathy. She lives and sees patients most weeks in Crested Butte, Colorado, an old mining town that, like so many, were turned into ski industry money-makers, and overall money makers by bringing in tourists.  They have the most spectacular mountain flowers in the summer, overall, that I've encountered in 55+ years in Colorado, and I was fortunate to spend a lot of time there due to my 'old boss' having built a house there.  

Ilene / Dr. Spector is one of a growing number of health care providers who is choosing to be very discerning with what insurances they accept or to accept it at all.  Gone are the days that you can presume that medical providers all are set up to 'take' insurance.  I've been a provider -- there was staggering overhead related to getting on all the insurances as a provider and then billing the insurances, plus long delay in reimbursement as well as them not reimbursing the amount you bill for.

It's a very strange system and is clearly very broken and collapsing, in my opinion. When you factored in that we had to be filing with paper charts AND doing things electronically so I was paying for computers, software, IT people's time, it cut so deeply into my revenues as an occupational therapist that it wasn't making sense to continue with that as a career location. All these things made the risks involved in starting Lumigrate 'worth it' to me.  The information is so needed by people, I knew that, so that is why I made the decision in 2008 to head to the private pay and Internet world myself.  

I hope that clears up misconceptions about charges when you walk out of a medical office so you don't assume the provider is 'getting rich off of you'; in all honesty I've seen increasing numbers of medical providers in the last 10 years who are struggling, and some get out of the business as a result.  

And providers like Dr Spector can operate very simply charging less for a visit because their overhead is lower! She does take worker's compensation insurance and had tried to get a provider number with the very popular health insurance that is located/based in Grand Junction, but ended up dead ending on that, for now at least. 

Dr. Spector was a homeopath before she returned to osteopathy school, and she sells FEW products, but one is something called Stiff 'n' Sore, which is amazing and homeopathic, in gel or cream, no odor and $15 for a jar that goes a long way. She's also advised me about things such as supplements for allergies and is simply a wealth of information.  Her brochure highlights:

  • osteopathic manual medicine offers an answer to many problems that have not resolved with conventional medical, surgical or other therapeutic treatments. 
  • osteopathic treatment is gentle and non-traumatic and addresses the body as an individualized whole.
  • appropriate for newborns on up
  • helpful for a wide variety of medical complaints as well as various pain syndromes and recovery from injuries and traumas
  • treatment facilitates changes in how the body functions and restores health
  • osteopathy in the cranial field is a specialty of Dr. Spector's.  For more information, visit (this is the website for the organization she is on the board of, and I believe she was president of in the past, if my memory serves correctly). 

I found they have a nice little Facebook page at which has a link to the website. 

I found it interesting the way Dr Spector focused SO much on injuries after I had filled out a very standard intake form.  Such forms take me about 3x as long to fill out as I think they should due to the complexity of my medical history since having fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 15 and 20 years, respectively. My problems started perhaps before I was born but certainly with the brain injury at birth that was finally brought to my attention when I was 37 years old by a special type of optometrist specializing in the perception of visual information. I've had this myriad of symptoms affecting my sleep and functioning as an infant, child, teen -- different symptoms along the way; an evolution, so to speak.  

She seemed interested even in the overall benign injuries such as skiing and Rollerblading falls, as well as the bigger ones, such as being dropped as an infant of eight months of age, or the traumatic birth/forceps delivery so the obstetrician could make his 3 pm golf game on that beautiful early spring day in Denver in 1960.  

Interestingly, I'd forgotten about getting involved in the doorway of a car a few years ago when helping to get an elderly family member of my friend from the back seat, as it lurched forward when the driver, my friend's 15 year old learning to drive, accidentally hitting the accelerator when not having the car in park, sending the V8-propelled vehicle shooting forward like a VERY strong elephant whamming my left shoulder and spinning me around, and thankfully seeming to not injure me more than a stiff neck the next day. However, imaging studies I'd have 'routinely' in order to get a consult from the Stedman Hawkins Clinic in Vail would show fractures in the vertebrae from connective tissue being pulled off abruptly. I'd undergo treatments I felt were right for me for the time and my resources, at great expense of time, energy and money, and come out with my neck seemingly better in functioning than it had been prior to the incident. 

