Auricular Medicine in the US and Beyond: Learning to Test Energetically a GRATE Tool for Toolboxes of Providers (and Consumers)

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Auricular medicine, and the similar auricular therapy, are words that might be planting as seeds for your next browser search, or the links below, which I've found after researching this burgeoning area of medicine, might suffice.  There's even a topic about auricular therapy at Wikipedia:

I'm editing this on March 30, 2016 (after 4,250 had read it in just over two years), to include a great overview written by the MD who made me aware and somewhat educated in the past about auricular medicine, and from there I created this topic in 2014 -- learning more, but myself not yet -- even today -- having gotten to a provider and getting the tools to test, etc.  However, I did have a pendulum, and in the last two years have utilized it increasingly, another tool for testing which is simply a different skill involved. But more a substitute for not having the filters they use in auricular medicine.  

He'd shared on Facebook earlier today something about the number of chemicals that can be found on strawberries and said the following, plus in comments (had reminded people that avoidance is the key, and learning to test is the key to avoidance... his mantra.  (Referring to / crediting Claus-Peter Kessler, MD of Germany) 

"You have to understand the difference between sensitivity and toxicity. If you are sensitive to mercury, for example, your body reacts to the exposure of each single molecule of mercury from inhalation, ingestion or transdermally and disturbs your order of your system, especially influences the predisposed weak spots of your system (skin, immune system, joint fluid, etc.).

Mercury-sensitivity and ApoE4; Boyd Haley PhD explains why the apolipoprotein-4 (APOE-4) genotype represents a genetic susceptibility to mercury toxicity .

If you are not disturbed by this vibration or frequency of mercury, your body is able to take care of all other toxins you are getting exposed to (arsenic, aluminum, meds, alcohol, pesticides, etc., not in a toxicological dose), and is able to use compensatory pathways to make up weaknesses (genetic).

If disturbed, your body is not able to do this and will even react uncontrolled , irrational, dysautonomic.

Other patients are sensitive to aluminum, fluoride, palladium, iridium, indium, gold, titan, silicium, formaldehyde; they react to the vibration of this particular element and not to mercury.

The term 'Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' (MCS) should be individually narrowed down to the one or seldom two chemical elements. The patient is sensitive to a product (fragrance, food, cosmetics, etc.), because it contains, in trace amounts, the chemical element, and this can vary from charge to charge.

Organic: just read again Wikipedia -- it doesn't say a lot about how healthy or pure the product is. Arsenic, aluminium, volcanic soil (mercury) is all "organic" and can be disturbing to your system, more than some synthetic compounds not containing the element you are sensitive to.

To the healthy soil you have to add healthy water and air to get a healthy product.

So please, you can not generalize and definitely not with a word, that isn't defined close enough to be a parameter one can count on. 'All natural or organic colors' doesn't say a lot, because iron, sulfur, mercury, aluminium and all other elements of the periodic table are natural and organic pigments. That is the reason I teach my patients to test for themselves, to be able to avoid the chemical element, they are sensitive to."


From my perspective, this is a powerful tool for ALL people, no matter their current health level (wellness / illness). For people who are 'chronically well' right now, or identify themselves as such, and wanting to maintain wellness, the 'testing' of anything you put 'in' your body (which can come from topical toxins, inhaled toxins in addition to things 'consumed' via the mouth).  

Similarly, people who are aware of what is contributing to their being chronically unwell/ill and wanting to eliminate their exposure to what their body is currently reacting with by 'interference' will find this form of medicine beneficial.  However, many don't even know this exists! I remember the first time I heard of it from a woman who has a conventional medicine background as being a provider who, like me, was  also a person with chronic illness who found outside the box treatments and information long ago which allowed us to find enough wellness to still be alive and well enough to be contributing to the 'dialogue'.

The woman who I first learned of auricular medicine/therapy, putting it on the list of things to learn more about someday, lives in a relatively small city (50,000 that serves about 100,000 from the surrounding areas) had encountered this via the chiropractor she had been going to. Through seeing incredible things being shared on Facebook by a German MD 'friend', I ended up finding out he was referring to 'auricular medicine' when he would repetitively say things like 'learn to test', and 'you must stop new exposures', 'upsetting the order of the system' and 'dysautonomia'.  He also would say 'read my notes' and I tried and something didn't initially 'connect' for me to put it together. I asked what kind of testing he did, and he responded with some terms that, when Searched, filled in the blanks for me -- aaah, he's an auricular medicine specialist!  and 

So don't presume based on your geographic location and country you live in that you don't have a provider to access -- sometimes the providers in very rural areas are there because they have moven there for various reasons. I hear it from others and have observed it myself: some of the more progressive providers have come from the smallest places. Does anyone remember the popular television show from about 1990, Northern Exposure? I hope by presenting the variety of information I selected for YOUsers to read in this topic, you'll get a sense for how to find a provider using this type of technique if you desire to add that to your YOU! team. 

  Draw your team ^ - or if you've not printed this, DIY... 

This first link, from the auricular medicine center, is clearly designed for providers to learn about the center in order to possibly seek out training from them. I am going to include some of the information from their home page so you can see it here and hopefully take the journey to the website if you feel it applies to you or is a resource for your continuing education as a YOUser of Lumigrate right now.

