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Autism and Healing the Symptoms of Autism; Leader Kerri Rivera and Other Activists' Stories and Information Provided
I was inspired to finally create this topic today by what I saw on Facebook occurromg this past week with the Autism One conference in the United States, which is put on yearly. I'm Facebook friends with Robin Goffe, who lives about four hours drive from me to the north and west in the Provo / Salt Lake City area.
I've recently communicated with Robin, as she was getting ready to enjoy that her son, now a young man, was approaching being 'cured' and not just 'reversing' and 'improving'. Her plans for the future seemed to change recently. And it seemed it had something to do with what was going on with the conference, or within the autism community in general.
I let her know there's a place for what she wants to share with the world on Lumigrate. It was a busy time, as she was going to be doing a presentation again at the conference, and so I'll be checking with her soon, because a LOT of dust needs to settle after what I saw occurred this year.
(Update editing 1Sept2018 -- Thanks to some $ from a mother looking for information and appreciating what I'm doing, I'm editing today and adding new as well. If you are wanting to give to support my efforts, PayPal.Me link ... .Connect with me on Facebook (send a message right up front saying you saw this and are responding so I'll accept your friend request). email me at mardy dot poppins at yahoo dot com. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORT, in various ways, truth in education about health and well-being!)
There's a thread about Robin Goffe in the forum about social media / Facebook / Internet which is based on her "medical history work" that's often focused on vaccines. It's a great resource and I encourage you to go take a look. Here's the link:
Robin said there was a group outside the conference location protesting. Someone in her Facebook following said it likely was 'rent a crowd'. It certainly could be, or it could be people who really are independent thinkers wanting to be activists for what they believe and they're letting people know. People must look at these various possibilities and decide what's most likely. If you were in a business where people learned that a significant number of people are harmed by what you're making, would it be a good investment to hire / rent a crowd to protest? To pay people online to disparage, disrupt, and confuse those seeking information? So it's just more burden on the consumer to understand how it works, and not let it interfere with your progress.
Next, I saw that Kerri Rivera had announced she was ending, suddenly, her work in autism. Things on the Internet were either taken offline or were going to be. People were grabbing the link I provide, below, and saving it to their hard drives or other electronic ways to save things. I cannot find her FB group that was about autism and listed in the resources area of the below-linked-to PDF, but I could find the link to the group that's under it which was for related disorders aside from 'autism'. It's been renamed to something about CD Health, but the address for the group will reflect it's original name, which was MojoOther. Here's the hyperlink: . There are currently 4,505 members in the group.
I just now put in a request to join the group, and hope they're operational and I will be able to learn more what's going on and bring it to you. I noticed the group admins there do not include Ms Rivera, but Penelope Whitworth is there and she's a solid Facebook person that I've enjoyed learning from and hopefully vice versa, over the years.
The suggestion was made to purchase the paper copies as much as possible to have those bought up and in the hands of those who truly want the information to be available for the long-term for anyone who is trying to help those with autism heal the symptoms / reverse symptoms / become cured or well, ideally.
So I have my platform with, and got right on this when I had the opportunity of time to do it, and my preferred computer system to work on content. It's needing to go to a summer camp or something, it's been here from the start of creating what would be named and provided in 2009 on the Internet as 'Lumigrate'. A work horse, which cost over $15,000 due to the video we were doing initially and when you look at it's now at costing $2,000/year for computer, I think I made a good investment.
Someone who forwarded the ball about autism more than any other single person that I know of is Kerri Rivera. So I'm going to provide some things here from that PDF that's available but was impossible for me to read on my smart phone screen, so that it may be easier to read here on Lumigrate. And please go to the PDF and download it if you have the space to do so. Read it on the best device you can find.
From the almost-600 page PDF version of Healing the Symptoms of Autism, which was provided on the Internet for free not as hyperlink:
About the Author
Kerri Rivera is a native of Chicago,
but has lived the last 19 years of her
life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with her
husband. Both of her sons were born
there, and 13-year-old Patrick is currently
in autism recovery.
Kerri is the founder of AutismO2, a non-profit autism clinic based
on what is formerly known as the Defeat Autism Now! approach. Located in Puerto
Vallarta, the clinic opened in 2006. Kerri is the clinic’s biomedical consultant as well
as a consultant for Curando El Autismo (Latin America), and Venciendo el Autismo
At the request of Dr. Bernard Rimland, she was responsible for translating
the Defeat Autism Now! protocol to Spanish and donating it to the Autism
Research Institute, so it could be applied throughout Latin America.
Since then she has helped over 3,500 families in over 58 countries to improve the
lives of their children on the autism spectrum. She has become the foremost
expert on the use of CD (chlorine dioxide) for spectrum disorders.