I'm glad I didn't remember to put it on the intake history paperwork when starting with Dr. Spector because she found many these 'things awry' with the left side of my body and told me about them and naturally worked on them to get them to 'dissipate'.  Later that week I remembered the incident with the vehicle and called her to confirm that, indeed, there was another incident / injury I'd just forgotten to report previously.  To me, that's very validating about her techniques and abilities!

Anyone wishing to make an appointment with Dr. Spector or ask questions, someone takes her appointments at 970/261-0602 and there is information at that voicemail as to how to reach Dr. Spector at her office.   


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
James Kennedy, DDS in GJ, CO uses same technique PLUS..

In the timeframe I was writing the updates about my sessions, Jim Kennedy presented at the continuing education conference routinely held at St Mary's Hospital for medical professionals.  While it was about childhood sleep disorders (I attended because of my interest in sleep disorders in general as it is such a core issue with people following and for myself personally AND my interest/concern about the shift in earlier onset of fibromyalgia symptoms recently), I saw something 'familiar' in one of his slides: The head forward posture I've seen with many patients with FMS.  It's a compensation for breathing obstructions which can be resolved/improved with his form of oral appliance to reposition the jaw and move the teeth.  PLUS he uses the dentist version of Cranial Academy work. 

It took me a while to make an appointment just out of 'busyness' and I've now had one of his custom gadgets in my mouth for over half of my time for the past couple of months and he's pleased with the progress so far.  "Things are moving".  And so the "law of the lamp post, law of the hammer" that Chris Young discusses in his video at has once again shifted for me --- I keep going back further and further in seeing the symptoms I've had which, had anyone known what they were indicating back then, might have been able to have lead to early intervention and my not having developed a full blown case of FMS as occured in my 30s. 

I've discussed with him my insomnia as a very young child -- perhaps a result of pressure on the pituitary which sits just over the palate; he's found a lot of irregularities of my oral structures.  Fortunately the 'TMJDisorder' has not included the joint having wear and tear due to misalignment -- I did have some chiropractic adjustments on that when I was getting well over the initial CFS round of my health challenges at age 29 in 1989. 

Additionally, he is very knowledgeable about endocrine system/ thyroid / iodine / supplementation of nutrition and hormones (so was pleased to learn through me about ITC Pharmacy's new presence on Lumigrate with information on that critical aspect of health care).  He also is knowledgeable and appreciative about mercury amalgam dental fillings and that I'd had mine removed in recent years.  Though there were only four small ones, Christopher Lepisto, ND had said he had another patient who had only a few as I had, and once they were replaced with something 'healthier' / better, his health quit teeter tottering and his improvements built upon each other until he was well again.  So I put that on my list and got it taken care of.  Fortunately I don't have 'typical' issues with my teeth so my dental bills have always been maintenance only practically, which I used to joke was nice to offset the extensive costs I have for out of pocket services and copays via insurance when I had it, which some years added up to be as much as most people likely spend on vacations and travel.  Hence, I've not had a vacation since I developed FMS, but the way I look at it is every day I'm feeling better than I might otherwise IS a vacation.  It's like the epitome of a 'staycation' when it's just traveling in your own body and enjoying the ride and scenery, right?  

So I hope before too long he'll post some information here at as he was up for doing so -- he's very much one to want education to benefit people.  He's being generous about having information about Lumigrate on his counter for patients to pick up and take with them and the best way I can encourage providers to add 'educate people via Lumigrate' to their busy schedules is if Comments are made in Forums or people contact me another route. (I'll see Comments the next time I go to Forums after a Comment is made, which I typically do many times a day.).   

His website is: and naturally I'd also suggest people follow the link, above to The Cranial Academy.  Hope this information is of interest to many and helpful to those who it applies to -- as I say "Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better!!" `~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Stiff 'N' Sore by SUCO Inc, Silver Springs Maryland, 4x Arnica &

I'd learned of this Stiff 'N' Sore homeopathic product from Dr. Spector, so thought I'd add this on here today, because I 'turned a couple of people' onto this in the last week, and it reminded me to go to their website and see what they'd done about their website issues that occurred years back, last time I bought some from Dr. Spector.

I was pleased to see they're all 'revamped', it appears, with the product bottles looking different than the ones from the past.  Something had occurred where they couldn't get into their website, they'd been able to contact their customers of the past to let them know to temporarily email them to order.  So now it appears they're back in business with the website -- good information there, and I provide the link, below.

