The Energy Superhighway From Teeth to the Rest of the Body: Tooth-Meridian Relationships and Holistic Dentistry

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.

Holistic dentistry likely makes 'perfect sense' when a person becomes 'aware' of it. I find it fascinating and ironic that I'm bringing 'the world wide web' my topic for our YOUsers at Lumigrate a website link created by Alison Adams, a fascinating dentist and naturopathic doctor in the United Kingdom (UK), which is citing traditional Asian medicine. Where in the world are YOU, dear YOUser? I hope somewhere nearby a provider experienced or willing to learn and become educated and then experienced with the energy superhightway that involves the mouth and teeth, and 'holistic dentistry'.

Fortunately, Lumigrate was founded in my years after moving to the 'banana belt' of central, western Colorado, and a dentist from Denver who is an avid golfer and wine maker had moved here just years prior to my arrival in late 2003/early 2004. Fortunately, he takes the time to speak at continuing medical education 'rounds', and fortunately I was in the loop and attended whenever he spoke. I dedicate this topic to ALL involved in continuing education no matter what industry; it's a thankless job, it's the first thing to 'go' in times of tight budgets, yet it was proven in occupational therapy to be the #1 factor in preventing 'burnout'. 

The saying 'You don't know what you haven't yet learned' comes to mind and to my fingertips or tip of my tongue often when I speak or write with/to people. Others will say 'you don't know what you don't know' which is a more simplified version. "Yet" is the key word, however. Whether or not YOU learn is up to YOU. It's that simple. I started learning about blood sugar and nutrition when I was a tweenager, and I was told I'd for sure be a diabetic when I was an adult. So far, I've avoided that label or diagnosis -- barely sometimes, and by a long shot others. My proactivity has paid off. 

Sometimes the medical consumer learns these lessons "the hard way", and in reflecting in time spent after assessing what could be done better in the future, realizes the error of their ways -- spending time on things other than learning about health and well-being and being pre-pared. We've all done it, even those of us who specialize in taking charge as patients. That's partly why we became specialists in our niche of health care, we recognized the importance based on personal experience. Please refer to Martine Ehrenclou's personal health history, which she relates in The Take-Charge Patient, as well as at her topic in the About the Lumigrate Experts forum.  I'll add a link to that, below, in the area where I provide a personal story to help tye this together for those who want a story. (Some people like stories, others 'just the facts'.)

It's so easy to not know something in the moment when you're at a medical appointment and not feel empowered to say 'I need to learn more about this first', and sometimes it's emergent and taking time to learn is not an option on the table. I was pleased to get the update from a woman who had been 'coerced' (her word) into getting a vaccination when she took her child to the county health department office. She herself had long-ago felt they were not right for her and her child but recent shifts had lead her to want her child to have one vaccine being recommended for school. And somehow her unwritten 'vaccine plan' for herself went out the window. And she was almost immediately having symptoms which evolved over about six months to a full blown energy and pain crisis. Fortunately, through finding he right provider for what was going on, which insurance supported, in addition to many other things which were wastes of time or other things helpful she paid for out of her own funds, wellness is restored, or relatively so. (If 80% of wellness is considered 'recovered', then it is a successful recovery at this time and presumably 100% can occur if more things go 'right' than 'wrong', more things that alleviate the 'load' on the body and genes than what burdens them down.  

We can't change the past, only the present and that will affect our future, so I trust people will take this information in as much as is warranted presently. And go from there.  

"Awareness" is the first step in learning about anything new, dental or otherwise; putting in the time and energy to become educated and 'proficient', ultimately, is the next step. That 'proficiency' part often entails being tested somehow, either with a practical application or online or paper/pencil testing. Besides time and energy, the third resource we have in our 3D world is money, and we all know how expensive 'dental work' can be. As I said, above, funding for education is often the first to go in professional environments; money has been what makes this world go-round for a long, long time. So it has been one of the primary 'resources'.

