Cleaning Your Environment and Doing Laundry in Light of the New Information on Toxins and Earth's Environment

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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I had created this topic and will be editing it today (August 18, 2015) and ongoing as new information is coming out of the woodwork. No pun intended.

To start, here's something about bacteria studied related to vacuums. I think it's going to be important to look over sooner than later, so I'm going to give the link sooner than later: Let's get SERIOUS about this stuff! --  I've taken to making a new term: "THE Stuff" about the emerging awareness and information about the bacteria from the sea that is ultimately involved in collaborating with other organisms, replicating, morphing, and wreaking havoc in a wild a wild array of ways. So many things we didn't realize were 'connected' are

I updated this topic in spring of 2015 when studying what was being taught in a Facebook group, where I learned about THE Stuff and what to do about it.  I'd created the forum about cleaning your environment with all the initial forums back at the start of Lumigrate in 2009 because our video information included much about our personal 'temple' (as in 'detox and cleanse') and the environments / systems where your time is occupied.

Traditional medicine, more specifically naturopathic-based education that was part of our formative material for launch in 2009, which I'd had immersion in via an integrative medical center for a full year before the website was on the Internet, included things about cleaning your home and reducing toxins.

However, the KIND of toxins we have today AND are aware of today -- 2015 -- is an area that has an explosion of new information ... and new toxins being known by people out here in the public arena. Hence, this is another facet of Lumigrate's content that is 'leading edge'. 

Some Background

My college degree (1996) is a bachelor of science in occupational therapy, and anything that occupies time is an 'occupation' in my opinion, and others'.  So it was innately obvious to me that cleaning was to be a part of the information at Lumigrate.

As an insurance-based, organized medicine system occupational therapist in the past, one of the biggest challenges people coming to me with chronic illness had was how to keep their homes clean.  Vacuuming and cleaning floors were things I often guided people about how to do differently so they could be safer and more independent AND keep the house the way they wished. The 'energy crisis' of the muscles that occurs in environmental illness or the overall low energy, problematic blood pressure or other cardiovascular symptoms, etc., were sometimes able to be worked around with 'tools' and strategies. Sometimes that strategy was to encourage the person to find someone else to do the task.  

These people were generally more aware of the importance of a clean home, and typically had been on the "neat-and-tidy and organized side" when younger and not yet fully physically unwell, something we noticed in the 2007 live weekly education group Grand Junction psychologist Dr. Chris Young and I co-created and collaborated to begin.  The brain is an amazing thing and how it's connected to the gut and overall wellness / illness.  (Much about that aspect in other topics in the forums at Lumigrate.) 

That was 2007. Now it's 2015, and my focus starting right after new years was on the work of a Mr. Steve Beddingfield of North Carolina.  He refers to his laboratory as a 'hillbilly laboratory', as he is in a rural mountainous part of North Carolina outside Ashville. 

(Editing in 2017, I do not currently recommend people go to his group nor follow him due to recurrent behaviors towards key people in his group over the years which has resulted in a cycle like a washing machine -- fill, agitate, drain, spin (get rid of).  However, EVERY person who has been through that cycle that I've talked to credits him with taking them to a new level of learning -- and are glad for the experience.  Among those who stuck through the cycle, that is.  I've also asked about him with others who were connected briefly, did not get like what they saw almost immediately, and left, and of course they don't have the thanks and credit the others and I have.  However, I put in enough time in that group to make one fabulous new connection in early 2015 and they went on to start a group, integrate in a lot more things, take what they gleaned from Steve, created products and services to support and are steady as a rock.  So far her group has filled, is very slowly agitating, and people are content, usually -- I just saw the first 'snarky' comment to my knowledge there be handled by her beautifully.  Crystal Tripp is her name, Dis-Ease Solutions is her game -- you can find it on Facebook or connect through me if you like.  I prefer people call me .... 970 is the area code, 462 is the prefix, then 8662 are the last 4.) 

I was conceived, finally, after fertility issues arose for my parents after they'd had their first baby with no problems when living in England,  and were to move and 'settle down' where my father had decided might be a place to go after Word War II. In taking the family of origin to Cirque de Soleil when it came to Denver in the late 1990s, when I was working as an OT before everything 'burst' in the rehabilitative contract services bubble world I'd started working in end of 1996, he stopped me on the railroad tracks by Union Station downtown and said 'it was right here .... (then pulled me a few feet as he walked around a few feet and adjusted where he was standing while looking at the mountains and old buildings in the area) ... here, right here.... when I was changing trains during the war, and I looked over there (at the Rockies, snow capped and on a beautiful sunny day) and thought 'maybe that's where I'll move after the war." 