Stiff'n'Sore® is a Natural Homeopathic, Topical Applications for Sore Achy Muscles and Stiff Joints as a Result of Overexertion, Injury, Arthritis, Growing Pains, etc.

About is a homeopathic manufacturers that is Committed to using as pure and natural ingredients as possible in our preparations. Stiff'n'Sore® helps heal and relieve the aches and pains of bruises and injury, exertion, lower back pain, muscle cramps, neck pain, overexertion, repetitive motion injuries, stress aches in the shoulders and tendonitis.

Topical Application for Sore Achy Muscles and Stiff Joints

Stiff'n'Sore® helps heal and relieve the aches and pains of bruises and injury, exertion, lower back pain. muscle cramps, neck pain, overexertion, repetitive motion injuries, stress aches in the shoulders and tendonitis.


Stiff'n'Sore® CREAM – the active ingredients are blended into the white cream base, which provides additional friction for rubbing and massaging the area longer, leaving behind a smooth skin feeling. The active ingredients are suspended in purified water, mixed alcohols, fatty esters, aloe vera gel, vitamins A,D,E. avocado oil, medium chain triglycerides, mixed parabens, EDTA and sodium benzoate.

Stiff'n'Sore® GEL – the active ingredients are suspended in a soothing aloe gel base providing a cooling effect. The base offers a quick absorbing, non-staining product, and unbelievably 98% aloe 2% carpool thickner.

Stiff'n'Sore® can be used along with conventional therapies, such as heat or ice applications, anti-inflammatories, and pain relievers, without drug interactions.

You can check our sizes, prices and shipping rates here.


The active ingredients are natural homeopathic preparations made in accordance to the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). These ingredients have been used for centuries throughout the world and are renowned for their safety and effectiveness.

Active Ingredients

HPUS Arnica Montana, Bellis Perennis, Rhus Toxicondendron and Ruta Graveolens at 4x. | Homeopathic Manufacturers | Phone: (301) 565-2500 | Fax: (301) 565-9764 |

MARDY'S NOTE:  What I've transferred here from their website to encourage Lumigrate YOUsers to get the highlights of this product's website is just a portion of what they have at the website, so PLEASE TAKE THE TRIP TO THE WEBSITE if you're interested in this product.

Then, naturally, please come back to Lumigrate if you appreciate this type of guidance and education.  

To Go On ----

What I remember of Dr. Spector's verbal highlights of the product / company, it's a woman who focuses on this one product. Homeopathic.  Due to the arnica, don't apply it over open skin.  I'd known Ilene Spector for over a year at that time, gone to her as a patient -- gotten others going to her as well, her first patient in Grand Junction was via my telling someone with chronic pain who has always been open to trying new things.  They didn't have office space yet, she hadn't brought her equipment yet, so she borrowed my massage table and rolling stool, which is all that she needs aside from her 'gadget' that plugs into the wall and is about the size of a sander for doing woodworking. 

It sends out a percussion / vibration that is directed through the body with her other hand.  I don't know if on others she would hold it at the same spot on the body as mine, but for me it was my left hip.  That was used for part of the session, which was a full hour.  I'd go to her many months and be improving -- subtle corrections of what keeps the body from healing itself due to injuries is the focus, basically, of the type of osteopathy she specializes and teaches still, via The Cranial Academy. 

She'd not tell me of the contents of the cabinet once she had migrated to a clinic which had space for her to sublet one week a month as she desired, until I went in and reported that after a long trip to the Front Range and much moving of my items, for myself and my cat and a 50th birthday party, in/out of a hotel, in /out of friends' house after that, basement level guest accommodations, I'd gotten up the day of my departure to pick up the cat's water bowl to start getting ready to head back to Grand Junction and SLAM, my S.I. joint went out.  I'd meet with Dr. Hellerstein mid-day in her S. Denver area office, standing, and then head west. 

Where we were stopped in Glenwood Canyon while CDOT / Colorado Dept of Transportation brought some rocks down and cleaned them up.  SpoildeyCat Amber was so funny, she had been merrily sleeping on top of her soft sided cage and knew something was awry if we stopped on I-70, and I got one of my favorite pictures of her looking like I was feeling at that point in time. 