Since the addition of CD to the biomedical protocol she has seen 115 children recover
from autism in the past 2.5 years.
Since 2007 Kerri has lectured internationally on the Biomedical Protocol
for autism and CD for autism. She has been featured on One Radio Network
with Patrick Timpone, The Bulletproof Executive with Dave Asprey, The Mother
Cub Show, Thought for Food, Enlightened Health Radio with Justin Elledge,
Voice America, and The Robert Scott Bell Show.
She is the Mexican Liaison for AutismOne.
Kerri graduated as a Certified Homeopath in June of 2013
Here's the artwork provided by the back cover of the book:
As I looked over the Table of Contents of this PDF book, I saw the mention of Robert Sands on the front cover. I'd spent a lot of time on Facebook messaging with him about five years ago, or so. He'd participate on my wall, and sometimes it was 'odd'. He was desperate to get the information out about his hyperbarics for the consumers or clinics, and he was very entertaining. But something seemed unwell about him and how he was going about things. And it was up and down.
Then I would see that he had died of cancer. An amazing tribute was on his Facebook or a group area created for his friends to honor him. I'm so glad we had connected, and only wish I knew he had cancer. He was older and was saying that he just wanted to get things done since he "wasn't going to be around forever", and I now presume he knew of his condition then. So I have particular interest in the HBOT portion of this document for that reason. I've long appreciated the technology that HBOT is, and hope it becomes cost effective and remains allowed for providers to be in business if they're willing and able.
I LOVE Patrick Timpone and One Radio Network, which this past month was beating the drums for donations for a VERY expensive legal defense for Mr Timpone over taxes.
He was paying a debt to the IRS and is not in disagreement with paying taxes, but they got aggressive despite that, requiring high powered legal representation, for which he does not have the funds for the retainer. I'd listened enough to his show to know he'd been in radio in the military (Vietnam era, so just imagine Good Morning Vietnam and the character played by Robin Williams, perhaps).
Then, being an Italian / East Coast guy, he ended up creating a reputable pasta sauce business, which he sold, and then I figured it was money made from that which allowed him to move to some good-sized property outside Dripping Springs Texas, and start One Radio Network.
Patrick started ORN about the same time I created Lumigrate (which was 2007-2009 for envisioning, planning, creating, and getting online in late March 2009). I used inherited funds far less than what he got from selling a profitable business like he did, and I'm certainly depleted and living a different life than I'd forseen IN ORDER TO KEEP LUMIGRATE FREE of CONTROL by those who can control your content if they're 'advertising', and FREE FROM ANYONE WONDERING IF I'm SUGGESTING SOMEONE OR SOMETHING (such as a product) BE LEARNED ABOUT BECAUSE I'll MAKE MONEY ON THE PRODUCT SALE.
So I keep it simple, I give / gift to people my time / energy / support / information and in return they can gift to me what we disuss when setting up and sizing up if we'd be good collaborators in learning and doing. May I stay free from needing to ask for help paying any legal bills. IF YOU CAN and feel it's valid they're requesting, please donate to their legal fund and as he says, if you can't then please give some positive thoughts and prayers about it, tell others. Lots of us are having to fight through a bunch of UGH stuff to do our work here on Earth!
Patrick Timpone interviews Kerri Rivera (8/15/2013)
As a hyperlink:
Patrick Timpone interviews Kerri Rivera (11/18/2013)
I'm providing this YouTube link when Dave Asprey interviewed Kerri just nine days after the above, last interview from ORN in case the ORN gets taken down. I'm so glad I transcribed a lot of ORNs interview highlights so that if that does occur, there's something written on the Internet from that work.
Bulletproof Executive Radio with Dave Asprey (11/27/2013)
I still find people who do NOT YET KNOW ABOUT BULLETPROOF's smooth marketing technique of teaching people about mycotoxins in food and the environment overall by floating (all pun intended) memes around Facebook of pictures of fat in coffee -- or information about that. Emulsifying quality beef or coconut fat into the hot beverage, any time of day but first thing in the morning was so common sense in a way but outside the box so far that I'd not thought of it. And LOVE IT.
I learned of it the first time, or became 'aware' I should say, from a gal I met when we were wee little kids in kindergarten. Showing how this information we all learn becomes so important to tell others, and study what comes our way and is of interest or make time if there's more of a 'need', depending on the wellness level of you and those you love. (Think about your pets, not just children, parents, friends and other beloved ones.)
I just made someone 'aware' this weekend, due to my immersion hand held blender which I purchased in their town when I was just out of college, 30 years ago. Love it! Just from having that out on my counter when overlapping as Mardy Poppins with the people coming for a weekend 'retreat'.