Once upon a time in 2009, I had a discussion with a higher up in an insurance company who thought that time and money were the only resources to be factored into equations; this was someone who never worked with people who had medical conditions affecting energy. You can have all the time everyone else has (24 hours in a day) and endless money and not be able to do anything if you don't have energy; I have had the blessing of getting to know of someone by knowing first-hand their advocate/life partner through my work with Lumigrate. To hear on a regular basis of someone who is without enough energy to hold up an electronic device to communicate with the outside world for many years is essential to my staying 'tuned into' the issue of the extremely chronically ill and fatigued community. They are the far end of the spectrum and the rest of us are somewhere else on that spectrum. At the OTHER end is the ideal of health and well-being which we light the path to at Lumigrate, per our slogan in our logo, as you see. 

I might hazard to say that 'pain' is another 'expense' that comes when the body goes out of it's natural state of well-being, and what can happen with tooth and mouth/jaw pain is one of the better examples to give, as most of us have experienced tooth pain. At the time of my childhood, the adults on my YOU model didn't know why I was getting so many cavities and canker sores. Today, I would hope 'we' would have figured it out, had we had the resources online that people have at their fingertips, even in the Colorado mountains where I grew up! (The area has been made 'infamous' by the show South Park, co-creator Trey Parker is a decade younger than I, if that helps you envision the transformation I am speaking of. If people are unaware today and have computer access, it's a matter of prioritization about their wellness if they're not up to speed on things relevant to well-being, in my opinion.)  More about my story, for those interested, below. 

I was searching on information about EMFs and the brain when I found the Natural Recovery Plan website, which is a fabulous, holistic website about 'fatigue', or some might call it 'exhaustion', and the various other conditions more specifically assigned to people with the various symptoms; I refer to them as the 'overlapping conditions'. The website is fascinating and when I found the tab about holistic dentistry with the interactive tooth meridian, I just had to have it at Lumigrate for our YOUsers .... here's the link: As I always encourage, PLEASE GO if you look below at the summary and overview that I provide at this topic and it piques your interest! There's a bunch of junk on the Internet, I hopefully streamline things for YOU, our YOUsers, by finding the good ones. I try to teach the Search tricks of the trade so that YOUsers become proficient and independent eventually, but I hope YOUsers always want to come home to Lumigrate and see what else we have. I hope our experts, many of whom actually 'know each other' through Lumigrate now, are a warm, welcoming, 'real' place on the Internet.

You'll see, below, a lot of the information that's at this link (though a lot of bells and whistles and formatting get lost in translation to bring it here for YOUsers to see what they're missing if they don't go, in this case to The Natural Recovery Plan dot com.  Here's what is said in the 2-1/2 minute video overview, for YOUsers who don't have bandwidth for video viewing: (Please go, it's helpful to see them scrolling around a few of the teeth and how the chart showing the related organs, joints, vertebrae, etc change as they go from tooth to tooth). 
Welcome to this Video from  By using The Meridian Tooth Chart we will demonstrate "How Tooth Decay Affects the Entire Body" -- We'd Like You to Discover the Connection Between Your Teeth and Your Health. 
A man goes to the dentist and says he has a terrible toothache. 
The dentist takes one look at the tooth, sees nothing wrong with the tooth, and says the symptoms are from having the intestinal system not in working order ("needs his intestines cleaned out"), so the man goes for colonic irrigation, and that takes care of the problem. 
Or someone goes to the dentist for his routine checkup and happens to have a sore hamstring at the time. This resolved after the dentist discovers and makes an adjustment to the alignment of one tooth.  These seemingly "fantastical stories" are just two from the career of David Hefferon, one of a small handful of holistic dentists in Britain. 
Each tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian, which is related to various tissues, organs and glands  of the body on that particularly 'energy highway' in the body. This connection is so apparent that your dental condition can be an indicator of what is going on in the body. 
If a person has a weak internal organ, the condition of the associated meridian tooth can make it considerably more problematic. 
The viewers are invited to go to Resources for Life dot net to play around with their free interactive meridian tooth chart, where you'll see that the teeth are associated with different parts of the body. 
  • Meridian 
  • Organs
  • Glands
  • Spine 
  • Sense Organ
  • Musculature
  • Joints
  • Other Relationships
There's no question that the overall health of your mouth affects your overall health. One example: if you have gum problems, you'll stir up the bacteria in the mouth every time you chew (or brush or have your teeth cleaned). This can have an impact on your overall health as seen with  heart disease, focal infections and certain other diseases.
In my opinion, this was a great way to end this video since this is understood and promoted by conventional dentistry and conventional medicine. Yes, the system we've had in place for the last part of history was founded on allopathy which separates the body from the mind (psychology and psychiatry), the mouth (dentistry), etc. Integrative medicine looks at the whole person, and Lumigrate's 'grate' is taken from the last half of the word 'integrate'. Lumi stems from 'luminous'/lightness/light. I hope this topic not only provides information about holistic dentistry and the meridians, but lights the path for YOUsers to know about the overall resource of the two websites featured in this topic. I looked at the products that are offered through them, they're working very hard to have UK and US commerce. We're all in this together, and Lumigrate's first non-local expert was in Australia.  
We had to start in our own back yard and since we're in the US most of our YOUsers are from the US, but about 1/3 have been from 'beyond' the current borders. It gets cumbersome, was our first route as it's easiest to start out that way, and then they said Colorado's law that was new after we got started was a difficulty for them so they wouldn't do business with Colorado-based businesses. It's been one thing after another for us our first five years but our numbers and quality of visitors / YOUsers is solid and we continue to create new topics. "Mardy, I always learn something new from you" said our Amazing Alice when I saw her talking about her dental problems on the heels of her cancer treatment for breast cancer. We didn't have anything at Lumigrate about it then, but I've taken care of that now, thanks to this fabulous website and it's creator.  

