Are YOU Loaded? What I See Causing Illnesses to Soar in Children Through the Elderly

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Dr Marc Spurlock MD's picture
Dr Marc Spurlock MD
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 1 2010
Posts: 72
User offline. Last seen 10 years 50 weeks ago.

What is "The Problem"? Rates are soaring of many types of illnesses, and the average age of onset often is shifting to be younger than seen previously.

HEALTH DECLINE Everyone wants to believe that there is one thing causing the huge spectrum of ill-health disorders (to name just a few: autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, auto-immune disorders, connective tissue disorders) in America (and the world). Some say it is Lyme, some say it is vaccinations, some say it is GMO foods. I say "Phooey!" It is not one of these isolated "things". It is all of it! Plain and simple! We must work on EVERYTHING WE CAN if we expect better health for ourselves and for our descendants!

I believe in a "Load Theory", as Mardy and those who regularly use likely have read here. Each person must be addressed as a complete individual and their own particular "load" needs to be ferreted out so they can be treated. God (the Creative Spirit, G-d, The Great Author of All, Spirit -- whatever you wish to call it) designed our bodies to tolerate a certain amount of abuse, but too much of a toxic load will shut us down.

So what do I believe is the problem? I could write an entire 900 page novel on this, and some day I may. I will briefly try to divide this up into categories so you can have some idea of where to start.

   We created this elevator graphic to demonstrate the concepts, thanks to Dr Spurlock's having verbalized this analogy to me at one of our meetings in recent years. "A picture is worth a thousand words. A graphic is worth a 900 page book." might be the new expression. Grins! ~ Mardy

GENETICS - Some of us are born from families that possess certain weaknesses that play out in their biological lines. These cannot currently be corrected, and some people should invest in genetic counseling and make decision about having children, and I would suggest they not have children.

If you carry one gene of a specific disorder, make sure the person you're going to conceive with does not also carry this same genetic fault. Again, have genetic counseling if you have questions. Take a look at your family tree's health problems and see if you have a pattern of illness. Your family may not talk have talked about it with you, and still might not want to talk about it. Also, keep in mind it might not have been 'known', but the person exhibited symptoms of what you might suspect would be diagnosed today if seeing a proficient provider. 

PRE-NATAL DAMAGE - Everyone knows about the dangers of cigarette smoke and alcohol on an unborn fetus, and some prescription drugs also. But for you expectant mothers, you need to be careful of everything you eat or put in and on your body to ensure that your unborn child is not getting toxicities in the womb. Those children will pay for your behavior and you will have to deal with their illnesses and mental problems caused by such actions. I have known of women who eat too much fish during pregnancy and their babies have mercury poisoning. Be aware of what you do when pregnant. It is very important.

ENVIRONMENT - Toxic chemicals, molds, gases, dirty electricity, bad food, and food allergies, to name just a few. Think about this when buying a home, taking a job, taking up a hobby. If a problem should occur, take care of it immediately. Let your nose be your "alarm system". Your body may adapt to the toxic environment for awhile, but eventually you will get very sick. Avoidance is the best choice.

If you have already had a large exposure, do detoxification programs to clean yourself out. Long term, properly performed sauna (or any form of healthy sweating) goes a long way in getting rid of toxic chemicals in your system.

The most awful forms of dirty electricity include, in order: Baby monitors, cordless phones, cell phones, laptop computers held on the lap or stomach (when in bed). Never, ever live or work close to high voltage electrical lines, nor let your children attend schools near them either. Smart meters for our homes are particularly bad for you also; go look if you're not sure what type of meter, it should have dials on it that a human has to read, not something recording and beaming data.

Treat mold in your environment aggressively with professionals or just get out! Most folks are clueless of how this can harm you. Secondhand cigarette smoke has the heavy metals arsenic, cyanide and cadmium in it. It leads to multitudes of problems in children and their mental function. There is also the residue that clings to everything inside, and that is also a factor to consider with the history of the housing you chose, which can be remediated or avoided the same as mold.

