Ease of finding things on Lumigrate

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Juice Plus 007
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Sep 1 2010
Posts: 65
User offline. Last seen 13 years 21 weeks ago.

 When a new topic is commented on in Facebook it is very difficult for a new or somewhat novice person to find the article on the Lumigrate web site. I would suggest something like "What's New" on the lumigrate landing page that a person could click on and go directly to the new posting. If you cannot find something right away and get frustrated it is increasingly likely that you won't come back to the site.

For example there were glowing reports about a make up article and I still haven't found the article and I am somewhat familiar with the site.


Tom Kociemba



Mardy's Note: 12/8/11: The distributor who provided this content on Lumigrate at my encouragement and with my support in the past has messaged through Lumigrate to request the content he provided be removed as he doesn't wish to participate in this 'effort' anymore. The forums at Lumigrate are a social media format, similar to facebook. That would be like contacting facebook and saying "take everything I ever commented on or posted off". Many conversations and exchanges of other providers are woven in 'threads' and that would be disrespectful to the other forum participants who gave their time and energy to participate in the 'social' media of Lumigrate's forums. However, I have changed the UserName to be Juice Plus 007, removed the photo, and am posting this in the signature and removing the contact information that is set up in the signature in order to make it clear this contributor no longer wants to be 'connected' with the posts. Additionally, as time permits, I will work to replace the content with similar but that will entail selecting another person distributing for Juice Plus. I wanted JP represented on Lumigrate because it is a well-known company based on the concept of supplementing fruits and vegetables. Also because JP reaches many people due to it's vast number of distributors; there are 10 in Grand Junction, population 50k or so. In addition to removing the information in the signature for contact, I have changed the username and email address associated with it to route to me if anyone were to send a "private message" to JP007. My first step will be to edit out any internal contact information/links to the requestor. I guess you call this an "imposter"? Grins! I hope this is a clear statement for the users of Lumigrate to view related YOUR forum area and how I manage it. After all, it is YOUR health education (and mine) I'm advocating for but Lumigrate, at the end of the day, is my website. I care a great deal about the users of Lumigrate feeling they are being treated well and providing a forum area which is a FUN place to come get valid, progressive information in a streamlined way when searching for health information our audience of consumers is seeking.

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Good Suggestion, and we can change a left-side title from "Forum

Thanks, Tom -- The website has the boxes on the sides (depending on your device's screen) that show the new things. When you go into Lumigrate as a registered user, there should be a little gold star that appears on all the folder icons that have something new in them since the last time you came in.  I've not found that to misfunction with me at all, and I LOVE THAT about this type of website.  

Anything about Makeup likely is in the Section (green heading) on Integrative Medicine the Parts that Make the Whole, which is a ways down in the Forums, and under Aesthetics/ Skin should be makeup. 

I'm wondering if you're thinking of something Robin Thomas posted in response to what I posted last week from Dr Mercola's e-newsletter.  Since you're  two of the most active people here now in the supplemental nutrition world, I'd really like to have your following along on that and giving your opinion, so I'll find it for you and get you that link. 

Thanks for your input, and I hope my response has been helpful to you in finding Lumigrate's content 'manageable' and meaningFULL!  ~~ Mardy

 SECOND VERSION AS IT WAS REMOVED (with modifications to pull keywords)

(A Keyword) As a Resource to Consider and Ways to Utilize

The provider of the (A keyword) content has a very different way of presenting information than I prefer to utilize with people.  But, I like the information in the protocol and encourage YOU to go to the website and look at what is there and consider purchasing the information they put together to make learning a 'package' for people who either want or need that step done for them.  

I feel that most people I work with will need a lot of handholding with the information and invite you to contact me for that.  (Find me on Facebook and send a message. Or go to the About tab at Lumigrate (not the Contact Us, that's not as easy for me to update) and see about contacting me via the information I give there (and update if it changes). The Blog tab has a pinned post at the top that's about my Mardy PopIns / Poppins 'alter ego' / work. (It's FUN, people really responded well to Mardy Poppins so it's 'stuck'.) 

Hopefully, between what I provide here, plus what I can provide talking with you, and what the creator of the content at (A Keyword) provides in what a person purchases, YOU will have what you need to get underway. (Go to the About tab at Lumigrate or the pinned-at-the-top blog to learn about my direct assistance services for learning if you wish or need.) It's possible there will be a version of the protocol I provide to people which is put together the way I use it (with their blessing). 

The products recommended in the protocol are very inexpensive. However, they can add up to be more than someone can or wants / chooses to spend. Sometimes my work with people starts with the value they place on things and looking at if there's a way to change their values and spending to get around the pathologies they have about spending money on what will help them!  Again, The Catch 22 of YOU! sometimes! The first person I suggested the(A keyword) initial (S Keyword) protocol to for purchase was impressed with what was at the (A keyword) website and paid to download the information.  

Less than 24 hours later I  had this urge to go at an odd time to get reverse osmosis (RO) water at the health store I happened to be very near to that Sunday afternoon. I was enjoying hanging out watching football at someone's house and just decided to make a special little trip to get water. Not like me. It was "meant to be", as I ran into the person who'd just gotten the protocol at my suggestion, not having studied it enough before having time to zip to the store. It helped me better understand how the protocol was going to be used in reality. 

You'll notice a lot of bottled waters now tell you the process they use on the product and it'll have ozone at the end. So, using "the ozone gadget" has become part of my routine and something I have taught and gotten experience with -- it's a bit complicated and not for everyone, and best to be purchasing your water already purified  if a person is not clear-brained enough to safely take distilled or RO water and purify it with an ozone generator. Ozone is also part of the (A Keyword) Protocol information provided, but it's similar to what is already at Lumigrate about that aspect.

I am providing what I think are the key points here, while encouraging a trip to (website link removed)  to further glean what is provided at this resource, and at the same time make what I provide here be helpful to the people I'm concerned with helping. The developer has stated that there's nothing in the protocol that's charged for that the visitors to the website cannot find and figure out for themselves, they're paying for the convenience and ability to put the pieces together with the protocol PDF purchase, essentially. 

I had an engaging and helpful back and forth with the developer of the protocol (and it's website) and we decided our common concern is the problems that come from chemistry --- a person that's essentially "an accident waiting to happen" -- a gas factory on the cusp of going over the edge. When compared to someone who's not as affected and needing treatment, they can and will have a different response, which can be dangerous and even lethal.  While I wanted to provide no details of quantities of the suggested various products they suggest, their justifiable concern was someone going willy nilly with it.