As I've studied basically since I realized 'everyone has something wrong with them that lives around here', I've naturally reflected on that place in the puzzle of my personal health history.  I lived there full time for 18 and a half years, then was 'home' for weekends on a regular basis after I went to University and then to work for the University full time, return to taking classes to get into the OT program, be full time in the OT program, and finally graduate 18 years after I graduated from high school.  Profound learning disabilities partly therapized, I'd still need MORE once I had my first job as an OT and was with head on the chopping block for the errors I'd make and slowness to learn. Thankfully the area manager knew me from an extra class I took over a holiday break, and also had a husband who had similar disabilities so she knew who to suggest I seek treatment from via special optometry.  I was blown away when that O.D. published her first book around the time Lumigrate started so she contributed some topics in the forums.  Such a 360. 

One of my symptoms in my teen years had been dropping blood pressure upon standing, which was frustratingly misdiagnosed in my teen years when high/low blood sugar was tested and found. Compliant with the low carbohydrate diet prescribed, I found it interesting the symptoms of dizzyiness upon standing went away when I went to college and was not in an environment that helped me 'stick to the diet'. Was it something in the environment, the water, the air, the soil (one or all) or diet? Was it a combination effect? I spent way too much time thinking 'one thing causes health issues' the way our scientific method teaches us, the way all the studies are set up.  So I'm prefacing this topic to encourage readers / learners here to take off the convergent thinking cap and put on divergent. 

My chronic, environmental illness symptoms, life-long once I learned how to peel the onion of medical detective work for environmental illness, eventually became a crash and burn to complex chronic illness and chronic weakness and fatigue and worsened blood pressure problems when I was in my late 20s.  Steve Beddingfield's health crashed and he was close to death, he relates, when he was about my current age (I've had about 55 trips around the sun currently, and counting!).  His symptoms included the skin lumps and lesions that lead to being classified in the allopathic system's segregation and labeling as 'Morgellons disease'.

Essentially, he had a background with microscopic photography, and so he started taking the things he found in the lesions and looking at them. Another version of the story was that his doctor told him to start looking at things in the microscope and in an old trailer on the property there was a children's microscope left there by someone.  As I said, editing in 2017, I appreciate what Steve has done to add to the mix of learning in the past years and finding people to influence by using Facebook, but these discrepancies are just part of the problem that I see for recommending him as a place to learn when there were better places that came along since 2015.  And I'll restate that many, myself included, appreciate the learning and growth we had and some of us continue to consider what he was saying, as we continue to think about what all is involved in these modern, Sci-Fi like times on Earth. 

Enter Steve Beddingfield - Some More Background

Steve started a Facebook group in 2014 (I looked yesterday and there are only about 50 people in the group longer than I, where I was fortunate to encounter Steve in a "Lyme disease" Facebook group in August 2014).  When I wrote this topic in 2015, the admins (who were about to go through the spin cycle and he'd have no admins for a long while, and all the documents they had just gotten completed disappeared) had just capped the group at a workable size for the 6 admins mentoring and supervisiong the group process.  Steve was not in favor of doing that it appeared to me. 

It was a lot of learning, much of it with some science involved, and rather complex, yet the information will ultimately simplify things for a person once one understands. It's a paradigm shift.  Brilliantly complex yet simple. Essentially it was finding a root cause with one type of 'stuff' in the environment.  It made people stop saying "what you have and what I have are different, so what helps your lupus does not have anything to do with my condition because I have (something else)."  You'll find a link to more at Lumigrate IF you're interested about Steve and the et al.'s, below.  As I said, above, in editing this in 2017 there's now a group I recommend headed by someone I met studying in Steve's group around the time I created this topic in 2015. 

I call the leadership long-timers of the group 'the et. al's' .. some of them have risen to the challenge and need to educated the stream of people increasingly learning of the information and group by preparing information for people to use.  Since there's currently a shortage of space in the group for people to be added and it's difficult to read the information sometimes due to Facebook's way of doing documents and files, with their blessings I've been putting the key information on Lumigrate.  They all very much want this information to reach people and I think it's merits warrant being included at Lumigrate. 

Ozone is a big component in this way of handling the environmental toxins. Ozone was a new thing for me. It is controversial. It has environmental consequences, and so YOU decide if and how much, when, where, how YOU are going to use it. Learn and REMEMBER the important things about what it can damage if you're going to proceed and use it.