FOOD - All of us have learned about eating a 'healthy diet'. We just didn't do it historically and we survive, don't we? Well, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to "eat healthy", as our food products have so drastically changed in character in the past 40 years. Even though they look and taste similar, they have been so adulterated, with the consent of the FDA, that they a lot of foods most people eat now are either toxic or non-nutritious. We are surviving, but our health is deteriorating, at earlier and earlier ages than ever before! If at all possible, eat WHOLE FOODS! These include meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts (unless there's a known reason to not eat a certain food, obviously). Many people are following the paleo/paleolithic diet these days, which is essentially a whole food diet.

Do not eat processed foods at all! Try to get organic foods which are also non-GMO (genetically modified organism) whenever possible. Buying local grass-fed animal products is always preferred. Even buying local honey has multiple additional benefits. Read food labels, it is absolutely critical you know what you are putting in your body! Artificial sweeteners are basically sweet poisons, and therefore should not be consumed (aspartame, saccharin, Splenda). Do not use a microwave oven, as it destroys all the nutrients in your foods. Do your research. Grow your own food as much as you can. Be very careful with insecticides, fertilizers and other chemicals on your foods. Regular, non-organic strawberries in your grocery store typically have 14 separate toxic chemicals sprayed on them.

VACCINES - We know that vaccines have been helpful in the overall and historically, but now we are having real concerns. The vaccine infectious component is not the problem, it is usually the preservative component that causes problems. Children's blood-brain barrier is not completely established until age three. Prior to that age, toxins have a multiplied effect on our childrens' brains.

By now, so many vaccines have been developed that we are over-taxing the immune systems in children, and this may create terrible problems in certain subsets of children. There have always been problems with vaccines, but now these problems are escalating to unacceptable levels. Do your research and discuss your concerns with your doctors. Unfortunately, doctors truly lack sufficient training. Watch for any legislation that takes away your right to make decisions on vaccinations, for your child and generally.

INFECTIONS - Examples are Lyme, Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis), cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydiophila pneumoniae, and candida infections to name a few. There are many chronic indwelling infections that "suck you dry" without killing you. These can be present and take a toll on your health without you suspecting it. They require treatment. If you suffer from chronic infections, you either have these problems or your immune system is compromised, or both. Seek treatment. If you have cyclical periods of exhaustion, consider these infections.

HORMONE DEPLETIONS - Thyroid, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, aldosterone, and growth hormone are all hormones that can become depleted, and when below certain levels, will prevent you from functioning properly. They can be evaluated and treated as needed. Think of your blood levels as your shoe size. The reference range for hormones is wide. An analogy to demonstrate this is clothing or shoe size .. say the hormone range is 5-10: if your normal size is a size 10 but your level is a size 6, you are going to feel bad. You need a size 10! But labwork will show you're in the range and some providers tend to rely on that date more than the symptoms a patient or their body is telling or showing. Consult a health care provider who is educated in these areas. Most primary care doctors are not currenly competent in these areas nor do they have much time in appointments to delve into things that are in-depth such as this. Get a provider who can help you, which often is a specialist of some sort.

SLEEP - Poor restorative sleep is one of the biggest causes of health deterioration. The causes of your sleep problem need to be addressed properly so that the restorative phase can be achieved. A simple sleeping pill rarely repairs this problem and always comes with potential side-effects, often making the problems worse, particularly if used longer than short-term. Search for the problem and repair it. If your problem is that you simply do not get enough sleep because you choose to stay up, then do a better job of managing your sleep time. Be sure to consider the type of light that comes from electronics. You may be able to put up with this for awhile, but it will harm you later. Count on it!

NUTRITION - We have discussed food issues, but with the difficulty in obtaining healthy foods, it is imperative that you supplement with good nutritional products that get your levels to health repairing levels. Start with a good multivitamin, a good omega 3 fatty acid, a good probiotic, and a good vitamin D3 as your core supplements. As you get older or you have health impairments at a younger age, you will need more. Obtain a health care professional who is competent in these areas of nutritional supplementation.