Interactive Tooth-Meridian Relationships Chart

Traditional Asian medicine has long maintained that every body part (ie: organs, tissues, glands, etc) is animated by a specific acupuncture meridian (energy channels or pathways). All the meridians run through the teeth or their sockets and in this way each tooth is related to the rest of the body by way of these energy meridians. 

This short video explains how there is a two-way relationship such that stresses within the body can manifest in the mouth as toothache (a dying tooth), tooth decay or gum disease or how the reverse is also true so that oral health issues can influence the internal organs via the associated energy meridian. 2 mins

Then, the interactive tooth-meridian chart below is designed to help you determine the possible cause of dental issues and also to work out which organ systems (meridians) may be stressed and requiring support. On selecting a tooth, the related body parts will be shown, thereby enabling you to establish potential links between dental and systemic health issues.

The plug in for this drops out, so please go to the website -- this is what you'll find:

Using This Chart

To use this chart, click on a tooth to find out which body parts lie on the same meridian. If you have a particular body part that is weak, the tooth on the same meridian could exacerbate the problem. For instance, if you have breast cancer, a root canal on tooth #29 (lower right 5 or second premolar/bicuspid) could be making the problem worse and may require biological extraction in addition to any other allopathic/naturopathic symptomatic treatment.  THE CHART PLUG-IN DROPS OUT SO ... GO TO THE WEBSITE! There are even areas of the website that have translation into a BUNCH of languages, very 'international' (it's of the auditory files).   

Further resources

You might also be interested in the following: 


Meridians Reference

Acupuncture Meridian Alarm Points

Muscles Associated With Meridians

Energetic Interrelationships Between Teeth and Body

Acupuncture Meridians: The Proof

Book Review: Whole Body Dentistry

Dr Dawn Ewing on Meridians and the Mouth and other podcasts listed under Mercury & Dentistry

Dr Adams' RedIce Radio Interview

Dr Bill Wolfe's Energy Medicine

Energetic Relationships

Or for all media use the Search facility at the top of the page  --- AT THE WEBSITE, GO TO WEBSITE FOR FULL FUNCTIONALITY OF THESE FEATURES, I'm only including this here to show you how comprehensive Alison's website is! ~ Mardy .... They go on to close with "For more information on the energetic nature of the body read Whole-Body Dentistry by Dr Mark Breiner." Again, please see how this is all set up at Alison's website.


They close with this summary: This article offers an interactive tooth-meridian relationships chart and explanatory video. These can be used to determine relationships between dental/oral problems and systemic disease (and vice versa).