Training Center

Our Training Center was founded in 1994 by Dr. William Huang and Dr. Lichun Huang located in Orlando, Florida (USA) to promote Auricular Medicine education and research internationally. 

The center conducts approximately 30 seminars and trains over a thousand person-times every year. We have published many books, videos, and presentation materials and developed educational instruments such as ear models, ear charts, and “Point Finder” electronic instrument. The center treats more than a thousand patients a year, conducts clinical research, sponsors a clinical internship program, and cooperates with other medical institutions for research in special topics such as auricular therapies for the treatment of drug addition, weight loss, and dialysis.

Our goal is to expand world-wide knowledge of our unique and convenient method of Auricular Diagnosis and our fast and painless method of Auricular Therapy for students of Auricular Medicine and for the benefit of mankind generally.

This innovative medical system has been recognized by major western medical societies in U.S., Brazil and Taiwan for their advanced studies in continue education courses. To learn more about Auricular Medicine training or to seek treatment, please visit our seminar schedule and certificate programs.

The following is a two-minute video clip for a sample of our training/seminar session, please check it out (when the video is playing, you can double click to view in full screen).


For those who understand Chinese, we also have a six-minute video demonstration about seed board making procedure
The auricular medicine center's link for the 'index' at their website is:
Now, one of the challenges for the more traditional forms of medicine to demonstrate their effectiveness in the way that modern society and conventional, 'modern'  medicine has established the 'gold standard', as some say, is the techniques cannot be studied with placebos because they don't use pills that you can substitute 'sugar' into, so to speak.
So I was really pleased and intrigued to see the researcher at a major US university who is one of the authors at this link, AND the resource journal for people to have for all kinds of topics related to wellness 'outside the box'. Here's the link -- -- and you'll see that it leads to you to
 Research Article
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Feasibility Study

1School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh, 3500 Victoria Street, 440 Victoria Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
2Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA
3Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
4School of Medicine, Departments of Psychiatry, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation, and Family Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
5Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
6World Academy of Auricular Medicine, Hoover, AL, USA
7School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Received 8 November 2012; Revised 22 January 2013; Accepted 23 January 2013

Academic Editor: Shu-Ming Wang

Copyright © 2013 Chao Hsing Yeh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


 To provide an example of an acupuncturist (who is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), who has a fabulous website of information, in my opinion, here's a link to Warren King, L.Ac's website (and a little 'sample' to show what you'll find there -- and this is specifically 'therapy' but you'll see how the words are used almost interchangeably elsewhere on his website -- medicine and therapy, but there is a difference if you're going to seek out a provider. 

An example I might suggest that many are familiar with that I just verbalized to a consumer yesterday -- I used to work in a clinic with one of the best PTs I've ever seen and one of the best massage therapists I've ever seen. They have very different courses they could take with the different formal education 'tracts' they were in as a PT versus a MT, but many of the courses overlapped and they were both amazing healers. They each would do what they could for a patient, and sometimes the PT was the patient with the MT working on him, sometimes the MT was the patient and the PT was working on her. Sometimes I was the patient and sometimes my patients I referred were their patients ... they were both great and not everyone can be best at everything -- hence we ideally end up with a complex 'molecule' of providers surrounding a person -- as advisors, helpers, mentors, 'fixers': The link:


Imagine if you had a port on the side of your head where you could plug in a monitor to see exactly what was wrong with any part in the body, and a keyboard where you could input information to signal to the body how to heal itself.  Well, we do have such an interface: the auricle or outer surface of the ear.

Prior to 1956, the Chinese had discovered only three acupuncture points on the ear.  Today we know of more than one hundred.  Dr. Nogier of France was the first to do research on auriculotherapy.  He had a number of gypsy patients who all had the same scar on their ears.  When questioned, they told him that when they suffered from severe sciatic pain, their folk healer would burn a point on their ear, and their back pain would disappear forever.  Dr. Nogier used that information to start plotting a map of the entire body on the ear.  The map ended up looking like an inverted fetus, with the head in the ear lobe and the feet on top.

Since then, Dr. Nogier and others have developed not one, but three different maps of the body on the ear. Practitioners of auricular therapy use these maps when examining the surface of the ear visually for any discolorations or abnormalities.  They can apply pressure to see which points are sensitive, or use devices to measure electrical conductance on the various points.  The points can then be treated with a metal pellet or seed, with a needle, a laser, or micro current electrical stimulation.

Dr. Nogier made a further discovery which helped him create an advanced form of auricular therapy.  He found that it is possible to detect subtle changes in a patient’s pulse at the wrist while activating various points on the ear.  Nogier would place different materials on a tray and run a wire from the tray to the patient he was testing.  As he exposed the patient to samples of various substances, he could detect changes in the energy at points on the ear, as well as changes in the pulse.  For instance, an auricular therapist might put refined sugar on the tray and a pancreas point would be activated on the ear.  The point could then be treated with a needle, laser, or other device.  Or a sample of a material that is known to benefit the pancreas, say chromium, would be placed on the tray.  If the point would then become balanced, the practitioner would know for certain that chromium would indeed be beneficial in correcting an imbalance of the pancreas caused by sugar.  So the points on the ear can be used to diagnose the specific imbalance or locate the specific problem.  They also may be used to treat the problem, either by directly stimulating the body to self-repair, or by indicating, along with the pulse, what substances will aid the body in its healing.

