How to Clean Your House

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Yenta's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Nov 17 2009
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User offline. Last seen 12 years 10 weeks ago.

Hello my dawlinks!  Oy vey!  I'm hoping I can stay put for a week or two so we can get re-aquainted.  No sooner did I get home from my trip, did my sister in law call from California to ask for your Yenta's help.  She asked for me to come out there for just a few days; just a few days became a few weeks!  My brother, Hi, may he rest in peace, married himself a wonderful woman.  Once he became ill, she took care of him, and when his final days were upon him and he didn't want to leave his house, she made him comfortable.  We were all lost when Hi passed away. All of us but Charlotte, his wife.  Even now, when she's not in the best of health, she's still an astounding woman. 

I have to tell you, kindeleh, my sister in law, while my brother was alive, was the most ploimdik (amazing) hostess.  My brother was a professor of Philosophy.  Fairly well known, or should I say his work was well known.  As a student, Hi helped to decipher some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which he always found facinating.  He loved being Jewish, even more than the Rabbis, I think.  As a Professor he remained very active in discoveries and decipherings; one of his more well-known works was his work on Occam's Razor.  Don't panic liblings, a lot of people don't know about Occam; you're not alone.  If it weren't for Hi, I wouldn't have known either, nor would I have cared.

Occam was a 14th century friar, a very smart mentsh (man) it seems, who supposedly came from Surrey, England.  Not only did he devote himself to G-d, but he was also quite brilliant.  He wrote down his thoughts for logic, physics, and theology.  One of the most famous of these being: "All things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one."  This, by the way, was used in the movie, "Contact" with Jody Foster. Maybe you've seen it.

And that's where we're going today, bubelehs.  As busy as everyone is, what with all the running around (myself included) that we do, how often do we miss the little things; the child in the shopping cart that's giggling, the smell of fresh cut grass (for those "allergic", I apologize), the feel of mud squishing between your toes.  Go ahead, make a face now, but there was a time you actually enjoyed that!  These are all part of those simple nakhes (pleasure) sensors we have that we "put away" when we grow up.  We lose these pieces of ourselves when we gain responsibilities --- but why liblings?

One of the many sod (secrets) of your Bubbe (Grandma) Yenta: never completely grow up -- never completely lose that "simple" way of life, that child that asks "why", that vundern zikh (wonderment), the "flow" or fluidity of the day from the painful moment you wake to the relief of the first cup of something you take in.  Am I being too hippie-ish for you?  Ok, ok, let's do this a little differently... How's this...

Get two pieces of paper and a pen... no, no, no, a pencil; you'll be doing some erasing, I'm sure.  No computers on this one, my dawlinks, that would be cheating. 

Write down your daily activities; things you do every single day, such as brush your teeth, wake up, get dressed, take a shower, beat your pillow (better the pillow than your spouse, no?), call your friends, go on, Facebook, email, etc. 

THEN on another piece of paper write things your do every WEEK (or so), i.e. food shopping, nail salon, lunch out with friends, dowse the kids with the hose, put gas in the car (you're paying how much?), etc.  And then take an honest look at your lists.

Remember Occam's Razor?  Are all things equal, now that you're looking at it?  Is there something, maybe one or two things that you can dole out to someone else to do?  Maybe house cleaning, though important, doesn't need to be on the very top of the list - it could be a shared task.  And maybe the food shopping could be done a little differently, there are no set rules here; you're not getting your hand slapped if there's a variation from time to time.

See what a little trip to California does to your Yenta? A little spiritual "house cleaning" is a good thing, thanks to my sister in law.  My brother, may he rest in peace, couldn't have picked me a better friend.  A little spiritual house cleaning -- it couldn't hurt!

So, kindeleh, if you want to learn more about Occam's Razor, you should go to this link:





Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at and can also be found on facebook.

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
Simplifying the House of Body, Mind, Spirit

My Yenta --

You are such a gift to us all.  It's amazing our Yenta was related to someone who worked on interpreting Occam's Razor more recently. Thank you, SO MUCH, Yenta.  Things I believe in are often so simple they are overlooked -- such as how 'we're all connected'.   With many grabbing an oar on Lumigrate, it will be 'many hands, light work', to get quality, progressive information to people --- and most of all, have some FUN too. This will streamline / simplify the process for people who want information about how to "right their ship" related to wellness/illness.  

