Definitely "Do," but Don't Over Do

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Cinda Crawford
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Itinerant
Joined: Mar 30 2010
Posts: 7
User offline. Last seen 13 years 19 weeks ago.

I put up a post today at the Health Matters Show on Cleaning Up Your Health. Whether we're talking about cleaning up our health or just cleaning out closets for spring, that phrase "cleaning up" implies some sort of exercise.

Yesterday I worked out at the pond you see in the video for about 2 hours after I finished filming. I reached, pulled and tugged to get all of the gunk from my pond and into a bucket that I then hauled up the hill and dumped into my composting bin. (Good nutrients for making soil!)

Today, I'm a bit sore, but I plan to keep up my daily, outside, spring chores until I'm:

1) In better shape and can do tasks more easily

2) Spending more time out in the sun and building up my supply of Vitamin D- and-

3) Just because I'm happier and healthier for being out in God's world!

Spring is a wonderful time to get the juices flowing again and get active. What activities are you going to do for yourself?


I am Cinda Crawford, an average person who has led an extraordinary life filled with tragedy, severe illness and many sacred blessings. I endured 15+ years of excruciating illness with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Now, I am healed. Because of my journey, my life is devoted to helping others. I invite you to discover Sacred Cellular Healing, an effective healing tool to co-create & manifest your return to good health. Currently, I host the Health Matters Show -or- what I call the hottest "destination" blog and podcast on the Internet today for people who want to get well from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I also run Get Well Health and the new "Learn How to Heal Membership" course. Visit soon. Let me know you dropped by. You and I can and will derive our health and strength not only from each other, but from our sacred heritage of being God's children. I approach my tasks seriously and do so from a complete mind/body/spirit perspective. Thanks!

Connect with me at,,,, and


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