Thus, auricular therapy developed into a complete system for both diagnosis and treatment.  An auricular therapist can find out exactly which organs, glands, or tissues are out of balance and treat those body parts via points on the ear.  These points connect to nerves that run to the brain and from there, to very specific locations in the body.  An auricular therapist can also find out the substances – foods, herbs, supplements, or homeopathic remedies – that will bring balance and healing to the system.  Because auricular testing can also reveal which substances stress the body or throw it off balance, it can also be used to detect food sensitivities, as well as problematic exposure to environmental toxins or heavy metals.   And, since auricular testing is completely non-invasive, it carries with it none of the dangers or side effects that accompany more invasive diagnostic tests.

But truly the most beautiful thing about this system of healing is that treatment can be totally custom designed for the individual.  In my own practice, I have access to an amazing array of remedies.  I have tested hundreds of products, and I choose only the very highest quality for use in my practice.  Even so, the sheer number of high-quality products available would make remedy selection an otherwise daunting task.  Auricular testing allows me to narrow my selection to the remedies that will match the exact needs of the individual patient. This greatly increases the efficacy of my treatments and, in the long run, saves my patients the money that is often wasted on remedies that are inappropriate for them.

The ear is like a computer that can look into the individual patient’s body and detect precisely what the problem is, and what the patient needs in order to heal.  If you think you’ve tried everything, and you still don’t feel well, then you probably haven’t tried auricular therapy.

- See more at:
At Acupuncture Today's website, I found this article by Dee Brown, a practicing acupuncutist on the East Coast of the United States (Maryland) which I'm going to provide with the usual encouragement that YOUsers go to the source to see the bells and whistles, so to speak, of this resource for people who are further interested in acupuncture resources online.
The article is titled "Integrating German Auricular Medicine Into Your Practice". While most of the YOUsers at Lumigrate who will read this are medical consumers, many others are medical consumers. It is to all our benefit to be reminded of the commitment healers make to continue growing and bringing these new things 'to light' and into the reality for their future patient treatments. 
Integrating German Auricular Medicine Into Your Practice

By Dee Brown, LAc

As a practicing acupuncturist of 20 years, I am always looking for ways to better understand and treat my clients. One of those ways is the training I received in German auricular medicine, a relatively new therapy in North America.

In Germany, auricular medicine also known as ear acupuncture, is a thriving discipline with its own institute named the Academy for Acupuncture and Auriculomedicine. The institute is dedicated to the practice, study and science of this medicine. The academy was founded by Dr. Frank Bahr, a student and colleague of the founder of auricular medicine, Dr. Paul Nogier of France, who brought the centuries-old practice of ear acupuncture into modern use. Today, auricular acupuncture is widely used and accepted by over 14,000 physicians in Germany alone.

On this side of the Atlantic, there is a well-organized and comprehensive program of study in German auricular medicine offered by an institute in Nova Scotia, Canada. It is called the Vital Principle Institute, which provides the only program of its kind in the English language in the world. The institute has been training health practitioners since 2003. I took this training program and would like to share a few of the gifts it has brought to my practice.

Because the brain projects the map of the body onto the ear, when using auricular therapy, we are dealing directly with what the brain tells us. Often a client has multiple current symptoms piled on top of many historical afflictions. When working with the ear, the brain tells us which condition is a priority to treat. Frequently, unknowingly, a person expends a great deal of qi in an attempt to regain homeostasis from old ailments that never completely healed. Because of this, the person does not have enough healing energy to mend a new injury.

In my practice, a client who had been in a car accident the year before and had injured her wrist came to see me about multiple body aches. The wrist injury was to the soft tissue and had never ceased hurting despite various therapies. In the past six months, she had begun experiencing body aches especially in her hips, she was not sleeping through the night, and she described herself as being anxious most of her life.

In scanning her ear, her uterus came up strongly as the place to treat. She had given birth to two children vaginally and was post menopausal with the only symptom being vaginal dryness, so her uterus did not raise any red flags during the intake. After treating only the uterus point on her ear, the following week, her wrist pain and body aches had decreased by 50 percent.

Next, the ear prioritized her big toe as needing treatment. She had not mentioned her toe as a problem, but when asked, she said that for years, several times a week, her big toe would wake her at night with severe pain. After treatment of her big toe, and continued treatment of her uterus combined with functional points to treat the whole body, she has no more body aches, her wrist is healed, she sleeps through the night, and she reports being more adventurous in her life. These results took a total of four treatments.

Her proverbial "barrel of insults" had been full, so when her wrist was injured, some things from the barrel had to be removed before her energies could attend to the healing of her wrist and any other ensuing imbalances. In this case, the ear acupuncture approach was an efficient way to reset her healing capacities.

Every patient is different, and the only drawback I have encountered with auricular acupuncture is that the needles hurt. You want a point to have a strong bite to be fully effective, and most people get on board with this, but some cannot. The good news is that advanced training in German auricular medicine includes auricular laser therapy, which does not hurt.

As an acupuncturist, I will never trade in work with the amazing body channels for only work with the ear, however, the brain is a fascinating and forthright spokesperson for what needs to be done. An additional tool to discern this moment's treatment priority from a tangle of symptoms and emotions is an enormous help, whichever modality is being used for treatment.