My intention is to suggest a person consider purchasing the protocol if they're going to be serious about rectifying (S Keyword). How to give YOUsers enough of an idea of why I'm suggesting this protocol be considered is the difficulty. 

So we decided to have some exclusive discussion for YOUsers of Lumigrate, interview style. This will be ongoing so will build. Check back for additions, in other words. 

Question: What do you most want people to know about symptoms of (S Keyword, abbreviated and spelled out to catch organic search)?  Answer: That symptoms can vary a great deal between men and women. That's in an EPA report, I'll look for the resource about that and get it to you to include. 

Question: Do you have any tips for people about carving out time to study, and then for taking action to implement what's in your protocol? Answer: The (P keyword) itself is very easy. It is mostly designed to prevent and remove toxins from the blood and intestines. and to sensibly work to heal the small intestine so the detoxification systems of the body return to homeostasis.

There isn’t much to the diet. It is mainly presented for a person to be aware of fermentation and the actual workings of the small intestine and digestion, the methylation system, and the how H2S is created and detoxed. The transsulferation system.

Other toxins may play a role, but not on the level of importance as H 2 S as a signaling gas.

It is also designed so a person can learn what went wrong with other treatments, why anti biotics may or may not be a good idea along with other disinfectants, and how they got to this chronic disease state.

Hindsight is always 20/20, A lot of things were right, a lot of things were wrong, and many things were half right but not completely understood the way they are today. A lot of science is just old. It takes a long time to change foundational science and to get new ideas to be accepted. Especially in medicine.

The point is, in any treatment, one should be feeling better. You are on your own pretty much in trying to figure out why you might feel worse and proceed from there as there are too many variables in this equation. Once a person begins feeling better, and with this newest protocol with some supplements that will usually take about ten days to notice changes according to the literature in the clinically studied supplements, it is not hard to recognize what might be happening and proceed from there and then re-evaluate.

In the older versions for adults, it took about 4 weeks minimum. A person should expect to spend a year minimum healing the intestines. Healing nerve damage will take longer.

Question: Will all supplements in the (P keyword) always be needed at all times, Answer: No. Some patients may never heal completely, as the nerve damage may be permanent. But (Dr. P) is the one who used the word ‘cure’, so we shall see what emerges in the next year or two. He is hopeful. I am hopeful.

H 2 S is a homeostasis regulator, by the way. Being a pioneer in (S Keyword), Dr. P is a great resource. Other environmental illness doctors understand the role of H2S and mitochondrial dysfunction. They are great resources and easy reads for the average person. This is an emerging science. It would not be wise to study things from much before 2010 regarding H 2 S, as it has only been in the last two decades it has emerged as a gaso transmitter and geno toxin.

It is by no means completely understood, so a person will likely find opposing literature; either it is harmless or it is toxic. The fact is, it is both. In the body it is an important regulator and signaling gas. The problems lie in detecting the delicate balance needed to maintain the system but not overwhelm it. That takes technology and time.

While urine and blood is considered a valid marker, the exact levels are not known, and those are all things that are being studied now. It is an area of intense study, as it affects the environemnt and health, and it is emerging as an important factor in both.

It is also an emerging science in pharmacology too, as they are hoping to create new drugs using H 2 S to regulate, block or mobilize certain body functions, so understanding this balance is critical.

Stay tuned for future questions and answers. If you have a question you'd like me to ask, please find me on Facebook and message me, or see the information at the About tab or Blog tab which is updated on how to get ahold of me. 






Cache of a resource that Mardy needs to keep on hand, below -- nothing here to look at folks, just ignore.

I happened upon a website, once I was underway with the information provided at the neighboring topic here in the Lumigrate.com forums about algae, cyanobacteria, and chronic illness, which lead to my becoming aware of (keyword S). Which lead to another unfolding of things that felt like it was a "meant-to-be" dovetail in terms of supporting what is provided, above, while continuing on to provide different and new information.  The proverbial "cascade". "Ripple effect."

And I might say here: "And so it began....." 

(keyword S, with it spelled out to catch organic search) -- would become the mainstay of my days learning as summer turned to fall in 2015, and then for my time providing information at Lumigrate or in talking with people individually, in person or virtually.

I think it is going to prove monumental for people who find out about it who identify with the following 'labels' and versions of chronic unwellness you see in the grey blockquote box below.  I suggest people start or continue thinking in terms of there being one overall cause of unwellness and get out of thinking of the specific form or forms their body has manifested. In my process that really began unfolding in 2007 doing health education about chronic fatigue and pain, using the 'flag' of 'fibromyalgia' in live weekly free seminars at the medical building I provided occupational therapy services at in Grand Junction, Colorado, we as a group discussed the 'overlap' of symptoms, and of 'disorders'.

So then it seemed we could say that the education applied to a bigger range and before long we had discovered what one organization I found doing topics for Lumigrate terms 'overlapping conditions'. AHA, substantiation of what we figured out on our own -- professionals and patients/ consumers discussing together as the weeks and months had gone on and lead to 2008 and my leaving that building to be part of an integrative center which provided for video seminars we launched with in 2009.  

By the time the seminars were being edited and website constructed, the providers were starting to have differences and diverge, one by one, from the center.  My team of Lumigrate was first to plan to leave but second to leave because our time needed to go to editing the video and getting that to the website person to do.  I've been working solo since summer of 2009, getting some help here and there from people who wish to contribute. Which has been invaluable and all benefit who use Lumigrate.  

In there we had a long process to come up with a name, and a short process to get the logo you see, because it just came together easily. "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" with the integration symbolized in the purple and green 'ribbons', and the light bursting from the center. It's something I hope I always remember, as it was like magic that day the logo was created. Two hours, three people. Done. 

That's to be honored and recognized at times like this because in preparing the topic about a protocol I really like about SIBO, it was not that easy. Something that should have been easy was mired by dysfunction. If everyone and everything was as difficult, I think I'd not persevere -- it's the overall that counts. It's the person who I met yesterday and explained what I did creating a website when I did and gave up what I did, who had worked in allopathic medicine and now does not who said TWICE, 'thank you for what you've done, someone needed to do that -- I don't know how I'll be able to compensate you for what you're doing, but I will do something".  That's what it's about.  Those of us who CARE about the PEOPLE affected, and want SOLUTIONS. 

Today in medicine we still have the research that's funded by the System, and that process unfolds slowly and finds things they either release to the public or not. What does become part of what is out there for people to find takes a while to get into the hands of others, who maybe put a proposal together, maybe get funding, and then do their research. On it goes. It's a very slow process and fraught with corruption and deceit today, unfortunately.  But good and accurate things do come from it overall as well. 