We got home just as it was the last of day light, only to find the boiler had gone out on the heating system -- 50 degrees inside, and it was soon Christmas, so I was thankful someone could come out from the HVAC company to do the repair. In the mean time, I had to try my best with my back's limitations to get to the fuses, get to the boiler, and I was reminded how problematic it is when the S.I. goes out.  I would be pleased that it self-corrected after a few days -- that was real progress.

And at my next scheduled, monthly appointment with Dr. Spector, ask her what else I could have done in the situation.  That's when she produced a bottle of the Stiff 'n' Sore.  So I'm glad I a had a problem so she told me of this product, as I've used it for many places on my sore body parts over the years and I'm astounded by it's effectiveness for me. 

I've given the last of the jars when I have them, to others and hoped they'd consider seeking Dr Spector out as much as ordering the product. Recently I don't have extra bottles but I had a mostly full one so I took a dab on a knife and put it in a plastic bag then did another so the gals in pain did not have to share, as they don't live in the same house in their "home" community.  

I hope it helps them, and if so, they were ThankFull on Thanksgiving for having our encounter, exchange, and cross pollination of learning, as they're amazing in their vocational field, which I had almost no experience with, and sought them out to learn.  That I did! More than I'd ever imagined.  I hope they felt the same.


Side Note from Mardy:  Today is Thanksgiving, and I was already planning to do this comment prior to getting going on my Thanks Giving celebrations with a client, who thinks of me as a friend at this point in time I'm thankful for having the opportunity to meet these women working hard despite the significant pain they are in, mostly because of their open mindedness to wellness information 'outside the box'!  Before I got started preparing to write here, and prepare my items to take for a 'cooking lesson on how to do Thanksgiving an elegant but simpler way", I'd gotten a text from the older of the two -- 70-something using technology more so than I! 

"I'm Thankful for You" the text said. YOU in this case was me, but we know at Lumigrate it's all about YOU!, the consumer, being in the center of the team the person finds and makes stick surrounding them to assist in education and service provision.

                         The Lumigrate YOU! Model


After dinner conversation, after doing the cooking lesson and sitting to eat dinner, which was after the afternoon hike, AFTER we started with pie when I arrived, I checked my phone.  I'd left it in the car, as I wanted to be 'present' with the person I was asked to spend the holiday with and didn't have anything I had to be coordinating or taking / giving communication about. 

From O'Rio's owner, I got what I told her was the whipped cream on a great Thanksgiving -- I'm thankfull for you and all the work you've done on the house (cleaning, organizing, making it a 'healthier home' for dogs and people (and cats and whatEVER they'll have living in it).   I felt so appreciated, it was such a blessed day and week, and for that I am thank-FULL!  

Close up of the vent, above --- what I call "The Stuff" that gets in us and brings down our wellness.  Awesome example.  Believe me, I was just as in favor that day of going for a walk like O'Rio was hoping, as you can see from the photo. 



The people I referred to, above, who I encountered recently, were a mother / daughter duo and this Thankful for You text was from the mother.  I was already thinking on Thanksgiving morning how thankful / grateful I was for the great box I got from the daughter, repurposing it to use as one of my transport my things as I work and migrate boxes, because one had gotten a terrible spill of oil and had to be disposed of (as I was sensitive to something in the 'essential oil spray can' contents. 

She'd asked me to donate shoes that she didn't want to haul as she had so much she was hauling and I did not, which I'd gladly done the evening before Thanksgiving. I plan to visit the community resources organization on a Tuesday, it's volunteers of older people I've been told, everything's FREE to whomever comes -- on Tuesdays, only.  I'd only found that out the previous week when I asked my favorite resale shop if they had any long sleeved tee shirts for someone I know helping a cat's neck wound not get worse and making little shirts for the sweet kitty, 22 years old, and being made comfortable with minor intervention at this point in her life. Cancer lesion on the neck.....

She'd also given me a small glass jar, with a lid rim but no lid, which is just perfect for my putting pre-pared blobs of coconut oil to apply to my skin and hair after my shower (where I use only Sal Suds from Dr. Bronners, and in the winter it gets a bit dry around the Valley, compared to the humid growing season when the irrigation ditches provide water by gravity feed with few pumps from the ditch company, many pumps at the user / consumer level though). 

