Driving 'Round Summer ... in a Traffic Circle

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Karen Richardson OTR CDRS's picture
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    What a busy summer!  I hope everyone will forgive the long lapse in between postings.  I had not been doing much in the way of driving for a number of weeks due to car repairs (which take forever here in Pagosa Springs.  We call it 'Pagosa time' here.)  Anyway, I got my car back and drove to the grocery store, only to get hit with two of my all time favorite pet peeves about driving: traffic circles and rolling through a stop sign.

     Granted, there are not too many traffic circles in Colorado as a whole, but they are becoming more prevalent.  There seems to be a group who think they are actually safer than a 4-way stop.  I personally disagree with that, but since I do not make the rules, I would prefer to see the general public educated on the correct way to drive through them. 

    There is a lovely traffic circle, or roundabout as they are sometimes called, at the new hospital in Durango.  It is well marked so you know which lane to be in if going straight or turning.  In theory, this is how it works: 1) Yield to oncoming traffic before entering the circle, 2) Enter in the correct lane, inside if going around the circle or outside if exiting right away, which is the same as making a right turn, 3) Signal when making a lane change within the circle or if making a turn out of the circle.  This sounds easy, but really takes some good multitasking, quick visual processing and equally quick reaction time.  It also helps if it has been well marked so you know in advance where you are going to have to get out of the circle.

     Some things to watch for:  1) Other drivers not yielding to traffic within the circle, 2) Other drivers not signaling their intention to exit or make a lane change within the circle, 3) Other drivers beginning to exit then quickly changing their mind when they realize they are exiting too soon or in the wrong direction, 4) Other drivers going the wrong way to make a left turn rather than going all the way around the traffic circle.

     Traffic circles have been used in Europe for a long time with proven safety.  But that is because they are used to them.  Hopefully, as we become familiar with the traffic circle and how to use them, they will also prove to have increased safety for us also.

     Thanks for listening.  I will talk about stop signs and stopping next time.  Meanwhile, enjoy your summer, drive safely, and keep the rubber side down.


Karen Richardson, OTR/CDRS

Registered Occupational Therapist, Certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
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My Take on Circles: Take Licenses RIGHT THERE

Since, as Karen points out, the driving in a traffic circle requires fast thinking and doing (motor and processing speed of the brain/body), I think they're the most efficient place DMV could be sitting and ticketing 'bad' drivers.  SO if you're noticing yourself having difficulty in a circle, consider having yourself assessed for your driving abilities.  (And if you're riding with someone who has a tough time in this or another similarly challenging situation such as a 'cone zone', THAT's the exact situations that can be doing us all a favor. 

"Doing us a FAVOR" you might say!! ....... Working with therapists in a clinic setting that can increase a person's visual-processing speed/reactions related to anything to do with activities of daily living (including the most difficult of all, driving), increase the body/flexibility that is needed for driving safey (head turns/neck, etc.), you can extend a person's safe driving for years.  

AND if they're not able to, then there are options and there is a whole 'episode' related to that we can bring you later if people are interested.  (how it's cheaper than owning a car to hire a town car and driver once a week). 

Thanks Karen!  Nice, straightforward piece which is helpful here !  Mardy



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