Bubbie's Night Before Chanukah

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Yenta's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Hello my dawlinks!  It's your Yenta.  Although at this time of the year I'm known as Henrietta Hanukkah to the kindeleh in the gegnt (neighborhood).  Henrietta Hanukkah is Harry Hanukkah's froy (wife).  Harry is of course, my dawlink Moishe, who dresses up in his black over coat, hat, hooks on his beard and paes (side locks) and gives out toys to the kindeleh at the hospital during Hanukkah.  I'll explain a little better for you, Liblings.

When Ellen and Gary's son, Rubin, was a petsl (little boy) he came home from a khaver's (friend's) house very upset.  It was during this time of year; his khaver had a Christmas tree with presents wrapped under it, decorations around the house and talk of Santa Claus.  Rubin wanted to know, as Jews, what did "we" have?  Who brings us presents?  Where's the chimney?  And a myriad of other questions.  Ellen and Gary wiped away Rubin's tears and called your Yenta.  Yes dawlinks, the birth of Henrietta Hanukkah started here. 

Henrietta is Khasene-gehat (married) to Harry, Santa's third cousin, twice removed on his mother's side. They only see one another at family reunions in Florida once a year down in Miami.  No chimney is necessary since Harry doesn't ride a sleigh, he's just upgraded recently to a "loaded" Audi R8 -- stick shift, of course -- convertable for those starry nights (G-d should be able to see what he's doing). He delivers his presents through bedroom windows.  He shouldn't get his malbesh (clothes) dirty.

Rubin stopped his crying, ran to khaver's home next door and told him the story and stayed there a few more hours.  Ellen called and thanked me for the helfn (help). 

Here's the truth Bubelehs, I was paying it forward.  It was at that moment, Ellen realized that she, like me, could help others in our situation of chronic pain and does so to this day and will continue doing it.  She, like me, talks to the general public one at a time, those willing to listen and learn about us. 

It's not only at this time of year but all the time, tirelessly guiding people to resources for help.  Most of all giving friendship and support and guidance from experience.  This is something we all can do. 

It couldn't hurt!

The Night Before Chanukah

'Twas the night before Chanukah, boichiks and maidels
Not a sound could be heard, not even the dreidels
The menorah was set by the chimney alight
In the kitchen, the Bubbie was hopping a bite
Salami, Pastrami, a glaisele tay
And zoyere pickles mit bagels-- Oy vay!

Gezint and geschmock the kinderlach felt
While dreaming of taiglach and Chanukah gelt
The alarm clock was sitting, a kloppin' and tickin'
And Bubbie was carving a shtickele chicken
A tummel arose, like the wildest k'duchas
Santa had fallen right on his tuchas!

I put on my slippers, ains, tzvay, drei
While Bubbie was eating herring on rye
I grabbed for my bathrobe and buttoned my gottkes
And Bubbie was just devouring the latkes
To the window I ran, and to my surprise
A little red yarmulka greeted my eyes.

When he got to the door and saw the menorah
"Yiddishe kinder," he cried, "Kenahorah!"
I thought I was in a Goyishe hoise!
As long as I'm here, I'll leave a few toys."
"Come into the kitchen, I'll get you a dish
Mit a gupel, a leffel, and a shtickele fish."

With smacks of delight he started his fressen
Chopped liver, knaidlach, and kreplach gegessen
Along with his meal he had a few schnapps
When it came to eating, this boy sure was tops
He asked for some knishes with pepper and salt
But they were so hot he yelled out "Gevalt!"

He loosened his hoysen and ran from the tish
"Your koshereh meals are simply delish!"
As he went through the door he said "See y'all later
I'll be back next Pesach in time for the seder!"
So, hutzmir and zeitzmir and "Bleibtz mir gezint"
he called out cheerily into the wind.

More rapid than eagles, his prancers they came
As he whistled and shouted and called them by name
"Come, Izzie, now Moishe, now Yossel and Sammy!
On Oyving, and Maxie, and Hymie and Manny!"
He gave a geshrai, as he drove out of sight
"A gut yontiff to all, and to all a good night!"