It's always SO GREAT when you find someone who's on the same wavelength you are about re-ducing, re-cycling, re-purposing and being re-ally great stewards of the Earth. She, like me, integrated it into her business' core concepts and values. 

These women, like me, are natives of The Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  Like me, they are also very hard workers -- in their case, their family moved out west long, long ago and have persisted through more generations, and in an even more snowy and difficult place (in my opinion), than where I'm from down lower in the mountains. 

My parents settled in the mid 1950s, I was the only one in my family to be conceived and born here. My parents settled in the area where the co-creator of the show South Park is from, he was 10 years behind me in school. 

Think about how difficult it is to live in the mountains where it's cold and snowy.  The amount of snow and ice I moved around as a child and young adult, then middle aged adult as my remaining parent(s) at the house needed help until they passed was enough to have me loving living in the flatlands of the Front Range metro area, and then the Grand Valley of western Colorado for the past 13 years, where it's the agricultural 'banana belt' of the region.  My diagnoses from mainstream MDs and DOs over the years include prediabetic hypoglycemia (diagnosed in my teens), chronic fatigue (diagnosed in my late 20s),  fibromyalgia (diagnosed in my late 30s, but not by mainstream, though that MD told me I had it but 'you don't want that in your medical chart' so operate on the other diagnostic codes describing the symptoms....). 

I'd been asked to work as an OT at a skilled nursing facility (SNF) for the last three weeks of 2003, I hesitantly agreed.  I'd worked in the area in December and January 1998/9 and it just did not 'vibe' for me.  But I needed income, and my health wasn't well enough to work ongoing, but I could do a three week, full time 'gig' with one trip across the mountains each way -- my elderly parent would be fine for short term at that time of year as other family members he was closer to were school teachers and would have more time in mid December through the end of the month. 

I got off I-70 to find a car wash without brushes (I'm picky as I like my cars to last as long as possible, including their headlight covers) after coming over the Rockies and went downtown in pursuit of my kind of car wash (and found it!).  The streets were all lit up, there was a big Christmas tree with lights by the Wells Fargo bank building, and it was SO mild at dinnertime that Sunday night, long ago.  The Christmas Tree lighting this year was the reason I met these folks inspiring this topic.

Many, many things "run in families", and it's a mix of 'nature and nurture', genes and environment, but I maintain recently it's more from biological influences that have to do with environment and epigenetic changes with the genes.  Don't worry if that sentence puzzles you.  Put things on your list of things to study, is my suggestion. 

When you think about a person moving to a difficult place to live, for whatever reason, and not moving back where they came from or onto some place easier, you might consider that the person was with a certain personality.  Stubborn? Persistent? Hard working?  Won't stop when others would..... 

They likely have higher intelligence and figure out how to compensate, as well. 

These are traits of people with the MTHFR gene mutation.  Again, put that on your 'study sometime list', if you're not knowing what that is.  A good percentage of people have the MTHFR gene mutation, and there are specialists in it now in about every area of health and wellness information, services, and products.  Dr. Ben Lynch, for instance, who wanted to become a ND in order to get a supplements line on the market he was qualified to lead, who realized along the way about MTHFR and has created a product line that's specific for those with MTHFR or who want to have the products despite if they have had the genetic testing. 

Personally, I'm not convinced there's not mining going on with many things to do with testing results, and I've been pleased to see Regina Meredith work it into her interviews on Gaia (TV, dot com, subscription service I recommend people consider using as a resource, BUT there is some concern around the truth community about the owner of Giaia and their associations with Viacomm, and 'The System' cabal....., read around in comments on certain tabs for the channels there, or elsewhere on the Internet.) (It's so difficult to fund truth people and places, I commiserate --- I try to imagine if it were me, and I could get funding so Lumigrate could reach more people, do more things, would I mis-step perhaps someday because I'm at the end of my rope and take an opportunity that presents itself, seemingly 'clean' and then finding out it's not. 

I've lived and learned from the first office I rented where we initially set up the Lumigrate computer and desks and did the initialy work that eventually got to be on the videos tab of, and is at the time of this writing, still there as a shining example of what we were able to create -- two blond girls, average age 40 at the time, with our base skills, lots of training time by a very good trainer, at $65/hour..... I learned, a lot. And mostly that it's a LONG GAME.  This goes against my Aries sun sign nature, but thankfully I have a Gemini moon sign and all the other planets influencing how I go about things. I've lived and learned all along, I hope ..... and I know this makes for longer topics to read, but I also know that it's helpful to my niche of consumers learning to have these things integrated into what I provide as education. 