This is some of the info i have gathered from a few members of the group and Steve, with a little endoresement statement to start: "I have been using the laundry recipe and it is amazing.  ECOS can be found at Costco or other grocery stores, here in the northwest (of the USA) its at more organic-type stores. Baking soda comes in a large bag at Costco as well."

Use cleaners with high content pine oil, products like Hexol or Mexico produced Pine Sol. There's a brand that's a non-name-brand on the shelves at WalMart which boasts of the % of pine. Knowing the concepts, you can make decisions by reading labels, etc. 

Borax, baking soda, white vinegar. 
For example

20 Mule Team Borox
White Vinegar (add essential oils if desired)
Baking Soda (can buy at CostCo)
Orange TKO (try Amazon or Swanson Vitamins)

Kleen Green, TweetMint, or other concentrated enzyme-based cleaner that you can clean, add to laundry, and even bathe with.

Hexol is high grade pine oil disinfectant at 57.2% content. The Pine-Sol sold in US contains very little pine oil. The Pine Sol sold that is made in Mexico has a higher content of pine oil. It's labeled as Fabuloso and comes in several scents. With Hexol a little goes a long, long way as it is very concentrated.

Purple Power Cleaner -- another one mentioned often that I'm editing in August 2015, and I note that Lumigrate's colors are purple and green -- two colors coming up with this cleaning the best way we can in 2015 topic. 

Dettrol (or Dettol, sorry, I'm fuzzy on the spelling) was one that was recommended to me this summer, and I was told it was available via Walmart online at the very 'least'. Used more in other countries than the US, apparently, it's what people suggested I use when I told them of a larvae-looking thing that popped out of a garbage bag with food leftovers in it, and left in a cool place for a week. I ran it to the street directly and came back to collect samples of the things and they were all gone except one that had crawled under something nearby. Retrieving something to collect it in, I returned and all I could find, again, was slime.

Again, these experienced, dedicated problem-solvers with health issues they're working to reverse in Steve Beddingfield's Facebook group are a wealth of information and I cull and bring here the 'best of the herd' of tidbits and bigger concepts so Lumigrate YOUsers benefit as much as I can make possible with the time I have to work on content. (As I also 'teach' to people, connect them to resources, etc., show them under their roof or mine or whomever's how to apply this information .....) Thanks to all who are helping provide this information. 


Add 1/4 cup each Borax, baking soda, and enzyme-based laundry detergent such as ECOS to wash clothing and bedding. Add 1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse load as well.

Add a couple drops of tea tree, peppermint, lemon, or lavender essential oil to one of the wet items from the wash load, like a washcloth or sock. (Mardy's Note: Perhaps have a dedicated cloth for this purpose that is perpetually involved with the drying -- you could wet it when the washer is filling with water.)  


To sanitize personal items that can't be washed, place inside a big, thick garbage bag, or a large Ziploc bag and place ozone tube inside of bag and zip or tie shut.

Items to ozone could include:

Shoes, hairdryers, hairbrush, coats, unwashable items like scarves and hats, pillows, etc. Be creative with ozone treatment. (Mardy's note: But be SAFE with it, research it -- be respectful of anything in the room that would breathe the ozone or have eyeball tissues damaged -- and know what it does to surfaces when applied, as anything that 'ages' with time in the O2 world will get an amplified breakdown with the added oxygen is the way I think of it and say it simplistically.  Leather, rubber, latex, gaskets.)  

Use ozonated water to clean floors in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and toilets.

Suggested by Steve

Mean Green - he says it kills the bacteria he's focusing his studies on. He posted a photo of the super strength cleaner and degreaser. They also have products called mildew destroyer, orange champ and anti-bacterial multi-surface cleaner. 


The solutions are many and in discovery ....  as are   ............................ the problems. ©2015 Steve Beddingfield, being used with permission by Lumigrate. (Photo on right is of what he calls GSB, giant sulfur bacteria surrounding another bacteria.  Titled: "Giant Sulphur Bacteria and Its Endosymbiots". 

From the longest-standing member of Steve et al.: Later on in the conversation she interjects: Read the MSDS for cautions on eyes, skin, and lung before exposure.

and then a little later from a regular member:  MSDS sheets for the products:


It's apparently in this brand name sold in the US and Canada, other countries have other brand names for the same or similar chemical mixtures, the conversation unfolds to reveal.  