  From: Melissa D. Binde [ ]

And for those who wish to learn more, check out http://www.yiddishdictionaryonline.com/

2782 reads on 29Nov2021


Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with Lumigrate.com through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at http://www.lumigrate.com/forums/health-issuesdis-eases/fibro... and can also be found on facebook.

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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How NEAT! A gut yontiff to YOU Yenta!

I'm glad you could comfort young Rubin so long ago and thank you for sharing the story with us here today, Yenta.  This is a time of year when many people have a lot of tears; the holidays stir up a lot of things related to our pasts for many, which, if unresolved, affects our present. My hope for all this day and season is that all reading go into the future moments continuing to heal and improve themselves and their wellness will be a result.  

I want to especially talk about Thanks -- to all who find the benefits of Lumigrate beneficial for their health and wellness and those they impact, promoting Lumigrate is a way YOU can do something to help others.  Family, friends, strangers, coworkers, neighbors, clerks in stores .... people!   We're in this thing together and by helping people learn of a place to come which is Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being, your lives and communities can be lighter and brighter. 

I am thankful and GRATEful to each contributor who gives of their time and energy to post at Lumigrate from their cache of talents and knowledge and share with our customers/followers/users.  Yesterday, Martine Ehrenclou posted a wonderful piece from her upcoming book about increasing your odds of getting a proper diagnosis from a medical provider and how to go about being an informed 'active' patient.  It had 300 reads in the first day, which pleased me because that's such a "base/foundation concept" that is so critically important for virtually everyone.  She then told others about the piece on Lumigrate, through her social media powers, and that brings people who are networked with her on social media for this critical 'core' information about health care.  

So today there might be many NEW people aware of Lumigrate who have not yet discovered we have a Yenta and I hope those new visitors to Lumigrate's forums look around and see something from Yenta, and they can follow the link in the signature to this forum and ENJOY so much. This is the FUN stuff that warms my heart and soul/my spirit.  

Lumigrate comes from the perspective of what I believe to be a  way of looking at health care and making progress from where we have been.  'Integrative medicine', embracing the person as a whole of body, mind and spirit.  What you, Yenta, bring to us is equally important to someone educating about the body and how to get it treated and diagnosed properly! Your talking to people face to face is making as much of an impact, in a different and powerful way. Through the combined efforts of MANY, Lumigrate's following is continuing to grow.  

I am GRATEFUL to all who help promote Lumigrate in whatever way they wish and can. We really have 'come a long way, baby', since our birth onto the Internet on March 29, 2009.  I attended a function last night and printed out a couple copies of Martine's new post because I knew there were going to be doctors there and I thought they would like the information and it would register for them to tell others in their offices about Lumigrate.  

Today I'll likely email this to a few people who are not on facebook and Twitter, etc., and print this out, fold it and put it in my purse -- hand it out to people that I encounter who might want to share in the enjoyment.  

Cashiers sometimes just make my day, I don't know about YOU, Yenta. Typically if going to the grocery or health food store, I print and take with me something about food and inflammation, since at the store you have people who are interested in food! But for during Hanukkah, THIS one's what I'll have with me to spread the word! 

Lumigrate continues to have a GRATE GROUP here, bringing FUN into the mix of valid, progressive information which we hope streamlines people's learning by having GRATE information place to start. 

So again, thank you! And A gut yontiff to all, and to all a good night!"  

 This is a time of year for contemplation and deep thought and prayer, for going inward and, I believe, showing appreciation through gifts, historically.  "Gifts" perhaps can be something one prints and ties a ribbon around and gives to someone, and I thought this brightened this a bit and is a wonderful way to close here, related to my gratitude.   

