Being an Advocate for Your Pet; My Story with SpoildeyCat, My Greatest 10 Pound Teacher

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.

I wanted to share with you in a new topic at Lumigrate, about the journey I've been on recently applying my skills at The Lumigrate YOU! Model, to being the human advocate and guardian of a cat. After being raised with many dogs, as my parents had an AKC registered kennel operation when I was born and until I went to elementary school, I had a good background with dogs, cats, mice, and horses related to wellness, illness, and veterinary medicine. Conventional veterinary medicine, that is. 

There is a phenomenon where humans learn about wellness and illness and life, overall, through being advocates for their animals .... or children, for that matter. Many parents self-diagnosed their attentional deficits after their children were identified by school professionals, for instance.

Often people will do more for their animals relative to wellness than they'll do for themselves. And since we have such control over the things they consume, typically, it's possible they get better results because they're more compliant (through the hands of their guardians). 

One of my favorite stories of people knowing things and not thinking things through very well to apply to their own lives comes from the first years I was 'doing Lumigrate'.  I had a canine expert inquire for professional services/educational advise related to lupus in a family member, and when I said 'do you know about grains and other foods our bodies just don't know what to do with being a factor and thought to be possible cause or contributor to basically "all" the illnesses?', the expert laughed and said 'I tell people about not feeding dogs grains and I never thought about grains/ wheat for people'. 

When "SpoildeyCat's" path crossed mine on Thanksgiving 2009, I didn't have a clue who she was or why she was greeting me at the door of the house I was going to for dinner, many hours from my home; I do recall saying "I have a feeling this was a setup, and you are going to be coming to Grand Junction with me, little kitty -- I hope you like to ride in the car, it's a long drive to my house from here."

It was 'meant to be' -- we were like Jenny and Forrest Gump; peas and carrots. Really, were were like two peas in a pod. A pod that many of the experts I will share here, have remarked about our similarities and how ironic it was that I wasn't looking to adopt a cat when 'our paths crossed', becoming 'my greatest 10# teacher'. She wasn't doing anything wrong at her first adoptive home, but ended up needing another home due to their household falling apart; kids farmed out to family and no room for the cat too. I could only imagine what the kids were going through, they were apparently very good to her.  

As our Yenta at Lumigrate would say: Get a tissue and pull up your blanket -- get something to drink while you read, perhaps. Enjoy the story. It isn't a "happy ending", in terms of the heart wrenching that went on, but it is an ending which, to me, is incredibly rich in "food for thought" and perhaps ends up being an ending that shows the spiritual aspects of the 'meaning of having a life'.  Naturally, I hope that her having to experience what she did in her short life on Earth goes far with those who are touched by her story and glean meaningful, life-changing information from it.  

In March, I wrote at Lumigrate about vaccinations, including Debby Bruck's Homeopathic Word Community featured as a wonderful resource.  I had told Debby about the cat's symptoms when I heard that she did a regular show with a homeopathic veterinarian.  Christina Chambord, DVM, discussed the situation with Debby and the consensus was that vaccine certainly could have triggered the situation I was relating to them. 


Photo: SpoildeyCat often sat in this position on the back of my recliner. The deep pressure appeared to calm her if she had gotten 'amped up'; she would also RUN at the recliner and JUMP onto the top of the back which would make it drop and SPIN, which was interesting as that's one of the three basic motions that sensory integration therapists will do with those they're treating. So I would promote her doing the activities that appeared to be what she was 'needing'.  


In my childhood, I'd had the usual vaccines for the early 1960s, and my mother had taken me to the pediatrician when I was a toddler or a bit older due to my routine every morning of taking out the pots and pans and setting them on the floor in the exact same order every day.  He brushed it off, saying to just let me do what I was needing to do.  I was hung up on the color red. Then on Mary Poppins. There were many things I struggled with in school, yet I had a high IQ and good grades. My father later admitted in his older years that he felt he had something like autism before he met my mother --- something wasn't right with him he said -- and perhaps he shouldn't marry and have children.

I was diagnosed with significant learning disabilities in my late 20s, and in my mid 30s, in occupational therapy applied neurology class, I was basically told by the internationally known sensory integration specialist professor that I had a significant case of sensory integration dysfunction. That would explain my freak out when put on the kiddieland roller coaster at the amusement park. And a lot of things. Yet in my ability-grouped class of about 100 students in public elementary school, I was in the top group. 

In my young adulthood, I'd had a vaccination to get married when I was 21, which was required in the state of Colorado at the time if titers for rubella were not sufficient. My pre-existing 'okay' wellness level tipped immediately to 'problematic'. I'd had ongoing symptoms that I would now know were indicative of adrenal fatigue, the onset of complex chronic illness, harbingers of things to come that would have been good to get turned around when I was young.

But what did we know back then? Even today there are kids with these same obvious symptoms whose parents, teachers, medical providers don't realize are SYMPTOMS OF this stuff we all have. Symptoms of what some call autism. Symptoms of what we all have that lead to my mother's finding only one student in our school during years of screening who didn't have any symptoms of neurological impairment. Yes, in the area outside Denver, Colorado even in the 1970's timeframe, we were all messed up. Did we look at the things going on with our cats and dogs and other animals and say 'there's something affecting everything?' No. But I do today. I sure see it today, hindsight being 20/20. 