This has lead, with the use of the Internet increasingly to the point it is a mainstay today, to a revolution in how people figure out what's going on with their problems and solve them.  It entails a lot of time using social media. I even dedicated a forum on Lumigrate to the Internet and social media in recent years and put a lot of good information in that forum.  I separate it out because they're not professionals usually, they're ordinary people. Smart, driven, motivated, ordinary people.  So ultimately, it's ideal for consumers today to use both sides of the health information / medical research coin. Lumigrate's cornerstone is the YOU! Model, which is about YOU becoming the captain of your ship -- of your wellness information, medical providers, wellness coaches, type of pharmacist, herbalist, etc. 


The pathway to learning of (S keyword), for me, is lined with things you'll find in this forum, so I encourage YOU looking at other topics in this environmental wellness / environmental illness forum and 'peeling the onion' of your outward symptoms, the underlying conditions, and ultimately getting to the root causes. Some will believe there is 'a root cause', potentially. Singular. I'm still not clear about that part, it's almost 'like splitting hairs' in my mind. 


  What would YOU label these boxes if YOU were the elevator? (keyword) is perhaps one of the bigger boxes, it appears to me. But this is up to each of us to decide.

                    Graphics ©Lumigrate, 2010 (YOU Model), 2012 Onion and Elevator Model


"Load theory" and the elevator model, "full barrel syndrome" model, cyanobacteria, algae, mold, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lyme, GSB / giant sulphur bacteria (and the work of Steve Beddingfield, who is credited by so many who are reversing symptoms with helping people at least make the leap to seeing we all have a root cause of the myriad of disorders and symptoms, and it's something we'd not been aware of previously) are all on the path leading up to (keyword) at Lumigrate.com .  

What exactly that 'root cause' is, and what to do about it, created divergence among those learning together when I was invited 'to the big table' with them.  Lumigrate is viewed as a commercial, money-making business and many have an opinion that is less than favorable about that.  I end up trying to spend a lot of time on social media and otherwise (such as telephone, email), having people get to know me. I wish that wasn't so, but it is.

Coming from being only known in person as an allopathic medical provider doing health education in sessions or groups, nobody ever wondered about if I was who I portrayed myself to be. I had the contract in a very highly regarded clinic and medical building which is basically forward the ball with health care reform.  (For better or worse, I'm not sure but it is change and they are ground zero for that and it's the model and root for a plant that will cover the United States or region, I believe).

So rather than simply going onto the Internet and learning about various things to present in topics, and talking to live-world providers, I work to also find good information being provided in Facebook groups. By medical providers, non professionals who had an interest due to illness in their family and a desire to share what they found from the experience, etc.)  

So this (S keyword) topic I created is a reflection of a lot of time leading up to what I have to share here.  I initially used a protocol and website I had found via Facebook sharing by those I'm associated with on Facebook, and I spent tens of hours of time going in a direction with input from that provider, who was agreeing to things, only to have them not like the way I did it once it was in draft form, and rather than talking to me directly they went to others and got opinion from them and got a whole drama thing going on with dust that needs to settle.

I simply keep in mind that people who are sick are going to have brains that are driving behaviors that make them more difficult, we all know that when working with this population or being in this population. Some are able to compensate more than others or are more or less affected in various ways, behavior, pain, fatigue, skin, teeth, bones, hair, and on and on.  What the ultimate goal of both of us involved is 'getting information to people' and their only reason for dabbling with me and Lumigrate was to augment with their information what people following other (P keyword)s are getting harmed, in their opinion, by not knowing. So my intentions are to help this provider, despite that we can't work together, with that noble intention. 

Important to note: They said to me, volunteering it in a message, that nothing in the protocol was only in the protocol that has to be purchased to view and utilize -- everything was on the website for no cost to anyone who wanted to look around. They were just charging people for their time and expertise in pulling things together and presenting them in under 20 pages. Which is what I think should be done, and that is a premise of mine in anyone who I encourage strongly Lumigrate YOUsers utilize. So that ended up being a deal breaker for me, I was sorry to find out that more their intention and not what they'd done so far. 

I'd had a provider initially, who I found out was witholding their 'pearls of wisdom' to share only with those who paid for 1:1 consulting.  Therefore, I've gone to a lot of links to variety of places I never even contact, and the YOUsers just have to take it from there figuring if it's for them.  But if I really want someone I'm more familiar with to be an influence on YOUsers or people I work with indivually with mentoring, I don't want them to have a non 'grate' experience. And my words of encouragement about how to utilize what's at a link and source lets people know my enthusiams and / or knowledge about each resource.  In this case, I really still want people to find their (P keyword) because it's really a great (P keyword).  It's worth the money if someone has the money and wants to utilize a website for purchase (which many don't). 

Then how to help their very good information they say they want people to have get to the people they want it to? That's my challenge currently as I edit this.  What I have 'gone through' to have this information here, gets sympathy from those I know 'around home' and share the tribulations. And this is why the progress is slowed in Facebook groups to do with chronic illness, same as in the live world. People just can't keep their behaviors in check in a way that allows for effortless interactions. The nature of the beast of being on Earth today, sick as it is. Sick as we are. No 'judgment', but sincere understanding of how this is. That's how I cope, and what allows me to get up every day and do it again. Hard as some of the days are when dealing with this type of thing. 

In a way, I think we have all benefitted from the divergence that occurred among the group of really dynamite brains that were working on learning together when I got invited to the mix in 2014. They divergence came in spring of 2015, a sudden, announced departure done diplomatically and my being not in the 'clan' to know why.  I worked to maintain connection to all involved and hoped there'd be a way to merge what they were all providing. So other topics at Lumigrate reflect that, they're linked to below. 

There were many 'chief-types' ready to take more leadership, and when you understand methylation and personality you see why organizations divide as they do. I'm not immune. I just perhaps have more background, experience, and have worked on certain facets more than others have because of simply how I roll, what my profession is, and was, etc.

At least I see it that way currently, I felt my place was to continue with following the information these conscienscious people were providing, and consider what to present at Lumigrate, and then provide it.   

A website I learned of in the summer of 2015, via my interest in information about (keyword F) protein which I liked, was to offer protocols beginning in the fall of 2015 --(website keyword) (dot com). 

I elaborated, above, about the new kind of 'provider' of information -- those who have the ability to research and desire to tell others, yet not disclosing who is behind the curtain, so to speak.  This is one of those cases. I've found out who is, and hence proceeded to provide more 'featured information' about it because I am comfortable with who it is.  