HYPOTHALAMIC DYSFUNCTION - This area of research is exceptionally new, but could be quite helpful in certain subsets of patients. There are four well know causes of hypothalamic dysfunction:

  1. brain injuries
  2. recreational drug usage (especially "Ecstacy")
  3. long term narcotic opioid usage, and
  4. antidepressants.

New treatments are being evaluated and produced. Hypothalamic dysfunction leads to lack of regulation of the body's chemicals, leading to improper functioning in multiple areas.

We have been taught through allopathic medicine (the system used conventionally/mostly in America) to believe in "1) symptom, 2) diagnosis, 3) pill"! Most providers and consumers alike are in this habit. It is not that simple, and somewhat negligent to not look at how our body really works correctly and what may be causing the underlying defects that lead to these symptoms. DO NOT JUST TREAT THE SYMPTOMS!

Please work toward your wellness and the health of your children, if you have them or are going to have them. It is your most important asset. If you have all the money in the world and do not have your health, you have "nothing"! If you have your health, you always have the ability to make money! As you get older, you will spend money on your health. You have no choice! But you do have a choice of what you spend it can spend it on ILLNESS........or you can spend it on WELLNESS. But you are going to spend the money, typically! Consider this if you're fortunate enough to have insurance benefits: often what you're going to benefit from are health treatments that are not provided through insurance benefits.

Do not fall into the trap that one thing is the reason you are not doing well. Don't fall into the neighboring trap that you have just one disorder, it might be you're only aware of one thing and many things are interconnected more than you know.

There are multiple issues that comprise your LOAD. Work individually on YOUR LOAD! Your doctors cannot do this for you, nobody can do this for you .... only you can choose a healthy lifestyle and do it! Use doctors and other providers who address and advise about the body, mind, and spirit as your guides to help the whole of you!

Mardy's Note: Our YOU! Model shows graphically what a proactive patient, such as Dr Spurlock is referring to here, would have as an ideal or possible team. These can be more than 'providers' they can be who you get education and advice and products from, etc.    I STRONGLY suggest you look at the many topics he has provided here at Lumigrate -- a simple 3 step/ingredient tonic beverage, a fun watermellon birthday cake tradition he started, and then specific topics about major categories treated in the type of medicine he 'practices' and specializes in.                                                                                                                                                                                                      


"There is no one to blame. There is simply taking action!"........Wm. Marcus Spurlock, MD Dr. Spurlock presently works in Dallas, TX treating people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Bio-Identical Hormone Deficiences and Environmental Illnesses. He has been doing this work exclusively for the last 9 years. In the fall of 2011 he opened a new health center; please visit his website, which is where he posts education beyond what is sprinkled at Lumigrate. Through a total body approach, the treatments he and his team provide are 85-90% successful in returning patients to their previous health potential. You can see his complete vitae in Lumigrate's forum "About Our Writers" (link:, and the majority of his contributions on Lumigrate are in the FMS/CFS/CPain section, where you'll see a forum which includes his name:

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Thinking Body, Mind, Spirit. Load and UNload with the positives

Are you talking about being loaded like a baked potato? Being loaded like someone on drugs? LOL.  

GRATE title, I like it!  and  for something that is, ultimately, very draining to think about/study, and can be angering  and even heartbreaking , once people get past the point of being stunnedand confused . It is a shift to stop thinking "one thing causes one thing"... "-- a mosquito bit me and it had West Nile and therefore I am now sick with West Nile Virus (or a tick and chronic Lyme, or .... you get the picture!). Or "So and So gave me their cold"... whereas your immune system was pulled down from a variety of things, then you were exposed to a virus, and you succombed.  It's this, that, AND the other.