My History, Tying This Together with a Personal Story/Example (of someone with 'fibromyalgia', chronic fatigue, etc.)

The first dentist I recall, when I was about three or four, at the Gates Rubber Company Clinic in Denver, where my father was an employee, broke my hairband trying to distract me from being upset. Fortunately and unfortunately, I have a memory for things that extends back like watching videos for certain parts of my history to being in my crib. My father was the same way, his first memory was in a crib, in a room of cribs, which I presume was an orphanage. He was adopted at age three so that makes sense.

That first dentist was a nice enough guy --- kind of had a crew cut and a normal sized head for a man, and since it was the early 1960s, the plastic wasn't supple enough to expand that much and broke. This further upset me, it wasn't like I had a lot of anything as a small child, headbands, toys, clothes. We had enough food always, thankfully, though not extra. A pound of meat and one box of a side carbohydrate, frozen vegetables and a salad of iceberg lettuce with 1/4 of a tomato was what our family of four had for a typical dinner.  No desert. No bread and peanut butter on the table for extenders. But never did I go to be hungry, nor to school hungry. I am grateful for that. My dental history is another story, which I've only recently become grateful about. And I brought that to be GRATE-ful at Lumigrate for our YOUsers as well.

I remember it well, the day in Denver with the dentist and my hairband. I lived to tell about it, obviously. So my parents took me out of 'network' for my dad's company clinic to the dentist closest to us in the mountains of Colorado where I grew up. That dentist threatened me with using long syringe needles and medication to numb the area if I didn't sit still when having the drilling done. Apparently most children didn't feel the pain as I did. When I had my first cavity as an adult, in my 40s, my dentist found out how much I didn't like drills and requried that I be very drugged when I finally talked her into replacing my amalgam fillings with another material that didn't have mercury in it. I was paying for this 'out of pocket', it was $900 and 1 hour of her time, half a day of my time and a friend who was the driver of my drugged and happy 'got THAT step done' self. That was a learning experience for her and it made sense so the ripple effect happened. I wonder how many people will further investigate and become proficiently educated as a consumer to make their decisions about mercury amalgam because of Lumigrate's lighting that path for them. We'll never know, I just trust if it is right for YOU to learn about here, you will find it here and learn! 