Nine years ago my boyfriend vaccinated his older dog, who had been my working therapy dog in years past, and she immediately was deaf. I'm seeing a concerning trend here. However, overall, most pets I've had and most people I know, have vaccinations and they appear to be 'fine'.

Yes, subjective and personal, but ... personal life experience that I know is the case and experienced first-hand. Something to really think about, no less! Not that YOU need to believe what my subjective, personal information is about, but I encourage YOU / consumers to really look at your OWN STORIES, information, scenarios, history. 

This information confirmed what I had suspected, and it is why I had picked the brain of my locally owned pet supply store's owner for a recommendation about veterinarians who would have 'gotten the memo' about the downside about vaccinations. "The only one doing that is Dr Hooley in Montrose, Morningstar is the clinic name."

Before I had made an appointment, waiting for the snow season to pass completely, SpoildeyCat had another episode of being provoked by what I presume was a wandering neighbor's cat outside, and charging into the area of the house I was occupying, all puffed out and looking literally, like a 20 pound racoon and not a ten pound cat. She oddly would let me 'scruff' her, and, like the other episodes in the last 14 months, carry her with some weight supported by my other hand, to the 'padded room' for sequestering her with a litter box and eat treats under the door, play with a feather or felt toy under the door, and 'redirect'/'reset' her brain.

I could tell when she was out of one of these 'episodes' when her eyes were normally dilated and not fully dilated. There was no padding in the padded room, that's just a joke based on how psyche wards are set up for people.

But she couldn't hurt herself in there, nor could she hurt me. It was a place she could have everything she needed and get back to 'normal'. I would later realize when working on information that was being put out by an 'autism mom' that the symptoms she had with her pupils dilating was similar to this mom's kid's symptoms.

Later I'd be working with a person wanting training on application of information to daily living related to water and food preparations in light of the emerging evidence of bacteria underlying our health issues; just as sweet a person as can be .... until someone in her family provoked her to 'snap' into a rage.

Turning on me because the gal had stormed away from her family member that provoked the reaction, I had to process the interaction that occurred after. I realized her brain was essentially doing something similar to what SpoildeyCat's in her "episodes". "We all have the same thing"....

Not long after this occurred with the woman I was working with, there was a video of a 2015 autism conference and a woman from Utah who was treating autism in her son and helping others with a parasite protocol.  Her lead-in for the presentation was about the violence problem in adolescents with autism when their hormones kick in with puberty. I'd been working with some educators who work in the special education domain and they were telling me about the risks of being injured working with these young people with 'autism' symptoms. 

The 'shocking surprise' occurred with my cat for the first time one February day in 2012, she would be three that June.  I had returned home from an early morning continuing medical education seminar. I'd briefly come into the house and, as always, she greeted me at the door much like the first time I saw her when she was needing a foster/adoptive home, just very sweetly coming near. In retrospect, she was looking down, having what I now realize were little seizures. But my thoughts were on the day ahead, the next meeting and what I was going to take with me when I left. And I was very hungry. 

I realized there was something in the garage I wanted to toss in my car for my next appointment. In checking that the batteries were operational still, I was suddenly attacked by this normally playful and sweet, sheepish yet bold 'tortie'. I honestly had not looked up 'tortie' cats, so I didn't yet know they had what is known as 'tortietude'. So I dismissed many of her symptoms to being a tortie; but could it be that torties have these unique traits because there's something disturbed with their energy system, as the homeopathic veterinarian who has made the connection with a cat in New York to autism, and vaccination possibly. 

But what I experienced that February day was, to me, beyond anything explained by 'tortie' information that I'd researched in the previous year when I realized after she became a year old that her 'kitten' behaviors were perhaps not going to change. It was as if she had what in humans is called 'sensory integration dysfunction'. She chewed incessantly on EVERYTHING, had to climb on anything she could -- my pants/legs, the curtains, trees if I got her outside on a leash finally so she could get some of this 'monkey' energy out. She jumped and ran and played and was a LOT of fun! But it wasn't like anything I'd ever seen.

She'd eventually lie on her stomach for the deep pressure that calmed her -- again, very much like the 'Squeeze Machine' that Dr Temple Grandin invented for herself that has now helped countless people with autism and senstory integration dysfunction. I was informally diagnosed at CSU, not far from Dr Grandin's office in the Animal Sciences department, by an occupational therapy professor, with sensory integration dysfunction.

I wasn't surprised at what she found. I had informally been diagnosed with a brain injury by vision/learning disability/perceptioin specialists, likely the forceps birth on a beautiful spring day in 1960 when the obstetrician had a golf tee time scheduled on Saturday at 3 pm, for 9 holes; my mother had gone into labor that morning. SpoildeyCat had jumped or fallen from a 2-1/2 story height, I had been told, seeming to not have suffered any damage. This was, perhaps, not the case. It is suspected that the vaccines AFTER that time hit an injured brain and optical system and had affects. See the 'two peas in a pod' I referred to? To damaged peas, perhaps. 

I'd learned much about detoxification, after having my urine analyzed for heavy metals twice in the last decade and working to chelate to pull out the toxins; mercury, lead and cadmium were high; after much expense and effort I saw improvement after withholding things that add mercury, lead and cadmium, and chelating for heavy metals. So it seemed to me I could possibly do the same for SpoildeyCat. But since I've not become dangerous to others due to 'flipping out', I wasn't thinking that at some point the cat could flip out and we'd be at a whole 'other level'.