Speaking of this and that, I want to provide at least one link here to show people how this topic is the 'foundation' to buid from with other topics in this forum (and other forums, and other websites, we work to route YOUsers out to good ones we know about. Here is the topic in this forum that is about men's hormones and andropause. There is a whole series as Dr Spurlock says, but I realized it would help to have an example here:  

I hope YOU go on from here and this information makes a difference in your wellness. 

I don't know anyone who has pervasive, chronic lack of wellness, a.k.a. "illness", who has not cried a tear over it as well; there is truly a grief process that goes on with going from the state of innocence to that of innocence lost when they gain a thorough understanding of what all has been going on to cause these problems in them and all the other people. It takes a lot of coming up to speed and seeing reality.  Denial, bargaining, reacting/crying are all stages in the process. Anger is a stage, and people often get caught up in the 'victim' mode, or what I call here at Lumigrate the 'shame/blame game'. That is why your 'signature signoff' is so wise, Dr. Spurlock: "There is no one to blame, there is only take-action." If people are in the shame/blame place they might do best to find that information here in the forums at Lumigrate (mind/mental/behavioral/head section/forums) and consider finding someone to help them as a professional advisor. 

To me, doing the first step of what you suggest -- an analysis of the family tree -- dovetails / marries the body/physical and the mind/behavioral/mental. Naturally, I come from the "integrative model" of medicine, as well as the "functional", and so in addition to what you have provided here, I want to bring in more related to psychological and spiritual. If a person has supportive people around them and are in 'good place' with their state of mind, that does not add to the 'load', it actually unburdens the load. Same thing with spiritual stress.

I just had a thought-provoking conversation with a Christian who has had much success in getting 'on track' with being out of addictive chemical behaviors since getting immersed in religion and spirituality. That brought with it a different type of social group to be immersed in that was supportive and reinforcing. But this person believes and professes to others that Christ said 'this is the only way'. I believe that could possibly be a spiritual stressor to people who look at things a little differently.

Fortunately, I was able to provide a resource in the book Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh. The foreward is by Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B., and says he felt some challenges reading the book. "I am not referring to the few passages that criticize Christian (or rather un-Christian) narrowness, exclusivism, or sexism. Any Christian who strives to follow Christ will have voiced those criticism long ago and possibly less gently...."  

I offer this simply as a very small example for people who might not understand what 'spiritual stress' is. Many people who were raised in some of the more conservative religions in the US struggle with spiritual stress a great deal as they grow into adulthood, and it contributes to their 'delinquency' and 'problems', until they are able to find resources sometimes to get things going in a different direction. Sometimes there isn't enough of a foundation provided to children and young people until they are adults, and even into adulthood, to give them the spiritual benefits of having positive spirituality contributing to their well-being, and thus contributing to the 'load'. 

It's a little more well-known to the average person today about psychological stress AND psychological 'stroking' from positives. There's much in the media recently about the far-reaching effects of 'happiness', and we've become more aware in the last 20 years of 'dysfunction' that comes from behavioral and menal health. 

So when people sit down to create their generational/genetic histories, I want to suggest this: get a BIG piece of paper or spreadsheet and put the work aside and really look at it, think about it, and come back to it again and again for a while, and get something really comprehensive. Think body/physical, mind/mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual, for yourself, your biologic mother and father, and their biologic mothers and fathers. And perhaps don't just think 'negatives', think of all their significant features. Then find a way to 'code' things that are positive or negative. OR fill out two charts, one for illnesses/problems and another for wellnesses/benefits.