I obtained a copy of the protocol titled (keyword)_________________________,and find that the information is very good.  To me, this is the best place to start, which is found on page 14 near the bottom, which they cite a 2014 Cedars Sinai Patent on):

SIBO-caused conditions, as described herein, include 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Crohn's disease (CD)

Fibromyalgia (FM)

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)


Impaired mentation

Impaired memory



Sugar craving


Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Drug sensitivity

Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis (MS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)  

Due to innumerable people I've spoken with in person in 2015 who were unaware of what autism really means, and what the overall symptoms can include when you're looking at the overall and not at the profoundly and most 'identified' children, I'm going to provide information right here what I think is good for helping people understand 'autism'. Near the end of his life, my father found out he 'probably' had autism. He'd get vague wording from providers wanting us or him to have the input without committing to a label at that point in time. I can see it in my friends, their spouses, my self, my dog as a child, the cat I euthanized two and a half years ago. 

From this link (www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/10/children-sensory-issues_n_1506341.html), this synopsis: 

It usually happens in the preschool years. You notice that your toddler seems to have an unusual aversion to noise or light. A teacher observes that, compared to other kids her age, your daughter is clumsy and has difficulty with fine motor skills like wielding a pencil. You've noticed that she is very, very picky about shoes, which are often deemed too tight, and clothes that are “too scratchy.”

More baffling -- and alarming -- to parents are their children’s meltdowns over things like their faces getting splashed or being dressed. Or a child might crash into walls (and people), touch everything or put inedible items, including rocks and paint, into his mouth.

These behaviors are all signs of problems with what’s known as sensory processing, found in children who have difficulty integrating information from their senses. In its extreme form, when it interferes seriously with a child's functioning, it's called Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD, although it's not recognized by the psychiatrists' bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

Sensory issues are associated with autism because they are common in children and adults on the autism spectrum, though most children with SPD are not on the spectrum. They can also be found in those with ADHD, OCD and other developmental delays -- or with no other diagnosis at all. In fact, a 2009 study suggests that one in every six children has sensory issues that impede their daily functioning, socialization and learning.

What parents often notice first is odd behavior and wild, inexplicable mood swings. For instance, a first-grader may do fine in a quiet setting with a calm adult. But place that child in a grocery store filled with an overload of visual and auditory stimulation and you might have the makings of an extreme meltdown.

"These kids' tantrums are so intense, so prolonged, so impossible to stop once they've started, you just can't ignore it," notes Nancy Peske, whose son Cole, now 13, was diagnosed at 3 with SPD and developmental delays. Peske is coauthor with occupational therapist Lindsey Biel, who worked with Cole, of "Raising a Sensory Smart Child."

Another response to being overwhelmed is to flee. If a child dashes out across the playground or parking lot, oblivious to the danger, Peske says that's a big red flag that he may be heading away from something upsetting, which may not be apparent to the rest of us, or toward an environment or sensation that will calm his system. This "fight-or-flight response is why someone with SPD will shut down, escape the situation quickly, or become aggressive when in sensory overload," she says. "They're actually having a neurological 'panic' response to everyday sensations the rest of us take for granted."

Children, teens and adults with SPD experience either over-sensitivity (hypersensitivity) or under-sensitivity (hyposensitivity) to an impairing or overwhelming degree. The theory behind SPD is based on the work of occupational therapist Dr. A. Jean Ayres. In the 1970s, Dr. Ayres introduced the idea that certain people's brains can't do what most people take for granted: process all the information coming in through seven -- not the traditional five -- senses to provide a clear picture of what's happening both internally and externally.

Along with touch, hearing, taste, smell and sight, Dr. Ayres added the "internal" senses of body awareness (proprioceptive) and movement (vestibular). When the brain can't synthesize all this information coming in simultaneously, "It's like a traffic jam in your head," Peske says, "with conflicting signals quickly coming from all directions, so that you don't know how to make sense of it all."

What are these two "extra" senses in Dr. Ayres' work?

Proprioceptive receptors are located in the joints and ligaments, allowing for motor control and posture. The proprioceptive system tells the brain where the body is in relation to other objects and how to move. Those who are hyposensitive crave input; they love jumping, bumping and crashing activities, as well as deep pressure such as that provided by tight bear hugs. If they're hypersensitive, they have difficulty understanding where their body is in relation to other objects and may bump into things and appear clumsy; because they have trouble sensing the amount of force they're applying, they may rip the paper when erasing, pinch too hard or slam objects down.

The vestibular receptors, located in the inner ear; tell the brain where the body is in space by providing the information related to movement and head position. These are key elements of balance and coordination, among other things. Those with hyposensitivity are in constant motion; crave fast, spinning and/or intense movement; and love being tossed in the air and jumping on furniture and trampolines. Those who are hypersensitive may be fearful of activities that require good balance, including climbing on playground equipment, riding a bike, or balancing on one foot, especially with eyes closed. They, too, may appear clumsy.

To help parents determine if their child's behavior indicates possible SPD, Peske and Biel have created a detailed sensory checklist that covers responses to all types of input, from walking barefoot to smelling objects that aren't food, as well as questions involving fine and gross motor function, such as using scissors (fine) and catching a ball (gross). The SPD Foundation also offers a litany of "red flags." 

The list for infants and toddlers includes a resistance to cuddling, to the point of arching away when held, which may be attributed to feeling actual pain when being touched. By preschool, over-stimulated children's anxiety may lead to frequent or long temper tantrums. Grade-schoolers who are hyposensitive may display "negative behaviors" including what looks like hyperactivity, when in fact they're seeking input.

Peske sums up the way sensory issues can affect kids this way: "If you're a child who is oversensitive to certain sensations, you are not only likely to be anxious or irritable, even angry or fearful, you're likely to be called'picky' and 'oversensitive.' If you rush away because you're anxious or you're over-stimulated and not using your executive function well because your body has such a powerful need to get away, you're 'impulsive.' If you have trouble with planning and executing your movements due to poor body awareness and poor organization in the motor areas of the brain, you're 'clumsy.' Because you're distracted by your sensory issues and trying to make sense of it all, you may be developmentally delayed in some ways, making you a bit 'immature' or young for your age."

Amid this confusion, there may be relief for more than a few parents in recognizing what may be causing otherwise inexplicable behavior -- and in the potential for kids to get help in the form of specialized occupational therapy and what are called sensory gyms.

"When I describe sensory issues to parents whose kids have it," Peske says, "the usual reaction is 'Oh, my gosh, that's it!' They've been trying to put a finger on 'it' for many months, even years! The sense of relief that they finally know what 'it' is is humongous."