From Steve: "A super resistant, giant bacteria is torturing and killing humans worldwide, so I'm looking for ways to kill it." and "Not for internal use; used for home and auto, etc. "mold", which is sulphur bacteria. A wee bit in laundry helps. Skin is a ? mark."  He said he'd do a test spot on skin.  .... So this is how this evolves and has come to be, this collection of information that I'm providing sometimes the day-of to the pages of Lumigrate for people to find IF they're wanting to use this type of information as a resource.
Two comments that really resonated for me and clearly many in the group based on the Likes they got. "A perspective I think worthy of bringing in here: Bacteria and microbes are part of nature's 'clean-up' mechanism. They only become problematic if things are out of balance - if the job they have to do is overwhelming. Is this the fault of the bacteria, or because something else is going on? Could the huge rise in chemical cleaning agents not be contributing to the problem? Is the germ the problem? ... Or the terrain?"

Then this comment had the most Likes of any --- 16 at the time I was seeing it 24 hours later, by the same member, so continuing her thought process: 

"Know when things started to get out of balance?

When we stopped working with the Earth and its laws and started working against it. 

When we stopped listening to our ancestors and their ancient wisdoms gleaned from thousands of years experience and started listening to the exceedingly brief and transient 'knowledge' and 'understanding' of scientific opinion.

When we stopped thinking for ourselves and allowed 'The Establishment' to do it for us.

When we stopped listening to our bodies and allowed 'medicine' to control our health.

Everything has been beautifully designed for a purpose. When we work against that purpose, we work against ourselves."

More comments about the cleaner suggested by Steve.  From a gal: "Love my Mean Green. Best cleaner I know of. My son buys it by the gallon. Walls, counters, tires everything! Cleans shoes like a pro. I get mine at Dollar General or Family Dollar, Kroger. Sometimes at Walmart."  (And I note I didn't edit any punctuation, talk about a pro, she writes like one!) Others talk of it being at Dollar Tree, WalMart and reasonably priced. 

THEN a really great comment that I hope everyone sees: "I used to use it when I had a house cleaning business in my pre-EI days. Be sure to check ingredients to make sure it doesn't have something you don't tolerate. And, as Steve suggests, do a sample trial." (Mardy's Note: EI = Environmental Illness)

AND other members had this more natural perspective or more holistic perspective: 

baking soda and tea tree oil with borax

A member I don't recognize has this to add: 

I'm not feelin' it! No disrespect, however so many other choices! Stick with enzyme control- internal first, external won't have as many triggers.

Bring up the immune system. Seriously the only border between your Heath and quality of life is education - pull together.  ... BTW , I am no physicist, chemist, microbiologist or any other 'ist.'The residuals alone are enough for a big fat NO. Many people are not even aware of particle count etc, etc. of their personal air quality space.  Love you Steve, I'm happy if you find a use, however proceed with dilution 'n' reinforcements. 


    Steve's response: (Note: GSB is Giant Sulfur Bacteria)
"House cleaning is the main use, autos also. (Above member's name), I'm fighting dragons, so particle counts at this point are of little concern, if something else will kill GSB, then I'll gladly consider it. For now, this degreaser is great for cleaning one's environment."




From the group members, continuing education excerpts: 

Pine cleaners might make your clothes smell pretty gross. I've used oxy clean and borax for my clothes together for years with detergent. Just keep in mind that oxy clean can fade darks and a very hot dryer will shrink many fibers like cotton and polyester. Not that they aren't both well worth doing, just something to keep in mind especially when maybe buying new things like clothes or sheets. Shrunk sheets are no fun!

One memeber said that Charlie's Soap is her base laundry soap and had learned that Borax is only activated in very warm to hot water and so she was only adding it to those loads. She was using color safe Oxy-Clean to some things as well. 

Another member said she'd looked up about ammonia in laundry and ammonia can be added, and is a color brightener. She questioned the long term contact of any residue from the ammonia on the skin, however. 

Relative to hot water and things shrinking or wearing out faster, the conversation included one of them saying that the hot water takes a toll on the sheets, towels and underwear. The sheets doing this were fitting okay, but the towels and underwear wear out faster. 

The vinegar was thought by someone who had read about it being hard on washing machine parts and they thought it would be a good anti-fungal / bacterial. 

Someone had this to say as well: "What about for other cleaning - floors, counters, toilets, etc? I've been using 3%h202 for counters and floors, but I don't know if that's good enough. I can only take the vinegar smell for awhile. I have a steam cleaner, but now that I know boiling doesn't kill cyano, I doubt steam would either."