Hence, my interest in getting the expertise of a veterinarian like the east coast veterinarian who does a weekly webinar with Debby Bruck of Homeopathic World Community, one of Lumigrate's expert providers. She was going to have Christina Chambord on later that week, so our case was submitted for that show -- it was March 2013. And having hands on from someone like Dr Hooley at Morningstar in Montrose was what I had in my plans for once the winter and spring storms might be a factor, because it just seemed more sensible to me to wait a little bit and not have to contend with a storm on a day with hours driving to the veterinarian two counties to the south. 

So as soon as I could get into my house in April (2013) without the agitated/'triggered' cat attacking me, who was truly 'not my normal SpoildeyCat', I called Dr Christina Chambord. "This is just very unique, hang up and quick call Jackson Gallaxy of Animal Planet, perhaps he can talk with you today even if you get to him fast today, it's early in California" she said. ... and if you can't find someone to help you, call me back!.... 

Well, Jackson was so busy with a new season of "My Cat From Hell" that he is not taking any consultations, but his staff did email back that day. In the mean time, I'd called Dr Hooley's office and gotten her first appointment, which was 10 days in the future. I ended up calling back to ask if there was anything they could tell me over the phone to give her to calm her down, much like a holistic version of Valium.  

The woman on the phone that time suggested I call a woman they knew of in California named Deb Jones. "People think we're here floating crystals around or something, but really, it's all very legitimate, she's helped every one we've stuggested call her, that we're aware of.'  Since I had a cat at this point that was living in the garage, looking at me somewhat suspiciously but wanting to trust that I was the person she formerly trusted fully, who would suddenly look at me strangely and put her ears back and hiss, something she NEVER did before, I called Deb!

And I'm glad I did! Deb is a former veterinary technician who had previously been a health food store manager in the days of much good continuing education for anyone who wanted to attend, she was an invaluable resource to me and SpoildeyCat. I was very pleased when she agreed to be part of this topic, if there were people who came through Lumigrate whose animals could benefit from her expertise. She was very suspicious of injury from the fall from 2+ stories years before. She felt that the vaccines that came along after were problematic on the already damaged/injured tissues of the brain.

She also could guide me about there being visual distortions that were similar to 'floaters' that people see, perhaps. And that made sense, as her vision seemed always to be a bit off sometimes but not others, but in these episodes or after, she was just looking at me like she didn't know who I was. I'd noticed that if it was the first warm or cold day of the season we'd have an 'episode' -- it was like she didn't recognize me with a sweater on or no sleeves.

She was a wealth of information about diet, supplements and homeopathic remedies as well as the more conventional veterinary information. And she was ALSO a Jackson Gallaxy/My Cat from Hell fan, and suggested I watch the show. 

This past weekend both cats on the new episode airing were 'torties', one short haired like SpoildeyCat, the other long haired. I am glad I saw the show because I had investigated all that 'territorial' stuff and bought the motion activated sprinklers and done what you can in cold weather to keep roaming neighborhood cats away. I'd bought motion activated silent alarms that were solar powered; I couldn't tell they did much good but we also did have no episodes for a while.

However, it was cold and the cats were likely inside their homes being warm and not coming to our house to antagonize the cat that was being kept inside. Trust me, it had gone through my mind to not trim her nails and just let her out sometime to go let them see what she had in her ... But without having her legally vaccinated, that wasn't so wise, and I truly felt the vaccinations were not helping her/were part of the problem. 

It turns out that all the trial and error we had with progressing her food, with the patient help of the Chow Down staff over many months, which is where she earned the SpoileyCat nickname because she would act 'unhappy and on the edge of losing it' if she didn't get Newman's Own, was because it was messing with her neurological problem to be getting too much of a 'detoxing' diet.

And considering she'd truly seemed to me to go so 'crazy' the day of the first attack, trying to get to my face and clearly wanting me out of the house and garage, I was really not wanting to do anything that provoked problems. Slow and sure, to me, might be the way to go.

I'd noticed that day, as I took refuge in the car and she had come and looked in the windshield at me, that her eyes were fully dilated, I could barely see any color of the iris, it was like 'paper thin'. And suddenly, after a few minutes, she appeared to 'come to' and back to 'reality'. And then in a few seconds, she started slinking across the hood of the car like 'don't hit me for what I just did'. I'd never hit her, but I'd also not been her only owner; I know the people whose house she was born and raised for the first two months and they didn't hit her. 

In telling the local animal behaviorist, Teri Thomas (AngelsInTheMaking, link to website, below along with the others) about her history, the question was "did she get into drugs? Like pot? Pot smoke can be a real problem for cats." The 'profile' of the home's problems that resulted in her needing to be rehomed when I gladly took her, would indicate that was a likelhoood. And per the experts, possibly contributed to her toxification and 'tripping' of the genes she had for what Dr Hooley was able to tell us about when we finally got to our long-awaited appointment. 

Terri also said, without knowing my background is in occupational therapy and sensory integration was a significant portion of my applied neurology class at Colorado State University in the mid 1990s, that this sounded like sensory integration problems were a factor, something she became aware of via the work of Dr Temple Grandin who, she mentioned, was going to be coming to the area to speak at the college/university in the not-too-distant-future, via the work of a particular veterinary office in the Grand Valley.  That was very helpful information to add to the mix. I remember, writing this, how I was learning about sensory integration in class and thinking 'it's like it's a minor case of autism, between a perfect neurological system and where autism is'.