Another most useful application of German auricular medicine is the interruption of the pain cycle. A pain response can get stuck in a loop, and via the ear, the brain tells us where to interrupt that loop, whether it be in the frontal cortex, the limbic system, the sensory or motor nerves, the depression point and so on.

As well as organ and musculoskeletal points, there are functional points in the ear that treat the whole body, and psychospiritual points. The meridians are even mapped on the ear. German auricular medicine is an elegant system.

 PubMed is a resource most are familiar with today, so it seemed that including an example here from PubMed would be of value for YOUsers learning here about auricular medicine. Here's the link and the 'scoop' YOU will have to go see, as it won't cut and paste, but it's from 2006 and is a study that is about low back pain. I always find it interesting to see things that were cutting edge written up from many years ago -- what's the hold up on this kind of medicine catching on in the United States! ? (And I know the answer, as do YOU, to one degree or another, I would imagine: The system. Another subject for another 'day' (search for it at Lumigrate, we have it!). 


And our GRAND FINALE for this topic is from a website that just knocked my socks off, from Dr. Donald Liebell, who is a D.C. (chiropractor). And he has websites, plural -- there is just so much that he offers for education that I emailed him and let him know how much I was a fan of his contributions to the education on the Internet for resesarchers. Naturally, I had some questions and he kindly responded, so his invitation to people to email him is a sincere one. (And he gave me a really neat resource to check into in response to what I was emailing about for where I was focused, personally/professionally with my inquiry.)
So, without further delay, I turn it over to the links and the one example I apply into this topic as an example to encourage people to know what they'll find if they take the journey on the links. But let me be clear, I just picked one thing that I thought a LOT of people would 'relate to' as an example of how he covers just one 'search term'/condition. No matter what YOU are searching to learn more about specifically, I suggest taking a trip to see what Dr Donald's websites have to say.  
This is what you will find at one of the links, above, in order to give you ONE example of the content and how it hopefully appeals to you enough to take the time, spend the energy, and spend the other resource -- money (which is in this case is $0 as it's free information)  -- the website, similar to as Lumigrate is set up, does not even bug you to sign up for emails.
I chose the link to show here below, which is about fibromyalgia, since it's so well-known and everyone knows the symptoms 'overlap' with symptoms of many other conditions that we end up calling here 'the overlapping conditions'. For fun I have called them "kissing cousins" sometimes....  Read this first line -- the difference in paradigm shows right in the 'lead in words' from this chiropractor/doctor -- it brings up the 'categories thing' right off the bat!
So perhaps it will be something of a 'home run' for you in reading this topic, and perhaps you'll run a ways around the 'bases' and decide this isn't for you -- right now. Perhaps it will resonate and you'll start finding someone YOU will be able to put on your health care team (or that of the person you're advocating for).
Let me add in the Lumigrate YOU! model here for our YOUsers (YOU in this case):    And our Hope graphic                                                           (the path, the light ... and our motto is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being"

How Does Dr. Donald Liebell Evaluate and Treat Fibromyalgia?

   Actually, I do NOT treat FIBROMYALGIA at all… not really.  But I DO treat PEOPLE who have symptoms for which this disease is categorized.  

   What is the difference?

   There is a world of difference!  While I must acknowledge professionally as a diagnosis; it is somewhat ceremonial in nature.  This is because, in my experience, no two Fibromyalgia patients have the same underlying causes of their symptoms.  One can try to treat the condition, fibromyalgia—by prescribing Lyrica, Savella or Cymbalta.  But will you be any healthier?  Will your condition be improved if you stop taking the drugs?  Will any of the causes of your symptoms be addressed?

   I treat PEOPLE—by taking the time to investigate and treat the underlying causes, which may be drastically different for each patient.   I prefer to think “outside the box” and consider far more than standard “conventional” medical testing.  In my practice, I exclusively utilize various “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” (CAM) methods.  But unlike many of my colleagues, I do not take an extreme position; I do not object to all “conventional” medications.   

   Of course we have to realize that “conventional” is a term that simply means “normal” by the standards of masses, over a long period of time.  “Conventional” hardly mean superior—just popular.  On the other hand, I think “Complementary and Alternative” is a ridiculous distinction too.  “Complementary and alternative” to what? To ineffective treatment?  The term, “complementary” suggests that it is a “second-class-citizen” to help out the “real” medicine.  It’s rather an insulting term.  

   The public perception for “alternative” is that treatments labeled as such are unproven or unscientific.  But every time a physician prescribes a different medicine (if the previous drug failed to help the patient); he/she is suggesting an “alternative” medicine!  As far as I’m concerned, health care is ONE thing, which has various options, approaches and specialties.  I am in favor of an integrated medical approach.  There is no need to feel torn between so-called conventional medicine and CAM.  What you should be torn between are ineffective diagnostic and treatment methods, and successful ones. 

   Terminating the torment of Fibromyalgia is my expertise… my passion... my life’s work.   It fuels my spirit to see people rebuild their lives.  Using a combination of several holistic evaluation and treatment technologies… I liberate Fibromyalgia sufferers from a “life-sentence” of pain, agony and depression.  My treatments are drugless and non-surgical.  I do not prescribe painful exercises, nor do I get patients hooked on complicated and costly nutritional regimens.  I am very proud to share this information, so that you will also have a chance to end your misery, before it’s too late.   