Another factor to consider on doing genetic tests, beyond who's going to have the information that comes from the testing, is that it's taking money away from what the consumer will have or want to spend (two different things usually) on 'treatment' -- which might mean purified water, organic, nonGMO food, improved diet is such a key, or supplements, herbs, and other things to treat symptoms or get to underlying causes -- such as Stiff 'n' Sore for just one example.  And naturally the funds to compensate advisors, teachers, providers.  I consider myself a 'tutor' essentially, and it's amazing how many people think they're doing their Internet research well and are not. 

If you've found Lumigrate by Searching on the Internet, you may be doing a good job, although sometimes we're coming up on the first page or few of results now, and that means less effective seekers will be getting to the website, finally, thankfully, from Search and not because they've seen something from my thousands of hours on Facebook, or from Twitter, YouTube, iTunes, etc. --- all the places that $65/hour trainer / teacher / mentor got me/us/Lumigrate sets up, and the others followed, helped (credit to ALL who have helped, I'm thankful to it all). 

I'm thankfull to my persistence.  Simply put, one does not persist in the Truth Movement, nor residing in the Colorado Rockies if you're not!  More so rurally than in the cities, more so in the past than the present due to more conveniences.  And one does not succeed there without enough wits about them, so to speak. The difficult places to settle and survive and thrive anywhere in the world, when there are choices where you live, is full of "tough cookies", you might say.  And these gene mutations bring with them the personalities (which mainstream has labeled in a wide variety of 'disorders' if you're wanting to slap on those types of labels, I don't, but I left mainstream medicine in order to be liberated from such things YET use the terms as they do describe and are code words basically to describe in a shortcut way.  All I have to say is 'borderline' or 'narcissist' or 'sociopath' and we can save a lot of words elaborating in discussions or writings for teaching. 

The males and females would, if they're lucky, attract to each other and settle together to have and raise a family, and then these folks would meet and do the same, sometimes not with being married, which is increasingly the case in recent generations. Sometimes the children didn't live long enough to have another generation, which we're starting to see more in recent generations IN SOME FAMILIES, and areas, more than others. I'm reminded at the Holiday season of the fertility problems in my family of origin, and myself -- I positively say I was blessed with the world's smallest family.  That's not true, but I've never met anyone in person who has less biological family than I. 

I had the benefit of continuity from my community of origin, and therefore got to hear a lot of history of a lot of people and their struggles will well-being of body, mind spirit WHOLE/ holistic overall, and I started wondering long, long ago what was causing the reality to be what it was, and how to change it.  And I was, back in the past, going by what mainstream was telling the people, and not realizing how the skewing was occurring with statistics.  By mis-educating, under-educating and otherwise manipulating what the providers learn, The System (of mainstream, organized medical - military - industrial complex) has been able to confuse the average person, whether consumer or provider. 

I was 'radar up' about this with my father, who had gone from being 180# and 5'11" to 130# and 5'4 if he really tried to stand up straight.  Beyond the obvious hunched posture standing or sitting, he shuffled when he walked, he spoke with a soft voice it was difficult to hear if there was any background noise (due to the mechanics of breath for volume), he coughed when he ate and drank (due to swallowing problems).  He'd been going to his primary care physician in the Colorado mountain town where he lived at least once a year for a prescription for thyroid hormone supplementation and I'd hoped they'd some year suggest he go to the local PT, or a neurologist. 

Appearing to have 'something like Parkinsons but with a dementia that's for process and spatial orientation and less like you see with Alzheimers', I'd say to my neuro-therapy PT teammate at the last clinic I worked as an OT at, and to the speech therapist at the home health agency attached to the insurance company here in Grand Junction, that it seemed there was something yet to be discovered and named within the mainstream system that does that research and creation of disease names.

Then from there, what they teach about in University and continuing ed, and through publications utilized by providers, as well as the mainstream media, which the same groups control today, we're either informed or not about something.  So when they wanted 'fibromyalgia' to be the next big thing, it became so.  Now that's kind of old news and I forsee Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) to be the next big wave that is known today, but not yet well-known.   