Whoa, if I could have just bottled THAT thought in 1994/5 and run with it! Instead, my career went into the those in skilled nursing needing wheelchairs and general therapy, home assessments, then driving rehabilitation, then inpatient hospital experience, outpatient hospital experience and then eventually home health care in 2005 when I'd needed to make money while I started my outpatient therapy contract service in the Primary Care Partners building in Grand Junction, which went into effect just after midnight on January 1 that year.

And then by 2007 included a health education forum I co-hosted and lead, which lead to my being part of the integrative center that opened in early 2008, where my company put on the seminar series -- some of which were recorded by us and you'll see at this time still on the videos tab at Lumigrate (just look at the snippets, if you wish to get an idea of what we had, or our YouTube channel, I don't suggest people any more do the video downloads, I have things in the forums now that are faster, transcribed, and with more and different experts substantiating the information). 

So the day I ended up getting the appointment to see Dr. Hooley, we didn't have to drive through snow and had a good drive down the Valley to Montrose, and arrived very early, so I parked downtown and we just watched people walk by on the sidewalk, and popcorn snow fell on the windsheld. It was very peaceful and she was enjoying being propped up high in the passenger seat in her large cage. It was what I bought for traveling with her, it accommodated a small litter box and I could give her food and water as needed and there was plenty of space for her to lie down.

She'd gone on many trips in that cage with me, and overall was always restless for the first half hour or so and then she'd get in the mode of watching what was out the windows and we'd go visiting various friends and stay in their homes or at a motels or hotels. Since she was only provoked, apparently, by animals coming onto 'her turf', she never had one of these episodes when we traveled.

But last fall (2012) after our fall trip, she went on a streak at home where she was agitated a lot and it seemed to get better when SpoildeyCat got her Newman's Own, just as she liked it. However, she also enjoyed the raw, frozen food cubes I got from ChowDown, which were acutally very economical. I learned to simply provide half of one and let her eat it when and IF she wanted it. It turns out she was brilliantly intact with her intuition related to what she was needing in terms of not detoxing too fast, per Deb Jones' expert input and insights. 

So when it was almost time for our appointment, she ate the Newman's Own that I'd set in the cage on a plate when we parked, and she lapped a little water, and I poured it out on the ground and we drove to Dr Hooley's office. They took the history and copied the five pages of history I provided in writing.

"The detail" of SpoildeyCat's pupils getting totally dilated and for the time I'd observed on that first incident was a key bit of information that let Dr Hooley know this was a condition that's apparently rare but she's seen it many times in her career. "They're just dangerous cats" and there is nothing currently in holistic or conventional medicine that can correct it. I was seeing what I thought were seizure-like events as well.

She said that sometimes she feels these cats know that euthanasia will put them out of their misery of what all goes on when they have these episodes and they almost welcome it. And that appeared to me, to be the case with SpoildeyCat. Hard as it was on me, it appeared to be really beautifully done by an experienced, efficient, and experienced and CARING veterinarian. We were all eased by the essential oils and energetic medicine sprayed or waved in the air, and it appeared to me that SpoildeyCat felt this was another home we were visiting, with loving people just like every other trip she'd come along with me for. 

So, for what it's worth, that's the process in my experience, for how we went from suspecting there was a problem, to solving the problem. I have become a big fan of Jackson Galaxy and his product, called SpiritEssences: I got a bottle of $9 'ScaredeyCat' on the day of her last episode and it did seem to turn her around from not wanting me in the house to being glad I was home, yet suspicous and untrusting and 'confused' a bit. She slept for days after that, much like people I've been with in the past after they have a grand mal epileptic seizure episode. I am so grateful for the local behaviorist's knowledge and abilities, the local pet supply owner's connection to know about Dr Hooley, and their knowing and suggesting Deb Jones.

Deb told me about the specific types of Bach Flower Remedies that were needed and I immediately went and purchased and used them. Amazing. And it makes sense they might be as good for myself as they were for her.  I had talked with a clerk who had been a farrier at the health store who had suggested one of the two that Deb suggested and since it was horse not feline experience he had, I'd passed on purchasing at that time.  I regret that now. (Live and learn!)

I'm providing all their links for your information, below. I encourage you to go out to the veterinarians' for education they have about a number of topics. Visit Deb's website, it's like a 'business card' with no additional information, but I'll be letting her know about this information and she can provide a comment/response to be included, and perhaps embellish it with a photograph. If this helps YOU somehow, with your challenges as a human guardian and advocate for a pet, then, well -- that is why I have shared this with you here today. 

Chow Down Pet Supplies' website:

and the link for the store in Grand Junction: 
Whether you’re looking for a sturdy scratch post or something to dangle to keep them entertained for hours, we have something for every type of owner!  Looking for some fun?  From cat nip to feathers, Chow Down has one of the best selections of products for providing your loved one with plenty of fun and exercise.  In addition to being lots of fun, most of the toys we supply offer extra benefits like strengthening teeth.  What’s a cat favorite thing to do?  SLEEP.  With that being said, we offer a HUGE selection of fleece-lined pads, nap cushions, cat kennels & pet houses, and travel crates for any size kitty.  Please click the Our favorites! icon to see a list of some of our favorite toy brands! 