    2 Major Possible “Hidden” Causes of Your “Fibromyalgia”

   I have found there are many possible causes for what is commonly diagnosed as Fibromyalgia... and they must ALL be considered.  Plus, each person must be evaluated thoroughly and according to their individual needs.  I investigate for the causes using several technologies and methods.  I do not run a research facility, nor do I make any claims beyond the fact that I help people diagnosed with fibromyalgia—by focusing on the following:        

    Chronic Infection and Toxicity, such as seen with chronic Lyme disease: I have helped many people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia... who actually had chronic Lyme disease, complicated by other bacterial, fungal, viral, and other parasitic infection all along!  I have seen countless patients who had been prescribed every drug on the market for Fibromyalgia... they were mis-diagnosed and mis-treated all along!  I have no doubt that millions of people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, are actually suffering from chronic Lyme disease.  Blood tests frequently come up falsely negative—and you may not recall ever being bitten by a tick… but this tremendously UNDER-diagnosed, and complex condition, which is triggered by a bacteria, may be one of the causes of your condition.  Using auricular medicine bio-energetic testing, with associated ear acupuncture, and homeopathic medicine, patients have achieved magnificent results at the Liebell Clinic.  

   I have devoted an entire website to chronic Lyme disease.  Click HERE to go to 

    Neck Imbalances:  A growing number of enlightened doctors and researchers are certain they’ve isolated one of the fundamental causes, for the majority of cases: a structural imbalance of the UPPER NECK.  It is rarely considered or diagnosed — a nearly imperceptible narrowing of the spinal canal which can literally choke the spinal cord area. It’s called Upper Cervical Stenosis (UCS).   It may be present as early as childhood, but various painful symptoms may take years, or even decades to develop before nerve compression becomes severe enough, due to age-related spinal degeneration or specifically, spinal trauma. 

   The greatest concentration of nerve connections in the human body is at the upper neck.  Misalignment of the bones (Atlas and Axis vertebra) can result in nerve compression, which can affect your entire nervous system, and therefore, your whole body.  Research has focused attention on neurological conditions involving compression of the brain stem or upper portion of the spinal cord. The University of Kansas School of Medicine and Arthritis Research Center studied the relationship between neck injury and Fibromyalgia.   The conclusion of this study of 161 cases revealed that Fibromyalgia was 13 times more frequent following neck injury, compared to other areas of the body. 

   I am among the many specialists in the upper neck, who report fibromyalgia patients having had neck injury, as many as 20 years prior to the onset of their symptoms!  I have successfully treated countless patients who were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by another physician.  Many of them had no problems prior to the neck injury.  Yet because they did not recover from their injuries in a timely manner, and developed more symptoms (and never received effective treatment); they were told “Fibromyalgia” was the cause!   

   Many researchers are embracing the “Central Sensitization Theory.”  This theory suggests that fibromyalgia victims have a lower pain tolerance because their brains have an increased sensitivity to pain signals.  I am certain that UCS neck imbalances along with chemical and other factors are a significant cause.  Not everyone recalls having a neck injury, yet imbalances are commonly found.  In my clinical experience, this is the most common and significant aspect of Fibromyalgia to consider.  

   Fortunately, a revolutionary non-surgical treatment option is available.  Overjoyed patients have been raving about it, nationwide.  It’s an extremely safe, painless, non-invasive procedure that reduces the “choking” effect on the spinal cord.  This is the "Neck Secret” for which one of my other websites is named.  With the Atlas Orthogonal procedure (AO), we are able to detect and treat minuscule physical imbalances between the skull and the upper neck vertebrae.  AO is a sophisticated, mathematically-based, rehabilitative treatment performed with a safe and delicate sound wave instrument.  It re-aligns the bones of the upper neck with the skull.  This reduces the Stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal.  This in turn, reduces the pressure on the spinal cord/brain stem region, the meninges, as well as blood vessels, to restore normal function.  

   AO was recently featured on the hit television program, “The Doctors” as well as “The Montel Williams Show.”  Many articles, videos, etc. on are dedicated to explaining Atlas Orthogonal in detail.  Nearly every person I have examined, diagnosed by another physician with fibromyalgia, has had UCS.  AO has been instrumental in their recovery.  

   Click HERE to learn more about Atlas Orthogonal and Fibromyalgia at

   If you have dreamed about living life without constant pain—being able to do all the things you want and love to do, I am offering you realistic hope.  I understand that you might be skeptical and afraid.  Perhaps you’re wondering if this is just another load of hype.  There’s certainly no shortage of fibromyalgia junk out there—filing you with false hope.  If you’ve accepted that you have to “learn to live with the pain,” then the battle IS over.  You have surrendered.  But if you have some faith that your picture can be much brighter, you may be about to be rescued.  If you’ve been “written off” as a “hopeless case,” or told “It’s all in your head,” it is likely that something has been MISSED!  

   I don’t know how much energy, time and money you’ve wasted on tests and treatment that have not worked.  Most people who’ve consulted with me have been in pain on average 10 years, and spent a small fortune in medical care—with terrible results.  I understand how hard it is to keep trying… giving up actually seems easier!  