I'm fortunate,  in my second ("adult") teeth, I've had only two cavities and two faults in my enamel that needed filling. Unfortunately, those were in the days before we knew about mercury ('silver') amalgam fillings having such profound health consequences, so I had them replaced as part of my health and well-being restoration in the last decade. Environmental medicine specialists, such as naturopaths and those MDs and DOs who venture outside the conventional box to specialize in functional medicine generally recommend people go to a qualified dentist, typically a 'biologic dentist' to have the appropriate replacement materials tested for the individual patient and used to replace the amalgam. 
Since my initial concept for Lumigrate was to provide cases from the integrative center we had an office within to provide marketing, education and health navigation (the 'occupation' of health care), we didn't have dentistry on the radar as the center hadn't tried to include a biologic dentist: there weren't any (yet) in Grand Junction, Colorado. But in 2012 we brought local holistic dentist Jim Kennedy, DDS, to the forums of Lumigrate as one of our experts.  I had seen him present with the PT I contracted Ot services to years before, and then in 2011 went out of my way to see him present on childhood sleep apnea, as many of the YOUsers of have difficulties with their health in conditions that have sleep apnea as one of the underlying reasons for the symptoms they get. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue conditions have a high rate of sleep disorders and sleep apnea is frequently among them. 
It was a huge step forward for my education and I'm sure for other conventional medical providers in the room (my degree is in an allopathic, conventional medical field, occupational therapy). It turns out that one of the slides in Dr. Kennedy's hour-long Power-Point presentation was 'worth a thousand words' for me personally. Showing identical twins' throats (and craniums), they targeted the difference of the throat area -- that's what I used to notice about my pictures compared to my classmates' pictures and was 'self conscious' about. Everyone is more critical of their pictures than what they see in the mirror, it is said, so perhaps there are more clues from our old photographs of ourselves or of those we are responsible for, or were responsible for, than we generally realize. 
At any rate, that was when I and the YOUsers of Lumigrate starting 'getting into' the wonders of holistic dentistry. You'll see that one of our most interesting topics on Lumigrate, about thyroid gland testing and treatment, includes Dr Kennedy. Yes, a dentist who knows about the thyroid, because it's part of the endocrine system, because he'd stepped out of the conventional box long ago, from being a dentist doing drilling and filling and general dentistry -- his office doesn't even do cleanings!  He is a specialist in what goes on in the cranium and how that relates to the overall body. 
Dr Kennedy assessed and addressed my needs and found both TMJ dysfunction and the now-suspected (based on the throat appearance as a child) sleep apnea. The compensation to get more air and head positioning was something I'd simply never heard in my whole career in allopathic OT/PT/medicine. 
That would further explain my slouched posture, perhaps, I'd attributed it to other things. When I took Intro to OT in the early 80s, I was still thinking the way that my K-12 education system had taught me to think: ONE thing causes an outcome, rather than many factors combined with genes (which are unique to each person) causes many possible outcomes.  
This is why it's been years of debate about many of the significant products of our time, such as vaccines, fluoride, or mercury amalgam fillings -- the allopathic system reduces things to studying one factor in a double blind way in the research they create and relate when they get results they want to promote. (And the other stuff just is not viewable to others.)  Functional medicine thinks deeper and looks at the interplay, it's more complex.  Initially I learned that tweens' frames are bigger than their musculature can make sit erect without muscle spasm, so I thought THAT explained my posture. 
Then I realized my 'stizbones' (which I learned in pre-medical classes to be ischeal tuberosities) were protruding and perhaps I was compensating to decrease the pressure on them. At age 29 I learned of my learning disabilities and at 37 that my rain was so compromised it seemed to have had a trauma injury; it certainly acted ike a brain with a brain injury, one of the nation's 'pioneers' in optometry of the perception of things told me. You'll find Dr Lynn Hellerstein also as an expert contributor at, from our first year on the Internet, which coincided with when she authored See it. Say it. Do it!. She's in a nearby forum to this topic ... as the brain and eyes are close in proximity to the mouth and oral. Yes, isn't it funny that allopathy would separate optometry out as well as dentistry, yet they have so much proximity in reality? Hence, I'm weaving them into this topic intentionally. I'm also really proud of our Colorado experts on Lumigrate, Dr Kennedy and Dr Hellerstein. I'm proud to have the national and international experts too -- and I hope Lumigrate brings YOUsers a unique perspective by highlighting how one state in the US, and not the most populated state, or the biggest state, can have incredible expertise.  
I was in my first year after graduating as an occupational therapist that I'd had a manager suggest Dr Hellerstein to me, as I was living and working in Denver, Colorado at that time.  It was one of my professors in OT school when we were learning about sensory integration that I'd found out I have 'low tone' from having sensory integration dysfunction, it was called at that time.  I'd realized I had been using the crown of my head and eyebrows to shade my eyes because my brain didn't do well with the wavelength of fluorescent lights when I learned about brain injury: often patients are provided brims of some sort, at the least and colored lenses in glasses when there are more elaborate experts available (and funding). 
I was searching on information about EMFs and the brain when I found the Natural Recovery Plan website which then had this incredible tab/area about holistic dentistry and the interactive tooth meridian. They have electromagnetics info on their LANDING PAGE, that's easy to find, please go -- this topic was off the beaten path and so I wanted to feature something less obvious as the introduction topic I brought to Lumigrate's forums for YOUsers.  I hope YOU have found this interesting, educational, and helpful to your health and well-being.  Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy 
The link to learn about Martine Ehrenclou and her experiences and book about patient proactivity, advocacy and navigation of the health care system:



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
About Dr. Alison Adams, DDS, ND ... CFS, FMS and Recovery

A teaser of highlights from the About tab at  TheNaturalRecoveryPlan website, linked to above, Alison's fantastic story overview: (please go and read the WHOLE thing!) 