The advise as a response and continuation of the conversation: "Just keep in mind the H2O2 can bleach some things and break down others. Same with ozone. Not only will it hurt lungs if it's run in the house, but it will break down rubber and can harm leather too. 

Borax and oxy clean activate in warm water. You can add them to any load though, just start the fill with hot, add them, swish you water, then adjust it to whatever temp you need after you add your soap. Once it has a chance to dissolve it will work in any temp.

I haven't used ammonia for years because it's worse than Pine Sol smell-wise for me, but now that you mention it, I do remember it having a brightening quality from way back when I used to (use it in projects dying textiles and their components)... then she went on to say that it was  "more than a life-time ago".  -- This was such a great place to come back to what I wrote at the top of this thread about the former patients and others who came to the live education group about complex chronic illness and what it is and what to do to reverse symptoms / remediate.  

When people become as impaired medically / health-wise as they are to be doing the kind of study and work that some of the primary contributors to conversations in Steve's group are, they've had to change so many things about their lifestyle and activities, and it's often tortuous and difficult times which feel like the time passes more slowly.  I don't know that was the case for the woman who wrote that, but it's an educated guess on my part. 

The group works so well for me for a variety of reasons, but one is that the leadership is on the same basic page I am and always have been with Lumigrate - we're not waiting for someone on a white horse as one of them said recently when someone new commented that they don't feel smart enough to figure out what the people are talking about... repetitively it is said 'hang around, keep reading, it takes months to sink in sometimes, just keep at it even if you're very foggy and impaired' (I'm paraphrasing).  

And in this case, take out your mop, your towels, your buckets AND your supplies or get to your washing and drying devices and take action! 

Amending on May Day, 2015 (May 1) - Here's some more information and another photograph that continued on in Steve Beddingfield's group. About your OUTDOORS ENVIRONMENT, his suggestions (as well as more about sulphur, questions that I thought were going to be common ones.  

It was inspired by his adding another photo:          

                                   Bacteria with sulphur as an energy source ©2015 Steve Beddingfield


Does one avoid sulfur and suffer those consequences until the bacteria is "under control" or keep up with sulfur but risk feeding the beast and not getting it under control? Do you avoid sulphur Steve Beddingfield?

 Steve Beddingfield: (if he had a dollar for every time he says this!) "Do the protocol."


A member posted this link and then various members made the following conversation in comments: 

Micro-organisms and Earth Systems, books/google....


Doesn't fenben have sulphur in it?


Is anyone tying in the sulfur thing with CBS SNPs? I have to be careful how much sulfur I ingest because I overload due to problems in this path.


(Mardy's note: This means detoxification pathway, SNPs are genetic things people with chronic illness have gotten into in recent years (23AndMe is a common one) relative to the MTHFR gene mutation information that many professionals, businesses doing testing, selling products and information/ guidance have marketed in recent years.  You will see at another thread I have on Lumigrate about this, an addictions / nutrition specialist I spoke with by telephone at the time I included info about an interview with her at OneRadioNetwork had indicated that she has gotten very simplified in her use of supplements (only at the first to get things jump started) and diet (three squares a day, snacks as needed and appropriate ones for the person, sourdough bread if doing bread as that has been fermented), and AWAY from all the money-making complicated genetics 'stuff'.  SO that FITS/ is consistent with what we're seeing here from Steve Beddingfield and his group, protocol, information, etc.). 


Steve Beddingfield: (There are) no sulphur issues with the fenben.


Member interjects: Sulphur is in so many foods. a number of protocols advocate getting lots of sulphur through Epsom salt baths, MSM, etc - that we are deficient in sulphur. Now I'm wondering if we are deficient because the bacteria is consuming it?


(Mardy's note: This is consistent with all the information I have put on Lumigrate in the last months about Dr. Stephanie Seneff, senior researcher at MIT, who I look forward to hopefully connecting with this information and it will perhaps be of interest to her what Steve Beddingfield is doing in his 'hillbilly laboratory' he's created to study this stuff legitimately.  And naturally the road from North Carolina where he is to Boston where she is runs both ways and I've suggested that Steve Beddingfield study Dr. Stephanie Seneff's work enough to be familiar with where she's at currently and perhaps what she's said will help HIM with HIS research.  Win for her, win for him, win for everyone if both of these researchers can get further faster on the road.  I have heard her say we're running out of time. Steve too.  Many people sense or know or have deduced that.  So, I do what I can do to facilitate information getting out and spreading and connecting with the people it can connect with. Now, off my soap box, thank you.)   


