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How to Love Yourself
“Your life is a journey of learning to love yourself first and then extending that love to others in every encounter.” ~~ Oprah Winfrey
Love is in the air with Valentines, candy hearts, and chocolate everywhere you look. As we purchase small gifts for the ones we love, do we consider the basic value of loving ourselves?
Learning to love yourself starts with making a conscious decision, an intention to become happy and lead a fulfilled life. When you do not love yourself it is almost impossible to ever reach your whole potential.
Because of his brain injury, my son Kevin has an exceptionally difficult time loving himself. This is a disability that colors his entire life, and he has struggled daily to overcome it.
This week Kevin had a breakthrough moment. I challenged him to write down different ways to love yourself. He came up with five ideas that have value for us all.
Five Ways to Love Yourself
- Forgive Yourself Don’t beat yourself up over all the little mistakes you make throughout the day. You are usually your own worst critic.
- Believe in Yourself Even if you feel like you can’t do something, never give up.
- Congratulate Yourself Give yourself a “pat on the back” for your accomplishments, even the small ones.
- Take Good Care of Your Health You will feel much better about yourself when you eat healthy, drink water, and exercise regularly.
- Have Fun Take time each day to have some fun. Don’t let small annoyances ruin your whole day.
As we learn to love ourselves, we are able to share love and joy with others. Do you have more ways to love yourself that you can share? Please let us know in the comments below. Kevin and I are eager to learn more.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Robin started contributing to Lumigrate in August 2010. "Meet Robin Thomas", a topic in our biographies/vitae forum is at to read all about her journey, which was greatly influenced by the need to help solve her youngest son's significant health challenges. For those who want just the overview here: After working over 22 years in medical research at the University of North Carolina on chronic inflammatory diseases she switched her focus to preventive health in 2004 when she was introduced to USANA Health Sciences. Robin is passionate about helping others improve their health, have more energy, manage their weight, and improve their skin.
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"I dream of a world free from pain and suffering. I dream of a world free from disease. The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth. Share my vision. Love life and live it to its fullest in happiness and health."
-Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder and Chairman, USANA Health Sciences
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!