Bettye Hooley, D.V.M.
Morningstar Veterinary Clinic came into being because I saw a real need for conscientious small animal veterinarians who not only loved small animals, but entered into a true partnership with those animals’ owners. In a day when it was considered the norm for doctors to be autocratic “gods” I wanted to be far more accessible. My goal was for people to understand what went wrong, what could be done to prevent the problem in the future, and what could be done to optimize their pets’ health. While Morningstar and I have evolved together since that summer in 1976, the basic goals remain the same.

People often ask about the name Morningstar. In a roundabout way, it started with the planet Venus, which is also called the Morning Star. It is one of the few heavenly bodies I can always identify. Seeing it low in our western sky gives me great pleasure. It is luminous, steadfast and comforting, and it speaks to me of the promise of a new tomorrow. The common medical symbol for “female,” is also known as “the mirror of Venus.” At a time when there were no other women veterinarians on the western slope of Colorado, I wanted people to know that they were engaging a woman veterinarian, one who could be associated with that warm, steadfast nurturing feminine energy.

While Morningstar in 2009 retains my original goals, our focus has shifted towards creating and maintaining health as naturally as possible. And, we are more passionate than ever about good foundations-good diet, good habits, and healthy relationships. Through an ongoing search for alternatives to unwanted side effects and disappointing outcomes of conventional avenues for treating our patients, I discovered homeopathy, and then homotoxicology.

While I do not find homeopathic remedies helpful in all patients and situations, for many conditions their application has proven to be far more effective than conventional treatments, with none of the side effects. At Morningstar we continue to explore new ways of treating  and pre-empting disease in our animal companions-treatments that are gentler, less toxic to our patients and the earth, treatments that are focused on healing the underlying weaknesses at the root of the given disease.

I truly believe that relationships are what life is all about. As I talk with our clients I am so often struck by what incredibly wonderful lessons our companion animals have to teach us. I see that the way to get love is to give love. Giving and receiving are opposite sides of the same coin, and the way to good health is through good nutrition, less stress and better relationships. It all comes full circle.


The entire human staff at Morningstar, August 2012 From left to right: Back row: Dr. Bettye Hooley, Dr. Stephanie Farnese, receptionist Danene Barbarousse, Jill of all trades, Sue Sharman; Front row: Certified Veterinary Technician Cris Nicholaus, animal technician Tara Hansen, receptionist Judy Hobbs, technician & ordering maven Paula Haight

And here's the link to Deb Jones' website, CommunicateWithYourAnimals dot com.  And a little bit from her website: "Her gift will allow you to communicate with your animal or pet. Her special talent will let you reach out - to learn, to love, to know. Even if your animal has departed from this world...

Deb Jones is also a hands-on animal therapist. Her clients include beloved family pets and exotic animals. She is especially valued for her physical work and communication with horses."

I really hope that this thread is something of value to anyone who is searching for information about their pet's or pets' wellness. I know that I would have appreciated it had I found it when searching for what I could be doing to help SpoildeyCat.
Never does my signoff mean more than on this topic. 
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
ANOTHER TOPIC AT LUMIGRATE ABOUT PETS, focused on FOOD (and water/ diet)

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.
Homeopathy via NY/CT DVM Marcie Fallek for Autistic-like Cat

Was I surprised to see the cat that is used in this topic about a cat with autism and have it be similar to the inspirational feline, SpoildeyCat, for this topic I created over two years ago? Not one bit.

I chose this photo for this topic for a couple of reasons.  This shows the split of the markings at the center of her chin, for starters.  And because I wanted to show how 'cool' she was. She loved to go with me in the car -- initially it always was agitating to her and then she'd settle in. She enjoyed exploring anything new, she had a sense of adventure despite that she was clearly also anxious about what she was encountering.  

That was something I noticed about her early on; she'd get scared and retreat but not go and 'hide', she'd turn right around once at a safe distance and she'd just observe.  One of the first times I had her outside on the patio she was plastered with her back up against the siding of the house near the patio door. I went inside to do something quickly and came to the door and she was ON the TOP of the FENCE, ready to go over it where I couldn't get to her.

Over she went, after hearing me say 'oh, no, little kitty, don't do that'.  Figuring she was so attached to me, didn't like to not be in sight of me, she'd be back over the fence or at the base mewing very soon, I didn't worry too much.  Then she just disappeared! She was gone the whole evening, and was climbing up the screen, wet, scared, and for the first time not wanting me to let go of her holding her close to my body, at sunrise. I left the screen door in place with the patio door open a bit so I might hear her if she came to the door, left our house's lights on so she'd pick it out of the crowd. And that day took her to get microchipped.

A Houdini-like cat, she was. That was the only time she got away from me, I'd just never had a cat that would be acting THAT scared one minute and then not the next.  I'd later notice she could be very angry at me, bringing her in on the leash earlier than she wanted to come in, and the second we'd get in the house she'd act like a switch had switched and she was totally 'over it'.  Ever encountered a person with this? I have. Starting to connect the dots between cats and people? I am.  Seeing that this is all 'one disease', 'the stuff we all have'? I am, as are others. 