Alison's Life with Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia



Alison Adams' background

Alison Adams comes from a family with a big history of autoimmune diseases where many female relatives died comparatively young after lifelong illnesses. Alison suffered from birth with chronic digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal and hearing problems. As time went by, a growing list of allergies and sensitivities were added to the list in addition to reproductive problems and almost constant infections.

As a result, Alison Adams has seen specialists in just about every discipline over the years, has had batteries of tests and therapies, taken pharmaceuticals pretty much continuously and had 21 operations. 

Over the decades, Alison also tried many alternative therapies, none of which really impacted her condition. In short, she has never felt well and has spent much of her life looking for the ‘magic bullet’ that would allow her to realise the health that has evaded her for so long.

Alison Adams: Becoming a dentist

In spite of having some health-related set-backs in her academic life, Alison Adams qualified as a dentist from the former Guy’s Hospital Dental School in London in 1983 and after working for a number of years later obtained a Master’s degree in Restorative Dentistry from the University of Michigan, USA in 1992.

Alison has 18 years of full-time clinical experience working as a dentist and also acquired some practical business acumen from running her own private central London practice for seven years. During this time she also had articles published in dental journals and occasionally lectured to both postgraduate and specialist dental groups.

Alison Adams: Health crisis

Finally and inevitably, Alison's lifelong health problems culminated in a health crisis that was variously diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia and/or an autoimmune disease in mid-life. 

At this time Alison was shocked to encounter a mixture of both disinterest and hostility from the medical professionals she consulted and was forced to sell her dental practice intending to take time out to recover.

Figure carrying ball and chain

However, to her great dismay her health deteriorated even further and she found herself at an all-time low after six months of supposedly 'curative' rest. It slowly dawned on her that she might be in the process of dying and the realisation that the cavalry definitely weren’t coming prompted an urgent search for answers.

Upon reflection, it became obvious that whilst other family members had opted for all the treatment that conventional medicine had to offer there were no real options in relation to autoimmune diseases.

Around this time, Alison also started to understand that most of the conventional medical solutions she had been offered were a big part of the problem and she vowed to use natural health means and workwith her body rather than against it.

Fighting back

During this period of infirmity, Dr Adams intensively researched topics around her health issue and rejected outright the possibility of ‘managing’ or ‘coping’ with her illness and determined that nothing less than full recovery was acceptable to her.

All of the books that Alison read classified chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia as being multi-factorial and she fundamentally felt that if you couldn’t identify the cause, you didn’t stand much of a chance of finding a solution.

Motivated by the fact that she potentially had 40 more years of life left to live that were worth fighting for, she determined that she would do anything and everything in her power to fully recover.

Alison Adams: Becoming a naturopath

Through a series of fortuitous events she ‘fell into’ both Allergy Therapy and Kinesiology (both therapies employ muscle testing as a way of dialoguing with the body) which opened new inner doors of understanding for her. Alison gained diplomas in Classical Kinesiology, Integrated Kinesiology and Allergy Therapy and is recognised by both parent professional organisations.

Dr Adams ultimately obtained 8 diplomas in a variety of related subjects and also studied spiritual healing.

Alison Adams' Credentials

  • Bachelor's Degree in Dental Surgery

  • Master's Degree in Restorative Dentistry

  • Diplomas in Integrated Kinesiology, Classical Kinesiology, Allergy Therapy, Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology, Past Life Therapy and Life Coaching

  • Kinesiology Federation Registered Professional

  • Member of the Register of Allergy Therapists

  • Higher International Diploma in Complementary Therapies

  • 3 year study in spiritual healing

  • Member of the Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (CONEM), Norway

Alison Adams' Recovery

Figure walks away from ball and chains

Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia took Alison several years of consistent and persistent work on all levels and also quite a lot of going up blind alleys before finding what worked.

There were many times when she doubted whether the health she sought would be forthcoming, however having lost all faith in conventional medicine and its solutions, she had little choice other than to plough on.

Recovery also cost Dr Adams a not inconsiderable amount of money, took a lot of determination and required enduring some quite arduous symptoms of detoxification.

Was it gruelling? Indisputably. Was it worth it?

The answer is a thousand times: Yes.