I split it up into the two separate. Then I drew lines if there was a feature in both parent and offspring connecting them. What I found was very interesting. And not as 'depressing' as only looking at the 'burdens' that load you down, but also looking at the things that uplift and lessen the burdens. I used standard printer paper and put it landscape and did the following:


(space to write things)    

                     Father (Paternal)                                                     Mother (Maternal)                                          

(space to write things)                                       ||                             


His Father                       His Mother                                    Her Father                              Her Mother               

                              |                                         ||                                                 |  

(Note: My father was adopted but fortunately registered in the late 1980s with The Adoption Exchange. Fortunately a biologic niece who had also been adopted had found her biologic family and wanted to find this one, last ? in their family tree, so found him through the Adoption Exchange registry. They had someone who had done an EXTENSIVE family history, a huge 3 ring notebook so I got some history about the genetics and through my background with psychology and psychiatry I could make some 'educated guesses'. I personally feel that there is GENERALLY some increased stress on children who are adopted by nonfamily members that contributes to the 'load' in the 'mind' and perhaps 'spirit' areas, perhaps in ways that science hasn't even started studying yet. Outside the box of convention, many believe that things come through the generations, but is it through subtle things in DNA not yet understood by conventional 'science'? I have my insights from observing people for about five decades now, and you will have yours as well. USE THEM!

4/20/14 -- I found a resource that I wanted to add into this topic, as it's FABULOUS, the information they provide at a very 'loaded' website (in a good way!). It is based on the book, Depression Free, Naturally by Joan Mathews Larson, Ph.D. (ISBN 0-345-43517-6) Copyright ©2001, from Ballantine Publishing Group, a division of Random House Inc. & Joan Mathews Larson, Ph.D.

I wanted to provide a couple of highlights from what is at this link. First and foremost, at the very end, I was pleased to see the holistic approach they remind people of: 
"Optimizing Your Program

Do be patient and open-minded as you move into the healing weeks ahead. It takes time to identify and alter the causes of your imbalances and it takes perseverance on your part to assimilate these tools and put them to proper use. Physical/emotional imbalances often seem to affect us spiritually in that we may feel disconnected from our deeper selves when we are biochemically out of "sync". Let me make a few general suggestions:

  • Start exercising one half hour every day. (Or at least every other day)
  • Take time to relax.
  • Commune with nature through some outdoor activity. (Gardening, walking)
  • Take time each day to be still and meditate, or pray, or just to feel your connection to all of life everywhere.
  • Remember your thoughts affect your health, so choose to expect the best."

Then, they have people do their homework, and offer really great details beyond what I had initially provided here. This is the core of their health treatment program at the wellness treatment center that has brought all this copyrighted materials from the book to their website and provided a LOT of helpful information to Internet users, which we now have set up for our YOUsers. So here's their setup for this genetic history homework, which they call "Searching for Clues."

"Searching for Clues

A short cut to reading the signals your body is giving you, is to study the genetic history on your family tree (Below). It will help your understanding of where and from whom some of these biological "gifts" may come. Genetics also prove helpful in choosing the most promising lab tests. Read the instructions before filling in your history."

 Paternal  / Maternal - Do not include people you're not genetically related to.
You'll see they have a matrix that's in a graphic with boxes; this was from 2001, I've modified their categories but they remain in order and are the same basic thing, just more suited wording-wise for our YOUsers today:
  • Nationality/ties 
  • Mood Disorder (depression, bipolar disorder (manic / depression)
  • Anxiety / Panic attacks
  • Behaviors / verbal or physical violence / unprovoked behaviors / anger
  • Blood Sugar / hypoglycemia, diabetes
  • "Mental / Psychiatric" illness
  • Allergies (Inhalants, foods, perfumes)
  • Eating disorders
  • Thyroid problems
  • Weight (either extreme)
  • Alcohol use/abuse, dependence, addiction
  • Other

This is what they say about nationality, which is a quote of the section, which I broke into smaller, easier to read chunks for YOUsers, as I know how many get overwhelmed when trying to find this information if they have brain dysfunction. But you'll see why I encourage you to take the link out to see what's at the entire topic and website! 


You may not see this as significant, but researchers have found some remarkable epidemiological patterns among certain groups. For example the Irish seem to have more schizophrenia per capita, than any other country. Scandinavians suffer from depression and have a high suicide rate.