I like the exercise you gave people about the 'activity analysis' -- it's similar to what I do with people and organizations/groups I work with. Mine's best done on the computer and is intended to be a daily sheet that keeps people 'on track' with what all the things they ideally want to do each/that day.  In general itgoes like like this:

Time of Day                           Activity                                                       Check when completed and NOTES 


put ideal                              Examples of Activities:                                   Examples of Notes:

times you'd                         Take medication upon arising; hydrate            Re-order medication 

do things each day               Eat breakfast, meditate                                  Ate this and that; envisioned ______

beginning at the                  Take supplements                                           Need ____ from health food store

top of your day                    Go for a walk                                                  Walked ____, saw ____ (etc.)                 .



and going to the end           Write in gratitude journal, share with (loved ones)  Remember tomorrow is _____  

This might seem very simple, but when you look at the amount of time people spend developing awareness and education about things for self-improvement versus MAKING the changes, it is often to do with simply changing your habits. And if people have been exposing themselves to foods and other things which cause the brain to not be working optimally, you're in a catch-22. A great example from a patient I worked with who had a stroke and wanted to replace his afternoon cola drink with a juice he'd learned was beneficial for wellness. In filling out his 'ideal daily game plan' sheet, we were able to discuss that one change he wanted to make and he followed through, ultimately deciding to keep the soda but have the juice in the morning. It's more difficult to add totally new steps to a person's routine; this is a handy tool. Modify the process to make it 'yours'... it can't hurt!                          

"All things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one" fits PERFECTLY here!

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", Yenta.  Thank you for sharing your family stories and history with us! You'd make an excellent occupational therapy assistant, by the way (or occupational therapist but that's six years of education ... NOT that you're 'old', just sayin'...... .) 

~~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Yenta's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 123
User offline. Last seen 12 years 10 weeks ago.
Re: How to Clean Your House

Mardy dawlink!  I'm finally caught up.  I have to tell you, this jet lag think is no joke! No?  I had read your response the day you posted it and when I realized it didn't make sense to me I knew I needed to hit the hay, so to speak.  According to Moishe, I was a bit meshugener (crazy) what with the wanting to clean and then staring into space.  Thank G-d Lumigrate had gotten the last good bits of my brain before it took flight on me.

Now being the hippie that I am, I could fall back on the "cosmic connection" we all have and use that to my advantage in the explanation of how "I knew" to write about Occam's Razor.  This is where things get patshkin zikh mit (messy).  I believe, bubelehs, that we have spirit guildes and they direct us.  Not that they tell us what to do, but point us in the direction of where to go... erekh (round about).  Having free will, the choice is ours to follow that or not.  Unless you are conscious of your guide, you won't know your choice is in front of you.

As a thinking group, we tend to put too much thought into things, we always have.  Occam's Razor is a simplified means of "breathing" through our lives.  It's not revolutionary, it's not new and shiny, it's not another pill to take; it's a simple way of be-ing; lightening and enlightening your soul.  Now THAT would be part of the cosmic connection. 

If you lighten your "load", or stress, it will actually affect everyone you come in contact with.  Then you have the Trickle Down Theory. Oy vey, I'm getting such a headache!

If you don't know that one, you've probably heard that "stones roll down hill"?  (I've actually heard another word instead of 'stones' but for our purposes 'stones' will do just as well.)  That's the "Trickle Down Theory".  If you're relaxed, simplified, and unstressed, the person or persons you work with, live with, meet with, will be as well.  AND if you explain how this happened to you... well, you get the idea. 

So now you have Occam's Razor and the Trickle Down Theory, and G-d knows how many other things we can label in there all at once, when all it really is, in it's simplist form, is YOU!

See?  We think too much bubelehs.  Before I went on my excursion to see my sister in law, I mentioned cleaning out closets.  Now, we're cleaning "house".  Who knows what could be next?  Maybe we'll build a car. Hey, it couldn't hurt!



Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at and can also be found on facebook.

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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