I liked the above article because I've had that book for many years (The Sensory Smart Child) and they refer to occupational therapy, which is what my college degree is in, and I had many years experience in the field in a variety of settings. I always gravitated to this information in college, however. And now am seeing why -- we all have some degree of it!  So whether or not you want a label for your child, your spouse, your friend, your neighbor or self, or pet (cats and dogs have it), know that these are the things that would be considered 'autism'.  


Additionally, the following conditions, I am finding out, are linked to (keyword)  

Endometriosis (I read that 40% of women with endometriosis were found to have (keyword))

Panic Attack (a frequent reason for ER visits, presenting with similar symptoms to cardiovascular events and seeming to me to have a lot of overlap when you think about it, particularly in light of the information simply presented here)


 Page 13 provided in the (P keyword) is 

Symptoms Associated with Hydrogen Sulfide

Poisoning comparable to cyanide. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is colorless gas that, owing to its sulfur content, smells like rotten eggs. Frequently referred to as "sewer gas", H2S is highly poisonous when inhaled. It has a level of toxicity similar to that of cyanide. 

Hydrogen sulfide causes blockage of electron transfer within the mitochondria, which in turn, could lead to respiratory arrest at high enough concentrations. 

Symptoms include:

Eye irritation




Increase in lactic acid during exercise. Inhaling lower levels of H2S during strenuous exercise is sufficient to shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism resulting in increase in tissue lactic acid level.

Pulmonary edema

Inability to feel. H2S must be detoxified by oxidation in the body. While H2S can be produced in large quantities by sulfate-reducing bacteria in the colon (up to 12 liters per day), it is normally rapidly metabolized by a specialized detoxification system in the colonic mucosa.  The small intestine is much less efficient at detoxifying this gas. If the detoxification system is overwhelmed, H2S would escape the gut/intestines to enter the portal vein. In the portal vein, a small amount of H2S is detoxified by oxygen bound to hemoglobin. The majority then enters the liver. 

Chronic fatigue



Poor memory

Difficulty concentrating

Imparied balance

Loss of recall




Slow thinking 

Loss of libido


Decrease of recent memory

Disturbed sleep / Insomnia / Sleep disorder

Light headedness

Shortness of breath (SOB)

Throat irritation

Long term memory loss

Skin irritation

Redness of skin and itching

Demyelination of nerve fibers of the central nervous system

Respiratory tract injury

Olfactory neuronal loss

Rhinitis bronchial epithelial hypertrophy and hyperplasia

Increased phlegm

Apoptosis of human aorta smooth muscle cells


Septic shock

Endotoxin-induced cardiovascular collapse

Inflammatory induced conditions of the colon and rectum such as ulcerative colitis and pouchitis

Elevated plasma homocysteine level associated with cardiovascular disease

Boating and gas




I printed out all 17 pages of the (A keyword)(P keyword)  at a copy shop and spent the next six hours going over it in detail, enough to decide I wanted Lumigrate YOUsers to be made very aware of the information available in the protocol, but with concerns about how understandable it is in it's current form for the people that I work with individually. Hence I hope the way I pull it together here will be a helpful adjunct. 

I'm with the years of experience now doing health education with a variety of types of people, and know that learning is very difficult for people whose brains are affected by 'the stuff' we are dealing with. "Everyone has it", ultimately, which means our teachers and writers and providers of information and advisement do as well. 

Twenty-plus years ago I was working at a desk in the student health center at Colorado State University (with 20-25,000 students at that time) with no computer and a basic hookswitch telephone, and taking $8/student to sign those up (in a notebook with pen and paper) who had gotten into trouble at Colorado State University for alcohol or other drug possession / use, and getting their "attitude" about having to give their money for such a punishment.

I'd tell them I'd taken the longer version of the class (to become certified as a "peer health educator"  for their drug and alcohol program) and found it very interesting and helpful, and if they felt it wasn't worth $8 when they were done to come back and I'd ask and see if there was something that could be done to compensate them.  I never had anyone return.

This was when I was finally done with preliminary coursework at the university and ready to apply to the occupational therapy program, which lead to my working as an occupational therapist after graduating fully 18 years after beginning my academic endeavors there as a recent high school graduate.  Significant brain-related dysfunction later to be diagnosed as 'learning disabilities' had kept me from doing many things I was good at if I'd just had adjustments  made, tools provided, special education provided, therapies, etc. I slipped through the proverbial cracks.

So finally on my way as a 'professional' at age 36, I got experience working in a variety of situations from teaching first-time and experienced medically impaired drivers how to be safer drivers, to teaching people and their teams transitioning to hospice and palliative care services to be safer in their homes in that 'home stretch of life' as I call it at Lumigrate forum topics. And I'm here to tell you, this information is some of the more challenging I've been presented with to teach! 

Here's why: 

If you don't provide enough detail and information, you can't get 'buy-in', and without that, nobody gets to reversing their symptoms, which is clearly occurring in people who are getting on the trail of this type of information.

It's difficult to take complex, scientific information and make it palate-able to any one type of learner. Making something that will be easily used by the majority of seekers is naturally the aim of health education and I provide things for the niche of the market I see.

The provider of the (featured website's) content will be doing the same and we'll have different niches, different points of view of how to present information. So this topic is a way for me to encourage using their (P keyword) and website, which I'm very much in favor of based on what the information there is, while making it so those in my niche get the most likelihood of benefitting from it. That, ultimately, is my goal -- that ANY and ALL who seek this type of information will find it appealing and their wellness, and that of what they can influence, will be improved as a result.     

Hopefully, between what I do and the creator of the content at (featured website, A keyword) does, YOU will have what you need to get underway. (Go to the About tab at Lumigrate or the pinned-at-the-top blog to learn about my direct assistance services for learning if you wish or need.)

The products recommended in the protocol are very inexpensive. However, they can add up to be more than someone can or wants / chooses to spend. The first person I suggested the (featured website/ provider's) initial (S keyword) (P keyword) to for purchase was impressed with what was at the (featured) website and paid to download the information.  Less than 24 hours later I  had this urge to go at an odd time, really, to get reverse osmosis (RO) water at the health store I happened to be very near to that Sunday afternoon.

I use RO water to make pure water at this time as it can be obtained very inexpensively and I tend to use a lot of water. (Pure entails using ozone, ultimately -- you'll notice a lot of bottled waters now tell you the process they use on the product and it'll have ozone at the end. So using "the ozone gadget" has become part of my routine and something I have taught and gotten experience with -- it's a bit complicated and not for everyone, best to be purchasing your water already purified in many cases if a person is not clear brained enough. Ozone is also part of the (P keyword) information provided, but it's similar to what is already at Lumigrate about that aspect).