Barbara O'Neill
Naturopath, Nutritionist
Director, Misty Mountain Health Education and Wellness Retreat
A Comment on one of the YouTube videos: "Barbara O’Neill is one of the lightning rods in my life. She is an amazing soul, so full of information about health and wellness, delivered with such amazing energy, compassion and grace. "
Note from me/Mardy: While her references to the Christian Bible might not be everyone's cup of tea, it helps a vast majority of people in the Western world (and other places) to tie the information together. And it is where 'she comes from' and is her authentic self presenting. When I created Lumigrate and we were taping similar videos of a complement of MD, ND, psychologists (and planned to have a DAOM (oriental medicine / acupuncture) who wasn't able to record in our months-long window of recording studio rented / ready to record), the MD tended to refer to "how God" made things as they were. It appealed to most. It aided most.
And for those who are not inclined to believe, as a former atheist, I know we have ways to cope, adapt, "filter". We addressed "spiritual stress" in some of the content, to account for it. So I wanted to preface this section accordingly. If you watch and it resonates, devote the time and energy to study. It's $0!
The addition of this information, editing in 1Sept2018, is thanks to MercuryMomma, I'll call you. Thank you VERY MUCH, your proactivity was rewarding. Getting $15 as thanks is frosting on the cake!
If anyone would like to contribute funds for my time to specifically work on this thread, the information is:
Video #1 "DNA and the True Cause of Disease" - The link to go: (It is UNDER AN HOUR).
2. The Body's Elimination Systems, Barbara O'Neill
Comments on YouTube transferred:
I feel truly blessed to have stumbled onto these lectures. I have learned so much about my body and why some of the problems I had, I have caused and unwittingly supported.
I try to watch at least one per day, and over a period of two days for the longer ones. The result is that a lot of the medications that I was on are a thing of the past.
Much like your fellow "aussie" Joe Cross. I am much more active and I've been able to lose a fair amount of weight. I've never liked veggies much in the past, but find that I crave them now. I am more able to listen to what my body is trying to tell me, and I am obeying it!
God bless you Barbra O'Neill, you don't know me, but you've saved my life and made it so much better quality-wise, and for that I simply can't thank you enough.
"Books that she noted:
The Breast Cancer Hope at Last
Cancer is a Fungus
The Germ that Causes Cancer
The China Study
The 2nd Brain "
3. Your Project Manager - The Liver, Barbara O'Neill
4. Hormones and Sexual Health, Barbara O'Neill
5. Pure Air and Temperance, Barbara O'Neil -
6. Sunshine and Rest, Barbara O'Neill --
7. The Acid / Akaline Balance, Barbara O'Neill --
8. Fantastic Fats, Barbara O'Neill
9. Exercise That Works, Barbarra O'Neill --
10. The Importance of Salt & Water, Barbara O'Neill -- A comment I wished to have here:
"Wonderful lecture. I can listen to you all day. I came across your lecture doing research on alcohol and spirituality. It led me to The Importance of Salt and Water.
Thank you very much, you're excellent at giving examples and sharing your knowledge. You are admirable!
I have an ileostomy and eat alot of pink Himalayan salt. I only have a small part of my small bowel now. I have received criticisms about how much salt I consume.
I do need to drink more pure water now, but I am not feeling awful about using my rock salt. I will get Celtic salt now. I have a lot of energy and never really knew why. When I noticed that I was eating table salt, my lower back started to hurt. I mean, a lot and my energy levels are depleted. Time to infuse more minerals in my system using Celtic salt!"
11. The Frontal Lobe, Barbara O'Neill
12. The Laws of the Mind, Barbara O'Neill
13. Gut Health and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Barbarra O'Neill -- This one is 102 minutes!
A comment I thought good to copy and add here: "While I enjoy most of the good doctor's lectures I have to point out that her continual insistence that plant proteins are cleaner and superior to animal proteins is simply not true and unfounded. It is the opposite. Humans can digest and convert animal proteins much easier than plant proteins. Her statements are biased as a vegetarian and just not factual."
I'll now suggest people keep looking, below, as I'll be referring to the Westin A. Price Foundation for information to be considered on this important topic.
Once at that website, it's a big rabbit hole! Look also using their name and keywords at YouTube, or your browser, and more specific words. Have a baby? Toddler? Teen? Adult? (as an example). Want to know how to detoxify at any of those ages -- add that in your Search. You can add 'truth' with searches and get a different result string, too. Just some ideas to keep you going from here. Until I'm back to provide MORE (with additional bits of funds given for this thread).
To be continued, this is under construction. Thank you for reading and come back, this will be continued and edited and updated like many of the more pertinent topics at Lumigrate which I feel will be good to spend some resources on if they're in the most demand right now. Which I'm sure this one will be.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.