When I took this photo, it was late 2011 and we'd been to the Front Range. We'd spent two nights in a hotel, the first time we'd done that and she'd done really well. Then two nights at friends with a dog where she started getting aggressive toward the dog as if she was not really 'herself', something I'd look back on a couple of months later after the first attacking incident and think of as a symptom.

She'd been in the car when I went in to meet with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, the brain / vision development expert in Denver, who had been one of my saving grace experts as well as her OTR sister, Beth Fishman, when I needed MORE therapy on my brain for learning disabilities that were impacting my work in 1997, leading me to be set up to be fired by my first employer after graduating as an OT in my mid 30s.  

When you follow the information I set up to the 2015 'what I want everyone to learn about' and the research of Steve Beddingfield, you'll find that Johns Hopkins researchers recently alleged they happened along to discover cyanobacteria is associated with spatial and attentional difficulties in mammal brains they studied --- humans and sea mammals were both referenced in the article about their reported research findings. Ultimately what the thread I prepared in early 2015 about Steve's research shows that there's essentially one root cause of hundreds of conditions -- we essentially all have it.  

My mother was a notoriously ousted teacher in the 1970s in our rural mountain community because she was insisting on doing sensory integration remediation with her home room students, and she'd screened every student mid-elementary and taken the ones with the most disordered neurological systems into her home room. EVERY STUDENT but one, my classmate Shellie (permission from Shellie to disclose this given), had some evidence of impairment EVEN IN THE 1960s and 1970s! In a group of kids who had been mostly growing up in and around Denver, Colorado (USA).  I am currently the age she was at that time, and here I am finally putting things together, as if this transgenerational connection was 'meant to be'. 

I'd had vision therapy in Fort Collins in my late twenties which had allowed me to achieve well enough to get into the hardest program at CSU, which had higher average GPA my class' year than the veterinary medicine program. 

SpoildeyCat had been sleeping away as we headed west out of Denver, over the Rocky Mountains that December day, up on the top of the carrier.  She knew that it was unusual for us to come to a stop on the highway like that; the department of transportation was taking down rocks in Glenwood Canyon, she / we could see it from where we were stopped and that's what she's looking at.  

While she was hyperactive as a kitten and frenetic the way that the owner and veterinarian in this video I'm suggesting be viewed say, or in the writeup highlight you see here, she had improved a great deal due, perhaps to the many things I did 'right' to help, or which she figured out on her own she needed to do to help organize her sensory system.  

Or what she sought out to consume because she 'craved' it. Spinach leaves initially, then that subsided after months of consuming a lot of spinach leaves, and then she was into fish oil capsules and my bone builder capsules, which I had to be considerate of what aspect of the capsules was she wanting? There's the cap and then there's what's inside the cap. Etcetera.   

Intriguing, however, about the comonality. Are torties and calico's more inclined? Are there physical characteristics in humans who have the human version of 'this stuff'? In 2015 I've come into information which leads people to see that there's one disease and we 'all have it', and there's a / one solution recommended by the person developing the protocol for treatment.  

Ironically, it entails an over the counter and long-used veterinary medication which is making it one of the most popular products at Tractor Supply, leading to it being carried by WalMart, etc. Please see the information I provide at the VERY bottom in links.  

First, start with this inspirational information and GO to the VIDEO and watch the video, please. Here's the link to get started at.

PLEASE TAKE THE LINK, above, this is a really neat website, PRNewsWire dot com that's a good source to know about and this was not on the first page of my Search today when wanting to update this topic to see if there's anyone else out there talking about autism in cats! Here's the example of what's at the link. 


NEW YORKJune 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Can a cat really be autistic?  And can autism be caused by vaccination?  "Absolutely," says Dr. Marcie Fallek, a holistic vet with busy practices in New York and Connecticut.

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In a newly-released video on Dr. Fallek's website, listen to Sheila recount in her own words how Reggie, her 3-year-old cat, was helped by homeopathy.

Things were not normal from the time Reggie entered the household, She did not make eye contact or let anyone touch her. She was hyperactive, running frenetically around the house and knocking things onto the floor.  She didn't respond to human or animal contact, even though she lived in a household of 4 cats and 2 dogs.  Sitting on the windowsill, Reggie swatted the venetian blinds obsessively.  Once, during Hurricane Sandy, Reggie clung to the window shades for hours without moving. 

"A lot of vets would say there's nothing wrong and don't waste your money on this cat, but Sheila is very sensitive to her animals.  She and I both knew that something was seriously wrong with Reggie," said Dr. Fallek.

Observing what appeared to be symptoms of autism in Reggie, Dr. Fallek decided to treat her with a homeopathic remedy used for antidoting the bad effects of vaccinations.  "It is my belief that vaccinations can sometimes cause symptoms of autism," said Dr. Fallek in a recent interview. 

After homeopathic treatment by Dr. Fallek, Reggie became more relaxed, comfortable in her own skin and began to interact with people and other animals.  Reggie began to sleep with her owner for the first time.  She began looking people in the eye and maintaining eye contact.  "She even lets people pet her all the time now, says her owner," Sheila said.

"The fact that all signs of autism totally disappeared when the cat was treated with a homeopathic remedy whose specific use is for antidoting the bad effects of vaccinations, is very strong support for the view that vaccines can indeed cause autism, whether in cats or in children," says Dr. Fallek.