The 'coincidence' of that first person I'd suggested the  protocol to being there at that time, about to check out and having questions because they didn't take the time needed to look at the information they'd obtained enough to fully digest it before going to the 'action step' of purchasing products was a gift to me that day.  That is partly what lead to my going in this direction with my time and energy for what I provide, and Lumigrate now provides this for the Lumigrate's YOUsers.  

I am providing what I think are the key points here, while encouraging a trip to (the featured website)  to further glean what is provided at this resource, and at the same time make what is here be what I think is going to help the people I'm concerned with helping. From page 1 of the (P keyword), some highlights:

"The last two decades have been an exciting time for research. Much is now known about the immune system, infections, (S keyword), chronic disease, and autism, including environmental factors. The most promising developments are those involving toxins, the brain/gut connection, and the immune system. The most enlightening are those brave few that dare explore and dare to speak about the environmental impacts, the associated vaccine connections, drug sensitivity issues and more involved in autism -- and go much further and actually claim as definitive the direct ties to autism.

One such doctor is Dr Mark Pimentel of Cedars Sinai in California, who, with his colleagues, has taken bowel problems beyond the gut and have entered the realm of definitively stating they are tied to mental issues. There are many others. There are those who also make direct environmental ties. This story begins long before our modern assaults, although they certainly contribute to exponential increase."

The website developer dove into researching statistics about effectiveness ratings by parents seeking treatments in the autism treatment circles: Toxin removal = 74%.  Diet = 71%.  However, these have drawbacks -- expense, difficulty, outdatedness (in this rapidly evolving arena, it occurs quickly).  "The results don't seem to last, even as effective as they are initially. I believe these are clues, as the toxins studied are not the root toxins involved in systemic body failure, such as ammonia, clostridia, or endotoxins.  Hydrogen sulfide is one such toxin that seems to be at the forefront of discovery, along with its related bacteria in regards to autism -- sulfate-reducing bacteria and methane-reducing bacteria. 

While infections and parasites have only recently been explored in regards to autism, knowledge of other chronic infections have paved the way for a leap forward into the study of toxins due to their inability to be effectively treated by infection control alone.  This is where Dr Pimentel begins his most astonishing claims and effective treatment modalities, by understanding the failures of infection control only, acknowledging the limits and proceeding from there.  

I don't know that he realizes how many arrows are pointing tin this direction, including the environment, the study of disease in wild animals, and workplace safety with industry as well.  A consensus is forming around such toxins called 'gaso transmitters', of which hydrogen sulfide is the latest to be studied.  Studied but not quite understood in totality currently, as it relates to diseases such as autism.  It is, however, a known contributor in many, if not all disorders, including cancer.

That is why I choose to focus on eliminating toxins and healing the gut to be the most effective focus of this (P keyword), in addition to it's safety -- because they are proven and demonstrated now to be at the forefront of where science is going in relation, not only to autism, but across the board in many chronic diseases and conditions.  Toxins are so important as a factor that I suspect anti-microbials might not even be in the picture in the future, as our fight against them has led much to our demise." 


 I think the bullet points page provided (page 14) of this version of the (P keyword) has some information which is best put right UP FRONT AND CENTER, and then reviewed AGAIN, near or at the end as it is provided in this (S keyword)(P keyword)  That would be:

Safely reducing toxins that contribute to disease is the #1 goal of the  protocol.

  • Toxin reducers used in the  protocol are described in detail in the protocol and are:
  • Their modified (S keyword) Recipe (which drops zinc from the original (S keyword) recipe 'out there')
  • (C keyword, brand name)
  • Hydroxocobalamine B12a
  • Pantothenic acid

Restoring gut motility is the #2 goal. 

  • Prokinetic products are used to restore gut motility with the (P keyword), to sweep bacteria along and out of the small intestines, where they should not be.
  • Enteric coated peppermint
  • (I keyword, brand name)

Repairing the gut is the #3 goal. 

  • Time
  • A healthy, sensible, easily-digested diet
  • Zinc
  • Enzymes ("digestive enzymes") IF needed

Reducing microbial counts slowly and in a safe way is the #4 goal

  • (F - Z keyword) inhibitors are used to reduce die-off in the small intestine and triggered responses in advanced pathogens

Overall support is done in a limited way using  known-safe supplements such as cod liver oil and B6 (which is provided in detail in the (P keyword), including explanation about the active form, "P-5-p", being the choice usually made as form of B6 to supplement. 


For me as a learner, I like to see an overview of what is entailed in something -- I'll look in the front of books at the Table of Contents for that reason.  Since nothing like that is provided with the protocol, and I think YOUsers of Lumigrate might benefit from having that in addition to the protocol (should YOU opt to purchase a download of it), this is what you'll find: 

SIBO and Chronic Infections --

A Step by Step Protocol

How and Why

1. Determine your level of infection before beginning

Why is this an important step? These reasons are elaborated upon for those working to reverse (keyword):

Sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens eventually outcompete all other bacteria in the small intestine in patients with (keyword). These are "advanced pathogens". 

The small intestine is not designed like the colon is for heavy bacterial colonization, and is relatively free of so-called good or bad bacteria. 

Bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes release hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during the decomposition of sulfur-containing proteins and by the direct reduction of sulfate (SO4 2-)

Inability to detox -- hydrogen sulfide (H2S) must be detoxified by oxidation in the body. 

Fatigue after exertion due to increase in lactic acid during exercise is a common symptom with (keyword). 

It is explained here in more detail that those with serious chronic conditions with (keyword) (autism, ADHD, autoimmune, CFS/ME) likely will have to start on low amounts of antimicrobials to reduce these types of advanced pathogens. (Keyword C -- a spice/plant) is the preferred antimicrobial in this protocol.

"Herxing" and excessive die-off is discussed and suggested to be limited while releasing hydrogen sulfide gas in an already overwhelmed detoxification system such as those with (keyword) have, as it can be dangerous.  Herxing is not defined in this (P keyword). I have provided information at Lumigrate previously about the term and concept so refer you to it using the Search bar at Lumigrate. 