   Of course I can’t help everyone that I treat.  There are so many factors, and no two people are the same.  But as long as you're still alive, fibromyalgia is NOT hopeless.  But one thing is certain: it doesn’t go away on its own.  It’s long-term and slowly progressing!  I’ve been privileged to treat some of the most “hopeless” cases you can imagine.  My practice is devoted to helping people who doctors have simply turned their backs on and thrown out in the trash.  

   If you’re serious about getting better, a better life may be right around the corner.  I have the road map.  You’re the driver.  We’ll make the journey together.  Don’t listen to those who say, “Nothing can be done”... those doctors who reduce your humanity with one drug after another, making you more removed from who you are.  Give yourself one more chance to make a sweeter life for yourself.  Life should be a celebration.  Our beliefs can move us forward or hold us back.  If you believe you can’t be helped, even a little, you’ll never move forward.  I’ve seen too many people NOT pursue help... and wilt away.  But, most of those who tried... have blossomed back like a flower that only needed water!  I urge you to find out for yourself if you’ve got a chance to blossom once again too.     
                         Ask Me Questions


Although I receive lots of questions daily, from around the world, I do respond to ALL of them (in the order I receive them), usually within 48 hours.  Please understand that my responses are for general information only; I cannot provide specific medical advice regarding treatment, or diagnosis that can only be provided through proper evaluation.  For appointments, please call my office, or you may email to request a call at:  

    Your email address or other information is confidential; I wll never share it with anyone, nor will it be used for any form of solicitation.   I look forward to your questions!  
- Dr. Donald Liebell


LAST BUT NOT LEAST: I've spoken by phone with Dr. Frank, and I'm providing highlights of his website here, but as I always say, these are provided so YOUsers will easily be able to see what resources they want to spend their time/energy/money resources going out from here to learn more about and 'pursue' with learning more or finding the provider or one who might be an area you can get to for services.  I enjoyed our conversation and appreciated how rapidly he responded to my inquiry. His website, however, doesn't have a lot of information for the types of YOUsers that find Lumigrate and so I waited to create this topic until I found more information to pull together and be able to present the 'palate' that would provide a good, solid starting point for our YOUsers. Here are some highlights from his website: NOTE: There's a discrepancy in the information about where he's at -- Texas and Oklahoma are both mentioned. Per our conversation he has moved to Oklahoma. 



Refine your medical acupuncture diagnosis and treatment skills and enhance clinical decisions regarding medical pharmacology and therapeutics.
Enhance Your Practice
With Acupuncture, Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine, Prolotherapy and Neural Therapy

Integrated Medicine Seminars
Seminars and Education
  Acupuncture Arts & Press Products and References
Learn how to add these potent diagnostic and treatment tools to your contemporary biomedical or medical acupuncture practice by attending one or both of our popular seminars on Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine.   Providing the best in Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine references and supplies. Its highly acclaimed Atlas and Reference Charts have been endorsed and recommended to international audience.

Auricular Therapy

VAS and Protocol

Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Xerostomia, and Sjogren's Syndrome

Homeopathy for Acupuncture Practitioners

Prolotherapy and Neural Therapy: Beyond Acupuncture for Pain Management

About the Seminars

Seminar Dates & Location

Refine your medical acupuncture diagnosis and treatment skills and enhance clinical decisions regarding medical pharmacology and therapeutics.

"The most important part of the seminar is the opportunity to interact with knowledgeable individuals interested in teaching." 
Mark Jones, MD, Saginaw, MI
From the tab that's 'Doctors' (as I was hoping to find a Finder list of providers who have taken the courses, etc... a resource list for YOUsers), not what I'd hoped for, but great information about Dr Frank. So to show you who Dr Frank is who has created this training program to help teach more providers the auricular therapy/ auricular medicine skills, techniques, information ....

Dr. Frank is an Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine and Medical Acupuncture physician living in Colleyville, Texas. He has integrated Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine into his energetic and anatomic acupuncture medical practice to enhance diagnosis and treatment options. He has further found Neural Therapy and Prolotherapy to be two of the most profound additions to his Pain Medicine practice of over 20 years. Dr. Frank has served as President (1999-2001) of the AAMA (American Academy of Medical Acupuncture) and as President (2002-2004) of ICMART (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques). His teaching invitations have included extensive US symposia, seminars and congresses , as well as internationally in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, England, Scotland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Canada, Brazil, and Mexico. 








(Planting a seed here to get this information into YOUR provider's hands if it's something you wish they would get into --- one never knows, they might tell a colleague or it might be of interest to them and they'll do some continuing education here! Unfortunately, it appears there are no CME credits offered with this kind of information and some provider types end up so nired in CMEs to stay certified in their specialties, etc., they don't branch out. The COTA who worked for me that knew hand therapy from a previous state and clinic had been certified in ART (Active Release Technique) which was an extensive program that consumed a huge chunk of time studying from home before going to the class and then testing in person. And every year would require a recertification. So rather than put all the eggs in that basket, he went on to learn other things and you take the experiences with you, nobody can certify that. So I just wanted to say that about 'certifications' and 'continuing education' if I suggest planting a seed with your providers about learning this kind of thing.) 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 2 weeks ago.
Dysautonomia: Cause of Symptoms. Block of Ajna Chakra (3rd Eye)

I saw on Facebook that Dr Kessler, a German MD who posts regularly and spectacularly on his FB page made a comment in a FB group page that was about Dysautonomia, and I felt it was a great addition to add as a comment here. (He has information on the Notes area of his FB, he indicates that his wall is open for people to look, his name is Claus-Peter Kessler. As I've said previously, it was his posting on FB that lead me to really know about auricular medicine, though someone in my local community who has chronic illness had told me about it, but they mentioned it as part of what they had done (it was actually auricular therapy they had done, I believe), but hadn't set me up with a resource to learn from, so I didn't go beyond 'aware' with that first learning of it. Via Dr Kessler I started to figure out what it was, and then I turned to the Internet and brought the best of what I found to the topic, above. Hats off, credit where credit is due!)  