In the United States, the mid western states are known as the GOITER belt because the low iodine in the soil creates problems of hypothyroidism. The Irish, Welsh, American Indians, Scottish and Scandinavians seem to need extra prostaglandin E1, a brain metabolite that lifts depression and creates a strong sense of well-being.

The Italian, Jewish, and American Indians are often vulnerable to diabetes. Susceptibility to alcoholism is much less in southern Europeans because they have used it for more than 7000 years compared with northern Europeans whose use has been only 1500 years. American Indians and Eskimos never had access to alcohol in their culture until a couple of hundred years ago and their vulnerability is over 80%.

This is the "Survival of the Fittest" principle at work, eliminating, over many generations, those who were physically susceptible to alcohol's addiction and destruction.

 Here is the link to the Minnesota organization (clinic) which sprung from the work of Dr Joan Mathews-Larson, they have a robust website with additional information, broken into four categories that makes it easy with their big buttons to find the information that might apply to what they're interested in. This is based on ortho-molecular medicine, and you'll be able to find more out about it if you follow to:



Dr. Spurlock, I think this is going to become one of my top-suggested topics at for EVERYONE to read. I hope it makes everyone reading have a little or big light bulb moment .... You are masterful at taking complex information and presenting just enough details to make it 'convincing' without making it too complex, long and cumbersome.  THUMBS UP, way up, as the famous movie reviewers used to say, both of mine are up .. and a High Five. 

As a health education-focused therapist (of the 'occupational therapy' persuasion), I want to suggest to those reading and inspired enough to 'take action' or 'take further action' to please look at whatever it is you know about your learning style and make this happen. PRINT it out and highlight it, take out a notebook or stack of loose paper and write a separate page for each one of the things you've listed (which are in BOLD).

Do whatever it takes to make this get put 'on your plate' but don't think you have to eat the whole thing and digest it all in this moment. Commit to yourself that you'll spend time on it every day or whatever will work for you to get the 'job done'. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day". The Roman Empire also didn't fall in a day. And what we now know as Rome, today, came to be over time, as well.   INVEST your time in this -- think of it as you would if you'd signed up to take a course. REWARD yourself when you've put in your time, and get this step done so the doors and windows OPEN and you'll hopefully see new opportunities on the paths that go from there. Lumigrate is 'Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being", remember! 

With chronic wellness/illness, the naturopathic education I received from my time before and when creating Lumigrate while being immersed in a business with a very legitimately and traditionally trained naturopath, Christopher Lepisto (ND), was invaluable. When you've steeped in working in the allopathic realm as I had for well over a decade, plus I grew up with parents who took me to allopaths and not traditional healers, it helped diversity my foundation. One thing I learned was the rule of thumb for overall wellness/illness level, for every year unwell, it takes one month to get back to wellness again after you've solved the problem(s) that were causing the illness(es). However, there can be some very fast improvements in symptoms and parts of the body, mind, spirit from resolving problems. So, just like when I do a care plan for someone, there are immediate, short, and long-term goals and I hope our YOUsers who are DIYers will figure out how to set up something for themselves or those they are helping as advocates, to get results. Naturally, recruit professional as needed when possible.

It can be overwhelming, and most people tend to go uphill and down or plateau for a while, then uphill again and plateau, etc. It is a constant situation of 'checking in' and saying 'what am I doing right now for my self/wellness and do I need to be putting my efforts now into something else because I'm simply at a different place than I was in the moment(s) past." And that often means that another guide, either virtual or in person, could be what the person is needing or could benefit from. Sometimes the person is simply in the stages of the processing of things. There's truly a stage of change that is "thinking about it, getting a plan in mind, getting ready to 'do'".