In a recent video interview, Reggie's owner, Sheila said, "Marcie is always there for me and has really come through for my six animals."  Click here to watch the video.

Media Contact: 

Max Mitchell


SOURCE Dr. Marcie Fallek

FOR YOUsers of Lumigrate, who might benefit from an overview of what's at the video, which is 18 minutes, here's what I (Mardy) provide going to the keyboard as I listen to the video:

Reggie is a 3 year old cat owned by Sheila. It's a fascinating case to her .... she loves a challenge. 

She had the fortune to do a house call. Sheila had four cats around, and Reggie was batting at the shades. And does it for hours. 

She doesn't treat people nor have much familiarity with childrens' diseases, but it occurred to her that the cat was acting like it has autism. She had no other problems, no vet would look at this cat and see problems. A lot of owners would likely not identify the cat as having problems. 

Many books are written how to treat autism in children, so she transposed the information about children to treating a cat/Reggie. ...

But there was something definitely odd about her, and I know there's controversy about vaccines and autism. I used the remedy 'thulia' (?), and the proof is in the pudding with 

so it's my guess that this cat was born normal and it was caused by the vaccine. 

It did wear off and she had the frenetic activity return, and she wouldn't let the housekeeper or dog walker touch her and both of them have been here for years. She was looking me more in the eye, playing, being more interactive then in December 2013 she was sleeping with the owner, everything was great until it started to wear off and so they gave a higher dose and 

I gave her a .. that's a high dose. 

Owner: I was wondering about that, maybe the way I described it made it sound like the remedy isn't working as well as it really is, I maybe magnify things because you told me to look for the little signs. So when I say I see something it's very slight. 

The owner has had more on her plate, more stress, and the remedy can be antidoted from that. The ower said that is hard to accept that the amount of stress she has and how that is seen in an animal.  Imagine you're a five year old child and your mother is away a lot.  Owner: I want to be more aware. The vet said 'the beauty of homeopathy is we can address the grief of your being gone, etc. to bring them back into homeostasis.  We have to make money to pay our vet bills, we have to live our lives. 

She relates about a dog that had an owner who was an antique dealer and at 15 the dog became paralyzed 'from gried'. She gave a homeopathic remedy, the owner took the next plane back. How long is that going to work for? Until the next trip, but if you know ahead of time you can then treat them ahead of the next trip.  As they get older they'll show symptoms. Being aware of that is useful as we can help them with homeopathy. 

Owner says she notices she feels defensive when the subject comes up.  It's better to keep looking and observing the timing and put your feelings aside. And then get a homeopath for yourself too. They talk about putting their animals first. 

The cat's looking the vet in the eye. She had one incident where she crashed into the blinds so hard that she roke them. Now that the big project is over the cat seems more relaxed, maybe the owner is more relaxed too. The cat did sleep on the couch with other cats, it is noted.  The dog walker now brushes her every day adn that is tolerated.  

We're so trained that we need to give medication every day, whereas with homeopathic remedies that balances from the inside out, one remedy can cure, or last a long time, like a year.  Her goal is they don't have to deal with the autism again; you can make an unbalanced, sick animal well again, especially when they're young.  So many diseases start in the brain/mind. If this autism was left and not treated with homeopathy, physical problems would happen from the stress. Homeopathy then prevents things.  I saw you for the first time with the older cats and then we went to the younger cat. 

Just the fact that she lets people pet her all the time now -- people couldn't touch her. She's more comfortable with the other animals, too. That makes such a difference in quality of her life. We feed off of each other energetically, so the harmoneous household helps everyone. Some of her clients' animals stress the owners out so much it's detrimental to their health. 

I had the good luck to see this cat and you can see in the video, it's a normal cat now.  Initially I did a low dose and then went to a high dose.  (Of the remedy she chose which sounds like hooya to my ears but listen for yourselves).  


How I Connected 'The Dots'

In my case, it was also a combination of timing that was maybe 'meant to be' -- I was working with someone who is normally with behaviors similar to SpoildeyCat's baseline --- sensitive, sweet, wide eyed, optimistic, intelligent -- and then I got to see something 'trip the trigger' and they flew into a whole other behavior. It's not unfamiliar to me, I had a close family member who had the same thing -- and once they're triggered, it's kind of like SpoildeyCat, they just have to get out of that mode -- 'snap out of it'.  It's something that since people are often diagnosed in behavioral health in a way that warrants medications for certain things and not others, I've come to jokingly call B cubed -- B3 -- Bipolar Borderline Bananas.  You see, I'd noticed that there seemed to be borderline behaviors in the patients and / or their families of those who had fibromyalgia, pain, fatigue, etc. diagnosed. 

I had just been working with this person (who, ironically, works with kids and has a particular interest about autism) on the concepts of 'we all have the same thing, we all have some degree or another of 'this stuff', and it's not just humans, it's being seen in animals. So in what can be that "uncomfortable time" where you are "on eggshells" with this 180 degree behavior change / bananas experience, I reached into my bag of tricks and tools to talk about to the SpoildeyCat's story, and solidified connecting 'the dots' at that moment.

Yes, not only was  the "one disease theory" that we 'all have' helpful (that comes with the one solution protocol that a researcher I've pointed the way to on Lumigrate has provided), but it went over well to have the cat comparison in this case.  