Group member then responds: "That's what I was thinking. Such a catch 22 because sulphur is needed in thousands of enzyme reactions and every cell of our body."

By Sunday, May 3, 2015 I had seen this about sulphur to add here for YOUsers on another thread, again words of Steve Beddingfield: "Elemental sulphur is likely feeding this bacteria, especially big oil, it would be easy to fix (make) a connection between oil spills into the oceans and our diseases, into our bodies. Very easy, oil is mostly sulphur."  (Now, back to what I interrupted to insert this paragraph)...

 Then another member had taken the thread in a different direction, and brings in iron to the mix: 

 I read about iron in all of this... our ground water is high in iron, so I imagine this isn't helping??"  ... this group member posted a photo of a bird dropping and asks 'is this as bad as I think it is?" Steve's response: worse.  She asks if it's "like" cyano coming from the water as it was from around a  sprinkler head.  PosterGal then says "Gee, fibers produced by a bacteria that is at least 2.3 billion years old ..... ". Steve Beddingfield: "3.5 to 5 billion years, perhaps the beginning of life upon Earth."  

Member with bird dropping and iron water: "So, Steve, how do you reckon we should tackle this wise old GSB outdoors?!? It seems to have made itself right at home on my 10 acres!!! The ponies are feeling as pleased as I am about our new tennant!!! We need to issue an eviction notice... somehow?!?!"  

Steve Beddingfield: "Grow Amadeau in sawdust and in sick, dying trees, chop them down, bore holes, add culture, seal with wax plugs. Logs placed strategically will bioremediate the Earth and water."  She says she needs to learn about Amadeau and will research.  He responds: "Fomes fomentarius is interesting. Check it out." and she responds, will do.  

Yup, these are serious time and serious people in this group, increasingly so, it appears to me.  I find it comforting and rewarding. 

Thiamargarita naibiensis, © 2015 Steve Beddingfield

"It's the main cause of Chronic Diseases... this is GSB/Giant Sulphur Bacteria", said Steve Beddingfield about this photo he posted on the thread in the last day.  And elaborated: 

  • Thiomargarita namibiensis, so named for its round, pearly sulphur granules rather than because it makes a good cocktail, grows up to 800 micrometres long. So far no one has tallied the number of genomes in a T. namibiensis cell, but the bacterium contains a large central structure called a vacuole that is filled with fluid. The vacuole takes up 98% of the cell volume in T. namibiensis, shoving the metabolically active parts of the cell up against the cell membrane. Grew this from a skin sample, many times.   

Now, when I read things like this I don't know if he ad libbed the humorous part about the cocktail or if that was something he grabbed from somewhere but after speaking with him more than once now, I am more inclined to think he's writing these words and not cutting and pasting and inserting ad libbed humor OR finding sources that do so.  But I might be wrong.  If this was from some source, I will hope to get clarification on that.  

This I will say about Steve, I think his motto came out in a comment: "Humor is often a better choice than fear" ~~ Steve Beddingfield, April 30, 2015. 

Also April 30, 2015 on a comment thread, this input from him: "These microbes are from high temperature vents at the ocean floor, most of them are, so they love extremes, one being their source of carbon and hydrogen sulfide. This means they can eat about any type of pollution. It also means they can multiply in many oils; I wont say all oils, because I don't have a lot of time and little help at home." (referring to what he refers to as his hillbilly lab".

May 3, 2015 - Steve Beddingfield: "Sulphur bacteria strands morph into forms by exuding a biofilm like substance, yellow to dark brown", related to pictures posted on a thread by a group member who has gotten going on the protocol who was finding things and taking the time to photograph them and post them for input.  People find a variety of things, some are more inclined to posting pictures, and within that then there are those who take his advise to get a microscope/camera that attaches to the computer in order to really get to interacting with what's in the environment.  I can see where that is a very good 'reality' tool.  I can also see how that might bee 'too much' for some and it's 'just enough' to see what's in the group and figure what's going on in their own home, on their own skin or from scalps, coming out into the toilet (some see things in urine not just feces), on clothing, etc.

"Mites and ticks, collembola, are part of this disease.  GSB finds their DNA upon tree bark for instance, then rain washes the GSB and its newly acquired endobionts off the tree bark, they go with it. Eventually we drink this cocktail from hell. Then the fun begins. there's more about this terrestrial interaction to be discussed shortly." (Steve Beddingfield, early May, 2015).  

