Birthday Riches and Wishes

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Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Nov 17 2009
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User offline. Last seen 12 years 10 weeks ago.

Hello my dawlinks!  It's your Yenta.  All kinds of things are upon us, The High Holy Days begin on the 16th of September with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and your Yenta's 81st birthday is on the 12th.  Turning 80 wasn't so terrible but 81?  Feh (poo)!  To tell the truth,  I never had trouble with the 0 parts, it's the 1s that give me tsores (trouble); 30 was good but 31 was difficult, 40 was fun but 41 was spent in bed farklemt (depressed), 50 was a blast, but 51, I was diagnosed with what is now called FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome)… you get the idea.  So for THIS birthday I'd like to change that.

I was kibitzing with a friend, such a lovely woman, and we decided I would buy a lottery ticket.  It didn't matter which one, State lottery, Power Ball, Quick Pick, ishkabibble, whatever.  Why you may ask?  Go ahead, ask.  I'll tell you all ready… Because your Yenta is going to take her own advise and do something different.  Something she's never done before, completely outside the realm of what's "normal"… at least for me.  I've never bought a lottery ticket in my life. Farvos nisht (Why not)!

So for the fun of fantasy, which I'm so good with anyway, let's speculate what your Yenta would do IF the ticket were a winner.  Let's just say for the fun of it, I were to win $5 million dollars.  It could happen.  What would I do?  First, I'd put some of it away for an investment.  Then I'd take a little and make a list of eygene (relatives) ... kindeleh, nieces, nephews, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and khevre (friends), and dole out funds to them.  Your Yenta believes in sharing the wealth, kindeleh.  Of course, a piece of it goes to to help fund the website and support Mardy with all she's done in her wonderful work.  A very LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG vacation cruise and then back home to continue working.

Yes Liblings, your Yenta would continue doing her work.  Nothing changes.  Gelt (Money) is nothing more than the ability to buy  possessions.  Gelt, in itself, doesn't change us, that decision remains within us.  If I were to suddenly get a "boat load" of the green stuff, I'll be able to buy a new car, perhaps a house, pay off bills and acquire new ones, find myself invited to parties with people that would've never associated with me before, and I could get a new wardrobe, which I'm sure should be updated, but I see no reason for it since I'm happy with what I have.

Bubelehs, understand that your Yenta, though I'm getting older, still enjoys life; the fantasy of it, the reality, whether it's good or bad is an experience to be treasured, as should every birthday, every year, every day, and every moment.  A bird doesn't wonder IF it should sing - it just does it.  A dog wags it's tail naturally out of happiness.  A baby gives a belly laugh honestly. And I'm turning 81 with a song in mine heart, a wag in my tailbone, laughter in my rather ample belly, and a lottery ticket in my pocket. 

Fantasy or not, I AM one of the richest Bubbies in the world - not with gelt but with all of you.  Enjoy your lives my dawlinks.  It couldn't hurt!




Yenta Tellabenta is truly a 'creation' for outreach and education with through storytelling and reinforcement of key concepts related to body, mind, spirit. Written by a very talented and somewhat mysterious younger wise woman who found her way to Lumigrate the summer of 2009, we hope you enjoy having your own Yenta with us at Lumigrate! Yenta (meaning 'town gossip' or 'connector') has a dedicated Forum at Lumigrate at and can also be found on facebook.

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dear Yenta! Thank You for the thought...

Yenta, I hope that you have something special come your way for your birthday.  It's hard to believe you're going to be 81!  I remember it was during Rosh Hashanah that we were chatting on Facebook when you had just turned 78 and we were talking about various people we 'knew' on Facebook who had fibromyalgia and you then typed some words that I responded with "Who is that", and your response was 'it's not a who, honey, I just said Happy New Year to you in Yiddish'.  

So I had to fess up to how ignorant I am about some things that you are versed at.  BUT we had another laugh when after all your time talking about how great Lumigrate was, we realized you were talking about our Facebook information and you'd never even realized this whole WEBSITE was here!  Do you remember that?  Oh my.  And then I suggested you write here.  I am so glad I did, and so glad you wanted to!  

I know that you have, in the past, educated people about 'coupon therapy' and perhaps people presume that you're a wealthy Jewish woman; there are many preconceived notions out there which people tend to 'look through' when they assess people.  You can't blame us for that, we've come from generations where we had to make assessments of approaching people of other 'tribes' or 'clans' and know whether they were 'friend or foe'.  

It concerns me that our Yenta has safe transportation and you're fortunate that you're still able to safely drive.  Or so we'll presume, I've never had the pleasure of meeting you in person to see how you drive -- YET!  I have not had a vacation, aside from a week off 8 years ago right about now where I did a 'staycation' as I had my best friend coming in town for a conference, friends from Colorado Springs on both weekends coming for two separate music events on the Western Slope (RockJam and Telluride Blues and Brews, which I accompanied them to/for).  So I'm NOT complaining, there are some people who don't get to have such things EVER, but it has been a very long grind.  

The mission of my life, I believe, is to be doing what I am doing with, and that includes finding amazing Yentas for us to enjoy and learn from, or others like Amazing Alice, our Christian wise woman from Alabama who was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and I've contacted you personally to give you this news, just so nobody thinks I'm telling you, Yenta, here.  

I went into Lumigrate as a business to shift my direction in my career out of insurance-based medicine and it's restrictions, knowing it was going to be a lot of work and take a lot of time, energy, and money. I very much appreciate your volunteering to help 'fun it up' to bring people to read, as that is the 'honey' that attracts the providers of information, products, and services which then can work with us to bring MORE information and then YOU, Yenta, can reach more people with your 'grandmotherly wisdom'.  

I'm just so proud to have created a place on the Internet for us to come together as we have. AND to be here to wish YOU a very happy 81st birthday, dear Yenta, and maybe this next 'trip around the sun' for you in 2012/13 have all the riches you need and desire!  

Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better!




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Alice's picture
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Aug 23 2009
Posts: 51
User offline. Last seen 12 years 1 week ago.
Re: Birthday Riches and Wishes

Oh Yenta,

You are so fun. Birthdays should be a joy, a celebration because you are blessed to have been granted another year.  Just think about the lives you have touched during the past year and how fortunate we are to have you share with us the little treasures of your adventures.

Each new day is a gift from God. We can use that gift to be a blessing to others, just like you are a blessing to us.  Yenta, happy 81st, we love you.


Alice Franklin was raised on a sandy beach in Point Clear, AL and lived along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Alabama in her youth, graduating from Fairhope High School on Mobile Bay. Prior to becoming disabled due to severe spine problems, she worked her way into management and purchasing positions in industrial manufacturing and art industries. She worked her way into Lumigrate unknowingly by impressively writing at Lent 2010 about utilizing her religious and spiritual beliefs with chronic pain/disease management (she has had fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain for decades); it turns out she holds the priesthood office of elder in her church and became active again in this office in May 2010 and has been pastor or copastor in previous churches. We are so very proud to have her words and thoughts gracing our 'pages' of this website and look forward to what the future holds for her.

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