I put up a post today at the Health Matters Show on Cleaning Up Your Health [1]. Whether we're talking about cleaning up our health or just cleaning out closets for spring, that phrase "cleaning up" implies some sort of exercise.
Yesterday I worked out at the pond you see in the video for about 2 hours after I finished filming. I reached, pulled and tugged to get all of the gunk from my pond and into a bucket that I then hauled up the hill and dumped into my composting bin. (Good nutrients for making soil!)
Today, I'm a bit sore, but I plan to keep up my daily, outside, spring chores until I'm:
1) In better shape and can do tasks more easily
2) Spending more time out in the sun and building up my supply of Vitamin D- and-
3) Just because I'm happier and healthier for being out in God's world!
Spring is a wonderful time to get the juices flowing again and get active. What activities are you going to do for yourself?
I am Cinda Crawford, an average person who has led an extraordinary life filled with tragedy, severe illness and many sacred blessings. I endured 15+ years of excruciating illness with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Now, I am healed. Because of my journey, my life is devoted to helping others. I invite you to discover Sacred Cellular Healing, an effective healing tool to co-create & manifest your return to good health. Currently, I host the Health Matters Show -or- what I call the hottest "destination" blog and podcast on the Internet today for people who want to get well from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I also run Get Well Health and the new "Learn How to Heal Membership" course. Visit soon. Let me know you dropped by. You and I can and will derive our health and strength not only from each other, but from our sacred heritage of being God's children. I approach my tasks seriously and do so from a complete mind/body/spirit perspective. Thanks!
Connect with me at
www.healthmattersshow.com [2],
www.getwellhealth.com [3],
www.cindaontwitter.com [4],
www.cindaonfacebook.com [5], and
www.cindaonlinkedin.com [6]
[1] http://healthmattershow.com/cleaning-up-your-health-2/
[2] http://www.healthmattersshow.com/
[3] http://www.getwellhealth.com/
[4] http://www.cindaontwitter.com/
[5] http://www.cindaonfacebook.com/
[6] http://www.cindaonlinkedin.com/