2. Why only use safe anti-microbials and why dissuade / not allow the continued use of herbs of the person's choosing and other supplements when going with this protocol? --1)  Not all pathogens are created equal. Advanced pathogens are different than simple organisms when it comes to safe treatment with antibiotics known now and on the market.  2) Advanced pathogens reacting to perceived threats -- changes in pH, dessication, starvation, certain chemicals, disinfectants, herbs, drugs such as penicillin and doxycycline) -- can trigger at least five things in advanced pathogens such as cyanobacteria (and Lyme disease is included).  They can change form, become stealth and hide -- becoming too large or too small to be recognized and dealt with as usual -- replicate in a frenzy, cause innate immuno suppression from the endo-toxins of dying organisms causing multiple infections and further immune collapse and even death, and form colonies and trade genes with other organisms like mold to create synergy and greater virulence -- an adaptation for their own survival. (Keyword F - Z) inhibitors are one avenue of safely reducing all pathogens without undue risk of resistance. (Keyword F - Z) is a cell division protein found in all bacteria, plants and algae, and not discovered until late in the 20th century. It is an essential protein for their basic life functions and survival, and is not found in humans. 

3. What is the goal in safely eradicating (keyword), and why do other treatments eventually fail?

4. Where to begin with doing the protocol

The Recipes

This modified (keyword) Recipe (with milk of magnesia and baking soda, dropping the zinc for reasons explained), Liquid (C keyword, spice / herb) recipe, which is not to be started until a month minimum of toxin reducing and prokinetics.  Two prokinetics are offered as suggesions, for choice by the proactive person doing the protocol. The provider of the protocol suggests enteric coated (Keyword P, an herbal) oil, capsules or tablets, but also suggests a product called (keyword I, brand name)  be considered. Both have been studied to the satisfcation of the protocol provider. 

Additional Tips and FAQs

The Supplements - Keyword C® Brand Name (A proprietary blend of the mushroom A g a ricus b i s porus, which specifically neutralizes the by-products of food decomposition, exhaled in the form of halitosis or generators of body odor. Developed in Japan, (Keyword C Brand Name) works by destroying odorous or toxic compounds (methane, trimethylamine, indol, scatol and others) directly in the intestines where they begin and by reducing ammonia in the blood.  It elaborates on studies that showed it effective in diarrhea, constipation (in 10 days) and in 80% of subjects significantly improves the 'intestinal condition' in 30 days.  It increased the good bacteria in the intestine and halves others (Clostridia is named specifically), strengthens the immune system by detoxifying the toxic compounds produced in the intestines, reduces proliferation of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, stops the progression of renal insufficiency and maintains normal levels of creatinine, reduces levels of uric acid and reduces the pain associated with gout,  decreases production of leucotrienes (implicated in asthma attacks and hay fever), and is a powerful antioxidant effective against several free radicals.  Websites about human clinical trials and (keyword C, brand name) are provided in the protocol details on this page. 

The Supplements 

Hydroxocobalamin B12. It is preferred by many providers who treat environmental illness, fibromyalgia, CFS/Me, as they report reductions in neuro symptoms and fatigue. 

Pantothenic acid, which has a 'spectacular healing rate' with inflammatory disorders such as gout, arthritis, lupus, colitis and Crohn's disease. Some providers use it to replace the drug prednisone and found that pantothenic acid had none of the serious side effects of prednisone.   I was most interested in the bulleted items:

  • yeast infection such as candida
  • burning feet and gout
  • inflammation
  • cystic acne (associated with keyword)
  • reduce lactic acid buildup

AND then THE MOST interesting tidbit: Use of pantothenic acid is controlling hydrogen sulfide production by yeasts in wine making. The effect is similar to the way pantothenic acid works to control hydrogen sulfide production or other yeasts such as candida. .... Grapes are often treated with sulfur sprays to control powdery mildew, and the residual sulfur on the grapes is tranferred to the juice.

The sulfur is then converted to hydrogen sulfide by the reducing atmosphere of fermentation, so to avoid this problem, most grape growers stop spraying the sulfur weeks before harvest. Many wine makers add pantothenic acid to their fermentations specifically to avoid the production of hydrogen sulfide.  An adequate supply of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is important, as it helps the body to convert food to glucose, is used to produce energy, to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins, synthesize cholesterol and form red blood cells as well as sex- and stress-related hormones. 


(P keyword, herbal plant) or (I Keyword, brand name)



Cod Liver Oil

(I might note here that pyroluria, a condition I covered in the environmental illness / wellness forum at Lumigrate.com in 2014 and since, as I was similarly blown away by how the information is off the beaten path and not well known but simultaneously seemingly a key to things, and known by a LOT of off-the-mainstream providers of information and consultation)

The Diet

The diet suggested in the (P Keyword) is basically following Dr Mark Pimental, the pioneer (S keyword) researcher at Cedars Sinai mentioned previously and frequently by this (P keyword)'s provider. He doesn't mind table sugar, but is more concerned about fructose. The diet eliminates or reduces beans and starches in the beginning, saying fiber is too hard to digest in those with (S keyword), and advises foods be well cooked. Low fructose fruits are recommended in other protocols this provider knew of relative to autism treatment which were not (S keyword)-specific.  

"It is for good reason, once one begins to study the ferments of wine production and hydrogen sulfide and the various steps and chemical synthesis involved in fermentation, which all parents of autistic children know plays a key role in gut dysbiosis, behavior, and toxic overload. The byproducts and toxins associated with gut dysbiosis and (keyword) are called 'germents' for a good reason!" 

NutriBullet (or the more expensive and sturdy Vitamix) gadgets are recommended for reducing particle size of nutrients, similar to how juicing is also shown to benefit.

BREAD is brought up, focusing on yeasts, transulferation pathways, and methylation cycles -- natural yeast, ancient breadmaking, sourdough bread making techniques are recommended for study, and a referral made to someone 'passionate' about modern breads and their deliterious effects (Caleb Warnock at blogspot)

Pure Water - Never use tap water for drinking or cooking; toxins are released from the destruction of mold, fungi and other pathogens. This has a great deal of impact on (S keyword). Never assume your water is safe without testing and research / learning. Cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, e-coli and others are often in water sources. Ozone is one of the only proven methods to date to disinfect and neutralize known pathogens and degrade their resultant toxins. Ozonators can also safely clean produce and reduce mycotoxins in dry foods such as flour and coffee. 

We have information at Lumigrate about this. My experience has been people are not with enough 'good' brain function to safely learn to use the ozonators, and I have concerns about this aspect when it comes to consumers / users. It brings me to my suggestion of asking someone to assist and be a study buddy, water buddy, and you learn it together and help each other, someone near to you physically so it's easy to get together -- they don't have to be interested in healthy gut or anything, just about how to purify water. Hopefully two heads are better than one. Find someone who's not as unwell in the brain if you have significant impairment for learning and applying new information. Or simply get safe, pure water delivered or obtain it in the community somehow. Lumigrate has several topics, and one 'main topic' about water -- reverse osmosis versus distilled, energized versus dead, magnets and water, and on and on. Water's actually a very in-depth topic to get into on it's own! And I've covered it! 