I was told in early 1999 that I met the criteria for 'fibromylagia' but thankfully the MD (who didn't take insurance as he did things to reverse the symptoms that are not paid for by insurance)(this was the third MD I'd gone to with this model, the first was in 1994/5, the second 1997).  I'd said I had 'stiffness' not 'pain', so he almost didn't catch that I had enough pain in enough places in my body to warrant a FM dx if I wanted one, but he put hand on my shoulder when palpating my thyroid and felt my tight trapezius muscle and said 'your muscles have to hurt'. 

Well, they did hurt, a lot of things did, I just was not complaining about that so much as fatigue at that point in time because it was much less than the pain had been in the past -- as I'd gone to the other providers, who diagnosed the food allergies / sensitivities (1995) and chronic fatigue (1997, and he'd learned of Myers Cocktail IV nutrition, started me on that in late 1998 and it was fabulous for turning my symptoms around!  I was coming to this third MD because he was in Grand Junction where I was sent to work for two months and I needed the IVs to maintain at that point, and this MD did them). 

However, that MD missed the boat, in my opinion, about diet.  Did he want you to become reliant on him long-term?  I suspect that might be the case.  But at the time I'd not fully come to appreciate diet, and I didn't get into the paleolithic, Westin A Price Foundation information until the past five years.  Thankfully, Facebook connections had me seeing the pristine eating my classmate from growing up, Shellie Smith, was doing with her Garden of Eden outside Dallas, Ft Worth Texas. 

I'd remember that my mother had said she was the only student in our school that had no evidence on a sensory motor processing screening she, as a 4th grade teacher did on all students.  I estimate my mother screened about 750 students, and we ALL (except 1) had more or less impairment, even in the late 1960s and 1970s. 

So I'd ask Shellie over the years at reunions, based on what I knew back then --- was she not given vaccines? Yes, she was, and pretty similar to mine.  THEN I got to fully appreciating diet -- the fork and glass, so simple and every-day we under-estimate it. 

I recalled the local paper (The Canyon Courier in the old days) would have reported on her family (mother and kids, at least) doing "Grange", which was homesteading skills, essentially.  I thought it so 'hokey', though Shellie was one of the 'cool kids' in school -- coordinated, she could perch with the other girls who would become cheerleaders, on the high bar on the playground, while I could barely do twirls using one knee, not progressing to doing two nor perching, even on the lowest bar.  

So I asked her, about a year ago, about bread -- as I was focusing at that time on the additive of folic acid and MTHFR gene mutation concerns.  Yes, they baked bread and most of the bread they consumed was home made, though details of the flour she was not sure of.  They had a cow and fresh, raw, unadulterated milk.  They had chickens and therefore good egg quality, they'd have their own pig for pork, and had a garden (which we had as well, and thankfully my mother took that organic dispite my displeasure over the added work that entailed to get edible vegetables in some cases). 

Not all people in the mountains live in areas where the ground is soil and not gravel, basically, entailing great expense and work to have a garden.  Deer and elk would mean fencing was needed -- it wasn't easy to do gardens.

I remember being about four and seeing a strip of dirt without grass growing on it while swinging on my swingset near the end of the house, about the time I'd had a visiting orb of energy come hover at the ground and tell me who they are and what they were doing watching over me -- then return up where they came from.  I had seen seeds at the grocery store that spring and asked my mother what they were and she'd told me.  So I got to plant some peas -- nice, big seeds for the dexterity I had at the time.  That was the start of my interest in growing food. 

When I was a tweenager, they modified the house and scraped a lot of dirt to create a carport for two cars and a loop driveway, and I suggested we make the area the scraped dirt, not flattened and compacted by the heavy equipment, a garden and not a parking area.  Had they not agreed and supported that -- my dad even helped with some of the harder digging tasks -- I don't know if I'd have made it through high school with the symptoms I had as it was with great food for at least 1/3 of my intake every year until I went to university.

Because, as I kept learning more to provide information on Lumigrate, I became aware I'd been missed diagnosed -- I had POTS symptoms as a teen, misdiagnosed as hypoglycemia, though following the diet for that was very helpful so no 'problem' with that, it just was not the whole 'thing'.  I needed salt therapy, I needed iodine therapy, and so many things that today are very easy to get assistance with learning what to do and then doing.  But this all takes a LOT of learning time. 