A gal who seems to have been really getting 'active' in the group recently posted pictures she'd taken and commented on some of the things reminded her of old casette tape tape. She said she found that example on her clothing and she's had a lot more of them since starting on the fenbendazole.  They look like little pieces of multiple colors of thin thread to me. I'm not getting into posting all of Steve's photos nor any of the other group members photos as it's too time-consuming to be getting permission and all that, by the way.  But this is what Steve said in response.  "Fibers are sulphur bacteria strands, lots of DNA added in such as moth, worm, collembola, flies, gnats, caddisflies.  Things from beneath the Earth's crust, living at the bottom of the ocean in hydrogen sulfide and methane, with temps often hitting 750 degrees Farenheit; Extremeophiles."

I took the journey yesterday to the places in the city I am in to see what the shelves had on them.  One of the dollar-type stores, Wal-Mart and then Home Depot for something unrelated to this but as long as I was there I thought I'd check it out.  They  have inexpensive vinegar that is not food grade there.  

WalMart had Borax, on the bottom shelf, for between $3 and $4.  They had Fabuloso at the dollar-type store, and small containers of oxy-type cleaner (for $1, naturally). Walmart had Fabuloso too, and other pine cleaners that were 'bragging' about the % of pine in them, one appeared to be a 'generic' type of product that was very inexpensive... they all were inexpensive, really.  And Mean Green was at WalMart but I did not see it at the dollar-type store.  

I hope YOU are looking at what products you're using on your immediate environment and out from there ... clothes (they're contacting your skin, that's pretty immediate), home, car, office and other places you 'are'.  When we know better we can do better. So now you know. Up to you to take it from here into action. 

Steve Beddingfield, June 2015: "Cleaning can release spores which you breathe in, the stories I could tell about dumb stuff which I have done in the name of research, but I definitely learned from it; learned to wear a mask, gloves. Any home can harbor the black GSB spores. 

My bathroom project is underway, sheetrock pics coming, headaches leaving. A bale of wet hay was the worst, I opened it up, boom, spores everywhere, great pics were obtained, too bad about the four day migraine.

I'm thinking chronic migraines are linked to or are caused by GSB.


I wanted to have this up to this point at the very least, transferred to what people can find at Lumigrate.  Thanks to all in Steve's group who are doing their homework, taking action, learning and doing what they can to address the issues and sharing so that I can learn and share and get the word OUT via Lumigrate. ...... a 'grate' example of people helping people, and themselves at the same time! 


Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

Editing in 2017: I came to this topic to integrate in this link about clove oil from mainstream research!  I saw it posted by a gal who is one who learned of Steve and did not stick around long, and who follows and clicks with Kathleen Dickson and that realm of activists about the corruption in the government/industrial complex that lead to the disorders we have... which brings vaccines into the issue.  She's a sharp gal who has always been pleasant towards me and I enjoy seeing what she posts because it's high level stuff usually and helps me keep learning more.

Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2017 Jun 15. pii: S1877-959X(17)30077-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2017.06.003. [Epub ahead of print]
The repellent efficacy of eleven essential oils against adult Dermacentor reticulatus ticks.

Štefanidesová K1, Škultéty Ľ2, Sparagano OAE3, Špitalská E2.
Author information
Dermacentor reticulatus ticks are among the most important arthropod vectors of zoonotic disease agents in Europe. Eleven essential oils, namely basil (Ocimum basilicum), bergamot (Citrus bergamia), clove bud (Syzygium aromaticum), citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus), creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora), marjoram (Origanum majorana), peppermint (Mentha piperita), spearmint (M. spicata), and red thyme (Thymus vulgaris) were tested for repellency against adult D. reticulatus ticks at concentrations of 1 and 3%. Clove bud, creeping thyme and red thyme essential oils were the most efficient - repelling 83, 82 and 68% of ticks when diluted to 3%, respectively. The mixture of creeping thyme and citronella containing 1.5% of each showed higher repellency (91%) than individual essential oils at the concentration of 3%.
Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Dermacentor reticulatus; Essential oil; Repellency; Tick


Link to a topic about mainstream, organized medicine's segregated and labeled conditions from A to Z being linked in information coming forward about algae, cyanobacteria and the interplay and 'symbiots' of biology and Earth sciences at this link: 

(as you see in this thread, many things being called one thing are, per Steve (and others) something else --- so there's much shifting and learning to occur). 

From this link you will see that I give a similar overview about Steve and his group and work, and link to a topic that's in the forum about activists on the Internet, Facebook, etc. which is titled about Steve, his images, his group, his photographs (and his protocol).  And naturally, anyone going to those threads will benefit from having a link to this one, so you can do the 360 if you wish.  Take a round trip on the links, so to speak.  