"Dysautonomia : Find and treat the Cause not the Symptoms !

Experts in the field of Auriculomedizin, Applied Kinesiology and a few others are fully aware of the dysfunction and dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, known as dysautonomia. We know, that this dysautonomia, 'great name', is always caused by strong disturbing fields (scars, heavy metal sensitivity, dental foci), which have certain interconnections with the body (meridian system) resulting in a switching of the autonomic nervous system. For those thinking energy- and vibrational-wise, it is the blockade of the Ajna Chakra, the 'Third Eye', having connections with the pituitary and the pineal gland, the regulatory system of all our hormones; it influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal cascade.

If one doesn't know, how to diagnose this phenomenon, one gets wrong results with pendulum, biotensor and all energy-detecting machines (Prognos, Vega, Bicom, Oberon etc.).

Everything is turned around, out of order."

I also see that on the topic of what is popularly called 'multiple chemical sensitivity' (MCS), he makes the point that it is not that the person is sensitive to tons of various chemicals, it's that they're sensitive to one or maybe two, but those are part of products which are made up of a lot of chemicals. So if a person finds what chemicals they are sensitive to, which is this very limited number, then learns 'to test' everything that they put on or in their body, they are essentially eliminating the NEW exposure to that chemical.

And he professes over and over that it's ultimately more important to stop the new exposures than to detox out the offending chemical that disrupts that person's body, though that is also important (and requires a lot of effort and information to do correctly). The body has coping strategies for that stuff, it's basically gotten sucked into tissues that it can't be as damaging to. Hence when you do anything to disrupt that balance in the body, it can cause people to feel worse and have more problems.

If you look up at Lumigrate the EM information I've covered from German/American MD Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, who is rather controversial in terms of what you'll find on the internet about him, he's more recently left behind the detox/supplements focus and has gotten on board the EM and energy medicine facet. In what I included, he specifically talks about the 'newfangled' lightbulbs, and how they energetically disrupt the body and that system for keeping things 'at bay' (as well as other kinds of bulbs and electronics, naturally). So these are all things to think about.  

Remember --- it took a lot and a long time to go from well to not well, it takes a lot to reverse it. But the body's so set up for survival and wellness is it's ultimate 'state of being' that it's actually easier to reverse symptoms than it is to cause them. It just was that you weren't aware, probably, of the many, many things causing symptoms that extend back to conception and even before, via genetics and epigenetics.  


Again, seeing what Dr Kessler posted on Facebook, I wanted to add it in here (October 27, 2014).  He'd shared a meme that was a graphic of someone's back with drawing in it of structures that were 'dark' or 'angry' and 'painful', and was about 'fibromyalgia'.. and this is what he posted as the setup when he shared the meme/ graphic: 

Scar of one tonsil (change in skin resistance) thru chronic infection or tonsillectomy--> disturbance of the order of the system--> change in the viscosity of joint fluid of the zygapophyseal joints (inflammation) --> irritation of spinal nerves--> muscle stiffness -->pain--> acidosis--> fatique-->dysautonomia--> hormonal disharmony--> depression--> limited activity -->change in the viscosity of joint fluid of the zygapophyseal joints (inflammation) --> irritation of spinal nerves--> muscle stiffness -->pain--> acidosis--> fatique-->



In order to present some more information along the lines of tonsilitis, and bringing in a different perspective such as a naturopathic doctor would have, this is a link to a podcast from Dr Ben Lynch, who is a graduate of Bastyr. You can hear how Dr Lynch thinks for 'underlying causes', and suggests the person with the tonsilitis presents to a dentist to be sure there is not a dental problem that is contributing.  

He talks about how people are chronic carriers of strep, and they suffer from recurring tonsilitis.  He relates how they swabbed each other

A culture and sensitivity to identify the organism and find out what antibiotic would be effective on that particular bacteria.  And some labs will find out what natural product will work on the bacteria as well (which is something I'd never heard of).  

He asks if the doctor had suggested the patient do probiotics after having the antibiotics. He had not. 

70% of our immune system is with the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Since this patient gets sick with tonsilitis every summer, he was wondering what contributed to this and suspected allergies. This was interesting to me, as I reported to my primary care doctor every April and September almost in the same week or day sometimes, with bronchitis and the connection with the seasonal pollens was suspected. So I was referred to allergists of the insurance-based kind which always produced baffling results -- I'd react to things with the scratch testing but not in the 6x6 size that they require for it to be labeled by them in their 'book' as 'allergic'.  I'd have 5x6 or 5x5 and etc, but no 6x6. A goose chase that lined someone's pockets. This was just before I sought out my first N.D. to get on team Mardy. 