There are many professionals and "flavors of professionals" (GRINS ) today, working remotely or face-to-face. Psychologists (Lumigrate has had two that has helped our foundational information be really solid from that standpoint), life coaches (Gwen Pettit has added to that foundation after the psychologists, and continues to be involved with providing information sometimes at Lumigrate), health advocates (Martine Ehrenclou, winning awards left and right for the book out a year now, which we've featured here at Lumigrate, The Take-Charge Patient, another 'cornerstone' in my mind along with the Lumigrate YOU! Model), are just a few examples. Naturally, our experts can simply be inspirations and models for people to find similars elsewhere. What's important is YOUsers find the lights for the path to health and well-being. 

I am struck by what you wrote here, Dr Spurlock, and the parallel to one of the best speeches I've seen on the March Against Monsanto from May 2013. In Venice, California, Marianne Williamson gave a brilliant 20 minute speech that, to me, gives the synopsis of the history of the United States (and rest of the world) and brings us up to the present day and looks in a very balanced way at where we are today. Whether or not each person in the US would totally agree with everything she says is obviously not possible nor the case, but I think that it's a speech that OVERALL is very unifying message to the OVERALL majority of Americans (that I know at least, and I know a mixed bag).

So I'm going to post the link to it because I think it is absolutely essential that people understand the BIG PICTURE of how it is that many of the things you referred to above, Dr Spurlock, are occurring, and they need to be understood by every medical consumer (person, YOUser) who is focusing upon maintaining or improving their state of wellness/illness.

Someone at the website Running the Country has transcribed it and posted it with the video link to get to the YouTube, so I'll route that way for those who like to read. (as we can read a lot faster than anyone can give a speech!) Her parting words are:

And when they ask, “What do you think we’re going to do? Just give you back your democracy?” We’ll say, “Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah!” -- Marianne Williamson, March Against Monsanto, Venice, California, 2013, 25 May.

Please go to this link to see her speak or read the transcribed version or BOTH .. I did both! And I plan to revisit this video whenever I need a pep talk. Which is increasingly often, just sayin'.... I'm in this with everyone working to provide solutions. It's a lot, as we all know. We're in it together. ~~ Mardy

^^ This is a topic that has the words she spoke right there to read but then I give the link out to RunningTheCountry for watching the video and seeing why they're 'in this' movement as well. (And you'll see the transcribed words there as well too.)


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Link to a Comment / Website Resource on Your Tonic Recipe/Detox

I had someone thank me today for having made a comment on a Facebook group share/ thread that was about being positive about things, as people dealing with fibromyalgia, yet being affected by all the people around us who have cancer. They had a short discussion about their grandparents who lived a long time despite eating meat and using lard. (YOUsers of Lumigrate will know if they've studied here that is thought by many consumers today to be 'bad' but many who have studied 'outside the box' know it to be good for us; that unfortunately with motives on behalf of organized medicine, it would appear).  I simply had said 'make small steps and every step that has harmed you added up eventually, so every step for undoing harm will add up too. It doesn't have to be big things and a 'major detox'. Actually for people who are unwell, that's not recommended by knowledgeable professionals often, until they get to a wellness level where they can really purge the stuff that happens with the more thorough detoxes.  

I think that it's best to operate daily in a 'clean' way and support the detox pathways and I found this resource at Lumigrate which is about the 3 Step 3 Tonic you/Dr Spurlock posted to add on a link to suggest people head to The Daniel Plan website to look at what they have there, I think it's very congruent with what our topics and Lumigrate overall 'is about'. So here's the link, and naturally scroll up and see the tonic recipe, it's the most popular topic from Dr Spurlock on Lumigrate! (His watermellon birthday 'cake' is very popular too, but I sure wished EVERYONE would read the Load Theory topic!)


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
The Epigentic Epidemic, Load from Toxins. History Overview Helps

I found this wonderful blog that actually talks about 'load' similarly to this load theory topic from Dr Spurlock. The epigenetic epidemic is broken down very simply with examples of what was introduced in each generation in the last century, and demonstrates in a nice overview way how it is that each generation is getting more problems younger (and then there are also more problems as people age). 