This portion was added March 22, 2016  

Steve's overview statement about things at this point in time is getting refined, and he posted a photo that included the information of WHERE the sample was from, and what magnification.  In the comments, someone who has gotten into taking and posting incredibly helpful photos and tips about what's helped him get things out so he can photograph and 'share with the class' mentions BORAX , so I decided to embellish this thread today. 

Steve Beddingfield: "Our issues come from an alien like enviroment, one we know little about, their nature is unlike their terrestrial counterparts, we cannot consider them to be the same organism simply because they look to be the same organism. In pic below you can see facial, skin lesion worms growing beneath a lesion scab @ 60x mag."

© 2016 Steve Beddingfield

Below, Steve says "from same maggot"

© 2016 Steve Beddingfield

And by the third image he shares he adds no words.  

© 2016 Steve Beddingfield

He did have this elaboration to add....

.... "our invaders are everywhere, in everything, blaming anything, anyone is a waste of time." (This last part was said because a group member said what she suspected from foods (seafood that most people eat is from less than ideal waters, etc.).  He thinks you should just live your life as you would without the knowledge in terms of diet, and treat with the protocol he teaches. 

I personally side with the woman, thinking about WHERE the most exposures are coming from, CHANGING what we consume and things to REDUCE NEW EXPOSURE is as important as how we do our laundry, clean our houses, cars, yards, exteriors of homes and equipment on the homes, drains, etc. 

The man I mentioned, above, said this: "Now and then something odd turns up. Borax brings out some of the worst, like this thing. (And he provided a photo, I'm not typically going to bring others' photos here due to the time involved...).  If you haven't, try the Paw Paw ointment, I find it very soothing and specks don't like it." (what he photographed had apparently been a speck that got going with Borax application.) 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.
Hydrogen Peroxide / Colloidal Silver / Essential Oils

I'm still in awe of the level of information in some of the Facebook groups now, and encourage people to utilize the resource on the Internet.  However, knowing that many people simply are not 'into' Facebook, or they'd prefer to have a resource to refer to at Lumigrate, I continue harvesting gems from groups.  I make it so people are anonymous but wish to credit all the people who are involved in providing quality information on Facebook.  Today there was a great little discussion and resource shared which was easy to add on this almost-year-old thread (which has had 1,244 reads by now). 

Hydrogen peroxide 

From the Collective Evolution website: 20-amazing-uses-benefits-for-hydrogen-peroxide

Someone in a Facebook group titled with a focus about toxic mold, added this aspect:

I purchase Food Grade Peroxide which is 35% in strength vs the usual brown plastic bottle, which is 3%.

One must be careful, as the 35% peroxide is STRONG and can do a number on your hands if it accidentally gets on them. My former black leggings are polka-dotted orange now. I sometimes use Green Wise peroxide, which also known as non-chlorine bleach).  It's located near the bleach at the store (such as grocery).

But, in my opinion, for my home use what I use it for, food grade is my favorite. I love that I can make it as strong or weak as I need it, for whatever it is that I'm cleaning. I add my essential oils (and names a brand she prefers) to the peroxide to give it a double whammy. 

Colloidal Silver
The last few months, I've started using colloidal silver at a 45ppm to clean. I bought a colloidal silver generator (aprox $100-$250, depending on which one you purchase) and now can make gallons a day if I choose to, and it only costs me the amount of money for a gallon jug of distilled water and the 9999% silver rods which are pretty inexpensive at only $20/$30 for two rods. I've made about 15 gallons of colloidal silver solution so far with that, and should be able to make at least another 100+ gallons. 

Like the FG peroxide, I add my (brand name mentioned but removed here) essential oils to it. 

Commonalities and Using Each 

I use either of the two to clean the floors, as a laundry additive, bathroom cleaner, kitchen. I've put it in a small spritz bottle and use it as a hand sanitizer. The list goes on and on. The one thing that I like about the colloidal silver generator is that, like the food grade peroxide, you can make it as strong or weak as you'd like.  (PPM /parts per million is how colloidal silver is measured for strength; the bottles at the health food store are 10ppm just as a reference).

It's fabulous to spritz the dog beds down daily, spritz the air -- I spritz down just about everything. Adding (brand name removed again) essential oils allows you to give your home a little scent, as both the oils and colloidal silver "go to town" killing germs and whatnot. AND with colloidal silver, no polka-dotted leggings!



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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