Following treatment similar to that outlined in the book, Alison has slowly but steadily been able to restore a completely dysfunctional digestive system and to reintroduce foods. She has also eliminated medication and is now free of constant pain. The heavy feelings of struggling are gone and have been replaced with waking from sound, refreshing sleep feeling cheerful and energetic. Her allergies and sensitivities are almost eliminated, infections rare and she has also managed to rehabilitate a non-functioning thyroid gland and get her hormones on an even keel.

"Alison's journey to good health should be an inspiration to all."
                        Alessandro Ferretti, Nutritionist and lecturer

Click here to find out more about recovering from a fatigue syndrome

Developing a Special Interest

Through kinesiology, Alison Adams eventually and somewhat reluctantly realised that what she had been suffering with had been CHRONIC MERCURY POISONING. Whilst at the time, Alison believed her situation to be unique, she now realises that various levels of chronic mercury poisoning are endemic within the dental profession who have ongoing occupational exposure to mercury vapour in addition to acquiring mercury from other sources (fish, vaccinations, their own dental amalgam fillings, etc). For more on this topic please refer to Dr Alison Adams: My Story of Mercury Poisoning

However, when, after learning a specific postgraduate kinesiology technique to uncover ‘hidden’ toxins, ALL of Alison Adams' clients tested positive to mercury toxicity she became convinced that chronic mercury poisoning is playing a huge, unrecognised role in intractable illness on a societal scale.

Dr Adams' came to understand that it is the unseen cause of the hundred or so autoimmune diseases and was what had been ailing her family all along. These realisations spurred further research into the subject as a result of which she now promotes a revolutionary new approach to the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. 

So, what makes her approach different?

  1. Alison Adams' background as both a dentist and naturopath mean that she has the qualifications, experience and professional know-how
  2. As a former sufferer Alison has intimate, first-hand experience of the descent into a fatigue syndrome and of the uphill struggle to recover
  3. Having worked with other chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease sufferers Alison's expertise is grounded in practical reality - in short, she knows what works!
  4. Crucially, Alison's approach addresses the ROOT CAUSE and not the symptoms of these illnesses
  5. Dr Adams' programme supports your body’s own innate healing processes using natural health means and techniques wherever possible
  6. Ultimately though, what really makes her approach different is her passion for YOU TO RECOVER from your chronic fatigue syndrome, ME or fibromyalgia too!

Alison Adams: Becoming an Author

Looking through other books on chronic fatigue syndrome, ME and fibromyalgia, Alison noticed that many either omitted to mention chronic mercury poisoning from dental amalgam fillings at all or mentioned it only briefly as ONE of many possible causative factors. 

Dr Adams rapidly realised that the number of people she could reach and help as a practitioner was extremely limited and determined to share with other fatigue syndrome sufferers worldwide what it had taken her so long and cost her so much to discover.

To that end she wrote and had published the paperback Chronic Fatigue, ME, and Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan and is also the author of the E-book Top 10 Tips 4 Recovery: Reclaiming Your Health and Vitality and the many articles which appear on this website.

".. gives you the tools and information you need to tackle your own health problems."
Dr Mark Breiner, US Holistic dentist and author of Whole Body Dentistry


The Future

Figure lecturing

Dr Alison Adams is passionate about empowering others to reclaim their health and provides the information other chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), ME, fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease sufferers need to recover through this website.

She also hosts a website at which addresses the far reaching effects that dental materials and dental procedures are having upon health that are only now being acknowledged. The MouthBody Doctor website defines a new paradigm of holistic dental care which recognises the interrelatedness of the health of the mouth to that of the body and the role of nutrition in oral and facial health and development.

Dr Adams also gives presentations and talks on related topics. For more information on this subject please refer to the Services page


Again, please follow these links, provided and check out the full website with all the great images that don't translate to show here. I do my best to give a 'feel' for each website I'm suggesting to people so YOU can decide to spend your time, energy resources taking the trip out on the link from here. Remember, please remember and come back whenever you want or need! ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Root Canals - the Start of Problems; from

Green Med Info dot com is a resource I hope our YOUsers at Lumigrate know about. Here's a link to a topic about root canals, which added nicedly onto this topic thread.  ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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