So what Dr Lynch recommended for this patient

1 - get him out in the sun 20 minutes a day without sunscreen

2 - in the wintertime, take Vitamin D3 supplementally (I felt he needed to talk about getting that tested, personally but he did not get into that)

3 - "he needs to get onto a probiotic." Dr Lynch went on to talk about his immunology professor at Bastyr who had just done a study of 30 probiotics and only two had anything actually in them, back when Dr Lynch was in her class.  He developed and sells Probioa 12 in powder or capsule (powder is more cost effective. Start slowly and build up in this patient's case because there will be a lot of gas and bloating from the yeast that will be affected by the probiotic and dying off.

Always take priobiotic after dinner, there are 200 Billion beneficial bacteria per half teaspoon. Once he gets up to where he's able to not have gas and bloating (and a lot of die-off from the yeast) with a half teaspoon dose, then he can go to the capsules if he wants and take that every after dinner. It's more out of pocket to buy the powder but it is more cost effective based on how long it lasts. 

A salt water gargle .. 1/4 teaspoon of salt in filtered / safe water. 

Chew Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a natural antibacterial and tastes good. Be sure there's no aspertame o

This patient was not taking any multivitamin and so he was suggesting that he takes a multi. 

healthygoods dot com is his other website where they sell a gum, and you can also purchase the probiotic at that website. 

He suggests to the mother who was calling in for how the mother could motivate her son to be more responsible and proactive about his health.  She mentioned that he eats out all meals, yet has ER visits and he has no insurance.  Having him buy all the products was what the mother was going to have him do.  Then he said 'get him away from the wheat' which they did not elaborate on.

I believe the consult that can be scheduled that he invited is something he no longer does, or at least in 2013 or so he was saying he was no longer doing consults and training medical professionals.

A child who is an adult now... 19 years old. Eating  poorly. Going to the ER every summer. Do you have to be six feet under, or get a chronic autoimmune disease (that are reversible he notes) like Parkinsons, lupus, etc... wouldn't you rather prevent it by eating properly and taking probiotics.  This young man is highly susceptible to ulcerative colitis Dr Lynch said, was his concern.  What 19 year old kid doesn't want to have more energy, he says...

It was funny, since Dr Lynch has three sons who are minors, it seemed like he was not making the mental shift until near the end of the time the mother was on the phone that this was a young man, not a minor.  I guess when you're 19 and your mother is calling on behalf of you after you watched a video and were interested you do have to reflect upon how some people are capable at younger ages than others of taking on the responsibilities of their health care.  

I was talking with someone who had a soon-to-be graduating and turning 18 year old daughter and the mother was wondering about the Gardasil vaccine. I suggested that be the first thing that she puts in the daughter's lap to take charge of. The mother wasn't wanting to trust the daughter with that kind of responsibility. But what I have generally seen of the young people today, they're actually so much more aware of how the 'games work' that the world operates on, that I think they likely make better medical decision. And ultimately, they are the one responsible.  If I let my mother make a decision for me about something when I was old enough to have said 'this is not your business, it's mine', then it's ultimately my doing if I let her make a poor decision for me. Since this was about tonsilitis, I thought I'd bring it back around to what occurred with me on this.   

My older sibling was having repeated tonsilitis when I was very small, so in 1964 it was decided they would have surgery to remove them and the adenoids, which was very common back then (and still) to be done. I had the same primary care doctor. I'd had a very bad ear infection at six months of age and then no other problems after that aside from that when I became a toddler I'd get up every morning and take the pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinets in the same order and my mother thought that was concerning (she was right, but the pediatrician which I had as a wee one said not to worry about it. I think this was a symptom that should have been really noted. When I look at home movies of me at that point in time, today I'm quite certain I would have been referred for an evaluation for autism spectrum disorders.)  

Anyway, this next doctor, who I'd have to go to until I was old enough to say 'I don't like him and I want to go to someone else', which was when I was a senior in high school, talked her into making it simple and having me have surgery too!  We were in the same room with a bunch of other kids, I went to the OR second and unfortunately had a clotting problem in the recovery room and they whisked the sibling away and tended to my profuse and concerning bleeding.  I just remember bits and pieces of it, none of it good except there was good sunlight that streamed into the room that we were in before and after/ overnight. 

My point in bringing all this up is sometimes these 'common' things we've undergone have something to do with why we get the confounding chronic illnesses we end up with and try to sort out.  

I believe that naturopathy has much to offer, and there are good ones and bad ones like in any field -- legitimate and honest ones and those who are ripping people off.  If believe that Dr Lynch recommends a lot of things that come to his mind when he is asked to solve a problem/ case / issue which clearly show that he's made products to have good products to offer people and that is not what he necessarily is going to recommend first thing.  Such as you hear in this podcast.  The sun is free.  Salt water is nothing he's making money off of.  But decide for yourself, I only hope to provide potentially 'best choices' of providers that are set up to help the type of YOUsers we have.  

Auricular medicine is unfortunately not something that can much be done remotely, obviously. Naturopathic consults can, and many of the providers on topics in our forums do remote work. 

Here's the link to the podcast:

I hope this shows the different ways that different outside the box providers look at the same situation. It's up to YOU to learn about these various available resources and then pick what is right for YOU. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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