AND JUST THEN (within 24 hours), on Facebook, I saw a very recent video on Facebook about Robin Goffe's recent presentation at an autism conference. Robin Goffe has related about her son and others who have had the cascade of things leading to autism symptoms affecting them longer (adolescents, young adults) for a few years now, and is known affectionately as The Worm Whisperer.  I found an easier presentation of the information for me to provide to YOUsers here at my old stand-by, One Radio Network:  "He would be perfectly fine and with the snap of a finger, he'd (go ballistic)." Just like SpoildeyCat. Just like my family member in the past. Just like this woman recently working with me on information about 'this stuff'.  Dot. Dot. Dot. ... connect....

Here's the link, please go and listen!  

This is what you'll find about this interview at the OneRadioNetwork website. 


Robin Goffe

The Worm Whisperer

If you heard our last interview with Kerri Rivera, you most probably remember her mentioning a woman she referred to as the ‘Worm Whisperer’. Robin has a 19 year old son who has lived through life long Autism. Typically, a majority of these kids become very aggressive and violent into adulthood and Robins son was on the same path. She and her husband watched their mildly autistic child turn into a rage filled werewolf. Once Robin made the connection between parasites and Autism, she started her son a parasite protocol. Since starting the treatments they have removed over 160 feet of parasites totaling about 35 pounds. WOW!

Join us to get the rest of the story from Robin and how she has embarked on helping the older kids heal.

Show Highlights:

-Robin gives us background information on her child’s vaccine injury; many children were actually killed by the same lot of vaccines her son received

-The layering on of assaults from vaccines and antibiotics

-Why would a mildly autistic child become violent and aggressive in adolescence?

-Finding the answers through testing; Robin discovers her son’s deficiency in vitamins and minerals, but he was still not getting better. Robin tells us how self destructive her son was becoming

-Why don’t we deworm our kids like they did 100 years ago?

-Why is this generation of children is the most toxic by far?

-Robin tells us how many pounds and how many feet of parasites have come out of her son

-How has Robins sons behavior changed in the past 9 months

-Robin explains the protocol she uses to kill parasites; how does she know these are not just strands of mucus?

-Why do you have to go ‘low and slow’ to kill these parasites?

-Using a humidifier at night to help with the dosing to be able to get a good nights sleep

-Adding herbs into the mix; Robin gives us an idea of several different herbs she throws in to help

-CDAutism can be found on Facebook as a support group

-Where does the addition of ocean water fit in?

 ^ Bolding done by me, Mardy, 'killing' parasites versus another way, using fenbendazole which stuns parasites, viruses, micribes/ bacteria and tumor cells. Read on.....


Now, for the information at Lumigrate I'm strongly suggesting 'everyone' become familiar with at the VERY least.  As shown on the video, above, the 'mothers' of cats (animal guardian 'mommies') demonstrate how women will take such an interest in their animals / pets. So the topic about what I want all mothers and others to know applies to YOU! 

This was written on Mother's Day 2015. ^^^.  On Father's Day 2015 I added a comment on which is at this link, titled Fathers and Dog Lovers, Cat Men and All:

My father loved dogs, and nurtured my mother's dog training, boarding, breeding, showing (golden retrievers they brought from England when he left the USAF there) and best of all puppy selling business, Terranglo Kennels.  My first steps were recorded on their 8mm camera, not of me pulling myself up on furniture in a house like most children do, but outside in the spring of 1961 .... on a golden retriever! Then along would come another dog engaging the one I was holding onto and down I'd go, only to work on pulling myself up again. I started looking less and less 'odd', though I never didn't look at the camera or at anyone's eyes. SpoildeyCat always looked at me, at the camera too. 

I really encourage people to take these last two links, as well as the others.  PUT IN THE TIME, taking it from something else, to at least familiarize yourself with this information presented AND 'check in' and get your gut to tell you if this is something you need to be going further with in terms of learning and doing.

I'd suggest at the very least people focus on the water quality aspect and start there, as well as the cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc.  When it comes to dogs, if they're living in an area where the water is put into ponds that grow things in the warmth, then that gets strained and sprayed or irrigated somehow, plus they're often diving into the water and lapping it up -- what exposures the dogs are having.  

Dogs dying of what is reported and said / thought to be cyanobacteria has been in the news in many states. Think about it. Act on it.

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


^ A favorite photo, and one from my then-new Droid, it was the first photo I took with the phone, ironically. July of 2012. 

Fenbendazole and ... elephants and horses, and they refer to cats and dogs here too... Keep Googling and changing up your keywords and you'll see, there's a lot of information to look at related to fenbendazole.





Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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On Losing a Dog, from Blog/Vlogger at Marking Our Territory

This is a lovely little blog/vlogsite which had a lovely story about his brother's dog, who lived only 10 years due to cancer and what dogs 'are to us', frequently. Here's the part that made me say 'this is going onto Lumigrate':

As I’ve said before, a dog can’t change the world but they can change your world. And if each of us can pass along even a fraction of the unmitigated, world changing love we receive from our dogs? Maybe we can see about that whole changing the world thing.

Today we cry and howl. Tomorrow we wake up and change the world the same way Dutch did – one small act of selfless love at a time.

We have a crushing rate of unwellness and hardship in humans and others, today. It takes much love and proactivity for prevention or 'staving off effects' as much as possible.  Keeping our sights on what we can do when not crying and howling -- one small act at a time. 

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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