So if YOU know someone who has been diagnosed or not, with symptoms of not as much energy as they'd like to have, more pain than they could have if they changed what they're doing that causes the pain, EACH ONE REACH ONE.  TEACH ONE. 

Look in your hearts and souls and pocketbooks, and figure out how to help -- your selves and others.  If you're 'maxed out', be self-ish and receive and don't give.  How many people today are diluted on their energy and time (and money, it's not cheap to make these big special meals), making food to 'give thanks' and have spent more eduation time on recipes than on figuring out why they're hurting, or tired?  

Think about it. 

Then figure out how YOU want to spend your resources (time, energy money).

If YOU really want to make changes, think of it as getting a certification or degree in YOU -- put in the time, make the commitment as if it were a class, whether that be a day, weekend, week, semester.  It'll take about two years of consistent, dedicated study, to get a mastery of things.  If you're going to be teaming with someone who has brain fog and needs the assistance of a tutor and YOU are the study buddy. figure out how you're going to structure it as if you're creating your own 'university', 'college', 'business', 'learning program'.  Even if it's just the two of you. 

Not everyone needs a buddy, and most won't want a buddy -- many are INDEPENDENT (part of the personality 'stuff'), and I strongly encourage taking a look at that.  In my family I was on my own from an early age to take care of my own laundry, lunches, breakfasts, and I was the primary housekeeper.  So when my energy was too low for what I was doing (big job, commuting, and helping my father and his difficult property many, many days and weekends, or a whole week once when I was on a break for OT internships in 1996, my only week off for about a two year stretch, it would turn out), my family didn't think to offer to help and I didn't think to ask. 

Because all our efforts were, for a long time, on the elderly, unwell parent.  How he worked for all the years he did in Denver, at a big job, long drive into the sun both ways with the migraines and then back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, foot pain --- it was not only 'impressive' in a good way, it was setting me up to be similar.  And I only got better when I could unplug from all the 'overwhelm' and only get 'whelmed' or less, and regenerate, reverse symptoms.  Then you'll build up a reservoir again and be stronger and be able to do a lot more again.  It's a process. 

I'm THANK-FULL I was able to get reversed.  In the past two years I've been able to help so many in their home situations, clean up the homes and get to where they feel peace and greatness in their homes, as part of their recovery and reversal.  (After getting my home done, I have assisted in four home 'makeover' reverals -- what's in The Stuff in our homes (not only the items but what we think is 'dust') is a big player in what gets inside us and contributes to health problems.  

I hope this information is of value -- it's covered everything from a unique and relatively unknown topical product that can help short term with symptoms, to information about what we have control over, often needing help, for what we get inside of us from breathing, drinking, eating, showering, and etc.  It's presented the whole / holistic aspect of body, mind, spirit, and I hope has underscored how 'personality' is going hand in hand with the other symptoms of wellness or illness. These behaviors make it a wild mix in families, more often than not, when there are persistent, pioneering, successful, intense, intelligent people involved. 

Live and learn.  Learn and live better.  ~~ Mardy

If you wish to email me, my address is mardy dot (.) poppins at yahoo dot com.

My phone is area code 9 7 0,  the number is 462 as prefix, then 8662.  And may the Internet trolling computers not be able to pick that up, as I've typed it here. (I need to update what's in my signature below, currently and that's proving to be difficult, similar to what happened to the Stiff 'n' Sore website in the past.  May mine get rehabilitated and the help IT needs, soon! 

It's always something! ~ Grins

Again, the link -- PLEASE TAKE IT and go to the site, explore.  Take ACTION if you're so inclined, whether that be arranging a time with me to communicate by phone to get more information customized to your situation OR DIY and use what's provided here for no cost to anyone, and be thankful for a product YOU can order directly like this, from the manufacturer, as the consumer.     

Note:   Susan Myatt, the owner had sent me a message in August 2012 about how to order when they were having difficulties with their now-replaced website ---

"Thank you so much for the positive comments about Stiff n Sore. {We have had difficulties with the webhosting of our site and}... are in the process of designing a new site.  In the meantime, purchases may be made by ....... Thanks again,  Susan Myatt"

I wanted to add that here, just to help personalize it, and show how this truly is a product I've been particularly interested in for over four years now.  



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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