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~~ Mardy

Here's a lovely piece on PsychologyToday.com by a woman who has chronic illness and writes about how to live life homebound who is also an older WISE woman, brought up to celebrate the season in an 'integrative' way.  The link is: www.psychologytoday.com/blog/turning-straw-gold/201112/hanukkah-and-christmas-overlapping-hallelujah



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Robin Thomas's picture
Robin Thomas
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Re: Bubbie's Night Before Chanukah

THANK YOU for this post.   It is so comforting to have our own Yenta here on Lumigrate.  I feel your warmth and kindness shining through with each and every story you share.  And Mardy, it is we who are thankful for you, your passion for helping others, and your vision that keeps us moving forward.



Robin started contributing to  Lumigrate in August 2010.  "Meet Robin Thomas", a topic in our biographies/vitae forum is at http://www.lumigrate.com/forum/meet-robin-thomas to read all about her journey, which was greatly influenced by the need to help solve her youngest son's significant health challenges. For those who want just the overview here: After working over 22 years in medical research at the University of North Carolina on chronic inflammatory diseases she switched her focus to preventive health in 2004 when she was introduced to USANA Health Sciences.   Robin is passionate about helping others improve their health, have more energy, manage their weight, and improve their skin. 

I love meeting new friends !

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"I dream of a world free from pain and suffering. I dream of a world free from disease. The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth. Share my vision. Love life and live it to its fullest in happiness and health."

-Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder and Chairman, USANA Health Sciences


Yenta's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Re: Bubbie's Night Before Chanukah

Oy my dawlinks!  I'm kveln (beaming with pride)!  All I did is write a simple truth and look what a reaction I got!  I'm tellink you, it's enough to make me plotz (fall down).  And Mardy dawlink, I'm so impressed, Gut Yontef (happy holiday) to you to too dear and to everyone.  Did you use the Yiddish Dictionary I posted at the end?

The picture of the Yorkies is just delicious!  Gut to know they were bark-mitvah. 

And I must agree with Robin, such a bubeleh; I too am thankful for you Mardy, gelibter (sweetheart).  Without you, many of us wouldn't have a venue or a voice; we wouldn't have met and have developed khavershafts (friendships), nor would I have learned the proper way to cook!  Moishe can FINALLY get out of the kitchen and relax.  You'd have made a good Yenta as you are such a 'connector'. 

Robin dawlink, so you enjoy?  That makes me tsufridn (happy).  Now that I'm making the time and creating gifts to give to friends I'm doing catch up on here as well.  Between the knitting, cutting, knotting, painting, dipping, baking, swishing, and sometimes spitting (I get farloyrn) I'll be back and forth to read and comment. Being part of Lumigrate is a wonderful hobby for me as my others are, and it makes me keep learning new, modern things! Not that I always enjoy that part, oy!

Until we meet again my dawlinks, Happy Chris-HanuKwanz -- Happy New Year, Happy Times, Happy Feet, Happy Hands, and most of all -- Happy Hearts.  It couldn't hurt! 




Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with Lumigrate.com through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at http://www.lumigrate.com/forums/health-issuesdis-eases/fibro... and can also be found on facebook.

Alice's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Re: Bubbie's Night Before Chanukah

Thanks, Yenta.

I love your story of making Rubin feel better.  All children need to be loved in that way, and we need to teach all of our children to understand and respect each other's beliefs and traditions.  Many can benefit from what you wrote above. Once again, you have written a great post.  

Happy Hanukkah.



Alice Franklin was raised on a sandy beach in Point Clear, AL and lived along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Alabama in her youth, graduating from Fairhope High School on Mobile Bay. Prior to becoming disabled due to severe spine problems, she worked her way into management and purchasing positions in industrial manufacturing and art industries. She worked her way into Lumigrate unknowingly by impressively writing at Lent 2010 about utilizing her religious and spiritual beliefs with chronic pain/disease management (she has had fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain for decades); it turns out she holds the priesthood office of elder in her church and became active again in this office in May 2010 and has been pastor or copastor in previous churches. We are so very proud to have her words and thoughts gracing our 'pages' of this website and look forward to what the future holds for her.

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