He also mentions things like differences in autism rates between civilian and military populations. And the 'call to action' is for people to start looking out for the children. And I think it's pretty clear that he's also saying what Dr Spurlock said in the load theory topic starting this thread -- think ahead BEFORE you get to having children.  And foods and other lifestyle things are simply suggested. So here's the link, I suggest you go. He even works in methylation information (which I hope is something people are studying at Lumigrate, I have been adding things in that arena recently to keep up with what's the hot topics on the cutting edge that I'm seeing. 

The link:

And an excerpt of what you'll find at the link and hopefully see why I'm so strongly encouraging it: 

What am I talking about?  How do you make a bad gene pipe down?

It all starts with food. Food contains nutrients that nourish life.  Not just any food– real food. Traditional food.  The nutrients in real food contain methyl groups that are extracted by our bodies and attached to our bad genes.

What’s a methyl group?  One carbon bound to 3 hydrogen atoms, nothing fancy. In the human body every cell has the programming to become any kind of cell, but it’s the methyl groups attached to an embryo’s DNA that say, “Hey, everyone else be quiet so I can make this cell into a heart cell, not an eyeball cell.”  Like a hand pressed over a screaming mouth, a tightly methylated “cancer gene” is a silent one.  Toxic crap in our bodies is knocking off our protective methyl groups or making them bind to the wrong spots, rendering them useless.

Have you ever heard a doctor say, “You don’t need to do a detox program! Our bodies are designed to detox on their own.”  Maybe a century ago, sure, but today our bodies aren’t doing such a bang-up job in the detox department.

Let me walk you through it:

  • Starting in the 1940s people were routinely exposed to lead, mercury, benzene, cadmium, DDT, and asbestos.  Viva la Chemical Revolution! They were the first generation to get penicillin and legal speed from the doctor, eat meals cooked on Teflon, drink fluoride in the water supply, and use plywood furniture glued together with formaldehyde.  Between 1938 and 1971, 10 million mothers in the US and UK took DES to protect against miscarriage.  A child born in 1950 was subjected to the smallpox vaccine, the first whole-cell DPT vaccine, and 5 years later, the mass polio vaccination program. Their methyl groups were picked off like flies and about 2% of that damage would be passed on.
  • By the time that 1950s child became a first-time mother in 1970, she was carrying a toxic load unlike any of the generations that preceded her. Not only was she carrying that load, but her fetus also carried the load, along with all of the eggs her baby was born with. After being exposed to cigarettes while in utero, her 1970 baby was then given the DPT, polio, smallpox and MMR vaccines along with Tylenol for the fevers they caused. She was fed formula instead of breast milk, wore fire retardant pajamas, breathed smog, ate processed food, got amalgam fillings, drank out of Styrofoam cups, got a CT scan, and took Prozac and hormonal birth control in college— all before becoming a mother in 1995.  Her DNA expression was set to be wrecked as she aged.  Another 2% of her turned-on bad genes got tacked onto the 2% of bad genes from her own mother, and passed onto her 1995 baby.
  • The 1995 baby came into the world 5 years after the disastrous overhaul of the vaccination program and during the first wave of the autism and food allergy tsunami. She received multiple doses of DPT, polio, Hib, Hep B, and MMR vaccines, along with the new shot for chicken pox, and maybe the HPV vaccine if her parents were pressured into it. She was routinely given the flu vaccine in adolescence. The 1995 baby grew up slathered in sunblock, gnawing on made-in-China BPA teethers, and ate GMO corn and soy before any of us knew it existed.

When that 1995 child becomes a mother in the year 2021, God help us all. Her baby will be a 4th generation time bomb.

.. and then he goes to to talk about the portion of things that has to do with the men/fathers, and more overall of what to do about it -- saying there's more for another blog another time and he's not sure he's the one to write it, but then offering some very good suggestions as starters until then.  Again, I hope this is a good addition to the learning about load theory and genetics. And what YOU can do about it ... 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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