Cleaners - disinfectant-resistant bacteria require cleaning methods worthy of their mite, and the basics are included in this (P keyword). It's important people think systemically and understand the interrelationship of body systems when facing the symptoms of this kind of illness, and I realized that ultimately it boils down to cleaning! No pun intended about 'boil' (since in the water information, above boiling is discussed -- also think about water heaters with that heating of the water and toxin information).

Your drains, how many of us think about what's coming up from our drains and are in the habit or knowing how this is affecting our wellness / illness, for example.  

 ©2015 Lumigrate

You expected to see a photo of a bottle of cleaner? Well, we have those too -- see the topic linked to next.  When that high oxygen water goes down the drain, the drain gets coated with it and the things not liking oxygen will be affected. .... just a tidbit to interject.  If you wait and then put water down the drain it's no longer high oxygen. This is requiring consumers to re-think a LOT of processes and habits. 

Lumigrate has already provided this information in more detail, actually, at the topic / link about "THE Stuff" : www.lumigrate.com/forum/stuff-interloping-and-overwhelming-everything-examples-and-ideas-remediation-our-immediate-env 

as well as at this specific topic / link about cleaning: www.lumigrate.com/forum/cleaning-your-environment-and-doing-laundry-light-new-information-toxins-and-earths-environmen

and these are both located via the blog tab, where there are topics about only the most essential focus of information at the time at Lumigrate -- a topic titled there about emerging research that I hope all mothers and others (meaning everyone) considers learning about and taking action on is basically a directory of all the topics at Lumigrate which a thorough learner would want to find about THE Stuff causing our problems.

So YOU can easily tell others rather than being dependent upon links and bookmarks. So YOU can find your way back to learn more very easily, and anyone new as a YOUser to Lumigrate who pokes around to see what the blog is about will find THE MOST IMPORTANT things in the forums highlighted. 

Probiotics are mentioned in the supplements portion of this (P keyword)-- they're not yet proven to be beneficial, and may contribute to (S keyword). Fermented foods and quality (such as home made) yogurt might be added after some time on this (P keyword). Fiber is not recommended for people with (S keyword) issues. 

Daily Dose Chart

This is, overall, one of my FAVORITE parts of what you get with the (P keyword).  A nice chart takes what is provided in the pages of information in this (P keyword) and gives you a page-at-a-glance of what you'll take Sunday through Saturday, three times a day (which they label by time of day, and I'd actually make it different words for those who have schedules that vary from the average person, but that's easy to figure out in one's head if applicable).  

Morning at the top, Evening at the bottom, Afternoon in the middle..... (First thing with 'uptime', Midway in 'uptime', Before 'downtime' would be one alternative for labeling the dosing schedule times, but this is nothing YOU can't figure out.  Also, important to mention the developer of the (P keyword) doesn't precude anything from the FREE information at the website, much of which is about (S keyword).  ADDING IN DAYS LATER AFTER MORE WAS REVEALED IN COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE PROVIDER, THIS WAS NOT TRUE AT THE POINT IN TIME OF THIS BEING CREATED. THEY WERE GOING TO IN THE FUTURE ADD IT TO THEIR WEBSITE BUT IT HAD NOT ALL BEEN DONE WHICH CREATED PROBLEMS WHEN I NAMED BRAND NAMES HERE.). 

It's all in there for anyone who wants to put it together as they have! (OR WAS GOING TO BE EVENTUALLY IF THEY FOLLOWED THROUGH ON WHAT THEYD SAID WAS ALREADY THE CASE) You're essentially paying for something you either don't have the ability to do or prefer to simply PIY rather than DIY (pay it yourself, yes I just came up with that one! -- grins). In other words, the provider has done the work for you and me when you (or I) obtain the downloadable PDF.  I've then done my share of work going over it, further digesting it, presenting it my way here (which is quite a lot of modification).   

There is currently one problem I found with the dosing schedule sheet in the (P keyword), which you'll catch if you read the rest of the information provided there. It's suggested in the written information that people start for a month with the prokinetic as motility of the intestines is such a key factor in (keyword), adding the antimicrobial after the motility is improved to 'sweep' things along once they're affected by the (F - Z Keyword) inhibitor / antimicrobial, the other important aspect in (keyword) remediation.

This is not refected in the  Chart in the current version of the  (P Keyword) (I'll hope that is modified in future revisions, perhaps, but if not, Lumigrate YOUsers seeking (S keyword) information now know to look for that and write it in (is my suggestion and cue to YOU!)

The Bullet Points (Revisited) 

Remember when I said that I thought the bulleted items on the page I thought should be further forward could then be provided at the end as recap?  Well, how's this for doing that! The bullet points revisited for review after the preview nearer the beginning:


See previously provided version, but do go see it at this point as this is how you do it -- ahead of deeper learning, then as summary when finishing up.


Initially, I liked the way the 'lead up' to (S keyword) could build upon the information I'd provided here earlier in 2015 about cyanobactiria, algae blooms, and chronic fatigue, etc., in this forum from before I learned of (keyword), the direct link is: 


I also felt that the topic I'd created about diet for those with Lyme, chronic fatigue, autism, etc. that was based on the simplified version by Marty Ross, MD was a good place to 'catch people' to help them find out about (keyword), and added some information earlier at this link www.lumigrate.com/forum/6-practical-diet-recommendations-marty-ross-md-whether-you-have-bug-borne-disease-or-know-it-o

.... and

since the current single-most read topic is the one about Steve Beddingfield's research, Facebook group, protocol (based on fenbendazole and red reishi mushroom extract), and it was in his group that one of the former leaders was getting onto the trail about hydrogen sulfide and (S keyword), based on the unfolding that occurred in early 2015 learning together there, I actually had the first things about (S keyword) I put on Lumigrate added at the very end of that thread, which is at this link:


which has links and updated key information at the very top since that was definitely an 'unfolding' topic where I report things as if following medical history being made, which I think it was, but also wanting YOUsers to get the most important, current things 'up top'. Naturally, generally the more recent versions of things will have more 'chops' to them, so I'd suggest only referring to those if you're wanting to go back in history and study a lot more than most anyone would. But I do like people to see the way things 'roll' at Lumigrate's forums and the information I provide.

I hope this gets you underway with the basics about (keyword). It has for me, and those I'm helping as an information mentor and navigator.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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